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Ed. Note: "Old style" writing used the lower case double-eff ("ff") for capital "F". For the sake of searches, those have been converted in the case of all given or surnames. Otherwise, the only changes to the transcript are capitalization of some surnames, and reformatting of paragraphs (the original being a single paragraph).
At each session of the General Assembly, a determination would be made as to the total current debt, and that total divided by the number of taxables. The following is not a list of taxables, but of those to whom payments were due for goods and services rendered. Some payments were for the cost of the Assembly itself, but the majority of those listed below were probably receiving payment for militia duty (other than by statutory exception, all "able-bodied" men between the ages of sixteen and sixty were required to be available for militia training and duty). 1
In the case of some of the payments, they are mentioned elsewhere in the records of the Assembly. For example, on 3 Sep 1681, the Upper House endorsed the following payments (to go to the Committee of Accounts for approval):
Mr HUTCHINS Dorchester County for a Boate & hands 6 Days
Thomas HUDSON Dorchester County for 400lb Bacon prest by Major TAYLOR
John HANCE Ann Arundell County for 390lb of Beef.—
Captain LADD Account, of what Press, in that County—
Francis COLLIER for 375lb of Beef. a Steer & Ninian BEALE for 140lb of Pork one Hogg—
Ninian BEALES List of Men under his Command at the Western Branch 1678 to whom a Mo: pay Due
Robert WEBB for Steer 414 lb prest by William KENT—
John BLOMFIELDS Account 400 lb. Tobacco to Captain CAMPBELLS Soldiers
Captain CAMPBELLS List of Soldiers at St Maries Guard 1679.
John DENT for Bridle and Saddle lost at Susquehannah Fort.
John BROOKES StMaries County for a Bridle and Saddle lost at Susquehannah Fort
Marmaduke SEMME for 25 lb. Dryed Beef and 30lb Baccon—
Edward EVANS St maries County for 14 Days Service at the Susquehannah Fort under Captain SLYE—
Capt STANSBYS Pet. & Cert. from Commrs of Baltimore County for the use of Richard SYMMONS Daughter—
Thomas KERSEY Charles County Pet. for Maintenance being Cripled in the Susquehannah Warr—
Evan JONES Charles County Pet for Do for Ditto Account—
John LARKIN Account 1010lb Tobacco for Soldiers Expences
Col BURGESS Account of Troopers Anno 1679 under Lieutenant Francis—
George COWLEY petition for pay for two Horses one 20 Days out and the other 14 to pursue and take DAVIS—
Captain COWLEYS List of Men.
Robert BROWNS Petition for 4811 Bacon—
Anthony DEMONDADIERS Petition and Account. 1659-98
Edward DORSEY for himself 15 Days and two Men 12 Days—
Robert PROCTORS Account— Idem for Boat and Shallop—
(Archives of Maryland, Vol. 7:148-9)
Foot soldiers were paid at the rate of 300 pounds of tobacco monthly and mounted troopers ("Rangers") at the rate of 600 pounds. 2 Drummers were paid at the rate of 400 pounds monthly, and Thomas DEAKINS' 2,000 pounds of tobacco may have represented five months' full time service. 3 If Philip COMBES, for example, was paid for militia duty, then his thirty pounds of tobacco may have represented three days service as a foot soldier.
