![]() | From the Archives of the James Combs Family of Monmouth Co, NJ; Wood Co, VA; Washington Co, OH; Clarke Co, IA and more… (All transcriptions by Combs Researcher Les Combs) |
The following material consists primarily of private correspondence and journals which document siblings James COMBS (b ca 1794 NJ, m (1) Caroline STORY; (2) Mary FINLEY), Lewis Lorton COMBS (b 1803), Gilbert and Rachel COMBS (both b by 1814), all children of Robert COMBS of Monmouth Co, NJ (Research in Progress).
One of the most important letters, dated 24 Feb 1863, Philadelphia, PA, is from Jane, wife of Gilbert COMBS to her brother-in-law, James COMBS, in which she addresses him as "My Dear Brother James," refers to "Brother Lewis," "Sister Rachel" and "R. Lorton" (COMBS, a nephew?). Census records indicate that James COMBS was born ca 1794 in NJ and in the records of Old Tennent Church, Monmouth Co, NJ are the baptisms of Lewis Lorton COMBS, baptised 28 Sep 1804; and Gilbert and Rachel COMBS, baptised 24 Jun 1814, all three identified as children of Robert COMBS. Per census records, Lewis Lorton was b ca 1803, and Gilbert ca 1814 (Rachel m Miles McDERMOTT, not yet located in census), with James, their elder brother, apparently unrecorded in Old Tennent records. Another 1863 Letter, from Maria Lavinia COMBS, d/o Lewis Lorton COMBS, also written from (her Uncle) Gilbert COMBS' Philadelphia residence, refers to her "Uncle Charles" who appears to probably be yet another sibling. No record of Charles has been located as yet, but Frank Woodward COMBS, s/o William & Eliza Ann WOODWARD Combs and gs/o James COMBS, also refers to having heard stories about James' brother Charles COMBS.
The father, Robert COMBS, has not yet been specifically identitified as yet, but it would appear highly likely, based on naming patterns, that he was closely related to (possibly brother or nephew of?) Rachel COMBS who m 23 Dec 1752, John LORTON, Jr., both of Middlesex Co, NJ.
Clarke Co: Osceola
Co: Hagerstown
Athens Co: Athens
Champaign/Noble Co: Caldwell
Co: East Liverpool, Hanoverton
Medina Co: Medina
(fr Washington, 1817-19): McConnelsville
Muskingum Co: Zanesville
Co (fr. Fairfield, Washington and Muskingum, 1818): New Lexington,
Scioto Co: Bear Creek
Seneca Co: Lowell
Co: Marietta, Stanleyville, Fearing Twp.
Adams Co: Gettysburg
Allegheny Co: Pittsburgh
Co: Philadelphia
York: Railroad
Virginia/West Virginia
Mason Co WV: Point Pleasant
Wood Co WV: Parkersburg, Williamstown
1862: Two Letters, the first written by Rachel Combs, w/o Miles McDERMOTT, to her brother, James COMBS from the Philadelphia, PA home of their brother, Gilbert COMBS, and the second (written on the same stationary) by Rachel COMBS McDermott's daughter, Eliza C. McDERMOTT:
Philadelphia, Jenery 1, 1862
Dear Brother,
I have taken the liberty of riting to you a few lines and if you are
abel to rite I hope you rite to me. I am now at brother Gilberts
paying a visit, and it has bin a very plesant visit to me. I espect to
go home this afternoon and I thot I would rite to you before I left hear.
I often think I would lik to hear from you and the children. I am a very
poor riter but I hope you may be abel to read it. No more at presant but
remain your affect sister.
Rachel McDermott
Philade"a, March 3 1862
My Dear Uncle,
When Mother was in the City two months ago, she wrote the above
few lines to you; hoping that when Uncle and Aunt wrote to you they
would send her testimony of a Sisters love also; but as her hand
soon became tired, she could not write much; therefore I feel it my duty
as well as a pleasure to add a few lines to hers.
It seems like a dream when I try to recall the time that you last visited your friends in N.J. but I have heard you spoken off so often by my Mother, that I feel dear Uncle that it would take but a few moments for me to know and love you.
You remember I presume my brother William and Sister Mary; they are both married and live quite near home; I have two other brothers Robert and Gilbert who are at home. Dear Uncle it would give me the greatest pleasure to have you and Aunt and Cousins visit us, or if that would occupy too much time, I would be glad to have my cousins write.
From childhood I have looked forward to a time when I had hoped to see you and Uncle Charles; but if we never meet on earth I hope we will meet each other in Heaven.
Please, give my love to Aunt and Cousins, and reserve a large portion for yourself.
Ever you affectionate Niece
Eliza C. McDermott
1863 Letter: Jane UNKNOWN Combs (w/o Gilbert Combs of Philadelphia) to her brother-in-law, James Combs.
Phila Feb 24th 1863
My Dear Brother James,
It was with great pleasurre that I read a letter from you dated Aug
1859. I have neglected answering it so long that I feel very much ashamed
of myself. I hope however that my kind hearted brother will forgive me
this time and I promise to do better in future.
About the time your letter arrived a little daughter was added to our family. I had not yet recovered my strength when a great trial was visited upon me. My dear brother after a week sickness was suddenly called away from us by death. You will know by experience my dear brother what it is to part with those whoa are near and dear to you. I fear that for a long time my heart rebelled against Him who had sent the affliction. I felt that my sorrow was greater than I could bear.
My Father died when I was but a hear [year?] old and my Mother was all the world to me. Her life was one of love to Christ -- and devotion too his cause, and though much of sadness and sorrow fell to her lot she never murmured but loved to recount the goodness of her Heavenly Father. I can now rejoice that she is freed from this world of sin and sorrow and is safe in that heavenly home where she can forever sing the praises of Him who saved her through his atoning blood.
