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ca 1355 28 Edw III. Exchequer: Augmentation Office: Ancient Deeds, Series B. E 326/5006. Parties: Simon de MERYRT. William de COUMBE and Agnes his wife.Place or Subject: Cerney (Cernheye) (in Trull) in the Manor of Taunton and the hundred of Holliway (Holeweye). County. (Somerset) (Combs &c. Extractions from the PRO Catalogue - record not yet acquired)
22 Jun 1377 - 17 Nov 1558 (at some time between these dates) Court of Chancery: Six Clerks Office: Early Proceedings, Richard II to Philip and Mary. C 1/1172/53. "--- v. John COMBE of Taunton and Robert GALLANT.: Charge for medical treatment of the said COMBE.: SOMERSET." (ibid.)
See details and testimony below
1685 A 1685 receipt of Sir William BOOTH'S list of "Prisoners sent to Barbados (Convicted Rebels)" includes William COMBE of Broad Winser, Devonshire (Original Lists of Persons of Quality 1600-1700 by John Camden, Hotten, 1986, p. 334); however, also listed was "A list of 77 Convicted Rebels by the John Friggate of Bristoll, Captn. Wm STOAKS, Commander, abt Jan 1685; under Master: John BUSTON, William COOMB (ibid. 337); and on p. 341, "Sr Wiliam BOOTH'S Receipt for the Prisoners within mencon'd; out of Bridwater Prison's that came from Taunton: William COMBE (Convicted Rebels).
In 1566 a suit, COMBE et al vs. CHAPLYN et al, was filed in the Court of Star Chamber, and Depositions taken from numerous residents of Taunton, Co Somerset, England. The suit was in reference a John & Mary COMBE and their daughter, Elizabeth, and numerous other surnames and relationships are provided as a result of the depositions. transcriptions of many of the depositions appeared in the New England Historical and Genealogical Register 1926, pp..357-369.
From the Records of the Court of Star chamber [COMBE et
al. v. CHAPLYN et al.]
Commission to hear depositins dated 14 November, 8 Elizabeth [1566].
Depositions taken at Taunton [co. Somerset], 18 December,
9 Elizabeth [1566] on behalf of the complainants in the case between
John COMBE and his wife Mary and their daughter Elizabeth,
complainants, and John CHAPLYN, Thomas LECHELAND, John FEMELL,
and John NYCHOLLES, defendants.
Laurence CARVANELL of Taunton, merchant, aged 67, saith:
About a year or more past, before 11 October, 7 Elizabeth [1565], there was variance between Mary COMBE and Margret PEIRS of Taunton, and afterwards the variance was appeased. On said 11 October (being the day of the imprisonment of Mary and Elizabeth COMBE in Taunton) Mary COMBE was a little scratched in the face, and told deponent that it was Margret PEIRS that did hurt her. The hurt was "no otherwyse then skratchinge might be betwene two children." On that day, 11 October, 7 Elizabeth, Mary COMBE came to deponent's house in Taunton, accompanied with Elizabeth, her daughter, to show deponent that Margret PEIRS and she had fought together. Deponent was not deputy to the constable, HANNYVORDE had appointed SKOYER to be his deputy, as SKORYER told deponent. As deponent came from his house with Mary COMBE and her daughter Elizabeth, John CHAPLYN, Thomas, LECHELAND, and John NICHOLLS, defendants, assembled together in the streets and met with deponent at Magdalen Lane end. They were so assembled to apprehend Mary COMBE, for that she had broken the peace about half an hour and more before. John CHAPLYN, as bailiff, Thomas LECHELAND, as deputy bailiff to Robert HENDLEY, and John NYCHOLLS, as one of the aldermen of Forestreet in Taunton, made the assembly to imprison Mary and Elizabeth by the commandments of William CLEVEHANGER and William SKORYER, deputy constables of the town, as they said. Deponent did not see FEMELL until he was returning from the prison and until he came against John CHAPLYN's house, being distant from the prison by the space of a butlength. Deponent does not know that any companies were assembled in the streets by the procurement of John CHAPLYN and all the other defendants; but Hugh JOY, an alderman of Taunton, came in their company. When deponent came from his house with Mary COMBE, passing towards her house, John CHAPLYN, then meeting with them, "gave a huppe and the sayed John NYCHOLLS gave a huppe agane to him," NYCHOLLS being distant from him about 40 feet. When CHAPLYN hupped, NYCHOLLS came, but how many came with him deponent does not know. No violence was offered to Mary, "she being taken by the Arme by John CHAPLYN and was caryed ymatly to the Pryson." Deponent