See also Combs &c.'s 1678 Maryland Levy & Payment List, also from the Archives of Maryland, for which we also thank the Maryland State Archives
Sincerely,Enacted at the August 16 - September 17, 1681 Session of the General Assembly of the Province of Maryland:
Whereas there hath beene ffiue hundred fforty seauen Thousand Six hundred & Six pounds of tobacco, expended laid out & disbursed by the vpper & Lower houses of this prsent Genll; Assembly & by seuerall others the good people of this Province for the publike good of the same & to the intent the same may bee satisfied & paid to those persons to whom the same is due, Bee itt therefore enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Propry by & with the advice & Consent of the vpper & Lower houses of this prsent Genll; Assembly & the Authority of the same, that the said ffiue Hundred fforty Seauen Thousand Six Hundred & Six pds of Tobacco, to bee paid in manner & forme as is heereafter expressed, (that is to say)
To Howell Powell Three Hundred pounds of Tob,
to John Dickenson Three Hundred pds of Tob,
to Benjamin Parrott Three hundred pds of Tob
to Walter Dickenson Three Hundred pounds of Tob,
to Tho: Loggins Three Hundred pounds of Tob,
to Andrew Carry, Three Hundred pds of Tob,
to Charles Gorsuch Three Hundred pds of Tob,
to Patricke Mullikin Three Hundred pds of tob,
to Howell Powell Three Hundred pds of Tob,
to Willm Steeuens att Bartho: Ennalls house Three Hundred pds of Tob,
to Richard Swetnam one Thousand ffour Hundred sixty & six pds of Tob,
to Patricke Mullikin one hundred Twenty ffiue pounds of Tob,
to Richard Richardson Twenty pds of Tob,
to Major Willm Coursey nine hundred pds of Tob.
to Saml Abbott ffour Hundred & Twenty pds of Tob,
to Thomas Pattison six Thousand pds of Tob,
to Walter Dickenson Three hundred pds of Tob,
to Edwd Fish Three hundred pds of Tob,
to John Clift Three Hundred pds of Tob,
to Nicholas Bellifont Three hundred pds of tob,
to Edward Williams Three hundred pds of Tob,
to Bartho Lepers Three hundred pds of tob,
to Coll William Burges Three Thousand one hundred & Fifty pounds of Tob,
to Henry Ridgely Six hundred pds of tob,
to Abraham Child Eighty pds of tob,
to Robert Proctor Three hundred pds of tob,
to Edmund Beetenson one hundred pds of Tob,
to Stephen Francis one hundred & Twenty pds of Tob,
to Christopher Bridgewater sixty pds of Tob.
to Thomas Knighton Eleuen hundred sixty seauen pds of Tob,
to Hen: Kidd ninety pds of Tob,
to Tho: Feild sixty pds of Tob,
to William Reid, to John Grey, to Peter Bernett, to John Durden,
to Richard Chaney Junr to Tho: Beeson, to Tho: Cox, to John Freciton, to Robt Ward, to John Thrifte to Danll Jones, to Willm Jackson, & to Edwd Carter, each Thirty pds of Tob,
to Roger Newman one Thousand & Fifty pds of Tob,
to Hen: Constable Fiue hundred & Tenn pds of Tob,
to Ralfe Hawkins, to Humphrey Boone, to Joshua Merrikin to Steph: Burie, to Edwd Jones, to John Pettibone, to Willm Cockes, to Richard Gwinn, to Willm Hawkins, to Willm Bissey, to Roger Newman, to John Smith, to Mathew Howard, to Steph: Hancocke, to Tho: Tucker, William Penington, to Maurice Baker, to Chr: Rowles, to Martin Faulkner, to James Crouch, to John Smith, to Edwd Lunn, to Edwd Filks, to Simon Harring, to Tho: Bucknell, to Joseph Conaway, to Richard Bayley, to James Oricke, to John Peisley, & to John Richies each one hundred pds of tob,
