![]() | Joseph Combs II (the Younger) of Stafford, Frederick & Loudoun Co, VA (son of Joseph I (-1756)) |
Updated Oct 1998
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Important! This is an updated and corrected edition of this report, although still incomplete - primarily because research of Joseph Combs himself is incomplete. This is also a "Work-in-Progress;" while we continue to collect records with an ultimate goal of Building a Documented Genealogy for Joseph Combs the Younger (Joseph1) and his descendants - particularly in respect to confusion due to his moves from Stafford to Frederick to Loudoun, and possibly to Fayette Co, PA (See below). We begin with records known to have been those of "Joseph Combs the Younger of Frederick" (later of Loudoun), son of Joseph Combs I of Stafford, and include only probable issue. Many other Combs are found in Loudoun, some or all of whom may have been children of Joseph. At this time, they have been omitted until such time as more records have been acquired. Also Note: Fairfax County, Virginia was organized from Prince William in 1742, and Loudoun from Fairfax in 1757. Fauquier County was organized from Prince William in 1759.
Joseph Combs (II) the Younger (s/o Joseph Combs I of Stafford), born bef 1728, probably in Overwharton Parish, Stafford Co, VA; died 1???, Loudoun Co, VA??; married Elizabeth HARRISON (d/o Burr and Ann BARNES Harrison), the latter born 30 Jan 1731 (probably in Prince William or Stafford), died 1781, Loudoun Co, Virginia; m (2) ???? (not yet known)
Source for Elizabeth's birth and death, and for her marriage to Joseph Combs is Kentucky Bible Records, Kentucky Genealogical Research Committee, DAR, 19488, pp. 10-22, Bible of Cuthbert HARRISON, son of Burr and Ann BARNES Harrison. We are urgently seeking a transcript of this bible record.)
Little has been learned of Joseph Combs the Younger thus far, primarily because much additional research is still needed. What is known is that in 1756, Joseph Combs I of Stafford Co, VA, signed a series of deeds of gifts to his children, including land in Overwharton Parish, Stafford Co, VA, including, to his son, Joseph Combs II, whom he designated "Joseph the Younger of Frederick:"
(Stafford Co VA DB P:121-125) " 1000 acs., all that tract of land in Overwharton Parish on the north side of beaver dam run b/b the North bank of sd. run as far as Brent Town Road & then by sd. road. Said Jos. the younger and heirs shall not by virtue of the presents claim any right to any profit arising from or appertaining to the said Stream called beaver dam run or any part thereof nor build or attempt to build any mill or mills upon any part f sd. stream nor any way disturb John Combs brother to the sd. Joseph...in possession of the mill now upon that stream or of the stream itself with all its profits and provided further that nothing hereby granted shall restrain John from bulding & erecting as many mills on sd. stream as he shall think proper.
It is not yet known when Joseph Combs the Younger (Joseph1) removed to Frederick from Stafford, but it is known that he and his brother-in-law and sister, John and Jane (a.k.a. Jean) Combs Ashby, were both in Winchester, Frederick County, by 1755 at the latest:
To Captain John Ashby
Winchester [Frederick Co VA],
December 28, 1755.
I am very much surprised to hear the great irregularities which were allowed of in your Camp. The Rum, although sold by Joseph Combs I am credibly informed, is your property. There are continual complaints to me of the misbehavior of your wife; who I am told sows sedition among the men, and is chief of every mutiny. If she is not immediately sent from the Camp, or I hear any more complaints of such irregular behavior upon my arrival there; I shall take care to drive her out myself, and suspend you.
It is impossible to get clothing here for our men. I think none so proper for Rangers as Match-coats; therefore would advise you to procure them. Those who have not received clothing for the future will receive their full pay without stoppages; and those already made, will be repaid them.
Those who have been clothed must either return them or allow stoppages. I would have you consult your men, and fall upon some method to supply them immediately. I have heard very great complaints about the mens pay; and that it has been misapplied; to prevent any for the future I Order, that you have your accounts with the men properly stated against I come up, and always after you make payments thereafter, to make two receipts from each man; one of which you are to have entered in a Book kept for that purpose for your own use; the other must be taken upon sheet of paper and transmitted to me monthly.
I have sent you one of the mutiny Bills which you are (as far
as it related to the men) to have frequently read to them, Further;
acquaint them, that if any Soldier deserts, altho he return himself,
he shall be hanged.
[signature not included]
("Colonial George Washington versus Jane Combs Ashby,"
Combs Family Newsletter, Luke Combs, CFA Historian, submitter).
