Note: Although a number of genealogical records are included in the "Ecclesiastical Memorials of the Lovett Family," this publication does include some errors (not yet noted herein) and serves primarily as an adjunct to our Lovett Family Series. The transcription has been faithful to the original manuscript with two exceptions: Capitalization of surnames and [bracketed] entries are by Combs &c. Research editors, not the author.
by R. J. Arden Lovett, Osten (Belgium)
Printed by E. Van de Water. 1897. 61p. No copyright
and transcribed by Combs Researcher Denise Mortorff
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Book Cover: Coats of Arms for LOVETT
Illustration: "Liscombe Park. Buckinghamshire. The Property of the Lovett Family since the 13th century."
Title Page: Ecclesiastical Memorials of the Lovett Family by R.J. Arden Lovett
"It is a reverend thing to see an ancient Castle or Building not in decay or to see a fair timber Tree sound and perfect; how much more to behold an ancient noble family which has stood the ways and weather of times: for new nobility is but the act of Power but ancient is the act of time." -Bacon
Printed by Mr.Van de Water, 34, rue d'Ouest Ostend (Belgium)
TO THE MEMORY OF ROBERT LOVETT THIRTY FIRST REPRESENTATIVE OF THE LOVETT FAMILY descended in an unbroken Male line from William LOVETT, created Master of the Wolf Hounds by William the Conqueror. This work is dedicated in undying affection by his eldest son, Robert Jonathan Arden Lovett.
"All beings, not utterly savage, long for some information about past times."Macauley
This little book is not intended for a Family History and gives only existing records of some of the Ecclesiastical Memorials, to the very ancient family of LOVETT of Liscombe, Bucks, which are to be found in the Counties of Beds, Berks, Bucks, Devon, Dorset, Northampton, Worcester, Leicester and Kent.
They have been compiled with greater labour and care, in the hope that they may prove of use and interest to the present members of the family and their connections.
It is not pretended that this work will be sought after by the general public, but there are some among them who may be interested in the following living records of an ancient and ever loyal race, who for over six hundred years have been Lords of the Manors of Liscombe and Soulbury in the County of Bucks, and who moreover can trace back their descent in a direct male line to the time of the Norman Conquest.*
The Author has received great assistance from his brother the Rev. Neville Lovett, rector of Bishops Caundle, and vicar of North Wooton, Dorsetshire, from his father, the late Rev. Robert Lovett, 31st male representative of the Lovett family, author of "Stemmata Lovettana," and the late Mr. Evelyn Philip Shirley, of Ettington, author of, "The Noble Gentlemen of England" etc. A gentleman of high literary and antiquarian tastes, and a writer of considerable ability.
R.J. Arden Lovett
23, Clarges Street
March 1897
* The Rev. J. Stevenson in one of a series of lectures delivered forty six years ago on the History of Leighton Buzzard and its Neighbourhood, after having referred to the Manors in the district which were given by William the Conqueror to officers in his Army went on to say "It is a curious circumstance that none of the immense estates appeared to have continued in the hands of the Norman Nobility of Bedfordshire beyond a few generations. There is apparently one striking exception to this remark, and it is connected with out own immediate neighbourhood. I bring it before your notice: I refer to the Lovett family. Domesday points to them as holding estates in Berkshire, Northamptonshire and Leicestershire, with what we have nothing to do: but it is interesting for us to remark that at the time of the Norman Conquest, William LOVETT was given the Manors of Grawley and Flitwick in Bedfordshire.
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Genealogical Achievment of the Lovett Family
1. Quarterly: 1st and 4th.,sa., three wolves heads or, 2nd. and 3rd. ar., three wolves passant in pale sa.
Lovett of Liscombe
2. Erm. a fesse chequy or and az.
3. Gules a fesse indented between seven cross crosslets, four in chief, three in base, or.
4. Vaire az. and ar.
Beauchamp of Hatche.
5. Erm. a border sa: charged with 10 Roundles or.
de Turville
6. Ar. a chev. engr. sa. between three tuns of the last, from the bung hole of each a flame issuing ppr.
7. Per pale or and az., a fesse erm.
8. Ar., a cross gules voided of the field, between four cross crosslets fitchee gules.
9. Ar. a cross ingrailed gules
10. Or, a chev. between three leopard's faces az.
11. Or, a chief az.
12. Gules, an orle vair, or and az.
13. Az. a bend cotised between six martlets or.
14. Ar. a chief indented az.
- Sa. a chev. or. between three escallops ar.
Page 2
16. Per pale or and az., a chev. erm.
17. Gules, two chevs. erm.
18. Gules, three lions pass. in pale ar.
19. Sa. a fret or.
20. Sa. a chev. between ten crosses pattee ar.
21. Az. two organ pipes in saltire between four crosses pattee ar.
Williams of Thame
22. Sa. a horse pass. ar. spancelled in both legs, on the near side, gules.
23. Ar. three ears of wheat in fesse vert.
Verney of Devonshhire
24. Ar. a chev. sa. between three pellets, on a chief of the second, as many cross crosslets fitchee of the first.
Pate of Masterdon
25. Chequy ar. and sa.
26. Gules three annulets a chief ar. on a canton or the rose of England ppr.
Aylet of Howells
27. Az. a pale surmounted by a Maunch gules.
28. Sa. three garbs ar.; a bordure engr. or.
29. Gules three towers triple-towered ar.
30. Ar. a bend raguly between three arrows gules feathered and barbed or.
31. Az. a chev. or, between two lions rampant respectant ar. in chief and a white rose leaved and slipped ppr. in base, in the centre chief point a crescent of the third.
32. Or on a chief az. three doves ar.
33. Sa a chev. between three spear's heads embrued ar.
Watkins of Pennoyre
34. Per fesse sa. and ar. a Ron ramp, countercharged, armes and langued gules.
Vaughan of Golden Grove
Page 3
"Rer cum constituit canum Luperum magistrum per totam Angliam."
The family of LOUETH, LUUETH, de LUVET, de LOUVET, LOVET or LOVETT, as the name is variously written in Domesday, is of Norman extraction.
They are of great antiquity, and as remarkable for their alliances, as for their long continuance being collaterally or maternally descended from the ancient houses of ARDEN, BEAUCHAMP, ENGAINE, St. MAUR, de TURVILLE, BILLING, DRAYTON, DANVERS, GIMILIES, LIZURES, LINSEY, PRAYOR, CRANFORD, FAVELL, DANDSEY, PARIS, MALTRAVERS, GIFFORD, NEVILLE, WILLIAMS, Percival, CRISPE, BLOUNT, O'MORE, a younger branch of the Earls of Buckingham etc., etc., etc.
In the Church of Notre Dame, at Dives, in Normandy, the names of Richardus de LOUVET(1) and his sons William and Robert(2) are inscribed over the western door, among those of the Norman nobles, who accompanied William the Conqueror to England.
From William, are descended the LOVETTS of Buckinghamshire and Northamptonshire. From Robert, the LOVETTS of Worcestershire.
Robert LOVETT obtained the Manors of Elmly, and Hampton in Worcestershire, in consequence of which the parishes were, and are still respectively named Elmly Lovett, and Hampton Lovett. (3) His son William married Isabel, daughter of John St. MAUR and had issue,
Sir Henry LOVETT, who married Isabella (3) daughter and heir of Lord BEAUCHAMP, of Hatche and was succeeded by his son,
(1) Richardus de LOUVET, was a Seigneur of Upper Normandy, where his ancestors had been for many generations. There are records in the Libraries of Caen, Rouen and Havre which can be consulted on the subject.
(2)Robert LOVETT, and The Earl of Chester, of Mellent, were among the pledges taken by the Steward of Normandy, for a marriage fine on Roger de Planes.
Maddox Exchequer
(3) Isabella, widow of Sir Henry LOVETT presented to the church of Elmly Lovett in 1316.
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Sir John LOVETT (1) who left issue two daughters at whose death, the manor of Hampton Lovett became the property of Sir William BLOUNT, of Sodington, he having married Isabella, widow of Sir Henry LOVETT.
"Sciat,.....quod ego Johannes de LOVETT
Miles Dominus de Emily LOVETT, dedi
Walter Le BLOUNT, fratri, meo et Johanni
filio suo, filiolo meo quindecim
solidos annui redditus &c &c.
Johannes LOVETT, Dominus de Amnell
---concessit Domine ---Isabella, matri
suac, urori Domini Willelmi Le BLOUNT
maner et terr. in Tumberlack."
This branch of the family, bore for their arms sa. three wolves heads or, which were those of the de LOUVETS of Normandy, previous to the conquest.
William LOVETT, (2) the elder son of Richardus de LOUVET, received from William the Conqueror, the manors of Cranalai and Flitwich in Bedfordshore, Dentone, Anebone and Mortune in Berkshire; Duvort, (3) Tideworth and Seweston in Leicestershire; and many fair possessions in Northamptonshire; he was also constituted Master of the wolf hounds, in consequence of which he took arms, Ar. three wolves pass. in pale sa. His courage, strength and great affection for his wife, gave rise to the following nursery rhyme which is preseved in the family:
May my child be as stout
May my child be as strong
And my boy love as long
As Willy of Normandy
The LOVETTS of Buckinghamshire are directly descended from William LOVETT, and Liscombe Park has been in the family ever since the 13th century. It is now in the possession of Percival Cosby Ernest LOVETT, son of Philips Cosby LOVETT, who obtained the property under the will of Elizabeth, eldest
(1)"There was in the church of Elmly Lovett a Perpetual Chantry, to pray for the soul of John LOVETT, Knight, and his ancestors taxed at 40's."
Nash's Worcestershire
(2) In the library at Rouen, there is an account of a trial, between William LOVETT, and a native who had seized the former's property during his absence in England, with the Duke of Normandy.
(3) NICHOL, in his History of Leicestershire speaks of Duvot, as the property of William LOVETT in 1066.
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daughter of Sir Jonathan LOVETT, Bart. (1) The house is situated in a spacious park, abounding with fine oaks, and is quadrangular, enclosing a large court, of irregular building, on one side of which is a 14th century chapel.
There is a fine collection of portraits and among others, A fine half length, on panel, of Charles BRANDON, with a venerable aspect, short and full grey beard: the Duke of Suffolk is in his robes, with a gold chain and in his left hand a nosegay on his fore-finger a ring. On his head a square cap. He was related to the LOVETTS, as appears by the inscription.
."Carolus BRANDON Dux Soffolcie, Proeses privati Concilii Regis Henrici oct: qui fuit (ex parte matris) frater Humphridi TYRELL Dni de Thornton in Com. Buck. Qui Humphridus sponsavit filiam Roberti INGLETON Domini de Thornton cancellarii Scci Regis et unius predicti Regii concilii privati."
