![]() | Straightening out the Jobs (c1739 - 1860) |
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Records compiled from numerous Combs &c. Maillist postings and Combs &c. County Records by Jennifer Wihelmi.
Related Working Papers and Reports
Thomas Combs Working Paper
Descendants of Thomas Coomes/Combs (s/o Francis COOMES/Combs)
John & Lydia Combs of Montgomery Co, Kentucky
Based on the records on the web site and in the email archives, there appear to be 9 separate people named Job Combs:
By putting all of the records in to chronological order, taking into account records of affiliated families, noting naming patterns, and following migration patterns, analysis (see below) points to there being only FOUR individuals named Job Combs born prior to 1810:
#1 Job, Sr. (A) (son of Robert of Monmouth, NJ & Powell's Fort, Shenandoah Co, VA) of Shenandoah Co, VA He is referred to as Sr. in the following information
#2 Job, Jr. (B-F) b. abt 1770 in VA, mar. (1) Abigail Coons and (2) Sarah LOVE. He is later found in TN, OH, and IN.
#3 Job (G-H) son of Job Jr #2 mar. (1) Mary Ann STOCKWELL and (2) Henrietta WILLIAMS.
#4 Job (I) b. abt 1786/7, married Jane McCONNEL. He was born in VA but found later in Ohio. Relation to Job Sr not clear, but is possible grandson by Solomon or Zur or another as of yet unidentified child of Job Sr.
Several more Job Combses were born AFTER 1810:
#5 Job S. Combs son of Michael Combs and grandson of #2 Job Combs mar. Louisa wick
#6 Job Combs b. abt 1838 Delaware Co., IN, son of Samuel Combs and grandson of #2 Job Combs
#7 Job Combs b. abt 1852 IN, son of Samuel Stockwell Combs, grandson of #2 Job Combs, later of Delaware Co., IA
#1 Job Combs Sr. b. approx 1739 d. ?abt 1800 Shenandoah Co, VA?
mar. 1: Deborah Unk (b. abt 1743 d. bef 1786)
mar. 2: Barbara TAYLOR neè ROSS/DOSS, 20 July 1786 (d. 1788)
mar. 3: Elizabeth Slaughter/Spangler, 26 Oct/15 Nov 1793
1763 7 Jun 1763 Job leases land from Darby McCarty
1764 Job Combs on Frederick Co, VA Rent Rolls
1767 Apr 1767 Robert (father) leases land from Caleb ODELL
1771 Job and Robert (father) mentioned as landholders in 1771 court decree on 1749 HITE and McCOY case regarding VA Northern Neck Land Grants
1773 Rachel, 2 years., baptized 15 Jan 1773
1775 Job and Robert (father) on Shenandoah Co, VA Landholders list
1776 Job on Dunmore Co, VA Rent Rolls
1778 Job appraises estate of Mary Denton
1782 Shenandoah Co, VA tax list, Job and Solomon separately
1783 Shenandoah Co, VA tax list, Job and Solomon separately
1784 household of 13 in VA List of Inhabitants On Shenandoah, VA tax list with 2 (Job and Zur aged 21), Solomon listed separately Job on tax list with 2 (Job and Zur, aged 21) Solomon listed separately with 1
Job with Deborah and known children born in and before 1784 totals 9. Solomon must be excluded as he is listed separately on the tax lists indicating he is in a separate household lowering the total to 8. That means that 6 other people need to be identified. Since no one else is listed by name in the tax list, the rest are either women or boys under 21.
