![]() | Combs &c. Families Daniel Trigg's 1781 Militia List |
New River, Montgomery Co, Virginia
Source: Fincastle & Montgomery Co VA Rev. War Records
Transcribed & (partially) annotated by Combs Researchers Barbara Stacy Mathews & Carole Hammett
See Also Combs
Counties of Record, including Montgomery
County, for possible additional data.
See also Freddie L. Spradlin's Montgomery
Co, VA County GenWeb Page
New & Important! The transcription of the above list that was published in "Montgomery County, Virginia, The First Hundred Years," C. W. Crush & F. T. Ingelmire, Iberian Publishing Company, Athens, GA, includes a number of different spellings and names than the above. Pending the editor racing off to re-read the film, both are included here. See also
Crush's 1781 List
Comparison (of the two transcriptions).
Cody-Combs-Stacy Research Annotations
Combs &c. Families of Montgomery Co, VA
George Baumbach's Filing Cabinet
Barbara Stacy Mathews' The Stacy Journal
31st March 1781
Daniel Trigg, Capt.
Israel Lorton, Lieut.
Samuel McGehee, Lieut.
Albert Bright, Insn:
John Elswick, Sergt. [CI: Eliwick]
Archibald Thompson, Sergt.
William Lawson, Sergt not fit [CI: Sanren]
Faulkner Elliot, Sergt. [CI: Falkner]
Blackburn Akers not fit
Thomas Alley
Henry Stafford above 50
Jonathan Elswick [CI: Eswick]
5 Richd. Hawkins not fit [CI: Hawkens]
Samuel Arthur
Francis Charlton
Peter Benner 50 not fit
Archibald Elkins
10 Hezekiah Whitt [CI: Herckekiah]
Henry Bishop
Samuel Canterberry not fit
John Stevens not fit
John Howerton [CI: John Hornton]
15 Reuben Collingsworth [CI: Collinsworth]
Jacob Blackburn
Richd. Whitt
Thomas Pate
William Drikten?
20 Anthony Pate, Junr.
William Howerton
Barnet Presgrove not fit
John Duncan
Robert Bell
25 Thomas Evans
Barnet Farmer under 18
Adam Pate under 18
William Ratliff above 50
Nathan Ratliff
30 Richd. Ratliff
Daniel Dobbins
Michael Mattocks about moving
James Collinsworth
Edmund Collinsworth
35 John Collinsworth
Abram Hilton
Henry Bingaman not fit
John Bingaman
William Hawkins (Hankins?)
40 Thomas Kirk
Thomas Pate, Junr. under 18
Jacob Pate
John Charlton
Henry Skeggs not fit
45 Will: Hall
Wm. Jones
John Arthur
John Beth, Junr. under 18
John Dispain
50 Moses Skeggs
John Wilys
John Harrison not fit
Matthias Peterson not fit
Sayton Romine under 18
55 William Bradley
John Beard under 18
Abram Hankins under 18
Cary? Alley under 18
Ely Peterson under 18
60 Edmund Vancil
Richd. Henderson
John Higgins
Henry Skaggs, Junr.
Benjamin Staycie
65 John Staycie
[possibly two missing names here (cut off in copying? see below)]
Simon Staycie
Wm. Combs
70 Mayson Combs
Bradley Meridith, Junr.
Thos. Israel
Benjamin Dispain
Jos. Compton
75 Thompson Farmer not fit
William Davis
Jeremiah Barnet not fit
Christopher Horn
John Pate
80 Jacob Skeggs under 18
William Becknal
???? for duty
Lt. Samuel McGEE. No more information, but seeking to learn if he was kin to RW Thomas Ridge McGEE, half-brother(?) of William RIDGE who m Winnifred Combs in Surry NC in 1779. See also the Samuel MAGEE in Russell Co VA who resided near No. 69 William and Sith STACY Combs of Crabtree Creek by 1809.
