![]() | William UNDERWOOD, Sr. (1648/9-1717) of Old Rappa. & Richmond Cos, VA |
Son of Col Wm
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I. William UNDERWOOD, Sr., s/o Col. Wm. and Mary (BURTON? MOSELEY?) Underwood, born 1648/9, died 1717; Married bef Mary BUTLER, sister of Rev. Amory BUTLER, last husband of his aunt, Elizabeth UNDERWOOD Taylor Slaughter Catlett Butler. Known Issue:
The earliest record of William UNDERWOOD, Sr. was when he was listed as a headright in May 1650 with his father and mother and (his uncle?) William MOSELELY (VA Patent Book 2:213). He was born 1648/9 based on his power of attorney signed to his uncles MOSELEY and BURTON on July 22, 1663 (Rappahannock Records, Vol. 1656-64, p. 342), at which time he appears to have been in England (probably in school?) By 1663, William UNDERWOOD appears to have been only one of two William UNDERWOODS in Old Rappa Co VA at the time, and is most usually seen referred to as William UNDERWOOD, Sr., with his younger step-brother, William, referred to as William UNDERWOOD, Jr., the latter making his mark, "OU."
Although a number of "stray" UNDERWOODS have been found in the records of Old Rappa Co VA, none other than Wm. UNDERWOOD, Sr. have been identified as issue of Col. Wm. UNDERWOOD whose second marriage was to Elizabeth, widow of Unknown UNDERWOOD (by whom she had William UNDERWOOD, Jr.), and after the Col.'s death, the wife of Archdale COMBS of Old Rappa Co VA who may have died by 1684, at which time William UNDERWOOD, Sr. became guardian of his step-brother, William COMBS.
William UNDERWOOD, Sr. had married Mary by Dec 1672:
12 Dec 1672 Old Rappa Co, VA. William UNDERWOOD and Mary his wife, of Rappahannock County stated: "Whereas Mr. John CATLETT surveyed for Samuel NICHOLLS a tract of 688 acres of land in the freshes on the north side of Rappahannock River at a small creek called WHITLOCKS and from the southside thereof by the river, to the land of Thomas WHITLOCK deceased, to the two branches the said creek divides itself into, to the main branch thereof, thence to the Beaverdams." s/Will UNDERWOOD, Mary UNDERWOOD. Teste John RICHARDSON, Will UNDERWOOD. Power of Attorney to Walter GRANGER to acknowledge this statement which was witnessed by Hum. BOOTH and Francis (illegible) (Rappahannock Records, Vol 1656-64, p. 171).
Mary was presumably the same who was the sister of Amory BUTLER (last husband of Elizabeth, sister of Col. William UNDERWOOD):
30 Apr 1679 - 26-27 Jan 1711/12 (Essex Co. W&D 1711-1714:21) Jan. 26 & 27, 1711/12. Lease and release. William UNDERWOOD, Gent'l., of Sittinburn Par., Richmond Co., to John COMBES and Richd. TUTT, planters of the same county, 400 acs. in St. Maries Par., Essex Co. Bounded: beg. at a beach on SW side of punius Inn run, the land of John MEADOWS and Henry PETERS, this land sold by Warwick CAMMOCK to Amory BUTLER Apr. 30, 1679. s/William UNDERWOOD. Wit: Tim ATKINSON, Jno. SKEY, Alex SOMERVILE (Fleet’s Colonial Abstracts)