You will perhaps like to hear particularly about our own family. If I though that they would reach you safely I would like to send you a card photograph of each of us, you could then imagine just how we look. Your brother Gilbert I suppose looks rather older than when you last saw him. He enjoys very good health although he is always thin. He works from early in the morning till late in the evening mentally more than bodily. He has more than a hundred pupils under his care, and he certainly devotes time and talents to their improvement. Besides the seminary, our Church calls upon him often. As he is one of the Elders he has duties there to perform [LC: Sixth Presbyterian in Phila] I fear often that his health will suffer from close confinement as he has not the means for taking excercise which he might if we lived in the country. R. Lorton [LC: Robert Lorton] is tall and thin resembles his mother in countenance but is also a Combs in some respects. He has been married for two years to a very nice country girl. They live quite near us and he is engaged in teaching in his Fathers seminary. They have a fine little boy two months old whom they call Gilbert Raynolds. He is organist in one of our Churches and is considered a fine performer.
Joseph K. is in the country about 25 miles from here learning to farm. He is a fine boy, now eighteen years of age and resembles his Father very much. Mary R. is thirteen. She has been delicate for several years and has caused us much anxiety but we think her much stronger this winter and hope she will grow more robust as she grows older. Susan our baby is a bright little sunbeam three and a half years old. Your sister Jane I cannot describe so well suffice it to say that she is 32 years of age, of medium size, and posseses robust health. She strives daily to do her duty depending upon aid from on high, but often and often has cause to lament that she does not live nearer to the cross. With nine young ladies boarding with us she often finds her hands full; to take proper charge of them of them requires much judgment.
Dear Sister Rachel made us a visit last Christmas, the first for several years. It was gratifying to us to enjoy her society. She is very thin but enjoys tolerably good health. She works hard I think. Her oldest son William is a respectable man and a Christian has a family and lives near his Mother. The oldest daughter Mary is now boarding at home her husband having entered the Army. Eliza the third child now 24 has been teaching she is at present with with us attending school for a little while. Robert and Gilbert the remaining children are large healthy young men and hard workers. Brother Lewis is growing old, he has not visited us for two years, having no man to whom he can leave his affairs. A young man who had lived with him for several years and whom he trusted deceived him sadly just a year ago by running off with Sarah Matilda his youngest daughter only 17 years of age. I was a terrible blow to her parents. Brother has not yet recovered from it. The unworthy couple after living out of the state for a few months returned to their own neighborhood where they act as though they had done nothing wrong. The eldest daughter Phoebe I suppose you knew married a missionary Spencer OGDEN about five years ago and went to Africa. He died more than a year ago leaving her with one child. She returned home very much weakened and broken down. She talks of returning to the mission field as soonas her health is recruited. Catherine Frances the second daughter is at home. Mary Lavinia the third..........................
LC Note:: The rest of letter lost. I have additional info on most of the persons mentioned in this letter. Please post to the Combs Research list if interested.
Combs Note: It appears that Jane is referring to herself in the third person in paragraph five of this letter (a form of writing used during this time). If so, then she was b ca 1831, thus it is doubtful that she was the mother of Robert Lorton Combs who had m 27 Dec 1860, Mary Porter MOOREHEAD (source? location?) Joseph K. COMBS has not yet been identified. Could both he and Robert Lorton (and perhaps others) have been sons of Gilbert COMBS by an earlier marriage?
1863 Letter: Mary Lavinia COMBS (daughter of Lewis Lorton COMBS) to her uncle, James COMBS. She was staying at the time with her uncle, Gilbert COMBS:
March 3rd 1863
My Dear Uncle James,
My Aunt and Uncle with whom I am now staying for the purpose of attending school
have each written to you and although I have never before addressed you, I now
take great pleasure in doing so. I have no distinct recollection of ever seeing
you dear Uncle, but I have a very pretty picture at home which you gave me when
I was a very little child, and I never look at it without thinking of my western
Uncle [LC: "western" obviously refers to Ohio where James was at the
time.] My Father often talks about both you and Uncle Charles and relates
incidents that occurred when young. So that although I have never seen you,
I feel acquainted with you, yet not so well acquainted as I now hope to become.
I have three sisters, two of whom are married. My oldest sister Phoebe
was a missionary to Africa for five years, she lost her husband there and has
now been at home for a year. Perhaps you knew these items before, but I thought
you would like to hear them again. I often try to imagine how my cousins look,
but of course am not able to tell. I have a great desire to see them, and I
sincerely hope that at some future time, I shall have that pleasure. My cousin
Wesley's name is more familiar to me than any of the others. [LC:
Wesley is issue of James COMBS' first marriage to Caroline STORY] Please
give my love to him. My cousin Eliza wishes to write and as it will soon
be time to send this letter I will close. Please give my love to my Aunt and
cousins. I do not feel that I ought to tax you in asking you to write to me,
but still should be very happy to hear from you or my cousins or both.
With much love I remain your affct Niece
Mary L. COMBS.
1865 Civil War Diary of William COMBS, s/o James & Mary Ann FINLEY Combs, b 21 Sep 1843, Washington Co, OH; d 19 Feb 1884, Stanleyville, Washington Co, OH; m 27 Aug 1865, Marietta, Washington Co, OH, Eliza Ann WOODWARD, b 9 Apr 1842, Lancaster, Fairfield Co, OH; d 7 Oct 1907, Chester, Hancock Co, WV.
Transcribed by his great-grandson, Combs Researcher Les Combs, who adds: William Combs joined Co F, 92nd Ohio Volunteer Infantry (OVI) which formed at Marietta, (Washington County, OH) and Camp Chase, Ohio. This diary starts April '65 (after the unit wintered at Savannah), describes the march through the Carolinas, Virginia, the Grand Review, mustering out and train trip home. Although it has no genealogical value, perhaps this will lend a view of the privation they suffered.
Sunday 9 April 1865
Inspection at 9 A.M.. George Olefrits returns to the company; got one
letter today and heard from home. drawed rations to day. Orders to move
in the morning.
Monday 10 April
Left Goldsboro 8 A.M. went out the Raleigh road; skirmishing in front;
Passed some nice farms and saw some reb breastworks; most of the road sandy.
Some swamps. rained on us all day. went into camp at dark. wet and tired.
9 miles
Tuesday 11 April
got up at half passed 3. got breakfast dried tents. packed knapsacks
marched at half passed 5. raining; marched at steady pace. lots of swamps
- got to Smithfield 2 P.M. and went into camp. the boys just go for things;
prospect fair.