1785 VA Inventory of Inhabitants, Job listed with 13, Solomon listed with 5, Job, Solomon, and Zur on tax list separately each with none age 16 to 21
1786 Deborah dies, Job abt 47, mar. Barbara TAYLOR with children: Elizabeth and Mary TAYLOR, possible other daughter Susanna
1786 Shenandoah Co, VA tax list none age 16 to 21
1787 Shenandoah Co, VA tax list B, son Solomon to TN
1788 Shenandoah Co, VA tax list none 16-21; dau Abigail marries Thomas ODELL Washington Co, TN; Barbara dies
1789 Shenandoah Co, VA tax list none 16-21
1790,91,92 Shenandoah Co, VA tax list with self and 1 age 16 to 20
1792 son Solomon dies
1793 Job abt 54, mar. Elizabeth SLAUGHTER/SPANGLER
1794 Shenandoah Co, VA tax list with self and 2 age 16 to 20
1795 Shenandoah Co, VA tax list with self and 1 age 16 to 20
1796 Shenandoah Co, VA tax list with self and 3 age 16 to 20
1797 Shenandoah Co, VA tax list with self and 2 age 16 to 20
1797 24 Apr 1797 Land to Solomon Vanmeter by Job and Elizabeth
1797 29 May 1797 Elizabeth Combs, wife of Job, releases dower rights to the land in the deed to Solomon Vanmeter above
?? Does the release of dowager rights indicate that Job had died since the previous transaction was from Job and Elizabeth or, if Elizabeth had been married before, that the dowager rights from her first marriage?
1798 1799 Job currently not found in Shenandoah Co, VA tax lists
Job Sr. would have been about 59 in 1798. There is a Job listed in TN after 1798. It is not clear if the TN Job is Job (Sr) or his son Job (Jr)
1798 to Jefferson Co, TN – removed to TN with Solomon Van Meter
1800 Jefferson Co, TN Tax List
1801 Jefferson Co, TN: sold land to Jacob Lough
1802 Anderson Co, TN Tax List
1804 Jefferson Co, TN: sold land to Jacob Denton w/ Thomas Combs as witness (who was at least 21, so b. by 1783)
1808 Jefferson Co, TN Land Grant to Job Combs
1814 Jefferson Co, TN, Sells property from Land Grant to William Austell
1815 Shenandoah Co, VA Deed for 9/16/1815 Names Elizabeth Combs, late Elizabeth Spengler
Children with Deborah UNK:
mar. Elizabeth Marr 11 Jan 1781 Shenandoah Co, VA
Household of 5 in 1785 VA List of Inhabitants
Dies in Green Co, TN bef 1792
1784 decision against Zur for child by Mary EAGLE
mar. Mary CREEK 3 Sep 1784, Shenandoah Co VA
mar. Abigail COONS and Sarah LOVE
child on 11 Jan 1781?
?? Could this birth year be wrong, perhaps its abt 1788? Otherwise she married Jacob at abt age 36.
?? Deborah's last child?
Children with Barbara UNK Taylor (after Jul 1786)
?? Did Job and Barbara have children together?
mar. Barbara Baum b. 1786 d. 1872
OR if born abt 1808 would be Elizabeth's child? Children with Elizabeth
Did Job and Elizabeth have children together ?
Deborah's parentage is currently unknown. There is speculation that she could be Deborah HOPKINS b. 24 JAN 1736 in Virginia, daughter of Joseph Gilbert HOPKINS and Abigail WEBB. If Job and Deborah had other sons, they may be one or more of the currently unaffiliated Combs found in TN and VA (such as #1 Thomas Combs of Jefferson Co, TN who was at least 21 as of 1804 and thus born before 1783 (i.e. before Deborah's death). There are some records for Job Sr's sons Zur and Solomon (briefly outlined after Job Jr's information) but there are only a few records that provide only a partial understanding of the familial relationships. Records for John Combs, likely brother of Zur and Solomon and possible husband of Mary Combs of Ross Co, OH (Mrs. Mary Combs is documented as marrying Thomas STOCKTON on 11 Oct 1810 in Ross Co, OH) are still incomplete. Records for him specifically and for Mary and Thomas STOCKTON would help identify how precisely he is related, if he was Mary's husband, and if they had any children.
