![]() | Col. William UNDERWOOD (bef 1629-1661/3) of Isle of Wight & Old Rappa. Cos, VA |
Son of Margaret UNKNOWN Underwood Upton Lucas |
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I. Col. William UNDERWOOD, s/o Unknown & Margaret UNKNOWN Underwood (Upton) (Lucas) born before 1629, died 1661-3; Married (1) bef 1649, Mary (BURTON? MOSELEY?), died ca1662. Known Issue: William UNDERWOOD, Sr. (1648/49-1717); Married (2) 1661-3, Elizabeth UNKNOWN, widow of Unknown UNDERWOOD, born before 1638, died after 1684(?). Known Issue: None; however, by her earlier husband, Unknown UNDERWOOD, Elizabeth UNKNOWN had issue William UNDERWOOD, Jr. Following the death of Col. Wm. UNDERWOOD, Elizabeth UNKNOWN Underwood Underwood married 1662-1666, Archdale COMBS I of Old Rappahannock Co VA.
Important: In the above paragraph are listed THREE William UNDERWOODS:
(1) Col. Wm. UNDERWOOD (a.k.a. Capt. Wm. UNDERWOOD, Major Wm. UNDERWOOD, Wm. UNDERWOOD, Sr.), s/o Unknown & Margaret UNKNOWN Underwood (Upton) (Lucas), b bef 1629, d 1661-1663; married (1) Mary (BURTON? MOSELEY?); (2) Elizabeth UNKNOWN Underwood Combs. Literate
(2) Wm. UNDERWOOD, Sr. (a.k.a. Capt. Wm. UNDERWOOD), son of Col. William & Mary (Burton? Moseley?) Underwood, b 1648/49, d 1717; married Mary BUTLER, sister of Amory BUTLER, last husband of his paternal aunt Elizabeth UNDERWOOD. Literate
(3) Wm. UNDERWOOD, Jr., son of Unknown UNDERWOOD and Elizabeth UKNOWN Underwood (Underwood) Combs, b 1652-1662, d aft 1694. Illiterate. His Mark "OU"
Moreover, there was at least one early 4th William UNDERWOOD, and possibly a 5th, one of whom may have been the h/o Elizabeth UNKNOWN Underwood Underwood Combs. In an ongoing effort to avoid confusion, we will always try to identify the Three Identified Wm. UNDERWOODS as designated in the above paragraphs; i.e., (#1) Col. Wm. UNDERWOOD; (#2) Wm. UNDERWOOD, Sr.; and (#3) Wm. UNDERWOOD, Jr. These were their most commonly used designations in the records, and the simplest way to segregate and identify each.
Reminder: The designations, Senior and Junior, did not necessarily denote father and son in the 1600s. Instead, those phrases were often used to avoid confusion by designating the Elder and Younger of two men with the same name who lived in the same geographical area or were members of the same family.
Col. William UNDERWOOD is documented as a son of Unknown & Margaret UNKNOWN Underwood (Upton) (Lucas) indirectly by way of a series of records, including the 1656 Lancaster Co VA record establishing him as the brother of both Ann UNDERWOOD Williamson and Elizabeth UNDERWOOD Taylor Slaughter Catlett BUTLER, with the latter documented as d/o Margaret UNKNOWN Underwood Upton Lucas..
Important: To segregate and identify the various Wm. UNDERWOODS, many more records than those that follow will need to be entered, most of which have been collected, but are still in the process of being organized. Thus this report is still incomplete, a work-in-progress which may contain errors in either fact or conclusions. Special Old Rappahannock & Isle of Wight Land Sites Reports are also planned to assist in tracing those various tracts which are found to be crucial to tracing ownership and acquisition.
