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Jefferson County Land Records. Submitted by Wayne Combs who adds; These records were copied from microfilm. I have made ever effort to transcribe the record verbatim with misspelled words, missing punctuation and over use of capital letter.
Also note the absence of women which is noteworthy, but remember at this time most women only owned property that was part of their dowry or if they had been widowed and had not remarried. There are transactions noted in the index of women grantors, most notably Dorcas Cox Combs the wife of John C. Combs, the son of George Mabry Combs and grand-son of John Combs and Sarah Mabry.
15 Oct 1801 Made Oct. 16, 1801, Recorded 22 Dec.1801. Bill of Sale Job Combs to Jacob LAUGH
(Job) Combs Bill of Sale to Lough
Registered Dec. 22, 1801
Know all men by these presents that I Job Combs of the state of Tennessee and Jefferson County for and in Consideration of the sum of fifty Dollars to me in hand paid by Jacob Lough of the same place and as before their Sealing and Delivery of these presents the receipt whereof I do hereby Acknowledge have granted Bargained and Sold and by this presents do grant Bargain and Sell unto the said Jacob Lough his heirs & all that part of the Improvement I now Live on Containing ten acres including house I now live in with one Orchard One meadow and also one small field lying on the West side of the Creek below the mouth of a small run and also One Mare and Colt four Head of Cattle three Head of Sheep ten head of Hogs two beds and furniture One large Kettle One Oven One Small pot three Pewter plates and Dish and Bason One Washing Tub Three (unclear) two coolers one hoe and shovel plow One Loom and Tacklings To have and to hold all and Singular the said Improvements Goods Household Stuff and furniture and all other the premises above bargained and sold as mentioned. As intended to be to the said Jocob Lough his heirs and assigns forever and I the Said Job Combs for my Self my heirs & All and singular the said Improvements the Goods and Other the premises Above mentioned unto the said Jacob Laugh his heirs & against me the said Job Combs my heirs &c: and against all any every Other person or persons whosoever shall and will warrant and forever Defend by these presents all and Singular the Improvement and good Afforesaid I the Said Job Combs have put the Said Jacob Lough in free possession of the same at the Sealing and Delivery of these presents. In witness whereof I the Said Job Combs hereunto Set my hand and Affixed my seal the sixteenth day of October in the year of our lord One thousand Eight Hundred and One.
Test: /s/ John Cowan
/s/ James Campbell
Job Combs
Source: Transcribed from original Jefferson Co. Deed Bk Q, Page 388 and (addendum Book EF, Page 221) and submitted by Wayne Combs
1 Apr 1804 March 29 1801/April 1 1804 (Bill of Sale Job Combs to Jacob DENTON
To all whom it may concern Be it Remembered that I Job Combs (not clear) of the County and State Afforesaid having a Bill of Sale for the land whereon Jacob Denton now lives on Indian Creek which Bill of Sale was to secure the payment of a certain sum of money therein mentioned and said money being due on the first day of April next. Ensuring the date hereof these are to certify that If the Interest of said Sum is paid at or Before the time of said Bill of Sale being due I the said Job Combs (unclear) certify that I will not take any advantage. Either in Law or Equity of said Bill of sale but that the Said Jacob Denton shall have one full year to pay up the principal and the Interest lawfully accounting thereon after the Said first day of April 1804 as witness my hand and Seal
Test: Thomas Combs Job Combs
Source: Transcribed from original Jefferson Co. Deed Bk Q, Page 486 and submitted by Wayne Combs
16 Oct 1804 Made Oct. 16 1804, Recorded Oct. 28 1804. Bill of Sale Job Combs to Thomas Combs
Registered Oct 28th, 1804. Know all men by these presents that I Job Combs of the State of Tennessee and Jefferson County for an in Consideration of the sum of two hundred Dollars Lawful money in Hand paid by Thomas Combs of the County and State afforsaid at and before the sealing and Delivery of these presents the receipt thereof I the said Job Combs do hereby acknowledge have granted bargained and sold and by these presents with have grant bargain and sell unto the said Thomas Combs his heirs &c: all that Improvement of land I now Live On Except ten acres including the House I now Live in with an Orchard and (unclear) And also (unclear) small field Lying on the west side of the Creek below the Mouth of a small run and also One Roan Mare four Head of Cattle Three head of Sheep Ten Hogs One Waggon and Gears One hoe plow one weeding hoe One bed and furniture two pots three pewter plates one Dish and Bason to have and hold and singular the said Improvements Goods house holds Stuff and furniture and all Other the premises Above bargained and Sold as Intended to be so to the said Thomas Combs his heirs &c: forever and I the Said Job Combs for my self my heirs &c: all and Singluar the Improvements and Goods and other the premises above mentioned (unclear) the said Thomas Combs his heirs to … the said Job Combs my heirs &c: and bargains all and any other person whatsoever shall and with warrant and forever Defend by these presents of all and Singular the Improvements and other goods as afforesaid I the said Job Combs have put the said Thomas Combs in full possession of the at the Signing Sealing and Delivering of these presents In Witness (unclear) the said Job Combs hath (unclear) and before seal this Sixteenth day of October 1804.
