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Ontario County created in 1789 from Montgomery. Steuben was created in 1796, Genesee in 1802, parts of Monroe & Livingston in 1821 and Yates & part of Wayne in 1823. Canandaigua is the county seat.
Unless stated otherwise, all records and research contributed by Gary Combs.
5 Feb 1823 MARRIED - In this village, on Monday evening last, by J. Field, Esq., Mr. Mitchell McCarty Combs to Miss Elmira Heath.
Geneva Gazette
Town of Seneca
p. 878; 25 July 1850
104/111 Riley Combs 69 M Carpenter 1000 NY
Louisa 29 F
Madison 9 M
Mary A. 7 F
Samuel 2 M
Joseph M. 1⁄12
Abigail 65 F
p. 958
727/797 William Combs 42 M Carpenter 2000 NY
Sophronia 37 F NY
Oscal L. JOHNSON 16 M Student NY
p. 1012
1104/1206 Joanna Combs
Note: in household of Thomas BANON farmer
p. 1041; 30 Oct 1850
1317/1419 John Combs 24 M Carpenter NY
Note: In household of James TOWNSEND
1318/1420 George W Combs 23 M Carpenter NY
Mary 28 F NY
BECKET Elizabeth 16 F NY
p. 1046
1650/1452 Caroline Combs 18 F NY
Note: In household of Joseph REED
p. 51/783; 10 Aug 1850
374/399 Asher, Beldin 73
Sarah 58
Combs, Samuel H. 39
Maria 33
Sarah A. 12
Harriet A. 10
Amelia S. 8
Samuel A. 4
27 December 1854 MARRIED - On the 14th inst., by the Rev. Wm. H. Goodwin, Mr. Wm. C. DeWitt and Miss Lucetia Combs, both of Seneca.
Marriages and Deaths from Ontario County Messenger Published Canandaigua - Ontario County - NY
p. 99
Combs, William
Saphronia A.
p. 170
Combs, John
p. 201
Combs, George W.
Charlotte E.
p. 207
Combs, Louis B.
p. 209
Combs, Eugene
Mary A.
p. 216
Combs, Joanan
p. 10
Combs, Samuel H.
Sarah M.
Amelia L.
Samuel A.
Charles W.
p. 15
Combs, John
NAME TOWN PAGE YEAR Combs, Abby E, Seneca 36 1860 Combs, Almira Seneca 36 1860 Combs, David B. Seneca 36 1860 Combs, Emma A. Seneca 36 1860 Combs, George Seneca 36 1860 Combs, Mary E. Seneca 36 1860 Combs, William Seneca 90 1860 Combs, Fanny J. Seneca 91 1860 Combs, Madison W. Seneca 91 1860 Combs, Sophrona A. Seneca 91 1860 Combs, Almine Seneca 148 1860 Combs, Charlotte Seneca 148 1860 Combs, Florence Seneca 148 1860 Combs, George W. Seneca 148 1860 Combs, Harriet Seneca 148 1860 Combs, John Seneca 148 1860 Combs, Mary Seneca 148 1860 Combs, Riley Seneca 148 1860 Combs, Spencer Seneca 148 1860 Combs, Eugene S. Seneca 149 1860 Combs, Joseph M. Seneca 149 1860 Combs, Josephine A. Seneca 149 1860 Combs, Mary A. Seneca 149 1860 Combs, Samuel J. Seneca 149 1860 Combs, Seth M. Seneca 149 1860 Combs, William M. Seneca 149 1860 Combs, Charles H. Seneca 153 1860 Combs, Henry M. Seneca 153 1860 Combs, John Seneca 153 1860 Combs, Margaret Seneca 153 1860 Combs, Sarah Seneca 153 1860 Combs, Josephine Seneca 161 1860
Page numbers in this index refer to LDS film.