.Arms: Quarterly 1 and 4 Barry of ten Arg. and Gu. surtout a lion ramp.
.Or 2 and 3 quarterly 1 and 4 Az. a cross moline Or 2 and 3 Lozengy Gu. and Arg. by Holbein.
.Half length of Sir Edward MANTAGUE, Knt. Lord Ch. Justice of both Benches, Privy Counsellor to two Kings, ob. 1556; by Holbein.
.Sarah, Duchess of MARLBOROUGH, by Sir G. Kneller.
.Heads of Titus OATES, Archbishop SANCROFT, and Hugo GROTIUS.
.Nell GWYNN, by Sir Peter Lely.
.Wentworth, Earl of Strafford, beheaded temp., Car. I
.Sir Nicholas CRISPE, Knt. in Armour.
.Half length of John RUSSELL, first Earl of Bedford, on board, date 1555.
In the Dining Room, which is a very handsome and spacious apartment formed out of the old hall:
.Sir Robert LOVETT, Knt. and his first lady.
.Sir Robert LOVETT, his son, by Anne Saudners
.Edward LOVETT, of Tawstock, Devon
.Right Hon. Christopher LOVETT, and his Lady, Frances MORE, by Sir G. Kneller.
.Christopher LOVETT, with a representation of Eddystone Light House, in the background.
.Colonel John LOVETT.
.King Charles I.
.Sir Edmund VERNEY, Knt. Standard Bearer to the King ar Edge-hill.
(1) The origin of the creation of the title is thus related; "In the summer of 1781, the Earl of Chesterfield, having been sometime absent from court, was asked by the King where has had been? the Earl replied on a visit to Mr. LOVETT, of Buckinghamshire, as said the King, is that LOVETT of Liscombe? They are of the Genuine old Norman Breed, how happens it they are not baronets? Would they accept the title? Go tell him, continued the King, that the title is that much at his service; they have ever been staunch to the Crown at a pinch."
.The Noble and Gentle men of England, by E. P. Shirley
Sir Jonathan LOVETT was afterwards offered a peerage but he declined the honor.
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.Lady Verney, his wife
.The Hon. John Verney, Son of Viscount Fermanagh, afterwards Earl Verney.
.The Earl and Countess of Carnarvon.
.John PIGGOTT, of Copard, in the Queen's County, Ireland.
.Robert LOVETT, and Sarah Ann his wife.
.Major LOVETT, Son of Col. John LOVETT.
.Captain J. LOVETT, R.N.
.Jonathan ASH, D. D. Father of Sarah Lovett
.E. WENTWORTH, Niece of the first Earl of Strafford; Grand-mother of Eleanor LOVETT.
.Jonathan LOVETT, of Liscombe, and of Kingswell, in Tipperary, Father of Sir Jonathan LOVETT, Bart.
.Eleanor MANSERGH, his wife.
.Viscount and Vicsountess FERMANAGH, (Miss PALMER)
.Rev. Verney LOVETT, D. D. Brother of Sir Jonathan LOVETT, Bart.
.Sir Jonathan LOVETT, Bart, when a Boy, and his two Sisters (small.)
.Ann LOVETT, daughter of Sir Robert LOVETT, first the Wife of BOURCHIER, Earl of Bath; and secondly of Baptist NOEL, Viscount CAMPDEN, afterwards Earl of Gainsborough.
.Sir Bevil VERNEY.
.Mr. PACK.
.Sir Henry LOVETT, Knt.
.Mr. and Mrs. DAWSON.
In the Drawing Room:
.Sir Jonathan LOVETT,
.Robert Turville Jonathan LOVETT, his Son,
.Elizabeth LOVETT, his Daughter,
.Laetitia LOVETT, do do
.Arabella LOVETT. do do
The head of the Lovett family at the present time is Robert Jonathan Arden LOVETT, 32nd male representative, who married 22 March, 1892, Elizabeth Emily Helza, only child of Marescoe Lloyd FREDERICK, (1) by Maria Louisa, daughter of George White WEST, of Ardenode, Co: Kildare, great granddaughter of Richard, 2nd Earl Annesley.
Mrs. Arden LOVETT is coheir of her great grand-mother, Susanna Eleanor VAUGHAN, of the very ancient, and noble house of VAUGHAN, of Golden Grove, Earls of Carbery. (2)
- Burkes Baronetage.
- Burkes Extinct Peerage.
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"Into the Silent Land!
.Ah, who shall lead us thither?
.Clouds in the evening sky more, darkly gather.
.And shattered wrecks lie thicker on the strand.
.Who leads us with a gentle hand
.Thither, O thither,
.Into the Silent Land!"
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Soulbury Church.
The Lordship of the manor, and the patronage of the living of Soulbury, have belonged to the LOVETT family ever since the 13th century, and are at the present time vested in Percival Cosby Ernest LOVETT, Liscombe Park.
The Church of All Saints, chiefly of the Decorated period with perpendicular alterations and additions consists of a nave, aisles, South porch, 3rd and 6th of which are modern, the 4th and 5th ancient having respectively the inscriptions round the verge: "Sea Martine ora pro nobis," and "Sea Margareta ora pro nobis." The fifth bell was cast in 1529. The largest weighs 18 cwt. on which a clock strikes ---and a fine chancel in the east window of which are the LOVETT arms -- Three wolves passant in pale sa. It was restored under the direction of the late G.E. Street R.A. in 1863 by Phillips Cosby LOVETT J.P., D.L. of Liscombe Park, Lord of the Manor and patron of the living. There is a monument on the North wall bearing the following inscription:
."To the Glory of God, and in memory of Elizabeth Anne LOVETT, eldest daughter of Sir Jonathan LOVETT, Bart. This chancel was restored in 1863 by her grateful kinsman Phillips Cosby LOVETT. This Tablet also commemorates her Father, Mother, Brothers and Sisters, viz. Robert, Jonathan, Edward William, John, Letitia and Arabella.
. .All buried in this chancel."
On the same wall there is a 15th century brass in perfect preservation -- to the memory of Thomas LOVETT of Astwell Manor, Northamptonshire, High Sheriff for that County 1482 and one of the Privy Council to King Edward IV. He was the son of Simon LOVETT of Liscombe, and younger brother of William LOVETT of Liscombe, Bucks. The part of the inscription which sets forth how William the Conqueror appointed William LOVETT son of Richardus de LOUVET, master of the Wolfhounds over all England, and how in consequence he took for his arms Arg. three wolves passant in pale sa. is in Harleian MSS. and is interesting.
"Familia LOVETTORUM sane antiquissima pecullare stemma a quodum Gulielmo Viro Bellico qui in conquesto Normanorum, Anno Dom. 1066, sub Gulielmo Duce stipendia merebat bona sine explicata iste Gulielmus inter nobiles Normanies Generes qui cum Duce ad conquestum Angliae venerunt; Vir primarius fuit et ad eo fortitur se jessit ut Rer ei terras multas donavit cumque canum imperum guibus ea tunc insula non parum infestabitur majestrum per totam Angliam constiuit, ratione cujus arma gentilesia respondenta (scilicet tres lupes incedentes Sab. in campo. Arg.) sibi appropriavit suisque reliquit, relinquens tres luperum capites Or. in campo Sab. Arma patris Richardi de LOVET Normaniae."
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The will of Thomas LOVETT was proved January 2, 1492. In it he appoints to be buried in Biddlesdon Abbey, by his wife.
Underneath is another brass with the inscription:
."The above Plate was originally placed in the Turville Chapel in Biddlesdon Abbey from where it was removed when the Abbey was destroyed in 1704. The Turville Chapel was founded in the reign of Henry ii by Sir William de TURVILLE of Helmedon in Northamptonshire. he was succeded by Sir Simon, he by Sir William, and he by Sir Nicholas, upon whose death 1309 it came to the LOVETTS, his only daughter and heir Sarah, having in 1304 married Robert LOVETT of Liscombe of Bucks, son of Sir Robert LOVETT of Newton in Warwick and Rushton Northamptonshire."
There is also a brass to Colonel John LOVETT M.P. ob.1710 and his wife Mary VERNEY, ob. 1769, she was a daughter of Viscount Fermanagh, of Middle Claydon, Bucks, sister of Ralph, Earl VERNEY, and of Margaret VERNEY, married to Sir Thomas CAVE, Bart. of Stanford Hall, Leicestershire, from whom the present Lord BRAYE is descended.
There are two marble monuments on the same side --- one to the memory of Major Verney LOVETT MP. for Wendover; it is a pyramid of black marble to which is affixed a shield with the Arms of LOVETT and below:
."Gratitude and Affection erected this Monument to the memory of Major Verney LOVETT. He was the son of Col. John LOVETT and the Honble. Mary VERNEY (1). He departed this life the 10th day of December 1771, aged 66 years."
The other, which is within the altar rails is very handsome, reaching from the floor to the roof it is surmounted by the Lovett and Pigott Arms, and bears the inscription:
"Here lueth the Body of Robert LOVETT, (2) of Liscombe in the Parish of Soulbury, in the County of Bucks, Esq. who departed this life, August 11th. 1699, in the 76th year of his age. He married Penelope, daughter and sole heiress of Thomas AYLET (3) of Hovels in the County of Essex, Esq. who had issue 4 children; Anne, his eldest daughter, who died young, and lyeth in this vault; Robert, his only son, who married Theodosia, daughter of Sir John
(1) Great grand daughter of Sir Edmund VERNEY, Knight Marshall of England, standard bearer to King Charles I.
- Robert LOVETT was high sheriff of Bedfordshire, 1649.
(3) The family of AYLET were staunch royalists: King Charles I m. 1646 to show approbation of the zeal displayed by captain AYLET, in his desperate defence of Colchester, ordered the augmentation to his arms of --on? a canton or, the rose of England proper -- having no other reward to bestow on him. There is a beautiful portrait at Liscombe, of Penelope LOVETT, daughter of Thomas AYLET (faded) represented with a rose in her hand.
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HALSEY, of Great Gaddesden, in Hertfordshire, Knight, who died without issue, November 29, 1683, in the 26th, year of his age, and lyeth buried in this vault; Lettice, his 2nd daughter, now living, married to Thomas PIGGOT, of Doddershall, in the county of Bucks, Esq. by whom she hath had two sons, Richard, the eldest who died young, and is buried in this vault; and Penelope, his youngest daughter now living, and married to Edw. BATE, of Maidsmorton, in this County, Esq. by whom she hath two daughters, both alive. He also married a second wife, now living, Elizabeth, widow of John BRADSHAW, of Darford, in the County of Surrey, Esq. by whom he had no issue.