Tester: /s/ James Campbell /s/ John Cowan Job Combs (Seal)
Source: Transcribed from original Jefferson Co. Deed Bk E, Page 211 and submitted by Wayne Combs
27 Jul 1808 Jefferson Co., TN grant for 24 acres to Job Combs, surveyed March 4 1808, grant dated July 27, 1808 (Jefferson Co., TN Deed Book 1)
To all to whom these presents shall come
Know Ye, that in consideration of the sum of … dollars paid by Job Combs paid into the public Treasury of the State of … twenty four acres of land, there being yet due and chargeable … land the further sum of Twenty one Dollars and … There is granted unto the said Job Combs a certain tract of land containing Twenty four acres, lying in the County of Jefferson and … South of the French Broad & Holston (rivers) on Indian Creek. Surveyed on the fourth day of March 18 1808 with appurtenances to have and to hold the said Tact or Parcel of Land with its appurtenances to said Job Combs and his heirs and assigns forever.
In Witness whereof, John Sevier Governor of the State of Tennessee has hereto set his hand, an caused the Great Seal of the State to be affixed at Knoxville on the 27th day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eight and of American Independence the thirty third.
(not clear) SECRETARY /s/ John Sevier
WC Notes: There are marginal notes indicating Job later paid the remainder of the amount due on the parcel.
Source: Transcribed from original Jefferson Co.DB 1 and submitted by Wayne Combs
30 Jan 1815 Deed made March 14, 1814, Recorded Jan. 30 1815. Bill of Sale Job Combs to William AUSTELL
Job Combs Deed to William Austell, 24 Acres
Registered 30th January 1815
This Instrument made the 14th day of March in the Year of our lord One Thousand Eight hundred and fourteen Between Job Combs of the County of Jefferson and State of Tennessee on the one part and William Austell of the County and State aforesaid of the other part (unclear) for the Consideration of one hundred and Eighty Dollars to me in hand paid the Receipt hereof is hereby acknowledged hath and by these presents hath and by their presents doth grant Bargain Sell (unclear) and Sell in fee Singular and Confirm unto William Austell his heirs and assign forever a certain tract or parcel of land Containing twenty four acres be the Same more or less lying and being in the County of Jefferson and State of Tennessee lying on Indian Creek conveyed from Job Combs (not clear) … twenty four acres Beginning viz at a post oak and running South Six West forty Chains to a beach Then South Seventy East with the said William Austell Sixteen chains to a Stake thence South thirty two East with Said Land four Chains to a Stake Thence South Eighty one East with Said Land Eleven Chains to a Stake Thence North Sixty Seven East with Said Land Seven Chains to a Stake Thence North thirteen West with Said Land Twenty Two Chains to a Walnut Thence North Eighty Seven West with Vacant Land fourteen Chains to a Sugar tree thence North Eighteen East with Vacant Land Sixteen Chains to a Beach Thence North Fifty Nine West Nineteen Chains to the Beginning.
With all and Singular the wood and water and (not clear) … the Said Job Combs the State Rites Excepted his heirs and assign in and to the same and every part and parcel thereof within Law or Equity to have and to hold in the Said Twenty four acres of Land with the appurtenances forever unto the Said William Austell his heirs and assign forever against the Lawfull title claim and Demands of all and every person or persons Whatsover in Witness hereof I the Said Job Combs hath hereunto Set My Hand and Seal this day and Year first above Written.
