![]() | Elizabeth UNDERWOOD (Taylor Slaughter Catlett Butler) of Isle of Wight & Old Rappa. Cos, VA |
Wife of (1) James TAYLOR; (2) Francis SLAUGHTER; (3) John CATLETT; (4) Rev. Amory BUTLER |
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III. Elizabeth UNDERWOOD, d/o Unknown & Margaret UNKNOWN Underwood (Upton) (Lucas), born before 1640, died testate in 1673 in Old Rappahannock Co, Virginia. Married (1) between 1652 and 1654, possibly in Isle of Wight Co, Virginia, Dr. James TAYLOR, died 1655, Surry Co, Virginia, from whom she legally separated on 26 Mar 1654/55 in Virginia. No Issue. Married (2) bef 1656, Francis SLAUGHTER Sr. (son of John SLAUGHTER), born about 1630, died in 1657/58 in Old Rappahannock Co, Virginia. Issue: Francis SLAUGHTER Jr. Married (3) bef 1664, Col. John CATLETT, born about 1622 in Sittingbourne, County Kent, England, died between 1669 and 1671. Issue: John CATLETT. Jr.; William CATLETT; Elizabeth CATLETT; Sarah CATLETT. Married (4) in 1671, in Old Rappahannock Co, Virginia, Rev. Amory BUTLER, born before 1649, died testate in 1678/79 in Sittingbourne Parish, Old Rappahannock Co, Virginia. He may have resided in 1669 in New Kent Co, Virginia. They signed a marriage contract in May 1671 in Old Rappahannock Co, Virginia. No Issue.
1651/2 Elizabeth UNDERWOOD was still unmarried at the time her step-father, Capt. John UPTON, wrote his will (Isle of Wight Records, Vol. VII, p. 220) (Underweood, Fothergill)
By 26 Mar 1654/55 she and James TAYLOR had married and legally separated (ibid.), and by May of that same year, James TAYLOR was deceased, and Elizabeth had already remarried, to Francis SLAUGHTER, Sr.:
1 May 1655 (Surry? Vol 1, p. 53) James TAYLOR Est. Inv. ret'd. Mr. SLAUGHTER paid 1/3 on acct. of his wife. (ibid.)
6 Nov 1655 (Surry VA, Vol 1, p. 83) Francis SLAUGHTER to be pd. by Thomas CULMER of Surry, County Chyrurgion [Surgeon?], all claim (in right of his wife) unto house and plantation where he now lives. (Underwood, Fothergill)
Francis SLAUGHTER, Jr., s/o Francis & Elizabeth UNDERWOOD Slaughter, Sr., was born before 1657 when Elizabeth deeded a mare to her son:
10 Apr 1657 (?) (Old Rappa. VA Recs., I:22) Eliza. SLAUGHTER of Rappahannock in Virginia… natural affection & motherly love beloved son (mising) divers good causes… unto said Francis (missing) years old (missing) said mare dye before (missing) to him the said Francis another mare foal in lieu (mising) the age betwen (missing)teen & thirty years… when he attains the full age of Twenty one years (missing) formerly priviledged by his Father Capt. Francis SLAUGHTER (missing) the said Eliza. do freely give and bestow… female Increase with a feather bed & all the appurts… 10th day of April (missing) Eliza. SLAUGHTER, Wits: Thomas HAWKINS, Ant:STEPHENS. (Sparacio)
Francis SLAUGHTER, Sr., was deceased by 1658 when his will, in which he named his wife, his mother-in-law, and two brothers-in-law, was proved:
Undated but 1657-1658 (Old Rappa. Recs. 1656-1664, I:65) (missing) Francis SLAUGHTER sick in body but… First I give and bequeath unto my Mother In Law Mrs. Margaret UPTON ten shillings to buy her a pair of gloves…secondly to my Brother in Law Coll. More FANTLEROY my Book Intituled "Hookers Eclesiasticall Policy" Thirdly I give unto Andrew DEW my Overseer as much broadcloth as will make him a suite. Fourthly to dear Wife Mrs. Eliza. SLAUGHTER all the rest… excepting my Rapier & belt and a young mare tht runs either about Lyns or lower Chipoake Creek (missing) River lastly my very good friend & loving br(missing) Humphrey BOOTH assistant to my Wife to do what shall be needful in reference to (missing) estate & for his care & pains I give him the sd Rapier & (missing) as before reserved & excepted (missing) us. S/Francis SLAUGHTER, Wits: (missiing)hn JUM(mising), Phillip SANDERS (Sparacio…)
Note: How was Col. More FANTLEROY (a.k.a. FAUNTLEROY) brother-in-law to Francis SLAUGHTER? Was Mary FANTLEROY neè UNDERWOOD, or otherwise…
Elizabeth married next Col. John CATLETT:
05 Jun 1663-4 (Rappa. Co VA Records 1656-64, p. 326) Mrs. Margaret UPTON als LUCAS to "Francis SLAUGHTER, Junr., Son and heir unto my Son in Law Francis SLAUGHTER, deceased," one cow & increase… if Francis SLAUGHTER, Junr. dies bef 21 years, then to be disposed by "my Daughter Elizabeth CATLETT his lawful Mother… s/Margt [ML] LUCAS. Wits/Allex. FLEMING, John DANDY. (Underwood, Fothergill & Sparacio).