.Here also lyeth interred in this vault Lawrence LOVETT, (1) younger Brother of the said Robert LOVETT, who departed this life the 2nd day of October 1698, in the 65th year of his age.
.This monument was erected at the sole charge of Lettice PIGOTT, wife of Thomas PIGOTT aforesaid, in Memory of her dear Father and Mother, in the year 1701."
Opposite, on the South side, also within the altar rails is a very handsome Mural Monument, with a recess between pilasters, having the figures of Sir Robert LOVETT (2) and his first wife Susan daughter of Richard BROOKE, and heiress of her grandfather Richard PATE, of Marston, Gloucestershire; --(she was the widow of Sir Ambrose WILLOUGHBY de Parham,) and afixed to the pediment above, three shields of arms, the centre one, the arms of LOVETT quartering de TURVILLE, and the other two the arms of PATE and BROOKE, Sir Robert LOVETT of Liscombe, was High Sheriff of Bucks 1608.
On the left hand is the inscription:
"Rob. Lovett Miles posuit hoc Memoriae Sacru annog. perpetui Testimoniu Conjur posuit moestimus euende ut corporis in Terra sic Spiritus in coeio Locu simul erpectans et erpectas,
.Sta meditare, time, gaude lachrymare Viator
. .Quisquis es ecce meus to docet ista civis,
.Sta, Index Deus est, mors Lictor, Spiritus erro
. .Sistitur, en jacet ut carcere Corpus bumo.
.Stando tuas meditare vices; Cito sic eris ut sum:
. .Nunc mibi; cras tibi; sors omnibus aequa venit
.Ergo time, meditans, ne non te parca paratum
. .Poseat; ut bic vivas et moriare teres.
.Multiplicisq; timeris lachrymare Piacula Culpae
. .Ne quid agat praesens Vita futura luat
.Te lachrymas prome, gaude cui Christus occellos
. .Abstersit sorded, abluit, Astra dedit."
Margaret LOVETT wife of Lawrence LOVETT died, April 1, 1707 aged 77
(2) Sir Robert LOVETT was son of Francis LOVETT, of Liscombe, by his wife Anne, daughter of Augustine CRISPE, of Boughton, in the county of Northampton; Sir Nicholas CRISPE eminently distinguished himself in supporting Charles I: He raised two regiments, one of which he commanded in person and procured large sums of money for his King.
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On the right hand:
."Susan BROOKE, late wife of Sir Robert LOVETT, Knight.
.She deceased the 2nd, July 1609."
. .An Enigrame. Susan LOVETT
. . .Now All's At Rest.
.If wisdom, true Repentance, and Religion,
Birth, Beautie, Worth, Youth, Wealth, Friends, Prayers, or Praise,
Could have preserved a Bodye from corruption,
This lady might have lived yet endlesse Days.
But those were wings whereon her Spirit fled hence.
Christ though her fitter for his presence.
Her soule, altho' her Body sleeps in dust,
Attends the Angels, on Great GOD above.
Now free from Pain, Sin, feare, or fleshy Lust,
Yet filled with Heavenly joyes and saints pure Love.
Then praise wee GOD for her, I pray likewise,
That wee may live, die, rise, and reign in Blisse."
Sir Robert LOVETT, was not buried at Soulbury he died on his journey home from visiting his son Edward Lovett, of TAWSTOCK, Devon and was interred at Sparsholt, Berkshire, in 1645.
He was a man of great attainments and had an extensive correspondence with some of the leading personages at the Court, and in the Cabinet of King James I and King Charles I. Many letters passed between him and Sir Edward NICHOLAS one of the Ministers of State. In one of them he writes to Sir Robert LOVETT as his old friend, asking him to go to London.
On the South wall also there is a Monument in white stone, having a female figure reclioning over an urn, inscribed - A filial offering to Maternal worth. -- Lower down, on trefoil headed panels, are many inscriptions and the following on a tablet:
.- Sir Jonathan LOVETT, Bart erected this Monument to the memory of his dear and beloved Mother, Eleanor LOVETT, who departed this life December 2, 1786, in the 66th year of his age.
.By her Father, Daniel MANSERGHS of Cumberland, and the WENTWORTHS of York; and by her Mother Mary, eldest daughter and co-heiress of Nicholas SOUTHCOTE, Esq. from the Southcotes of Devon.
.She married Jonathan LOVETT, Esq. of Liscombe House, Lord of this Manor, by whom she had, Robert and Elizabeth, who died infants, and the under-named, who lived to maturity,
.- Jonathan, married Sarah, daughter of Jonathan DARBY, Esq. of Leap Castle and has issue.
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Verney, Chaplain to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, married Frances, daughter of Henry GERVAIS, DD. and has issue.
.Eleanor, married to John DARBY, jun. of Leap Castle, and has issue.
.Jane, married to John BENNETT, Judge of the King's Bench in Ireland and has issue.
.Susanna, married to William HENN, Master in Chancery.
.Elizabeth, married to John PIGOTT, Esq. of the Queen's County, and has issue."
.It has the Arms of Lovett, impaling Arg. a bend raguly gu. betw. three arrows or. for MANSERGH, of Cumberland.
On the same side of the chancel, a monument to Jonathan LOVETT, father of Sir Jonathan LOVETT, Bart.
"This Monument is erected by the Rev. Verney LOVETT A.M. to record his own gratitude, and the Virtues of his Father, Jonathan LOVETT, Esq. of Liscombe, in this parish, and of Kingswell near Tipperary, Ireland, where he died August 24th 1770, aged 48."
It bears the Arms of Lovett and the Motto Spe.
A handsome Marble one, with the inscription:
."Near this place lies interred the Body of Robert LOVETT eldest son of Robert, late of Liscomb, in this County, Esq. who died June the 26, in the year 1740, and in the twenty-first year of his age.
.This monument is erected by his sorowful Mother, Sarah (1) LOVETT in memory of the best and most dutiful of sons."
And a marble Tablet with the LOVETT Arms, to a younger branch of the LOVETT family, Phillips Cosby LOVETT, father of the late Capt. Cosby LOVETT, and grand-father of Percival Cosby Ernest LOVETT, now of Liscombe Park, Lord of the Manor, and Patron of the living.
.There is also a beautifully carved white marble cross, near the South porch in the churchyard, with the inscription "In loving Memory of William Gough Gubbins LOVETT, born September 1871, died 10 January 1893."
.Under the altar is a large vault, the burial place of the LOVETT family for many generations.
(1) Sarah, wife of Robert LOVETT, of Liscombe, was a daughter of Jonathan ASHE, of Ashe Grove, of the ancient family of Esse-Ashe d Esse-court, whose cheif came over with the conqueror.
.From certified extracts under the seal of the Ulster King of Arms.
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In 1301 Robert LOVETT, of Liscombe, being the Lord of the Manors of Soulbury, Liscombe, Chelmscote and Hollendon, obtained a grant from the Bishop of Lincoln, that he might add a chantry to the Church of Liscombe;
."Robto. Lovet D'no de Liscombe Epus soncessit here
.Cantuariam in Eccliam de Liscombe."
.He appointed as rector of Soulbury, Hugh de WALCOT, 16 June 1313; and Sir John LOVETT, Hugh Durrant 2 July 1341.
In 1535, 15 June, Alice MALLET willed to be buried in the Church, and gave to the building 5 pounds making Ricard LOVETT her Executor.
In 1528 March 6, Percival DUVAL, vicar of Soulbury, willed to be buried in the chancel before the Image of Our Lady, on the right hand of the High altar, and gave legacies to the Sepulchre Light, and the Rood Light making Richard LOVETT, overseer of his will, and ordered, a yearly obit to be said for him.
By a deed of the 3rd. June 1698, it was arranged between Robert LOVETT, son of Sir Robert LOVETT, and Edward LOVETT, of Tawstock, Devon that 30 pounds, with the advantages of living at Liscombe or 40 pounds without these advantages, should be the vicar's stipend.
There is also at Soulbury what is called the Lovett Charity, Robert LOVETT having in his will dated 27. November 1710 left a sum of money, which now produces 102 pounds yearly, for the benefit of the poor of the Parish.
."May 14 1728. The Rev. John SAMBEE and Mrs. Lettice PIGOTT filed an amicable bill in the High Court of Chancery against themselves in the name of Robert BUCKMASTER and Others ---churchwardens and overseers of the Poor of the Parish of Soulbury --- complaining that the said Mr. SAMBEE had given no account of Mr. LOVETT'S legacy of 300 pounds and that the Poor of their town had received no benefit from it, requesting the Court to oblige them to give their said Town full satisfaction herein. And in the Defendant SAMBEE admits that at the time of making the said Will he was and still is minister of Soulbury and that about the Tenth of May 1712 he did receive the said Three hundred Pounds from the said Sir Henry NORTHCOTE and John HACCHE on their order and not before which he put out at Interest at five Pounds per cent about the twentieth of the said month and admits that no application hath been yet made thereof or of any part thereof and that he hath in his hands for principal and interest now due Five Hundred and Forty Pounds as he computes the same.
.And the said Defendants say they are desirous to Lay out and Dispose off the same ---in case this Court shall approve and so order --- in purchase of Lands Inheritance to be conveyed to proper Trustees to be nominated and
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appointed by the Defendants to the uses following -- One Equal Moiety of the Rents of such lands to be paid to a Schoolmaster who shall be a person of Sober Life and approved of by the said Trustees or any three of them being neither vicar nor curate of that or any other Parish and to be displaced at pleasure on misbehavior -- for teaching of Twenty four of such poor children ---Boys and Girls ---of the Poor; Legally Settled Inhabitants of the Parish of Soulbury, to Read, Write, and Cast Accounts and to be instructed in the Catechism of the Church of England. And the other Moiety of the Rents of such Lands, to be annually apply'd for and towards placing out one or more Boys who do not receive Alms of said Parish yearly Apprentices to Trades or Employments in such manner as the said Trustees or any three of them shall approve.
.This was by the Court approved, and in Persuance of an order of the 5th of June 1728, the Defendants having proposed to me, Robert LOVETT, Esq. of Liscombe, in the Parish of Soulbury, in the County of Bucks, Lord of the Manor, The Rev, David TRIMNELL DD., The Rev. John BARTON, The Rev. William BROWN and the Rev. John POTTER, all in the County of Bucks, and their successors to be Trustees for the Charity in question.
I do allow and approve hereof which I humbly certify and submitt to the Judgement of this Honorable Court."
