![]() | Thomas Combses Working Paper |
DISCLAIMER: This is intended to be a tool for further research ONLY. Do NOT assume this is fully supported until you personally confirm each piece of evidence. This working paper tries to idenfity the various Thomas Combs born prior to 1810 and living primarily in the Tennessee and Kentucky areas.
Records compiled from numerous Combs &c. Maillist postings and Combs &c. County Records by Jennifer Wihelmi. Detail about the Thomas Combs family primarily of Barren Co. and Allen Co, KY compiled by Myra Britt.
Related Working Papers and Reports
Job Combs Working Paper: Straightening out the Jobs (c1739 - 1860)
Descendants of Thomas Coomes/Combs (s/o Francis COOMES/Combs)
John & Lydia Combs of Montgomery Co, Kentucky
Based on the records on the web site and in the email archives there are 9 Thomas Combs born before 1810. There are additional Thomas Combs born after that timeframe mentioned in this paper but they are not reviewed in detail.
Brief note on the key counties in Kentucky relating to timelines:
#1 Thomas Combs b. 12 Sept 1770 Abbyville, Washington Co, VA d. 9 Dec 1862 Allen Co, KY
mar. 1: Deborah UNK (Thomas?) bef 1795 or possibly 1800-1804 b. abt 1780 per ages in 1830 and 1840 censuses (in 50-60 age range both times) in NC d. between 1840 and 1848
mar. 2: Sarah UNK Kiger April 1848 Allen Co, KY
For more detail, see the additional, separate report “Thomas Combs Descendants” by M. Britt
1770 born in Washington Co, VA (or could be Shenandoah in VA)
1791 Thomas would have become 21 and should begin to show up on Tax lists and other records
1798 Job Combs (Sr. and Jr) moves from Va to Jefferson Co, TN
1804 Job Combs bill of sale to Thomas Combs 16 Oct 1804 (Which Thomas is not certain. There were two possible Thomas Combs - the unafiliated Thomas Combs that may be this person and Gilbert and Christina Denton Combs' son Thomas - brother to Aquilla Combs. Also Thomas Combs was listed as Test: to a bill of sale from Job Combs to Jacob Denton.
1805 Eldest son James born in TN
1807 Came to Allen Co, Purchased land near Jacob Lough of Shenandoah Co, VA via Jefferson Co, TN. Residence mentioned in Old Edmund Rogers Survey, Allen Co, survey originally on Barren Co soil Tracy's Creek Waters of Big Barren.
1808 Thomas Combs and UNK Combs Tax list for Barren Co, KY
1808,1810-1812 Thomas Combs Tax list for Barren Co, KY
1814 UNK Combs Tax list for Barren Co, KY
1816 Thomas Combs Tax list for Barren Co, KY
1817 Thomas and John Combs Tax list for Barren Co, KY
1819 Thomas and John Combs Tax list for Barren Co, KY
1822 Thomas and John Combs Tax list for Barren Co, KY
1824 Benjamin and John Combs Tax list for Barren Co, KY
1825 Thomas and John Combs Tax list for Barren Co, KY
1825-1826 (18 Dec-1826 1 June 1826) Thomas Combs's residence mentioned in "Allen County Kentucky Survey Book A 1815-1835"
1826 Thomas COMBS returns his list of Taxable Property Amt. $530 and is mentioned in other court records
1827 Thomas mentioned in court records
1828 21 Mar 1828 son Zur (Elijah Azur) Combs marries Elizabeth Jane Kelsey
1829 18 Jan 1829 daughter Sally marries Booker Lane in Allen Co, KY
1829 Thomas appellant in case against Eliza Ricketts in Allen Co, KY
1830 Allen Co, KY Census 1 male and one female under 5; one male and one female 5-10; 0 males and 1 female 10-15; 3 males and 1 female 15-20, 1 female 50-60; 1 male 60-70. Another Thomas Combs (15-20) with wife Anna Anderson (20-25) are nearby with daughter (Martha) under 5. Allen Co, KY Tax List Thomas with 1 male over 16; 3 over 5-16; Zur with 1 over 21; James with 1 over 21
1830-1831 James, Zur, John and Benjamin Combs Tax list for Barren Co, KY
1831 Zur and James listed in deeds for Allen Co, KY
1832 Zur and James listed in deeds for Allen Co, KY
1834 21 Sep 1834 dau. Deborah marries Benjamin Gosnell Allen Co, KY; John and Bejamin Combs Tax list for Barren Co, KY