Notes: Could DANDY have been DENBY? DABNEY? (See Old Rappahannock Co VA)
John CATLETT was still alive on 17 June 1670 when "John MEATTOR and Henry PEETERS by his Attorney Simon MILLER, and Jane wife of sd Henry by her Attorney Robt. PAYNE, appeared before John CATLETT and Thomas HAWKINS, two Justices of the Peace for Rappa. Co, and acknowledged the conveyance…" (Old Rappa Vol. 1, 1672-1676) but deceased by May 1671 when his widow signed a marriage agreement with the Rev. Amory BUTLER.
Note: John MEADOR was the brother-in-law (somehow) to Abraham Combs of Old Rappa Co VA and St. Mary's Co MD who is believed to have been closely related to Archdale Combs of Old Rappa who had m the widow of Elizabeth's brother, Col. William UNDERWOOD. No early Old Rappahannock records have been found for the Rev. BUTLER, but he may have come to Old Rappahannock from New Kent Co, Virginia; to wit:
(Patent Book No. 6, p. 230) 17 Apr 1669. Mr. Amory BUTLER, 280 acs, New Kent Co., upon head br of Hartquake Sw., on N. side of Mattapony Riv., Running to Bridge Sw., a br. of Peanketank Sw, Trans. of 6 pers: Geo. UPTON, Willm GROVES, Arth. BROMLEY, Ambro. BINGHAM, Wm. RAVEN, Susan DODD (C&P II, p. 59)
Notes: It is not known if the above George UPTON was kin to Capt. John UPTON, Elizabeth's late step-father. By 1673, she was deceased, leaving a new husband, five minor children from her SLAUGHTER and CATLETT marriages, and a will:
7 May 1673 - 16 Jun 1673 (Old Rappa. D&W, 1665-1677:136-43) Will of Elizabeth BUTLER of Parish of Sittingbourne in County of Rappahannock being in sound and perfect sence and memory… to my son Francis SLAUGHTER all the furniture of my Chamber except a Chest of drawers which I give to my daughter, Sarah to have delivered to hir at hir age of Seventeen or day of Marriage which shall first happen and a close Stool to my Sonne John CATLETT to be delivered to him when he goes to housekeeping…my Sonne Francis SLAUGHTER all the goods money plate rings and Tobaco mentioned in an Account now in the hands of Mr. Daniel GAINES and one negro boy and equall share of the Sheep pewter brass and iron and also Great Chair and small Couch and Chest and such of the things in my house as my Mother gave me by Will the same to bee delivered into his possession when he comes to the age of Nineteen yeares… and not dispose or sell without consent of Exec till he comes to age of one & twenty years… daughter Elizabeth bed & furniture now is standing in the dining rooms and presse and cushion thereon the great Looking Glasse, Drawing Table and Turkey Carpet, and my Child bed linning blanketts and fine baskett and my wedding ring and my biggest diamond ring gilded bodkin and my necklace with the biggest pearle and one small Bible a Silver Sucking bottle and my small Cabinett… To daughter, Sarah, two of my biggest stone rings, a small pearl necklace, a silver bodkin, my new trunk, napkin presse, one small bible, small Testament & a dram cup, my Wedding ring and ovall table… to son, John, a small diamond ring the mapp in the dining roome, one rapier, and one great cutlash, a pair of Silver buttons, a pair of Silver buckles and the Antimonial cupp… to son, William one small cutlash, a ring with a stone in it enameled blew and a silver seal… to two daughters, all my wearing apparel, cloathes and linen… to sons, John and William all the bookes mentioned in the Inventory equally between them according to their Fathers Will… to my two sons, John and William CATLETT and two daughters all of my plate except three spoons with their names on them to whom they belong equally devided between them… all my pewter, brass, linnen and other household stuff unto my two Sonnes John and William and my two Daughters (except what is before bequeathed to my Sonne Francis with a bed furnished to each of my two Sones and my Daughter Sarah (except two Suites of Damask which I give to my two Daughters) to bee equally devided between my two Sonnes and two Daughtes aforesd… to each of my three sons a Carbine… my