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The following was compiled from a "combination" of published histories and records, including "Virginia Gleanings in England," Withington; Old Rappa Co VA Records Series, Sparacio; Colonial Abstracts of Virginia, Beverly Fleet; Virginia Magazine of History and Biography; William & Mary Quarterly; New England HistGen; Cavaliers & Pioneers, Nugent; and VSLA Land Records. It is NOT guaranteed to be accurate, but only for the purpose of assisting us in trying to segregate and track our Combs & Associated Families of England and the Colonies:
Henry FLEET, Sr. owned land adjacent to that of John Combs of Richmond Co VA, s/o Archdale Combs of Old Rappa Co VA. (See also applicable Combs Land). Henry FLEET, Sr., b 1595-1600, d ca1661, probably in Lancaster Co, VA, was the s/o William FLEET II, of Chatham,* Kent, EN and Deborah SCOTT, also of Kent, EN. Henry FLEET, Sr. was in Virginia by 1623; he was also a subscriber to the 3rd Charter of the VA Company. A number of his siblings were also in VA, and some also in MD, including Edward and Reignold (Reginald? Reynold?), both of whom were members of the 1638 Assembly of MD.
*Also note that Stephen BURROUGHS had m m Joan OVERYE of Stepney (Middlesex, EN) and Chatham, Co Kent, EN. Their daughter, Judith m (1) Thomas SCOTT of Colchester, Essex, and (2) John VASSALL whose grandson, John had also lived in Old Rappa Co VA area. (See Burroughs-Vassall-Ware Families). Were Deborah and Thomas SCOTT kin to each other? To the SCOTTS of Old Rappa Co VA? (See that county and below)
William FLEET II of Chatham, Kent, EN, was the s/o William & Katherine HONEYWOOD Fleet I. Katherine HONEYWOOD was the aunt of Col. (later Sir) Phillip HONEYWOOD, a Royalist who fled to VA in 1649.
Deborah SCOTT Fleet was the d/o of Charles SCOTT of Egerton, Kent, EN & Jane (Joan) WYATT of Allington Castle. Debora SCOTT Fleet died testate in 1651:
27 Mar 1651/2 - 23 Jan 1651/2 (Bowyer, 5) Will of Debora FLEETE, of Westminster [London, Middlesex, EN], widow. All goods to my cousins Sir Robert FILMER & Sir Edward FILMER, both of East Sutton, Kent, knights, & they to be ex'ors, towards payment of such sums as sd. Sir R. FILMER lent me & my son Henry FLEETE towards the recovering of my sd. son of a great sickness & for furnishing him with provisions & necessaries for his last voyage to Virginia. Wits: Henry FRENOHAM, Thomas DAVY. Prob. 23 Jan 1651 by Sir Robert FILMER, knight, one of the ex'ors. Power reserved for Sir Edward FILMER, knight, etc. other ex'or. (Virginia Gleanings in England, p. 568)
Charles SCOTT of Egerton, Kent, was the s/o Sir Reginald SCOTT of Scots Hall, Kent. Sir Reginald SCOTT'S daughter, Mary SCOTT, m Richard ARGALL of East Sutton, KENT, and they were parents of, among others, Sir Samuel ARGALL, one-time Governor of Virginia; Jane ARGALL who m Paul FLEETWOOD;* Reginald ARGALL who m Ann CHEYNEY, widow of William ROWE; John ARGALL of Colchester, Essex, EN who m Sarah, d/o John GRAUNT/GRANT of Colchester, Co Essex, EN; Mary ARGALL who m Reynold KEMP of Wye, Kent; and Elizabeth ARGALL who m Edward FILMER of Kent.
*See Also Archdale-Fleetwood Families
Jane/Joan WYATT Scott was the d/o Thomas & Jane/Joan HOWT Wyatt, and her brother, George WYATT, m Jane FINCH, d/o Thomas FINCH of Eastwell, Kent. Jane FINCH Wyatt was aunt of Henry FINCH who emigrated to VA and member of the Council 1630 &c.
Sir Francis WYATT, Governor of Virginia, and s/o George & Jane FINCH Wyatt, m Margaret SANDYS, d/o Samuel SANDYS & Mary CULPEPER, and granddaughter of Edwin SANDYS of York and Cecile WILFORD (d/o Thomas WILFORD & Rose WHETENHALL). Other children of Edwin & Cecile WILFORD Sandys included VA Company members Edwin and George SANDYS, Ann SANDYS, wife of William BARNES (their dau Ann m Wm. LOVELACE, and their dau Ann m John GORSUCH of MD, connected with the Combs-Rowe Families of Talbot MD) Cecile WILFORD'S sister, Bridget, m Leonard DIGGES, ggf/o VA Gov. Edward DIGGES. Rev. Hawte WYATT, another son of George & Jane FINCH Wyatt, was a minister at Jamestown.