1835 Elijah, Zur, Benjamin, John Combs Tax list for Barren Co, KY
1836 Elijah, Zur, James, Benjamin, John Combs Tax list for Barren Co, KY
1839 2 Feb 1839 dau. Jane marries Asbury Halter Allen Co, KY
1840 Allen Co, KY Census 2 males 5-10; 1 male and 1 female 10-15; 1 female 15-20; 1 male 10-30; 1 female 50-60; 1 male 70-80; Benjamin Combs Tax list for Barren Co, KY
1848 17 Apr 1848 mar. Sarah UNK Kriger (with children Ann R., Elizabeth, Matilda, C.C., and A. B. KIGER. Per 1860 census also had son Sam)
1849 17 Apr 1849 dau. Martha mar. Allen L. Orr in Allen Co, KY
1850 Allen Co, KY Census Combs, Thomas 79* VA Farming 400; S.(Sarah) 55(F) VA: Sam (Kiger) 16 VA; KIZER(sic), Ann 25, VA; Sam R. Comby (Combs) 16 KY; Matilda 22, VA; Elizabeth 26 VA. Booker and Sarah Combs Lane Census: 1850, Puncheon Creek District, Allen Co, KY Francis A. and Jane Combs Halter: 1850, Puncheon Camp, Allen Co, KY, Page 129A, Household 0411
1860 21 Mar 1860 Deed (mentioning all children and spouses); (9 Apr 1860) Deed from Thomas to Samuel
1860 Thomas, age 89, in household of Samuel, age 26, for Allen Co, KY
1862 Thomas died 9 Dec 1862 in Allen Co, KY
Thomas' parents are currently unknown. It could be possible for him to be the Thomas mentioned in records with Job Combs in Jefferson Co, TN who was at least 21 as of 1804 and thus born before 1783. Given the names for his children (Deborah, Zur, Robert - even William) it seems likely that he has a close familial relationship with #1 Job (and thus #2 Job, Solomon, and #1 Zur). If he was born in 1770 to #1 Job and Deborah, then he would have been born about the same year as #2 Job. Thomas is listed as 79 and 89 in both the 1850 and 1860 census which, given his birth month of September would support a birth year of 1770 or 1771. #2 Job is listed as 80 in the 1850 Census which supports a birth year of 1769-1770. It is possible they were born one year apart. Additionally, there are several people (6) listed in #1 Job's household in 1784 that have yet to be identified. This Thomas could, indeed, be one of them.
There was significant overlap between Sullivan Co, TN, Washington and Montgomery Co's VA, and Washington Co, NC. In 1788, #1 Job Sr.'s daughter Abigail married Thompson O'Dell which suggests that the Job Combs families were in the area, at least into and out of the area, at that early date. Similarly the records for both Barren Co, KY and Allen Co, KY must be analyzed together since Allen was established from Barren Co in 1815. And, in both Barren and Allen, there were a number of Combs and Anderson families
With regards to his children, Thomas' oldest was born approximately 1795 or 1800, depending on the notes, and his youngest was born in 1831. That is a span of 36 years. The list of known children appears to be correct supported by the 1860 deeds from Thomas to Samuel. There was however, a gap between 1812 and 1829 during which no children are assumed to have been born. The children listed in the 1830 and 1840 census records.
It would be possible that his wife Deborah died in that timeframe. The 1830 and 1840 census records show a woman in the 50-60 age group each time. If this was Deborah, then she would have been 50 in 1830 and 60 in 1840 placing her year of birth at 1780. It is more likely, however, that Deborah died between 1812 and 1829 during which time Thomas remarried and had two additional children but that does not address the matter of the census record indicating the presence of a woman in the 50-60 bracket each time.
Documentation for Thomas' marriage and for #1 Job Sr's death (and will) would provide further information about the precise relationship, if any, between this Thomas and #1 Job Sr's family.
#2 Thomas b. 3 Oct 1805 Allen Co, KY/TN
mar. (1) Anna B. Anderson (dau of Peter Anderson) 30 May 1829 Sumner Co, TN Bondsman - John Anderson
?Did Anna and Thomas divorce?? Anna is found buried next to her father Peter rather than with Thomas.