gray mare and her increase to the four children of my deceased husband, John CATLETT, two daughters shall have delivered to them their former legacies at their day of marriage or at the years of Seventeene and likewise that my two Sons John and William have theirs delivered when they come of age… to my cousin Wm. UNDERWOOD the elder, one Stoned colt which came of the Sorrell mare… to my cousin, Humphrey BOOTH, the chest with the goods in it which were my mothers… to cousin Catherine BOOTH one silver candle cup which was her grandmother's and in case she dyes unto hir Bro. Humphrey… If my Son Francis dye before he comes to age that my Children Surviving enjoy the whole Estate both formerly and now bequeathed unto him… if my Executor hereafter mentioned shall brake up housekeeping that then all my household stuff aforesd bequeath to my Children shall be well packed and locked up & kept from use and that the linnnen and other things that are in the Cask & trunck be forthwith locked up till the time of their delivery and that all my Sonne Francis his household stuff be likewise reserved and kept by itself… to my sister PIERCE, a mourning ring of 20 shillings… if my Executor hereafter mentioned shall voluntarily surrender up the estate that then Mr. Daniel GAINES if he hath the Children shall have the estate provided that he give good Security to keep the sd Estate entire and deliver the same in kind according to my Will and that this my Will bee by him in all respects performed… My executor to supply what Tobacco shall be required for my children's education in England, according to my Husband's Will and that he make sufficient provision when they shall come from Schoole for their accomodation and their bringing of them home to Virginia… all my wearing cloathes which last yeare I sent for as the profitt of my Tobaccoes bee upon the arrival locked in my Cask kept for & devided between my two daughters and the rest my Executor to have for his household use… what remains in the hands of Messrs. JEFFRIES [GIFFORD?] and MANFORDS [MUNFORD?] hands in London be disbursed by them for a bed & furniture for my son Francis, in lieu of one his Father in Law did owe him and two small Silver Tankards (if it so holds out) to be added to the rest of the plate for the children of my deceased husband… Childrens Estate be kept entire and not parted before their legacies given by me become due unto them and if the Court shall take my Childrens Estate out of my Executors hands that then my Children shall altogether be mained well educated & provided for by and with the profitt of their own estate and that my thirds and the profitts thereof shall remain in my Executors hands till they come of age… my Beloved husband, Amory BUTLER, Sole Executor and Guardian to my Children and my cousin, Captain Thos. HAWKINS my brother, Edward ROWSEE and Mr. Daniel GAINES, overseers of this my will… provided that if my Executor do not Educate & keep them well that then Mr. Daniel GAINES shall have Guardianship of my Children my sd Executor allowing him a sufficient maintenance for their well being and education according as my Overseers and Executor shll agree and if they do not what the Court shall determine for the same and if Mr. GAINES shall dye my desire is that my Cousin HAWKINS do take the Children upon the same terms and if my Executor shall imbezill the estate or forsake the Country then my will is that my Overseers shall call him to account and finding him delinquent my Executor shall be either bound to make good the same out of his own Estate or else yield it up to Mr. Daniel GAINES the sd GAINES doing as before for the Security of the Estate… my sd Executor doe purchase as soon as he can a negro man for my Sonne Francis by or with the profitt of the Estate in lieu of one his Father in Law deceased did owe him… give and bequeath of the catle that were my Mothers and now in the keeping of Thomas KIRK two of the female to my Sister PEIRCE hir children with their increase for ever