![]() | Combs &c. Families of Greenwood Co, KS |
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Greenwood County was created by Kansas Territory in 1855 from non-county areas and was attached to Allen County "for civil and military purposes." On 11 Feb 1859 it was detached from Allen County and attached to Coffey County "for judicial purposes." Lost land to Butler County on 27 Feb 1860 and was an original county when Kansas was admitted to the Union as a state on 29 Jan 1861. On 22 May 1861 was detached from Coffey County and attached to Woodson County. Became fully organized on 14 Mar 1862 and detached from Woodson County. Between 1864 & 1865 lost land and gained land from Butler County. In 1867 gained land from Butler and part of land from Seward County when it was eliminated. In 1868 lost land to Howard County (now extinct).
05 Jul 1857 (Eureka, Greenwood Co, KS) From the diary of Edwin TUCKER who, with his father, David, and his uncle, Elijah (6´7´´ and deaf) came to Eureka, Greenwood Co, Kansas from Beloit, Wisconsin, which he left on Thu 16 Apr 1857 in a covered wagon with oxen, cattle, etc:
" There after six weeks of tiresome travel through scenes to which l was wholly un- accustomed with no home but for a day we first found temporary home a rest for a season of rest of ourselves & for our jaded but ever faithful beasts. But away we went my father & uncle a Mr. LIILIE who joined us that morning & myself. Two wagons yoke of oxen a pair of horses, 3 cows & 6 head of young cattle was unwell the 2nd day quite sick at Bur. where we stopped until joined by Messers ASHMORE PRATT PRATHER & Combs. All moved on together and reached Fall River Aug. 12. After looking around and consulting two days concluded to settle found a spring & claimed the land 302 acres adjacent for a town site. Commenced building a house immediately for a school house. was taken sick after working one day. claims were taken to be afterwards divided or drawn by the members. A short time after we commenced two gentlemen - P. D. RIDENOUR & Frank ___ called upon us & wished to go into the organization of a town company with us which it was agreed they should do for a consideration on their part. Sept first my father started for Wis.. together with Messers PRAT & Combs going to Ill. &, Messers ASHMORE & PRATHER going back to Apponcose (?) for their families leaving Mr. LILLIE, Mr. ASHMORE´S son John - my uncle & myself to do as best we could until they came back "
Note: Edwin TUCKER was born in Newbury, Vermont Dec. 23, 1835. He later served in the Kansas House of Representatives and Senate, and was an early Regent of Washburn College. This diary was donated to the Heritage Server for publication on the Internet by Walter Cole, great-great grandson of the author. The original copy of the diary is in the collection of the --- Historical Society. (Edwin Tucker´s Diary)
Kansas State Census Collection, 1855-1925 > 1859 > Greenwood
Levi Prater 1857 - - - 2
Hiram Prater 1858 - - - 1
Alford Combs 1859 - 1 - 3
Submitted by Barbara Rivas
Eureca P O
25 July 1860
499/421 A S Combs 25 m farmer ----- 150 IL
Sarah 22 f IL
500/422 S M Combs 21 m farmer ----- 150 IL
Elizabeth 20 f IL
William J 18/78? farmer ----- 200 IL
Submitted by dwilson from: Ancestry 1860 Kansas Territory Census
185/192 L. D. BLISARD 49 merchant KY
Catharine 49 KY
Nancy 24 IL
William 21 2nd Reg Com “I” soldier IL
John 19 farm larborer IL
Wesly 10 IL insane
Hannah 7 IL
Amelia 4 KS
Sarah Combs 27 IL
William Combs 4 KS
176/183 Levi N PRATHER 36 farmer IN
Nancy E. 27 IL
Luther 4 KS
George K. 4/12 KS
177/184 James WHARRY 44 single farmer VA
Mary McCombs 48 single VA
Margaret 24 single VA
Elizabeth 22 single VA
George 17 single Reg 9 Comp D soldier VA
