![]() | Combs &c. Families of Lancaster Co, Virginia |
Lancaster County was organized from Northumberland in 1651. Old Rappahannock County, VA was organized from Lancaster in 1656.
No Combs have been located in the pre-1651 records of Northumberland; and, in fact, no record of any Combs has been located in Lancaster county prior to 1664. We do know that most members of the Underwood &c. Families had removed to Lancaster from Isle of White by May of 1650:
22 May 1650 (Virginia Land Patent Book 2:213) SAME. [William UNDERWOOD, Gent.] 600 acs. in Rappa. Riv. beginning at a poynt nigh the mouth of Indian Creek, running N. E. by N. above land of Mr. James WILLIAMSON. Transp. of 12 persons: Wm MOSELEY, William UNDERWOOD 4 tymes, Mary his wife, Wm UNDERWOOD his son, Hebrt SUCCOR & ux, George BRYER, Joseph ROBINS, Elizabth PENN (or PRENN)
Cavaliers & Pioneers, Vol. I, Nugent, P. 191)
Note: Additional records for the Underwood Families will be added shortly, particularly in regard to land transactions due to our Combs &c. Deed Mapping Project. The above is Col. William UNDERWOOD, his wife, Mary (BURTON? MOSELEY?), and their son, William UNDERWOOD, Sr. The above land became part of Old Rappahannock Co VA in 1656.
The earliest Combs record located in Lancaster County thus far is one record for an Enoch COOME who is believed to probably be Enoch COMBES, Sr. who removed to Maryland with wife, Barbary, and son, Enoch COMBES, Jr., by 1663:
01 Apr 1660 - 09 Nov 1664 (Lancaster D&W, p. 294) Be it known unto all men that I Adry HILL, widd., hath given unto Christopher KILBY one cow calf of 10 mos. old color black unmarked wth: the crop & underkeeled & 2 nicks right ear & left ear cropt & a peice taken of on the upper side of the ear & 2 small nicks on each side of the ears as witness my hand this 1 day of Apr 1660. Wit.ENOCH COOME, Jo: BOORMAN. s/Adry HILL. Recordat in court cum Lancaster Co Nono: Nov: 1664.
(Lancaster County, Virginia, Deeds & Wills, 1661-1702, Ruth & Sam Sparacio, The Antient Press, McLean, VA)
The identity of Adry HILL remains unknown. In 1680, one Abraham COMBS of St. Mary's County, but earlier of Old Rappahannock County, assigned his 100 acres (for transport of himself and daughter, Sarah), to a Clement HILL, husband of Elizabeth HATTON (widow of Luke GARDINER), who is of record in Old Rappahannock, but with no known connection to any HILLS in either county.
16 Jun 1662 (Lancaster VA PB4:308(422)) John ASHLEY, 240 A. N side Rappa. Riv. up on the head of Nanbypoyson (?) Cr. Trans of 7 pers: Jno. CONE, Jno. BOLTON, Jno. PRITCHET, Eliz. POORE, Jacob (a) Negro.
It has not yet been determined whether or not John was a COME or CONE (See Virginia Land Records re Combs-Cones of Tabb Creek.
28 Jul 1662 (Lancaster - VA Land Patent book 4:310/425) John SIMPSON, 600 A. upon SE side of Moratticon Cr. & WSW upon land of Lambert LAMBERTON & Richard HATTON. Granted to Alexander POURTEOUS 6 Oct 1656 & assigned to sd. SIMPSON.
(Cavaliers & Pioneers, Nugent)
In St. Mary's County, Maryland, one William COMBES, possibly the son of Enoch, married Elizabeth HATTON, daughter of another Richard HATTON (deceased by 1650). See also Joseph Combs I of Stafford Co VA with a George SIMPSON.