and also the other two of the female kind with their increase and eight steers to my Bro BOOTHS children, the sd Steers and encrease… when they come of age and quality excepted… if the Estate of my Children be taken out of my Executors hand within halfe a year after my decease and if my Executor be compelled to make good of the sd Estate what sall be falling short my Executor sall make good the same out of the encrease of the negroes that have bin since the same have bin committed to him the sd increase to bee delivered to my children in kind when they come of age and if it shall not suffice then the same to bee made good out of my thirds or the portions thereof as my Executor shall think best for my Children… to beloved husband, Amory BUTLER, a bed, furniture, and a mourning ring of 22 Shillings price in England… when my Executor shall have paid all my legacies that then if there be remaining any of my thirds in his hands he shall surrender up the same unto my children the profitts thereof excepted. In witness whereof… hand & Seale the day & yeare above written [sic]. S/Elizabeth BUTLER {Seal}; Wits: Thomas LUCAS Senr., John DAWSON, Sworne before me James KAY by order of Court. Juratus est in Cu Co Rappahannock 7 die May 1673. Probtr Recordat 16 Jun 1673. (Sparacio)
Note that Elizabeth refers to her nephew, William UNDERWOOD, Sr. (son of her brother, Col. Wm. UNDERWOOD), as her 'cousin' (nephew), William UNDERWOOD, the Elder… which, by implication, confirms that there is an adult William UNDERWOOD the Younger; i.e., William UNDERWOOD, Jr., s/o Unknown UNDERWOOD, and Elizabeth UNKNOWN, who later m Col. Wm. UNDERWOOD, then Archdale Combs. Also note that the above is the only known record which comes close to confirming that Elizabeth's sister, Sarah UNDERWOOD, is the same Sarah who m William PIERCE. One Edward ROWZIE m Mary, d/o William and Sarah (UNDERWOOD?) Pierce. Col. John CATLETT was half-brother to an earlier Edward ROWZIE as well as Ralph ROWZIE who m Mary, d/o Daniel GAINES. Also note that no mention is made of FAUNTLEROYS.
Elizabeth UNDERWOOD'S widower, Amory BUTLER, appears in a few more Old Rappahannock records, but he remained executor and guardian of his wife's CATLETT children for only a short period of time after her death:
9 Feb 1673/4 - 1 Jul 1674 (Rappahannock Deeds, Wills 5:227-229) Amory BUTLER, Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ now Inhabitant of the Countie of Rappahannock in Virginia for the indemnity, discharge and saving harmless of me, Mr. George JONES and Mr. William MOSSE and every of our heirs Executrs. and assigns and every of them from all manner or binds writings, obligations whatsoever wherein we … are bound or they for me… to any persons within the Colony of Virginia on Account of ye Estate of Collo. John CATLETT deceased as also for diverse other good causes and considerations me thereunto moving by these prnts doe give and make over unto my loving kinsman William UNDERWOOD of the same County all leases, lands, goods and Chattels whatsoever as well Real as prsonell of what kind nature quantity or condition soever the same are of be and in what place soever the same shall or may be found as well in my owne Custody and possession as of any other psons whatsoever excepting my Bookes wearing apparel and parochiall dues within this Colony aforesaid To have and to hold all and singular the said lands leases goods and chattells… to the said William UNDERWOOD and his heirs and assigns forever to his and their own proper use and behoofe and I the said Amory do hereby further freely and willingly surrender and deposit into the hands of the said William UNDERWOOD all that part of the third of Collo. CATLETTS Estate late of this County left in my hands by his Relict Elizabeth since my Lawfull wife but late deceased to remain in my hands to whom she gave the profitts thereof with certain provisoes in her Will exprest as thereby will more at large appears till her children to be to certain ages to have each their