Archdale-Archdall &c.
Matthew ARCHDALE of
St. Michael Paternoster Royal, London
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1.5. Matthew ARCHDALE (John1) was born before 1558, probably in Staffordshire, England (the place his father's estate was probated in 1557). He died in 1599 in St. Michael Paternoster Royal, London. So far as is known, he never married.* On 19 Sep 1580, Matthew became a freedman (citizen) of London by virtue of having completed his apprenticeship with his brother, Thomas, as a Draper. The average age at which young men entered Drapers apprenticeships seems to have been about 15 years, and the average length of apprenticeship appears to have been about eight years. Based on this, Matthew's year of birth would have been about 1557, almost thirty years after his eldest brother, Richard. About 1588, Matthew apprenticed his nephew, Richard ARCHDALE (s/o Barnard and Anne FERNE Archdale), the latter freed by his apprenticeship on 12 Jul 1596. (Drapers) Matthew presumably resided with his brother, Thomas, in the London parish of St. Antholin Budge Row during his apprenticeship, but by 1598, when he paid livery as a Draper, he was residing in the London parish of St. Michael Paternoster Royal. (Drapers). On 29 Oct 1597, Matthew was named in the St. Margaret Pattens, London, will of his brother, Martin, who wrote: "my brother Matthew ARCHDALE shall have the order, rule and government of my sons Samuel and Daniel..." Matthew did not live to fulfill his brother's request: On 14 Nov 1599, "Matthew ARCHDALE, citizen and draper of London," wrote his last will and testament. It was offered for probate on 31 Dec 1599 (See St. Michael Paternoster Royal).
*Even if never married, is it possible Matthew left issue? His will included bequests to four individuals who have never been identified: "Edward MORE als ARCHDALE, Stredwicke MORE, Richard STANSFEILDE and Mary STANSFEILDE." Why Edward MORE was "alias ARCHDALE" is not known, but on Jul 1594, at Saint Margaret, Westminster, was christened a "Stridwicke MOORE, son of Mathew MOORE." No marriage record has been located for Matthew MOORE or Stredwick MOORE (or ARCHDALE), and nothing more is known of the STANSFIELDS (research in progress).
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