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O.R. -- SERIES I -- VOLUME X/1 [S# 10] April 6-7, 1862. -- Battle of Pittsburg Landing, or Shiloh, Tenn. No. 110. -- Reports of Col. Walter C. WHITAKER, Sixth Kentucky Infantry. .. a pecuniary reward of $50 was offered by General NELSON to any one of the soldiers of the Sixth Kentucky who would recover his body, dead or wounded. Six of Company A -- viz: Sergeant TILLMAN, H. J. Tillman, George CURRIER, John Combs, John COFFEY, and James SHIELDS -- promptly stepped out to perform that duty, then dangerous from marauding parties of the enemy.
O.R. -- SERIES I -- VOLUME XIII [S# 19] MAY 25-28, 1862. -- Operations about Miami and Waverly, Mo., and skirmish, May 26. Report of Maj. Eliphalet BREDETT, Seventh Missouri Cavalry. On information of these facts you detached Capt. Thomas C. MILLER, of Company F, with 15 men of his company; 34 men of Company E, Lieut. John Schee; 37 of Company G, Lieut. Charles R. Combs, all forming a column, on the other side of the river, under the immediate command of Captain MILLER.
O.R. -- SERIES I -- VOLUME XIII [S# 19] AUGUST 16, 1862. -- Action at Lone Jack, Mo. No. 3. -- Report of Capt. Milton H. BRAWNER, Seventh Missouri Cavalry. I take great pleasure In mentioning the courage and good conduct generally displayed by the men of the command. Among those deserving special mention for gallant conduct were Capt. H. P. SPELLMAN, First Lieut. Charles R. Combs, and Orderly Sergt. John P. ANDERSON, Company C[same as above]; Lieut. Robert D. ANDERSON, Company A; Lieutenant [Samuel M.] BAKER, Company I, and Lieutenant [John] SCHEE, of Company E, Seventh Cavalry, Missouri Volunteers, and Captain [William W.] OWENS and the officers and men of the Eighth Cavalry, Missouri State Militia; Asst. Surg. W. H. H. CUNDIFI, Second Battalion Cavalry, Missouri State Militia, also deserves special mention for gallant conduct and faithful performance of his duty while on the field. Sergt. J. C. UPDEGRAFF, of the Third Indiana Battery; displayed great gallantry and good conduct.
O.R. -- SERIES I -- VOLUME XXIII/2 [S# 35] Correspondence, Orders, And Returns Relating To Operations In Kentucky, Middle And East Tennessee, North Alabama, And Southwest Virginia, From January 21 To August 10, 1863. UNION CORRESPONDENCE. ETC. -- #4 I am satisfied that a large number of them are at heart rebels. The present acting captain of the D. B. CAMPBELL (Combs) is no better than the captain of the GILMORE.
O.R. -- SERIES I -- VOLUME XXIX/1 [S# 48] AUGUST 5-31, 1863. -- Averell's Raid in West Virginia. No. 1. -- Reports of Brig. Gen. William W. AVERELL, U. S. Army, commanding expedition, of operations August 5-31. The order to' the Second to advance was conveyed by Lieutenant Combs, the adjutant of that regiment, who, failing to find the colonel commanding the regiment in time, delivered the order to that portion of the regiment nearest to him. Major McNALLY, on the right, and Lieutenant Combs, on the left, of the regiment, with less than 100 men, advanced on the enemy's line and drove them out of the stockade,
O.R. -- SERIES I -- VOLUME XXIX/1 [S# 48] NOVEMBER 1-17, 1863. -- Expeditions from Beverly and Charleston against Lewisburg, W. Va. No. 6. -- Report of Lieut. Col. Alexander SCOTT, Second West Virginia Mounted Infantry. I take pleasure in making special mention of the gallantry and daring exhibited by Lieut. J. B. SMITH, of Company E. He is the youngest officer in the regiment, and deserving of great credit. Adjt. J. Combs and Lieutenant PENTICOST (regimental quartermaster) exhibited great coolness and daring, and rendered important services throughout the entire fight on the 6th. I also mention the names of Captain BARCLAY, Lieutenants FRISBEE, SALTERBACH, RUSSELL, DAY, and HUGHES, as being actively engaged during the entire engagement.
