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Marion County was establised in 1823 from Fayette and Jefferson.
Note: This is a very incomplete report. Many additional records to be found in the report on the descendants of John & Sarah MABRY Combs. See also Index to Combs Illinois Marriages
No Combs?
10-28-1849 (Marion Co IL Marriages A:20) Combs, John married WALRNER, Sarah (see MULBEANER) (Index to Combs Illinois Marriages by Combs Researcher Joyce Winter Kahre)
10-28-1849 (Marion Co IL Marriages A:20) Combs, John married MULBEANER, Sarah (see WALRNER) (Index to Combs Illinois Marriages by Combs Researcher Joyce Winter Kahre)
JWK Note: PURELY SPECULATION: John Combs, s/o Lewis and Jane SMITH Combs (See below), m (1) 25 Dec 1825, Scott Co, IN, Delilah APPLEGATE; m (2) by 1846, a Sarah, who may have died and the above may have been a third marriage.
No Combs
08-18-1852 (Marion Co IL Marriages B:38) Combs, Lewis married CRUTCHFIELD, Martha (Index to Combs Illinois Marriages by Combs Researcher Joyce Winter Kahre)
JWK Notes: Lewis, s/o John & Delilah APPLEGATE Combs, born on 20 Nov 1828 in Dubois Co, IN. He died in 1912, Marion Co, IL; buried in Phillips Cem., Marion Co., IL. According to the "History of Marion Co., IL," 1880, Lewis "purchased 40 acres of land in Omega Twp., Marion Co., IL in 1864. He sold this the following year and located where he now resides in Section 35, Meacham Twp. then known as Miletus Twp. He served as postmaster for a period of 14 years. He purchased 80 acres of land and first started to make a home. He kept adding to his by thrift and ecomony until he now has a farm of 216 acres in Meacham and Omega Twps. where he carries on a general farming and is a stock dealer. He is a Democrat and belongs to the Christian Church." 1860 Clay Co., IL 1860 Census by Mary Scherer Marriage Records Clay Co., IL he is a resident of Marion Co., IL and a farmer in Dubois Co., IN. His third marriage and Caroline MELTON nee LOCKHART, her 2nd marriage. Married by John SONGER, JP. In 1880 Marion Co., IL census. 1870 Census of Marion Co., IL T4N R4E Oskaloosa PO 26 Jul 1870. This is actually in Clay Co., IL. Information of deaths and burials are from sources in Marion Co., IL (Gene. Soc. in Louisville) Meacham Twp, Page 64. and Phillips Cemetery, Sectiun 3, Omega Twp. Marion Co., IL. Also information from 1870 154/157 and 1880 9/9 Meacham Twp. Census records of Marion Co., IL.
10-18-1854 (Marion Co IL Marriages B:56) Combs, James W. married SHANAFELT, Elizabeth (Index to Combs Illinois Marriages by Combs Researcher Joyce Winter Kahre)
JWK Notes: Could this be James "Wesley" Combs, s/o John & Delilah APPLEGATE Combs? James "Wesley" Combs was born about 1831 in IN. The right age and time when Combs went to Marion Co. See also 1860 Clay Co IL Census and 19 Jan 1861 below.
19 Jan 1861 Marion Co IL Book P. page 64. James Combs with wife Elizabeth bought from P. DIETS 19 Jan 1861 $150, sold to Henry REINICKE 30 Jan 1861 Part SE NW S31 T4 R5.
15 Oct 1858-9 Jan 1860 (Marion Co., IL Deeds Book B page 176 - found in book of mortgages) Chatel Mortgage. This indenture made and entered into this ninth day of January AD 1860 --- that John Combs of the County of Marion, State of IL has and does hereby for the consideration of $160 in hand paid by Lewis Combs of Clay County of State of Ill, grant bargain sell and convey unto him, said party of the second part the following personal property and affects - one sorrel mare and colt, one two horse wagon, two red cows and gave his promissory note baring the date of the 15th of October 1858 to party of the second part, baring interest at the rate of 10% per annum, which note said party of the first part agrees pay on or before the ninth day of January 1862. (Combs Researcher Joyce W. Kahre)
JWK: The above are John Combs and his father, Lewis, h/o (1) Delilah APPLEGATE. The full page mortgage in my file in essence is that Lewis loaned John $160 with the above property as collateral, gave Lewis a promissary note and agreed to interest to be paid and full payment by Jan 1862. Interest from the date of 15 October 1858 and John is to keep the property in his possession, but not sell, or otherwise destroy the value of the property.) See also next re Clay Co, IL for many "overlapping" records.