1 Jun 1663 (Lancaster County Record Book No. 2:263) "A
list of several bills belonging to JOHN JEFFERYS Esq and Mr. Thomas COLCLOUGH
Mercht. dd to Giles CALE by Samuel GRIFFIN. Vizt. "
Anthony STEPHENS 830
Jo NEWMAN 3286
Abratr [or Abrah] COMBES 206
Robt FFRISTE & Robt TURNER 384
Colo Hen FFLEETE 214
Mrs Eliz LOES 555
Geo MARSH 1806
Tho LUDWELL 1589
Edward LEWYS 2012
Rich POWELL 494
James WEBB 395
Robt TOMLYN 318
Row ROWLEY 1774
Tho CHENE 800
Ciprian BISHOP 56
Rich PERROT 251
Robt BIDWELL 108
Henry OLSEN 150
Rich CORDING 400
Will BAILEY 43
Robt FFRISTO 827
Tho STAINE 576
Tho CHATWYN 3649
Hugh DANIEL 441
Nich HUGELL 1000
Nich HUGELL to Hump BOOTH 921
Hum BOOTH 1684
Robt BAILEY 1612
to Mr CORBYN 1250
to ditto 250
Hen CORBYN £1. 10
Total tobo. 32785
"Received of the hands of Mr. Samuel GRIFFIN the severeral [sic] bills above mentioned x x" Dated 1st June 1663. Signed Giles CALE. Wit: Robt ROGERS, Ambrose CLEARE. Recorded 20th June 1663.
(Virginia Colonial Abstracts, Vol. 1, Beverly Fleet, GPC, Baltimore, 1988, hereinafter Fleet)
Note: Transcribed as "Abrah:" by Sparacios.
The above was probably the above-noted Abraham COMBS. Humphrey BOOTH & Col. More FANTLEROY were married to Margaret & Mary UNDERWOOD respectively, daughters of Margaret (-----) (Underwood) (Upton) (Lucas) whose son, Col. Wm. UNDERWOOD m (1) Mary (BURTON? MOSELEY?); and (2) Elizabeth (-----) (Underwood) (Underwood), later wife of Archdale Combs of Old Rappa. It is not known if either Abraham nor Enoch COMBS ever actually resided in Lancaster County, Virginia. Search Words: CHEYNEY CORBIN FRISTOE LEWIS TOMLIN
18 Apr 1662 - 1 May 1678 (Lancaster -- VA Land Patent B6:642) Wm. THERRIAT. 3500 A. adj. to head of Cororoman Riv., beg. at mouth of Clapham's Cr.; adj. Mr. Edwin CONAWAY, &c. 1600 A. granted to Dom. THERRIATT 18 Apr 1662; 1900 A. surveyed in the name of sd. Dom THERRIATT dec'd., but by reason of the part. granted to the Lord's Proprietors no patt. hath issued; which sd land is confirmed to sd. Wm. as being his sonn & heir, & having found rights for sd. 1900 A. (Note: the following names appear:) Wm. BALL, Wm. BALL, Han. BALL, Han. BALL, Mary JONES, Martha JONES, Randolph CIVILL, Jos. HALSDOWNEES, Jos. FOSTER, Ra. GOCH, GEO. COOMES, Yar. (?) WILLIAMS, Hen. SCHOLLER, Wm. HIGGINS, Edwd. VAGG (or DAGG), Ja. CROSSE, Peter EVERSHAM, Ack OGUM (or OQUIN), Car Kath (?), Alexr. HARKIN, Sar. WILKINSON, Eliz. STEPHENS, Isaac SIMS, Alexr. HART, And. LATELY (or LATEBY), Wm. HORSLY, Wm. HEAVELL, Alice STEDWELL, Eliz. BELL, Tho. WHITTICAR, Isaac CITIZEN, Wm. COOPER, Jno. KEMP, Antho. THOMPSON, Owen THOMAS, Tim. SWINALL, Jno. LEE, Jno. READER, Jo. ELDER, Wm. JONES.