O.R. -- SERIES I -- VOLUME XXXIV/4 [S# 64] UNION CORRESPONDENCE, ORDERS, AND RETURNS RELATING TO OPERATIONS IN LOUISIANA AND THE TRANS-MISSISSIPPI STATES AND TERRITORIES, FROM MAY 23, 1864, TO JUNE 30, 1864. -- #12 <ar64_281> Lieutenant TRIPLETT and 15 men, on foot, on scout on Brush Creek; scouted down to the mouth; saw some sign of guerrillas, probably been done six or eight days, not more than 5 or 6 in place; returned to camp on the evening of the 8th; marched about 20 miles. June 6, 1864, Sergeant Combs, Company M, and 14 mounted men, on scout on Crawford's Fork and the brushy region northwest of Kingsville, Mo.; searched the brush completely, found signs of a few scattered guerrillas, and returned to camp on June 8, 1864; marched 50 miles.
O.R. -- SERIES I -- VOLUME XLI/1 [S# 83] AUGUST 2-8, 1864. -- Operations near Holden, Mo., with skirmish (8th) on Norris Creek. Report of Capt. Melville U. FOSTER, Seventh Missouri State Militia Cavalry. August 6, Corporal SKIDMORE, with twenty men, Company G, went to Lost Creek; returned; traveled twenty miles. August 8, Lieutenant Combs, with forage train, run into a squad of bushwhackers in Norris Creek; had skirmish; had 1 horse slightly wounded.
O.R. -- SERIES I -- VOLUME XLI/1 [S# 83] August 11-19, 1864. -- Operations in Johnson County, Mo., with skirmish (12th) near Holden. Report of Capt. Melville U. FOSTER, Seventh Missouri State Militia Cavalry. August 16, took Lieutenant MARR and thirty men; went to Norris Creek; found nobody; went to Honey Creek; saw three bushwhackers; ran them out of their huts. Returned on the 19th; traveled seventy miles. Same day Captain BAKER and Lieutenant Combs, with thirty men, drove Panther and Walnut Creeks; traveled thirty miles. August 17, Lieutenant PHARIS, with twenty-five men, was sent in pursuit of the gang that burned the stage. Could not find them. Returned on the 18th; traveled forty miles.
O.R. -- SERIES I -- VOLUME XLI/1 [S# 83] AUGUST 22-30, 1864. -- Operations in La Fayette County, Mo. Report of Capt. Melville U. FOSTER, Seventh Missouri State Militia Cavalry. HOLDEN, MO., August 31, 1864. I have the honor to report marches, scouts, &c., of my command: August 22, took Lieutenant PHARIS and thirty men of both companies and arrested the families of DURRETT, STONER, COWARDEN, and SCOTT, for feeding bushwhackers; returned same day; traveled thirty miles. August 24, Lieutenants PHARIS and MARR, with forty men of both companies, escorted prisoners to Warrensburg; returned next day; traveled <ar83_272> thirty miles. Same day Lieutenant Combs, with thirty-five men, escorted Paymaster MEARS to Chapel Hill; traveled thirty miles. August 267 took thirty-five men of both companies, in obedience to telegram from district headquarters; proceeded to Big Creek to co-operate with Captain QUEEN, from Warrensburg; drove Walnut Creek; jumped three bushwhackers; drew blood, but got no one.
O.R. -- SERIES I -- VOLUME XLI/1 [S# 83] AUGUST 29-DECEMBER 2, 1864. -- Price's Missouri Expedition. No. 16. -- Reports of Col. John F. PHILIPS, Seventh Missouri State Militia Cavalry, commanding First Brigade, Cavalry Division. Captain BLAIR of the Fourth, who fell mortally wounded at the Big Blue, was as noble a soul and as true a soldier as ever lived. VANSICKLER, HAMILTON, DALE, BRYSON, BARKLEY, CHRISTIAN, Combs, and MULLINS sealed with their blood their devotion to our banner and attest the unyielding courage exhibited by my command. I respectfully recommend Sergeant SAPP, Company C, Fourth Cavalry Missouri State Militia, Sergeant TRUMAN, Company C, Seventh Cavalry Missouri State Militia, for promotion for gallant and meritorious conduct in action.
O.R. -- SERIES I -- VOLUME XLII/1 [S# 87] AUGUST 1-DECEMBER 31, 1864. -- The Richmond (Virginia) Campaign. No. 255. -- Report of Col. Francis B. POND, Sixty-second Ohio Infantry, commanding First Brigade, of operations August 13-16 and October 13. Company K, Thirty-ninth Illinois; Capt. Thomas H. Combs
O.R. -- SERIES I -- VOLUME XLV/1 [S# 93] NOVEMBER 14, 1864-JANUARY 23, 1865. -- Campaign in North Alabama and Middle Tennessee. No. 215. -- Reports of Col. John S. JONES, One hundred and seventy-fourth Ohio Infantry, of operations December 4 and 7, 1864. Captain Combs, Company D
6th Minnesota, Lieut. Col. Hiram P. GRANT.