#2 Job Combs b. abt. 1770 Shenandoah Co, VA d. 1850-1860 Delaware Co, IN
m. Abigail COONS
m. Sarah LOVE 14 Jan 1809, Jefferson Co, TN
1770 Job born VA based on age in in Delaware IN census of 80
1790's moved to TN
1800 mar. Abigail COONS TN
1800 Michael born TN
1801 Job born TN
1802-1808 Abigail dies
1809 mar. Sarah LOVE KY
1812 Sarah/Sally born KY
1813-1818 to Preble Co, OH
1819 bought land in Preble Co, OH
1820 Preble Co census
1820 Michael Combs on Wayne Co, IN Census
1826 Michael moved to Montgomery Co, IN
1827 Samuel (mar Rachel BARRETT) born OH
1829 Robert Andrew (mar Louisa CASE) born OH
1830 Preble Co census
1831-1832 to Delaware Co, IN dau Sarah's oldest child born 1831-1832 IN per 1850 census
1837 Samuel mar Rachel BARRETT
1840 Samuel and Robert on Census, no Job found
1850 Samuel and Job on Census Job next door to Sarah/Sally Combs Wife of John NEELY (per marriage app of their daughter Hannah B. which lists Birthdate of 19 Nov 1848)
1860 Job died before 1850
Marriage 1: Abigail COONS (KY) abt 1799. (b. abt 1779)
mar. Mary Edwards in Wayne Co, IN on 1 Jan 1818.
Later of Montgomery, Vigo, and Clay Co's IN)
Marriage 2: Sarah LOVE (TN) in 1809 (b. abt 1789)
Around 1800, Job married Abigail COONS in KY. At this time, Solomon, and their cousin Gilbert Combs were all in the TN where Michael and Job were born. For a summary of their information see this report: Michael & Job Combs
Job is listed on the Preble Co. census for 1820 and 1830.
Evidence points to Job and Sarah relocating to Preble Co, OH around 1811. Michael Combs, moved to Preble Co, OH around
1811 which is right at the time that Job and Sarah Combs moved from TN to Preble Co. If he moved with Job and Sarah, he could be the male aged 16-26 in the 1820 census. But, the second male aged 26-45 could not be his brother Job (son of Abigail COONS) as he would have been 20 at the time.
Based on the children's marriage records and the subsequent Census records, the family likely relocated to IN by the mid 1830's. Samuel Combs and John and Sarah Combs NEELY appear in the Delaware Co. Census. Robert and Lucy are not listed and Job has not been found in the 1840 census.
In the 1850 census, the households of Robert Combs, Samuel Combs, and Sarah/Sally Combs NEELY are next door or close by to Job Combs. Based on the ages of these individuals and the location of birth specified as Ohio, they match the gender and ages of the other children in the household of Job Combs of Preble Co, OH from the 1830 census.
Also, James M. Van Metre is living next door to John NEELY (mar Sarah/Sally Combs) in Delaware Co, IN per the 1850 census
Children listed based on the 1820 and 1830 census. Later census and marriage records support this listing.
#3 Job Combs b. 1801
mar. Mary Ann STOCKWELL 14 May 1823 Boone Co, KY
mar. Henrietta Williams in Ripley Co, IN on 1 Jul 1825.
(Later of Montgomery and Clay Co's IN)
1800 Michael b. 17 Feb 1800 TN
1801 Job b. 31 Dec 1801 TN
1811 Preble Co, OH with father Job Combs (Jr) and step-Mother Sarah LOVE Combs
1820 Michael Combs on Wayne Co, IN Census with household: 1 m 16-26; 2 f < 10; 1 f 16-26. Nearby is household of Abigail Koons with: 3 m < 10; 1 m 10-16; 1 m 16-18; 3 m 16-26; 1 f < 10; 1 f 26-45.
?? Is Abigail Koons an aunt or other relation? Per data on Michael, his mother died.