Sgt. William LAWSON. See William LAWSON whose RW Pension application indicated he lived in Franklin Co NC when he enlisted, but resided in Scott Co VA near No. 69 William and Sith STACY Combs of Crabtree Creek, Russell Co (later Scott) by 1799. Per Fran Lawson Romine, the above referenced William LAWSON was William LAWSON Jr. William LAWSON Sr. did not have a pension application since he died in 1826 and before the Pension Act of 1832. The pension you refer to is that of William Lawson, Jr. Father and son both served in the RW and William, Jr. did file for a pension. His application stated that he lived in Franklin Co. at the time and served as substitute for three months for Henry Yarberry (Yarborough). He was sixteen years old at the time. We do not know the circumstances of his being there because Wm. Sr. was already in Montgomery County, VA, and swore an oath in Trigg's militia (1777). After his discharge, William Jr. returned to Franklin Co. where he left his discharge papers with some friends and never got them again. He subsequently spent the next year with an uncle on the waters of the Adkin and served as a three-month substitute for Jesse Harris, marching from Montgomery Co., NC.
(see above).
No. 02 Thomas ALLEY may be the same later found in Russell Co VA.
No. 07. Francis CHARLTON stated in his 1833 Montgomery Co VA RW Pension application that he was b 3 Feb 1759 (location not stated), and that he had enlisted in Montgomery Co VA. He m Susanna AKERS or ACRES in Montgomery Co in Feb 1792, their marriage bond signed by a James CHARLTON, and Susanna AKERS' brother, Jacob, was age 80 in 1852 (See No. 1. Blackburn AKERS?) Also, probably only trivia, but in Oct of 1664 (almost 120 years earlier than this list), Abraham Combs witnessed a deed for Francis & Mary OVERTON & William & Susanna CHARLTON in Old Rappa. Co VA. See Also Abraham CHARLTON of Charlotte Co VA with land adjacent to the Combs of that county (on the Lunenburg County line).
No. 10 Hezekiah WHITT stated in his 1844 Tazewell Co VA RW Pension application that he was b in 1760 in SC and moved from there with his father (not named) to Stewards' Creek in NC, then to Montgomery Co VA where he enlisted. Note that Stewart's Creek in Surry Co NC was on the VA state line and very close to the Combs Families of Carroll Co VA.
No. 11 Henry BISHOP stated in his 1832 Floyd Co VA RW Pension application (Floyd org. from Montgomery), age 75 that he vol. in Botetourt (Floyd est. from Botetourt from Montgomery). He m Fanny SIMKINS May 1785 in Montgomery (marriage bond signed by Henry BISHOP and Peter RIFE), d/o Daniel SIMKINS.
No. 21 William HOWERTON. Not known if kin to No. 14 John HOWERTON. According to his Revolutionary War Pension file, William HOWERTON lived in Washington Co VA at first enlistment, but in 1778 moved to Montgomery Co VA where he also enlisted, then in 1810 to Floyd Co KY, then to Morgan Co KY where he applied for his pension on 6 Jan 1834, aged 75, and where he died 18 Aug 1841. One William HOWERTON (the same?) was residing adjacent to No. 69 William and Seth STACY Combs of Crabtree Creek, Russell Co VA (later Scott) by 1799.
No. 23 John DUNCAN stated in his 1832 Floyd Co VA RW Pension application that he enlisted in Fauquier Co VA and in 1779 moved to Montgomery Co VA where he lived in the part that became Floyd. See Also Combs-Duncans Families of Washington Co TN and Lincoln Co KY.
No. 29 Nathan RATLIFF stated in his 1833 Montgomery Co VA RW Pension application (age 71) that he lived in Montgomery Co VA at enlistment.
No. 40. Thomas KIRK had married Nancy (-----), widow of Simon WEBB in Dec 1787 in Montgomery Co VA (Joseph KIRK, bondsman), and she stated in her RW pension application that he had enlisted in Fauquier Co VA, and d 18 May 1831 in Lauderdale Co AL.