. . .Robert HOLFORD
Parish Registers
1624 Francisca Lovett filia Roberti baptizata decimo Marty anno pedicto
1625 Rebeckah LOVETT filia Roberti baptizata
1627 Edwardus LOVETT filine Roberti baptizatus first decimo quarto Octoberis
1628 Penelope LOVETT filia Roberti beptizata first quarto Novembri
1630 Christopher LOVETT filine Roberti baptizatus first vadecimo die Aprilie
1631 Penelope LOVETT filia Roberti baptizata first textio die Aprilie
1632 Arabella LOVETT filia Roberti baptizata first decimo die Jany.
1633 Laurentine LOVETT filine Roberti Lovet equintis et Domina Anna uxoris ein baptizatus first secundo die Marty
May 27th 1729
.Memo: ye day and year above written Robert LOVETT Esq. did enter the Births and Christnings of his children born and baptised in the Kingdom of Ireland by Sarah the Daughter of Johnathan ASHE in ye Kingdom of Ireland County Tipperary Esqr
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1719 Robert born August 30 baptized Sepr 7th Dead
1720 John born August 5th baptized Augt 25 Dyd yr 1721
1721 Christopher born June 11 bapd July 4th Dyd aged 4 years
1722 Johnathan born June 13 bapd July 2nd Died near Tipperary August 24, 1770.
1723 Laurence born July 9th bapd August 6th Dyd at 15 months
1724 Susanna born Novr 28 bapt Decr 27
1725/6 Lettice born March 10th bapt April 8th Died in Dublin 1765
1726/7 Mary born March 16 bapt April 4th Dead
1727/8 William born March 10 bapt March 25th Died Sepr 10 1778 at Leap Kings County.
Nov. 9, 1759
.Mem. the day and year above written at the request of Major Verney LOVETT is entr the marriage of Jonathan LOVETT Esq now in possession of Liscombe Jonathan LOVETT Esq. Married Elinor MANZERGH only Daughter of Col MANZERGH of the County of Cork in the Kingdom of Ireland by whom he had the following children.
1744 Jonathan born April 17
1745 Robert born Decr 6 -Dead
1747 Mary born Janry 14
1749 Elinor born April 1
1751 Jane born July 10
1752 Verney born July 6
1756 Elizabeth born May 12 - Dead
1758 Susana born March 15
1759 Elizabeth born March
The above children all born in Ireland Kingswel in the County of Tipperary where Jonathan LOVETT Esq and Elinor his wife have always livd and they are entered here from a copy sent by the Mother and deliverd by Major LOVETT to Potts DAVIES Minr Novr 9th 1759.
Nov. 9. 1759
Mem. the day and year written at the request of Major Verney LOVETT is enterd the marriage of Susanna Lovett Eldest Daughter of the late Robt LOVETT Esq. Susanna LOVETT married Jonathan DARBY Esq. of the Leap in the Kings County Ireland and by him had the following children.
1746 Jonathan born December 13
1747 Robert Lovett Jonathan born Janry 23
1749 Henry Destar Jonathan April 9
1750 Sarah born June 11
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1751 John born Decr 9
1753 William Lovett born April 6
1754 Verney Lovett born April 13
1758 Christopher born Decr 30
The above Susanna and all her children were born in Ireland. Registerd here from a copy sent over by the Mother and delivered by Major LOVETT to Potts DAVIES Minr Nov.9. 1759
1778 March 6 Edward William S of Jonathan LOVETT Esq. and Sara his wife
1881 October 28 Beresford Tourville son of Phillips Cosby LOVETT and Emeline his wife
1628 Penelope LOVETT was buried ye 1 day of Februarie
1683 Robert LOVETT Gen unicas filis Rob LOVETT de Liscombe arm Sepulta egt tricesimo die Novembris
1689 Penelope, uxor Roberti LOVETT de Liscombe arm Sepulta secundo die Aprilis
1698 Laurentia LOVETT de Ascott in poia de Wing Gent Sepulta decimo quarto die Oct.
1699 Roberta LOVETT de Liscomb Arm Sepulta decimo quarto die Augusti
1707 Mrs. Margaret LOVETT wid buried April 5
1710 John LOVETT Esq. (1) buried May ye 2nd
1740 Robert LOVETT Esq. Bury'd June ye 28th
1758 March 3 Captain John LOVETT from East Sheen Surry
(1) The following letter was written on the death of Col. John LOVETT, by his Father-in-law Lord FERMANAGH, to his son-in-law's mother, Francis LOVETT, daughter of Roger O'MORE, Prince of Leix, by his wife, a daughter of O'REILLEY, Prince of Brefney. She was the widow of Christopher LOVETT, 5th son of Robert LOVETT, of Liscombe Bucks.
. . . . .Middle Claydon, June 1710
. .Madam
.With grief so I pen to paper on the sad ocassion of our great loss by the death of deare Mr. LOVETT in which I condole you and bare a due share of sorrow with you he being a most dutiful son the kindess of Husbands a loveing Father and a true friend. All which perfections rarely center in on eman as they did in him for which he is now among the Blessed Though we are deprived of the happiness of his converse Madam may you enjoy a long and prosperous life and may all your children and childrens children be a confort to you and the hearty Prayers of Madam.
. . .Yr affecte Brother and very humble servant
.The present head of the Lovett family, Robert Jonathan Arden LOVETT -- through the marriage of Francis O'MORE with Christopher LOVETT -- is the representative of the O'MORES, Prince of Leix and is entitled to all the quarterings of that great Miilesian family.
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1769 April 28 The Honble Mrs. Mary LOVETT from London
1771 December 11 Verney LOVETT Esq.
1775 Jany 19 Mrs. Eliza LOVETT
1778 August 16 Edward William son of Jonathan (and Sarah) LOVETT Esq an Inft
1784 September 19 John of Sir Jonathan LOVETT and Sara his wife
1812 Fenruary 11 Sir Jonathan LOVETT Baronet
1827 October 3 Arabella LOVET
1836 May 14 Dame Sarah LOVETT widow of the late Sir Jonathan LOVETT Baronet
1845 January 9 Letitia LOVETT daughter of the late Sir Jonathan LOVETT Baronet
1847 January 21 Sackville Hamilton LOVETT
1854 July 1 Martha LOVETT
1855 August 30 Elizabeth LOVETT
1893 January 14 William Gough Gubbins LOVETT
Maidsmorton Church
.Penelope LOVETT, daughter of Robert LOVETT, of Liscombe, married Edward BATE, Esq. of Maidsmorton. "He built a handsome house, near the Church; and is highly commended by WILLIS who was much gratified by his friendship and acquaintance. He was magistrate for the County, died in 1717; and was buried here."
.On the north side of the chancel, is a mural monument with the Arms, Sa, a fesse engr. betw. three human hands bend-wise, couped at the wrist or, Bate, on an escutcheon of pretence, Ar. three wolves pass. in pale Sa. LOVETT, and beneath.
."In a vault under this stone, lies the Body of Penelope BATE, wife of Edward BATE, of Maidsmorton and youngest daughter of Robert LOVETT, of Liscombe, in the county Bucks, Esq... She departed this life the 24 October, in the 60th year of her age, A.D. 1713."
. . ."Conjugi Charissimae
.Omnibus vitae officiis bene de se meritae
.Hoc sepulchrale marmor
.Maritus posuit maestissimus
.Edwardus Bate, Armiger
.Muti amoris ergo
.Qui nunc fideli Penelope suae
.Factorum vice redditus
.Uno atque eodem sub tumulo jacet
.Et piis votis potiumtur ambo
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.Utruisque uterque
.Desideratum acquiescens ad latus
.Obiit illa Anno aetatis 60 Sal;utis 1713 Octob 24
.Ex antigua Lovettorum de Liscombe, Familia oriunda
.Raris dotibus insignis Faemina
.Ille provectioris....spatio decurso
.Anno aetat 75 Dom. 1717 die mensis Sep. 15
.Plenus vitae Conviva recessit
.Amicis Propinquis Liberis
.Perpetuum sui desiderium relinquens
.Patrem babuit Georgium Bate."
In the nave on the northside there is also a mural monumant to Penelope VERNEY, (1) 1st wife of Richard, Lord WILLOUGHBY de Broke; She was great grand-daughter of Robert LOVETT, of Liscombe, and died August 31st 1718, agesd 18. On it is inscribed.
. .."Under this stone doth lye
. . .As much virtue as could die,
. ..Which when alive did vigour give
. ..To as much Beauty as could live."
. .----------------------------------------------
Haddenham Church
.Susan LOVETT, second daughter of Sir Robert LOVETT married Francis SAUNDERS Esq. of Haddenham; and on the south side of the chancel of the Parish Church there is a monument with these arms; Party per chev. three elephant heads erased. Saunders impaling Ar. three wolves pass. in pale sa. Lovett. And
."Near this place lieth interred the body of Francis SAUNDERS Esq. who married Susan, second daughter of Sir Robert LOVETT, of Liscombe, in the County Bucks, by whom he had issue four sons; two living, Thomas and John, and two dead; and ten daughters, six living and fower deceased. He died 4th July 1661, in the 69th year of his age."
- Her marriage is referred to in the following letter which was written by Mrs. John LOVETT, to her father, John VERNEY, Viscount Fermanagh.:
. . . . .London April ye 20th 1717
.Honoured Sr
.The honour I received of your Lordships congratualting letter is the greatest satisfaction I shall have by the joyning of my kindred I think it has lessened the number of my kin (which is of noe great loss) by two being made one but as this is an addition of your Lordships side and that of a fair Lady it wont I hope be amiss to return the compliment of joy from whence it came -- Lord WILLOUGHBY I hear is gone out of town in great wrath and truly the disapointment is great for him for its said he was treating for a ten thousand pound fortune for his son and Miss PACKE they say has not above three........
Your ever obedient Daughter to Command
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On a white marble in the pavement, near the middle of the chancel,
."Despsitum Francisci SAUNDERS Armig. qui egit an 3S cum Susanna urore integerrima filia Roberti Lovett de Liscombe in hoc agro Buck. Equitis Aurate. Prolem babuit numerosa masculos quinq.; tres Johannes, Thomas et Franciscus quorum Thomas et Job. nat. minim jam superstites l sunt et deccm filias, 4 mortuas Elizabetha et 2 'Iteras, et sex vivas Susann, Elis. Jana. Timoth, Judith et Maria. Ob 4 Julii aetat 69 Ao Dni 1661 Hoc....Pos.maes conj. SS."
On a small lozenge, near the foot of the slab are the Arms of SAUNDERS, impaling Lovett.