NAME Town Page Combs, Charles A. Phelps M007 Combs, Harriet Phelps M007 Combs, John Phelps M007 Combs, Mariah Phelps M007 Combs, Sarah Phelps M007 Combs, Amelia S. Phelps M118 Combs, Charles W. Phelps M118 Combs, Clara E. Phelps M118 Combs, Fanny J. Phelps M118 Combs, Francis G. Phelps M118 Combs, Harriet A. Phelps M118 Combs, Samuel H. Phelps M118 Combs, Maria P. Phelps M118 Combs, Samuel A. Phelps M118
Aug. 1861 TITUS Thomas Benton COMBS Hattie E. he b: 3/2/1935 - 2/15/1901 Clifton Springs; married in Phelps, NY
4 September 1861 MARRIED - In Phelps, Sept. 3d, by the Rev. D. E. Clapp, Mr. T. B. Titus to Miss Hattie A. Combs, both of Phelps
Ontario Republican Times Published Canandaigua NY
Phelps, Seneca Castle and Flint Creek
Combs, John; h 48 Ontario;
Combs, Samuel H.; U. S. A.; h 117 W Main;
Titus, Thos. B.; moulder; h 115 W Main;
FAM F FIRST NAME M LAST NAME TTL PAGE D 43 Charlote E Combs 5 4 43 Florence A Combs 5 4 43 George W Combs 5 4 43 Harriet A Combs 5 4 43 Mary Combs 5 4 43 Spencer Combs 5 4 93 Charles D Combs 13 1 93 Samuel Combs 13 1 133 William Combs 17 2 133 Sophronia A Combs 17 2 133 Fannie J Combs 17 2 269 John Combs 34 1 269 Lousia A Combs 34 1 537 Joseph N Combs 73 2 537 Riley Combs 73 2 537 Samuel J Combs 73 2 537 Solomon E Combs 73 2 538 William M Combs 73 2 538 Elizabeth Combs 73 2
FAMI FIRSTNAME LASTNAME TTL TOWN PAGE D 376 Adelbert Coombs Phelps 51 1 376 Maria Coombs Phelps 51 1 404 Adelbert Coombs Phelps 55 1 404 Harriet Rappler * Phelps 55 1 404 John Coombs Phelps 55 1 404 Maria Coombs Phelps 55 1 404 Sarah Coombs Phelps 55 1 *Harriet Rappler, is actually Rappelyea, neè Combs. 493 Clara E Coombs Phelps 67 1
Towm of Seneca
p. 30; 21 Jun 1870
225/238 Combs Almira 74 FW none VT
Note: In household of John REED
311/322 Combs Riley 56 MW farmer 5000 670 NY
Joseph M. 19 MW farm laborer NY
Solomon E. 16 MW at School
HAINES Mary Ann 26 FW House Keeper NY
p. 63; 1 Jun 1870
535/547 Van dyne, Garret 51 MW Mooring Buildings 4000 1000 NY
Mary A. 39 FW wife NY
COLE Augusta 27 FW at home NY
Maria* 30 FW at Home NY
COLE Charles 28 MW day laborer NY
Combs Adlebert 13 MW at home NY
Note: * Is actually Maria Combs living with her sister, Augusta Cole.
p. 69
592/612 Titus, T. Benton 35 MW Foundry man 3000 3000 NY
Harriet E 30 FW wife MA
Ella 4 FW NY
Combs, Clara 14 FW home NY
FAM LAST NAME FIRST NAME M TOWN/Dist YEAR PAGE 58 Combs Almira Seneca #2 1875 7 72 Combs Joseph M Seneca #2 1875 8 72 Combs Riley Seneca #2 1875 8
28 July 1875 ONTARIO COUNTY SEPTUAGENARIANS - Following will be found a complete list of those citizens of Ontario County who have passed the allotted age of three score and ten years. It may with propriety be termed a "roll of honor."
The following is the list, giving the names and ages of the honored septuagenarians in the several towns:
Almira Combs
Margaret McCombs
Henry McCombs
Ontario County Times
21 June 1878 Pupils honorably promoted to higher grades:
From B to A Junior
Alcock, Jennie Barth, Bertha Catchpole, Lizzie Fink, Lulu Gaylord, Aggie Gardner, Hattie Glanville, Hattie Huke, Lottie Riley, Jessie Scoon, Mary
72.2 72 86 70.5 92.5 67 96.5 94 66.5 97
Stainton, Fannie Mitchell, Josie Wright, Daisy King, Lizzie Becker, Henry Parker, Harry Tompkins, Bertie Coon, Ella McLaughlin, Hattie Rickles, Minnie
77 81.5 73 89 97.5 91 84 80.5 100 88
Shook, Nellie Scitz, Mattie Siglar, Myrtie Wheeler, Mary Combs, Charlie Havens, Bertie Jimerson, Jimerson Merrill, George Sage, Eddie Edington, Eddie
98 90.5 86 97.5 67 71 86 70 66 68
Geneva Gazette
Combs, John; carpenter; h 61 William;
Combs, Madison; laborer; h 53 William;
Combs, Theodore; carriage manuf.; bds 55 William;
Combs, William; h 44 William;
2 May 1879 A Serious Accident befel Mr. Wm. Combs Wednesday morning last. He ascended to the roof of a shed in Dakin's coal yard to see about making repairs thereto, when the decayed boards broke and Mr. Combs fell with a heavy thud to the floor beneath. The descent was 16 to 18 feet, and by the fall Mr. C. sustained a fracture of the shoulder blade and suffered a severe contusion on the back of the head. The injuries rendered him unconscious, in which state he remained for several hours, giving rise to fears that they would terminate fatally. Dr. Picot attended him under whose treatment he at length revived. Though an aged man (of 70 years and upwards) hope may be entertained of his recovery.