Wednesday 12 April
left Smithfield at daylight, skirmishing in front, road full of swamps.
got to Clayton half past one; went into camp for the night; a train from
rebeldom comes in to our lines; heard of Lees surrender Thursday 13 April
up at 3 A.M. marched at daylight got to Raleigh 2 oclock in the afternoon
that is 15 miles from Clayton: went up passed the state house went through
the town and camped close to the lunatic asylum; the place had been nice,
but now shows the effects of the rebellion.
Friday 14 April
got up and got breakfast at daylight orders to move at 8. marched at
9. started out on the Greensboro road went one mile and got dinner. marched
4 miles on the greensboro road and turned to the left. went into camp at
10 Oclock. to bed.
Saturday 15 April
marched at daylight, rained in torents; maid half leg dash(?). got
to Hollyspring at 3 oclock. went into camp for the night. Hollyspring is
about as large as the famous Toad Town. but twice as nice.
Sunday 16 April
up at daylight; marched at 7; went one mile, corduoyed the road, marched
five miles to the cross roads and went into camp for the afternoon and
night. part of the regiment is on picket; the foragers come loaded at noon
and have gone out again this afternoon.
Monday 17 April
Still in camp this very pleasant morning; Orders to wash and clean
up things; rumor says that Sherman has gone out to see joe johnson; had
inspection at sundown - went to church at 7 oclock back to camp and to
Tuesday 18 April
Very pleasant this morning; any a mount of news but some reliable;
on picket in the afternoon; rained a perfect hurican at night and made
it bad picketing.
Wednesday 19 April
up and out on the line at 6 A.M.; a very fine morning after such a
stormy night; was relieved from picket at 3 oclock; come back to camp.
orders to fix up camp inspection at sundown; to bed at 8.
Thursday 20 April
laid in bed till sunrise. got breakfast at 8. got word from the war
department that peace was about to be made; and that the Soldiers would
soon return to their homes; I suppose its all so.
Friday 21 April
up at daylight, had roll call got breakfast, writing letters in the
forenoon; pitched griosts(?) and to a walk in the afternoon; quite a rainstorm
towards night; orders to move tomorrow.
Saturday 22 April
up at 5 A.M. breakfast at 6; marched out to our new camping ground
and went to work; a beautiful place it is; camp is laid out, so I go to
dinner; moved at one oclock; was put under arest for coming over a head
of the Regt.
Sunday 23 April
up at Sunrise: had a big row with the officers; corporals Dye and Rea
are sent to the guardhouse; myself very near the same place. was released
at 10 A.M. and set to doing duty; all right at noon; washed in the afternoon;
inspection at sundown.
Monday 24 April
up at daylight; got breakfast at sunrise. on duty till noon. our camp
is beautiful. everything seems pleasant; had Roll Call and a walk in the
evening; to bed at 8.
Tuesday 25 April
up at daylight. breakfast at 7. fixed up my tent in the forenoon, had
corn cakes and molasas for dinner; read a novel in the afternoon; had a
dance in the evening; orders to march tomorrow. to bed at 8.
Wednesday 26 April
up at daylight. orders to move contremanded. breakfast a 6. The weather
is so very pleasant that I talk a walk; have roll call at tattoo; go to
bed at eight.
Thursday 27 April
Samuel Evilsizer returns to the company; he was taken prisoner at chickamauga;
one recruit comes for the company today; dress parade at sundown.
Friday 28 April
waked up at 3 oclock A.M. byt the booming of cannon and the rattle
of musketry; out in line and on the road to meet the foe; marched 6 miles.
found that the fireing was rejoicing; come back to camp and started for
Saturday 29 April
up at 4 A.M. got breakfast at 5. dried tents packed knapsacks and moved
at 6. marched to the railroad and went into camp for the afternoon and
night; drawed rations. Orders to move at daylight. raining
Sunday 30 April
up at half past 3 A.M. got breakfast and done up our things and marched
at daylight; marched 18 miles in the forenoon. went into camp at half past
12. mustered for pay in the afternoon.
Monday 1 May
up at 3 A.M. marched at daylight; marched 27 miles and went into camp
at sundown being very tired; passed two little villages where the Stars
and Stripes were floating to the breeze.
Tuesday 2 May
up at 3 A.M. moved at daylight; passed through Oxford at 9 A.M. and
went through Williamsboro in the afternoon; went into camp at sundown near
a little village called Townsen.
Wednesday 3 May
up at daylight; got breakfast and marched at 7 A.M.; marched to the
Roanoak River and got dinner. crossed the River and marched to Boydton
and went into camp one mile from town.
Thursday 4 May
up at daylight; marched at 7 A.M. marched 12 miles and got dinner;
marched 10 miles in the afternoon and went into camp for the night; passed
no towns today.
Friday 5 May
Slept till daylight. got up and got breakfast; raining; moved 6 A.M.
marched 14 miles and got dinner; marched 18 miles in the afternoon and
camped very tired. passed Otaway court house.
Saturday 6 May
up at 3 A.M. got breakfast marched at daylight. marched 16 miles and
got dinner; marched 15 miles in the afternoon and went into camp at sundown.
Crossed the Apomattox River today.
Sunday 7 May
up at daylight marched at 7 am. marched to within 9 miles of Richmond
and got dinner; marched to within 3 miles of Richmond in went into camp
in a thicket and swamp.
Monday 8 May
laid in bed till sunrise got up and got breakfast. fixed up things
in camp in the forenoon and washed up my cloths in the afternoon; drawed
rations and had inspection at sundown.
Tuesday 9 May
up at daylight. got breakfast had a shower of rain; donw a little patching
and fixing of my cloths; tried to rest all I could. Orders to pass through
town tomorrow
Wednesday 10 May
orders to march; order to march contremanded; Sherman arives in town;
I made a finger ring out of a tube of a shell; all quiet in camp; orders
to march.
Thursday 11 May
Revelie at 4 A.M. and marched at 6. passed through manchester and down
to the river; passed over into Richmond. passed castle Thurid and Libby
Prison; marched to Hanover court house and camped.
Friday 12 May
the weather rather Squally; marched at 9 A.M. crossed the Pamunky River
and got dinner; marched 15 miles and go into camp for the night. Sherman
is with us.
