![]() | Combs &c. VA Land Patents Abstracts from “Cavaliers and Pioneers” |
Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents from Cavaliers and Pioneers submitted by Patience Northern who adds: There are a lot of names here that I thought to eliminate. However, these people may have been neighbors where they came from and are now going to be neighbors and possibly spouses of their children so included them all.
Cavaliers and Pioneers #1 not yet completed; includes Patent Book 1-5, Cavaliers and Pioneers #2 - Patent Book 6-8.
Patent Book No. 1 – Part 1
John Dennett, 200 acs. Co. of James, 10 Aug. 1635, p 271. On N. side of Mr. Thomas Kingstones land (only a barren ridge between), Nly. into the forrest betweene Martins hundred & Kiskiake by a br. of Capt. John West Cr. Trans. of 4 pers: John Ley, Jon. Rowland, Susan Richey, Ann Combey.
Dictoris Christmas, 300 acs. Eliz. Citty Co., 21 Nov. 1635, p 317. On the N. side of the old Poquoson Riv., joining uon land of Glilbert Perkins Eastward, W. upon Monack neck & N. into the woods. 100 acs. for the per. adv. of himselfe & wife Isabell Christmas & 200 for trans. of 4 pers: William Gun, Rich. Combes, Israell Arwell, Zachariah Foster.
Patent Book No. 3
George Hack, 400 acs. Northampton Co., at Matchotank Cr., 1 July 1653, p 244, Bounded on W. by land of Nicholas Waddilow, on S. by sd. Cr. & running Nly. towards Anancock. Trans. of --- pers: John Parsons, Will. Benge, Xpr. Archman, (?), Will Combay, (or Conibay), George Davis, Thomas Crumpe, John Evans, Tho. Hickhocke.
Patent Book No. 6
Major Wm. Ball & Mr. Thomas Chetwood, 1600 acs. Rappa. Co., N. side of Rappa. Riv., 17 Apr. 1667, p 68. Trans. of 32 pers: Will. Ball, his son, Hannah Ball, Her daughter, Mary Jones, Martha Jones, Ran. Gwill, Jos. Haseldowne, Joseph Foster, Ralph Gath, George Comes, Yarrett Williams, Henry Scoller, Will. Higgins, Edward Wagg, Dorothy Wells, Wm. Morris, Joshua Greene, Jno. Chandler, Wm. Harloe, Natl. Freeman, Tho. Harris, George Martin, Jno. Bridgman, Eliz. Smith, Grace ---, Edward Salter, Richard Blackman, Robert Sanders, Tho. Bowles, Tho. Dickins, Robt. Ambros.
Roger Leonard, 300 acs. Gloster Co., in Mockjack bay, upon E. side of the E. most river, 20 Dec. 1667, p 100. Bounding upon land of Adam Bennett, Henry Prouse, & Trans. of 6 pers: Elizabeth Lay, Isaak Remnant, Jno. Booth, John Morgan, Wm. Combes, Mary Harwood.
Mr. Whittington, 5800 acs. on the upper part of N’ampton Co., all of Jengoteag Iland, being the next island to the N’wd. of Kekotanck Is., als. Occocomson Is., 2 Oct. 1672, p 421. Trans. of 116 pers: Jno. Fort, Jno. Magoome, August, Haire, David Walker, Kath. Bromfeild, William Wright, Margery Dee, Jno. Hadson, Amos Bowell, Wm. Elven (or Elben), Matt. Pope, Hen. Swart, Law. Rowe, Wm. Lee, Michaell Roxby, Jane Marry, Mary Cadger, Lettice Long, James Griffin. Mathew Blore, Thomas Lewis, Edwd. Brookes, Jane Byford, Robt. Jones, Jno. Onglitred (or Ouglived), Isaac Blades, Jeffry Baldwin, Tho. Ross, Lewis Morris, Ellenor Collen, Margarett Charve (or Charte), Mary Surnell (or Surrell), Antho. Rullo, William Shane, John Abbot, Tho. Wisk, Tho. HeathCock, Richd. Grinnell, Tho. Moore, Jno. Oakly, Caleb Gravener, Tho. Pilgrim, Stephen Spicer, William Whiteing, Geo Hancock, Tho. Cooper, Jno Renniston, Edwd. Merlin (or Mertin), Tho. Baker, Geo. Kemp, Isaac Morgan, Theoph. Parsons. Tho. Bishopp, Eliza. Trew, Tho. Hawkins, Jno. Coplestone, Jno. Hilton, Tho. Evesham, Fra. Orland, Rowld. Maldiin, Richd. North, Rebecka Billingley, Henry Tomlin, Richd. Martin, Jno. Wood, Arth. Bishopp, Mary Wrath, Tho. Blake, Robt. Willington, Robt. Cross, Mary Engham, Walter Williamson, Kath. Jordan, David Mackmillion, Antho. Leonard. Luke Hambleton, Alexr. Logon, Jeane Shalling, Danll. Ross, Jno. Mackbane, James Newitt, Stephen Mannering, Michaell Taylor. Samll. Pensal (or Pensax), Tho. Hustings, Antho. Newport, Jno Walker, Wm. Baldry, Jno. Hogg, Jonath. Tigg, Jno. Strong, Mathew Coome, Henry Morgan, Guidoe Valence, Miles Courtney, James Roe, Roger Holt, edwd. Goslin, Jeffery Rowse, Jno. Upton, Danll Bird, Robt. Askin, Jno. Neeve, Robt. Armestrong, Jno. Johnson, Alexr. Bruce, James Hinderson, Andrew Nailer, James Clark, James Field, Cha. Davison, Patrick Watson, Ja. Bourne. Ja. Soruter, Tho. Hamilton; Hector a Negroe.