Zur (aka Isaiah) b. 3 Oct 1805 Allen Co, KY/TN
mar. 1: Sarah Peck 23 Jun 1831 Barren Co, KY
mar. 2: Susannah Peck 10 Mar 1843 in Barren Co, KY
mar. 3: Martha Thomas abt 1885
****Working Paper on Zur Combs will be forthcoming****
#3 Thomas Combs b. ? NJ d. 1807 KY parents are #11 Thomas and Susannah Pettit Combs
m. Sarah/Sally Anderson 25 Dec 1793 Nelson Co, KY bond John Ash (Sarah's step-father)
1792 Thomas and brother David on Nelson Co, KY Tas List
1793 Thomas and brother David, now listed as Sr., on Nelson Co, KY Tax List
1793 25 Dec 1793 Thomas mar. Sarah (Sally) Anderson Nelson Co, KY
1794 Thomas and brother David on Nelson Co, KY Tax Lists
1795,96,97,79 brother David on Nelson Co, KY Tax Lists. Thomas not found
1799-1801 Muhlenberg Co, KY Tax
1800 Aug 30th - David's widow Anna listed on Nelson Co, Tax List with one person over 21; Taxation, Muhlenberg Co, KY Thomas COMBS, 60 acres on Salt Lick, Nelson Co, KY
1801 By January, brother David dead Nelson Co, KY; Thomas witness to will; two children mentioned but not named
1801-1809 sister-in-law, widow of David, Anna listed on Nelson Co, Tax lists
1801 Muhlenberg Co, KY Land Grant (adjoining Anderson's corner)
1802 Muhlenberg Co, KY Tax
1803 Land Grant; Survey team for road mentions Thomas Combs' land
1806 Court Order to keep road open; Thomas appointed surveyor of road
1807 Sarah Combs and John Morgan established as administrators of Thomas Combs estate; several entries regarding estate; Sarah on Tax list
1808 Several entries regarding estate; Sarah on Tax list
1809 Another court entry regarding Thomas' estate. Sarah Combs mar. James Walker 23 Apr 1809
1810 Children with Sarah and James Walker in 1810 census
1810-1812 Estate still not finalized
1813-1825 Muhlenberg Co, KY Tax Lists Jessie Combs
1816 James Walker dies; Precilla age 13, Jonathan age 10, David age 15,
1819 Sarah dies
Children of Thomas and Sarah
Children of Sarah and James Walker
Arabella UNK (1) Anderson (2) John Ash (3) John Sturgeon
Sarah Anderson
m. Thomas Combs Nelson Co, KY
John Anderson
Patience Anderson
m. Matthew Ward 16 Jul 1797 Nelson Co, KY
Alsey (Alice)
m. (David) Evans 25 May 1787 Nelson Co, KY
Other Petit and Anderson families need to be better outlined to verify/substantiate this information. And it would clarify subsequent generations of Combs in this part of KY
#4. Thomas Combs b. 8 Sept 08, 1799 in Muhlenberg Co, KY d. January 14, 1865 in Kahoka, Clark Cty, Missouri
son of #3 Thomas Combs and Sarah (Sally) Anderson Combs
mar. 1: Sally Whitmer June 18, 1824 in Greenville, Muhlenberg Co, KY b. Apr 14, 1803 VA d. Nov 11, 1834 Muhlenberg Co, KY
mar. 2: Evie Whitmer 1837 b. Nov 25, 1807 VA d. Dec 24, 1901 Kahoka, Clark Co, MO Parents of Sally and Evie: Jacob P. Whitmer and Catherine Short
1799 Taxation, Muhlenberg Co, KY
1800 Taxation, Muhlenberg Co, KY, 60 acres on Salt Lick, Nelson Co, KY
1801 Taxation, Muhlenberg Co, (Muhlenberg Co, KY Court Orders Book 1, pg 172 & KY Land Grants Book 27, pg 268) Thomas Combs granted 400 acres of land on the waters of Cypress Creek. This land was adjoining "ANDERSON'S corner."
1802 Taxation, Muhlenberg Co, KY 400 acres on Cypress Creek
1803 Kentucky Land Grants. Muhlenberg Co 5 Jun 1803 Survey Date. Thos. Combs, 400 acres. Cypress Creek. (Kentucky Land Grants…, Jolson)
1807 26 Jan 1807 (Muhlenberg Co, KY Court Orders Book 2A, pg 93) On the motion of Sarah Combs and John MORGAN, Esq. who made oath as the law directs certificate is granted them for obtaining letters of administration on the estate of Thomas Combs, deceased who thereupon together with John ANDERSON, Mathew WARD and David EVANS, their securities, condition as the law directs. (Combs Researcher Daryl Combs)
CHILDREN (with Sally)
CHILDREN (with Evie)
#5 Thomas COMBS (1800-1865) mar. Sally Anderson Jul 11, 1828
15 May 07 - cannot relocate the reference to this marriage. May be KY or TN
#6. Thomas Combs b. VA (approx 1774 if 21 in 1795)
father: Daniel Combs
mar. UNK
Thomas is the brother of John Combs b. abt 1782 VA and died bet. 1860-1865 Montgomery Co, KY (see report John & Lydia Combs of Montgomery Co, Kentucky)