Saturday 13 May
up at 3 A.M. marched at daylight; marched 11 miles in the forenoon
and got dinner; marched 10 miles in the afternoon and went into camp for
the night. all quiet in camp.
Sunday 14 May
Revellie at 4 A.M. marched at 6. marched 13 miles and got dinner; marched
8 miles in the afternoon and camped for the night. good roads; no news.
Monday 15 May
Revellie at 4 A.M. marched at 6. marched 13 miles and got dinner at
the Rapidan River. waded the river and marched 7 miles and went into camp.
Tuesday 16 May
up at half past 3 a.m. and moved at half past 5 a.m.; marched to the
Apamattox River and got dinner; waded the river and rested till 5 P.M.,
marched 4 miles and went into camp.
Wednesday 17 May
Revellie at 3 a.m. and marched at 5 a.m. marched 9 miles and got dinner;
waded cedar creek and marched 9 miles and went into camp for the night;
all quiet
Thursday 18 May
Revellie at 3 a.m. marched at 5 a.m.; marched 8 miles. waded Ball Creek:
marched 3 miles and got dinner; rested; marched 4 miles past Fairfax court
house and went into camp.
Friday 19 May
up at daylight. got breakfast raining a little. moved at 9 a.m. marched
to within 3 miles of Alexandria and went into regular camp till after the
Saturday 20 May
drawed rations. Staid in camp and done nothing but rest myself and
be ready for the review of the 24. went to bed at eight oclock.
Sunday 21 May
up at 6 a.m. got breakfast, read newspapers till noon. took a walk
in the afternoon on the hill and had a nice view of the Capital;
Monday 22 May
up at daylight and got breakfast at 6 a.m. On guard today; the regiment
drawed clothing. on duty at night;
Tuesday 23 May
up at 6 a.m. drawed clothing for the company; washed up and our clothing
and cleaned our guns and acoutrements; had inspection at sundown
Wednesday 24 May
up at daylight; got breakfast; left for the city at 9 a.m. crossed
the Potomac at the long Bridge; passed on review in the afternoon, thousands
were there to see the men that never was whiped. the place was bedecked
with flowers, flags and......
Thursday 25 May
left our old camp at 8 oclock. crossed the potomac river and marched
through the city of washington and went four miles from town and went into
camp at F.T. bunker hill
Friday 26 May
did not rise very early this morning. the weather being wet and cold;
got some onions of a citizen. bought some light bread at the fort. went
to bed early;
Saturday 27 May
up at 6 a.m. rained all night last night. rained till noon today and
cleared up and the sun bright and warm.
Sunday 28 May
up at daylight got breakfast; cooked beef for dinner; Israel Squires
and Homer Simons come to see me and took dinner with me; had a walk with
Monday 29 May
up at daylight got breakfast and laid in camp till noon and went to
the 6 Va cavelry in the afternonn and took Supper with Israel.
Tuesday 30 May
up at Sunrise got breakfast; washed up all my clothing this forenoon.
got dinner and went over to batery C 1st O at sundown
Wednesday 31 May
up at daylight got breakfast done nothing today but draw rations and
take care of them got orders to night to turn over my gun;
Thursday 1 June
up at daylight got breakfast went to the City. took a look at the grand
old capital and the fish pond with the gold fish in it.
Friday 2 June
Still in camp the weather very warm. General Thomas in town - the boys
go down and serenade him.
Saturday 3 June
up at daylight - got breakfast - cooked dried apples for dinner was
reviewed by general Thomas in the afternoon the boys cheer for him as long
as he was in sight. he don't look old.
Sunday 4 June
up at Sunrise got breakfast. made a finger ring out of Laurel from
Arlington heights. the weather is very warm and sultry. all quiet;
Monday 5 June
laid in camp today. the officers are working on the muster out Rolls.
Pleasant weather today
Tuesday 6 June
up at daylight got breakfast. very warm today drawed ratioins all quiet
in camp. the boys are all in good cheer.
Wednesday 7 June
done nothing today but cook and eat. the weather is still very warm.
my mess mates are E. Mineard ..Robinson, J. Singer and Daniel Olin
Thursday 8 June
up early. got breakfast; expected to be mustered out today, but were
not. but I think we will soon
Friday 9 June
Still in camp waiting to be mustered out but was disapointed; Still
warm; all quiet
Saturday 10 June
Mustered out at last; mustered out of the united states Servis; So
we will start for home tomorrow; the boys are wild with excitement;
Sunday 11 June
Revelie at 3 A.M. moved at 5 a.m. took the eight oclock train for Benwood;
passed through that great city Harpers Ferry at midnight.
Monday 12 June
Still on the train passed over the Alegania mountains. passed through
indedpendence; through Grafton crossed the Ohio at benwood; took the train
at 11 P.M. for Columbus Ohio - run all night.
Tuesday 13 June
Still on the cars driving on towards home as fast as steam can take.
passed a nice country today.
Wednesday 14 June
passed through zanesville and Franklin. got to Columbus 2 P.M. got
dinner; had a grand receptioni supper and a speech from Gov Brough(?) and
others; marched out to camp chase.
Thursday 15 June
in camp yet. drawed rations turned over our guns and accoutrements,
knapsacks haversacks, canteens tents and all goverment property.
Friday 16 June
Still in camp read novels today rained a little but still it is warm,
all quiet
Saturday 17 June
up at daylight got breadfast. read novels today. went to the Ciota River and
to a wash today. (End of Diary).