Geneva Gazette
1 Mar 1889 Real Estate Conveyances
Charlotte E. Combs to Saloma E. Combs; village of Geneva, $10.
Geneva Gazette
1 March 1889 MARRIED - In Geneva, Feb. 20, by the Rev. Dr. Moore, Charles M. Combs and Lillie M. Durkee, both of Geneva
Geneva Gazette
Last Name First Name Town/District Year Page Combs Dell C Phelps #1 1892 8 Combs Fred Phelps #1 1892 8 Combs Harry Phelps #1 1892 8 Combs Neva Phelps #1 1892 8 Combs Stella Phelps #1 1892 8 Vincent* Maria E Phelps #1 1892 11 * Maria Combs remarried to Mr. Vincent
24 November 1893 Caroline E. Durkee to Elizabeth M. Combs; village of Geneva, $1.
Geneva Gazette
17 May 1895 On Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Combs, an aged couple living at Wilson's Corners nearly two miles south of Reed's Corners, came to the village to transact some business and to do a little trading. Starting for home in the afternoon at about 3 o'clock, they drove down Main street until they were in front of the residence of F. X. McNulty, where their horse became frightened by an electric street car, and suddenly shying to the side of the road, violently threw both occupants out of the buggy. Mr. Combs struck on his neck on a water pipe lying by the side of the road and was rendered unconscious. Mrs. Combs struck on her head on some gutter stones and the end of a water pipe and was quite badly cut on her face and the top of her head. The injured couple were carried into the house of Mr. Sutherland, and Dr. Beahan was summoned. It was fully a quarter of an hour before Mr. Combs regained consciousness. Mr. and Mrs. Combs are severely bruised, but no really serious results are anticipated. The horse was captured in front of the Lake Breeze house and was not injured.
Geneva Gazette
Geneva Twp
Geneva City; SD: 14; ED: 60;
p. 5B; 5 Jun 1900; 134 William St
100/118 Coddington C. S. Head WM Mch 1850 49 M25 NY NY NY Canal Sup't
Frances J. Wife WF Feb 1852 47 M25 5/2 NY NY NY
Laura S. Daughter WF Nov 1875 24 S NY NY NY Book Keeper
Chas R. Son WM Aprl 1889 20 S NY NY NY Book & Stationary
Combs, William Father WM Feb 1805 95 Wb N Y NY NY Retired
p. 12B; 13 Jun 1900; 117 High St
255/286 Combs, William Head WM Nov 1840 59 M39 NY NY NY Carpenter
Elisabeth wife WF May 1838 62 M39 2/1 NY NY CT
Murray Son MW Aug 1878 21 S NY NY CT
3rd Ward Geneva City
p. 24A; 22 Jun 1900; 202 N Main
538/575 Combs Saul S. Head WM Jan 1848 52 M34 NY NY NY Carpenter
Saloma E. Wife WF Jun 1844 55 M34 3/0 NY NY NY
Mario J. Adopt Dau. WF Jul 1892 7 D NY -- --
---/576 Combs, Eugene D Head WM Aug 1851 48 M25 NY NY NY Carriage Painter
Della Wife WF Nov 1849 50 M28 1/1 NY NY NY
Phelps Town
ED: 74
p. 4B; 7 Jun 1900
91/93 Combs, Frank L. Head WM Jul 1866 33 M11 NY NY NY Farmer
Alace Wife WF Apr 1867 33 M11 5/4 NY NY NY
Florence Daughter WF Aug 1892 7 S NY NY NY at school
Ada Daughter WF Jun 1894 5 S NY NY NY
Harold Son WM Aug 1896 3 S NY NY NY
Leon Son WM Mar 1899 1 S NY NY NY
SPRANGER, John Servant WF Jan 1849 51 S at Sea Ger. Ger. 1849 51 VA Farm Laborer
DeGRAU Eliza Servant WF Mar 1835 Wd 6/3 PA PA PA Servant
ED: 76; Phelps Village
p. 10A; 13 Jun 1900
280/285 VINCENT, J. E. Head WM Mar 1859 41M13 NY NY NY Engineer
Augusta Mrs. Wife WF Dec 1844 55 M13 0/0 NY NY NY
Combs, Fred Nephew Dec 1878 21 M2 NY NY NY Iron Molder
Cora Niece WF Sept 1880 19 M2 0/0 NY NY NY
281/286 Combs, Dell Head WM Nov 1857 42 M 22 NY NY NY Butcher
Estella Mrs. Wife WF Oct 1859 40 M22 3/3 NY NY NY
Harry Son WM Sep 1881 18 S NY NY NY Day Laborer
Nora Dau WF Sep 1885 14 S NY NY NY
Note: Adlebert Combs in 1870 Census s/o John & Maria VANDYNE Combs.