John 9 VA
Submitted by Barbara Rivas
Eureka Twp
Note: From this partial transcription, it is not possible to determine whether the following Simeon Combs was alone in a single HH or in the HH preceding or following; thus those households have been included for Simeon Combs. Likewise for Sarah C. Combs & (son?) William, except in this instance, all entries for Page 17 have been included:
Page 8, Lines 31-38 - Page 9, Line 01
Andrew WILLIAMS 52
Elizabeth 30
Henry 16
Clara L. 15
Anderson J. 12
Byram 9
Miram 9
George F. 3
Daniel J. 3/12
Page 9, Line 02
Simeon Combs 31
Page 9, Lines 3-5
John W. SIMPSON 36
Mary S. 34 9 4
Robert F. 7/12 9 5
Page 17, Lines 1 - 40 (All)
Bridget FARRAR 23
Geo. V. 6
William SIMUTH 35
Edward 28
Mathew B. 4
William KELLEY 31
Mary 31
James L. 5
Mary E. 3
James S. BOID 33
Ellen 25
Albert CAMPBELL 24
Robert ADAMS 32
Henry V. ELLIS 18
William WHITE 27
Hiram C. PRATHER 37
Rachel J. 31
Zenas 7
Elizabeth 5
John C. 3
George N. 8/12
Joseph WILLIAMS 25
Emma 29
Marian N. 1
Wm. H. BURNS 29
Sarah C. Combs 31 years
William Combs 09 years
James H. MOREHEAD 33
Isaac COLLINS 60
Susie 61
Solomon 30
Freelan 28
Nancy 17
David E. MILES 25
Annie E. 21
Frank 2
Mollie J. 20
John E. 12
End Page 17
(Extracted from the 1870 Greenwood Co KS Census Index) Corrected URL Also Text Version
Notes: Given that both Simeon Combs and Sarah Combs were in close proximity to WILLIAMS, they may have been kin - he may have been a brother-in-law, or even her husband. The close proximity of the PRATHER Family may indicate that these were the Combs named in the diary of Edwin TUCKER. (See Above)
109/109 Prather, Abram C. 37 farmer IL
Rachel J. 31 VA
Genas? 7 (male) ILL
Elizabeth 5 IL
John C. 3 KS
George N. 8/12 KS
111/111 Burns, Wm. H. 29 farmer LA
Combs, Sarah C 63 IL keeping house
Combs, William 9 KS
Blizzard, John 23 IL works on farm
53/53 Williams, Andrew 52 farmer TN
Elizabeth 30 OH
Henry 16 IL
Clara L. 15 IL
Anderson J. 12 IL
Byram 9 KS
Miram 9 KS
George F. 3 KS
Daniel J. 3/12 KS
Jenkins, Thomas 24 brick and stonemason England
Potts, John 25 works on farm VA
Combs, Simeon 31 farming IL
153/153 McCombs, Mary 54 VA keeping house
Mary M. 28 VA
John 14 VA works on farm
Submitted by Barbara Rivas
Pleasant Grove
116/118 Solomon Combs 59 KY IL
M. M. 48 female IL IL
H. M. 20 male IL IL
Wm. H. 16 IL IL
Franklin 13 IL IL
Thos. O. 7 IL IL
J. E. WILLIS 24 male farmer ILI IL
B. R. McCARTNEY 64 male TN IL
Cynthia McCARTNEY 11 IL IL
69/69 Anderson WILLIAMS 46 farmer TN GA
May J. ?? 36 GA GA
Rosetta Combs 9 KS
44/44 Elizabeth ANDERSON 49 VA IL
Clinton 21 IL IL
Tabitha 13 IL IL
Josephine 10 IL IL
Mallisa McCombs 25 IL IL
James 5 KS IL
Laura 1 KS IL
102/102 Mary McCombs 56 VA IA
Margaret 34 VA IA
John 19 VA IA
Submitted by Barbara Rivas
Submitted by Jennifer Willemi from Ancestry.Com online posting:
Pleasant Grove
Solomon Combs M 65 (abt 1815) KY VA VA Farmer
Mary M. M 53 (abt 1827) TN GA KY
William H. M 21 (abt ) IL KY TN
Franklin P. M 18 (abt ) IL KY TN
Thomas O. M 13 (abt ) IL KY TN
Minerva BROWN F 40 (abt 1840) KY KY KY (daughter, widowed)
Ada F 16 (abt 1866) IL IL KY
JW Note: Daughter Minerva lists mother´s birthplace as KY while Mary M.´s birthplace is listed as TN. If Minerva was Mary M.´s daughter, Mary would have been only 13 at the time, suggests that Mary M. is Solomon´s second wife.
94/94 W. H. Combs 35 IL IL farmer
Clara A. 24 NY NY
Bertha J. 8/12 ? KS
103/103 John HAMISH 46 PA OH farmer
Mrs. R. FIELDS 58 ND IN housekeeper
Lydia 37 ND IN
George McCOMBS 19 KS
Edward LOCK 23 KS
Joseph GREEN 28 KS
Pleasant Grove
1/1 M. M. Combs 67 Female KY IL farmer
T.O. 26 IL IL
S. V. ROBINSON 45 Mass FL stonecutter
254 Mrs. M. J. McCOMBS 45 IL IL dressmaker
Laura 21 KS KS
Samuel LITTLE 21 MI MI