1774 Born in Va to Daniel Combs.
1782 brother John born in VA
1787,88,90 Fayette Co, KY Tax List incl Benjamin Combs (son of John and Seth Bullitt Combs; husb of Sarah Richardson; brother of Cuthbert; both later in Clark Co)
1794 Clark Co, KY Tax List incl Daniel Combs (with 1m>21; 1m 16-21) and Benjamin Combs ?? Is the male 16-21 Thomas listed in the 1795 tax list ??
1795 Clark Co, KY Tax list incl Combs Benja.; Combs Daniel; Combs Thomas; See Also John & Lydia Combs for more re Daniel & Thomas Combs above who were probably the same who appear on the 1797 Montgomery Co, KY Tax Lists.
1797 Montomery Co, KY Tax List Daniel Combs
1800 Bourbon Co, KY Tax list incl. Thomas Combs Montgomery Co, KY Tax List incl. Daniel Combs and Andrew Combs
1809 27 Feb 1809 Montomery Co, KY Daniel Combs Desc. Thomas Combs (and Joshua DARNALL, William COLIVER) rel. rights in favor of John Combs ?? Could the other two heirs be son-in-laws ??
1810 Bourbon Co KY Census Thomas Combs pg 79: 31010-20010-00
1820 Flemming Co, KY Census 021201 20210 (Thomas Combs of this record had son Elias b. abt 1801 and s. Levi b. 9 Feb 1801) Montgomery Co, KY Census John Combs
1822 Flemming Co, KY Tax List Combs Elias; Combs Thomas; Combs Elijah (same as 1820 census)
1829 Hendricks Co, IN Levi on Tax list
1830 Montgomery Co, KY Census John Combs P. 041 2 m-10-15 1 m-40-50; 2 f-under 10 3 f-5-10 1 f-30-40
1830 Fleming Co, KY Census Thomas 2m 20-30, 1m 50-60, 2 f 15-20, 1 f 50-60; Elias 1m 10-15, 1 m 20-30, 3 f <5, 1 f 10-15, 1 f 18-20 (next door to one another)
1831 ** Not related but of note ** 06 Aug 1831 Job and Henrietta (Williams) Combs empower Jonathan Yocum to receive her inheritance from Nathan Williams who was of Stafford Co, VA. AND, Job is found marrying Louisa Wick in Hendricks Co, IN where Elias and Levi move to in 1834.
1831 Fleming Co, KY Tax List Elias and Thomas listed
1833 Fleming Co, KY Tax List Elias listed -Thomas not listed
1834 Hendricks Co, IN Elias and Levi land pattents.
CHILDREN (9 children per 1820 census)
Thomas' relation to David and John, listed here as his father and brother respectively, has not yet been proven. Further research will be required to determine if the assumption about their relationship is correct.
Thomas' connection to the other VA families needs to be identified. This will help identify associated families. There are numerous people relating to Thomas that need to be identified including his mother and his other children. The limited number of childrens' names makes identifying possible related families difficult.
Per currently known records, Thomas is last recorded in 1830 in the Fleming C., KY census. His brother John is nearby in Montgomery Co, KY.
#7 Thomas Combs b. 6 Feb 1796, Culpepper Co, VA d. Adamsville, McNairy Co, TN mar. Catherine b. abt 1806 ?? He would have been only 10 years old.
Son of Gilbert and Christiana Denton Combs. Brother to Aquilla Combs. Last known of TN
1781 Gilbert and Christiana marry (oldest son is Robert b. 1783)
1788 09 Feb 1788 Samuel Denton (uncle?) in Washington Co, TN
1804 Bill of Sale from Job Combs to Jacob Denton (cousin/uncle?)
This could not be the Thomas Combs that witnessed the bill of sale for Job Combs to Jacob Denton as he would not have been of age in 1804. His presence in TN needs to be better outlined. Simlarly his proximity to the other Combs' family(ies) needs to be clarified so as to determine which connections are valid and which are not.
#8. Thomas Combs (b. 5 Nov 1759 - 1820) Jr. b. 2 Apr 1732 Freehold, Monmouth Co, NJ; mar. Martha Combs (dau of Robert and sister of Job Combs Sr.) abt 1758 b. d. 1807 father of Gilbert Combs (mar. Christina Denton)
1821 Aquilla Combs, probably the son of RW Gilbert Combs, obtains a grant for 75 acres on the waters of Indian Creek, South of French Broad and Holston Rivers.