16 Nov 1900 William Combs died at the residence of his step-daughter, Mrs. Chas. S. Codington, 134 William street, at the great age of 95 years. He was undoubtedly the oldest citizen of Geneva, and had resided among us 90 years and upwards. He was thrice married and survived for many years the last of his consorts. He was a lifelong member of the M. E. Church and lived a life consistent with the Christian character. He had a remarkable memory, and could relate with vivid particularity many interesting events in the early history of Geneva. His mental faculties were preserved to the very last. His funeral took place yesterday, with appropriate religious ceremonies at the house. Interment in Glenwood cemetery where he bought a lot 18 years ago.
Geneva Gazette
19 Dec 1900 Phelps, N. Y. - Local organizations at meetings held last week at their respective lodge rooms have elected the following officers for the ensuing year. Maccabees:
Commander - A. McMullin Lieut. Commander - Robert J. Connor Record & Finance Keeper - F. G. Walker Chaplain - Jessie M. Smith Physician - M. Kasley Sergeant at arms - Charles GoodmanMaster at arms - Claude McMullen First master of guard - George Hopple Second master of guard - John Peters Sentinel - Fred Combs Picket keeper - William L. Hornbeck Trustee - Joel Carves
Ontario County Chronicle
12 June 1901 MARRIED – In Newark, June 1, Harry V. Combs, of Phelps, and (Mary)Lizetta Groat, of Newark.
Geneva Gazette
11 December 1901 DIED - In Pittsburg, Pa, Dec. 1, William Albert Combs. Interment at Geneva.
Geneva Gazette
13 March 1908 Phelps, N. Y. - The death of Mrs. Marie VanDyne Smith occurred at the home of her son, Adelbert Combs, Wednesday, after a lingering illness due to an affection of the spine. Mrs. Smith was born in Phelps and has resided here the greater part of her life. Since the death of her husband, I. D. Smith, a few years ago she had made her home with her son. Her near relatives are her son, Adelbert Combs, and one daughter, Mrs. J. E. Vincent. The funeral took place this afternoon, Rev. F. M. Windnagle officiating.
Geneva Daily Times
19 March 1908 Phelps, N. Y. - The marriage of Miss Neva May Combs and Charles Eugene Pease took place at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adelbert Combs, at 4:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon. The interior of the home was prettily decorated in pink, white and green. While the bridal march from Lohengrin was being played by Miss Ethel Donnelly, the bride and groom took their place beneath an arch of evergreen where the ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Woolcot, pastor of the Phelps Baptist church assisted by Rev. H. L. Bethel, a former pastor now of Rochester. The bride was attired in white silk trimmed with point d'esprit lace and carried a bouquet of pink carnations. Her traveling suit was of blue panama and she wore a raffia hat trimmed to match. The bridesmaids, six in number, Miss Mildred Philley of Gypsum, Miss Mabel Smith of Newfield, Miss Ada Woolcot, Miss Anna Devoll, Miss Maud Donnelly, and Miss Leah Lambert of Phelps, all wore white. After a luncheon at which fifty were served, Mr. and Mrs. Pease left on the evening train for an eastern trip. They will make their home in Phelps. The bride and groom were well-remembered with many beautiful gifts, among them being a gold watch, a gift from the bride's father. A pleasant pre-nuptial event was a chafing dish tea given in honor of the bride-elect by Mrs. Frank A. Salisbury.