Bessie 18 MI MI
James D. McCOMBS 25 KS KS farmer
G. W. 19 KS KS farmer
296 J. D. McCombs 39 WV IA transfer
Mary 25 KS KS
Mary 55 WV IA
Charley 6 KS KS
Francis 4 KS KS(female)
George 5 mos KS KS
J. P. MORTAN 61 VA WV clerk
Submitted by Barbara Rivas
Janesville Township
Enumerated June 1900 by Earl Wyant
152/153 Piatt Frank Head w m Nov 1869 30 m 2 IL IN OH
D. Lena Wife w f Dec 1872 27 m 2 KS Germany IL
Robert B. Son w m Nov 1898 1 s KS IL KS
Alvord Eva Servant w f Apr 1869 31 s IA NY IL
Morris George A. Servant w m Sept 1875 24 s KS MO IN
Cameron Earnest T. Servant w m Oct 1881 18 s KS OH IN
Mc Combs George W. Servant w m Aug 1875 24 s KS Unknown IL
Keating Thomas F. Servant w m Jan 1880 20 s IL Ireland Ireland Ealy
William A. Servant w m Aug 1877 22 s IN IN IN
Waford Charles Servant w m June 1887 12 s KS IA KS
190/194 Mc Combs John D. Head w m Apr 1856 44 m 13 VA VA VA
Mary C. Wife w f Sept 1866 33 m 13 3 3 KS Norway ArKS
Charles D. Son w m May 1888 12 s KS VA KS
Frances E. Daughter w f Sept 1890 9 s KS VA KS
George W. Son w m May 1894 6 s KS VA KS
Mary M. Daughter w f Dec 1840 59 s VA VA VA
Otter Creek
A. Combs 44 (M) MO
Emma 44 MO
Ida 19 KS
Carley 16 (M) KS
Pleasant Grove
Combs C. A. 46 IL IL
Clara 22 NY NY dressmaker
B. 11 (F) KS
Willie 5 KS
Jones, Jessie 20 (F) KS teacher
72/72 T. O. Combs 36 (M) IL IL farmer
S. O. Combs 36 (F) VA VA
M. M. Combs 77 (F) TN IL
159/159 H. S. JONES 71 OH WI farmer
E. J. 65 IN IL
M. F. 24 (F) KS KS
E. C. Combs 21 (M) KS KS farmer
351/401 Tabitha CROOKMAN 43 IL IL housekeeper
W. W. 23 (M) KS KS farmer
Florence 20 KS KS
Oliver C. 17 KS KS
Ella 15 KS KS
Mamie BIGGS 20 KS KS
Wallace ELLIOTT 22 KS KS
352/402 Mary M. Combs 78 TN IL
Roy Arnold 16 KS KS
411/461 E. W. THRALL 51 OH WI stockman
Clara 35 Dakota WI
Edna 18 KS KS teacher
Edith 17 KS KS
Neva 15 KS KS
Geo. E. 2 KS KS
Margaret 4 mo. KS KS
Ora Combs 24 KS KS milliner
538/588 Mary M. McCombs 63 VA IA housekeeper
George McCombs 29 KS KS farmer
Minnie? 20 KS KS
Elcy 2 mos KS KS
Submitted by Barbara Rivas
1/2 W. H. Combs 55 (M) renter town NY NY
C. A. Combs 42 (F)
W. C. Combs 14 (M)
Geo. McCombs 39 KS KS farm hand
Minnie 29 KS KS
Elsie 10 KS KS
Robert 7 KS KS
Josephine 4 KS KS
Beatrice? 1 KS KS
Bernice 1 KS KS
Mrs. T. CROOKHAM 53 farm owned mortgage
Georgia McCOMBS 11 KS
Charles V. 1 KS farm rent mortgage
Oliver CROOKHAM 27
Georgie 22
Gavynn ? 7 mos.
34 G. W. HALL 65 TN IL
Froney 73 TN IL
Dortha McCOMBS 14 OK KS
F. E. 5 (M) KS
Submitted by Barbara Rivas
14 Dec 1870 (Greenwood Co KS Marriages A-131) Combs, Simeon M. & PEMBERTON, Mary Ann
04 Sep 1872 (ibid. B-020) Combs Sarah C. & BURNS Wm. H.
09 Nov 1873 (ibid. B-55) Combs Mattie & POUND M.B.
11 May 1874 (ibid. B-74) Combs, Alfred & BROCK, Mary Cyrenia
25 Jan 1882 (ibid. B-365) COOMBS, Hiram and CURTIS, Julia
06 Mar 1889 (ibid. E-82) Combs, Julia & HARVEL, William
06 Mar 1889 (ibid. D-82) COMBY, Julia & HARROD, William
25 Dec 1889 (ibid. D-126) COUD, William & GUY Larena
12 Mar 1893 (ibid. D-319) Combs, W.H. & KEY, Clarie A.
01 Jun 1904 (ibid. F-157) CODY, Julia and THOMPSON, George F.
02 Oct 1910 (ibid. G-127) Combs, C.E. & DAVIDSON, Ora
09 Oct 1912 (ibid. G-235) Combs, Bertha & SISSEL, C.O.
Name Spouse Marriage Date City County
COMBS, Harriet (23) GOGGIN, Andrew (23) 9 Oct 1871 Cherokee KS
COMBS, Mary Frances BIRCH, Michael 25 May 1856 Leavenwort Leavenworh KS
COMBS, S. R. (28M) ALEXANDER, Mary (27) 08 Sep 1879 NEOSHO KS
COMBS, Clara CURPHEY, Jno. J. 03-06-1890 Dickinson KS
COMBS, Zulu M. KRAUSE, George C. 05-05-1909 Dickinson KS
COMBS, Susie E. MONNINGER, Frank N. 01-18-1887 Dickinson KS
MCCOMBS, Hannah SINGER, John M. 23 Oct 1860 Ottumwa? Coffey KS
MCCOMBS, John JORDAN, Esther 05 Nov 1859 Ottumwa? Coffey KS
Submitted by Barbara Rivas