11 Dec 1691-10 May 1692 (Richmond Co, VA Deed Bk. 1, 10 May 1692 to 20 Dec. 1693: p. 4.) Whereas there is a Tract of land lying and being in the freshes of Rappa near adjoining unto a place commonly known by the name of Pewmans in Run formerling belonging to MR. Warwick COMMOCK whereof a moiety of Six hundred acres of the said Tract of Land having formerly been confirmed conveyed and made over unto Mr. Ammaree BUTLER and from the said BUTLER confirmed conveyed and made over unto Mr. William UNDERWOOD Sen'r as marrying the sister of the said Mr. Ammaree BUTLER and from the said Mr. William UNDERWOOD confirmed conveyed and made over in leiw and by Exchange of the thirds of Lands belonging unto Mrs. Eliza COUMBS with Consent of the said Mrs. Elizabeth COUMBS unto William UNDERWOOD Jr., John COUMBS, William COUMBS to them their heirs Ex'ors, admors or assigns forever, Now be it known that I William UNDERWOOD Junior do for a valuable Consideration xx sell xx unto William TOMAS of the parish of Washington in the County of Westmorland xx all my right xx of the said moiety of the said six hundred acres of Land belonging unto me, which is to be understood two hundred acres xx I have hereunto set my hand and seale this 11 day of December 1691. Signed William UNDERWOOD [seal]. Wit: Thomas TYRWHITT, William UNDERWOOD, John x PITMAN. Rec. 10 May 1692. Test Jo ALMOND Dep Cur. (VIRGINIA COLONIAL ABSTRACTS, Vol. 1, by Beverly Fleet)
11 Dec 1691 - 4 May 1692 (Richmond County Deeds, 1692-1694, p. 7). Whereas there is a tract of land being on the Freshes of Rappa: neare adjoining unto a place commonly known by the name of Pewmans Run formerly belonging to Mr. Warwick CAMMOCK whereof a moiety of Six hundred acres of the said tract of land having formerly been conferred and made over unto Mr. William UNDERWOOD, Senr. as marrying the Sister of the said Mr. Ammaree BUTLER and from the said BUTLER confer'd unto Mr. Wm. UNDERWOOD Senr. as marrying the Sister of the said BUTLER and from the said UNDERWOOD convey'd over by Exchange of the Thirds of land belonging unto Mrs. Elizabeth COUMBS with consent of the said Mrs. Elizabeth COUMBS unto William UNDERWOOD, Jr., John COUMBES, and William COUMBES to them their heirs or assigns forever. Now be it known that I William UNDERWOOD Junior do for a valuable considerartion do make over unto William TOMAS of the Parish of Washington in the county of Westmoreland to his heirs all my right of the said moiety of ye said six hundred acres belonging to me which is to be understood Two hundred acres do firmely by these presents warrant the sale of the said Two hundred acres of land without any hindrance of me the said Will: UNDERWOOD or any other persons whatsoever And do further engage myself to convey and make over at the next Court held for the County of Rappahanna: the abovesaid land unto William TOMAS to him his heires forever for the true performance of the premises I have set my hand and seale this 11th day of December 1691. (s) William (O U) UNDERWOOD. Signed sealed & delivered in the presence of Thomas TYRWHITT, William UNDERWOOD. (Sparacio)
By 1682, William UNDERWOOD, Sr., was married to a Joan, her maiden name not known:
9 Aug 1682 (Old Rappa. Records, 1677-1682, Part II:363) William UNDERWOOD Senr. and Joane his wife to Francis TRIPLETT, for 8000 pounds of tobacco and cask, 300 acres in Rappahannock County in the freshes, beginning at a corner tree of said UNDERWOOD’S patent, near Appamattox Creek in sight of said Francis TRIPLETT’S forest plantation, adjoining Samuel BLOOMFIELD’S line, to the head of Beaverdam Swamp according to a survey by Edwin CONWAY 31 MAR 1682. S/Wm. UNDERWOOD, Joane [crossed-I] UNDERWOOD; Witnesses: Walter BOOSH, Edward MOSELEY, George JONES. Recorded 1 Nov 1682 (Rappahannock Deeds, 1677-82, p. 363, Sparacio) This record also p. 175; however, 363 includes title Senr. in record, although not signature.