(Cavaliers & Pioneers, Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants, Vol. II, p. 184, Nell Marion Nugent, Virginia State Library, Richmond) search words: Conway, Gooch, Whittaker
The above Wm. BALL [Jr.] married Margaret WILLIAMSON, d/o James and Ann UNDERWOOD Williamson, and niece of Col. Wm. UNDERWOOD whose widow, Elizabeth, married Archdale COMBS of Old Rappa. (See Also 2 Nov 1675, Old Rappa County, VA DB Part II of 1672-1676:327-328 & George COMBS of Henrico Co VA) But who was this George COOMES? Possibly the same transported by Richard BALL (brother of William BALL, Jr.) to Baltimore Co MD in 1665? Also Note: The headrights listed by Richard BALL of Baltimore are suspiciously close to those above. Possibly an instance of double use?
20 Jan 1662/3 - 28 Jan 1662/3 (Lancaster Co Deeds, Wills, Settlements of Estates, 1661-1702, pp. 251-252) Indenture made Jan. 20, 1662 between Edward ROE of the County of Lancastr: in Rappah: River in Virginia, Planter, of one part and Robert SMITH of the aforesd. County, gentleman, of other part. . .40 pds. of current English money to be paid the sd. Edwd. ROE by the aforesd. Robt. SMITH by Credible Bll of Exchange to be delivered to the sd Edwd. ROE by the sd. Robt. SMITH at or before the first day of May next ensung the date hereof as also for divers other good cause & consideracons him the sd Roe thereunto moveing hath given & confirmed unto the sd Robt. SMITH all that Plantacon comonly called or known by the name of MACHAPUNGO wth: all houses edifices buildings fences & enclosures wt:soever thereunto belonging or wth: the samenow used or occupyed and enjoyed, containing the the whole by estimacon Fifty acres of land there more or less wch: premises are scituate lying & being in the aforesd County of Lancr: & now or late were in the tenure of occupacon of the sd ROE or his assigns. To have & to hold the sd Fifty acres. . .unto the sd. Robt. SMITH his heirs & assignes forever. . .etc. /s/ Edw: ROE. Wits: John CURTYS, Cuth: POTTER. Recognit in Cur Com Lancr: 28d Jan: Ano Dom 1662 et record primo Feb: sequen. p Edwd DALE, Cl Cur
Mr. POTTER I humbly intreat that you would be pleasded [sic mg] to do for me ye favour as to acknowledge my interest of a plantation called by the name of MACHAPUNGO wch: my Husband hath sold unto Colo. Robt. SMITH. I do by these presents acknowledge my consent & do desire that this acknowledgement of Mr. POTTER be valued in Law as authentic as if my selfe wer p:sent In Testimony hereof I hereto set my hand this 24th day of Jan 1662. /s/ Mary ROE Wits: Christopher WITHNELL, Robt: CARMICHELL. Recordat in Cur 28d Jan: 1662 p Edwd DALE, Cl Cur (Virginia County Court Records: Deed & Will Abstracts of Lancaster County, Virginia, 1661-1702, Ruth & Sam Sparacio, McLean, VA)
Edward ROE removed to Talbot County, Maryland where his daughters, Eliabeth and Mary, married ca 1676, William and John COMBS, respectively (ancestry unknown)
20 September 1669
GRANTEE Come, John. grantee.
DATE 20 September 1669.
NOTE Location: Lancaster County.
NOTE Description: 470 acres begg. at a corner marked white oak of the land of Abia Bonnison, standing near or about the head of Tabbs Creek.
NOTE Source: Land Office Patents No. 6, 1666-1679 (pt.1 & 2 p.1-692), p. 280 (Reel 6).
NOTE Part of the index to the recorded copies of patents for land issued by the Secretary of the Colony serving as the colonial Land Office. The collection is housed in the Archives at the Library of Virginia.
OTHER FORMAT Available on microfilm. Virginia State Land Office. Patents 1-42, reels 1-41.