As the following and other land records are expected to prove, Col. William UNDERWOOD was the same as Wm. UNDERWOOD, Gent., who is listed below with his brother-in-law, James WILLIAMSON, husband of Ann UNDERWOOD, and William MOSELEY who was somehow 'uncle' to Col. Wm. UNDERWOOD'S son, William UNDERWOOD, Sr. The following documents that Col. Wm. UNDERWOOD had married Mary (BURTON? MOSELEY?) before May 1650, that his son William UNDERWOOD, Sr., was born bef May 1650, and as importantly, that the Colonel was the same individual as William UNDERWOOD, Gent., owner of the described patents:
22 May 1650 (Virginia PB2:212) William UNDERWOOD, Gent., 1400 acres in Rappa. Riv., lying on the north side. Beg. at a poynt at the mouth of Mileck Cr., running N. E. by E. above Mr. James WILLIAMSON & to Brushwood Cr. Transp. of 26 pers., whose names are not given. Note: "the rights that belongs to this patent is in the Old Book in folio 146." (Cavaliers & Pioneers, Vol. I, Nugent, P. 191)
22 May 1650(Virginia PB2:213) SAME. [William UNDERWOOD, Gent.] 600 acs. in Rappa. Riv. beginning at a poynt nigh the mouth of Indian Creek, running N. E. by N. above land of Mr. James WILLIAMSON. Transp. of 12 persons: Wm MOSELEY, William UNDERWOOD 4 tymes, Mary his wife, Wm UNDERWOOD his son, Hebrt SUCCOR & ux, George BRYER, Joseph ROBINS, Elizabth PENN (or PRENN) (Cavaliers & Pioneers, Vol. I, Nugent, P. 191)
Mary, the 1st known wife of Col. Wm. UNDERWOOD, was still living as late as 1 Mar 1660/1:
30 May 1659 - 2 Nov 1659 (Vol. 1656-64, p. 70, Rappahannock Records)."I, Will UNDERWOOD of Rappahannock County with the consent of Mary my wife," for the sum of 120 pounds Sterling money paid according to the tenor of a contract dated 30th May 1659 conveyed unto Capt. Richard LOES and Rice JONES a plantation lying on the north side of Rappahannock River…..uppermost half of the lowermost half whereof I formerly sold unto ……..eads (mutilated) dec'd this land adjoining the land of Coll FAUNTLEROY known by the name of Mangorick and on the eastermost side of Bushwood Creek and runneth for length into the woods NE and by E and by the River NW and by W, to hold the said plantation thereto with all houses, outhouses Edifices thereon erected (the Courthouse excepted), containing 650 acres or thereabouts, and all gardens, orchards and fences ---- unto the said Capt. Richard LOES and Rice JONES. Teste: John CATLETT and Tho. GOODRICH (Underwood, Fothergill)
Could above "…..eads" refer to Thomas MEADS? See 20 Feb 1662 (Rappa. - VA PB5:293)According to Underwood, Fothergill: "A somewhat mutilated record precedes the above on page 69 - 5 November 1659, Mary UNDERWOOD appoints (……mutilated) to acknowledge and yield up in court her (…..mutilated) in a tract of land whereon the Courthouse of Rappahannock ………. being 700 acres to Capt. Richard LOES and …….. JONES"; (Underwood, Fothergill) Note discrepancy in number of acres - 650 & 700.
24 Dec 1660 - 1 Mar 1660/1 (Old Rappa. Deed Book, 1656-1664,
Part I:132-3) William UNDERWOOD of Co. of Rappa. gent & Mary his
wife… whereas Mr. John CATLETT surveyed for Samuell NICHOLLS
688 a. lying in the Freshes & upon N side of Rappahannock River & beg.
at small Creek called WHITLOCKS Creek & from the South side thereof by or
nigh the River side South to a white Oak that devides said land from the Land
of Thomas WHITLOCK, deced, from whence into the woods East thence N to
a NE Branch of the aforesaid Creek the said branch being one of the two main
branches that the said Creek devides it self into the other great branch runing
more N inclyning Westerly then by or night the aforesaid NE branch till it fall
in to the Maine Creek conteyning Bever Dams on the S side thereof the
place first menconed Four hundred & fifty acres of the said land being part
of 1000 a. granted to Thomas WHITLOCK but now belonging to the said NICHOLLS
by virtue of a Copartnership as appeareth by the Records of Rappahannock Court
& the other 238 acres being what the said NICHOLLS doth purchase of the
said William UNDERWOOD Now Witnesseth those presents that the said William UNDERWOOD
& Mary his Wife for a valluable consideracon paid by Samuel NICHOLLS have
granted unto the said Samuel NICHOLLS his heirs & assignes for ever the
abovesaid 238 a. included in the survey above menconed and all title & demand
whatsoever to the same in as ample manner as same were granted unto said Will
UNDERWOOD Except & allways reserved out of this grant unto the said
William UNDERWOOD his heirs & assignes for Ever Sufficient fencing stuff
standing growing & being upon the severall points of land abutting upon
the Creek & Bever Dams for the fencing in of the Bever Dams
at the pleasure of the said Wm: UNDERWOOD his heirs & assignes for
ever to have & to hold the said 238 a. of land with the appurtenances unto
said Samuell NICHOLLS his heirs & assignes for Ever from henceforth yealding
& paying all rents & services due & that said William UNDERWOOD
& Mary his Wife will acknowledge all their title of this land unto said
Samuell NICHOLLS his heirs & assignes for Ever in the County Couirt of Rappahanock
when they shall be thereunto desired. In Witness we have sett our hands &
Seals the four & twentieth day of December in the year 1660 & in the
twelvth year of the reign of our Sovereign Charles the Second. s/Will UNDERWOOD,
Mary UNDERWOOD. in presence of us John RICHARDS Will UNDERWOOD
Know all men… William UNDERWOOD & Mary my wife do ordein
our Loveing Friend Walter GRANGER our true & lawful Attorney to Acknowledge
in the Court of Rappahanock a Bill of Sale made by us to Samuel NICHOLLS
for a tract of land adjoyning the said NICHOLLS about two hundred acres [sic]
& do hereby confirme the same with our hands & seals this first
of March 1660. s/Will UNDERWOOD, Mary UNDERWOOD. Test. Hum.