went to the door of the prison with her, and requested CHAPLYN and the others to suffer her to depart quietly, offering himself to stand bund for her forthcoming the next morrow and to answer anything that should be laid to her charge. His bond was refused; he does not know that any other was offered. Elizabeth was imprisoned in the prison called the Cowhouse; and Mary was imprisoned in the prison called the Cowhouse [sic]. Upon the first apprehension of Mary there were about six persons; when she was imprisoned there were about twenty persons, men, women, and children, and none of them "weaponed" other than John CHAPLYN and Thomas LECHELAND having two staves accustomed to be used in the execution of their office. Deponent denies that he said to Mary: "Be of good comforte Mary COMBE for I thinke we shall bothe [be] slayne." Mary, as she was going into the prison, held deponent by the girdle, and then the bailiffs putting her into the prison against her will, she broke the girdle of deponent; he did not hold her girdle. She was imprisoned, but not pulled over the stocks, nor drawn upon the ground violently by the hair, head, or garments. There was a witch imprisoned in the prison called the Cowhouse a little before. Deponent does not know anything as to whether the devil had appeared to the witch every night while she was in prison, nor whether the prison were filthy. John CHAPLYN, at the time of the imprisonment, was bailiff and had been sworn; a bailiff elected to office may execute his office without being sworn. Mary was presented at Lawday at Taunton to be a disquieter of her neighbors. Deponent, two constables, and William SKORYERE were of the jury which presented her. Mary neither railed on those who apprehended her nor made a great noise.
Asked what manner of person John FEMELL was, and of what disposition, deponent answeres that FEMELL is of the mystery of a goldsmith and of honest disposition.
Richard WYLSON of Taunton, merchant, aged 22 saith:
Mary COMBE was scratched on both sides of her face, with three scratches on one side. She was in CARVANELL's house on 11 October, 7 Elizabeth, as well to sup as to declare her hurt and grief. Margret PEIRS and Mary COMBE had fought together on 11 October, at night. CHAPLYN, LECHELAND, NYCHOLLS, and FEMELL were assembled together at the stocks by the prison door, bringing Mary towards the prison, some having her by one arm, some by the other, some thrusting behind, with such cruelty as "he hath not seen and yet he hath seen diuers imprysoned."
About twelve persons put her into prison; deponent heard say there were more assembled in the town. Asked whether drink and candlelight were denied Mary, deponent answers that, when one of the town had given her a candle into the prison, John CHAPLYN, one of the bailiffs, came after and took it from her, at which time she requested him to get her some sack and she would pay for it. Deponent does not know whether she had it. CHAPLYN commanded that no person should give her candlelight upon pain of imprisonment.
John FEMELL is a goldsmith and "of honest conuersacion."
John GRESSHAM of Taunton, skinner, aged 40 saith:
He judges there were forty persons assembled with CHAPLYN and the rest in the night season to imprison Mary; this he judges by the noise made in the street. Among them were Henry WYLMETT and his wife, Ruchard NUTT, John JENKYNS, and many others. CHAPLYN and the others took Mary with great force and cruelty, she holding CARVANELL by the girdle till she burst his girdle. The baliffs told CARVANELL they had no commission to take his bond for Mary's appearance in the morning. Robert WYLSON and one JULYAN, servant to Elizabeth WYLSON, on behalf of Elizabeth offered bond likewise; he does not know whether the bailiffs heard. The Cowhouse is the vilest prison in Taunton. Mary was forced to go over the stocks in the prison; the prison is "very stinckinge." A witch had been imprisoned there a little before; he can say nothing as to the devil's appearances to her. When Mary cried for help and said her daughter was like to perish, asking for drink and candlelight, CHAPLYN said she should have some small drink anon. He and FEMELL gave open commandment to all there not to bring Mary or Elizabeth any meat, drink, or candlelight on pain of imprisonment for three days and three nights. Deponent "did mynde" to bring Mary candlelight, and FEMELL watched at his door until 12 of the clock in the night, so that he could no.