1823 mar. Mary Ann STOCKWELL 14 May Boone Co, KY
The conclusion that this Job was the one who married Mary STOCKWELL and was the father of Samuel Stockwell Combs is based on the proximity of the families from KY to IN and on family naming patters. Additionally, there is currently no evidence of another Job Combs in KY or TN during this time frame.
1824 Job's son Samuel Stockwell Combs b. 28 Feb 1824 KY
Boone Co, KY and Ripley Co, IN are quite near one another. They are essentially just across the river from with Boone being just east of Ripley. Hamilton Co, OH where Zur Combs (this Job's uncle) settled prior to his death in 1828.
1825 mar. Henrietta Williams in Ripley Co, IN (Mary must have died or she and Job divorced)
1826 To Montgomery Co, IN; Michael Combs land patent in Montgomery Co, IN;
1829 Job Combs of Montgomery Co, IN, land patent; Michael STOCKWELL, of Putnam Co, IN, land patents for Montgomery, Putnam and Park Co's, IN. (Both Michael STOCKWELL later moved to Delaware Co, IA and Michael STOCKWELL named one son Job)
1830 Michael STOCKWELL 1830 census for Putnam Co, IN Listed next door to John Combs with household of: 1m 5-10; 1m 20-30; 1f 0-5; 1f 5-10; 1f 20-30
1831 Michael Combs Montgomery Co, IN land patent 6 Aug Job and Henrietta are partial heirs to Nathan Williams and empower Jonathan Yocum to handle the matter in their stead.
1835 Job Combs of Montgomery Co, IN, 2 land patents in Clay Co, IN
1837 Michael Combs Montgomery Co, IN 2 land patents
1837 Michael and Job's half brother Samuel Combs mar. Rachel BARRETT 12 Jan 1837 in Delaware Co, IN
1838 Joseph STOCKWELL land patents in Ripley Co, IN
1839 Michael and Job's half brother Robert A. Combs mar. Lucy/Louisa CASE 30 Oct 1839 in Delaware Co, IN
1840 Clay Co, IN Census. Nathan Williams is next door and Michael Combs is a couple households away. Next to Michael Combs is George PINCKLEY. Job Combs Household: 1 m < 5; 1 m 5-9; 1 m 15-19; 1 m 30-39 1 f 5-9; 1 f 10-14; 1 f 30-39
Samuel Stockwell Combs married a Mary Ann PINKLEY. With a male between 15 and 19, if Samuel Stockwell Combs was Job's son, the age would be appropriate. That child would have been born between 1821 and 1825. Which would suggest that the child was an early one for Job and Henrietta, or that the child was from an earlier marriage.
1841 Samuel Stockwell land patents in Rush and Clay Co, IN
1847 James Wilson Combs b. 21 Jan 1847 to Samuel Stockwell and Mary PINKLEY Combs; other children include Andrew Jackson b. 12 Nov 1845 in IN; James Wilson b. 14 Jan 1847 in Clay Co, IL; Sarah Ann b. 6 Jun 1850 in IN; Job A. b 7 Mar 1852 in IL; Alice Ross b. 17 Apr 1855 in IL; and Minnie Florence b. Nov 1868/9 Elk Creek Twp., Clayton Co, IA;
1850 with brother Michael in Clay Co, IN census Job has Nathan Williams (b. KY age 6) possible nephew of Henrietta; perhaps a child of Nathan Williams who was next door according to the 1840 census? Jobe S. Combs age 24 is listed a few doors away.
1859 Job mar. Olive McNEIL (by Michael) on 25 Aug 1859 in Monroe Co, IA
1860 Michael and Job are found in Monroe Co, IA. Job, age 56 With Olive, age 40 born in TN and OH respectively. Also with them are Washington and Lyler (Tyler) McNEIL Ages 12 and 10 born in IA; Michael is age 60 with wife Mary, age 59 born in TN and NC respectively.