8 Feb 1859 Clay Co, IL. Book M, p. 466. John Combs of Marion Co. and his wife Sarah sold to P. DIETS of Marion Co., IL 8 Feb 1859 $221. Block D Lt 6 S WHITES 2nd addition in Flora IL. (Combs Researcher Joyce Winter Kahre)
(Transcribed by Combs Researcher Leslie Burr except where otherwise noted)
pg. 42
T3N R43E Alma
Sep 1860
687/694 Lewis Combs 40 b IN
Deletha 25 b IN
Johnson 12 IN
Matthew 4 IN
James 6 IN
(Transcribed by Combs Researcher Joyce W. Kahre)
JWK Notes: Lewis Combs, Jr. (s/o Lewis & Jane SMITH Combs, Sr. and gs/o John & Sarah MABRY Combs, Sr.), m (1) 10 Jan 1841 Dubois Co., In, Mary HADDOCK; and they are found on the 1850 Perry Co, IN census; m (2) the above Delitha/Talitha/Tolitha Anne UNKNOWN. By 1862, he was in Probate with wife Talitha Anne from Knox Co., IN. They have not been located in 1870 yet, but in 1880 he was with wife Felitha [sic] in Lawrence Co., AR See 1860s Dubois Co, IN guardianship of his and Mary HADDOCK'S children.
pg. 76
Combs, Barney 27 Ill
Mary 23 Ill
pg. 79
Combs, William 53 b Ky
Rosetta 50 b Ky
Marcus 25 Ky
Maria 19 Ky
Ely 17 Ky
Sarah 12 Ky
John W. 10 Ky
Victoria 8 Illinois
Notes: Is this William Combs who m 13 Jul 1827, Christian Co KY, Rosetta HAMMOND? (Possibly s/o Benjamin B. and Elizabeth PAYNE Combs, and gs/o Cuthbert & Sarah EVANS Combs, Sr. of Clark Co KY). See Christian Co KY also e naming patterns: Eli Combs (s/o Benjamin B.) m Maria HAMMOND, named son, William and daughter, Rosetta. Relationship? And Clark re name Marcus (a.k.a. Marquis)
27 Oct 1860 - 11 Sep 1863 Marion Co, IL land records in the Marion Co. IL Courthouse (11-2-1994) Lewis Combs [h/o Martha CRITCHFIELD, s/o Lewis & Jane SMITH Combs] bought from Wm. H. PETERS on 27 October 1860, filed 22 July 1861 Book 2, page 32 NE 1/4 SE 1/4 S25 T3 R4E 40 acres for $400. Sold this same land to Robert DAVIS on 11 Sep 1863 Book S page 244 filed 14 Jun 1864 for $400. He signed with a mark and so did his wife Martha. This property is actually in Marion Co., but this sale was recorded in Clay Co. IL. (Combs Researcher Joyce Winter Kahre)
08-30-1862 (Marion Co IL Marriages D:433) Combs, Markus S.L. married ALLMON, Jeorgi Ann (Layfayette) (Index to Combs Illinois Marriages by Combs Researcher Joyce Winter Kahre)
Notes: Marcus, s/o William & Rosetta HAMMOND Combs?
09-09-1864 (Marion Co IL Marriages D:23) Combs, Malvina married RAGSDALE, Permenas H. (Index to Combs Illinois Marriages by Combs Researcher Joyce Winter Kahre)
12-27-1865 (Marion Co IL Marriages D:32) Combs, Melinda E. married LUTTRELL, David R. (Index to Combs 07-15-1866 (Marion Co IL Marriages D:37) Combs, Eli married MCCORD, Harriett (Index to Combs Illinois Marriages by Combs Researcher Joyce Winter Kahre)
JWK Notes: Malinda A. [sic] Combs was the d/o John Combs (s/o Lewis & Delilah APPLEGATE Combs) by his wife, Sarah.
08-09-1867 (Marion Co IL Marriages D:46) Combs, Maria married ADDESON, William (Index to Combs Illinois Marriages by Combs Researcher Joyce Winter Kahre)
Notes: Maria, d/o William and Rosetta HAMMOND Combs?
04-25-1869 (Marion Co IL Marriages D:59) Combs, Lewis married SIMMONS, Izabella E. Mrs. (Index to Combs Illinois Marriages by Combs Researcher Joyce Winter Kahre)
JWK Notes: Lewis Combs was the s/o John & Delilah APPLEGATE Combs; m (1) Martha CRUTCHFIELD; (2) Isabella SIMOND (maiden name and name of former husband unknown?); (3) in 1881 in Clay Co, IL Caroline LOCKHART, widow of Christopher MELTON
10-21-1869 (Marion Co IL Marriages D:62) Combs, John W. married BLAIR, Sarah E. (Index to Combs Illinois Marriages by Combs Researcher Joyce Winter Kahre)
Notes: John W. s/o William and Rosetta HAMMOND Combs?
31 Jan 1870 Marion Co, IL Railroad Land Sales. Lewis Combs (Index to Illinois State Land Sales - Combs)
(Combs Researcher Leslie Burr)
pg. 15
Combs, Lafayette 34 Ky
Georgianna 23 Ky
Narcissa 7 Ill
Emma 4 Ill
Mary 1 Ill.
