![]() | William UNDERWOOD, III ( -1726) of Richmond and King George Cos, VA |
Son of Wm. UNDERWOOD, Sr. Husband of Jael SHIPPEY |
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II. William UNDERWOOD III, s/o William UNDERWOOD, Sr., born bef 1700, died 1726, King George Co, VA; married 16 Dec 1714 Jael SHIPPEY (d/o Richard and Ellen MOTT Shippey). Known Issue: Sarah UNDERWOOD, Thomas UNDERWOOD, William UNDERWOOD, Ellen UNDERWOOD, Lot UNDERWOOD, Zechariah UNDERWOOD
16 Dec 1714 Wm. Underwood and Jael His wife was married December 16, 1714 (recorded in Family Records Book, see below)
6 March 1716 Sarah Underwood The Dater of Wm. Underwood and Jael His Wife was born 6 of March 1716 (recorded in Family Records Book, see below)
12 Nov 1717 Thomas Underwood Sun of Wm Underwood and Jale His Wife Was born November 12, 1717 (recorded in Family Records Book, see below)
William UNDERWOOD III was co-executor of the 1717 Richmond will of his father, whose bequests to William included "all ye Land & Plantation wherein ye Isthmus or Neck of Land whereon I now live beginning on ye Loerside of the Beaver Dam Creek upon ye line of Samuel NICHOLLS running along on ye outmost side of ye Beaver Dam Creake to ye River Including ye said Land & Plantation…" He had married Jael SHIPPEY by 15 Oct 1720:
25 July 1720 Wm Underwood Sun of Wm Underwood and Jael His Wife Was born July 25 1720 (recorded in Family Records Book, see below)
15 Oct 1720. (Dated) Essex Co, VA Wills 3, p. 254. Will of Mary SHEPPEY of Essex County. Names son, James SHEPPEY, son-in-law Robert PAIN, daughter Monica PAIN, cousins Jaely UNDERWOOD, Mary POWELL, Elizabeth HACKLEY. (VA Families) William III died testate in 1726:
9 March 1722 Ellen Underwood Dater of Wm Underwood and Jael His Wife Was Born March 9 1722 (recorded in Family Records Book, see below)
25 June 1724 Lot the Son of Wm Underwood and Jael His Wife Was born June 25 1724 (recorded in Family Records Book, see below)
25 Feb 1725 - 2 Sep 1726 (King George WBA-1:44-5) Will of William UNDERWOOD of Sittenbourne Parish in King George… very sick and weak though of perfect mind and memory…to my Loving son Thomas UNDERWOOD all the peninsula whereon I now dwell after the same manner and on ye same condition that my father by his last Will and Testament gave it to me on condition yt if my said son Thomas get yt hundred acres of land which was promised to his Mother by his Grandmother Ellen SHIPPY then and in that case I give ye aforesaid peninsula unto my Loving son William UNDERWOOD on ye condition granted by my father as aforesaid….my Loving Wife Jael UNDERWOOD have ye use of all my personal estate during the time of her natural life and after ye time of her death my said personal estate be equally divided among my children. I do hereby appoint my wife Jaell UNDERWOOD whole and sole Executrix of this my last Will & Testament hereby Revoalting (sic) all former wills by me at any time made… witness my hand and seal this 15th day of February 1725. It is my will and desire yt my Estate be not appraised. S/William UNDERWOOD (Seal) in presence of John GILBERT, James SMITH, William PULLEN. Rec. 2 Sep 1726. Will of William UNDERWOOD deceased was presented into Court by Jael UNDERWOOD his Widow and Executrix who made oath thereto and the same was also proved by the oathes of William PULLEN and James SMITH two of the Evidences thereto subscribed, is admited to Record. Copy Test. T: TURNER Cl: Cur: (King George Will Book A-1, Annotated, King)
21 Feb 172? William Underwood Departed His Life Feb. 21 172? (recorded in Family Records Book, see below. Transcriber states the year appears to be 1726 which does fit with will and probate.
5 May 1726 Zechariah Underwood the sun of Wm Underwood and Jale His Wife Was born May 5 1726 (recorded in Family Records Book, see below, born posthumously )
2 May 1726 (King George WBA-1:146-7) Will of Ellen SHIPPEY of King George … sick and weak of body but perfect… mind… to three daughters Jael SHIPPEY, Mary SHIPPEY and Elizabeth SHIPPEY … land … equal parts… Jael four acres allowed her deducted out of other two due to marshy sunken ground…Jael upper part, Elizabeth midle part whereon I now live, and the lowermost part to my daughter Mary… Jael three pewter dishes and to Mary three pewter dishes and one mare … give and bequeath all the rest of my worldly estate unto James HACKLEY … ordain him my … Executor… 2 May 1726… S/Ellen [Her X mark] SHIPPEY (seal); Wits: Henry McKIE, Catlett MAN, John HENSHAW… Rec. 6 day of Mar 1740…LW&T of Ellen SHIPPEY dec'd. presented into court by James HACKLEY her Exec… proved by ye oaths of Henry McKIE and Catlett MAN… (King George Will Book A-1, Annotated, King)
Elizabeth SHIPPEY had married James HACKLEY (KG WBA1:203-4). By 1745/6, Jael SHIPPEY had married Samuel REIDS:
7 Jan. 1727 Samuel Reids was born January 7 1727
Note: William’s widow Jael remarried to Samuel REIDS. It does not appear there was sufficient time between the 5 May 1726 birth of her son Zechariah and the 7 Jan. 1727 birth of Samuel for Samuel to have been her son by her new husband. Of course, there could be some date discrepancies, or Samuel could have been a stepson whose birth was recorded. If he was a stepson, he would have grown up with the Underwood kids.