Joseph Combs the Younger (Joseph1) was still of Frederick in 1758 when he appears in a variety of VA records, including military:
Bill from Joseph Combs to John KEATING, 10 May 1758 (County not stated)
Joseph Combs, on list of Regimental Disbursement made to Geo. WASHINGTON'S Reg.15 Jun 1758 (County not stated)
(Frederick VA Poll) Jo:h Combs, poll taken in Frederick Co. 24 Jul 1758
(Frederick VA Poll) Jo:s Combs, poll taken, Frederick Co
24 Jul 1758
(Colonial Soldiers of the South, 1732-1774, Murtie June
Clark, 1983)
Although the above appears to indicate the possibility of two Joseph Combs in Frederick in 1758, in fact, a list was prepared for each vote and what may appear to be double entries are not unusual. No evidence has been found as yet that more than one Joseph Combs was in early Frederick Co, VA. Also note that the close association (even if not always warm) between George WASHINGTON and the ASHBY and Combs Families is one that appears not only in Virginia, but may have also extended to Bedford Co, PA (land originally in Westmoreland, then Cumberland) in the late 1760s.
Joseph Combs the Younger continued to appear in the records of Frederick over the next few years. He was listed on the Frederick County Rent Rolls in 1758 and again in 1764, the last year he has been found recorded (thus far - research incomplete) in Frederick.
By 1764, Joseph owned land in Loudoun County on Goose Creek where his brother-in-law, Levin POWELL (h/o Elizabeth's sister, Sarah HARRISON) resided:
01 Jun 1764-23 Dec 1790 (Loudoun Co. VA NN Grants V, pp. 60-61) ....Joseph Combs granted a tract or parcel of land containing 206 acres, by survey bearing the date (1 Jun 1764), in Loudoun County, on the branches of Goose Creek and bounded as follows- beginning at two white oaks corner to Major {Thomas} WARING and beginning corner to George GRIGG {GREGG}, thence running with said WARING line south 15 degrees West 188 poles to a block marked R S in line of Col John CARLYLE and Captain DALTON, then with their line North 30 degrees West 71 poles to a stake in a ------ field corner to said CARLYLE and DALTON still running and bending with their line West 160 poles to a red oak there (corner?) crossing a branch 118 poles at ... the mountain road at 140, then the same course off West continued 30 poles to a line of Col Catesby COCK{E}, then bending with his line north 15 degrees west 70 poles to a red oak on a branch, this corner still bending ......... north 45 degrees west ....... poles to two black {oaks?}, the north side said .... corner to said COCK{E}, thence with his line North 11 degrees East 25 poles to a white oak corner to Mary McGEACH, thence bending with her line, North 84 degrees East 180 poles to a stake in a ....... field corner to George GRIGG {GREGG}, thence with his given line, South 75 degrees East 174 poles to the beginning. (Transcribed & excerpted 1998 from copy of original by Combs Researcher Dick Field, 1998 who adds: Names contained in {} are based on further research)
It is probable that Joseph lived on this or other land in Loudoun since his first appearance on that County's tax lists was in 1765 (for 1764). He is the only early Joseph Combs found in Loudoun and, from the beginning, was termed "Capt. Joseph Combs." Other Combs, most particularly brothers Samuel and Andrew, were already in the Shelburne Parish area of Loudoun when Joseph first appeared there; however, it is not yet known whether they were kin to Joseph who continued to appear on the county's tax lists.
Joseph's first child is documented in 1767 when his daughter, Violet, marries Daniel FEAGIN:
3 Feb 1767 (Loudoun VA Marriage Records) Violet Combs, daughter of Joseph, married Daniel FEAGIN Feb 3, 1767 in Loudon County, VA. (Combs Researcher, the late Merry Stacy)
Violet's marriage is confirmed by Daniel's Revolutionary war pension, which identifies his military service as in Loudoun County, and his wife as "Lettie, daughter of Joe Combs" (See below).
Joseph does not appear on the 1768 Loudoun County tax lists (possibly not complete), but in 1768, he appears in the records of Fauquier Co, VA with wife Elizabeth (for the first time), identified as "of Loudoun" when he sells land formerly his father's, part of the 1756 deed of gift:
1768-9 (Fauquier Co., VA Deed Book 3, pp. 205 & 373). Joseph Combs, and his wife Elizabeth, of Loudon County sell 100 acres on Brenttown Road to Original YOUNG. The land was part of a gift of land given to him in 1756 by his father, Joseph Sr. (Fauquier Families, 1759-1799: Comprehensive indexed abstracts of Tax and Tithable Lists, Marriage Bonds and Minute, Deed, and Will Books, and Others, John P. Alcock (Athens, GA: Iberian Publishing Company, 1994)
Also Note: Original YOUNG was a witness to the Oct 1780 Fauquier Co, VA, nuncupative (verbal) will of Joseph's nephew, John Combs, Jr. (John2, Joseph1).