Capt. John West. 1000 acs., N’ampton Co. at Gingoteage; adj. Capt. Richd. Hill & Capt. Danll. Jenifer; 3 Oct. 1672, p 423. Trans. of 20 pers: Wm. Hampton. Tho. Draiton, Jno Wigg. Hen. Wageman. Peter Plover Arth. Brightwell, Mary Phillis. Ann Tracey, Geo. Trigg, peter Hacker, Jno. Thackray, James Veysey, Peter Hardman, Tho. Fisher, Jno Randall, Alexr. Crafton, Nic. Trevitt, Jno. Armorer, Jno. Brooman, Edward Coomes.
Robt. Lucy (Lewcy), 1000 acs., Chas. City Col, S. side James River, on the Blackwater, at a place called Saw Tree; adj, Richd. Taylor; 3 Nov. 1673, p488. Trans. of 20 pers: Jno. Butler, Steph. Ryland, Phill, Jerman, Mary Sawyer, Roger Poynton, Eliz. Strickland, Tho. Butler, Mary Doer, Susan Marsh, Richd. Combs, Riddy Ashday, Rob. Hyatt, John Derrell, Roger Mills, Wm. Walker, John Shelly, Prisscilla Chana (?), Richd. Taylor, Ann Godfry, Richd. Taylor.
(Names and punctuation have been copied as they are in the book. Some seem to have only one name???)
Thomas Gouldman, 2200 acs., in Rappahannocke (Co.), on brs. of Hoskings Cr., below an Indian Path; to Port-tobacco Path; to Elick Robins; over Hoskins” pecoson (ca); to Col. Goodrich, & 23 Sept. 1674, p 5126: Trans. of 44 pers: Robet Cardin, James Wolverige, Richard Beatly, Daniell Leaty, Leonard Dent, Thomas Werlett, George Webber, Summersett Haughton, Thomas Willson, John Poole, Mary Pendleton, George Denny, Amey Johnson, Christian Ellen, Sarah Hibbles, Goerge Browning, William Smyth, Sarath (c) Smyth, John Betton, (or Belton), Joane Biny, Amy Jackson, Edward Wiett, Richard Grimsted, Thomas Hart, Ben. Dalifeild, John Haslelock, Will. Bunt, John Jones, Thomas Watkins, Griffin Jones, Elisabeth Sinerington, Thomas Wood, Dies Come, Richard Cauthorn, Ann Cauthorne, Aurelia Cuthorn, Henery Cox, William Smyth, Ann Hasellwood, Elizabeth Herbett, Will. Blackford, John Roberts, Richard Lifton, Mary Wiatt.
Mr. Thomas Bowler, 1460 acs., Rappa. Co., some 3 mi. in the woods behind Mr. Henry Smith; 4 Oct. 1675, p 567, Beg. by a br. of Ralph’s Creek & by Tho. Crowe’s fence; crossing the white marsh, & 650 acs. granted Robt. Armstrong 10 Sept. 1658, who sold to Col. Tho. Goodrich: 484 acs. patented by sd. Goodrich, with sd. 650 acs. 20 Sept. 1661, which he sold to sd. Bowler; 326 acs. found within; the whold added together & now by him nominated & called the Mary Gold: 326 acs. for trans. of 7 pers: Peter Deane, Jno. Hooper, Hannah Comes, Edwd. Clarke. Jone Sheares, Ja. Bartlett, Jno. Reade.
