COMBS-COOMBS &c. Families
Resources Needing Review
Last updated
You are Our Visitor (new APR 2005)
Please Email Additions and/or Corrections to The Combs &c. Webmaster
This section is devoted to identifying resources that have not been searched that may have information of use in tracing our COMBS-COOMBS &c. ancestry.
HOW THIS WORKS.... Any list member can “happen across” or intentionally seek resources that we have not utilized before in seeking our ancestors. The researcher can check our project or ask for assistance in doing so, and if the resource or a search of the records it covers have not been examined before, they can post this to the list for inclusion on this web page.
Next, any list members who would like to find, search in and abstract information in a particular source on this page, can then write the list and “lay claim” to seeing what they can find and report back
Thanks for your interest in furthering our COMBS-COOMBS &c. ancestry!
http://infowanted.bc.edu/ Boston College
INFORMATION WANTED: A Database of Advertisements for Irish Immigrants Published in the Boston Pilot (1831-1921)
[Please refer to the surnames as they have been outlined in the DNA Study on the MAIN PAGE. Also, since this source is a soundex, whoever searches this source will need to select among many entries to narrow down those that fit our research interests. You may find new phonetic spellings of COMBS &c we have not considered before. So, don't limit yourself if you are unsure or think that you have found something we have never come across before that could be a COMBS &c surname.]
TBD Tous les noms de France et leur localisation en 1900 by Laurent Fordant, Paris, éditions Archives et Culture, 1999.
David Vidler TBD 1930 Garrard County, Kentucky Census TBD TBD