to Capt Richard Hill Three hundred Thirty Three pds of tob,
to Jacob young Twenty Thousand pds of tob
to Robert Jones & Thomas Hitchcocke Three hundred pds of tob each of them,
to Robert Somers & to Evan Salisbury each Eighty pds of Tob,
to Humphrey Kiddie Forty pounds of Tob,
to Michaell Franckey & Arthur Carleton each Fifty pds of Tob,
to Evan Salisbury Two hundred Thirty Fiue pds of Tob,
to Capt Richard Hill Eight Hundred pds of Tob,
to Joseph Norwood Four hundred & Fifty pds of Tob,
to Tho: Pennington & to George Davis each Three hundred seauenty & Fiue pds of Tob,
to John Larkine Fiue hundred & Fiue pds of Tob,
to Henry Stockett one Thousand & Fifty pds of tob,
to Capt Nich: Gassaway, to John Thirsty, to Thomas Hooke to Tho: Totton, & to Horton House each Thirty pds of Tob,
to Edwd Selbey Eighty pds of Tob,
to Edwd dorsey, to Robert Proctor to Tho: Foord, to Antho: Holland, to And: Robertson, to John Worthington, to Walter Carr, to Abell Hill, to Tho: Lunn, to Mathew Hughes, to Robert Clerkson, to And: Norwood, to John Rockhold, to Lawrence draper, to William yeildhall, to Charles Steevens, to Tho: Browne, to John Stimpson, & to Willm Ridgely each Sixty pds of Tob,
to Tho: Francis six hundred & Fifty pds of Tob,
to Robert Lockwood, & to Tho: Ford, to Robert Proctor to John Gressina, to Tho: Pratt, to the Admr of Edward Parrish, to James Ellis, to Wm Ridgeley, to Antho: Holland, to John Beaman, to John Worthington, to Saml Garland, to John Spencer, to Tho: Lunn, to Abell Hill, to John Sailers, to George yate, to Augustin Skinner, to Charles Beauen, to Ferdinando Battee, to Henry Bennett, to John vaughan, to Richard Bedworth, to John Stimpson, & Willm Stafford each of them one hundred pds of Tob,
to Ferdinando Battee, Forty pds of Tob,
to Tho: Vaughan Three hundred & Fifty pds of tob,
to Nath: Evetts one hundred seauenty Fiue pds of tob,
to Jos: Norwood seauenty pds of Tob,
to Wm Hoggs Three hundred Twenty Fiue pds of Tob,
to Capt John Stansbey, one hundred & Fifty pds of Tob,
to James Phillipps Two hundred pds of tob,
to Tho: Cooke & to Tho: Lowe, each one hundred pds of tob,
to John Walston sixty pds of Tob,
to Ben: Bennett & to Wm osborne each Forty pds of Tob,
to John Cooke, to Saml Browne to James Bannister, to Mirs Goldsmith, to Saml Brand, & to Tho: Lowe each Thirty pds of Tob,
to Edwd Jackson, to dennis English, to Francis Fry, to James Glasseby, to Robt Jones Junr & to Wm Horne each Twenty pds of Tob,
to John Cooke, to Chr: Tople to John Walston, to Waltr Mowberry, to Anthony Mapowder, to Alex: Wallis & to Chr: Johnson, each Tenn pds of Tob,
to Coll Geo: Wells one hundred pds of tob,
to Coll Vincent Lowe Twelve hundred pds of Tob,
to Hen: Johnson Two hundred pds of Tob,
to Fran: Watkins Two hundred & sixty pds of Tob,
to tobias Stanborrow Two hundred & Seauenty pds of Tob,
to Cha: Gorsuch Twelve hundred pds of tob,
to Capt Jno Watterton one hundred Thirty & Two pds of Tob.
