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Combs &c. Families of Chatham, Kent, England |
1591. Dean and Chapter of Rochester estate records: Lease book 1575-1627. "The Booke (cf. book) off Regester (cf. register) made by Martin Cotes off All the Writinges Leases and other Munymentes (cf. muniments) which have and shall passe under Seale (cf. seal) of the Dean and Chapter of Rochester from and after the date of the Patente patent thereof...."No other Combs records have been collected as yet. None have been located in the IGI, but it is not yet known whether this might be because they are not extent. Two Combs neighbors in Old Rappa County, Virginia had Chatham Connections: (1) Henry FLEET, s/o William FLEET of Chatham, Kent, and Deborah SCOTT of Egerton, Hundred of Calehill, Lathe of Scray, Kent; and (2) Stephen BURROUGHS whose daughter, Judith, m (1) Thomas SCOTT and (2) John VASSALL, had m Joan OVERYE of Stepney (Middlesex) and Chatham, Kent, his 1581 will including references to "my house in Gravesend called the sign of the Maidenhead" and "my house in Chatham call Goodsight." (See Also London EN & Lancaster County, Virginia and Burroughs-Scott-Vassall-Ware Families & Fleet-Scott Families)
Patents, Episcopal:
Bailiffs: Thomas TOOKER 1575, 4a; Philemon FLETE [FLEETE] 1579, 23; Rochester, Bishops Palace: John NEWMAN and John GODDEN, junior 1610, 229a-230; Thomas PEIRCEY 1613, 290a-291
Caretaker: Rochester, Bishop's palace, gaol and prisoners: John SIMPSON 1604, 147a; Bromley Manor: Allen BADCOCK 1604, 149a
Receiver: Thomas COOPER 1589, 74
Registrar: John YONGE (cf. YOUNG) 1590, 76; James TAYLOR 1610, 219
Steward, High: Sir Charles HATTON, Lord Chancellor 1590, 76; Thomas SACKVILLE, Lord Buckhurst 1591, 90
Understeward: Thomas RANDOLPHE (cf. RANDOLPH, RANDOLF) 1575, 2; James DALTON and Nicholas MORGAN 1579, 33; Edward COMBES (cf. COOMBES) and Nicholas MORGAN 1591, 90
(Excerpted from DRc_Dean_and_Chapter_of_Rochester_Cathedral_1541_1994/DRc_Elb_001, Quantity: 1 volume, ff.1-353 with later index; Kent Medway Archives)
5 March 1591. Records of the Hospital of Sir John Hawkins Knight in Chatham. Property and Estate Management: Defeazance collateral to a Statute Staple. (i) Edward Fenton of London, Esq. * Robert Peterson of London, gentleman * (ii) Ewgeny GATTON of Mucking, Essex, gentleman (iii) Sir John HAWKINS of London, Knight and his wife Dame Katheryn. (a) Recites GATTON bound to FENTON and PETERSON in £1,200 in trust for both HAWKINS, by Statute Staple of same date. (b) Recites sale of Manor and Messuages, etc. from GATTON to HAWKINS by Feoffment dated 28/29 February (1591). Condition that if HAWKINS take possession of property in (b) then defeazance void and Fenton and Peterson agree to make document over to Hawkins on request. Signed by Ewgeny Gatton. Seal on tape (seal impression in form of classical gem.) Witnessed by Robert (?) COMBES, B.GONSON, Humphrey CHIBORN and John BROUNING. (Collateral deed apparently missing but see CH108/350) (* See D.N.B.) (Kent Medway Archives Ref: CH108_Hospital_of_Sir_John_Hawkins_Kt_in_Chatham_1500_1984/CH108_349)
18 February 1599 and 18 April 1599. Records of the Hospital of Sir John Hawkins Knight in Chatham. Schedule of title deeds to Hospital property in East Wickham, Old Garlands Farm, Stanford-le-Hope, Essex and Chatham, as received by Edward COMBES. Includes "seal of Syllver (i.e. silver] for the howse (i.e. house]" Includes "the mowld (i.e. mould] for the skuchyne (i.e. scutcheon] and the skuchine in tine (i.e. tin]". (ibid., CH108_Hospital_of_Sir_John_Hawkins_Kt_in_Chatham_1500_1984/CH108_265)
9 February 1607. Records of the Hospital of Sir John Hawkins Knight in Chatham. Schedule of title deeds passed by Mary COMBS, widow of Edwards COMBES, deputy governor (?) deceased to Christopher CHAPMAN, governor, appended by Mary COMBES' explanation of apparent financial irregularity by husband and asking for the governors' forbearance in pursuing the matter on account her straightened circumstances and having five small children. (ibid., CH108_Hospital_of_Sir_John_Hawkins_Kt_in_Chatham_1500_1984/CH108_266)
1634 probate of will of Thomas COOMES, sailmaker of Chatham (See Combs & Kent County Index to Wills)