"John FEMELL ys a buseye man and will doo more than ys his dewtye."
John THOMSON of Taunton, bower, saith:
CHAPLYN, LECHELAND, NYCHOLLS, and four or five aldermen of Taunton were assembled on the said 11 October in the streets of Taunton in two several companies, distant from one another a pair of butlengths and more, and, when CARVANELL and Mary COMBE were about Magdalene Lane, one of each company gave the other a "huppe" to give warning of Mary's coming. Thereupon they came together and apprehended her and Elizabeth. CARVANELL asked for what cause; the bailiffs answered for breaking the Queen's peace. When they came to the prison door, they were in all about fourteen persons; deponent supposes diverse of them came by reason of the noise.
FEMELL is to his knowledge an honest man.
Thomas PAWLYN of Taunton, barber, aged 26, saith:
He came into the street by reason of the noise. About forty persons were assembled at the Cornhill, going towards the Couhouse. Deponent returned to his house to see to the safety of a young child from the fire there, and immediately repaired to the Cowhouse, where he understood Mary and Elizabeth were imprisoned, and saw CHAPLYN and NYCHOLLES and also one WEST and one DAWLIE. At least threescore persons were standing abroad at their doors and diverse places in the streets, having come there by reason of the great noise.
Deponent knoweth not but that John FEMELL is an honest man.
Richard WARRE of Heastercombe, Esq., aged 45, saith:
Next morning after the affray Mary COMBE sent her son and one GRESHAM of Taunton to declare that she and her daughter Elizabeth were imprisoned in the Cowhouse by John CHAPLYN and others for affray that had happened between her and Margrett PEIRS. Deponent sent his precept to the constables of Taunton, commanding them to bring before him Mary and Margrett. They came to his house, Margrett having a "blacke face" and Mary her face scratched. He bound them to keep the peace and appear at the next sessions, at which sessions a bill of indictment was found against diverse of the town of Taunton for a riot or wrong imprisonment of Mary COMBE and her daughter; deponent was then sitting on the Bench. About a sevennight after CARVANELL declared to deponent that Mary came to his house about 6 er 7 o'clock in the afternoon, saying, "I come unto you to declare what hath happened betwine Margarett PEYERS and me as it doth appere in my face which you may see." Therupon CARVANELL said: "Yt shalbe well Inough Come goe with me and I will bringe you saffe whome to yor owne howse." On meeting the defendants, CHAPLYN and others said to CARVANELL: "Geve us the Quenes Prysoner." Who answered: "I will; yeld her unto you to morrowe n the morninge bodie for bodie." But CHAPLYN, with others, said: "Nay we will not, we will have her nowe." They went forwards towards the prison, Mary's hand being fastened in the girdle of CARVANELL. When they reached the prison, CHAPLYN rigorously pulled her away from CARVANELL, with which pulling CARVANELL's girdle broke and his purse fell to the gound. And Mary said: "take hede to yor Purse yt ys fallen downe;" and forthwith [he] whirled her into the prison and locked the door. CARVANELL told deponent that HANNYVORD and DAVYDGE were constables and HANNYVORD had desired him to be his deputy till he returned from Wells.
Henry HURFORDE of Taunton, groom, aged 20, saith:
John CHAPLYN, Thomas LECHELAND, and John NYCHOLLES were assembled to take Mary to prison; FEMELL came to take them before they came to the prison. Whuppes were made by the persons assembled, whereby twenty persons came together. Near the prison Elizabeth fell down and cried out because she would not go to the prison. It is a vile prison; cannot tell whether it is the worst or not. Mary was thrust over the stocks standing at the prison door. Besides CHAPLYN and NYCHOLLES there were present Richard ROBYNS, Anthony the baker, "ADRYE the toker," DAWLYE, MANNYNGE, and others.