Signed Sealed and Delivered in the presence of
Test: Edward Atkinson James Lowry Job Combs (Seal) Jacob Denton
Source: Transcribed from original Jefferson Co. DBook M, Page 10 and submitted by Wayne Combs
Notes: This 24 acres appears to be the same surveyed March 4 1808 and granted to Job Combs on July 27, 1808.
5 Jul 1821 Land Entry # 251 (July 5, 1821) for Aquilla Combs, signed Jan. 8 1821, Grant for 75 acres (dated ?? 24, 1825).
To all to whom these presents shall come
Know Ye, that in consideration of an ENTRY made in the Entry Taker's Office of Jefferson County of No 251 dated 5th day of July 1821 at the rate of TWELVE AND A HALF CENTS PER ACRE Aquilla Combs there is GRANTED by the said State of Tennessee unto the said Aquilla Combs and his heirs, a certain TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND CONTAINING seventy five - acres, lying in the County aforesaid, on the South Side of French Broad and Holston (rivers) and on the waters of Indian Creek. Beginning at a break in the fork of said creek, thence with the I. Lewis line, …with William Smith, …
Signed the 8th day of January 1821 with its appurtenances, to have and hold the said tract or parcel of land with its appurtenances, to the said Aquilla Combs and his heirs forever. In witness thereof William (not clear) governor of the State of Tennessee has herewith set his hand and caused the Great Seal of said State to be affixed at Murfreesborough, on the 24th day (not clear) in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and twenty five and of American Independence the forty ninth.
/s/ Daniel Graham, Secretary /s/ Wm Carroll
Source: Transcribed from original Jefferson Co. DB 12 and submitted by Wayne Combs
10 Jan 1827 50 acre Grant to William Combs, assignee of James NORTH. Land Entry #242 (dated July 3 1824).
To all to whom these presents shall come
Know Ye, that in consideration of an entry made in the ENTRY TAKER'S OFFICE of Jefferson County, of No. 242 dated the 3rd day of July 1824 by James North, the plat of survey being assigned by said North to William Combs there is granted by the State of Tennessee unto the said William Combs and his heirs, a certain Tract of Land containing fifty acres lying in the county aforesaid beginning at a post oak, Joseph Coon´s northwest corner of an 114 acre tract, … Samuel Lowry … to a stake on the line of Aquilla and Thomas Combs, thence .
Surveyed the 10th of June 1826.
With the appurtenances, to have and hold the said tract or parcel of land with its appurtenances to the said William Combs and his heirs forever. In witness whereof, William Carroll governor of the state of Tennessee, has hereunto set his hand and caused the Great Seal of the State to be affixed at Nashville on the 10th day of January in the YEAR OR OUR LORD one thousand eight hundred and twenty seven and of AMEREICAN INDEPENDENCE the fifty first.
/s/ Daniel Graham, Secretary /s/Wm. Carroll
Source: Transcribed from original Jefferson Co. DB 13 and submitted by Wayne Combs
27 Sep 1826 - 11 Jan 1827 Land Entry #757, 50 acres, granted to William Combs.
To all to whom these presents shall come
Know Ye, that in consideration of an Entry made in the Entry Taker's Office of Jefferson County, of No. 757 dated the 27th day of September 1826 by William Combs there is GRANTED by the State of Tennessee unto the said William Combs and his heirs certain TRACT OF LAND containing fifty acres lying in the county aforesaid, on the South side of French Broad river, near the waters of the Seahom's creek. Beginning at a black oak one the line of an entry made in the name of North, thence … and on the line of Aquilla & Thomas Combs … thence to Lichliter, thence …
Surveyed the 29the of September 1826
With its appurtenances, to have and hold the said tract or parcel of land with appurtenances, to said William Combs and his heirs forever. In witness whereof, William Carroll Governor of the sate of Tennessee has hereunto set his hand and caused the Great Seal of the State to be affixed at Nashville on the 11th day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty seven and of American Independence the fifty first.
By the Governor
/s/ Daniel Graham, Secretary /s/ Wm Carroll
Source: Transcribed from original Jefferson Co. DB 13 and submitted by Wayne Combs