William Therriat 3500 acs., Lancaster Co., adj. to head of Corotoman River, 1 May 1678. p 642. Beg. at mouth of Clapham’s Cr; adj. Mr. Edwin Conaway, &. 1600 acs. granted to Dom. Therriatt 18 Apr. 1662; 1900 acs. surveyed in the name of sd Dom. Therriatt, dec’d., but by reason of the patt. gred to the Lords Proprietors; noe patt. hath issued; which sd. land is confirmed to sd. Wm., as being his sonn & heir, & having found rights for sd. 1900 acs. (Note: The following names appear: J Wm. Ball, Wm. Ball, Han. Ball, Han. Ball, Mary Jones, Martha Jones, Randolph Civill, Jos. Halsdownes, Jos. Foster, Ra. Goch, Geo Coomes, Yar. (?) Williams, Hen. Scholler, Wm. Higgins, Edwd. Vagg (or Dagg), Ja. Crosse, Peter Eversham, Ack Ogum (or Oquin), Car Kath (?), Alexr. Harkin, Sar. Wilkinson, Eliz. Stephens, Isaac Sims, Alexr. Hart, And. Lately (or Lateby), Wm. Horsly, Wm. Heavell, Alice Stedwell, Eliz. Bell, Tho. Whitticar, Isaac Citizen. Wm. Cooper, Jno. Kemp, Antho. Thompson, Owen Thomas, Tim.Swinall, Jno. Lee,Jno. Reader, Ja. Elder, Wm. Jones.
Patent Book No. 7
Anthony Doughting, 151 acs., Middlesex Co., 29 May 1683, p 299. Beg, close to Mr. Abraham Weekes; on Mr. Rice Jones at head of the Green Br; to Jamaica line; along Mr. Randall Segar, &. Trans. of 3 pers: Peter Dean, John Hoper, Hannah Combes
Mr. Tho. Allamby, 184 acs, Eliz. City Co., 22 Dec. 1682, p 217. Beg. att a Figg Tree on James River; upon land of Robert Combes; & Mary Elcock (?). 100 acs. granted to Wm. Brooks, alias Morgan, 6 May 1620; 50 granted Wm. Cole 6 Dec. “next following,” & by severall conveyances both came to the possession & seizing of Florentine Paine, dec’d, who gave same to his 2 sons, viz: 100 acs. to Florentine, & 50 acs. to Wm., who conveyed the same, in fee, to sd. Alamby; 34 acs. for trans. of Eliz. Wyn.
John Smither, 890 acs. Glocester Co., upon the bay, bet. the mouth of Garden Cr. & mouth of Winter Harbour, 16 Apr. 1683, p. 278. Trans. of 18 pers: Mary Squire, Ursula Paine, Hum. Eldridge, Mary Stiles, Geo Ridley, Wm. Blenkister, Hen. Williams, Eliz. Tindall, Tho. Combs, Richd. Leighton, Ma. Clinker: Tom, Betty, Ann, Tom, Gilbert, Negroes.
John Garnett, 260 acs. Gloster Co., S. side of Garden Cr., 16 Apr. 1683, p 289. Beg. at a br. parting this from land of John Smither; to John Deggs’, & 180 acs. purchased of Humpherey Toy, 15 June 1676; 80 acs. for trans. of 2 pers: Eliz. Tindal, Tho. Combs.
Patent Book No. 8
Mr. Zachery Lewis, 500 acs., K. & Q. Co., 20 Apr. 1694, p 318. Beg. neare the Draggon Swamp; along land granted to Thomas Clayborne, now belonging to Mr. Christopher Lewis &. Granted to Domingo Maderes &. James Johnson, 8 Apr. 1668, deserted & now granted by order, & Imp. of 10 pers: James Coleburn, Richard Smith, William Cook, John Pool, Wm. Sterling, Dorcas Lewis, Lydia Harvey, Eliza. Gooding, Hanah Comes, Sarah Davis.
Capt. John Styth, 595 acs., James City Co., 21 Apr. 1695, p 407. On S. side of Chicohamony Riv., beg. at Mr. Brumfeild , near the gr. run of sd. river, where Francis Story liveth; by Shaddock’s br., to Mr. David Neviell, &. Granted William Broadribb, 6 Sept. 16654, deserted, & granted Benjamin Eggleston, 23 Oct. 1690, deserted. & now granted by order, & Imp. of 12 pers: Richard Smith, Wm. Cheil, Antho. Wellman Robert Davies, Antho. Comens, Tho. Powell, Ruth Williams, Andr. Barren, Edwd. Haskins, Jno Barloe, Jno. Chandler, Danll. Raven.
John Edloe, 1611 acs., New Kent Co., in St. Peter’s Par; upon head of the brs. of Black Creek, 20 Apr. 1694, p 358. Imp. of 33 pers: William Watlin (Wallin), Eliza. Sparrow, Robert Comes, Jno. Swingfeild, Robert Dixon, Pilgrim Jones, Jno. Buffoon, Saml. Gryon, Cath. Smith, Wm. Banks, Mary Fletcher, Sarah Stokes, James Gentleman, Geo. Seaward, Edward German, Timothy Davies, Giles Linscot, Mary Tight, Mary Pearce, Lawrence Emerson, Jno. Emerson, Toby Emerson; Jack, Will, Guy, Robbin, Toby, Cuffy, Negroes.