to Ltt John Boaring one hundred & sixteene pds of tob,
to Jacob Jenifer & Robt Benjor each one hundred and Twenty pds of Tobacco,
to John Newman & Antho Maypowder each Eighty pds of tob,
to John Thomas, & Nath: Hinchman each sixty pds of tob
to John Thornton, to John Woodvine, & to Jacob Jeniferr each Fifty pds of tob,
to Tho: Richardson, to Tho: Marshall, to Wm Wilkenson to Tho: Clarges, & to Edwd Thomas each Forty pds of tob,
to Thomas Marshall, to Marke Child, to Tho: Browne, to Jno Baker, to Wm Bennett to Phillipp Pitch, to Jacob Jenifer, to Marke Child, & to John Clarges each Thirty pds of Tob,
to Mich: Jude Twenty Six pds of tob,
to Tho: Jones, to Mathias Walrauen, to Waltr Thomas, to Tho: Marshall, to Richd Lowe, to Wm Westbury, to John Wright, to Jno Tilliard to John Melton, to Arthur Tayler, to Jno Wright, to John Hill Junr to Wm Choice, to Tho: Richardson, & to Lawrence Richardson, each Twenty pds of Tob,
to John Keksey Forty pds of tob,
to Wm Yorke Forty Six pds of Tob,
to Mich: Judd, to John Owen, & to Jno Bird each Twenty Six pds of tob,
to Roger Spinkes, to Robt Gates, to Izraell Skelton, to Richd Pomfrett, to Dauid Stadeling & to James Collier each Tenn pds of tob,
to Capt John Stansbey Three Thousand pds of tob,
to Cha: Hutchins Two Thousand Eight hundred pds of Tob,
to John Hudson Two Thousand pds of tob,
to Gilbert Attwood one Thousand & Fifty pds of tob,
to John Homewood & to Hen: Tripp each six hundred pds of Tob,
to Capt Antho: Dawson Three hundred pds of Tob,
to Abra: Child one hundred pounds of Tob,
to Edmund Beetenson Fifty pds of tob,
to John Stauely one hundred & Forty pds of Tob,
to John Bloomefeild Four hundred pds of Tob,
to And: Abington Four hundred & Forty pds of tob,
to Tho: Smith sixty pds of Tob,
to Hen: Smith Two hundred Thirty Two pds of Tob,
to Tho: Doxey Ninety nine pds of Tob,
to Gilbert turberfeild & to Jacob Lookon each one hundred seauenty Fiue pds of Tob.
to Tho: Jones, to Richard Attwood, to Richd Mason, to John Stauely, to Bryan odayly, to Saml Asbiston, to Charles Preist, to Tho: Window, to Jasper Jessopp, to Robt Moyce, to Augustin Warrin, to Danl Haley, to Joseph Rayston, to James Pencoate, to Geo: Paton, to Jno Ward, to Willm Boeing, to Peter Delaroch, to Richard Newin, to James Tarleton, to Danl Marcigne each seauenty pds of tob,
to Capt John Cambell Two hundred Thirty Two pds of Tob,
to Robt Law, & to Capt John Cambell each Ninety nine pds of Tob,
to Marmaduke Semme Two hundred & Thirty pds of Tob,
to Henry Leiwis, & Robt Carvile each Eighty pds of Tob,
to Wm Rosewell one Thousand Forty & Eight pounds of Tob,
to John Baker Three hundred sixty & Eight pds of Tob,
to James Bowling Eight hundred pds of Tob,
to Edwd Russell & John Redman each Thirty nine pds of Tob.
to Danl Smith, to Danl Galbee, to Tho: Garsey, to James Martin, to James Tarleton, to Wm, Ashing, to Wm Simpson, to Augustin Derrett, to Joseph Wildblood & to Jacob Looton each Thirty pds of tob,
to Tho: Kersey, & Evan Jones each Fifteene hundred pds of tob,
to Major Ambrose Loudon Twelve hundred pds of Tob,
to John Ingram & Joseph Walston each Three hundred pds of Tob,
to Robt Willson Four hundred & Fourteene pds of Tob,
to Coll Wm Steevens Nine hundred pds of tob,
to Chr: Nutter one hundred & Eighty pds of Tob,
to James Witherly & Jno Ellis each sixty pds of Tob.
to Rice Thomas & to Wm Browne each Twenty pds of Tob.
to Saml Jackson, to Jera Hooke, to Wm Robinson, & John Covington each Forty pds of Tob,
to John Townesend Eighty pds of Tob.
