Septimo die Aprils 1609

			This day here assembled the Right Hon Sir Thomas Pulleson
			Knight   the Right Hon Sir Thomas Hayes Knight  the now 
			Henry Wollaston Esq & Mr Clemt Burke Richard Osborne, Tristram
			Dyamen and Robt Burk Esq & master Wardens. And of ye disstente
			Mr Henry Butler  Mr John Hall  Mr Robte Thomas  Mr
			Edmund Moore  Mr John Langley  Mr Edward Leaninge Mr
			William Mayyes   Mr Thomas Wight  Mr Laurence Campe &
			Mr Thomas Wheler
				Before whome those thinges done and penned downe
				  The last Court were now made over Ratified & allowed.

[This is similar to a roll call with the assembled eight named Drapers and a reference to Wardens who maintained the accounts of the Company. John Coombe (Combe) is specifically named as one of the adventurers of the Company supporting the Jamestowne venture.; The other ten named Drapers are noted as being distant or away at the time. The subject of discussion follows:]

CLth Adventurer 	Item in answere the precepte from the Right Honorable the Lord
To Virginia		Maier unto this Company dixersed fourging an adventure to be
			made by this house for the plantation in Virginia   It is this
			daye Condisionded and agreed upon that Clth of the house stock
			shallbe adventured and so muche more as maye make up CLth wth
			suche small somes as shalbe adventured by suche pticulor Brethren
			of this Societie as have promised to adventure wth the Company
			wth CLth and the pticulor somes hereafter mentioned wth wardens are
			Intreated to rollese and paye in unto Sir Thomas Smythe
			Knight Tresur for the Company of Virginia, and to take a
			Bill of Adventure for the said CL under the Seale of the 
			Company as in like cases are used and accustomed -
								plus inde folio segmente

[The above discussion indicates the specific support by the Draper’s for the Jamestowne venture. This was requested by Elizabeth I in a letter I have seen in the Draper Company archives that requests the support for the venture specifically. "Dixersed" in the document is either discoursed or discussed. This points out there was money in the accounts of the Company and that of (interpreted) "such particular brethren of this Society as have promised to adventure with the Company". Among these brethren is John Coombe, as mentioned in one image, at the top of the list of those venturing in the name of the Company. In the Draper records is Christopher Lovett, in which he is noted as receiving 1000 pounds from Elizabeth Combe on behalf of Archdale Combe, her son, to be apprenticed by her brother. This Archdale Combe is within the age range of the Archdale Combe who shows up in Virginia in the 1670’s. His grandfather is assumed to be the John Coombe who ventures to support the Jamestowne Adventure in the documents presented here. This John Coombe is also the father-in-law of Elizabeth Lovett Coombe. These findings are based on probate records and orphan’s recognizance records in our research project transcribed by myself, archivists or professionals I hired due to the complexity of the handwriting or Latin expertise needed.]

Denise Mortorff.