VIRGINIA		Adventurers wch adventured wth the house and not
			in their owne names but included in the same as 
			on the side of this leafe

		Mr John Coombe ____________________________________
		Mr Allen Cotton ___________________________________
		Mr William Banister _______________________________
		Mr John Rany ______________________________________
		Mr John Meredethe _________________________________
		Mr John Shawe _____________________________________
		Mr John Rose ______________________________________
		Mr Richard Husbande _______________________________
		Mr Willm Essington ________________________________
		James Mallett _____________________________________

[This is the second page of the document specifying those Draper’s, by name, who added their support by paying monies toward the venture. You will note "Mr. John Coombe" who is at the top of this list and the amount of the donation he provided. He is the only John Coombe (Combe) in the Draper records in this time frame and cannot be confused with any others in Company Records. Also, the name Combe is characteristically pronounced as Coombe in England so the spelling should not be an issue in his identity. His record, and the offices he filled as a Draper, with other information about him and related Draper’s can be reviewed at our website in the report COMBE, COMBER, ARCHDALE, LOVETT &c. of the WORSHIPFUL DRAPERS COMPANY of LONDON

[It is paramount researchers realize that these names DO NOT appear in the Jamestowne records because the official Virginia Company Records by Kingsbury only state the Draper’s Company as supporting the adventure (no specific names stated). You will note that in the documents presented here it states (interpreted) “adventurers which adventured with the house and not in their own names…” The Draper records clarify those that DID support this effort with the Company’s contribution however, and makes it clear that the John Coombe (Combe) who died in 1610 was alive and supported the effort in 1609. I am excited to share this information if you descend from the colonial Archdale Combe of Virginia and choose to accept this John Coombe, Draper as your ancestor or if you are simply interested in this information because you delight in studying history. To my knowledge no one has attempted to enter the Jamestowne Society utilizing this information. Also, the names of these Draper’s in this document are not in their records as far as I know. Any errors in this interpretation are my responsibility and I will update this as needed. Please direct comments to me thru our discussion group.]

Denise Mortorff.