several parts of the said thirds or what shall remain in myne or his hands after the Estate of Collo. CATLETT shall be first made good out of the same which said profitts I doe hereby give unto the said William UNDERWOOD and his heirs forever and together with the premises I doe give upon consideratin that he accepts of the Thirds and pformes the covenants hereafter mentioned, that is to say Provided that the said UNDERWOOD his heirs and assigns shall and do from time to time and at all times hereafter acquit and discharge or otherwise sufficiently save and keep harmless me the said Amory my heirs and particularly the said George JONES and William MOSSE together with their heirs who became Security for me in regard of the Estate of Collo. John CATLETT of and from all and singular… which shall or may in any wise hereafter happen to or against the said Amory. George JONES and William MOSSE his Securities four mentioned by reasons of any the … and that the said UNDERWOOD doe according to the Will of the afour mentioned Elizabeth BUTLER late deceased deliver to each of her Children there part of the said Thirds if any shall remain in his hands after the said John CATLETTS Estate shall be made good and further yt the said UNDERWOOD doe by himself his heirs or assigns pay to the said Amory (BUTLER marked out) or his ordere in the term of tenn years by equall portions Twelve thousand pounds of good sound merchantable Tobacco and Cask to contain the same with Convenience on the Rises of Rappahannock and the first payment to be made the 10th of November … 1674… [next] in pformance of all and singular the premises we have mutually sett our hands and seals this 9th day of February in ye year of our Lord 1673. s/Amory BUTLER, William UNDERWOOD, Sn. Teste. W. MOSELEY, Richard CAWTHORNE. Recognitr in Cur Com Rappahannock primo die July 1674. (Old Rappahannock Co, VA Records, 1672-1676, Part II, Sparacio)
The added proviso re Warwick CAMMOCK and the 600 acres was quickly rectified:
Feb 1673/4 (Rappahannock Deeds, Wills Book 5:229-30) Amory BUTLER of the County of Rappa. Clerk doe hereby acknowledge that it is the true his intent and meaning of the within instrument & it is hereby intended that amongst the land and lease therein mentioned the Six hundred acres purchased by me of Mr. Warwick CAMMOCK is thereby intended and whereby conveyed and made over upon the Conditions & according to the tennor of the said instrument though the same be not yett acknoweldged to me by the said CAMMACK what said Six hundred acres I do hereby confirm and Warrent to the said UNDERWOODE and his heirs forever together with all appurtenances… and doe further oblige myselfe or my heirs or assigns to build on the said land one Thirtie foot house with a sheade at each end, two outside chimneys on the broadside and to Planck one Rowme and this at my charge and further it is meant and intended in that article of the said Instrument wherein the said UNDERWOOD is bound to make good all damages and bear all charges and expenses and bear harmless me the said Amory and Securities in all things concerning the whole or thirds of Coll. CATLETTS Estate that it is meant what charges or damages shall hereinafter come only Excepting such fees as are already due to Officers living out of the Countie of Rappahannock and that he the said UNDERWOOD do pay and discharge all dues and demands due from me on the account of the said CATLETTS estate and that is further to say the said UNDERWOOD is to have and possess all such goods lands and nay estate usuall or psonall mentioned in the within Instrument on consideration he discharge me of and pay for me and my Securities all debts charges and damages and demands whatsoever that are already or shall be due from me and my said Securities for conveying the said CATLETT'S Estate or Wifes thirds as Witness my hand and seal this ( ) day of Febry 1673/4. s/Amory BUTLER. Test. W. MOSELEY, Richard CAWTHORNE. Recognitr in Co Com Rappahannock primo die Jul 1674. (ibid.)