56th Ohio (one company), Lieut. John K. Combs.
1st United States, Col. Robert C. BUCHANAN.
20th U. S. Colored Troops, Col. Nelson B. BARTRAM.
77th U.S. Colored Troops (two companies), Capt. Edwin R. WINGATE.
77th U. S. Colored Troops (two companies), Capt. James STEWART.
Camp of Distribution (three companies), Maj. Curtis W. KILLBORN.
O.R. -- SERIES I -- VOLUME XLIX/1 [S# 103] MARCH 17-MAY 4, 1865. -- The Mobile (Ala.) Campaign. No. 46. -- Report of Col. De Witt C. THOMAS, Ninety-third Indiana Infantry, of operations March 19-April 9. Wounded during engagement: Private Absalom Combs, Company G, top of the head, severe
O.R. -- SERIES I -- VOLUME LI/1 [S# 107] MARCH 10-JUNE 22, 1862. -- Operations in Northern Virginia. Journal of events in the commands of General Irirsh McDOWELL, U. S. Army. (*) April 20. -- A rainy day. A contraband came in who belonged to a man named Combs, who reported that Combs went to Fredericksburg on Wednesday and reported that our troops were coming and to tell them to burn the bridges. His brother, David Combs, was taken prisoner April 14, and sent to Washington. Both claim to be Union, but the contraband says they were strong secesh before the Union troops came.
O.R. -- SERIES II -- VOLUME I [S# 114] Early Events in Missouri, etc. Trial of William Combs, accused of destroying railroads and railroad property. ar114_427 con't] DANVILLE, MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MO., January 31, 1862. The military commission met pursuant to adjournment. Present: Lieut. Col. Samuel A. HOLMES, Tenth Missouri Volunteers; Capt. Richard Y. LANIUS, Eighty-first Ohio Volunteers; Capt. A. G. TODD, Tenth Missouri Volunteers; Capt. M. ARMSTRONG, judge-advo-cate, Eighty-first Ohio Volunteers. William Combs, the accused, also present. The judge-advocate having read the order convening the court asked the accused, William Combs, if he had any objection to any member named thereon; to which he replied, "I have not." (Lots more on this case)
O.R. -- SERIES II -- VOLUME II [S# 115] Memoranda of Various Political Arrests -- From Reports of Confederate Commissioners. -- #1 Jeremiah Combs. -- Born in Raleigh County. Says he is a secessionist. Never had any connection with the Northern army or the Union men. No charge sent on with him that I have seen. Colonel COLEMAN and Mr. McDONALD know he lived in Raleigh but can throw no light on his case. I recommend his discharge on taking the oath of allegiance. -----
O.R. -- SERIES II -- VOLUME IV [S# 117] CONFEDERATE CORRESPONDENCE, ORDERS, ETC., RELATING TO PRISONERS OF WAR AND STATE FROM JUNE 13, 1862, TO NOVEMBER 30, 1862. -- #4 2. Absalom HICKS, A. R. TOMPKINS, John C. TOMPKINS, of Boone County, Mo.; Henry V. WILLING, J.P. SNEDICOR, John W. OWEN, from Callaway County, Mo.; John PATTON, Stephen STOTT, William J. FORSHEY, Thomas M. SMITH, from Boone County, Mo.; George H. CUNNINGHAM, Buck [R. B.] CROWDER, William Combs, from Randolph County, Mo.; Dr. Thomas S. FOSTER and James STOUT; making sixteen in all that we know of now at this time that have been sentenced to death, and we have suffered every indignity and insult that you can imagine from the Federal authorities, and we hope and trust that our commander-in-chief will do something for our relief. We are, respectfully, your soldiers,(*) Matthew THOMPSON, Absalom HICKS, A. R. TOMPKINS, John C. TOMPKINS, Henry V. WILLING, J.P. SNEDICOR, John PATTON, Stephen STOTT, Wm. J. FORSHEY, Geo. H CUNNINGHAM, Buck [R. B.] CROWDER, John W. OWEN, Thos. M. SMITH, Wm. Combs, Thomas S. FOSTER, James STOUT.
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