to Ja: Ellis, & to Tho: Lunn each Four hundred pds of Tob,
to John Stone Two Thousand pds of Tob,
to Antho Demundadeere, & John Merriott each Eight Thousand pds of Tob,
to Major Wm Boareman one Thousand Four Hundred pds of Tob,
to James Cullen seauenty pds of Tob,
to Francis Burton Four Thousand pds of Tob,
to John Squier Two hundred pds of Tob.
to Francis Catterson Three hundred & Fifty pds of tob,
to Capt Ninion Beale Two Thousand Fiue hundred & seauenty pds of Tob,
to Robt Webb Six hundred pds of Tob,
to Susanna Keene Six hundred & nine pds of Tob,
to Tho: Sterling Seauen hundred Sixty Eight pds of Tob,
to John Hance Fiue Hundred Ninety Four pds of Tob,
to Francis Collier Fiue hundred sixty seauen pds of Tob,
to Peter Oakley Four hundred pds of Tob.
to Major Tho: Tayler Three hundred seauenty Fiue pds of Tob,
to Maurice Mathews Two hundred Twenty Fiue pds of Tob,
to Wm Willoughby, & to Rich' Adams each one hundred seauenty Fiue pds of Tob,
to Bartho Ennalls, to Wm Steevens, to Wm Dorrington, to John Pollard, to Ja: Pattison, to Humph: Hubbert, to Richard Batwell, to John Stuart, to Edwd Newton, to Jno Newton, to Ja: Egg & to Wm Mishne each one hundred & Fifty pds of Tob.
to Tho: Deakins drumer Two Thousand pds of Tob,
to Geo: Watts Eight hundred pds of Tob,
to Calvert County Three Thousand six hundred pds of Tob.
to Tho: Marshall one hundred pds of Tob,
to Mich: Ashford Three hundred pds of Tob,
to John Court one Thousand Fiue hundred pds of Tob,
to John Wilder Thirty nine pds of Tob,
to Chr: Kerkly, to Fran: Mason, to Wm Nicholas, to Nich: Berline, to Hen: Reynolds, to John Browne, to John Cuningham, to John Eastwood, to Wm Paddison, to Wm Randford, to Tho: Tailor, to Wm Porteene to Steph: Mekin, to Hen: Goodricke, to Olliver Hartchford, to Ja: Greene, to Chr: Murrell, to John Hambleton to Jno Lamrin, to Wm Roberts, to Jer: Sewall, to Humph: Edwards, to Hen: Robbins to Geo: Late, to Chr: Murrell, to Jno Hambleton, to Peter Williams, to Phillipp Mason, to Phi: COMBES, to Wm Herbert, to Ja: Bayley, to John Browne & to Hen: Goodricke each Thirty pds of Tob. 4
to John Charles Cashee seauenty Eight pds of Tob.
to Ja: Smallwood seauenty Fiue pds of Tob,
to Capt Rand: Brandt Nine Thousand Three hundred pds of Tob,
to Ltt Geo: Godfrey Three Thousand Two hundred pds of Tob.