No. 44. Henry SKAGGS d testate in Green Co KY, will dated 5 Apr 1809, probated 4 Dec 1810, naming grandson, John, son of James, sons, David and James, daughter, Sarah; Sylvia ROARK, Stephen SKAGGS; children: Solomon, Lucy STACY, Rachel RAY, Nancy D. SPANE [sic], and Polly Combs. (Green Co KY Will Book, p. 56). Henry's daughter, Lucy, had m John STACY (see below), but Polly SKAGGS Combs' husband has not yet been identified. All are found in Russell Co VA prior to Green Co KY. One Henry SKAGGS is found in Mar 1767 in Augusta Co VA (Chalkley's Chronicles), and one (the same?) is found in Jun 1767 on the same Pittsylvania Co VA Tax List as one Mason Combs (possibly No. 70 below?). Nancy SKAGGS had m Peter DESPAIN, s/o John DESPAIN & Susan SCOTT. The DESPAINS were living on Saddle Creek, a tributary of the New River in Montgomery County, VA in 1787 when Peter DESPAIN was fined for not attending muster. He did not appear on the tax list of that year, and apparently had left the area... Henry SKAGGS family had migrated to Virginia from Maryland, were originally from Ireland. (History of Madison Co, MO, provided by Researcher Barbara Stacy Mathews). We are also seeking to learn names of spouses of ancestry of Rachel SKAGGS Ray and Sylvia SKAGGS Roark.
No. 45 William HALL lived in Montgomery Co VA at enlistment, applied for his RW Pension in 1832 in Tazewell Co VA, age 84.
No. 49 John DESPAIN, m Susan SCOTT, and their son, Peter, married in Nelson Co KY in 1791, to Nancy SKAGGS, d/o No. 44, Henry SKAGGS. Peter DESPAIN was seventeen years old when he enlisted in a Virginia Regiment and is on the official roll of "troops who joined at Chesterfield County Court House lines on 1st Sept, 1780". He was 5 feet, six inches tall, had brown hair and gray eyes… He also stated that he had enlisted in Montgomery Co VA
(RW Pension File, app. dated 1832, Green Co KY)
No. 51. John WILLIS was not the same who resided adjacent to Martin & Sarah Combs Johnson in 1797 on Dodson's Creek, Hawkins Co TN since the latter John WILLIS stated in his 1833 Hawkins Co TN pension application that he was born in Halifax Co VA, was 67 years old (thus b ca 1766 & too young?), and showed only an enlistment in Henry Co VA. Montgomery and Henry were adjacent counties at the time. Could this John WILLIS have been kin to John of Dodson's Creek?
No. 59 Eli PETERSON, listed as under 16 above, may have been kin to (or the same as?) the Eli PETERSON who stated in his 1835 Rockcastle Co KY RW Pension application that he was b in 1760 some 25 miles from Philadelphia PA, later moving to Montgomery Co VA where he lived at enlistment.
No. 63. Henry SKAGGS, Jr., stated in his RW Pension application that he was b in the spring of 1759 in SC, and that he lived in Botetourt Co VA, the part that later became Montgomery Co VA at enlistment, and until 1790 when he moved to Green Co KY, and then in 1809 to Grayson Co KY (where he applied 24 Sep 1832. His cousin, Archibald SKAGGS, also a RW Veteran stated in his RW Pension application that he was born 1 Jan 1759 in SC & moved with his parents to Halifax Co VA, then to Botetourt/Montgomery where he enlisted, then later moved to Adair Co Ky where he applied in 1832 (wife Barbary, surname unknown)
Note: The CODYS, Combs and STACYS who follow (No.'s 64-70) were all residing in Surry Co, NC in 1780, all of them Tories, and all of them probably came to Montgomery Co, VA following the Tory defeat at the Battle of Shallowford in Oct of 1780 (See William Ridge Estate File). The Combs were all descendants of Mason & Sarah Combs, Sr. of Stafford and Frederick Cos, VA and Surry Co, NC. The STACYS were all descendants of, or close kin to, Simon & Judith TOLSON Stacy (Pettit), Sr. of the same counties, and all later resided in Russell Co, VA.
No. 64. Benjamin STACY, b 07 Apr 1744, Overwharton Parish, Stafford Co VA, son of Simon & Judith TOULSON Stacy, married ca 1764, probably in Frederick Co, VA, Ann Combs, b 03 Mar, 1742/43, also in Overwharton Parish, Stafford Co VA (d/o Mason & Sarah UNKNOWN Combs, Sr.).
No. 65. John STACY, probably s/o either (a) Benjamin & Ann Combs Stacy (No. 64), or (b) possibly either son or brother of Simon & Judith TOLSON Stacy (Pettit), Sr. He married, in Russell Co, VA, Lucy SKAGGS, d/o Henry SKAGGS, Sr., of Greene Co, KY (No. 44)
No. 66. Simon STACY, Jr., b ca 1762, s/o Simon & Judith TOULSON Stacy, Sr., married Elizabeth DAVIDSON, d/o James DAVIDSON of Russell Co VA.