Submitted by Denise Mortorff: extracted from VSLA website
20 Jan 1675 - 8 Dec 1675 [sic] (Lancaster Co VA Wills, 1674-1689, pp. 19-20) Will of Robert BECKINGHAM of Lancastr: County in Virga: being very sicke and weake but of p:fecte sense and memory… my dear Father, Mr. Robert BECKINGHAM… 10,000 pds. tobaccoe to bee pd 4,000 pds. next cropp to bee consign'd to Capt. Abraham WHERLOCK of London for use of my Father and... 5,000 lbs next crop, but in case sd. WHERLOCK shall dye bef any pd. or in case my Father shall at any time give adv. for the shipping of my pte. of the sd. tobacccoe, then unto my Father all the finest broade cloth which I bought of Mr. Jno: BOWSHER, now being in the House excepting soe much as shall make my Wife one sute of if she desires the same and alsoe two of the finest caster Hatts which came in from London this yere, my wearing gloves in my pockett which I had of Mr. CALE, the cloths, hatts and gloves to be sent to my Father this yere by Mr. BURTON and Mr. WILKES and likewise I give to my Father: Five pounds Sterling to bee pde. this yere by Bills of Exchange to bee demand upon Mr. Gawin CORBYN. And in case my Father shall dye before hee hath reced. my pte. or pr:cell of this my Will, then itt & every pte to be and Pr:cell thereof I give unto his heires forever. Item. I give unto my Brother in Law, John BURROUGHS, twenty Shill: to buy hym a Ring and to my dear Sister, Martha BURROUGHS, three thousand pounds of merchantable tobacco & are to bee pde. within two yeres after the last paymt of my Fathers tobaccoe and likewise Twenty shilings to buy her a Ring. Item. I give unto my Brother in Law, Jno: CUMES twenty shillings to buy him a Ring, and to my deer Sister, Elizabeth CUMES, his Wife, three thousand pounds of merchantable tobaccoe to be pde. at ye same tyme with my Sister, Martha BURROUGHS Tobacco. Item. I give unto my Brother in Law Arthur ELMER [ELMORE?], and to his now Wife, each of them twenty shillings to buy them Rings. Item. I give unto my Brother, Vincent BECKINGHAM soe much of my ordinary broade clothe (which I bought of Jno: BOWSHER) as will make him two suites with silke and buttons answerable to the making upp the same and likewise two of the French Hatts now in the House att which to bee sent to hym this yere by Mr. BURTON and Mr. WILKES. Item. I give to Mr. Gilbert SIMON my Kinsman, Twenty Shillings to buy him a Ring. Item. I give to Mr. Capt. Giles CALE Twenty Shillings to buy him a Ring. Item. I give to Capt. Richd. TYLOR and Elizabeth his Wife each of them Twenty Shillings to buy them Rings. Item. I give to Coll. Wm. TRAVERS and Mrs. Rebecca his Wife each of them Twenty Shillings to buy them Rings. Item. I give unto Major Samuell GRIFFIN and his now Wife each of them Twenty Shillings to buy them Rings. Item. I give to the Poore House Keeprs of St. Edmunds gift in summ Eight pounds Sterl. to bee sent to them fourre yere after my decease to my Relacons then living to bee paid to the poore of the said Pish. Item. I give unto Mr. BURTON and Mr. WILKES for the payment for their Rings and all the rest of the money for the rest of the Rings bee paide presently after my decease. Item: I give unto my Dear Wife, Elizabeth, after my Legaciese satisifed & debts pde. the remainder of my Estate both of Lands, goods & chattells, To have & to holde the sd. goods lands & chattells to her & her heirs forever; and doe make my sde. Wife full and Whole Executrix of this my last Will and Testamt. Item. It is my will that I am buried under the Porch of my new House and that a decent buriall bee kpet w:thout my being disguised at the same and that a funerall Sermon bee given: Lastly, I desire Capt. Wm. LOMAX and Majr. Samll GRIFFIN to bee Overseers of my Estate. In Wittness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seale the twentieth day of January Ao. Dom 1675. s/Robt: BECKINGHAM. Wits: Isa: BURTON, Jno: GILFORD, Jno: STRETCHLEY, Isaack ROBINSON. Probate octavo die Decembr: 1675, Probed by the Oaths of Isa: BURTON and John STRETCHLY and admitted to record. Teste John STRETCHLEY, Cl. Cur.