By 1633, Dorothy SCOTT, sister of Deborah SCOTT Fleet, was residing in London:
05 Mar 1632/3 - 29 Jun 1650 (Pembroke, 100) Will of Dorothie SCOTT of London, spinster. To my brother Thomas SCOTT esq. a silver spoon. To my friend Mrs. Elizabeth GROVERNOR, widow, with whom I now sojourn, £5. To her dau'r. Elizabeth GROVENOR, £3. Rest of goods to my sister Deborah FLEETE (and she to be) Ex'trix. My friend Sir Robert PHILLMER, knight, to be overseer. Witnes: Thomas DUTTON, Scrivener.
Notes: Who was the above Thomas DUTTON? Was he kin to the Mr. DUTTON who m Sarah/Susannah SAYER, d/o Ady and Sarah ARCHDALE Sayer, and niece of John and Margaret ARCHDALE Combs, also of London, as was Deborah SCOTT Fleete (in Westminster) by 1652 (See above).
Following the death of Henry FLEET I in 1660/1, his widow, Sarah, remarried, apparently several times, including to Col. John WALKER. Her son, Henry FLEET II, d testate in 1728. He was a justice of Lancaster Co VA in 1695 and sheriff of the county in 1718 and 1719. There are recorded in Lancaster the following deeds:
From Combs Researcher Birdie McNutt, additional data re Henry FLEET II and his descendants:
Will of Henry FLEET.
"In the name of God, amen! I, Henry FLEET of the county of
Lancaster, being of sound memory, do make this my last will and
testament in the manner following, viz: I bequeath my soul to
God, my creator, and my body to the earth, its original, being
fully assured the sacrifice of Christ is a worthy expiator for
all the sins of the faithful, and therefore hope that my soul
and body will have a joyful meeting at the resurrection of the
just by the merits, mediation, and the intercession of my complete
Redeemer, the Lord Jesus Chirst. I give to my son, Henry FLEET,
the plantation that Patrick MULLIN now lives on and all the land
thereunto belonging, from Wm FLEET'S line down to the mouth of
the old house creek. The said land and appurtenances I give unto
the said Henry FLEET and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten
and for want of such issue to my son, William FLEET. and the heirs
male of his body lawfully begotten, and for want of suche male
issue to my grandson, Harry CURRELL and his heirs forever. Item:
I give to my son William FLEET, the plantation I now live on and
all the land adjoining thereunto as far as the narrows, including
the island plantation and all the land thereunto belonging, which
said plantations and the land and appurtenances in the whole tract
not before given I give to my son, William, and the heirs male
of his body lawfully begotten, and for want of such issue to my
grandson, Major BRENT, and his heirs forever. Item: I give to
my son, Henry FLEET, my best saddle and all the furniture thereto
belonging. Item: I give to my son, William FLEET, all my wearing
apparel and also my sword and belt. Item: I give to my loving
wife for life the plantation whereupon I now live with as much
land as she shall have occasion for, also the use and profits
of three negroes called Jack, Bess and Sampson, and after her
decease I give the said negroes to my daughter, Elizabeth CURRELL,
and her heirs. Item: I give to my daughter, Elizabeth CURRELL,
and her heirs four negroes by name Saul, Lucy, Bess and boy called
Jack SNELGROVE, three whereof she has already received. Item:
I give to my granddaughter, Ann CURRELL, and her heirs a negro
girl called Winney and her increase. Item: I give to my daughter,
Judith HOBSON and her heirs two negroes called Daniel and Pegg,
now in her possession. Item: I give to my siad daughter, Judith,
for life the use of three negroes named Richard, Isaac and Hannah,
and after her decrease I give Hannah and her increase and Isaac
to my granddaughter, Sarah HOBSON, and her heirs and I give Richard
to my granddaughter, Judith HOBSON, and her heirs. Item: I give
to my granddaughter, Mary COX, and her heirs two negroes called
Newman and Nell, now in her possession. Item: I give to my third
daughter, Mary, for life the use of three negroes, viz a girl
called Hannah and Sue and Anthony, and after her decease I give
said three negroes and their future increase to Fleet COX and
his heirs. Item: I give to my granddaughter, Elizabeth HOWSON,
and her heirs two negroes that her father received of me called
Sary and Patty and their increase. Item: I give to my three grandsons,
John FLEET, Major BRENT and Harry CURRELL, each a mourning suit
of twenty shilling price. Item: I give all the rest of my personal
estate to be equally divided amongst my wife and three daughters,
Elizabeth, Judith and Mary. Item: It is my will that my estate
shall not be appraised, unless desired by my executix. Item: I
appoint my son, William FLEET, and my two daughter, Elizabeth
CURRELL and Judith HOBSON, my Executors. In witness whereof I
have hereunto set my hand and seal this 31st day of January, 1728.
[seal] Henry FLEET. Signed and sealed and published in presence
of Edwin CONWAY, Ann CONWAY, Edwin CONWAY, Jr."