3 Oct 1682 (Rappahannock Records, 1677-1682, Part II:367-369) William UNDERWOOD of Sittingburne Paris to Capt. Samuell BLUMFIELD of same, consid 9,000 [sic] lbs. tobacco, 300 A on N side of Rappae River part of a Pattent of 2,784 A bearing date 10th Sep 1658, sd 300 A begin at small red oake wch parteth it and another pcell of land purchased of him ye said UNDERWOOD by Francis TRIPLETT runing thence WSE to wt. Oake thence W to two red Oakes thence E &by N to Chestnutte tree by a Swamp of Appamattus Creek thence SE & by S to beginning…hand and Seale 3rd Oct 1682. S/Wm. UNDERWOOD, Joane [J] UNDERWOOD, Wits: Moses HUBBERT, Elizabeth HAWKINS, Francis [F her marke] STERN. Rec. Nov 1682. Joane UNDERWOOD appoynts loving Husband, William UNDERWOOD Senr. … to make acknowledgement… 30 Oct 1682. Joane UNDERWOOD. Signed sealed & delivd. in prsence of us: John BUTLER, Sarah BUTLER/ Rec. 6 Nov 1682. (Sparacio)
In 1684 William COMBS, son of Archdale and Elizabeth, was apprenticed to his elder step-brother, William, Sr.:
4 Sep 1684 (Old Rappahannock OB, 1683-1686, p. 40 (55)) The court ordered that William COMBE serve Mr. William UNDERWOOD untill he attaines the age of one and twenty yeares according to the order of Vestery of the Parish of Sittingbourne, And Assignment from Abraham STAPP and that he take care and provide for him such necessary wch. belongeth to an Apprentice. (Old Rappahannock Order Book Abstracts, 1683-85, Ruth & SamSparacio, Antient Press, McLean, VA, 1990)
3 Feb 1684/5 (Rappahannock WB2:63-64). Will of John BARROW of parish of Sittenbourne of County of Rappa… Item. to my Son Johanathan… land called the Cabin Point beg. at the Westeward side of the cleared ground called the new ground & running down to the River along the branch and joyning to the land of Peter FFOXON & if my sd Son die without heires as aforesd then to my Son Alexr. BARROW and his heirs. Item… Son Moses BARROW…land beginning at the Cart Path in the East side of the Corn Field & runing thence to the line of Roger RICHARDSON and Eastward to the land of Peter FFOXON wch. he the sd FFOXON holds for the term of life and after to revert to my Son Moses… and if Moses die without heirs to my son Alexander as aforesd… Item. Son Alexander BARROW all the rest of my land … reserving only to my Loveing Wife the Plantation whereon I now live with houses & orchards thereon… Son Alexr. shall be at his own disposall in managemt. of his Estate at Sixteen years… if dies without heirs to my Son Moses and if both Alexandr. and Moses die without heirs then to my Son Jonathan [sic] if all three without heirs to my two Daughters, Honer and Cicelly BARROW… Item. mare and cow apiece to two aforesd daughters… Item. Use of personall estate to be equally divided between loveing Wife, Mary BARROW & my Son. Alexandr… wife & son Alexander Joynt Execs… my "loving friends, Mr. William UNDERWOOD Senr. & Mr. John BURKETT to be my Overseers…and gold ring of 20 Shillings price to them…" Signed 3rd Feb 1684. John [B] BARROW. Wits: Wm. UNDERWOOD Sr., Joane [ J ] UNDERWOOD her marke, Wm. [O] UNDERWOOD Junr. Proved 6 May 1685 by Oaths of Wm. UNDERWOOD Senr. and Wm. UNDERWOOD, Junr. and Rec. 19th. (Old Rappahannock Wills 1682-1687, Sparacio)
Note that this record was witnessed by both William UNDERWOOD, Sr. and his younger step-brother, William UNDERWOOD, Jr. (s/o Elizabeth UNKNOWN Underwood Underwood Combs)
18 May 1685 (Rappahannock Records, Vol. 1682-88, p. 202) William UNDERWOOD of Sittingbourne Parish, Rappahannock County, on May 18, 1685, acknowledged a bond to Nathaniel POPE of Westmoreland County for the sum of 15,000 pounds of good merchantable tobacco and cask. The said UNDERWOOD hath sold unto said POPE a tract of land containing 300 acres of the tract UNDERWOOD now lives on, near the line of John WILLS [WILLIS per Sparacio transcription], running on said line next to Potomac including a level of land by the burnt poplar, including the plantation and houses thereunto belonging - William UNDERWOOD and Joane his wife to acknowledge this sale to Daniel WHITTY [WHILLY per Sparacio] and Mary his wife at the next court for Rappahannock County on the North side of the River on behalf of Nathaniel POPE and shall at any time when required make such conveyance as shall be lawful to the said POPE. Witnessed by Francis TRIPLETT, Charles PORTER .(Genealogies of Virginia Families, Fothergill)
The following two records may be one record, the second in error, and still need to be checked:
09 Sep 1686 Rappahannock Records Vol. 1682-1688, p. 407. William UNDERWOOD, Senr. of Rappahannock County and Joane "his true and lawfull wife" conveyed to Robert MUNDEN a parcel of land conteyning 100 acres lying on the north side of Rappahannock River in the freshes thereof at a corner tree on the River side and parts the land of said UNDERWOOD and that on which Edward GEAGE lives and down the River to the Sandy Valley above Mr. PEALE'S Mill and thence into the woods. s/William UNDERWOOD, Joane UNDERWOOD. Wits: Geo. WHITE, Wm. "O" UNDERWOOD, Junr.