(Records of Lancaster Co, VA, Ruth & Sam Sparacio, Antient Press, McLean, VA) Search Words: ELMORE BOUCHER COMBS
04 June 1677 (ibid.., pp. 33-37) Inventory & Appraisement of the Estate of Mr. Robert BECKINGHAM, includes three pages of personalty, including livestock, etc., and … "one Servt. by name of Nicholas CLARK having 3 yeres & 1/2 to serve; one man Servt. by name Randolph HARRIS having one yere & 4 months to serve; one man Servt. by name Jno: HILL having 2 yeres to serve, one man Servt. by name Robt. PHILIPS having 5 yeres to serve; one man Servt. by name Isaac ROBINSON having one yere & foure months to serve; one maide Servt. by name Ellenor FELT having five yeres to serve, one maide servt. by name Anne CURTISE haeing 4 yeres to serve, one Negro winch & one Negroe boy, one young Negro child, one boy Servt., by name Richd. BENLOCK, 3 Negroe Children & one white Childe… John BRADLEY which hath 3 yeres & 6 months to serve, Elizabeth his Wife, Tho: PERSON having one yere to serve, Jno: TALBETT having nyne months to serve, one Negro man & one woman… Jno: HOLDER having foure yeres six months to serve… 1/4 part of Morattico Mill with the appurtenances… Boy to serve six yeres… one Mill at Curratamon with all material valued at 1400… one plantacon at the heade of Moratticoe 20000." The some totall: 149138 Tobacco. Errors excepted by us: Brian STOTT, Thos: BANIKER, Thomas WILKE, Jno: CHYN, Jno: KYRBEY, Elizabeth WILKE. Exhibit in Cur. Com Lancastr: fortas die Junii 1677. Mrs. Elizabeth WILKE, being relict of Robert BECKINGHAM deced & is admitted to record. Teste John STRETCHLEY, Cl. Cur.
(ibid.) Search Words: CHINN KIRBY TALBOTT
23 Jun 1677 (ibid.., pp. 37-39)
A List of Bills and Accounts due to the Estate of Mr. Robert BECKINGHAM as
[selected names, over half the total list]
William MATHEW p. Bond
Jno. WILLIAMS p. Bond
Bartholomew WOOD p Bond
Tho: MARSHALL p Bill
Tho: FLETCHER p Bill
Henery PULLEN p Bill
Jno: PHILLIPS p Bill, 53 lbs of Porke & 100 lbs. of Tobacco
Mr. ROWLEY p Bond
Mr. Edward PORTER p Bill
Dennis CARTER p Bill
Jno: PEACOCK p Bill
Jno: HILLIARD p Bill
Christopher YOUNG p Bill
Nathaniel BROWNE by Bill rest de
Thomas BRADBORN p Bill
Thomas COOKE, Mercht. p Bill
Tho: PAGE p Bill rest due
Peter ELMORE p Bill
Mr. CHETWOOD p Bill & Rent
Jno: STANDARD p Bill
Robert YOUNG p Bill
Anthony CROS p Bill
Jno: ENGLISH p Bill
John JONES p Bill
Thomas FRESHWATER p Bill
Richard BRAY p Bill
Robert BEDWELL p Bill
The Widdow WILLIAMS by Bill
Joseph BARTON p Bill
Walter SIMMS p Bill
Wm. FLOWRES p Bill
Mr. Stephen MANNERING by Bill
Richd. PORTER p bill
Robert WOOD p Bill
Richard MARSHALL p Bill
Michael BALEY p one Bill assigned Wm. PARKE
Daniell ONEALE p Bill
Jno: HICKESON p Note to Capt. TAYLO
Thomas WITTON p Bill rest due
Thomas MOTROM p Ordr. of Cort
Mary HAILE p Bill rest due
Capt. TAYLOE p Bill for 412 Sterling
Richd. BOLER p Bill
Christopher HARGWELL p Bill for 112 pr. Spansells
Jno: NEWMANS Estate Dr. Bill & Accot.
Mr. Jno: MAN his Receipt ofr a barrell of Tobacco
Mr. Richard PARRETT p Account
Mr. Giles CALE for a Rugg
Capt. BALL Note for 2 pr. shoes
Mr. Wm. LOYDE p Acct.
