![]() | Combs Land in Loudoun Co, VA |
As part of our overall goal of Documenting Our Combs, some members of the Combs Research Group are participating in a special Deed-Mapping Project. The following are the first of a series of records being collected, transcribed and organized toward this end.
Reminder: Land patents in reference Combs Land in Loudoun may include early patents from Stafford, Prince William and Fairfax (from which Loudoun was organized in 1757). Two (Church of England) parishes were part of Loudoun Co, VA: Cameron and Shelburne (See Virginia Parish Histories and Descriptions). Loudoun Co VA is also one of the counties included in the Combs Research Group's Deed Mapping Project, an effort on the part of selected researchers to document our Combs Ancestors through the tracing & locating of land tracts.
Notes: The bounds in 1770 of Shelburne Parish of Loudoun Co are described as “ by Goose Creek beginning at the mouth thereof, and running up the same to the mouth of Little river, thence up the said Little river to the Intersection of the line dividing the land of James MERCER, esq. and John EVANS, thence along the said line, and the several line dividing the lands of the said MERCER and WILKINSON and HUNTER, Charles WEST and Robert BURWELL, esq. to the line of Fauquier County; and all that part of the present parish of Cameron which lies to the southwest of the said Goose Creek, Little River, and the several lines between the said MERCER, EVANS, WILKINSON and HUNTER, WEST and BURWELL, shall be one distinct parish and retain the name of Cameron; and all the remainder Shelburne. (8 Hening 425) Note that this would indicate that all land northeast of Goose Creek was part of Shelburne Parish.
01 Jun 1764-23 Dec 1790 (Loudoun Co. VA NN Grants V, pp. 60-61) …Joseph Combs granted a tract or parcel of land containing 206 acres, by survey bearing the date (1 Jun 1764), in Loudoun County, on the branches of Goose Creek and bounded as follows- beginning at two white oaks corner to Major {Thomas} WARING and beginning corner to George GRIGG {GREGG}, thence running with said WARING line south 15 degrees West 188 poles to a block marked R S in line of Col John CARLYLE and Captain DALTON, then with their line North 30 degrees West 71 poles to a stake in a ------ field corner to said CARLYLE and DALTON still running and bending with their line West 160 poles to a red oak there (corner?) crossing a branch 118 poles at … the mountain road at 140, then the same course off West continued 30 poles to a line of Col Catesby COCK{E}, then bending with his line north 15 degrees west 70 poles to a red oak on a branch, this corner still bending ……. north 45 degrees west …… poles to two black {oaks?}, the north side said … corner to said COCK{E}, thence with his line North 11 degrees East 25 poles to a white oak corner to Mary McGEACH, thence bending with her line, North 84 degrees East 180 poles to a stake in a …… field corner to George GRIGG {GREGG}, thence with his given line, South 75 degrees East 174 poles to the beginning.
(Transcribed & excerpted 1998 from copy of original by Combs Researcher Dick Field, 1998 who adds: Names contained in {} are based on further research)
Notes: In reference to adjacent land mentioned in the above patent, some of the following records will need to be transcribed in detail, but are not yet been fully organized. An initial “rough” attempt has been made to prioritize the records in need of transcription as follows:
9 Dec 1742 (NN VA F:46) George GREGG. Fairfax County, 670 acres. Beginning at corner to the land of Major Thomas WARING on Goose Creek.
(Extracted from VSLA Index by Combs Researcher Dick Fields)
11 Mar 1761 (NN VA I:63) George GREGG. Loudoun County, 55 acres. Adjoining the land of John STEER, Catesby COCKE, etc..
20 Oct 1754 (NN VA F:492) Col John CARLYLE. Fairfax County, 101 acres. On Goose Creek beginning by the North side of Goose Creek at mouth of a branch.
10 Dec 1776 (NN VA I:286-287) Col John CARLYLE. Loudoun County, 261 acres. On Goose Creek, adjoining NICHOLS & TRIPLETTS Survey, BLACKBURN, GREEN OWSLEY, etc.
23 Jun 1744 (NN VA F:176) George GREGG. Fairfax County, 616 acres. Beginning by the South fork of the Beaverdam Branch of Goose Creek, being the beginning corner of Lovell JACKSON'S land..
23 May 1739 (NN VA E:65) Colonel Catesby COCKE. Prince William County, 300 acres. On NW side of Goose Creek in the drains of a Branch called Tuscarora alias Secolins Branch.
2 Mar 1743 (NN VA F:154) Col John CARLYLE. Fairfax County, 115 acres. On North Fork of Scolins Branch.
24 May 1739 (NN VA E:66) Colonel Catesby COCKE. Prince William County, 1856 acres. Adjoining Robert CARTER, Jr. at Goose Creek.
24 May 1739 (NN VA E:67) Colonel Catesby COCKE. Prince William County, 1537 acres. Branch of Limestone run above Goose Creek.