12 Nov 1686 Rappahannock Records Vol. 1682-88, p. 407. William UNDERWOOD, Senr. of Rappahannock County and Joane "his true and lawfull wife" conveyed to Robert UNDERWOOD a tract of 100 acres lying on the north side of Rappahannock River in the freshies thereof at a corner tree on the River side and parts the land of said UNDERWOOD and that on which Edward GEAGE lives and down the River to the Sandy Valley above Mr. PEALE'S Mill and thence into the woods. Witnessed by Geo. WHITE, Wm. "O" UNDERWOOD, Junr.
Robert UNDERWOOD has yet to be identified and record of further transfers of this land not yet found (the reference to Mr. PEALE'S Mill is to the Underwood Mill, then in the possesion of Malachi Peale). Might Robert have been the son of William UNDERWOOD, Jr.? Or was Robert UNDERWOOD in error and Robert MUNDEN (referred to in Wm. Sr.'s 1717 will) the correct name, and these the same record? This is the last record of Joane, and Fothergill states that there seems to be no record of the maiden name of this wife, Joane, she having searched for her in all records of adjoining counties.
William UNDERWOOD, Sr. may have married again:
1692-1684 Westmoreland County VA Records- "William UNDERWOOD as marrieing the widow of Benja. HASKER confesseth judgment to Capt. Law. WASHINGTON for 400 pounds of tobacco" (Westmoreland Records, 1692-1694, Dorman, p. 31).
Fothergill states that this record included the given name, Mary (not yet checked). No further records for William UNDERWOOD are found with a wife and he was apparently a widower when he died testate in Richmond County in 1717:
19 Jul - 7 Aug 1717 Richmond Will Bk. III, p. 346. In the name of God Amen. I William UNDERWOOD of Sittenbourne Parish in ye County of Richmond being very sick and weake tho of perfect Mind & Memory Thanks be to God for it & knowing it is appointed once for all men to dye do make Ordain and Appoint this my Last Will & Testa. in manner and form following -
Imprimis I Give & Bequeath my Soul into ye hands of God yt gave it assuredly hoping for a full pardon & Remission for all my Sins & to be saved by ye merrits of my blessed Savour Christ Jesus my body to Earth to be buried according to ye discretion of my Executrs. hereafter named & as touching that Estate it hath pleased God to bless me withal I do dispose of after ye following manner, -
Item. I give and bequeath unto my Loving Son Jon. UNDERWOOD ye Revertion of one Watermill now in the hands of Richard TUTT to him and his heirs for ever, -
Item. I give and bequeath unto my loving son John UNDERWOOD three hundred acres of land whereon he now Liveth beginning upon Robert MUNDANES Line by ye River side, thence along ye said line to ye back Line for breadth to Include three hundred acres to him and his heirs for ever upon ye Condition hereafter named, -
Item. I give & bequeath unto my loving son Wm UNDERWOOD all ye Land & Plantation wherein ye Isthmus or Neck of Land whereon I now live beginning on ye Loerside of the Beaver Dam Creek upon ye line of Samuel NICHOLLS running along on ye outmost side of ye Beaver Dam Creake to ye River Including ye said Land & Plantation to him and his heirs forever upon the Condition hereafter named, -
Item. I give and bequeath unto my Loving Daughter Mary TUTT Two hundred Acres of Land beginning at ye Rich Fork point & so far upon ye Line of her Bro William UNDERWOOD & so far up ye Deep Valle as will Include two hundred Acres to her & her heirs forever on ye Condition hereafter named, -
Item. I give & bequeath unto my Loving Daughter Sarah GILBERT two hundred Acres of Land beginning at ye Beaver Dam next ye line of Jon. UNDERWOOD & along said Line to ye Back Line & so far on ye Back as will include two hundred Acres to her & her heirs forever upon ye Condition hereafter named, -
Item. I give & bequeath unto my Loving Grand Sons Jon & Wm THATCHER two hundred Acres of Land Equally divided between them Lying between ye Land of William TRIPLETT and Mary TUTT to them & their heirs forever upon the condition hereafter named, -
Item. It is my Will & Desire (it being ye Condition before mentioned) that if any Land be taken away from any Legatees before named yt then each Legatee shall bear a proportionall part of ye Loss for yt Land so taken away Provided yt ye Loss be more than ye Land which Remains unbequeathed will make good being two hundred Acres wch. I reserved for yt use.