[No. 67?] William COADEY (as included by C&I), born bef 1741, m bef 1770, probably in Rowan Co, NC, Sinai STACY (d/o Simon & Judith TOLSON Stacy). He and William Combs (No. 69) later lived in Sullivan Co, TN (as did Judith TOLSON Stacy Pettit), and in Russell Co, VA (on adjacent land).
No. 69. William Combs, born 28 Nov 1740, Overwharton Parish, Stafford Co VA, son of Mason & Sarah UNKNOWN Combs, Sr.; married Seth (Sitha) STACY, b 30 Jun 1746, Overwharton Parish, Stafford Co VA, d/o Simon & Judith TOULSON Stacy, Sr.
No. 70. Mayson Combs (Mason Combs, Jr.), b 21 Feb 1746/7 in Overwharton Parish, Stafford Co VA, son of Mason & Sarah UNKNOWN Combs, Sr.; married Dorothy UNKNOWN. By 1794, Mason & William Combs & Peter STACY were living on Beach Creek of the Holston River in Hawkins Co, TN.
No. 71. Bradley MEREDITH - one of the same name is found in Henry (or Franklin?) Co VA in on 26 Sep 1794, witnessing the deed of William MULLINS of Franklin Co to Martha CARTER of Henry Co, sale of land on Little Read Creek adjacent to Henry VAUGHAN and John BURCHETT. Other witnesses included William HEARD and Baldwin ROLAND (Henry DB 6:266-7, Abstracts of Deed Books V & VI of Henry Co VA by Lela C. Adams) A William & Ann MEREDITH are also in the records of Henry Co VA, and earlier a William MEREDITH is found in the records of Surry Co NC in association with William T. LEWIS, Robert WILLIS, William HUTCHERSON and Moses PAGETT.
No. 73. Benjamin DISPAIN may have been the same who stated in his 1833 Greenville Dist SC application for RW Pension that he was b in 1757 in Warren Co NC, lived in Granville Co NC at enlistment, m Lucy (--) 26 Dec 1786 "on the top of Flour Gap Mountain in Henry Co VA" and that they lived "when young" in Henry VA and Surry Co NC.
No. 78. Christopher HORN applied for his RW Pension in 1823 in Knox Co KY, aged 71, had m there to an Elizabeth [TYE?] in Dec 1817, only an enlistment in Staunton VA (Frederick/Shenandoah) is mentioned.
Important! The Combs/Stacy research is well documented. In the instances of other members of this list, the Rev. War Pensioner may not have been the same who served in this company.
Provided by Researcher George Baumbach from "Montgomery County, Virginia, The First Hundred Years," C. W. Crush & F. T. Ingelmire, Iberian Publishing Company, Athens, GA
(scan and OCR by Combs Researcher Tina Jones)
Daniel Trigg, Captain. | John Eliwick [CS: Elswick] |
Israel Lorton, Lieut. | Archibald Thompson |
Samuel McGehee, Lieut. | William Sanren [CS: Lawson] |
Albert Bright, Insign | Falkner Elliott [CS: Faulkner] |
Privates | |
Blackburn Akers | John Carlton |
Thomas Alley | Henry Skeggs |
Henry Stafford | Wm. Jones |
Francis Charlton | John Beth, Junr. |
Archibald Elkins | Moses Skeggs |
Henry Bishop | John Harrison |
John Stevens | Sayton Romine |
Reuben Collinsworth [CS: Collingsworth] | John Bears |
Richd. White | Cary Allen |
William Drikten | Edmund Vancil |
William Hornton | Wm. Coadey |
John Duncan | John Higgans |
Thomas Evans | Benjamin Staycie |
Adam Pate | Simon Staycie |
Nathan Ratliff | Wm. Combs |
Daniel Dobbins | Bradley Meredith, Junr. |
James Collinsworth | Benjamin Dispain |
John Collinsworth | Thomas Farmer |
Henry Benjamin | Jeremiah Barnet |
William Hawkins | John Pate |
Thomas Pate Junr. | Wm. Becknal |
Jonathan Eswick [Elwick per CS] | Wm. Hall |
Richd. Hawkens | John Arthur |
Samuel Arthur | John Dispain |
Peter Benner | John Wilys |
Herckiah White [CS: Hezekiah] | Matthus Peterson |
Samuel Cantenberry [ | William Pradley |
John Howerton | Abram Hankins |
Jacob Blackburn | Ely Peterson |
Thomas Pate | Richd. Henderson |
Anthony Pace, Junr. | Henry Keggs, Junr. |
Barnet Prisgrove | William Coadesk |
Robert Bell | John Staycie |
Barnel Farmer | Mayson Combs |
William Ratliff | Thoms Isreal |
Richd. Ratliff | Jos. Crompton |
Michael Mattocks | Michl. Tarter |
Edmund Collinsworth | William Davis |
Abram Hilton | Christopher Horn |
John Bingaman | Jacob Skeggs |
Thomas Kirk | . |
50 for duty |
The following is a comparison of the differences between the two lists. "CI" = Crush/Ingelmire and "CS" = Combs-Stacy.