Note: All of the above records, in the order shown, probably need to be fully transcribed. The following records are probably not in need of transcription as yet:
24 May 1739 (NN VA E:68) Colonel Catesby COCKE. Stafford County, 110 acres. On a Branch of the Chappawansick, adjoining John LEE & Richard FRISTON (was originally obtained by John UNDERWOOD [never applied])
26 May 1739 (NN VA E:73) Colonel Catesby COCKE. Prince William County, 860 acres. In Fork of the Ivy Branch of Potomac above Little Hunting Creek adjoining Col. MASON & Mr. BRENT.
12 Apr 1742 (NN VA E:438) Colonel Catesby COCKE. Prince William County, 140 acres. Adjoining land formerly surveyed for Michael REGAN, and Thomas PEARSON on a Branch of Hunting Creek and Pimmitts Run.
5 Sep 1746 (NN VA F:252-253) Colonel Catesby COCKE. Prince William County, 552 acres. Adjoining Jacob HOTTSCLAW on the broad run of Occoquan.
Search Words: HOLTZCLAW
23 Sep 1748 (NN VA F:304) Colonel Catesby COCKE. Fairfax County, 51 acres. Adjoining William SHRIVE the Elder and John PHILLIPS.
1749 (NN VA F:312) Colonel Catesby COCKE. Fairfax County, 672 acres. Adjoining Symon PEARSON, John FITZHUGH, etc.
31 Oct 1770 (NN VA I:181) Col John CARLYLE. Fairfax County, 95 acres (Deed includes John DALTON). On Long Branch and Four-Mile Creek.
02 Sep 1806 (VA North Neck Grants A2:39, * Orig. NN Survey 6:247) Mahlon Combs 3 A on waters of Goose Creek, Loudoun County, adj. HOUGH, STUDDARTH, &c.
(VSLA Card Index)
Note: The above land and that of neighboring grants is still in need of transcription.
5 Oct 1764 (VA NN Land Pat. Bk I:121) Maj. James HAMILTON of Loudoun Co. 41 A. in said Co. Surv. Mr. John WAUGH. Adj. Kittoctan, said HAMILTON, Col. John COLVILL, Andrew Combs, CRUTCHER, Capt. Lewis ELZEY.
(Virginia North Neck Land Grants, Vol. II, 1742-1775, Gertrude E. Gray, GPC, 1988)
Note: No patent for Andrew Combs has been located at yet; i.e., (a) the patent is not extant; (b) the land was acquired by deed; (c ) the land was not owned; or (d) the land was inherited. In the meantime, the above HAMILTON deed should also be transcribed from the VSLA
24 Jun 1760 - 09 Sep 1761 (Loudoun DB C:346-50) Lease for Lives of Samuel CO(O)MBS age 32, wife, Mary, age 27, son Samuel, age 1. Grantor: John Patterson attorney for Charles Earl of Tankerville of Great Britain. Grantee: Samuel CO(O)MBS. Land Description: In the County of Loudoun. Beginning at a stake in the Back line on Catoctian Creek lower corner to the said John Patterson's reserve thence S56E 206 poles to two white oaks marked WFx thence N50E 99 poles to a stake near a white oak marked SC. thence N56W 240 poles to a small Hiccory in the Back line thence with the said Back line to the Beginning containing [150] one hundred and fifty acrestogether with all houses Orchards Meadows pastures ways woods water and Watercourses. History of Land Ownership: Part of that tract or parcel of land called and known by the name of Catoctian Manour.
(Extracted by Combs Researcher Don King from copies of original, LDS Film #0032298).
Latitude Longitude | USGS 7.5' x 7.5' Map |
391632N 0773305W | Point of Rocks |
391235N 0773717W | Waterford |
12 Oct 1761-10 Nov 1761 (Loudoun VA DBC:64-5)
Grantor: Bryant FAIRFAX.
Grantee: Samuel CO(O)MBS
Land Description: In Loudoun County on and about the Killocton Mountain on the Drains of the Sicolon Branch. Beginning at two Black Oaks the NW corner of John HOUGH's Sicolon Land and corner to Samuel HEAD's land extending thence with said HOUGH's line S64E 40 poles to a white oak by a Branch corner to Richard WHITE then with his Line N20E 115 poles to two Red oak Saplin(g)s on hill corner to Samuel WILKS then with his line N64W 145 poles to a poplar and Walnut in a Gulley his corner in a line of Frances WILKS land then with his line S55W 143 poles to a dead stump corner to said WILKS and to Samuel HEAD then with said HEAD's line S64E 170 poles to the first Station containing one hundred & forty acres of land.
History of Land Ownership: Part of a larger tract which was granted to William Henry FAIRFAX Gent Deceased the grantor Bryant FAIRFAX being heir at law for the said William Henry FAIRFAX.
From USGS: Can not find either Sicolon/Sciolon Branch or Killocton Mountain.
(Extracted by Combs Researcher Don King from copies of original, LDS Film #032298)