(Clarke Co IA Biography of James D. Combs) "James B. [D.] Combs an active and enterprising farmer of Osceola Township, was born near Marietta, Washington County, Ohio, October 19, 1845; the youngest son of James and Mary (BAILEY) Combs, who were natives of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and the state of Virginia respectively. James D passed his youth on the home farm in his native county, and received his education in the common schools of his neighborhood. At the age of eighteen years he went to Virginia, where he was married in 1865, to Miss Caroline SMITH, of Wood County, that State. They have a family of five children, two sons and three daughters. Mr. Combs left Virginia two years after his marriage, and in January, 1868, settled on a farm in Clarke County, Iowa, located near Woodburn. He subsequently removed to the southern part of the county where he operated a saw mill for five years. In 1881 he settled on his present farm in Osceola Township, where he has since been extensively engaged in farming, devoting considerabale attention to raising stock. Quiet, unassuming, industrious and strictly honorable in all his dealings, he has gained the confidence of all with whom he has business or social intercourse." (Excerpted by Combs Researcher Nancy Tyrrell Theodore from "History of Clarke County, IA," who adds that there is no indication of when the material was gathered and prepared)
Notes: Researcher Les Combs adds that there are several errors in the
above biography: (1) James' middle initial was D, not B; (2) James D. Combs
and Caroline Josephine SMITH were married Dec 1, 1867 in Parkersburg,
Wood Co, WV; and (3) Mary (BAILEY) should read Mary (FINLEY). Their children
were daughters: Nettie Combs Bichtell; Elsworth [C.?], Birdie Combs Percels
and Anna (never married); and sons, Elsworth [C.?] and Purl (See 1915). Census
records indicate that James COMBS was b in NJ, not Philadelphia, but he may
well have resided in Philadelphia (James has not yet been located in early records).
1881 Letter: William Combs to son, Charles William Combs (b 1867)
From Researcher Les Combs: Some years back, a cousin visited me and had in her possession the Family Bible of my Great Grandparents, William and Eliza Ann WOODWARD Combs. While browsing through it, we found a letter hiding in the Bible. It was an original letter from my Great Grandfather William Combs to his son, my Grandfather Charles William. Combs. William Combs was physically ravaged by the hardships of the Civil War, was barely able to work and went briefly to Reno, Kansas to work with Will WOODWARD. [I believe brother of Eliza Ann]. It gives a lesson in living for us men:
June 5 1881
Reno, Kansas
For Charlie,
My boy, I will write you a letter this afternoon having in mind that
tomorrow is your birthday. I was in Burrton yesterday and thought that
I would buy you a birthday present, but I could not find anything that
I wanted to send.
So, I concluded that I would write you a letter and tell you some of my thoughts----and thoughts sometimes are hard to tell. I have been thinking of the 14 years that have passed and gone. To me, they have years of toil and disappointments. To you, the years have come and gone with no cares or heavy burdens.
Soon, very soon, all will be changed as you attain the stature of a man. So, you must try to develop manly principles and your principles will be severely tried very often and nothing but God's help will give you the victory---and victory you must have or life is not worth living. You can gain wonderful battles -every day- the first battle must be self. Remember that in many ways you can do noble work. Such as giving way to your brothers and giving kind words and actions when you are vexed. Try to cultivate and keep a kind and tender heart. Jesus loves a kind and gentle heart. The older I get the more I realize that kindness and consideration should mark our pathway.
And Charlie I must tell you that I want you to be a very good boy so that if something should happen that you would be a blessing to your Mother and Brothers. I am not strong and must have someone to work in my place.
If you were here I would go fishing with you to the lake. They use fish worms to fish with here. I caught a prarie dog and did think of sending it home but would cost so much. I did not, so I let it go. Prarie dogs make nice pets. Maybe if I come home I willl bring a pair. Prarie chickens are hard to get. We have to hunt in a wagon. Now I will have to write to Ma. So I must send you this.
From your Father,
1907 Letter: Frank Woodward COMBS on the marriage of his sister, Harriet Mabel "Hattie" COMBS, to John FELTON
Marietta, Ohio
November 3, 1907
Mr. John FELTON,
East Liverpool, Ohio
My Dear Brother,
I am sorry that I was not permitted to be present at your wedding to
my sister, but take this means of bidding you welcome to our family circle,
and do so without reservation or stint.
I believe you to be a perfect gentleman of sterling manhood, of pure life and high ambitions, of gentle and courteous bearing to others while posessing courage for the perplexing problems of life.
Mabel has no sister, and having lost her mother she is left without femine sympathy save as it comes to her through your family and of her brothers. Mabel is a brave girl having learned much of self dependance, but she will see times that will require the loving sympathy and help that can be poorly given by mans' hands.
But our love and unyielding loyalty will tide her over these places and make her life to bless you both and become sweets to bless where otherwise, -- we do not care to anticipate the contrary.
Again wishing you good cheer and assuring you of our good will. I remain
yous loyally,
F.W. Combs
My Dear Sister,
I send you greetings and the best wishes of a loving brother for a
long, happy and prosperous married life. All that is good and desirable,
that will make your lives better, stronger and happiest I pray will come
to you both. Aunt Sarah told me yesterday that you were married
friday evening. To have a home of one's own, to fill a niche in the great
structure of life, and by a pure and effervescent colabor (?) bless the
epoch in which you live. The duties you thereby assume are varied and responsible.
While the old home we have loved so well is now broken and has passed with
its day and its sacredness and its duties, new ones come either to bless
or distress us. Heaven grant that it may be blessed, that we may so turn
in our new environments that our conditions may turn to bless and caress
us. I believe you have a good man to help you to build this new home, who
is courageous and who will unflinchingly face with you the future and its
stern realities, and turn the great plains of stubborn and untried future
into fields of fruitful joy.
Whenever perplexing questions arise, as sure they will in this great good world of ours, remember you have brothers who love you as their own lives, and who will gladly as best they can be sister or mother to you. Now with the changing of events into a new , and because of recent events, a peculiar epoch in life, you both have my prayer and benediction of peace, happiness, plenty and the larger and purer things of life.
I am ever you loving and devoted brother, and cheer you with good will. Write
to us often and come to see us when you can.
