Combs &c. Families
of Siskiyou Co, CA
Siskiyou Co, CA was formed in 1852 from lands from Shasta and Klamath counties
1860 Siskiyou Co, CA Census
Elizabeth A. Combs 39 OH William J. K. Combs 15 IN Sarah K. Combs 12 IN Urminda [?] Combs 9 IA Elias P. Combs 7 CA Margaret I. Combs 5 CA George B. Combs 3 CA Mary E. Combs 1 CA (Transcribed by Combs Researcher Nancy Theodore)
NT Notes: Elizabeth STEEL m 1 Apr 1841, Hancock Co, IN, Jesse Combs (s/o Thomas Hicks and Keziah HAYS Combs), b ca 1821, NC. In 1850, they were in Keokuk Co, IA, and according to family letters in "The Lives and Letters of the Combs Family," by Ann Combs Krahn, they found their way to Monroe Co, IA and then left from there on 5 May 1852 for California by wagon train. It took them five months and 17 days to make the trip and they settled near Eureka [actually Yreka], Siskiyou Co, CA. Jesse in his letters from California raved about everything there, the farming, the cheap cost of goods. Jessie wrote in February 1854 that they had plenty to eat and plenty of gold, all they had to do was to dig it out of the ground. He was keeping a boarding house and digging gold, and said that his average digging brought about five dollars a day clear of all expenses. As far as I know, no one knows what happened to Jesse. He does not show up on the 1860 census, but some family members say he died in 1868. A family letter written in 1872 says that Jesse had "moved to California about 20 years ago and lived there several years and died there..."
Note: Combs, Jesse died 3 Oct 1859, age 40 years, 4 months (burials in the old Yreka Hill Cemetery (now the Butcher Hill Cemetery), Siskiyou County, California from information posted to the NORCAL-L@rootsweb.com list) submitted by Jim McMillen
Important: All Records collected for this county may not have been added here as yet
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