Other Combs continue to appear and disappear on the tax lists of Loudoun County, but in 1770 (for 1769), Joseph tithes both John and Robert Combs in addition to himself, who may have both been his sons (See Below and also note that If both men were Joseph's sons coming of age, this would place their births ca 1748). John and Robert are again tithed by Joseph in 1771 (for 1770) and Robert probably again in 1772 (research in progress); however, John has disappeared from Loudoun's records, and in the meantime, Joseph appears again in records with Gen. George WASHINGTON and other Virginians in then-Cumberland Co, PA when various of them patent land in that part of the county which was to become later Westmoreland, then Fayette, including a 282 acre survey in 1769, half of which Joseph sold in 1773:
05 Dec 1773 - 27 Nov 1790 (Fayette Co., PA Book A, page 354, item 434) Know all men by these presents that I Joseph Combs of Loudan County in the colony of Virginia have bargin'd sold and by these presence do deliver to John MASTERSON of Westmoreland County in Pennsylvania, a part or half of a tract of land surveyed by ( SHORT & McLANE?) the 23rd day of May 1770 by order of survey (...torn out...) 3087 dated the 17th day of April 1769. For and in consideration of forty five pounds to me in hand paid, and with the receipt hereof I acknowledge myself fully satisfied and do warnt and defend the same from me, my heirs, executors, administrators, and from all persons that shall or may lay right claim or challenge thereson, the lord of the soul excepted, and to John MASTERSONS, his heirs and assigns the above land containing one hundred and fo (...torn...) nine acres and a half (........torn out.........) according to the laws of the province as witness my hand and seal this 5th day of December 1773. s/Joseph Combs (S.S.). Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of Jack NEALL , Abel? McPHERSON.
Fayette County
Personally appeared this day, Alexander McPHERSON before me the subscriber a Justice of the Peace of Common Pleas in aforesaid county and being duly qualified according to law, on his solemn affirmation declareth that he did see the within named Joseph Combs sign, seal and deliver the within Bill of Sale or instrument of writing as his act and (declared) he the said McPHERSON being one of the subscribing witnesses, witness my my hand & seal this 27th day of November 1790. Robert RICHEY (S.S.)
Note: Whether Joseph ever actually resided in Pennsylvania remains uncertain. At least two Joseph Combs, were also "in and out" of Fayette County, and research is still underway to segregate their records.
In the meantime, Joseph continues to appear in the records of Loudoun with the 1773 titheables (for 1772) including a Stephen Combs whom later records show was also tithed by Joseph (see also below). That same year, 1773, Joseph is also listed as a vestryman for Shelburne Parish, and is listed as the administrator of the estate of a William HARRISON (record still needed).
In 1774, Joseph, Robert and Stephen Combs were among the signers of a Loudoun county resolution "condemning the British Parliament and agreeing to sever connections untill they repeal the discriminating tax..." and Joseph is named in Shelburne Parish tax records as the builder of Ketockton Church. In 1775 (for 1774), Joseph continues to tithe Robert, but Stephen now has his own household, and is listed immediately below Joseph.
In 1776 and 1777 (for the years 1775 and 1776), Joseph, Robert and Stephen are missing from Loudoun tax lists - possibly exempt due to military service. In 1778 and 1779 (for 1777 and 1778), however, Joseph and Stephen are again both listed.