BOOTH, Frances (missing)
Recordat 10th Aprill 1661 p me Wa. GRANGER Cl Cur Rappahannock (Old
Rappahannock County Deed Book 1656-1664, Part I, Sparacio, p. 99)
Notes: The above deed not only confirms that Mary, wife of Col. Wm. UNDERWOOD, was still living as late as 1 Mar 1660/1, but also confirms the presence of a 4th Wm. UNDERWOOD - one who was an adult in 1660, who remains unidentified, and who was also able to sign his name. Might he have been the first UNDERWOOD husband of Elizabeth? Also note that in reference to the 238 acre Bever Dam parcel, that by 1667, a two-thirds moiety of said land was owned by Archdale Combs I through a series of deeds still being organized.
Although Col. William UNDERWOOD is not found alive again in 1661 (no signature), he is named in several records that year with no inclusion of the word, "deceased" (as was usual), including a land patent by Samuel NICHOLLS that reference the above 688 acres:
20 Sep 1661 (VA Patent Book4:301(411) Samuel NICHOLLS, 688 A in the freshes & upon N side of Rappa. Riv. beg at Whitlocks Cr., running to a white oake dividing this from land of Thomas WHITLOCK, dec'd. &c. Part of 1000 A granted to sd. WHITLOCK, but belonging to sd. NICHOLLS by virtue of a copartnership, as appear by records of Rappa. Co. Ct., & 238 A. lately purchased of Major Wm. UNDERWOOD of the aforesd. county. (C&P I, p. 397)
07 Apr 1662. (County?) Power of Attorney. Henry BLACKWELL to John WASHINGTON and Maj. William UNDERWOOD, Old Rappa Co., VA. Know all men that I Henry BLACKWELL now sailor for Capt John POPE and Mr. Henry GOUGH of the City of Fristoll [sic] Merchants have authorized my trusty and well beloved friends Mr. John WASHINGTON and Major William UNDERWOOD or either of them the true and lawfull attorneys for and in the name of them to demand recover and receive by all lawfull means from all persons whatsoever in VA or MD (missing) within the Capes thereof all such sums of money merchandizes and demands payable or belonging by any ways or means whatsoever (missing) Receipt & acquittance or other discharges to make & if need be for the premises to appear and the persons of the sd (missing) & Henry GOUGH to represent in all Courts and before all Judges to impleade attache & condem and out of prison againe when need be to deliver & generally to do all things whatsoever as effectually as the sd POPE & GOUGH them or either of them might do & I the sd Henry BLACKWELL the Constituant do hereby promise to hold for good whatsoever the sd Attorneys or any other by them to be substituted in the sd John POPE & Henry GOUGHS behalf that shall cause to be done in the premises moreover in case of Mortalitie of either of the said John WASHINGTON or William UNDERWOOD I do ordaine the survivor with the like power as above as Witness my hand this 7th of April 1662. Witnessed by John POPE. (Ed: My Source? <duh>)
Notes: The will of Col. Wm. UNDERWOOD is not extant. Based on the following records, it is possible, in fact, that Col. Wm. UNDERWOOD had just died and that the above patent was filed promptly to strengthen the WILLIAMSON girls' claim to the above property:
20 Feb 1662/3 (Rappa. - VA PB5:293) George BRYER, 700 A. more or less, moyety or halfe of patent of 1400 A. Beg. at a cedar tree on a poynt at the mouth of Millbeck Cr., running NE by E by & above land of Mr. James WILLIAMSON &c. & including the plantation. Sold to sd. BRYER by Tho. MEAD, who purchased the same of William UNDERWOOD (C&PI:489)
28 Feb 1662/3 - 17 Jan 1664/5 (Old Rappa. DB1656-1664:333) "February the 28th 1662. Surveyed for Coll. William UNDERWOOD two thousand five hundred Sixty one acres & ½ of land for the finishing thereof I made two journeys wherein in going & coming & performance of the work I spent eight days." S/Thomas LUCAS Junr.
"I Thomas LUCAS Junr. do hereby constitute & appoint my honoured father Thomas LUCAS, Senr. my true & lawful Attorney for me & in my name to act in my behalf for the recovery of such tobacco as is due to me for surveying a tract of land for Coll. William UNDERWOOD deceased as if I my self were present & did the same. Witness my hand this 17th of January 1664." (Sparacio)
Note that the above is actually two records, and that the first, dated 28 Feb 1662/3 does not refer to Col. Wm. UNDERWOOD as deceased. This omission may not be significant, however, since the survey may have been for the purpose of securing or appraising his estate.