1824 William Combs, assignee of James NORTH, obtains a 50 acre grant that borders the land of Joseph COON, Samuel LOWERY, and Thomas and Aquilla Combs.
#9. Thomas A. Combs of Nelson Co, KY b. abt 1772 died age 48, 16 Jul 1830 son of William Coombs, Sr. mar. (1) Polly Boman 23 apr 1805 d. bef 1838
1800 24 Feb 24 1800 Leonard COOMES-Anastasia COOMES Bond-Enoch COOMES Will COOMES, father of bride Married by Catholic Priest
1801 28 Jan 1801 Witness (with Leonard Combs) to parental consent of William Combs to marriage of his daughter Sarah Combs to Leonard P. Combs by Catholic Priest
1802 Nelson Co, KY Tax List 21 Aug William COOMBS 2150 acres Stewarts Ck entered in Wm COOMBS 2 males above 21+1 male 16-21
1803 Nelson Co, KY Tax List 7 Aug William COOMBS 2050 acres Stewarts Ck entered in COOMBS, 3 males above 21
1804 Nelson Co, KY Tax List 2 June William COOMES 2100 acres Stewarts Ck entered in W. COOMES 3 males above 21
1805 Tax List Nelson Co, KY 8 June Thomas COMBS 1 male above 21; 18 June William COMBS, Sr 2000 acres Stewarts Ck enteredin Wm Combs, 1 male above 21; (Could Thomas one of the three males over 21 in William's household in 1804?)
1805 23 Apr 1805 (Nelson Co, KY Marriage Bonds) Thomas COOMBS-Polly BOWMAN by Catholic Priest; bond was dated 25 Mar 1805
1808 Catholic diocese created
1809 8 May Thomas COOMES 1 male above 21; 8 May William COOMES, Jr 1 male above 21; 3 June William COOMES 1934 acres Stewarts Ck 1male above 21
1810 Nelson Co, KY Census Thomas COMBS- 1 m-under 10 1 m-26-45; 1 f-under 10 1 f-16-26 William COMBS-1 m-over 45; 1 f-26-45; William COMBS-4 m-under 10 1 m-26-45; 3 f-under 10 1 f-10-161f-16-26 1 f-26-45
1810 Nelson Co, KY Tax List William COOMBS, Jr 1 male above 21; William COOMBS, Sr. 1933 acres Stewarts Ck 1 male above 21; Thomas COOMBS 1 male above 21
1811 Will'm COOMBS, Jr 1 male above 21; Will'm COOMBS 1933 acres Stewarts Ck 1 male above 21; Thomas COOMBS 1 male above 21
1812 Tax List, Nelson Co, KY Thomas COOMBS ? male above 21; William COOMES 1933 acres Stewarts Ck entered in Wm COOMES 1 male above 21; Will'm COOMES, Jr 1 male above 21
1813 A. Thomas COOMBS (J. Malins Co & Regmt. 27) 1 male above 21;
1813 Deed Gifts from William and wife Francis to their children
1815 Nelson Co, KY Tax List Tho A. COOMES 100 acres Cany Fork entered in Wm COOMES1 male above 21 same 200 acres Stewarts Ck entered in Wm COOMES; Wm COOMES 220 acres Cox's Ck entered in Wm COOMES1 male above 21 same 92 acres Stewarts Ck entered in Wm COOMES Enock COOMES 92 acres Stewarts Ck entered in Wm COOMES1 male above 21 same 240 acres Stewarts Ck entered in Wm
1816 Enock COOMS (Hubbard Co) 92 acres Stewarts Ck entered in Wm COOMS 1 male above 21 same 190 acres Coxes Ck entered in Wm COOMS; Wm COOMBS, Sr. (?) (Hubbard Co) 300 acres Coxes Ck entered in Wm COOMBS 1 male above 21 John COOMBS (Hubbard Co) 100 acres Stewarts Ck entered in Wm COOMS 1 male above 21
1817 Tax List Thomas COOMES (Wilson's Co) 200 acres Cox's Ck 1 male above 21 same 100 acres Stewarts Ckl
1824 Nelson Co, KY Tax list
1825 Nelson Co, KY Tax List
1830 Nelson Co, KY Census: Thomas A. COOMES-1 m-under 5 1 m-5-10 1 m-15-20 1 m-50-60; 2 f-10-15 1 f-20-30 1 f-40-50 and Thomas COOMES-1 m-20-30 2 m-30-40; 1 f-under 5 1 f-20-30
1838 Thomas mar. Mary Clements 11 Sep 1838
1840 Nelson Co, KY Census: Thomas COOMES (p. 042) MALES: 2 m-under 5 1 m-5-10 1 m-40-50 FEMALES: 2 f-5-10 1 f-30-40
1850 Nelson Co, KY Census T.A. COOMES 36(m) Ky; M.M. 36(f) Ky; G.M. 10(m) Ky; M.A. 8(f) Ky; M.M. 6(f) Ky; J.J. 3(f) Ky
Note about Catholic Combs: 1808 "The Catholic diocese was created in 1808, the first west of the Alleghany. Clergy at that time, Benedict J. FLAGET, John Baptist DAVID. Subscribers to St. Joseph's Cathedral (Bardstown?): Charles COOMES $50; Walter A. COOMES, $100; Enoch J. COOMES $100; Ignatius S. COOMES $30; John COOMES $100 (trade). (Extracted by Combs Researcher Hannah Friedlander from The Nelson County Pioneer, Vol. I, no. 2, (date 1970's?))