Henry FLEET had m Elizabeth (will of Jane WILDEY, widow, dated April 11th, 1701, and proved Northumberland, Dec. 19th, 1701, names her daughter Elizabeth FLEET, and her son Wm. WILDEY) and had issue: Henry, William, Elizabeth married _________CURRELL; Judith married Wm. HOBSON, of Northumberland-marriage bond dated June 28, 1723 (Lancaster Records); Margaret (called Mary in her father's will), married Presley COX, of Cople parish, Westmoreland-marriage bond-dated _____(Lanc. Records); Ann married Leonard HOWSON, of Wiccomico, Northumberland-marriage bond dated June 10th, 1722 (Lanc. Records); Daughter married ________BRENT.
Henry FLEET III was sheriff of Lancaster Co VA in 1729 and 1730 and died unmarried in 1735.
Although it appears from the above that the Fleet Family roots are all Kent-based, this may not be true:
20 Oct 1618 - 16 Feb 1618-19 (Worcester, EN, Parker 18) Will of John FLEETE of Hallowe, Co Worcester, Esq. Dated 20 Oct 1618, Codicil 28 Dec 1618, proved 16 Feb 1618/19. [Abstracted] To be enterred in parish church of St. Ellyn in the Citie of Worcester. Greatest parte of my Landes Tenements and leases are already coneyed at marriage of my Sonne Thomas FLEETE… to sonne Thomas FLEETE one silver bason… given unto me by my Father Mr. Thomas FLEETE. To my sonne John FLEETE land in St. Johns in Bedwardine, Co Worcester called Colewick or Colemans Land, lease of Rouckswood Farms, he paying yearlie out of profitts thereof unto my neiphoe Rafe TWIGFALL, £5. Also my Lease of St. Hellens Harbor with meadowe thereunto belonging and one other meadow adjoining granted by my Cosin Mr. Robert STEYNOR, and now in occupation of John SMYTHE, also one parcell of grounde lying neere Perry wood, co. Worcester, called Ryngswood als the Harp. To my daughter Anne ACTON, one silver salt. Whereas I have before my marriage, conveyed unto my Brother in lawe Edward BOUGHTON of Litle Lawford in Co Warwick, Esq., and others my Lease of Perry Courte, neere the City of Worcester for the benefitt of my wife. Now yf my wife shall decease before th expiracon of the said Lease then the Residue unexpired shall remain to my said Sonne John FLEETE. Residuary Legatee & Sole Executrix: Anne, my wife. Wits: Thomas DANFORD, Edmond COWLING, Thomas PENSON [a.k.a. PINSON?], John SMYTHE. Codicil 28 Dec 1618: my Grandchilde Anne ACTON at age of 17, Godsonne, John ACTON, dau Anne ACTON, her other two children, to be paid at age of twentie and one yeres, granchilde, John FLEETE, to be paid at age, sonne in lawe Mr. Thomas ACTON, brother Mr. Edward FLEETE, sister COWCHER and sister MITTON; Neiphues Mr. Thomas NASH, Mr. Thomas FLEETE, Mr. Thomas COWCHER, Mr. John COWCHER & Mr. John NASHE and to my Neece Mrs. Mary HALL, each to make them rings. To my Cosins Mr. Thomas HALL & Jane wife of Mr. Roger FARLEY. To the City of Worcester, my Father's Picture and my owne picture to be set up over the "Tollsey" of the said Citie amongst the other pictures there. To the anncient Clerke, William YOUNGER, to my servants Thomas DANFORD, John PERKINSON, George JACKMAN (w/mention of Ridmarley), Thomas PENSON, & Edward COWLINGE, Johane BIDLE [a.k.a. BIDDLE?]; to the poore of Hallow. Wits: John PARKINSON, George JACKMAN, Thomas DANFORD. Proved 16 Feb 1618-19 by the sole executrix named. (Virginia Gleanings from England, Wm. G. Stanard, Editor, VMHB, Vol. III, No. 4, pp. 360-367)
Note that among the names in the above will are John FLEET'S "brother Edward BOUGHTON of Little Lawford, Warwickshire" and his "nephew Thomas NASHE." The Visitations and Records of Warwickshire and Worcestershire document at least two marriages of Edward BOUGHTONS to Combs, as well as identifying that the Warwickshire Combs also held land in Worcester. Also in Warwickshire are Combs-Lane-Nash marriages, with a Thomas NASH, in-law.
In regard to Cecile WILFORD Sandys and her sister, Bridgett WILFORD Digges, note that we also have a third WILFRED [sic] marriage; i.e., Thomas ARCHDALE, father of Margaret ARCHDALE Combs, m (1) Mary CLIFTON, and (2) Blithe WILFRID.
In regard to Essex, EN, note that Richard & Mary SCOTT Argall's son, John ARGALL was of Colchester, Essex, EN, and m Sarah GRAUNT/GRANT, d/o Edward GRAUNT/GRANT of Colchester, which is also where we find Thomas SCOTT who m Judith BURROUGHES who next m John VASSALL, which brings us back to Old Rappa Co VA again. What does this mean to Combs Research? Not known yet.
Important: All Fleet and Associated Families have not been added here as yet. See also the Combs Research List Archives.