There is another marble with the inscription:
."I am tandem fruor desiderio jurta charissimum mari=tum recondita et in servicio Christi. Immemoriam adoratum Beatae Susannae SAUNDERS Viduae Francisci SAUNDERS Armigeri et filiae Robert LOVETT de Liscombe, in hac agro Buck: aurati Equit. obdormivit 14(raised o) die Mart. A.D. 1674 An. aetat 69.
.Ob pietatem singularem ac prestantissimam vitulem gratitudinis ac maetitae plenus hoc, pos, fil. matris pe?r charissimae amantissimus Tho. SAUNDERS. Armig.
. .Mens et Gloria non queunt humari."
Quainton Church
.On the north side of the chancel, is a large architectural monument; its base being divided into two principal compartments, with a recess between them. On the pediment weeping cherubs reclining their heads against fluted urns, with gilt flames issuant; between them, above the recess, these arms, in nine quarterings,
1. Dormer, 2 Doire or Chobbs, 3.Collingridge, 4. Arundell, 5. Baldington, 6. Lovett, 7. Fleetwood, 8. Isham.
.On the same side, within the alter rails is a monument, consisting of a basement of veined marble, on which is a large Sarcophagus of Italian black and yellow marble, between two lofty corinthian columns of beautiful Sicilian jasper, supporting a cornice with the arms of PIGOTT, and an escutcheon of pretence for LOVETT; and behind the Sarcophagus, on a pyramid of white marble,
."Here lyeth also Thomas PIGGOT of Doddershall, Esq. nephew and heir to the above mentioned Sir Richard PIGOTT. He married Lettice, eldest daughter and co-heiress to Robert Lovett, of Liscombe, in this county, Esq. by whom he had issue two sons; both died in their infancy. He departed this life in March, 1704, in the 60th year of his age. Lettice his widow who lieth here also, died November the 18th 1735 aged 84."
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Fenny Stratford Church
.The roof of this Church is divided into forty compartments, having in each a coat of Arms, with the name of the family to whom it belongs on a white scroll. In the one numbered 34 is Ar. three wolves pass. in pale sh. Lovett, of Liscombe.
Chicheley Church
.Elizabeth LOVETT, daughter of Thomas LOVETT, of Astwell Manor, Northamptonshire, married Anthony Cave, to whom in 1546, the King granted the Manor, Rectory, and advowson of the vicarage of Chicheley, with certain tithes in Wylkin, late part of the possessions of Henry VIII's College in Oxford.
.At the east end of the north aisle there is a brass with effigies of Anthony CAVE, and his wife Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas LOVETT, and beneath,
."Hic jacet Anthonias CAVE Armiger quonda' Mercator Stapule Calicle dominus de Chicheley qui obiit nono die Septembris An, dui. Millessimo xxxxxlviii. Cujus animae p'picietur Deus. Amen."
.And on the northside of the church is a tablet inscribed,
."For the good memorie of her deere husbande Antonie CAVE Esquier, which died the ninth daye of September, Ano Dni 1558. His myndeful and loving wife Elizabeth, hathe erected to posteritie this monumente Ano. Dni. 1576.
Great Hampden Church
.Griffith HAMPDEN, Lord of Great Hampden, sheriff of Bucks 1575, and in 1585, Knight of the Shire, married Anne, daughter and heir of Anthony CAVE, by his wife, Elizabeth LOVETT, daughter of Thomas LOVETT, Lord of the Manors of Astwell, Falcote and Wappenham, Northamptonshire.
.On a slab in the floor of the chancel, is a coat of Arms and Beneath,
."Here lieth the Body of Griffith HAMPDEN Esquier, Lord of Great Hampden, and of Anne, (1) his second wife, daughter and heire of Anthony CAVE, of Chicheley, Esquier Wch GRIFFITH departed this life the 27ht of Octobr 1591. And Anne deceased Ye last day of Dec. 1594."
Dinton Church
Parish Register of Baptisms
January 22, 1623 Robert LOVETT, son of Sir Robert LOVETT.
(1) Grand-daughter of Thomas LOVETT, of Astwell. See Wappenham Church.
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Leighton Buzzard Church
Parish Register Marriages
1610. Oct. 24 Robitus de Soulbury, Militis, and Alice, de Laigton.
The above is the marriage of Sir Robert LOVETT, of Liscombe, Bucks, and Alice Anne SAUNDERS, of Dinton, Bucks.
Dunstable Church
.1567. July 19. Laurence LOVETT, gent and Alice married.
. .The surname of the Lady if illegible.
Elstow Church
.Robert LOVETT, gent and Mistress Mary HOME married.
.1657. Nov. 29 Robert LOVETT, Esq. buried.
.Robert LOVETT, was descended from Thomas LOVETT, of Liscombe, Bucks, and Lord of Helmdon, Northamptonshire.
Sparsholt Church.
.1643. Sep. 14. Sir Robert LOVETT, Knight, buried.
.1643. Dec. 30. John LOVETT, Esq. buried.
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Wappenham Church
.There is so much that is of interest to the LOVETT family, in the ancient church, which is dedicated to S. Mary, that a short description of it, and of how they became possessed of, "the capital Mansion and Lordship of Astwell, with several other manors and estates" in the parish of Wappenham, will not be out of place.
.The Church stands in the upper part of the village, and has a pinnacled tower, containing four bells, nave, north and south aisles, and chancel. The nave and aisles are 43 ft. 9 in. and the chancel 36 ft. 4 in. long. The nave is divided from the north aisle by three circular arches, on circular pillars, with capitals of plain mouldings; and from the south aisle, by three pointed arches, on octangular pillars, with plain capitals. At the back of the pillar nearest the chancel -- which was winscotted by Archdeacon HUTTON -- is a trefoil headed aperture which is now blocked up.
.Thomas LOVETT, (1) Lord of the Manors of Astwell, Flacote, Gifford alias Billing and Wappenham, high sheriff of Northamptonshire 21 Edw. IV and 6 Henry VII, privy councillor to King Edward IV, on the marriage of his daughter Margaret, by his 1st. wife, with John BROOKE (2), obtained from her Father-in-law William BROKE, by indenture 24 Aoril 11 Edw.IV, the manors of Astwell and Falcote, in the parish of Wappenham, in exchange for the manors of Rushton, and Much or Great Oakley, together with lands in Bulwyke, Henwyke, Stanyarne, Newton, Wykely (Weekley) and Little Oakley, (3) ---which Manors and lands had descended to Thomas LOVETT, from William LOVETT, and his wife, who was a daughter of Vitalis ENGAINE (4),
(1) Thomas LOVETT died Feb. 16. 7 Henry VII and was buried in Bibblesdon Abbey. ----See Soulbury Church, Bucks.
(2) "John BROOKE married 2ndly Isabel, daughter of Sir Thomas WAKE, called the Great, member for Northamptonshire in several parliaments, married Agnes, daughter of Thomas LOVETT, and by her, had a son Roger WAKE, of Blisworth, who married Elizabeth, daughter of Sir William CATESBY, of Ledgers Ashby, attained 1487, and died 1503."
. .From the pedigree of the BROOKE de Capell Brooke family.
(3) The deed between William BROKE, and Thomas LOVETT, goes on, "and further covenant that John BROOKE, son and heire p'tensed' of the said William BROKE, shall marry Margaret LOVETT, daughter of the said Thomas LOVETT before the feast of St. Michael ensuing, and that the said Thomas LOVETT shall do and bere all maner of costes and charges in the marriage of the said John BROOKE and Margaret LOVETT, and kepe and bere all maner of costes and charges the seid John and Margaret, on to the tyme the seid John be fully at the age of xxi yere,, iff the seid espouseils so long contynewe."
(4) Vitalis' ENGAINE and william LOVETT were respectively directly descended from the ENGAINE and William LOVETT who accompanied William the Conqueror to England.
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..Thomas LOVETT, by marriage with his 3rd wife Joan, daughter and heir of Thomas BILLINGE, son and heir of Sir Thomas BILLING, Knt. became possessed of Gifford alias Billing's Manor, which was settled on his wife for life 5 Henry VII with remainder to himself, in fee tail.
..Joan LOVETT survived till 9 Henry VIII (1517) when Thomas LOVETT, son and heir of her husband, by his 2nd wife Anne, sister and heir of Richard DRAYTON, of Strixton, came into possession.
..In the centre aisle, on a blue marble slab, are the figures in brass of the Lord Chief Justice BILLING ---grandfather of Joan LOVETT --- and his wife Catherine, sister of Thomas GIFFORD, from whom the GIFFORD manor came to the LOVETTS. He is represeented in his official robes; and she, in a plain dress, with short waist and cuffs. On a brass plate beneath.
.."Orate pro a'i'ab'z Thome BILLYNG militis quo'd'm Capital Justic'd'ni Regis ad pl'ita coram ip'o Rene terend' et Katerine ux'is cj'qi quid'm Thom's obiit v die me's. Maij Anno D'nl m.ccc.Ixxx primo et dicta Laterina obliit obiit viij March D'ni m.cccc.lxxix quor'a'i'ab' p'p'ciet Deus Amen."
..There are also the figures of nine children. and on labels "Fb'u Mercy" and "Lady Helpp-.
..On an adjoining slab -- also in brass--- is the figure of Thomas BILLINGE, son and heir of Sir Thomas BILLING, and Father of Joan LOVETT,
he is in armour, standing on a lion, and underneath.
.."Hic? jacet Tho. BILLINGE Arm. Filius et heres Tome BILLING Capitalis Justiciarii de Banco domini Regis qui obiit xxii Martii Anno
Dom. mdviii cujus anime propicietur Deus Amen."
..In the corners are four shields with 1.Ar. a cross gu. voided of the field, betw. four cross crosslets fitchee gu. Billinge. 2 Gu. three lions pass. in pale Gifford.3. Billinge impaling, Az. a bend cotised
betw. six martlets or Prayors. The fourth shield is blank.
..In the south aisle there are three marble slabs, with brasses to the Lovett family.
..On one of them are two figures, representing Thomas LOVETT, of Astwell Manor -- in armour -- and his wife Elizabeth, daughter of John BUTLER or BOTELOR of Woodhall, Herts. Thre were four shields at the corners, the fourth only is remaining on it is quarterly, 1. Ar. a cross engrailed gu. Drayton of Strixton. 2. Az. a bend cotised betw. six martlets or. Prayors 3. Gu. three lions pass. in pale ar. Gifford. 4. Ar. a cheif indented az. Granford.
..Thomas LOVETT was high sheriff of Northamptonshire 21 Henry VIII, (1542). This brass was originally in Biddlesdon Abbey, and was removed to Wappenham, when the Abbey was destroyed.