Deponent heard CARVANELL say: "Be of good comfort Mary I thincke we shalbe both slayne." He heard the witch, who was beforeimprisoned in the Cowhouse, say that the devil came to her diverse times and tempted to hang herself with her girdle. Mary cried out that her daughter was nearly dead, and called for a candle and wine. CHAPLYN answered she should have some small beer. Mary said: "No I will have some wyne for I am able to pay for yt," and said she thought her daughter would die. Elizabeth does not know whether this is by reason of the imprisonment. CHAPLYN threatened imprisonment for three days and nights to any who should bring Mary candlelight, after he took away the candle which was put in the window of the prison by one byrdes wife. These words he spoke at the prison door.
"He can say nothing But that John FEMELL is an honest man as he supposeth."
John NOMYS of Taunton, shoemaker, aged 40, saith:
He repaired to the Cowhouse by reason of the noise. Mary and Elizabeth were then newly imprisoned, but the door not yet locked. All sorts of people, about one hundred altogether, were assembled. About twelve months before Mother NYNEACRES , a witch, was imprisoned there.
John FEMELL is an honest man, as he supposeth. [Depositions on behalf of the defendants.]
Henry FEMELL of Taunton, merchant, brother to John FEMELL, one of the defendants, of the age of 40 or thereabouts, saith:
The constables sent for Mary COMBE to come before them by one John FEMELL, then one of the bailiffs of the town, before Margrett PYERS was hurt. Mary refused to go to the constables, saying they were not her friends, and if they had anything to do with her, they should come to her, for she would not come unto them. Then the said bailiff "presting to goo to her," she held up a knife and said: "come no here unto me, but yf thow do at thy perill," reviling the said bailiff and calling him knave and harelip, with other railing words, whereof the said bailiff called deponent, Mr. MORE, and one John PYERS to be witness.
About Easter last, at the meeting at Taunton, of Sir Hugh PAWLETT, Knight, Humphrey COLLES, Henry PORTMAN, Richard WARRE, John FRANCIS, and Robt. HYLL, Esquires, chosen to be arbitrators by both parties, deponent was present in the house of Wm. CLEVEHANGER of Taunton, when both parties sealed bonds to stand by the arbitrators' award. The award was then read; it was very liked of both parties. Deponent read it.
Deponent was present when the Bishop of Bath offered John COMBE a release according to the effect of the reward, which COMBE refused to seal.
Thomas SYMONS of Taunton, pewterer, brother-in-law to John FEMELL, one of the defendants, aged 42 or thereabouts, knows both parties. He heard a glazier and Johanne GARRETT and ALFORD'S boy of Taunton say that Elizabeth COMBE, when she saw Margret PYERS coming in the streets of Taunton, said: "Now she comyth, now she comyth." And Margret passing by the said Mary COMBE between the stall and her, Mary said to Margret: "What thow whore dust thow take my stalle of me," and thereupon leaped unto Margret and smote her in the face with her fists, and [they] "fell togeathers by the eares" and so continued till the glazier and GARRETT'S wife parted them, as the glazier, etc., declared to the constables in deponent's hearing, Mary saying then that what she did was in self defence.
Deponent being on of the constables of the town about ten days before Michaelmas next before the affray, he and his fellow constable sent John FEMELL, one of the bailiffs, to require Mary to come before them. He returned and said she had replied she had as good a house to receive them, [and] if they would anything to her, should come to her; and [he] reported that she had a knife n her hand.
At the Lawday held at Taunton in October, 7 Elizabeth, Oliver HESTER gave evidence to the jury for the Queen that Mary COMBE had said [that] rather than the said Oliver should dwell so near her she would set fire to his house; but there was no such matter found according to his eyidence. At the same Lawday a bill was found that Mary COMBE was a common scold and perturber of her neighbors. Deponent was present in CLEVEHANGER'S house when obligations were sealed to abide by the award. Deponent read the award.