The only known issue of Col. William & Mary (BURTON? MOSELEY?) Underwood, is their son, William UNDERWOOD, Sr., b 1648-9, died 1717, Richmond Co, VA:
11 Mar 1662/3 (Rappa. - VA PB4:103(598)) William UNDERWOOD sonn & heire of Coll. Wm. UNDERWOOD, 2561-1/2 A. Beg. on S. side of a small Cr. deviding this from land of Samuell NICHOLLS &c. to cor. tree of Roger RICHARDSON &c. to cor. tree of Capt. WASHINGTON &c. to land of Mr. Nathan. POPE. 2784 granted Coll. UNDERWOOD 10 Sep 1658, whereof 238 sold to Samuell NICHOLLS and 15-1/2 A. now adjoined Due said William as sonn & heire of the abovesaid. (Cavaliers & Pioneers, Vol. 1, Nugent, p. 429)
Note that the above land was patented on the same day as that of the land of William UNDERWOOD, Sr.'s first cousins, Margaret & Mary WILLIAMSON. Later in 1663, William UNDERWOOD, Sr. (s/o Col. Wm. UNDERWOOD) departed Virginia for schooling in England:July 22, 1663 (Rappahannock Records, Vol. 1656-64, p. 342). "I William UNDERWOOD son and heir of William UNDERWOOD, Senr., late of Rappa. in Virginia in the parts of America Gent send greeting Know ye that I William UNDERWOOD the Sone have made & appointed my well beloved Uncle William MOSELEY my Lawfull Guardian & attorney for me… all & singular the lands Tenements and Plantacons (missing) being in Virga. aforesd… unto his hands custody and possession… (missing)parture out of America…ready money servants household stuff & other Estate real & personall of my Father as were given & bequeathed unto me by his Last Will & Testament… he the sd William MOSELEY transporting & sending unto my uncle Edward BURTON of Kedeminster in County of Worcester Gent. to whom I have entrusted for my Education & receiving the rents as well as the yearly income arising out of my Estate in Virga. according to the Last Will & Testament of my sd. father as well as a just & true account of all proceedings … I the said William UNDERWOOD the Sone am underage that is to say at the age of Fourteeen years & one quarter [Fothergill: 14-1/2] & incapable in Law to ratify & confirme that this my present act I have therefore for the manifestation of my mind herein & for the better Impowering Wm. MOSELEY as my Guardian to act… unto Thomas HARTWELL one of the Publick Notarys of the City of Bristoll whom I have desired to Certify my true meaning according to the tenor of these presents by Subscribing his name as a Witness hereto … hand and seal the two & twentieth day of Jul in the fifteenth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord Charles the Second 1663… s/William UNDERWOOD. Wits: Edward GIBBS,* Will. JENKINS. Thomas HARTWELL Notr. Pub. (Fothergill & Sparacio)
*Fothergill transcribed GIGGS, but indexed GRIGGS; Sparacio transcribed GIBBS, but also indexed GRIGGS.
The above confirms that William UNDERWOOD, Sr. was b 1649/50. Exactly how he was kin either of his "uncles," Edward BURTON and William MOSELEY, remains a mystery. Was his mother, Mary, a BURTON or a MOSELEY? The BURTONS appear intermittently, usually off-stage, in the records of the Combs and UNDERWOODS (See Burton-Combs Connections), but remain a mystery. William MOSELEY appears in records with Combs, Underwoods and associated families on a regular and close basis. Neither the records of Worcestershire, nor Bristol, have been actively researched as yet.
That William UNDERWOOD, Sr., s/o Col. William & Mary BURTON/MOSELEY Underwood, was not the William UNDERWOOD who was son of his father's widow, Elizabeth, is further confirmed by the deed of gift from her next husband, Archdale Combs, dated 07 Jun 1666, who gifted his "sone in Law" [step-son] William UNDERWOOD, Jr. 2 cows, a heifer and 1500 pds. of "good sound Tobacco" to be in the care of Archdall COMBE himself until "the donee come of age to chuse him a guardian." (Old Rappa. DB 3:93-94) (See Archdale Combs I & Old Rappahannock Co VA)
Based on this record, William UNDERWOOD, Jr. was still under age 14 in 1666, thus born after 1651. Moreover, he is identified in later records by his mark, "OU," obviously not the William UNDERWOOD who was educated in England.
Also Note: A Combs Report is almost complete for William UNDERWOOD, Sr., as well as for various other members of the UNDERWOOD Family, and most importantly, Land Reports that will serve to further confirm the various Combs-Underwood relationships.
To Be Continued…
© 1996-2005, Sherrill Underwood Williams,