#10. Thomas Combs b. 2 Dec 1794 Hampshire Co, VA d. 25 May 1877 Vermillion Co, IN
mar. 1: Prudence Blakesley 25 May 1820 Adams Co, OH
mar. 2: Sabra/Sarah Ann Lewis Ford 6 Oct 1847 Vermillion Co, IN
mar. 3: Julia A. Ford
For more detail, see the additional, separate report Descendants of Thomas Coomes/Combs (s/o Francis COOMES/Combs)” by Gary Reynolds
1794 Born in Hampshire Co, VA
1810 Francis Combs in 1810 Poll Tax List Adams Co, OH
1820 Meigs Twp., Adams Co, OH Federal Census with one male between 16 and 26 marries Prudence Blakely on 25 May
1830 Vermillion Co, IN Federal Census with 2m <5, 1m 5-10, 1m 20-30 1f 5-10 and 1f 20-30
1831 31 Dec - Land Patent in Vermillion Co, IN
1837 7 Nov - Land Patent in Vermillion Co, IN
1840 Vermillion Co, IN Federal Census 1m <5, 1m 5-10, 3m 10-15, 1m40-50 1f 5-10, 1f 15-20, 1f 30-40
1847 6 Oct marries Sabra Ann Ford
1850 Vermillion Co, IN Census age 50 with Sabra (44), Ada(14), Pary (13), William (12), Julia A. and Martha (1), Mary 4/12
1860 Vermillion Co, IN Federal Census age 65 with Sarah (44), Mary (10) Amilda (7), and Julia and Martha Ford (20)
Children (with Prudence)
(with Sabra/Sarah Ford)
(with Julia Ford)
Currently Thomas' parentage is unconfirmed but thought to have been the Francis Combs found in Adams Co, OH in the 1810 Tax list. In Hampshire Co, VA in the 1790's there are a number of Combs that appear to mainly be part of the Thomas and Susannah PETTIT Combs family. Thomas and Susannah had a son named Francis. The first Francis found in Hampshire Co, VA is Francis Combs listed in the 1782 Hampshire Co VA Tax Lists with a household of 6 and 1 slave. This likely is Francis Ignatius Combs who then appears in Hardy Co, VA records in 1787 and is the son of Thomas & Elizabeth WHARTON Combs of Charles Co MD. He is still recorded in Hampshire Co, VA based on a land grant to him in 1789. The first record of Thomas and Susannah's son Francis is in Thomas' will in 1791. He is then mentioned in a Land grant to Joseph Obannon “three miles from where Francis Coomes now lives” in 1792. In that same year he was allocated 1/4 acre lot by the Trustees of Springfield. No further record of Francis has been located. If this Francis, son of Thomas and Susannah Pettit Combs, is the father of this Thomas Combs, he would have relocated to Ohio in the late 1790's early 1800's
#11. Thomas & Susannah PETTIT Combs of Hunterdon Co, NJ and Hampshire Co, VA b. Hunterdon Co, NJ d. Hampshire Co, VA mar. 1: Susannah bef 1787 (est year Jonas born) d. 1781-1789 mar. 2: Martha UNK
1783 Hampshire Co, VA Census - household of 8
1784 Hampshire Co, VA Census - household of 8
1785 Land lease by Francis Taggart to Thomas Combs
1787 Hampshire Co, VA Census - self, one male 16 to 21, 2 horses, 4 cattle son Jonas Combs listed separately with himself, 2 horses and 2 cattle