Oliver HESTER and Anthony LONGE confess that they had sealed to John and Mary COMBE a release of all actions and Mary made a similar release to Oliver and Anthony in her own name. John and Mary have refused to seal a release in accordance with the award offered them at two several times before the constables and others.
William CLEVHANGER of Taunton, clothier, late constable of Taunton, age 60, saith:
He heard Elizabeth COMBE say to her mother, "when Margrett PEYERS came out of her dores towardes LECHELANDes" t supper, "she cometh she cometh." Margret came about 7 o'clock in the evening at Mary COMBE'S door. And ther Margrett and Mary met. Johanne GARRETT showed deponent that Mary made the affray upon Margrett. Johanne said Margrett would have been worse handled, had not she been there. Immediately after the affray Margaret PYERS, accompanied with Thomas LECHELAND and Johanne GARRETT, repaired to deponent and William SKORYEIRE, then deputies to the constables. By the space of fifty years, to deponent's knowledge, the constables and bailiffs have used to make deputies. Seeing the hurt on Margrett and having examined the witness Johanne, deponent and Willaim SKOREYER commanded John CHAPLYN, bailiff, and Thomas LECHELAND, substitute to the other bailiff, to apprehend Mary and Elizabeth and put them in ward for breaking the Queen's peace.
Thomas POPE of Taunton, merchant, sometime constable of Taunton, saith:
When he was last constable, he sent John FEMELL, the bailiff, for Mary COMBE, to come to be examined for railing words that she had used against "one SYMONDES wyefe" and others.
Thomas SHOELL of Combeflory, glazier, aged 52, saith:
He was going home from work towards his host's house in the street at Taunton about 7 o'clock in the night, and saw Mistress COMBE standing in the street from her stall before her door, and her daughter at her door, and Margaret PYERS and another woman coming from PEYERS his house towards her, and [she] was passing between Mistress COMBE and her stall towards LECHELANDs house, whereupon they fell immdeiately by the ears. Deponent does not know who gave the first stripe; [but] he saw the woman with Mistress PEYERS pluck away Mistress COMBES daughter from Mistress COMBES, and Mistress PEYERS and Mistress COMBES then lying fighting together; he parted them.
John HANNYFORD of Taunton, merchant, constable at the time of the imprisonment, aged 40, saith:
He was at Wells fair when the affray was made. One his return he and his fellow constable, Thomas DAVAGE, examined Mary and Margret as to the cause of the affray.
Mary would not confess who gave the first blow; she said she was standing at her door, thinking to go to Lawrence CARVANELL'S to supper. Margrett said she was going to Thomas LECHELANDs to supper and, as she passed, she found Mary standing her length from her town stall and went between her and the stall.
Departing from Taunton towards Mr. COLLES house at Barton, [and] meeting CARVANELL in the street at Taunton, deponent said: "I pray you execute my office of constableship until I return from Mr COLLES agayne," meaning to return that date. Afterwards, going on to Wells, deponent appointed SKOYER his deputy, telling him to "disappoint" CARVANELL.
Johanne GARRETT of Taunton, widow, aged 50, saith:
She and Margrett were going to supper at LECHELAND's house about 6 at night, after the purifiction of Margaret VOWELL. As they came against John COMBES house, saw Mary going over the street and her daughter standing in her door. Mary, seeing Margrett coming, stayed, and Margrett passing betwixt Mary and her own stall, Mary was therewith offended and said: "Thow queane duste thou take my stalle from me beinge my onwe grounde." And with that she plucked Margaret out by the bosom, whereupon they went together by the ears, and Elizabeth lay on Margrett's back till deponent plucked her off. Mary gave the first blow.
Depositions taken at Taunton [co. Somerset], 13 and 14 January, 9 Elizabeth [1566/7].