Among the guest from out-of-town were: Rev. and Mrs. H. L. Bethel of Rochester; Miss Bessie Blyth of Walworth; Miss Mabel Smith of Newfield; Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Williams of Seneca Castle; Mr. and Mrs. George Philley and daughter of Gypsum; Mrs. N. Strong of Clifton Springs and Miss Maude Woodhouse of Newark.
Geneva Daily Times
COMBS Fred C.; 1878-1938; Carl L.; 1930-1937; Samuel H.; Jan 5 1812; killed in battle at Cold Harbor June 3 1864; Maria Allen, wife of Samuel H.; Jan 19 1818 - June 28 1862; Frankie G.; 1856-1861; on stone with Samuel H. & Maria A.; Harry V.; 1881-1929; Mary L., wife of Harry V.; 1882-1918;
DODD Dallas D.; July 19 1881 - Apr 7 1926; Clara Combs; Sep 8 1855 - Dec 26 1942; Isabelle; Mar 12 1883 - Sep 28 1899; W. H.; Mar 29 1843 - Aug 15 1909;
TITUS Anson; Mar 13 1803 - Dec 22 1882; Almira Sabin, wife of Anson; Jan 26 1810 - Nov 16 1887; Mary J.; Sep 13 1837 - May 2 1841; on stone with Anson & Almira; Albert A.; Feb 16 1852 - Oct 29 1852; on stone with Anson & Almira; Frank; June 16 1862 - Sep 28 1868; Thomas Benton; Mar 2 1835 - Feb 15 1901; Harriet Combs, wife of Thomas B.; Feb 23 1840 - Apr 1 1915;
ROYS Amelia Combs; 1842-1911;
RUBERT Laura W., wife of Samuel; died May 13 1855; ae 43-1-15; William B.; Jan 14 1832 - Dec 4 1890; on stone with Samuel H. & Maria A. Combs; Sarah Combs, wife of William B.; Jan 9 1838 - Apr 25 1916;
COMBS Almira; Mar 8 1816 - Aug 9 1875; on stone with John Reed & Joanna Combs;
REED Amanda, wife of Ward Reed and dau of Thomas & Hannah Tallman; died Mar 23 1825; ae 22-2-22; Infant daughter of Ward & Amanda; died Mar 7 1825; John T.; 1865-1948; Mary E. Hudson, his wife; 1868-1938; John; Apr 2 1826 - Oct 13 1883; Joanna Combs, his wife; June 4 1829 - Feb 2 1909; Maggie; Feb 1 1866 - May 6 1871; George B.; 1856-1947; Charlotte F. Townsend, wife of George B.; 1859-1928; James W.; 1850-1937; Louisa C.; 1849-1934; Hattie E.; 1861-1924; William C.; 1854-1929; Nellie M.; 1884-1889; John; 1741-1833; Hannah, wife of John; 1743-1818; John T., son of John & Hannah; 1769-1862; Rebecca, wife of John T.; 1766-1817; Kaziah, wife of John T.; 1798-1873; Robert, son of John T. & Kaziah; born Geneva NY Dec 6 1804; died Oakland CA Mar 1 1902; a kind and faithful father; John; 1758-1840; Sgt. Continental Line Revolutionary War; John C.; 1832-1880; Isabella A. Dixon; wife of John C.; 1835-1903; Celeste A.; 1836-1879; Warren; born 1822; died 1902; from obituary, died April 28 1902; Jane E., wife of Warren; born 1823; died 1865; Helen Maria, wife of Warren; born 1826; died 1880; Caroline S., wife of Warren; born 1835; died 1906; John 2nd; died June 4 1840; ae 84 yrs; Hannah, wife of John 2nd; died Aug 18 1849; ae 87 yrs; Almeda, wife of Dustin; died Feb 19 1828; ae 39 yrs; Melinda, wife of Dustin; died Feb 10 1847; ae 47 yrs; Caroline; died Nov 16 1842; ae 22 yrs; Mary C.; died July 13 1866; ae 25 yrs;
COMBS Carl A.; 1903-1985; Ruth S., wife of Carl A.; 1905-1973; NICHOLS Lorraine G.; 1928-1997; Cora Alice Combs; 1923-1955; on stone with Lorraine G.;
COMBS Abigail C. Wheeler, wife of Riley Combs, born Sep 2 1819; died May 2 1845; Charles J.; June 2 1865 - May 5 1906; John M.; Oct 24 1825 - Apr 11 1910; Louisa A. Harris, wife of John M.; Sep 11 1832 - Apr 11 1910; John R. Jr.; June 21 1862 - Dec 6 1863; Riley; born May 10 1814; died May 8 1891; Lois B., wife of Riley; born Aug 1 1820; died Apr 14 1856; Josephine Abigail, dau of Riley & Lois B.; born May 13 1852; died Oct 7 1863; Mitchell M.; born Aug 6 1780; died Apr 27 1841; Margaret, dau of Mitchell & Joanna; Nov 21 1807 - Dec 20 1865;