Item. It is my Will & Desire yt my negro man be sold by my Executors and ye purchase thereof to be Equally divided among all my Children before menconed but yt none of my Chirldren be Concerned with him.
Item. It is my Will & Desire yt my personal Estate be not brought to an Appraisement but Equally divided among my Children Viz: Jon. UNDERWOOD, Wm. UNDERWOOD, Mary TUTT, Elizabeth THATCHER and Sarah GILBERT.
Item. I do hereby make, Ordaine, Constitute & Appoint My Loving Sons Jon UNDERWOOD & Wm UNDERWOOD Executors of this my last Will & Testament utterly Revoking all former Wills by me at any time made do own and acknowledge this my Last Will & Testament As witness my hand & Seal this 19th day of July Anno Domini 1717. (s) Wm UNDERWOOD. Signed Sealed & Acknowledged in ye presents of us: William PULLEN, Katherine (X) PULLEN, Margaret (X) BURK.
This will was presented by the Executors at a Court held for Richmond County on the Seventh Day of August 1717. The inventory of the estate of William UNDERWOOD deceased was returned on the same day that the will was probated.
The Inventory consisted of the following items: One negro man valued at L 25, 1 pair of blankets & a rug, 1 old chest & table, 1 parcel of hooped ware, 4 Iron potts, 2 iron racks, 2 spitts, a parcell of brass and pewter, a parcell of tin ware, 2 leathern chairs, 3 rush chairs, 1 Couch, 1 Table, 2 pairs of sheets, 1 table cloth and six napkins, 4 old table cloths, 17 napkins, 2 pillow bears, 1 parcell of books, 2 warming pans, 1 Looking glass, 1 plow, a parcell of lumber, sider casks and tubs, 9 pigs, corn, 10 bushels of whieat, an old cart and wheels, 1 1/2 bushels of beans, a parcell of plank, wool, lumber, 46 1/2 pounds of bacon, 24 sheep, 2 old horses, 16 head of cattle, 3 beds and furniture, 1 old table, 10 1/2 ells of osanbrigs, 16 yards of Virginia cloth, 1 old chest, 1 old spinning wheel, suit of clothes, 1 riding coat, 4 shirts, 1 pair of Tickin britches, 2 pair of stockings, a parcell of handkerchiefs and neck cloths, a pair of Hangings and a blankett. Amount: L86.15.9.
The estate was divided but the executors refused to show the estate because the legatees would not give such bonds as they required. Signed by Cornelius EDMONDS, George WHITE and John WILLIS.
Of William UNDERWOOD, Sr.'s five children, only the eldest, John, is known to have been the son of Mary BUTLER, and Mary probably was. Some or all of the remaining three children may have been by Joane (or others).
I. John UNDERWOOD, born bef 1679, died abt 1723, King George Co, VA; married bef 1702, Elizabeth SLAUGHTER (d/o Francis and Margaret HUDSON Slaughter, Jr., gd/o Francis and Elizabeth UNDERWOOD, Slaughter, Sr.).
II. William UNDERWOOD, born bef 1700, died 1726, King George Co, VA; married bef 1720, Jael SHIPPEY (d/o Richard and Ellen MOTT Shippey).
III. Mary UNDERWOOD, born bef 1696, died aft 1742, of Spotsylvania Co, VA; married bef 1711, Richard TUTT, Sr.
IV. Elizabeth UNDERWOOD, born bef 1682, died 1726, King George Co, VA; married (1) bef 1705, Sylvester THATCHER, Jr. (s/o Sylvester THATCHER, Sr. and Margaret (POWELL?) who m 2nd Warwick CAMMOCK); and (2) 1717-1723, Francis JETT.
V. Sarah UNDERWOOD, born bef 1703, d ?; married bef 1717, John GILBERT. Their son, John GILBERT, Jr., died testate 1750, Spotsylvania Co, VA:
16 Nov 1750 - Dec. 4, 1750. Spotsylvania Co, VA Will Book B, 1749-1759, p. 10. Will of John GILBERT of Spotsylvania Co. Leg. Cousin Elizabeth TUTT; godson John TUTT; cousin Richard TUTT. Ex. my cousin Richard TUTT. Wit. James WAIT, John WILLIAMS. (Spotsylvania Wills…, Page 58)
Note: Many more records of William UNDERWOOD, Sr. have not been entered here as yet, although most are not necessary to the documentation of either his ancestry or his descendants.
© 2000-2005, Sherrill UNDERWOOD Williams;