to Robt Middleton Four Thousand Fiue hundred pds of tob,
to Thomas Shuttleworth Two Thousand Four hundred pds of tob,
to Jno Reddishe one Thousand pds of Tob,
to John Godshall to John Wood & Robt Thompson each Two Thousand one hundred pds of Tob,
to Wm Williams one Thousand nine hundred pds of tob,
to Ja: Wheeler, to Wm Wells, to Geo: Groues, to Fra: Harrison, to Edwd Franner, to Jno Lambert, to Wm Newman, to Richard Duraden, to Wm Ward, to Hen: Adams, to Wm Hatch, to Wm Hatton, to Fran: Sheffeild, to Elionr Beane, to Lawrence Young, to Jno Conney, to Fran: Chumney, to Rich: Harrison, to Phi: Lynes, to Jno Gourty, to Alex: Standish, to Humph: Jones, to Edwd Abbott, to Jo: Manning to Rich: Hodgson to Tho: Crackson, to Kenelm Mackloughlin to Rich: New, to Adam Boucher to Mathew Dike, to Ralph Bartlett to Robt Potts, to Leiwes Jones to Math: Herman, to Nich: Cooper, to John Hawkins, to Geo: Guest, to Jno Smallwood to Cornelius Maddox, & to Jo: Woolfe each of them one Thousand Eight hundred pds of tob,
to Wm Theobalds, to Tho: Hussy, to Jno Barker, to Tho: Hargus, & to Alex: Smith each of them one Thousand six hundred pds of Tob
to John Lambert, & to Capt Rand: Brandt, each Six hundred pds of Tob,
to Tho: Dauis One Thousand Fiue hundred pds of Tob,
to Willm Smith, to Fra: Goodricke, to John Cornish, & to Richard Hodgson each of them one Thousand Two hundred pds of tob,
to James Delahay Nine hundred pds of Tob,
to Anth: Neale one Thousand Two hundred pds of Tob,
to Tho: Clipsham one hundred & Fifty pds of Tob,
to Wm Frost one hundred & Fifty pds of Tob,
to Ja: Baylies & to Capt Rand: Brandt each Three hundred pds of Tob,
to Robert Goodricke one Thousand & Fifty pds of Tob,
to Steph: Machin one hundred pds of Tob,
to Joseph Hedges, & Geo: Fewtrell each Fifty pds of Tob.
to Tho: Wakefeild, to Fra: Sheffeild, & to John Conny each Two hundred pds of Tob.
to Capt Robt Henly Fiue hundred pds of Tob. to owen Newen Post Seauen Thousand pds of Tob,
to Tho: Baker Interpreter Two Thousand pds of Tob,
to Willm Greengo Three hundred & Fifty pds of Tob,
to Coll Wm Calvert Fiue Thousand pds of Tob.
to Wm Taylor one Thousand Six hundred pds of Tob,
to Tho: Bankes Eight hundred & eleuen pds of Tob,
to Hen: Tripp Two hundred pds of Tob,
to Robt Ward one hundred & Thirty pds of Tob,
to John Lewellin Nine Thousand Nine hundred pds of Tob,
to Cha: Boteler Clerke Assistant of the Lower house Fiue Thousand six hundred pds of Tob,
to Tho: Bland Clerke
to the Comittee of Laws Four Thousand six hundred pds of Tob,
to Nich: Painter Clerke to the Comittee of accots Three Thousand Eight hundred and Fifty pds of Tob.
to Fra: Catterson for Publicke expences Twenty Two Thousand Three hundred Eighty Nine pds of Tob,
to Garrett Vanswearingen for publicke expences Twenty Eight Thousand Eight hundred & Eighty pds of Tob,
to John Baker for Publicke expences Sixty Three Thousand Six hundred & Thirteene pds of Tob,
to Tho: Pew Seauen Thousand pds of Tob,
to Major Willm Boareman Eight hundred pds of Tob,
to Simon Spratling for the vse of Willm Benn one Thousand seauen hundred & Fifteene pds of Tob,
to Rich: Fenwicke Two hundred and Thirty pds of Tob,
to Robert Ridgely Two hundred pds of Tob,
to Tho: Deakins Ninety one pds of Tob,
to Edmd Beetenson Seauenty pds of Tob,
to Abra: Child one hundred & Forty pds of Tob,
to Nicholas Nicholson Three Thousand Fiue hundred pds of Tob,
to Wm Cockes Eight hundred pds of Tob, to Tho: Shore, & to Ja: Cullen each Four hundred pds of Tob,
to Coll William Calvert one Thousand Two hundred pds of Tob,
to Joseph Norwood Eight hundred pds of Tob,
to Hen: Costin Eight hundred pds of Tob,
to Danll Clocker one hundred & Forty pds of Tob,
to Seath Sargeant one hundred & Fifty pds of Tob,
to John Boyer Sixty pds of Tob,
to Joseph Norwood Four hundred pds of Tob,
to Henry Exon for publicke Expences Forty Nine Thousand Four hundred & Ninety pds of Tob,
And to the seuerall Sherriffes in this Province for theire Sallary for Collecting the sume of Four hundred Ninety seauen Thousand Eight hundred Twenty Four pds of Tob, the sume of Forty Nine Thousand seauen hundred Eighty Two pds of Tob,
And bee itt further enacted by the advice Consent & Authority aforesaid that the aforesaid suffies of tob, amounting in the whole to the sume of Fiue hundred Forty seaven Thousand six hundred & sixty pds of tob, bee Leavied & Assessed by an equall Assessment vpon the persons & estates of the Inhabitants of this Province, & bee paid to the seuerall persons to whome the same is due according to the accots & disbursemts & neccessary Charges of this Province, which haue beene examined stated & allowed by the vpper & Lower houses of this prsent Genll; Assembly, any Law Statute vseage or Custome to the Contrary thereof in any wise Notwithstanding.