Your brother Frank
1915 Letter: Caroline SMITH of Osceola, Clarke Co, IA, w/o James D. Combs, to her niece Hattie Mabel (Combs) Felton (d/o William and Eliza WOODWARD Combs)
Osceola, Iowa
Feb 2, 1915
Dear neace Mabel
I shurley was glad to heare from yu but i was
some what surprize as i had come to the conclusion you all had forgoton
me well i am still alive but I have for which i thank god for i have had
a hard strugle all those years but a again i thank god it is as well as
it is I am still living in the city of Osceola by my self yet. not a lone
as i have a very comefortable room up stairs with an oother widow ladie
they are very nice and so good to me. ............Birdies daughter
is staying with me going to high school next year they will have another
girl burniece ready for the high school they just have those too
girls and 3 little boys they live in the country they are doing well but
working hard anna is living in californa she never maried nmettie
[Nettie?] lives Glenwood Iowa She has but one child a Boy a bout 11 years
old and Elsworth has too cheldren one girl Lula May She is
maried the Boy Gareld is coing to comercil colage all live in Des
Moine Iowa Elsie has bin converted this winter he and family have
joynd the asbuery methodist church this winter and Purl my poor
Boy Purl my Big Boy died of typhoard feaver january 22 1913 his average
weigt was 200. 35 he left a wife and one child a little girls 10 years
old now this is my imeadid family. now you did mention your mother and
the boys. how are they and are all living yet and alen Squires where is
he is he still alive if so please tell him i am still a live and often
think of him. you know he maid his home with me for 7 years in Osceola
that was his uncle was a live cince then i have strugled a lone in this
world. well i may as well bring my letter to a close as i dont think you
will be able to read much of it as i am so nervis my hand shaks so it is
hard for me to write Still i am thankefull it is no worse now Mabel if
you think this is worthey of an answer Pleas write if yor mother is living
give her my love and best wishes and a shair for you self lovingly
aunt c combs
anna Combs 27 Darwin St. Santa Cruze Californa
Nettie Bichel Glenwood iowa R D no 2
E C Combs 1505 East walnut st Des Moin
Birdie Percels Osceola Iowa R D No 5
(Transcribed by Combs Researcher Les Combs)
Notes: Anna, Nettie Combs Bichel, Elsworth [C.?], Birdie Combs Percels,
and Purl Combs were children of James D. and Caroline SMITH Combs. Allen SQUIRES
was the step-son (and somehow nephew?) of Sarah Combs Squires, d/o James and
Mary Ann FINLEY Combs.
1927 Letter from Frank Woodward and Herbert Manley COMBS (sons of William and Eliza WOODWARD Combs), in re the death of their paternal aunt, Sarah COMBS Squires. Transcribed by Combs Researcher Les Combs who adds that one item of particular importance in this letter is that the authors, Frank and Manly COMBS, note that Sarah "lays by her father and mother [James and Mary FINLEY Combs] and brother William." Les personally visited the grave site of William some years back at Burnt Hill Methodist Church at Williamstown (Wood County) WV. There are no headstones for James, Mary or Sarah, although there is obvious space by William to acommodate three graves. The cemetary records are not available since the church has burned a couple of times.
Williamstown, W. Va. December 14, 1927
Dear Cousin, Brother, Sister:
Aunt Sarah Squires died at Williamstown, W. Va., in the home of Mrs.
Elizabeth Myers with whom she has been living for several years. Her death
occured Sunday morning December 11, and having no other or nearer relatives
within call, Manly and Frank Combs, nephews, called Allen Squires, step
son and nephew and the three of us went together to house December 11,
and owing to the scattered and other circumstances of the other nephews
and step sons and daughters, and the conditions present demanding attention,
we made arangements for the funeral and she was buried Tuesday December
13, at Burnt Hill where she lays by her father and mother and brother William.
She was given a very respectable burial and the neighbors and friends were
kind and the services were everything that any of you might have hoped
to have for her.
As to her financial circumstances we are still in the dark. She seems to have confided explicitly in no one, although she has often of the last few years given each of us to understand that she had well provided for her burial and other necessary expenses, and during her last sickness told Frank where her papers would be found. Frank, Manly and Allen, with Mrs. Myers, went to the place she has designated but failed to find anything but her pension certificate, which, now of course is worthless so far as its financial worth is counted. If she had money or other property, it has not yet been found.
She had a few personal affects, such as her clothing, -modest-, some books and furniture for her humble room. So far her estate is not found to be of value to warrant the court procedure of appointment of Administrator, which be more expense than her few affects are worth.
Frank and Manly, at Allen's suggestion, went with their personal credit and guaranteed the expenses of a decent funeral, we do not know just what the total will be that will clear that, together with her Dr. bill. There was found money of about enough to pay the Dr.
We are not now asking any relative to contribute, but we are asking each one to send us a written statement of waiver of interests in the small things found, and the appointment of Frank and Manly Combs with power to act for you and in your stead, and thus enable us to go ahead and make such settlement as we may be able to do. We will then make report of all our acts and an accounting of the things found and disposition made, and the expenses of funeral and other possible debts. Please let us have you answer as soon as possible.
Your brothers and cousins, Frank and Manly Combs.
Address, Manly Combs, Williamstown, W. Va.
1942 Letter: Frank Woodward COMBS to siblings, Herbert Manly COMBS and Harriet Mabel "Hattie" COMBS Felton (youngest three children of William and Eliza WOODWARD Combs)
LC Note: Frank Woodward Combs mentions below that there may some "jumble of facts" and, indeed, I believe there is, particularly in regard to ancestry of his grandfather, James. I have never found any corroborative data regarding the McCombs a.k.a. Combs of Hagerstown, Washington Co, MD whom he mentions. James D. Combs was the son of James & Mary Ann FINLEY Combs.
Marietta Washington Co, Ohio, March 1942
Written by Frank Woodward Combs from memory unless otherwise stated or clearly implied.
To my living brother and sister,
Herbert Manly Combs, Medina, Ohio
Harriet (Hattie) Mabel Combs Felton, East
Liverpool, Ohio
Dear Brother and Sister,
I am writing this for you, perhaps for three
First, because Mabel has asked for at
least portions of it.
Second, because I regretfully now find myself
the senior living member of the family through which we came into being.
Third, because I suspect that I am the only member
of said family that has heretofore made any extended effort or record of
our genealogy, but perhaps more cumulative, because the information, or
parts of it of which we may not now know by item may be of value, as well
as interest to you or your succeeding lineage.
Imprimis: You and your successors will please overlook typeographical and spelling errors and also perhaps some jumble of facts, for the reason that during high water and other moves, I now find that my data and notes have become mislaid, and perhaps scattered (I am quite sure that they are not lost, and can and will be found) so that I do not at this writing know just where to get them. That is the reason for quoting from memory now, and now is used not because of any noticeable or feared event, but because I have learned that we do not know what any day may bring forth and some way right now I feel that I want you to have this.