Barnel Farmer [CS: Barnet] |
Barnet Farmer under 18 [CI: Barnel] |
Barnet Presgrove not fit [CI: Prisgrove] |
Barnet Prisgrove [CS: Presgrove] |
Bradley Meredith, Junr. [CI: Meridith] |
Bradley Meridith, Junr. [CS: Meredith] |
Cary Allen [CS: Cary? Alley] |
Cary? Alley under 18 [CI: Cary Allen] |
Falkner Elliott [CS: Faulkner] |
Faulkner Elliot, Sergt. [CI: Falkner] |
Henry Benjamin [CS: Bingaman] |
Henry Bingaman not fit [CI: Benjamin] |
Henry Keggs, Junr. [CS: Skaggs] |
Henry Skaggs, Junr. [CI: Keggs] |
Herckiah White [CS: Hezekiah] |
Hezekiah Whitt [CI: Herckekiah] |
Jacob Pate [CI: Missing] |
Jeremiah Barnet |
Jeremiah Barnet not fit |
John Beard under 18 [CI: Bears] |
John Bears [CS: Beard] |
John Bingaman |
John Bingaman |
John Carlton [CS: Charlton] |
John Charlton [CI Carlton] |
John Eliwick [CS: Elswick] |
John Elswick, Sergt. [CI: Eliwick] |
John Higgans [CS: Higgins] |
John Higgins [CI: Higgans] |
Jonathan Elswick [CI: Eswick] |
Jonathan Eswick [CS: Elwick] |
Jos. Compton [CI: Crompton] |
Jos. Crompton [CS: Compton] |
Matthias Peterson not fit[CI: Matthus] |
Matthus Peterson [CS: Matthias] |
Michl. Tarter [CS: missing] |
Reuben Collingsworth [CI: Collinsworth] |
Reuben Collinsworth [CS: Collingsworth] |
Richd. Hawkens [CS: Hawkins] |
Richd. Hawkins not fit [CI: Hawkens] |
Richd. White [CS: Whitt] |
Richd. Whitt [CI: White] |
Samuel Cantenberry [CS: Canterberry] |
Samuel Canterberry not fit [CI: Cantenberry] |
Thomas Farmer [CS: Thompson] |
Thompson Farmer not fit [CI: Thomas] |
Thoms Isreal [CS: Thos.] |
Thos. Israel [CI: Thoms] |
Will: Hall [CI: Wm.] |
Wm. Hall [CS: Will] |
William Becknal [CI: Wm.] |
Wm. Becknal [CS: William] |
William Bradley [CI: Pradley] |
William Pradley [CS: Bradley] |
William Coadesk [CS: Missing] |
Wm. Coadey [CS: Missing] |
William Hawkins [CS: Hawkins Hankins?] |
William Hawkins (Hankins?) [CI: Hawkins] |
William Hornton [CS: Howerton] |
William Howerton [CI Hornton] |
William Lawson, Sergt not fit [CI: Sanren] |
William Sanren [CS: Lawson] |
To Combs &c. Families of Montgomery
Co, VA
To Freddie L. Spradlin's Montgomery
Co, VA County GenWeb Page