1789 Land Grant to David Combs in Hampshire Co, VA (possible son?)
1789 Hampshire Co, VA Tax List - David Combs
1790 Hampshire Co, VA Census - Thomas (10024) and Jonas (??)
1791 Thomas dies
1792-1806 Jonas on Hampshire Co, VA Tax Lists
1792 Francis allocated 1/4 acre lot by the Trustees of Springfield
1793 Lease by Edward Amory to Daniel
1794 Witness least by John Spencer Sr to John spencer Jr.
1795 Deed from David Combs of Nelson Co, KY to Daniel Fetter of Allegany
CHILDREN (with Susannah)
See also secion on #3 Thomas (mar Sarah/Sally Anderson to Nelson Co, KY)
#12 Thomas Combs b. Abt. 1804 TN d. 1878 Sullivan Co, TN
mar. Mary Morrell b: Abt. 1804 d. after 1878
1830 Sullivan Co, TN Census with household of 10001-100010000001. Two other possible son's of Jonathan Combs (b. 1797) are also in that county: 1) Edwards COMES 00001-00001 (b 1800-1810) and 2)John COMBS 10001-21001 Of Note, Thomas ODell (mar Abigail Combs, d/o Job Combs Sr.) is also listed 1838 November - Thomas listed in contract to establish a school and hire a teacher in Sullivan Co, TN
1840 Sullivan Co, TN Census on pg 104 there is a Thomas a household of 2m 0-5; 1m 20-30; 1f 20-30 On pg 105, Edmunds, Jonathan and another Thomas are listed (numbers currently not available)
1850 Census HH#959 COOMBS, Thomas. (Thos.) 46 TN, Blacksmith 700 16 Oct 1850; Mary 46 TN; Jonathan 21 farmer TN; Wm. 19 farmer TN; Catharine 23 TN; Jno. 17 farmer TN; Elizabeth 15 TN; Caleb 13 TN; Jessee 11 TN; Thos. 9 TN; Arena 5 TN. Jonathan Combs age 75 b. in PA is listed in the household of Jonathan age 35. Edmond age 45 is also enumerated.
1860 Sullivan Co, TN Census 925/925 Thomas COMBS 56 TN blacksmith 2000 300; Mary 55 TN housekeeper; Caleb 21 TN farm laborer; Jesse 18 TN farm laborer; Martha 19 TN housekeeper; Thomas 16 TN farm laborer; Irena 14 TN (Martha is thought to possibly be Caleb's wife) John age 58 and Edmond age 53 are also enumerated in Sullivan Co, TN
1870 Sullivan Co, TN Census COMBES, Thomas 67 farmer TN; Mary 65 keephse TN; Caleb 29 farmer TN; Martha 25 keephse TN. Nearby is son William and son Thomas. 1878 23 Oct 1878-04 Nov 1878 Will written/proven
His will is on file in Sullivan Co, TN.
Although his parents are not known for certain, the Combs website information from researchers indicates that he may be the son of Jonathan Combs, wife unk, b about 1775 PA (from 1850 census info) and died after 1850. In the 1850 Census, Catherine is listed out of age order. She may actually be Katy Foster who was named in Thomas' wil in 1878. Had son-in-law Andy R. Harkleroad as one of his will's executors.
Relevant Notes from the Email Archive
1856 August 28th DEED [Barren Co, KY Deed Book Y Page 55 - 8/28/1856, transcribed by Myra Britt and annotation by Birdie (Totty) McNutt] Samples, Whilkel & Perigo to COMBS
We Robert R. SAMPLES, David WHILKEL & wife Margarett WHILKEL, Catharine PERIGO wife of John PERIGO all heirs of Matthew SAMPLES decd. formerly of Barren County Kentucky. have this day bargained & sold and do hereby transfer and convey to James COMBS and his heirs forever. for the consideration of thirty dollars & us paid all our right title claim & interest in and to a certain tract or parcel of land situated lying & being in the County of Barren. and State of Kentucky and formerly belonging to Matthew SAMPLES decd. containing by estimation ninety acres be the same more or less. and bounded as follows towit Beginning on a three dogwoods Benjamin BRITTs corner. running thence S45deg W70 poles to a stake. thence 150 poles to a stake thence to Benjamin BRITTs south west corner thence with BRITTs line to the Beginning. to have and to hold the same to the said James COMBS that we have a good right to convey our interests in the said Lands to the said Land to the said James COMBS. and do warrant & forever defend the title to the said James COMBS. his heirs or assigns against all claims to be made by us or any person claiming through or under us. but no further. This 28th Aug 1856 Test
Robert SAMPLES {Seal}
David (X his mark) WHILKEL {Seal}
Moses M. (X his mark) GUM
Margaret (X her mark) WHILKEL {Seal}
Catharine (X her mark) PERIGO {Seal}
State of Tennessee
County of Macon
I Jefferson B. Shoat (?) clerk of the County Court for the County and State aforesaid do certify that this instrument of writing from Robert R. SAMPLES David WILKEL & Margaret WHILKEL his wife and Catharine PERIGO wife of John was this day produced to me by the parties and acknowledged before me by the said Samples & Whilkel to be their act and deed and the contents and effect of the instrument being explained to the said Margaret Whilkel & Catharine Perigo by me separately and apart from their husbands they each thereupon declared that they did freely & voluntarily execute & deliver the same to be their act & deed & consented that the same might be recorded.