Johanne HARRYS of Taunton, widow, aged 74, saith:
A little after Michaelmas was twelve months; when Margery VOWELL made her purification, deponent, being midwife in the town of Taunton and present at VOWELL'S house with other women of the town according to their old usage in the town, offered to one Margaret SWAYN a cup of wine, wherewith Mary COMBE, being offended for that she had not first offered her the cup, thrust deponent in the side with her fist, saying: "Dost thous not know thy betters to whom thous shuldes offred the cuppe fyrst.: in the church afterwards she heard a noise; does not know who made; but after, as the said VOWELL'S wife and the rest of the women were going homewards from the church, Margaret PEYERS and the wife of SKOREYER, seeing "olde Mother GOLDSMYTH" coming after them, required her to go forth with them. And therewith Mary COMBES, being offended, said:
"Shall this French Dogge" or "French knaves wyefe goo before me," and would have plucked her back again, but Margaret PEYERS and Johanne SCORYER would not suffer her. And therewith Mary COMBES, being much offended, went forth and back, sometimes before the wives that went before her, and sometimes before the constables' wives, and sometimes behind them.
Anestice LAWRENCE, wife of William LAWRENCE of Taunton, merchant, aged 33, saith:
After Margaret VOWELL had made her purification in the church, a little after Michaelmas was twelve months since, on the way homewards Johane SKOREYER and Margaret PEYERS, "knowing Johane FEMELL to be an auncient woman of the towne," took her to go forth with them. Then Mary COMBE came out of her pew, and took Johane FEMELL by the are, and plucked her back. Margaret PEYERS said: "Mistress COMBE you came hither before quiet, and so I pray you goo home agayne." Whereat Mary COMBE said: "Sett her before thyselfe, For thous shalt sett no Frenche knaves wyefe and Frenche curres wyefe before me." The Johane FEMELL said: "good wyfe COMBE yf I shall not goe before you I pray lett me goo with you." Then said Mary COMBE: "Thow shalt not goo with me for I am thy better by two hundred pounds." As the wives were going forth of the church, Mary COMBES said to Johane SCOREYER, who stayed: "Will you goo forth," and Johane SCOREYER said: "Goo you forth for I like this company very well." With that Mary went out before Johane Scoreyer, and ceased not till she came to the constable's wife, and then returned [and said]: "I defye you all For the best and prowdest of you all have bin beholding unto me." And she said to Margt. PEYERS: "A vengeance upon the thow arte mayntayned by my goods. For I am the worse by £200 for thy father. And the same vengeance upon them both," meaning the father-in-law and husband of Margaret.
Peter CABLE of Taunton, pewterer, servant to Mr. SYMONDS, aged 27, saith:
About 9 of the clock of the night Mary COMBES was imprisoned, deponent came to the Cowhouse door, and saw John CHAPLYN fetch out the candle of the Cowhouse. Therefore she called CHAPLYN knave, saying that "If she were at here owne house she wold have Light Inough." Then CHAPLYN came to the door again, and Mary required drink of him, and he bidding his man fetch her a cup of beer, she said: "No knave I will drinke none of thy bere I will have clarret wyne and suger for I am as well hable to pay for yt as the proudest knave of you all." "Yt is no matter," quoth the said John CHAPLYN, "what you saye I will geve you no yvell words." And therupon CHAPLYN commanded all the people assembled to depart home or else he would put them all in the Cowhouse, as many as it would hold.
George FISHER, of Wylton, co. Somerset, aged 30, yeoman, saith:
....Just before Oliver HESTER last passed into Flanders, he released all actions to John COMBES, upon Mary's promise to be good neighbor to his wife and to give him a like release; but the release was in her name only and not her husband's. When HESTER protested at this, she said: "Dust thou not know that I rule all."
Richard MATTHEW of Taunton, draper, aged 52, knows Mary to be a common "Skoldester."