Mr. Jno BOWSHER his receipt for 28 lbs. Beefe
Mr. Richard HUNT of Boston Dr. p Bill of Ladeing doth appraise
Henry PULLEN p Acct
Wm. MATHEW p. Acct.
Jno: CARPENTER p. Acct
John RICH p. Acct.
Richard BRAY p. Acct of Goods Impressed
Francis PORTER p Bill
Francis JORDAN p. Bill, rest due
Wm. PRICE by Bill
Thomas ELNER p Bill
Nicholas CONSTABLE p Bill
Jno: FLEMON by Bill
John ARNOLL Bill for 200 lbs. Porke
Thomas GORDWIN p Bill
Walter TOMSON p Bill
Edward LOWRY p Bill
William BOOD p Bill
Richard HARRIS p Bill
Edward RAYLE p Bill
Jno: SIMMEN p Bill
Mr. SLATER p Bill
Robt. PENNWILL p Bill & Account
Jno KENNALS p Order of Cort
Arthur ATTY p. Ordr of Cort;
Mr. Samuel GRIFFIN p. Bill & Acct
Darby KILLEHORN p Acct
Jno: TAVERNER p Accot
Eneo MECONICOE p. Acct
Stephen TOMLYN p Acct
Mr. BRYAN STOTT p Accot.
James PHILLIPS p. Accot
Jno GRIGGS p Acct
William PAGE p Acct L11.4.7. in tobaccoe for which I received Plaite which
was commanded from mee by virtue of a Warritt from Capt. FOX 7 now in the
hands of Capt. Richd. TAYLOE
Jno BROWNE p Acct
Richard MARSHALL p Acct
Jno SIMPSON p Acct
Alexander DECKE p Accot
Hugh HARRIS p Accot.
Mr. Wm. MILLER p Acct
Nathaniel BROWNE p Acct
Nathaniel RICHARDSON p Acct.
Gregory GLENCOCK p Accot.
Wm. WEBB p. Accot.
Capt. ISACK p. Acct
Anthony PRYOR p. Acct.
Total of Bills & Accots. 101668 Tobacco
Henery CORBYN Esqr. p. Account Dr. in money & tobacco 1985 (in money at
10lb. p.) 1985 - Tobo: 1103. Total 104756
An Accot. of Tobacco have bin disposed of by mee together with an Inventory
of goods which was not counted… Total 28564 Tobacco.
Payment of Goods delivered by Mr. BECKINGHAM. Capt. TAYLOE not accounted for
amounting to goods delivered Capt. TAYLOE by mee amounting to goods delivered
Coll. TRAVERSE by mee amounting to 0772.
Brought from the other side, the tobo: disposed of 28564
(ibid., p. 40) An Accot of Bills of Rawleigh TRAVERS which are not yet paide as followeth:
[selected names]
Joseph BARTON Note to Mr. Wm. TRAVERSE
Richd. MANS two bills, rest due
Wm. LANE his Judgmt. [See Old Rappahannock VA & Archdale COMBS & LANE]
Mathew RICHARDSON p Bill
Coll. Jno: CARTER p Ordr of Cort
Robert BAYNARD & Daniel BRADLEY Note for 1 hhd. of malt
Richd. KINGE Note to Mr. CALE
Jno: NASH his Bill
Jno: RYLEYS his Accot.
Jno: NEWMANS Bill toTho: DYAS
Simon THOMASON Bill, rest due
Michael BALEYS Bill
Richd. JONES Note & Acct.
Mr. Jno APPLETON'S note & sheere
Abraham DAVYE p Acct.
Mr. KENTSOE his Acct.
Robt. RICHBELLS Accot.
Giles CONCK his Bill
Christopher COOPERS Bill
Abraham DAVYE p Bill
Capt. GOODLOW p Bill
Charles CARPENTERS 2 Bills
Capt. Jno: LANES Notes for Tho: MATTEW, his Acct.
Robt. PAINES Bill
Tho: PATTESON Bill assigned
[to?] Josiah BRIDGE
Robt. HILL Bill
Robt. TAYLORS Bill, rest due
Jno: APPLETON'S Bill to Jno: MAHEW
Jno: FOSTER Noate & Mr. Geo: BALEY
to pay for
Mathew KEMP p Acct.
