![]() | Combs &c. Families of Cheshire Co, NH |
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Cheshire County, was an original county formed in 1771.
The primary Combs family in Cheshire County is the Revolutionary Soldier Anthony Combs and his descendants.
1783. Winchester selectmen issued a request to constable James Franklin to “warn out” Roger Hill, Jonathan Hill, Anthony Combs, Lydia Combs, Daniel Combs, George Hill, Joseph Hill, Barnabus Hill, Stephen Combs, Lydia Hill, Rosilla Hill, Phebe Combs, Prudence Combs, Rosilla Edmonds and the Widow, Anna Fassett, to Depart out of this Town within fourteen Days, or otherwise they will be dealt with as the Law Directs; and see that you Return of this Warrant to the Clerk of the Court of the Quarter Sessions. [dated Feb 10, 1783 by the three above mentioned selectmen].
This entry was excerpted and transcribed by Janice Brown from the History of Cheshire and Sullivan Counties, New Hampshire Philadelphia: J.W. Lewis & Co., 1886, 1073 pgs. This transcription is copyrighted by Janice Brown and can be found at GENEALOGY AND HISTORY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE and its counties.
The transcriber comments that people were “warned out” of town for many different reasons, sometimes religious.
The following biographical data (also transcribed by Janice Brown from the same source) states:
Anthony Combs [SR] came from Massachusetts to Winchester shortly after the Revolutionary war. He had a large family. His son Anthony Combs (born 1791) married 1811 Abigail ALDRICH in 1811. They had five sons and six daughters;
SE Notes: Anthony Combs of Winchester, Cheshire Co. was a soldier in the Revolutionary War. His wife's name was Lydia, and they had children named Stephen and Phebe. One George Hill (b. 1776) gave an affidavit for the soldier's pension. Given the above list of Hill names who were also "warned out," it appears the Combs and Hills were close associates. The 1790 census list a Barhabas Coomes along with Antony and Oliver.
COMBS, Anthony, Lydia, MA Line, widow applied 6 Jun 1839 Cheshire Co, NH a resident of Winchester NYH [sic: Winchester, Cheshire Co, NH?] where she lived 57 years & previous to that lived in Douglas [Worcester Co] MA & soldier had died at Winchester NH on 15 Apr 1817. They had married sometime in Jul 1775, and their daughter, Phebe TURTELOT was born 23 Apr 1778 & she stated she had a bro Stephen older than she was & he was born in Nov 1775. Their 4th [sic] child was Lydia PRENTISS of Winchester NJ [NH?] & she was b 6 Apr 1784. One George HILL of Swansey in Cheshire Hill (b 20 Dec 1776 but his relationship to Sol's family not stated) made affidavit.
(Source: W16000, Genealogical Abstracts from Revolutionary War Pension Files, Virgil D. White)
Based on the biographical data and the information from the pension file, we know they had, at least, the following children but probably had more.
ALSO of interest are the Civil War Letters of William Combs (son of Anthony Combs [Jr] and Abigail ALDRICH). They are a collection of personal letters written by William to his wife Eliza DOOLITTLE. See Manuscripts Of The American Civil War, William Combs Letters, University of Notre Dame Rare Books and Special Collections:
There is also a tintype photograph of this soldier on the above site.
William Combs served as a private in the 14th Regiment, Co. C. Brother Amos was Captain and brother Reuben was a Sgt. Roland was a son of Reuben.
Combs, Amos D. 14th Reg’t, NH Inf Co C Cpt/"
Combs, Amos D. 6th Reg’t, NH Inf Co F 1Lt/Cpt
Combs, Reuben H. 14th Reg’t, NH Inf Co C Cpl/Sgt
Combs, Roland M. 14th Reg’t, NH Inf Co C Pvt/"
Combs, William 14th Reg’t, NH Inf Co C Pvt/"
p. 119
Oliver Coomes
Barhabas Coomes
p. 120
Antony Coomes
p. 337
Anthony Combs 11001 00111
p. 388
Stephen Combs 00100 10101
SE Note: Probably Stephen, the son of RW Soldier Anthony Combs who was born in 1775 per his sister Phebe TURTELOT's affidavit.
p. 67
Anthony Combs 00101 10101
p. 328
Anthony Combs 200010 20010
Porter Coomes
Chester Cooms
No Combs so what happened?
George W,
David H Cooms
pg 22
C. L. COOMBS 40 m painter 900 NH
Mrs. C. 38 f NH
Augusta 14 f NH attended school
Proctor 1 m NH
Dorcas 61 f NH
pg 28
Reuben H. COMBS 24 m farmer 1500 NH
Mrs. R.H. 29 f MASS
Roland 4 m NH
Henry 2 m NH
Isabel 6/12 f NH
Daniel O' CONNELL 20 m laborer Ireland
Mary RILEY 14 f Ireland attended school
John WARREN 25 m laborer Ireland
Daniel DUNCAN 30 m laborer VT
Amos D. COMBS 29 m farmer 300 NH
Saraph STEPHENS 35 f NH
Rosanna 17 f NH attended school
Sarah 14 f NH attended school
George 11 m NH attended school
Martha 9 f NH attended school
Henry EMMONS 18 m laborer VT
Chauncey 14 m VT
Michael KELLON 28 m laborer Ireland
Abram HILL 30 m laborer Ireland
Abraham MILLARD 21 m laborer NH
Van Buren STEPHENS 1 m NH
Anthony COMBS 65 m farmer 300 MASS
Mrs. A. 60 f NH
Martha 8 f NH attended school
Ruth 6 f NH attended school
George GRIFFITH 35 m laborer NH
pg 35
George COMBS 42 m farmer 1500 NH
Mrs. G. 36 f NH
George W. 8 m NH attended school
Stephen 6 m NH attended school
Carroll 4 m NH
Patrick MONAHAN 25 m laborer Ireland
pg 52
Willard REXFORD 37 m farmer NH
Mrs. W. 37 f NH
Emily 10 f NH attended school
Willard 8 m NH attended school
Harriet 6 f NH attended school
Mary 1 f NH
Mary COOMBS 66 f NH
pg 68
Josiah L. SARGENT 32 m painter 400 NH
Mrs. J. L. 28 f VT
Edward 7 m NH attended school
Mary 2 f NH
Henry CUTTING 19 m painter NH
George KENDALL 19 m painter NH
Marcus COOMBS 18 m painter VT
Tolman COOMBS 30 m painter VT
pg 142
HH 161/182
William H. PRESHO 41 m tailor 1000 MASS
Orpha 84 f MASS
Ebenezer 52 m laborer MASS
Daniel COOMBS 26 m laborer NH
pg 355
HH 364/376
Nathan PAUL 38 m farmer 425 NH
Lucy A. 38 f NH
Lucy M. 14 f NH attended school
Mary E. 12 f NH attended school
Laura L. 11 f NH attended school
James 8 m NH attended school
Henry P. 5 m NH attended school
Julia P. 2 f NH
Elmira A. COMBS 17 f NH