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.........On another Thomas LOVETT, and his wife Anne, daughter of Sir John DANVERS, ancestor of Baron DANVERS K.G. created in 1625 Earl of Danby ---she died in 1523. He is in armour and she in a hanging hood --- They were buried at Wappenham. The impresses remain where four shields were inserted on a brass plate.
........."Hic jacet Thomas LOVETT filius Tho. LOVETT Armig'i et Elizabeth ux'ej' qui obiit....die....Anno mv(c raised)...quor' aiabis D' p'piciet."
.........The remaining one is to the memory of Thomas LOVETT, who is represented in armour; there are two shields in the top corners, on the left hand one, quarterly Ar. three wolves pass. in pale sa Lovett, and Erm, a border sa. charges with 10 roundles or de Turville, quartering Ar. a cross gu. voided of the field, betw. four cross crosslets fitchee gu. Billinge. Gu. three lions pass. in pale or. and az. a chev. erm. Jewell. Ar a cheif indented az. Cranford. Ar. a cross engrailed gu. Drayton.
.........On the right hand one, the same quarterings,impaling, Ar. on a fess sa. betw. three lions heads erased gu. as many anchors or. Fermor. Sa a chev. betw. three escallops ar. Favell. Beneath is the inscription:
........."Here lieth the bodie of Thomas LOVETT late of Astwell-Esquier, who deceased the xxviii day of September in the yeare of our Lord God 1586 which Thomas had issue by Elizabeth his wife Jane mar. to John SHIRLEY Esquier."
.........Thomas LOVETT, was high sheriff of Northamptonshire, 165 Eliz., his wife was a daughter of Richard FERMOR, of Easton Neston, ancestor of the Earl of Pomfret, and from his daughter Jane, married in 1558 (1) to John SHIRLEY, the present Tenth Earl Ferrers directly descended.
.........By this alliance several of the LOVETT manors came to the SHIRLEYS, viz, Astwell in the county of Northampton, South Newington in the county of Oxford, Dorsington in the county of Gloucester, and St. Botulph's Bridge in the county of Huntingdon.
.........John SHIRLEY, dying in 1570, did not live to enjoy these lands, which descended to his son George, on the death of his grandfather Thomas LOVETT, whose funeral certificate is as follows.
........."Thomas LOVETT of Astwell, in com. Northn. esq. departed thys lyfe in his howse of Astwell aforesaide, the first daye of October 1586. He marryed Elizabeth, doughter to Richard FARMR of East Neston, in com. Northampton, esquier, by whome he had yssue Jane, his onlyye doughter and heir, who has marryed to John SHIRLEY of Staunton, in com. Leicester, esquier, which John and Jane had yssue George SHIRLEY, hir eldest sonne, and heir, immediatelye to
(1) The marriage settlement is dated Feb. 4, 1558. 4 and 5 Philip and Mary.
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Thomas LOVET aforesaid not yet maryed. Raulf CHIRLEY, second sonne, Johne SHIRLEY, thyrd sone, Thomas S., fourth sone, Dorothye, Elizabeth and Anne all as yet unmerryed. He ordayned to be his executors of his last wyll and testt, Johnw WYLLARD als WYLLET, Isabel WYLLET hys wyfe, and George GIFFORD of Bottell bridge, in com. Huntingdon, gent. The said defunctes funerall was solempnised at Astwell, and hys bodye sollempnillie brought to the parysse church of Wappenham, in com. Northn, and there entryd the second daye of November, 1586. Chiefe morner at the said funerall was John (sic) SHIRLEY, his grandesone, ten assistants, francis Lovett, of Lyscombe, and Pynchpolle LOVET, gent.; the pennons of his armes borne by Tregonis BARKER, of Astrop, gent., and the said funerall was ordered by Richard LEE, alias Richmond Herauld of armes. In wytness wherof we have set here unto or handes ye daye and yeare above mentyoed.
..John (sic) SHIRLEY. Pynchpoole LOVETT. George GYFORD.
..Fra. LOVETT. J.W. "
..Sir George SHIRLEY rebuilt Astwell in Northamptonshire, the ancient manor place of the Lovetts, his mother's family, and which became afterwards his favourite residence, and an occasional seat of his descendants. Astwell "stondeth" on the confines of Whittlebury Forest, in the parish of Wappenham. At some distance from the ancient seat of the LOVETTS and SHIRLEYS is a farmhouse called "Astwell Park" now the only memorial of a large deer-park established here in 1564, and of which the following account, was drawn up by Thomas LOVETT, esq. of Astwell, grandfather of Sir George SHIRLEY.
.."The booke of Remembrance when Astwelle parke was first erected and inclosed, and wheare and at what tyme the pale was bought for the same, Ec.
..Imprimis, bought at Borseley woode, in the first yeare of the reigne of kinge Edward the sixt, by John OLTAM of my Lorde Windsoures Woodewarde there, the number of six thousand pale wch cost xxxiii( s raised) iiii(d raised) a thousand.
..Itm. in the seconde yeare of the reigne of the saied Kynge, bought in Pirrey parke xx(ti raised) okes to make pale, of the deputies of Sr Nicholas THROGMORTON knight, wch coste vii(li raised).
..Itm. in the thirde yeare of the saied kinges reigne bought in the saied parke other xx(ti raised) okes, whch cost vi(li raised). xiii(s raised) iiii(d raised).
..Itm. in the fourth yeare of the saied Kynges reigne of my Lord Marquesses Woodwardes in the forest xx(ti raised) okes, wch cost vi(li raised). xiii(s raised). iiii(d raised).
..Itm. bought of Mr. GIFFORD at three parkes, xx(ti raised) okes, wch cost vii(li raised).
..Itm. bought in Mr. DORRELS wood cc(ti raised) okes, wch cost vi(li raised).
..Itm. the siaed parke was impaled by one James FAWKENER of Sireshm, who died in the yeare of or Lord God 1560.
..Md. In a statute made anno v(to raised) r(ne raised) Eliz. in cap. 21, ther is enacted the charter of the same parke, wch acte toke effecte at Pentecost followinge the saied acte made in the saide yeare.
Page 29
..Itm. In Julye then followinge, Thomas LOVETT, owner of the saied park, made sute to the Right Honorable the Lord M'ques of North to come to vewe and persue the same for a testimony of thinges to come, the wch should approve that the saied parke was fynished before that daie, which saied Lord Marques did come the saied monethe and yeare accompaned wth many of the most worshipfull of the saied shere, and other sheres, whose names fo hereafter ffolowe, that is to saie:
.. ..The Lord Marques of NORTHN,
.. ..Sir John SPENCER, Knight,
.. ..Sir John FERMOR, Knight,
.. ..Sir Robert LANE, Knight,
.. ..Sir Robert STAFFORD, Knight,
.. ..Mr. MIGHELL, Poulteney, Esquier,
.. ..Mr. THROGMTON, S'iant of the Hawkes, Esquier,
.. ..Mr. Richard KNIGHTLEY, Esquier,
.. ..Mr. Thoms PIGOTT, Esquier,
.. ..Mr. Jerome FERMR (1) Esquier,
with many and dyvers others, at wch tyme the saied Honorable Lorder Marques of Northn ther wth his bucke houndes did kyll three buckes, and his companye killed on bucke, wch saied foure buckes were killed in Astwell parke aforesaied in July aforesaied, and next after the saied estatute toke effecte, beinge in anno 1564.
Helmdon Church
..Thomas LOVETT, Lord of Helmdon, Northamptonshire and of Liscombe, Bucks, presented July 20, 1565, Richard MATHEW to the Rectory of Helmdon. William LOVETT third son of Thomas LOVETT, by his wife, a daughter of Sir Godfrey NEVILLE, of Gayhurst, Bucks, was married --prior to 1513 -- in the Parish Church, to Anne, daughter and heir of Edward COPE, of Spraton; she was under twelve years of age, ay the time of her marriage.
(1) William PARR. Marquis of Northampton, K.G. ob.s.p. 1614.
Sir John Sopencer, knt. ancestor of the Dukes of Marlborough, &c. died in 1586.
Sir John Fermor, knt. ancestor of the Earls of Pomfret, died in 1571.
Sir Robert Lane, Knt of Barford, in the parish of Rushton, co. Northampton is probably the gentleman here intended.
Sir Robert STAFFORD, knt. is mentioned as Serjeant Porter in a letter to Sir Ralph SADLAIR, Jan 5, 1569. See Sadlair's State Papers, ii p.365.
Michael POULTENEY, Esq. of Misterton, in Leicestershire, died in 1567.
Mr. THROCKMORTON, son of John and grandson of Richard THROCKMORTON of Higham Ferre? wards Sir George THROCKMORTON.
Mr. afterwards Sir Richard KNIGHTLEY, of Fawsley, ob. 1515.
Mr. Thomas PIGGOTT, probably of Chetwynd, in Shropshire.
Mr. Jerome FERMOR? of Towcester, was brother of Sir John.
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..The manor and Lordship of Helmdon, came from the de TURVILLES (1) to the LOVETTS in 1309; Robert LOVETT, of Liscombe, Bucks, son of Sir Robert LOVETT, of Newton, in Warwick, and Rushton, in Northampton, having in 1304 married Sarah, only daughter and heir of Sir Nicholas de TURVILLE, Lord of Helmdon.
(1) Many of the LOVETTS were buried in Bibblesdon Abbey, having had a particularl chancel lotted to them as founders being the representatives of the TURVILLE family.
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..John SHIRLEY, of Staunton Harold, Leicestershire, who married Jane, daughter, and heir of Thomas LOVETT, of Astwell, Northamptonshire was buried at Bredon, where there is a handsome monument to his memory; the base is surrounded by coats of arms. On a tablet at the back of the tomb is the following inscription.
Memorie sacrum.
Johanni Shirlie armigero de Staunton Harrauld, qui post
posita propria salute, ut suo munere ergo patriam fun
peretur, in ipso etatis ffore, patre superstite, cum ex
lectissima femina, sola filia et berede Thome
Lovetti armigeri, filios quinque filias vero
tres suscepisset, non sine suorum omnium
dolore, et magno reipublice detrimento,
triginta quinque tantum annos videns,
Domino ta'dem requievit.
Georgius, filius natu maximus, natura et bene
ficiis devinctissimus, hoc pietatis et obser-
vantie sue monumentum merens mes
tusque posuit.
Obiit anno Salutis 1570,
die Septembris 12.
..On the edge of the tomb:
..Joha'ni SHIRLEY armigero, de literis et literarum studiosis optime merito, patri amantissimo, fami lio sue ornamento, omnibus virtutibus cumulatissimo, in etatis ffore patre superstite immatura morte percepto; Georgius SHIRLEY primogenitus ejus filius, natura et beneficiis devinctissimus, hoc pietatis et observantie sue monumnetum posuit: obiit vero decimo tertio die Septembris an'o d'ni Milessimo quingentessimo......quator filios et tres filias ta'tum'odo superstites ex Jana lectissima sua conjuge, sola filia et berede Thome LOVETTI armigeri, procreatos relinquens.