C: Baltimore
Published under the great Seal this 17th
Day of September 1681
Philip Calvert Chancellor.
1 "An act for the ordering and Regulateing the militia of this Province & for the better Security & defence thereof" was also passed at this session, which stipluated: "That euery Coll Major or Capt of Foote already Comissionated or hereafter to bee Comissionated by his Lopp his Heires or Successors Lords & Proprietarys of this Province or his or theire Ltt or Cheife Governor of this Province for the time being shall haue power to enlist such & soe many men Inhabiting within this Province, (not hereafter excepted) in theire Seuerall & Respectiue diuisions, betweene Sixteene & Sixty yeares of Age, as they shall thinke fitt, by as equall proporcon of the said Inhabitants as possibly they Cann to bee of the Militia or Traine bands of this Province, which said persons soe enlisted they shall Muster Excercise & Traine in & att such places, & att such Certeine times as to them shall seeme meete, or the service safety & defence of this Province shall requier, or his Lordshipp the Lord Proprietary of this Province his Heires & Successors or his or theire Ltt Genl or Cheife Governor or Lt Generall or Cheife Governor and Councell for the time being shall see Cause to order." (Archives of Maryland, Vol. 7:188-9)
2 The "act for the ordering and Regulateing the militia of this Province & for the better Security & defence thereof" also set out the pay scale for militia members; to wit:
"That the pay for the officers & Souldiers of the foote & Horse aforesaid bee noe other then is hereafter menconed, & for noe Longer time then such officers & Souldiers shall bee in actual1 Service (to witt) to euery Major Genll being Cheife Comander in the feild Three Thousand pounds of Tobacco p month, to euery Coll of ffoote Two Thousand pounds of Tobacco p month, To a Major of ffoote Twelve hundred pounds of Tobacco p month, To a Capt of Foote one Thousand pounds of Tobacco p month, To a Ltt of Foote Seauen Hundred pounds of Tobacco p month, To an Ensigne Six hundred pounds of Tobacco p Month, To a Sargeant ffour Hundred pounds of Tobacco p month, To a Corporall Four hundred pounds of Tobacco p Month, To a drummer ffour hundred pounds of Tobacco p month, And to euery Private Souldier Three hundred pounds of Tobacco p month,
"And that euery Coll of Horse haue Three & Twenty hundred pounds of Tobacco p month, & that a Major of Horse haue ffifteene hundred pounds of Tobacco p month And a Capt of Horse bee allowed Thirteene hundred pounds of Tobacco p month, To a Ltt of Horse one Thousand pounds of Tobacco p month, To a Cornett Nine hundred pounds of Tobacco p month, To a Quarter Master & Corporall each Seauen Hundred pounds of Tobacco p month, To a Trumpeter Seauen Hundred pounds of Tob p month, And to euery Priuate Trooper Six hundred pounds of Tobacco p month..." (ibid., pp. 191-2)
3 On 7 May 1681, was referred to the next session the petition of Thomas DEAKINS who wrote: "To the Rt honble the Lord Propry in Councill. The humble petition of Thomas Deakins Drummer Sheweth That the petitioner hath given his attendance at the City of St Maries in beateing the Drumm the last Provinciall Court and this present Court. That the Petitioner is intended to Depart the Province this Shipping He therefore humbly prayes that he may be allowed Satisfaction out of the publick at the Assessing the leavy And he shall pray &c." (Archives of Maryland, Vol. 15:348)
