![]() | Two Alexander & Mary "Polly" Combs of Perry Co, KY |
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Two Alexander CombsES were in Perry Co, KY in the 1800s, one with the middle initial S. and wife, Polly, and the other with no known middle name, and wife, Mary. Because Polly was frequently a nickname for Mary, the two have been confused at times, and this report is intended to assist researchers in differentiating between the two.
I. Alexander Combs (s/o "Squire" Nicholas "Birdeye" Combs, Jr. and Elizabeth Combs), b 1815-1817, Perry Co, KY; d aft 1880; m 19 Dec 1841, Perry Co, KY, Mary BRASHEAR, b 1820-1823, KY; d aft 1880.
II. Alexander S. Combs (ancestry unknown), b ca 1825, Perry Co, KY; d bef 1880; m 18 Mar 1846, Perry Co, KY, Polly Combs (ancestry unknown), b 1827-1830, KY, d aft 1900.
I. Alexander Combs (s/o "Squire" Nicholas Combs, Jr. and Elizabeth Combs), b 1815-1817, Perry Co, KY; d aft 1880; m 19 Dec 1841, Perry Co, KY, Mary BRASHEAR, b 1820-1823, KY; d aft 1880.
Alexander's ancestry is documented by the 27 Apr 1898, Hazard, Perry Co, KY Dickey Diary Interview of Elijah Combs CORNETT (s/o Robert & Louisa Combs Cornett, and gs/o Elijah “8” Combs), who states: "... Alex Combs, son of Squire Nick Combs, brother of L. D. Combs took the first raft..."
Alexander is first found in the records of Perry Co, KY on 5 Jan 1833 when gifted land (Perry Co, KY Deed Book A, page 535) by [his paternal grandfather] Nicholas Combs, Sr. for "....love and affection... & one dollar".
The Perry Co, KY Groom's Index includes the marriage of an Alexander Combs on 19 Dec 1841, a date consistent with the 1850 Perry Co, KY Census, which lists Alexander and Mary with eldest child b ca 1845:
District 2
180-197 Alexander Combs 34 M KY Farmer $1000
Mary 27 F KY
Almira [?] 5 F KY
Robert 3 M KY
William 2 M KY
Elizabeth 7/12 F KY
The maiden name of Alexander S.'s wife is documented by:
(1) The 02 Jun 1913 Perry Co, KY Death Certificate of their son, Robert S. Combs (excerpted):
Place of death, County: Perry, Vot pct: no 10, Full Name: Robert S. Combs, Sex: Male, Color or race: White, Marital status: Married, Date of birth: Aug 8, 1847, Age: 66 yrs 9 mos, Occupation: Farmer, Birthplace: Perry Co. Name of father: Alex Combs, Birthplace: Perry Co, Maiden name of mother: Mary BRASHEARS, Birthplace: Perry Co., Informant: Elhanon CRAWFORD, Address: Hazard, Ky., Filed: Dec 6, 1913, Dan H. Henegan (sic) registrar, Date of death: June 2, 1913, I hereby certify that I attended the deceased from 1 da, 1913, to 2 da 1913, that I last saw him alive on June 2, 1913 and that death occurred on the date stated above at 5:00 A.M., Cause of death: Appoplexy, Immediately, Duration: 24 hours. Signed: M.E. Combs, M.D., June 2, 1913, Address: Hazard, Ky., Place of death: Home, Place of burial: Combs Graveyard, Date of burial: June 3,1913, Undertaker: R.O. DAVIS, Address: Hazard, Ky.
(2) 5 May 1858 Perry Co, KY Vital Statistics. Birth: Lydia Combs d/o Alexander Combs & Mary BRASEARS
HH 234-232 Alex COMB 43 farmer 1000 1000 Ky
Marry 38 Spinner Ky
Elmira 15 Ky
Robt. 13 Ky
Wm. 11 Ky
Betty 9 Ky
Joseph 7 Ky
Polly A. 5 Ky
May? 3 Ky female [Margaret in 1870?]
Lidda J. 2 Ky
Thos. B. 5/12 Ky
Note: Thos. B. may have been Thomas Benton Combs (According to The Combes Genealogy…, Alexander's son, Benton, m Susan Combs, d/o Allen and Priscilla DOBSON Combs).
HH#9 Elick Combs 54
Mary 50
Robert 23
William 22
Elizabeth 20
Joseph 19
Polly Ann 17
Margarett 15
Lidy 13
Thomas 10
Martha 8
Sam R. 2
Shelby Combs 25
Elmira 25
Orlena 1
Note: Elmira, d/o Alexander & Mary BRASHEAR Combs, m Shelby Combs
District 2
#620 Combs, Alexander 65
Mary 62
Robert 34
William 33
Lydia 22
Benton 20
Martha 17
Ray 12
FUGATE, Jenny 01 gr.daughter
II. Alexander S. Combs (ancestry unknown), b ca 1825, Perry Co, KY; d bef 1880; m 18 Mar 1846, Perry Co, KY, Polly Combs (ancestry unknown), b 1827-1830, KY, d aft 1900.
He is first found of record in Perry on 18 Mar 1846 when an Alexander Combs is listed in the Groom's Index, a marriage date consistent with the 1850 Perry Census District 2 household of Alexander S. and wife, Polly, with eldest child in HH, Silas, age 3.
District 2
013-014 Alexander S. Combs - 25 M KY Farmer [no value listed]
Polly 23 F KY
Silas 3 M KY
Crittenden 2 M KY
The maiden name of Alexander S.'s wife, Polly, is documented by the 11 Aug 1915 Perry Co, KY Death Certificate of their son, Crit Combs, white male, age 64 yrs 11 mos 21 ds, born 20 Aug 1850 Ky, died 11 Aug 1915 Perry Co., Ky, died of bronchis asthma, s/o Alex Combs b Ky and Polly Combs b Ky, informant Rhoda LUCAS of Hazard, Ky (Transcribed by Combs Researcher Debi Kendrick from microfilm copy. Jimmie "Crashedone" Combs adds: Indexed as Vol: 042, Cert: 20569, DVol: 15)
Alexander S. and Polly are missing from both the 1860 and 1870 Perry KY Census. Alexander S. d bef 1880 when his widow, Polly, is listed in Perry Precinct 2, in household of her son, Crittenden:
#434 Combs, Crittenden 30
Polly 50 mother
Elhannon 28
Sira 26 (twin)
Betty Jane 26 (twin)
Sally 24
William 18