..In front are the arms of Shirley, quartering Waldershef, Braose, Milo Earl of Hereford, Basset of Brailesford, Brailesford Twyford, Staunton, Eccleshall, Meignell, De la Ward, and Verdon; impaling Lovett, quartering Dauncey, Drayton, and Prayers. Around this esucheon are these words:
"Vivit post funera virtus."
..And on either side of it are two other esucheons, that on the east bearing the coat of SHIRLEY, and that on the west the arms LOVETT, each with the same quarterings as on the principal shield, which is also exactly repeated on the two ends of the tomb. Around that at the west end is the motto:
"Solo Deus victor de Sireyio"
..The tomb of Sir George SHIRLEY Baronet, grandson of Thomas LOVETT, of Astwell Manor, has the date 1598 and is ornamented with thirty two esutcheons of arms, eight on the cornice in front, bearing the coat of Shirley, impaling Waldershef, Basset of Drayton, Braose, Basset of Brailesford, Staunton, Wil-
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loughby, Sheffield and Gifford. Above, Shirley quartering Waldershef, Milo Earl of Hereford, Braose, Basset of Brailesford, Brailesford, Twyford,, Staunton and Lovett, between two coats of Shirley impaling Berkeley.
..Between the two tiers of columns the following arms repeated thrice, viz. Shirley quartering Waldershef, Braose, Basset of Drayton, Staunton and Lovett; impaling Berkeley, quartering Plantagenet Earl of Lancaster, Warren and Bortherton. Shirley impaling Berkeley, repeated, sixteen times in various places in front. At the east end of the monument Shirley quatering Waldershef, Braose, Basset, Staunton and Lovett.
..At the west end Shirley alone, Shirley impaling blank, Shirley impaling Berkeley.
..Sir George, son of Jane, (daughter of Thomas LOVETT) by John SHIRLEY, was created a baronet on the first institution of that order by James I, in 1611; and his great grandson, Sir Robert SHIRLEY, Bart, had a further accession of honours, the abeyance of the ancient barony of Ferrers of Charltey being terminated in his favour in 1677, and the titles of Viscount Tamworth and Earl Ferrers granted to him in 1711.
Pickwell Church
..Robert LOVETT, son of John Beresford LOVETT, (brother of Sackville LOVETT, grandfather of the present head of the LOVETT family) was presented by Lord Gainsborough, to the living of Pickwell, Leicestershire, in 1856; he died in 1880, leaving issue a son, Bereesford Lovett, Major General, CB. CSI. FRGS. who is married, and has a daughter.
..In the churchyard there is a tomb with the following inscription:
In Memory of
Robert Lovett
24 years Rector of this Parish
and 24 years minister of
Marboeuf Chapel, Paris
Born January 1799
Died May 1880
also of
his beloved daughters
Martha Lucy
Born 1837 Died 1879
and of Arabella, widow of
John Campbell. RN.Born 1827 Died 1895
Also of Lucy, widow of the above
Robert Lovett
Born February 1808, Died January 1881.
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Tawstock Church
..The church of St. Peter, built during the latter part of the 13th century, with its chancel, and transepts, crowded with monuments -- among the most important of which are those to past members of the ancient and illustrious families of BOURCHIER (1) Earls of Bath, LOVETT of Liscombe, Bucks, and Northcote, Earls of Iddesleigh, all connected to each other by marriage -- presents to the antiquarian and genealogist a delightful study, and well deserves its appelation of "Westminster Abbey of the west."
..The many objects of interest -- both inside and outside the church -- have been brought under the notice of the public so vividly by Miss Florence WREY -- a descendant of the noble house of Bourchier -- in her book "Tawstock Church" that it would be superfluous to do more in the way of description than is absolutely necessary in order to carry out the purpose of this work.
..Edward LOVETT, born in 1626 -- son of Sir Robert LOVETT, of Liscombe, Bucks, obtained lands in the parish of Tawstock, on his marriage with Joan, daughter, and heir of James HEARLE, of Tawstock, Esq. --- His monument in Tawstock church is surmounted by the Lovett arms Ar. three wolves pass. in pale sa. and beneath
.."Edwardi LOVETT Armigeri Dm. Robert Lovett militis de Liscomb in agno Buckinghamiensi Filii, qui amos plus minus quinquagesima habitabat ubiduas duxit uxores quarum una fuit Elizabetha filia Gulielmi Page Gen. Altera Joanna Filia Jacoba HEARLE Geu. hoc ipse vivus et praesens sibi affixit monumentm. A.D. 1702 aetates suae 74."
..He was uncle of Col. LOVETT, M.P. who built and owned the second Eddystone lighthouse, (2) commonly called "Rudyard's" after the architect, Mr. John RUDYARD. Among the VERNEY -- LOVETT letters, (3) preserved at Claydon
(1) Edward BOURCHIER, 4th Earl of Bth, married 2ndly, Anne, daughter of Sir Robert LOVETT of Liscombe, Bucks, and sister of Edward LOVETT of Tawstock. She married 2ndly Baptist NOEL. Viscount Campden.
(2) There is a portrait at Liscombe Park, Bucks, of Christopher, son of Col. John LOVETT with the Eddystone lighthouse in the background.
(3) Among these letters are the following ones, addressed to Lord Fermanagh, by son-in-law Col. John Lovett, which are interesting;
.. .. .. .. .. ..London July 7, 1708
.. ..My Ld(raised d)
..I write yr lp last night by the post I now send you the shape of the lighthouse and the way itts built as to the deputations for the Collectors with Sir Edward NORTHEY and Mr. COOPERS opinion and so we shall order it for a year or two till its in a good method and then I will alter them all and in mine own name. I hope my next will let your lp know when I begin my journey.
.. .. .. .. .. ..My dutyr &c
.. .. .. .. .. ..John Lovett
.. .. .. .. .. ..London, Aug 4th 1708
.. ..My Ld
..Its with great satisfaction I send this to your lp to give you the good news that the light was put up this sennight being 28th last month and will be in tomorrows Gazette in due to (continued next page)
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House, Bucks, are most interesting accounts of the progress and completion of this most hazardous undertaking written at the time, by the Honble. Mary VERNEY, 2nd wife of Col. John LOVETT, to her Father Viscount FERMANAGH.
..The monument to his wife Joan, has one of the crests of the LOVETT family -- a wolf's head erased sa. --- in addition to a shield with the arms -- and the inscription,
.."here lyeth the bodye of Joan the 2nd wide of Edward LOVETT of this parish Esq. who departed this life the 1st daye of Jan. 1708/9 in the 67th yeare of her age."
..On a tablet to their son, Robert, with the arms and crest,
.. .. .. .."Sacred to the memory of
.. .. .. ..Robert Lovett Esq. of this Parish
.. .. .. ..Who dyed of a malignant small pox
.. .. .. ..27tb. Nov. 1710 Aetat suae 43
.. .. ..Mount pious soul upon the wings of love
.. .. ..To the bright mansions of the blest above
.. .. ..Leave here thy dust to loftier things aspire
.. .. ..Go bear a part in the eternal quire
.. .. ..Whilst here on earth it was thy cheerful care
.. .. ..To serve thy Maker in his house of prayer
.. .. ..Zeal for religion did they heart command
.. .. ..Pity thine eye and charity tbine bande
.. .. ..So calm a death after such well spent yeares
.. .. ..Calls for our imitation not our tears."
.. .. .. .. .. ..Resurgam.
..And on another to their daughters Joan, and Rachel and Hearle, their younger son--which has a lozenge shaped shield, bearing the Lovett arms -- surrounded by wings and an angel's head and wings supporting the tablet.
.. .."Joan the daughter of Edw. LOVETT Esqre.
..By hys wife Joan, obiit anno aetato 14
..Anno Dom. 1679.
..She lived a few years only to show
..How soon grace might into perfection grow
..The Virgin robe as ready and she cried
..I come sweet Jesus and so dyed."
"Hearle their son and Rachel their daughter were also interred by her."
Footnote (continued from previous page)
toe? and 2 more -- I intend God willing to leave this otwn next Monday and by Saturday's post I will send your lp an acct of the places and times I will be there I have sent yr lp pr John Inns a picture which I beg your lps acceptance of ---one more I give to the Prince as Lord High Admirall, one to the Corporation of Trinity House, and one goes for Ireland, in it the 4 men of far? that attended on the worck the Roebuck, the Charles Gally, the Albrough and Swallow -- The rest is ships of al(?)nations that paved....'I have enclosed you a copy of the Commanders letter one I carry with the other went yesterday by Mr WILKES on the north Circuts -- I am just now going to the Secretary's office to put the enclosed in the Gazette wch wiull be tomorrow I will trouble yr lp no more &c.
.. .. .. .. .. .. ..John LOVETT
..When I sent to the painters it was not done soe it will be next wk before it will be at yr lp.
Page 37
..Edward LOVETT had also by his second wife Joan, a daughter, Penelope, married to Sir Henry Northcote, bart, son of Sir Arthur NORTHCOTE, bart. of Hayne, from whom the present Earl of IDDSLEIGH, is directly descended. On a monument to their memory, and beneath a chield with the Northcote Arms, Quarterly, first and fourth, Ar. a fesse betw. three crosses moilne sa. second and third, Ar. three crosslets in bend sa. impaling Ar. three wolves pass. in pale sa. Lovett, is inscribed.
M. S.
.."Henrici NORTHCOTE Baronti Filii Arthuri Northcote in agro Damnon: Bartti schola Alomensi ad coll apud Exon: apud Oxonienses emissus socius admodum juvenis cooptatus est: inde Medi cinae Doctor procliit omnimodo Disciplina ita instittutus ut Rem ubivis parare: et moribus ita fromatus, ut ornare posset amplissimam, omnibus vero titulis Hic Aliorum saluti consulebat arte: charitate Dignam quae Viro tam egregio jungeretur."
"Satis Cessere
Jll Fev 5th 1729
Hace Oct 8 1732 56
Utrig Parenti Filius corum Uunicus
Henricus Northcote Bartus
Hoc marmor gratus confuerat."
Parish Registers.
1663. Feb. Rachell ye dau. of Mr. Edward LOVETT
1667. June 18th. Robert, son of Edward LOVETT Esq.
1637. Mar.19. The Right Worshippful Richard DOWN, doctor of divinity,
..and Miss Mary LOVETT, dau of the Right Worshippful Sir Robert
..LOVETT Knt with a license.