4 Phillip COMBES was probably the same who was residing in Charles County during this time period. John COURT, listed only a few names up from the group in which Phillip was listed, lived adjacent to a Phillip COMBES of Combes Purchase in 1670 (on the Wiccomico River). Thomas MARSHALL, listed only two names above John COURT, was a millright at Allen's Mill, either part of, or adjacent to, the Combes Purchase tract (See Combs Land of Charles County). Of those listed near to Phillip COMBES:
One Christopher KIRKLEY of Charles County died testate ca 1709, naming present wife, Eliza, and daughter, Susanna, wife of John VINSON (Wills, part 2-12:132). The 1679 inventory of Gov. Thomas NOTLEY, Esq. of St. Mary's mentioned servant Christopher KIRKLEY, joiner (Inventories 6:576). Appraisers were Thomas DIXON and William PENN.
One Francis MASSON was deceased by 14 Jun 1689 when his Charles county estate was administered by Mr. Joseph CORNELL, appraisal by Robert YEATS and Richard LAND (Inventory 10:273)
One Philip MASON appraised the estate of Henry ADAMS of Portobacco, Charles County, in 1684 (?). Henry had married Mary GREEN, daughter of Governor Thomas GREEN, and step-sister of Robert CLARK, husband of Sarah COMBS, daughter of Abraham COMBS of Old Rappahannock County, Virginia, and St. Mary's County, Maryland, where he died in 1684 (estate appraised in Charles County). Phillip was deceased by 27 Apr 1705 when his estate accounts were administered by Alexander HERBERT (Accounts 25:132). On 20 Oct 1705 administration was by Mary HERBERT, wife of Alexander HERBERT, and included a payment to James COGHILL (Accounts 25:82) whose father, James, Sr. was found frequently in records with the above Abraham COMBS and Archdale COMBS (relationship assumed, but not known) of Old Rappahannock County, Virginia.
One William HERBERT was named in the 1693 will of John CARNELL of Pyckyawaxen [sic], Charles County as the husband of CARNELL'S "daughter-in-law" Mary LOVETT alias Mary HERBERT, wife of William. CARNELL also named son-in-law William WORRELL, a minor, and daughter, Margaret, to whom he bequeathed 200 acres, part of the tract, "Dover" and two tracts, "Hopewell" and "Batten's Clifts". ). (Wills 2:248) The 350-acre tract, "Batton's Clift" was bequeathed to Joseph CORNELL [sic] in 1684 by Charles POPE of Charles County (Wills 4:64).
One Col. James SMALLWOOD of Charles County died testate ca 1714 naming, among others, wife, Mary, who relinquished her rights under his will on 12 Jun 1714. (Wills, 14:31). In 1717, Mary HERBERT, wife of Alexander HERBERT, administered the estate (presumably his wife, but possibly daughter, Mary TAYLER, named in his will). (Accounts, 37b:135)
Lt. George GODFREY was perhaps the Lt. GODFREY of "Godfrey's Rebellion" mentioned in the Thomas MARSHALL case in which Phillip COMBES of Charles testified in 1681/1682.
Archives of Maryland, Vol. VII, Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678 - November 1683, Assembly Proceedings, August-September 1681, Liber W.H., William Hand Browne, Editor, Maryland Historical Society, 1889, pp. 208-214