CODINGTON Charles S.; 1850-1923; on stone with William Combs; Frances J. Combs, wife of Charles; Feb 29 1852 - Apr 5 1904; Fannie M., dau of C. S. & F. J., Feb 22 1878 - July 30 1878; Willie C., son of C. S. & F. J.; Apr 13 1879 - Aug 5 1879; Ellis M., son of C. S. & F. J.; Feb 28 1885; Charles R.; 1880-1924; on stone with Charles S. & Frances J.; Charles A.; died Sep 7 1905; ae 42 yrs; from obituary; George W.; 1826-1904;
COMBS Floyd J.; son of George; died Feb 9 1897; ae 6 mos; from obituary; William; Feb 3 1805 - Nov 11 1900; Clorinda Geer, wife of William; Feb 3 1805 - May 13 1837; Cordelia Dorman, wife of William; Feb 5 1816 - Apr 13 1849; Saphronia A. Williams, wife of William; Feb 6 1813 - Dec 17 1887; Orren L., son of Saphronia; June 18 1834 - June 12 1852; Murray R.; 1876-1912; Fred A.; died Jan 8 1886; ae 18-11-6; Alice; 1867-1966; Florence; 1892-1990; Harold; 1896-1993; Myra; 1900-1968;
Josephine, dau of B & L Combs; died Oct 7 1863; ae 11 yrs 7 mos;
With each succeeding Memorial Day, it is becoming more and more apparent that the ranks of the Grand Army of the Republic are steadily growing thinner and the veteran graves in the cemeteries are steadily becoming thicker. This fact is being realized by no one more keenly than by the veterans themselves. Each year they find that the number of graves to be decorated has increased and that the surviving comrades to perform this service are steadily becoming fewer. In fact the work now entailed by the observance of Memorial Day devolves upon a very few men. The roster of Swift Post includes only forty-six comrades while many of these are inactive and unable to participate in the celebration of the day. On the other hand the number of graves of the country's dead in the cemeteries of the city number 216. This number is divided among the four cemeteries of the city. The largest number of the veterans lie in Washington street cemetery where 101 old soldiers are buried. Glenwood come next with the graves of seventy old soldiers. St. Patrick's has thirty-four veteran graves and Pulteney street cemetery, the oldest cemetery in the city, eleven. Of these the largest majority belonged to the 126th and 148th New York State Infantry regiments, of which were recruited in this section. There are the graves of twenty-four members of 126th and twenty-eight graves of former members of the 148th to be found in the cemeteries of the city.
Scattered through the cemeteries there are the graves of five Revolutionary soldiers and six of the War of 1812. The graves of the old soldiers found in the city are as follows:
Combs, Mitchel - 1812
Geneva Daily Times
Town of Gorham - Ontario County NY
Robert H.; Mar 18 1914 - Oct 24 1995;
Helen B. Combs; July 23 1917 - Sep 19 1993; on stone with Robert H.; married May 30 1936;
City of Canandaigua - Ontario County NY
Oscar B.; 1878-19blank;
E. Grace Mahar, wife of Oscar B.; 1889-1924;
Robert L.; June 27 1910 - Nov 1 1982; U. S. Navy;
M. Elizabeth Combs; 1907-1975;
COMBS Roy M.; 1906-1998; Earl G.; 1906-1972; Pauline; 1902-1979; on stone with Earl G.;