Given under my hand and seal of office this 6th day of September 1856
J.B. Shoat (?) clk.
Submitted by Birdie (Totty) McNutt as transcribed by Myra Britt, both COMBS researchers
Notes: BTM] This was a exciting document to see. I had read somewhere that Zur COMBS first name was Thomas, but had never seen a document with his name listed as Thomas Zur COMBS … BUT now notice he signed this document as “T” Zur COMBS. His father was Thomas COMBS the elder of Allen Co, KY. Could he have been named for his father Thomas COMBS, or IS he likely Thomas Zur COMBS Jr.??? NEXT notice the name Moses M. GUM, could this likely be (Moses?) Mitchell GUM??? husband of Elizabeth COMBS daughter of Thomas COMBS of Allen Co, KY. Zur COMBSs and Elizabeth (Combs) GUM were siblings of James COMBS all children of Thomas COMBS the elder, and so named in his will/deed. The BRITT family is likely ancestors of Myra BRITT's husband since his family was from same area. Matthew SAMPLES dec'd may be the same who married Jane Richey who married January 20, 1791 in Green Co, TN.
Could this be my Thomas possibly Zur COMBS who married Anna ANDERSON COMBS in Sumner Co, TN across the state line. Did they divorce and he then married Sarah PECK?? Anna ANDERSON COMBS never remarried, her cemetery records show her as Anna COMBS buried near her father Peter ANDERSON in Posey Co, IN. Questions, Questions always more questions<VBG> Anybody have any ideas regarding T. Zur COMBS full name?
Birdie (Totty) McNutt
>Hi Carole & Cousins,
>I got a letter from my Prof. Genealogy reseacher from Allen Co, KY. She
>has found some information for me showing that Thomas COMBS and Mark
>ANDERSON went to Muhlenberg Co, KY after they left Allen Co, KY.[see COMBS
>Counties Allen Co, KY] She obtained the information when she went there
>to check on her GISH Family. Also found was information that “Uncle Job
>COMBS made the casket for her gggf Peter ZELL ca 1881/1882 in Cooke Co.,
>Oregon.” With some connections in Crawfordville Twp, Montgomery Co., IN ca
>1840 - with her Zell and the Job COMBS and ANDERSON families etc. of Allen
>& Muhlenberg Co.'s. She is going to mail me the information ASAP because
>she is very interested in anything on Job COMBS, since he has a documented
>connection to her family.
>If this is indeed documented then it makes it more likely than ever that
>this Thomas COMBS could be the father of my Peter Anderson COMBS.
>I wonder [my theory] if Thomas COMBS could have married 1st to Sallie
>WHITMER and after she died in 1824, he “likely” could have married 2nd to
>Anna ANDERSON 1829, who was back home with her father Peter ANDERSON by
>1840 census, ?likely divorced?, then we find Thomas COMBS next married to
>Evie WHITMER in 1837.
>What makes this so interesting is that Thomas COMBS and his wf Evie, had
>son's named Peter and Albert G.[could this be Grant?] COMBS. My gggf
>Peter Anderson COMBS, son of Thomas and Anna ANDERSON COMBS, named one of
>his son's Albert Grant COMBS who was my ggf. Coinsidence? likely not,
>especially since Mark ANDERSON has connections to Thomas COMBS, then to
>make this theory more interesting, Mark ANDERSON was married to Lovie
>GILES LANCASTER mother of Luanna LANCASTER wife of Peter Anderson COMBS my
>I will be sure and pass on the new information when I get it in the mail,
>which will either help or prove wrong my theory. Comments would be
>Birdie (Totty) McNutt