Notes: Marcus S. Lafayette Combs m 30 Aug 1862, Jeorgi Ann ALLMON
pg. 20
Combs, Napoleon 39 Ky
Nancy A 30 Ind
James E. 6 Ill
Charles 2 Ill
pg. 30
Combs, Rosetta 56 Ky
Sarah 18 Ky
Victoria 15 Ill
John 17 Ky
Notes: Widow of William of 1860? Eli now missing? John the wrong age?
pg. 58
Combs, James 31 Ohio
Jane 26 Ohio
George 7 Ohio
Sarah 5 Ohio
Eleanor 2 Ill
pg 66
Combs, John 20 Ill
Sarah 20 Ill
Combs, John 23 Ill
Sarah 23 Ill
Combs, Lewis 50 Tn
Mary 40 Tn
James 16 Ill
Lewis 4 Ill
pg. 123
Combs, William 27 Ind.
Jane 27 Pa
Martha 8 Ind
Thomas 5 Ind.
Margaret 1 Ind.
pg. 155
Combs, George 22 Ind.
Mary 21 Ind.
William 1 Ind.
pg 182
Combs, Lewis 40 Ind
Isabel 29 Ky
Sarah F. 17 Ill
Mary L 13 Ill
Julia A. 11 Ill
John L 8 Ill
Samuel S. 6 Ill
Arthur O 4 Ill
Nellie 4/12 Ill
JWK Notes: Lewis & Isabelle "Elizabeth" SIMONDS/SIMMONS Combs
1871 Marion Co, IL Railroad Land Sales. Combs, Charles E. (Index to Illinois State Land Sales - Combs)
01-05-187? (Marion Co IL Marriages D:53) Combs, Sada married BOSSLER, Eugene (Index to Combs Illinois Marriages by Combs Researcher Joyce Winter Kahre)
01-05-1873 (Marion Co IL Marriages 86:5) Combs, Sada married BOSSLER, Eugene (Index to Combs Illinois Marriages by Combs Researcher Joyce Winter Kahre)
07-17-1873 (Marion Co IL Marriages D:89) Combs, Sarah F. married GARNER, James T. (Index to Combs Illinois Marriages by Combs Researcher Joyce Winter Kahre)
07-17-1873 (Marion Co IL Marriages 89:125) Combs, Sarah F. married GARNER, James T. (Index to Combs Illinois Marriages by Combs Researcher Joyce Winter Kahre)
JWK Notes: Sarah F. "Frances Combs Garner was the d/o Lewis and Martha A. CRUTCHFIELD Combs."
Notes: Marion Co IL. "Thomas GARNER, 46 died in Stevenson Twp on 27th and was buried in Summit Prairie Cemetery. He was married wife #1 Elizabeth AUSTIN; wife # 2 Sarah Combs. Survived by his wife and 7 of his 9 children." (Extracted by Combs Researcher Leslie Burr from "Footprints in Marion Co." 944.3794 D25f v. 19 page 56. Dates not given)
03-27-1877 (Marion Co IL Marriages D:114) Combs, Mary married HANKS, Austin (Index to Combs Illinois Marriages by Combs Researcher Joyce Winter Kahre)
JWK Notes: Mary "Louisa" Combs was the d/o Lewis and Martha A. CRUTCHFIELD Combs
(Combs Researcher Leslie Burr)
pg. 295
Combs, Susan 30 sis in law widow Ky, Ky, Ky
(sis in law to James BROWN 30 NY, NY, NY)
wife Alexander 26 Ky Tn Ky
Lulu 7 Ill, NY, Ky
----ticia 5 Ill, NY, Ky
James E 3/12 Ill, NY, Ky
Sarah 23 Ill
pg. 330
Combs, Nancy 42 widow Ind Ind Ind
James 16 son Laborer Ill ,Ky, Ind
Charles 12 son Ill, Ky, Ind
Eddie 8 son Ill, Ky, Ind
Notes: Widow of Napoleon of 1870?
05-14-1881 (Marion Co IL Marriages OD:146) Combs, Julia married PHILLIPS, Lorenzo D. (Index to Combs Illinois Marriages by Combs Researcher Joyce Winter Kahre)
JWK Notes: Julienna A. Combs was the d/o Lewis & Martha A. CRUTCHFIELD Combs
5 Nov 1880 Marion Co, IL Railroad Land Sales. Lewis Combs (Index to Illinois State Land Sales - Combs)
03-30-1890 (Marion Co IL Marriages E:6) Combs, Ellen A. married SMITH, Henry J. (Index to Combs Illinois Marriages by Combs Researcher Joyce Winter Kahre)
JWK Notes: Ellen A., b ca 1873, was the d/o Lewis and Isabelle "Elizabeth" SIMONDS