1703 July 18. Sir Henry NORTHCOTE, Bart. and Penelope, dau. of
..Edward LOVETT.
1702. July 25. Edward LOVETT, Esqre. intyrred.
1708. Jan. 4. Mrs. Jone LOVETT intyrred.
1710. Nov. 29. Mr. Robert LOVETT intyrred.
Charities Board.
Edward LOVETT Esqre gave to but a gilt Flagon for the communion wine. 20 pounds.
1710. Robert LOVETT Esqre son of the above Edw. LOVETT gave to make a pavement the chancel under the Communion table 50 pounds.
1710. He also have to bind poor children to handicraft trades. 100 pounds.
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Will of Robert LOVETT of Tawstock
..In the name of God Amen.
..I Robert LOIVETT of Tawstock in the county of Devon, Esq. being sick and weak of Body. but of sound and perfect mind and memory. Praised be God. Do make this my last Will and Testament. in Manner and Form following That is to say. First I recommend and Bequeath my soul to the Almighty God hoping in His mercy that through the merits and sufferings of Jesus Christ My blessed Saviour and Redeemer, all my sins Shall be forgiven and my Body I do commit to the Earth to be decently interr'd according to the Rights and Ceremonies of Christian Burial in the Church of England of which Church I ever was a true son and so resolved to die.
..And for my temporall Estate I dispose therefore as followeth.
..Imprimis, I give and Bequeath to the Poor of the Parish of Soulbury, in the County of Bucks the sum of Three Hundred Pounds of Lawfull money of England, to be laid out and disposed off for the best Advantage and Benefit of the said Poor as shall be thought fittest by Mr. SAMBEE the present minister there, Mr. NEAL, and my two cousins Mrs. BATES and Mrs. PIGGOTT.
..Item.I give and Bequeath to the Poor of the Parish of Tawstock aforesaid the Sum of One Hundred Pounds, Lawfull money of England to be employed by the Minister Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor for the time being in binding out Apprentices to some handicraft trades as they by the advice of the Minister shall think fittest.
..Item. I give to the Parish of S. Giles Twenty Pounds and Thirty Pounds more to the Poor of the said Parish to be disposed of as the precedent legacy.
..Item. I give to the Parish of Tawstock the Sum of Fifty Pounds of Lawfull money of England to belaid out in making a New Floor before the Communion Table there.
..IN WITNESS whereof I have hereunto sett my Hand and Seal, This Twenty seventh Day of November Anno Domini 1710.
.. .. .. .. .. ..Robert LOVETT
..Sealed, Published and Declared in the presence of Us Willm, Mesvin Nicholas JONES.
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Shoreham Church.
In this church are two monuments to maternal descendants of the LOVETT family --, one of them to the late vicar of the Parish, Jonathan Henry LOVETT-CAMERON, whose mother Elizabeth, was a daughter of the Rev. Verney Lovett, DD., and niece of Sir Jonathan LOVETT, Bart., of Liscombe, Bucks. On it is inscribed
"Resting in Hope"
J.H. Lovett-Cameron
28 years vicar of Shoreham
Died November 21 1889
agred 81 years
and on the other one which is to the memory of Verney LOVETT-CAMERON CB., DCL. FRGS., son of the above,
Verney Lovett-Cameron
Captain Royal Navy
Died 26 March 1894
aged 49 years
.."When I was in trouble I called upon the Lord and He heard me."
..He was the celebrated African explorer, and the first Englishman, or European, who is known to have crossed the whole breadth of the African Continent, in its central latitudes, beyond the western shore of Lake Tanganika, to the Atlantic Sea Coast of Lower Guinea --Afterwards he travelled through Asia Minor and Persia, and also explored the Hinterland of the Gold Coast. He wrote several works on his explorations, and an essay on naval tactics. It was he who first planed the system of colonization by chartered company.
..Captain Lovett-Cameron was appointed naval cadet in 1857, midshipman in 1860, sub-lieutenant in 1863, lieutenant in 1865 and commander in 1876; and served in the Mediterranean, the West Indies, the Red Sea, and on the East Coast of Africa, taking part in the Abyssinian Expedition.
..He possessed portraits of Her Majesty, The Queen, The Emperor of Germany, the King of the Belgians and other crowned heads, to which are attached their autographs; and had besides several gold medals from the different geographical societies, which together with the royal portraits, he left --- as heir-looms-to his brother Henry Lovett-Cameron.
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Caundle Bishop Church
"We bless thy holy Name for all thy servants departed this life in thy
.. .. .. .. faith and fear."
This church must ever have a particular interest for the LOVETT family, as the burial place of two representatives --- the 30th and 31st -- of their ancient race.
.....Robert LOVETT, 31st male representative of the Lovett family, was rector of Caundle Bishop, and vicar of North Wooton, from 1875 to 1892; which livings are now held, by his fourth son Ernest Neville LOVETT. (1)
.....There is a brass on the north wall of the chancel, within the altar rails, with the Lovett arms at the top; quarterly, 1 and 4, Sa. three wolves heads or, 2 and 3, Ar. three wolves pass. in pale Sa. and beneath.
....."In loving Memory of Richard Donoughmore LOVETT, Son of Sackville Hatch LOVETT, Died in the fullest hope of eternal life through his Lord and Savious Jesus Christ, March 16, 1880. He married Amelia, daughter of Samuel Fyler, and sister of James FYLET, Esqre of Hettleton in this County, The above was the 30th representative of the LOVET family, through Sir Robert LOVETT. of Liscombe, Bucks --- high sheriff of that county in 1608 -- in lineal descent from Richardus de LOUVET 1066.
.....In the vault hard by where rest the remains of Richard Donoughmore LOVETT, also lies Myra, darling child of his brother, Robert LOVETT, Rector of this Parish, now the 31st representative in anunbroken line from the Conquest, of the house of Lovett of Liscombe, a property still possessed by a junior member of the family. The entail was broken in the early part of the present century.
.....The Reverend Robert LOVETT, married 1st, Francis, daughter and heir, of W.A. SOAMES, Esq. of Middlesex, and Essex---mother of the above Myra---and 2ndly Elizabeth, youngest daughter of Hugh LUMSDEN, Esq. DL. of Pitcaple Castle, Aberdeenshire.
.....Here also rest, Henry Cosby Leir LOVETT, who died June 10, 1892. Loved by all who knew him. And beside his beloved children. Robert LOVETT, for seventeen years rector of this Parish, who died April 12, 1892. A loving husband and Father and a faithful minister of Christ.
.....There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God."
.....At the east end of the South aisle, is a beautiful Window; on it are represented two angels, bearing scrolls, inscribed,
.."As the lightning cometh, so shall the coming of the Son of Man be."
.. .."Until the day break, and the shadows flee away."
.....And above an anchor with Spe, the Lovett motto; and beneath on a brass
(1) The Rev. Ernest Neville LOVETT, MA., married Dec. 6,1804 Evelyn Janet, youngest daughter of Commander O de Beauvoir Brock RN; and has a daughter Evelyn Myra.
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....."To the Glory of God, and the Memory of Henry Cosby Leix LOVETT, who died June 10. 1892 aged 20.
.....In token of their unfading love, this window was placed by his Brothers and Sisters."
.....In a corner of the churchyard, near to the Rectory, is a white marble cross, on the base of which are the inscriptions
....."Robert Lovett, rector of this Parish from 1875 to 1892, was laid to rrest here April 15, 1893, in his 82nd year,
.....Alleluia! For the Lord God Omnipotent Reigneth.
.....Henry Cosby Leix LOVETT (1), born December 24, 1871. Of Christ's College Cambridge, fifth son of Robert LOVETT, and ELizabeth, his wife.
.....Walker with God, and was not, for God took him."
....."In Memorium
Myra Isabel Florence
darling child of Robert Lovett, rector.
of this Parish, born December 1849, fell
asleep in Jesus Sep. 21. 1876.
....."Beneath lies all that was mortal of one, who was the unwaning light of her own home, and who must ever live in the memory of all who knew her,"
(1) Henry Cosby Leix LOVETT was crossing Stonebridge Common. Cambridge on his way to the boat races. when a flash of lightning struck him, killing him instantaneously.
.....The Cambridge Review wrote: --"But a few words will suffice for setting forth the main ()ets in the life of one whose loss, emphasised to the utmost by the manner in which it came has cast a gloom not only over members of Chirst's College, but over many outside it.
.....Professor BUTCHER, in giving the formal testimonial for his admission to Christ's College wrote --Both in character and industry he will do credit to any College of which he becomes a member---This anticipation was abundantly verified and he had every prospect of a successful career. But to express with any adequacy the nature of the influence he exercised by his character is a far harder task. He was, it may be safely and simply said, an excpetionally lovable character: one in whom birghtness, fortitude, devotion to duty, and modesty were blended to rare manner. How universal was the regard for him throughout his College and with how deep an affection he inspired his friends, the last few days have abundantly shown.
Page 44
..............."Boast not the titles of your ancestours,
...............Brave youths! They're their possessions, none of yours:
...............When your own virtues equall'd have their names,
...............Twill be but fair to lean upon their fames.
...............For they are strong supporters; but, till then,
...............The greatest are but growing gentlemen."
.............................................Ben JONSON.
...............It is indeed a remarkable fact that a family should have continued in the male line for now nearly a thousand years, and that there should be living at the present time the following --- no less than ten --- direct descendants.
Robert Jonathan Arden, 32nd male representative, married to Clara Crofton.
Sackville Harrington Hatton Verney, married in 1893 to Clara Crofton, daughter of Major Charles Jamieson, and has a son, Robert Charles Sackville.
William Edward de Turville.
Ernest Neville, married (2).
Richard Gordon Beresford, 23rd Royal Welsh Fusiliers.
John Percival Willoughby Vincent; sons of the late Rev.Robert Lovett, 31st representative.
Percival Cosby Ernest, of Liscombe Park, Bucks.
Beresford Turville; sons of the late Philips Cosby Lovett, of Liscombe Park; and General Beresford Lovett, CB., CSI.; son of the late Rev. Robert Lovett, rector of Pickwell, Leicestershire.
The Author is well aware that the records contained in the foregoing pages, cannot be of the slightest interest to any save the members of the family, and to perhaps some few, who notwithstanding the innovating tide of popular opinion preserve, what in bygone ages was one of thedistinguishing marks of a gentleman, some taste for Genealogical and Heraldrical pursuits; but should they afford those for whom principallythey have been compiled, pleasure and satisfaction, his cheif object will have been attained.
(1) See Introduction.
(2) See Caundle Bishop Church.
End of Manuscript.
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Lovett Families
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