7 Mar 1745/6 (King George Co, VA DB3:130-1) Samuel REIDS and Jael his Wife Brunswick Parish King George County .. in consideration love towards William UNDERWOOD Son of said Jael by William UNDERWOOD late of said County former Husband of said Jael .. have granted .. 100 acres in King George County bounded .. corner tree of tract belonging to Colo. John TAYLOE now in occupation of Mr. John GILBERT .. corner of Capt. John TALLIAFERRO .. Mr. James HACKLEY .. River bank the said land being the sole property of the said Jael by Inheritance from her Mother Ellenor SHIPPEY Daughter & Coheir to Mr. George MOTT .. the said Samuel REIDS & Jael only reserving to themselves the use of the land during their natural lives .. 7 Mar 1745. S/Samuel REEDS, Jael [X] REEDS; Wits: Wm. LONGMIRE, Isaac ARNOLD, Josa. LAMPTON.
At a court held 7th Mar 1745 .. Deed of Gift recorded. Know all men .. I William UNDERWOOD .. am bound unto Samuel REEDS & Jael his wife .. in sum of Five hundred pounds current money of Virginia .. 7 Mar 1745 .. 7 Mar 1745/6. Condition .. if suffer unmolested the above named Samuel REEDS & Jael .. to hold .. said Land during their Natural Lives .. this obligation to be void .. otherwise to stand. S/William UNDERWOOD, Wits: Isaac ARNOLD, Josa. LAMPTON. Bond Rec. 7 Mar 1745 (King George County Deed Book 3, Sam & Ruth Sparacio, Antient Press, McLean, VA)
William Underwood [III] And Jael Shippey Family Records
Births, deaths, and marriages for the family of William Underwood and Jael Shippey are recorded in a very old volume that was published in 1624 in London. The book is in the possession of Sue Trotter (TROTTERSUE@cs.com) who has transcribed the personal family records for Combs &c. This book once belonged to her recently deceased brother who purchased old books from auctions and resold them, but he considered the book a prize and kept this volume.
Of this book Sue Trotter writes:
This book was printed in London. It is a book of sermons or seems to be that. I have not read it, but the chapters are on Bible topics. It is written in the old way with u for v and f for s. Most title pages say: AT LONDON then Printed by John Legat for Simon Waterson and are bee sold at his shop in Pauls Church-yard at the signe of the crowne. 1624. (I used the correct letters)
The names and dates are written mostly on the blank pages. Other family names mentioned are: Sudduth or Sudouth, Green, Gheen, Attwell, Reid or Reeds, & John Kendall.
The book is in sad shape and starts on page 130. It is good that they have written the same thing in several different places so it should be facts. The pages are curled on the edges up to about page 200, but considering all, it is amazing to have this much. Many of the last pages are also missing.
Wm. Underwood and Jael His wife was married December 16, 1714
Sarah Underwood The Dater of Wm. Underwood and Jael His Wife was born 6 of March 1716
Thomas Underwood Sun of Wm Underwood and Jale His Wife Was born November 12, 1717
Wm Underwood Sun of Wm Underwood and Jael His Wife Was born July 25 1720
Ellen Underwood Dater of Wm Underwood and Jael His Wife Was Born March 9 1722
Lot the Son of Wm Underwood and Jael His Wife Was born June 25 1724
Zechariah Underwood the sun of Wm Underwood and Jale His Wife Was born May 5 1726
ST Notes: On the page across from the above it says: William Underwood Departed His Life Feb. 21 172? I think it is a 6. The page is torn away. Someone practiced writing James several times and Tho is written one time.
Written on another page is: Thomas Underwood Written July 17 1749
I also see on a page in the back part: Samuel Reids was born January 7 1727
When they wrote “was” it looked like wafe, I know the f was an s but don't understand the e. Also above each number of the month there is something written that looks like yer or yen. I don't know much about their writing so I don't know what it means.
Written on one page is the name John Kendall and the same page has the names of James Attwell two times with his hand and pen written after it. John Kendall is written two times, once large and once small. Also Thomas Underwood His Book (then part of the page is torn out).
(Source: Information transcribed by Sue Trotter directly from an old English book of “sermons” in her possession. Most title pages say: AT LONDON then Printed by John Legat for Simon Waterson and are bee sold at his shop in Pauls Church-yard at the signe of the crowne. 1624. published in 1624. The information recorded within the book may have been written by Thomas Underwood)
Note: More records of William UNDERWOOD, III have not been entered here as yet.
© 2000-2005, Sherrill UNDERWOOD Williams;