In 1779, Joseph again sells land:
1779? (Fauquier Co, VA Loose Papers, Land Records, Unrecorded Deeds, ID: 327, Record Location: 1779-003, Box #: 11) Joseph and Elizabeth Combs of Loudoun Co VA to John Combs. Fragmented. Date Missing. Synopsis: 242 ac. of land in Stafford Co. in Overwharton Parish on north side of Beaver Dam Run. Title History: remainder of greater tract bought by grantee of grantor (Extracted by Combs Researcher Ann Musser)
1779 (Fauquier Co, VA Deed Book 7, p. 242, 1779). Joseph Combs, and wife Elizabeth, of Loudoun County, sell 105 acres where Brenttown Road fords Dorrells Run to James HOLMES; another part of 1756 gift by father. (Extracted by Combs Researcher Jeff Duvall from "Fauquier Families, 1759-1799: Comprehensive indexed abstracts of Tax and Tithable Lists, Marriage Bonds and Minute, Deed, and Will Books, and Others" by John P. Alcock (Athens, GA: Iberian Publishing Company, 1994)
In 1780 and 1781 (for 1779 and 1780), Joseph and Stephen are both listed on Loudoun County tax lists, and in 1781 Joseph is again named as a vestryman of Shelburn Parish. It is in 1781, according to the bible record of her brother, Cuthbert HARRISON, that Joseph's wife, Elizabeth, died.
In 1782 (for 1781) Joseph is not listed on Loudoun's tax lists (although Stephen still is), but in 1783 he appears in the Shelburne Parish records and in 1784 (for 1783), Joseph is again listed on Loudoun tax lists.
In 1785 (for 1784), both Joseph and Stephen are missing from Loudoun's tax lists (possibly not complete?) as is also true in 1786 (for 1785). In 1786, Joseph is sued by Shelburn Parish in respect to the "upper church" and in 1787 (for 1786), both Joseph and Stephen are again on the county tax lists.
In 1790, Joseph, again with a wife named Elizabeth, sells yet more land:
1790 (Fauquier Co VA Deed Book 10, pp. 373 & 375) Joseph Combs and wife Elizabeth, of Loudoun County, sell 265 acres on Dorrells Run to Joseph Jr. of Stafford County. (Extracted by Combs Researcher Jeff Duvall from "Fauquier Families, 1759-1799: Comprehensive indexed abstracts of Tax and Tithable Lists, Marriage Bonds and Minute, Deed, and Will Books, and Others" by John P. Alcock (Athens, GA: Iberian Publishing Company, 1994)
1790 (Fauquier Co, VA DB10:373 & 375) Joseph Combs of Loudoun Co, VA to Robert ASHBY alias Combs, 158 a. and to Henry WASHINGTON of Prince William adj. 163 a. [land in Fauquier] (Extracted by Combs Researcher Jeff Duvall from "Fauquier Families, 1759-1799: Comprehensive indexed abstracts of Tax and Tithable Lists, Marriage Bonds and Minute, Deed, and Will Books, and Others" by John P. Alcock (Athens, GA: Iberian Publishing Company, 1994)
Note: The first record above has occasioned confusion due to the use of the word "Jr.," which some researchers have believed indicated that Joseph Jr. was the s/o Joseph of Loudoun, whereas other records document that Joseph, Jr. was the s/o Joseph's brother, John Combs, Sr. and his wife, Seth BULLITT, with the "Jr." simply being the manner of differentiating the two Josephs. The second record may be the basis for the statement in Josiah H. Combs' The Combes Genealogy… that Joseph had a "natural son" Robert.
So far these records are the last year that any record is found in Loudoun Co, VA for Joseph Combs - except that since wills, deeds and estate admins and inventories not yet fully researched, who knows? Not to mention that he may have moved up to Bedford and/or Fayette Co, PA. According to the above Josiah H. Combs, Joseph d in 1808; however, no evidence of that has been found as yet (not researched?).
Of the probable children of Joseph, see also Stephen and Barbara ALLEN Combs and Robert Combs of Fauquier who may have been the above Robert ASHBY alias Combs who appears to be the Revolutionary War pensioner who later declared in his 1832 Fauquier Co, VA application that he was born ca 1753 near "Berry Ferry on the Shenandoah River in Frederick Co, Virginia," a location that would intersect with Joseph II's residency in that county. Robert also declared that included in his service were several enlistments in Loudoun Co, VA, beginning with a period in the volunteer militia company raised by Capt. Levin POWELL in Loudoun Co., Va. (his maternal uncle?), another under Capt. Simon TRIPLETT of Loudoun, another under Capt. McMICKENS in Loudoun in 1777, another under Capt. Simon HANCOCK, and then in 1781, service in Fauquier Co, VA under both Capt. JENNINGS and WINN.
According to Josiah H. Combs' The Combes Genealogy…, issue of Joseph Combs the Younger included (no documentation):
Joseph Combs, Jr. (Mary McMAKIN)
Stephen Combs (Barbara ALLEN)
Robert ASHBY alias Combs (a natural son?)
The above children are not yet documented - research in progress -- they may not all have been Joseph's, and it is probable that he had additional unknown issue.