Mathew MERRITS Accot.
Edward WILLIAMS his Accot.
Tho: WRIGHT p Order of Cort
Tho: POWELLS Bill & Acct.
Jno: LONGS noate to Mr. RUSSELL 70 lbs. of Tobo: & 126 lbs. mistake by BUTTONS
Order to Coll. TRAVERSE being in all aboute 13820
Giles CALES Bill
Richard YOUNGS Bill
Capt. LISTERS Noate for Meale & Corne
Abraham WEEKES reced p. Jno: WEST Bill
Nathan HALES p Ordr. of Cort
Francis POWELLS Accot.
PAYNES p. Ordr. of Cort.
Richd. LAURENCE p Bill upon Ballance to Mr. Ra: TRAVERSE
The Total is 52370
An Accot. recorded wherein the Estate was Dr. to Mr. Robert BECKINGHAM in Tobo:
66,300, and in money 4.16.3.
An Accot. of Tobaccoe paide by severall Ordrs: wherein the Estate is Dr.
To moneye to Mr. Anthony BIGES [nb: more likely BRIDGES or BIGGS?]
To Money to Coll. WASHINGTON, To tobaccoe paide to Mr. SIMSON p Ordr. paide tobaccoe; to paide Coll. TRAVERSE p. order., tobaccoe paide Mr. John BOWSHER pr ordr., tobaccoe paide Coll. HULL p. ordr, tobaccoe not paide of Robt. PRITCHETT my portion being for 726 lbs. and all allowed judgmt, but for 357 lbs. for the Estate if Dr. tobaccoe paid pr. ordr. of Coll. TRAVERSE; tobaccoe paide Chas. TAYLOE: in money paide him. Total 54176 tobacoe
One ye back side of ye Inventory, Mr. STOTTS receipt for a Horse; Capt. David FOX his receipt for a Muskett; Capt. MILLER his receipt of a Muskett; Mr. Tho: MARSHALL his receipt for a case of pistolles & holsters & Carbine wth: bridle and saddle. Exhibit in Cur. Com Lancastr: decimo tertis die Junii 1677. Proved by Oath of Thomas WILKES and admitted to record. Teste John STRETCHLEY, Cl. Cur. (ibid.) The identity of John & Elizabeth (BECKWITH?) CUMES rmains unknown. It is possible that they were not COMBS, but if not, whom? They don't appear to be the CONES of Tabb Creek, and of course, they could be residents of England, New England, Maryland… anywhere. In regard to BECKINGHAM'S widow, Anne, and his sister and brother-in-law, John & Martha BURROUGHES, we do have some additonal information; to wit:
BECKINGHAM'S reference to St. Edmonds may have been to Bury St. Edmonds, Co Essex, England, a county where the Cammock/Rich & a number of other COMBS &c. Families are found.
BURROUGHS Researcher, M. Bignall, is currently attempting to prove/disprove whether John BURROUGHS, brother-in-law of BECKINGHAM, was the same John BURROUGHS who was, and had been for probably 20 years, of Lancaster Co VA. Her suspicion is that he & wife Martha went to (now) King & Queen Co VA before 1685, then to Pamunkey Neck, King Wm Co VA in 1686.
Robert BECKINGHAM'S wife, Elizabeth, was married at least five times. In 1671 she was mentioned ("Minutes of the Council and General Court of Colonial Virginia," McIIwaine) as having a kinsman "Mr. PURIFY," possibly Thomas PURIFOY Jr of Elizabeth City Co. Her husbands:
Note: See Also Giles CALE of King George Co VA & FUGATES
Thomas PURIFOY, Jr. was s/o Thomas & Lucy RANSOM Purifoy, Sr., and his sister, Frances PURIFOY m (1) William LOWERY; (2) Richard HAND. Her children by both husbands married into the BOOKER Family of York, Gloucester, Essex and Amelia Cos VA who are found with the John & George COMBS of the latter county.