I do not remember evering seeing our Grandfather James Combs, but I have from Childhood felt a prying interest in all the stories and family lore that could get from Grandmother Combs (who lived with us several years on the CHAPMAN farm) and in my mind's eye I can yet distinctly see her sitting in that split-bottom chair she liked to use, close to the corner of the hearth and the flue so, as she smoked her pipe, the smoke would go up the chimney. I didn't like the smoke, but my greatest irritation was felt because of her attention to her pipe caused interruptions in her stories. I am not rehearsing those stories to you in this, nor any that I also imbibbed from Father, Mother and Aunt Diantha (who was all but deaf) and of any others who knew of those early days, happenings and people.
My real research began in 1905 when I went to a reunion of old veterans and affiliated organizations at Gettysburg, Pa. We went and came via Hagerstown, Md. I stopped off there and took a day to look over old records and learn of early history. Then and since I have found much, but never been satisfied that I had enough. In the absence of those notes and data I am now writing largely from memory.
George Thomas McCOMBS and Hester HEWINGS were married at Greenock, in Scotland and together came across the ocean about 1770.
Settled at Hagerstown, Maryland. George Thomas McCOMBS was in the Revolutionary War and a George Thomas McCOMBS was a soldier in the war with Britain in 1812 and later a George Thomas McCOMBS was a captain and served with General Andrew JACKSON in the south.
At the death of George Thomas McCombs 3rd, John, Charles and Thomas McCombs, at the settlement of the estate, concluded by filing a bond in the sum of $12,000 in the Plenipotentiary court in Hagerstown, Md to satisfy any lawful and proper claim against them, or either of them in the name of McCombs and of a date previous to said indenture, in the name of McCombs and providing that they and each of them thereafter should be allowed to go by and be known and transact business in the name of Combs, each, John Combs, Charles Combs and Thomas Combs separately.
John Combs took his goods and went south through Virginia, leaving COMBSES scattered in Va, Ky, Tenn, the Carolinas, Ga (I know a F.W. COMBS, an attorney-at-law now in Marietta, Ga), Floirda [Florida], Ala, Tex, etc. There were McCOMBSES left in Hagerstown, or from other branches, without dropping the Mc, for there are McCOMBSES scattered, too.
Charles COMBS took his pack and went to the far west during the early days when the great west was pictured in stories of broad acres, great forests, expansive prairies and golden crops.
Thomas COMBS the First, who was previously Thomas McCOMBS the III, took up as proprietor and succeeding to his father's business as a cabinet maker and extended the shop to a mill and finally a factory. We have been told that his house made all kinds of household furniture, boxes and caskets for all purposes and tubs, buckets and barrels. They bought and sold timber and lumber.
That was all in Hagerstown, Md.
I only know of two sons of that Thomas COMBS and their names were Charles and James. I well remember hearing it said that there was a story that Charles and his father had a quarrel, about what I was never told, and Charles left home for Fort DuQuesne (Pittsburgh, Pa) and the family heard nothing more from him. I think that each of you will remember that along about the early 90's (1891-5) I found and had sveral letter from May COMBS who then lived with her father, David COMBS, in Hanoverton, Ohio (not far from East Liverpool) and that David COMBS was the son of Charles COMBS who had been born at Hagerstown, MD.
I have many more of them through, Pa, Ohio and on west.
When I enlisted in U.S. Service in 1898, I was mixed on the records with a F.L.W. COMBS of Rail Road P.O. {York Co], Pa. That was cleared up.
I now well know F.W. (Frank Washington) COMBS and his brother, Charles who are in the lumber and planing business in Caldwell, Ohio.
James COMBS, our Grandfather, must have been born before 1800 (no satisfactory public record was kept of births or deaths in those days) for it was about 1820 that he married Caroline STORY. From the stories I heard, I think that Great-grandfather Thomas may have like Caroline all right, but he, when outfitting Grandfather James out with a moveable saw mill to take into the wild mountainous timberlands of Va (Now W. Va.) he objected to his taking the "the STORY boys" with him because they "drank too much".
However, as they were expecting to establish camps as they went from "set to set", shipping lumber and timber over new trails by ox as well as horse teams, Caroline went along, and as one of the STORY boys was married to a young woman, a friend to Caroline and who also wanted to go, it turned out that the little colony set out. I never heard, or do I remember if I did of others besides the three families, but presume there were other men anyway, as Grandfather had two saw mills which he kept moving to "sets" not far apart as he looked after both, as well as following surveys, purchasing of timber and shipping. From the two mills they finally were shipping from one over "The Staunton Pike" and from the other over the "Northwestern Turnpike". Your Aunt Harriet and her brothers and sisters were born in Virginia (now W. Va.).
Their Mother Caroline too sick one bad winter and died with pneumonia. I have a confliction of memories as to where she died and where she was buried. I last tried to get Aunt Sarah to tell me, if she knew. Her answers seemed evasive, for if she knew she did not tell me. However, I have a dreamy suspicion that it was on the Virginia side of the Ohio River near Point Pleasant, as when I think of it, there occurs a dimly trace of hearing something of the Indian Chief Corn Stalk with his braves making their last fight at Point Pleasant.
One of the mills that had come down the Great Kanawha River crossed into Ohio at Point Pleasant. The one that had come down the Little Kanawha crossed at Parkersburg. They worked up the Big and Little Licking Rivers until they seend to converge at New Lexington.
It was nearing Corning, below New Lexington, where Grandfather found and married our Grandmother, Mary Ann FINLEY. She was a near relative of the famous circuit rider James B. FINLEY and I well remember a book entitled "Memories of James B. FINLEY". Have I got that right and do either of you remember that book and whether it still exists? It may be valuable history by now. I have asked the historian Samuel Harden STILLE about it but he says he has heard of it and about James B. FINLEY but so far has failed to find one of these books.