Note: It appears that the above action served not only to relieve the Rev. Amory BUTLER of his responsibilities to Elizabeth's estate, but also to secure for himself a living for the next ten years. It is also possible that, although not so stated, that he was pressured into signing these documents due to some problem with his administration of Col. John CATLETT'S very large Estate, and/or his wife's thirds of same. Also note that the above George JONES was the h/o Honoria UNKNOWN, widow of John WARE (See Burroughs-Ware-Vassall Families and Cammock Families). Amory's "loving kinsman, William UNDERWOOD," was his wife's nephew, William UNDERWOOD, Sr., who was also Amory's brother-in-law by virtue of his marriage to Mary BUTLER, Amory's sister, as is evidenced by Amory's will:
11 Aug 1678 - 29 Jan 1678/9 (Rappa. Records, 1677-1682, pp. 113-4) Will of Amory BUTLER of the Parish of Sittingbourne, County of Rappa… all my Books, Sermon Noats and papers to my loveing Brother Mr. Wm. BUTLER, Ministr. of Washington Parish [Westmoreland County]… all my wearing Cloaths Linnen and Wollen to my Brother John BUTLER… unto Valentine ALLEN sixty pounds of Tobaccoe in leiu of a paire of Shooes I owe him… unto my Godson, Wm. PANNELL, one Bible and likewise on Bible to my Godson CAWTHORNE… to my Brother John BUTLER aforesaid, two thousand pounds of Tobacco and cask… All my other Estate I give and bequeath unto my Godson and Nephew John UNDERWOOD… Executor Daniel GAINES… to be Refferring… to the Assistance of my Brother Wm. UNDERWOOD…ordring that Mr. Samll. BLOMFIELD … be first satisfied out of my Estate for mine & my Brother John BUTLERS Accomodation at his house… unto my Execr… his choice of any three Bookes in my Studio… this xith day of August Anno. Dom 1678. S/Amory BUTLER; Wits: Samll. BLOOMFIELD, Lawr: ROCHEFORT. Recordat. xx9th Janrii Ano 1678/9. (Old Rappahannock Vol. 1677-82, Part I, Ruth and Sam Sparacio, Antient Press, McLean, VA, pp. 35-6)
The above will is very specific that William UNDERWOOD was the 'brother' of Amory BUTLER, and that John UNDERWOOD was his nephew. This will, in conjunction with the earlier deeds, would appear to refer to William UNDERWOOD, Sr., son of Col. Wm. and Mary (BURTON? MOSELEY?) Underwood. He is most certainly not referring to the Col. Wm. UNDERWOOD who had been deceased for over twenty years when this will was written, and who also does not appear to have had a son named John whereas the eldest son of William UNDERWOOD, Sr. was named John. Confusion has arisen in the past due to the Rev. BUTLER'S late wife, Elizabeth, also having been an UNDERWOOD - and the sister of the Colonel; however, this will appears to document that Mary, wife of William UNDERWOOD, Sr., was the Rev. BUTLER'S sister rather than Elizabeth, relict of Col. William UNDERWOOD, and later wife of Archdale Combs.
Note: Elizabeth UNKNOWN Underwood Underwood Combs may have been a BUTLER, but only coincidentally, not based on any records found. Is it possibly significant that Amory BUTLER 'owed shooes' to Valentine ALLEN, and later we have William Combs the shoemaker? (second s/o Archdale and Elizabeth Combs). And Charles Combs apprenticed to John BUTLER? (See Old Rappa and Essex Cos VA). Also note that Amory was apparently not living on the property as agreed to between him and William UNDERWOOD, Sr., but in the house of Samuel BLOOMFIELD, whose property was adjacent to that of William and Mary BUTLER Underwood, Sr. (See also Butler-Combs Connections)
In regard to the descendants of Elizabeth UNDERWOOD Taylor Slaughter Catlett Butlerr, more will be added shortly, but the following record indicates that following the death of Daniel GAINES, further action was necessary to protect the interests of her CATLETT Children:
02 Oct 1684 (Old Rappahannock OB, 1683-1686, p. 45 (61)) 2 Oct 1684. Ordered that Mr. Henry AWBREY, Capt. Saml. BLOMFEILD, Mr. Robert PLEA and Mr. John SMITH, Junyr. to meet at ye house of Capt. Daniel GAINES late deced on the twentieth Instant… to take & server the Estate of ye Orphans of Col. Jno. CATLETT deced out of and from the Estate of the said Capt. Daniel GAINES. And that the said Estate remain in the hands of the Relict & Executrx of the above named Capt. Daniel GAINES untill the next South side Court as aforesaid where such further proceedings will be had therein. (Old Rappahannock Order Book Abstracts, 1683-85, Ruth & Sam Sparacio, Antient Press, McLean, VA, 1990)
Also Note: The ancestry of Amory BUTLER and his siblings is unknown; however, see also Butler--Combs Connections
© 2000-2007 Sherrill UNDERWOOD Williams;