Note: Depositions not included here were also made by Alexander COXE of Taunton, groom, aged 14 or 15, Mark PORTER of Taunton, apothecary, aged 30, Richard BULT of Taunton, yeoman, aged 30, Johane SCORYERE, wife of William SCORYERE, aged 30, William COLLERD of Taunton, tailor, aged 31, William DAWLEY of Taunton, capper, aged 34, William SKOREYER of Taunton, merchant, aged 54; William LANCASTER of Mylverton, co. Somerset, gentleman, aged 50. (New England Historical and Genealogical Register 1926, pp..357-369)
More About Some of the Above Individuals
"Thomas SYMONS of Taunton, pewterer, brother-in-law to John FEMELL, one of the defendants, aged 42 or thereabouts,:" was buried at St. Mary Magdalene's, Taunton, m 2nd Agnes FEMELL, d/o Richard & Johan (CROW) Femell. Agnes FEMELL m 2nd to Nicholas COLVORD or CALVARTE, and lastly to Jeffery MOORE, and d c1584, also bur. at St. Mary Magdalene's. Of the issue of Thomas & Agnes FEMELL Symons (Calvarte) (Moore): Thomas SYMONS II of London, d 1 Sep 1620, bur. in London, m (1) Elizebeth MINS, daughter of John MUS[S] of London; m. (2) Marie WADE, third daughter of William WADE of Bildeston, Co. Suffolk; and Eleanor SYMONS, baptized at St. Mary Magdalene's, Taunton, on 20 Sept. 1559; m. there, 21 Nov. 1575, to John RICH of Lydeard St. Lawrence, co. Somerset, gentleman. John SYMONDS, brother of Thomas SYMONDS I, died s.p. at Taunton, also bur. at St. Magdalene's (16 Jan 1570/1), had married there on 13 Sep 1568 one Emma POPE (From the above depositions and papers and pedigrees formerly belonging to Sir Simonds D'EWES, now in Harleian MS. 381 in the British Museum, New England Historical and Genealogical Register 1926, pp..357-369)
Richard FEMELL, of Taunton, co. Somerset, goldsmith, had married Johan CROW, had died between 1565 and 1576. His wife was buried at St. Mary Magdalene's, Taunton, 9 Oct. 1577 father said to have been "a wealthy Dutchman, who came out of Normandy into England," according to the Autobiography of Sir Simonds D'EWES, who also, in his papers, calls him a Frenchman, undoubtedly why she was termed by Mary COMBE as a "Frenche Dogge" or French knaves wyefe" according to the above. Among their children were Agnes (See Thomas SYMONS); Annis, wife of William LAWRENCE (See her deposition above); and John, also a deponent. John FEMELL filed a bill in Chancery against John COMBE of Taunton 23 Jan 1566/7, and the "said Mary" mentioned in John FEMELL'S replication in this suit was probably the Mary COMBE who was a prominent party in the Star Chamber case.(From the above depositions and papers and pedigrees formerly belonging to Sir Simonds D'EWES, now in Harleian MS. 381 in the British Museum, New England Historical and Genealogical Register 1926, pp..357-369)
Richard WARRE of Heastercombe [Hestercombe] may have been the same who married Joan COMBS, d/o John COMBE of Dalwood, Dorset (now Devon). Might the WARE/WEIRE Families of Old Rappahannock County, Virginia also be descended from this family? Which also may indicate that HUNNIFORD/HANNIFORD were the same as HANGFORD?
St. Mary Magdalene
11 Jan 1597 Taunton, St. Mary Magdalene, Somerset, England. Married: John COOMBE and Joan EXTON (FamilySearch.Org) [NIGI 1998]
26 Aug 1615 Taunton, St. Mary Magdalene, Somerset, England. Married: Robert COOMBE and Agnes MORSE (FamilySearch.Org) [NIGI 1998] [Search word: MORRIS]
16 May 1656 Taunton, St. Mary Magdalene, Somerset, England. Married: John COMBE and Elizabeth LIGHT (FamilySearch.Org) [NIGI 1998]
St. James
5 Aug 1615 St. James, Taunton, Somerset, England Married: John COMBE and Doritye BONOR (FamilySearch.Org) [NIGI 1998] [SW: Dorothy BONNER]
Note: The above are only several of numerous extant parish records for Taunton according to IGI entries. These have not as yet been read.
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