From New Lexington, they crossed over the the ridges of the Muskinghan River Valley, possible along the Licking to the Muskingham at Zanesville, and thus on down toward Marietta. Washington County used to embrace a large part of Southeastern Ohio, even East Liverpool, Zanesville and Athens with the counties in which they are found and the other coutnnies interim. My mind seems to tell me that Father was born near McConnellsville in Washington County, but that's now pary of Morgan County, Ohio. But the county records here do not record his birth, but in the record of deaths Vol. 1, Page 256, Entry $5581, I find that "Williams Combs died February 19, 1884 residing in Fearing Township, Washington County, Ohio was married, occupation farmer and cooper, place of birth Muskingham township, cause of death diabetes". Muskingham Township is in present Washington County, and "Bear Creek" where Aunt Sarah was born and where the family seemed to have lived quite a while, as it was while there and near Lowell that Aunt Martha, Uncle John and Aunt Harriet were married and from Uncle Gilbert went to further his music and other studies and finally started "The Spring Garden Institute of Music" which is now known and advertised as the "Combs Conservatory of Music".
So, while it may be that Father was born at Bear Creek, yet I can see how he might well have been born farther up the Muskingham River near McConnellsville as that was all in Washington County then, and very likely Muskinham Township, But, the record is right.
From the Bear Creek set they moved over into the Duckcreek valley and it was while in that valley that your Father, in roaming over the hills, met and courted your Mother; where Adam WOOSTER tried to make an interesting impression on Aunt Sarah when she was but a child; from where Father came into Marietta and at the "BOSWARTH and WELLS Shops" learned the cooper trade and made barrels, tubs and buckets; and it was then that the James Combs family was living on the Stephen HILDRETH farm just 2 1/2 miles east of Marietta, and when Father enlisted in Co F, 92nd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry and went away to the Civil War.
When Father was discharged from the U.S. Army on June 10, 1865, he found his Father and family living on the Moreland REED farm back of Williamstown, near "Burnt Hill". He was not long in getting back across the river and finding your Mother because the County Court Record show in Marriage book Vol. 4, Page 70, entry #227, that August 27, 1865 a license to marry was granted to William Combs to Eliza WOODWARD, and on the same day they were married by Rev. John D. RILEY, report filed Nov 23, 1865 and recorded by L.W. CHAMBERLAIN, Probate Judge.
Perhaps 30 years ago, I went to the neighborhood where that marriage took place and in the company of Frank HART who had know your Father and Mother well, and when I saw him was owning the farm on "Mount Tom" and speaking kindly of them as "mighty fine people and dear friends", he, though feeble and walking with a cane, offered to, and did go with me to the "Log House".
We found the door haging on one pin (wooden pin) used as a hinge; no lights or glass in the windows; there was no floor but embers and ashes; and in the room where your Father and Mother stood before Rev. John D. RILEY and plighted their troth in marriage, I listened to hear the preacher say "I pronounce you to be man and wife", and, which in fancy I really heard, but in reality only the clang of a wagon wheel rim rang out at the impact of the smith's hammer as he held the red hot rim on an anvil which stood in the place of the preacher and as John HART (who now lives at 114 S. Fourth St, this city) welded the broken rim.
In the adjoining room where, perhaps, they ate their wedding cake, a cow was languidly chewing her cud and in the loft where no doubt your Mother had slept, was hay for the cow. Now this March 6, 1942, both the log house where your Mother and Father were married on "Mount Tom", and the one in which their two Ohio-born children came into life near Stanleyville, are both gone and scarcely a mark can be found to mark or tell their place.
Just how long, if at all, that Father and Mother lingered in Ohio, or elsewhere, in preparing to establish a home I have never heard, but only several months before Charley [LC: Charley is my Grandfather, Charles William Combs] died he told me what I have not previously known - that he, Charley, was born not at Valley Hills, but down near Parkersburg on the Worthington Creek (Presumably on the Wirt NEAL farm) and that was after his birth - June 6, 1867 that they bought the 70 acre farm from COLSON or COMPTON by giving him $300 that Father had saved up and on which COLESON or COMPTON took his family out west. And on that place near Valley Hills and "Burnt Hill" is where Arthur and I are reported to have been born. There can scarcely be any doubt about Arthur being born, for the West Virginia records that a child named Arthur A. was born to William Combs and Eliza WOODWARD in Williams District Wood County, W. Va. on July 1 1879. But there is no record of either Charley or me, nor any suggestion that either of us had ever existed. I presume that the Census Bureau in Washington will show that there was a family consisting of William Combs with his wife, Eliza and two sons, Charley aged 3 and Arthur aged 1, taken in 1870. The earliest record of my existence was taken by the U.S. Censusd in 1880, and then we were living near Stanleyville, Ohio.
There, on the COMPTON or COLSON farm, after Father and Mother had built a house, a barn and a shop, cleared and broke half the land and had three little boys, Lille K. JACKSON (ever heard of her?) just coming into her estate, found she had an unpaid mortgage that COLSON had forgot to tell Father about. He could not pay what her attorney demanded, so he just put his family and goods into a one-horse express, hitched "Mollie", the white mare, in front and tied "Pink" the cow behind and drove over to Ohio and to "Mount Tom". King COVEK had a small house on his farm into which he kindly allowed them to move.
I do not know how long they lived on Mount Tom, but it couldn't have been more that a year or two, for I was reported to have been born in W. Va. on February 18, 1872 and the record shows that Manly was born in Fearing Township July 1, 1875.
My first actual recollection is while we were living the "Henry KNOCK House" near where the log house was built on the CHAPMAN farm.
I well remember trotting back and forth between them and of Tom BROOM, a very bald-headed man helping Father with the building. Tom BROOM had a small boy named Hollis who he often brought over to play with us.
I remember moving into the "new house", but do not remember whether Manly was born in the Henry KNOCK house or on the CHAPMAN farm. All I remember about Manly's birth was of hearing someone say "he will be a nice birthday present for Arthur, as he is just 6 years old today."
I well remember the 16th day of December 1882. I was then a big boy of ten years old and pretty near eleven. Dr. SPENCER had been coming to our house, so we thought nothing of it when he came, and they sent me, which they had not always done before, to the woods with Charley and Arthur who were helping Hiram CHAPMAN haul some logs. There was a deep snow and Elmer CHAPMAN and I rolled in it. No, we were not surprised about anything until we got home, then, when they told us that we had a little sister. I well remember how happy we were to have a girl in the family, and how we vied with each other to take good care of her, and how she was humored and petted and given all the sweets.
I will write more fully when I have the time and can vouch for what I write. These old family ties are more sacred to me each day and I want to know and report them right.