1867 Job files for Divorce from Olive McNEIL in Lancaster Co, NE in Dec 1867.
1868 Job dies on 2 May 1868 Lincoln, Lancaster Co, NE
1869 Michael helps start church in Lincoln, Lancaster Co, NE
1872 Michael dies 4 Mar 1872 Lincoln, Lancaster Co, NE
Solomon Combs (son of Job Sr.)
b. abt 1761 d. bef Mar 1792 Green Co, TN
mar. Elizabeth Marr/Mark
Many emails reference a birth date of 1781 for Job's son Solomon. That appears to be a mistake given the information available from the tax lists and the marriage record. That birth date may belong to another Solomon.
1782 Shenandoah Co, VA tax list, listed with 1 over 21
1783 Shenandoah Co, VA tax list, listed with 1 over 21
1784 mar. Elizabeth Marr, 11 Jan 1781 Shenandoah Co, VA; Shenandoah Co, VA tax listed with 1 over 21
1785 Solomon listed with 5 in household list, and on tax list with 1 over 21 in Shenandoah Co, VA
1786 Shenandoah Co, VA tax list with 1 over 21
1787 To TN
1790 Witnesses deed in Sullivan Co, TN
1792 dies before Mar 1792 Green Co, TN
The children of Solomon and Elizabeth Marr Combs have not been identified. Their children would have been born between 1784 and early 1792 when Solomon died. There is currently no indication of what happened to them. According to the 1785 household list, there are 5 people in Solomon's household. If two are Solomon and Elizabeth then there are 3 others that are not identified. They may be one or more children or others living with them. It is not clear if Elizabeth remained in TN, if she returned to VA, or if she remarried in either location.
Zur Combs (son of Job Sr. and brother of #2 Job)
b ca 1763 Frederick Co, VA; d. 1828 Hamilton Co, OH will dated 15 Apr 1828;
m Mary CREEK/CRISK 31 Sep 1784, Shenandoah Co VA,
1784 On Shenandoah Co, VA tax list with father Job as age 21 or older; illegitimate child Zur born; mar. Mary CREEK/CRISK 31 Sep 1784
1785 Zur on Shenandoah Co, VA tax with 1 aged 21 or older
1790-1800 Zur deposed that he was in Greenbriar from 1790 to 1800 when he left the county (deposition in 1817)
He is not currently found on 1796 Greenbriar Tax list
1800 Greenbrier, VA (WV) Tax List (also listed John Combs)
1801-1805 Ross Co, OH (by 1806)
1806-1809 Ross and Highland Co's OH; Corresponds to time when brother Job Jr is in Highland Co and when possible brother John Combs, son of Job Sr, is purported to have died in Ross Co, OH
1819 Mary died 27 Oct 1819 in Highland Co, OH
At the time of Zur's will/death (15 Apr 1828), he was married to a woman named Mary so she was either still alive, or she had died and Zur had remarried.
1820 Found in Hamilton Co, OH and this is about same that his brother Job relocates to Prebel Co, OH
1828 bef. Apr 15th, Zur dies, Hamilton Co, OH
CHILD with Mary EAGLE (illegitimate)
Thomas Combs b. 12 Sept 1770 Abbyville, Washington Co, VA d. 9 Dec 1862 Allen Co, KY
m. Deborah Thomas in KY?
-- Information forthcoming --
#4 Job Combs b 28 Mar 1786 VA; d. died 1/2 Mar 1853 Allen Co, OH.
mar. Jane McCONNEL abt 1808-1811
Birth year based on age at death IN 1853 AS listed on grave marker of 66yrs-11mo-2 days. Alternately, age in 1850 census listed as 57 mar. Jane McCONNEL abt 1808-1811 (b. SC) nicknamed "Jinsey"
1786 28 Mar 1786 Job born VA
1808/09 Job in Highland Co, OH
1810 2 Combs, no first names, OH tax list
1808-1815 Job mar. Jane McCONNEL and first son born.
May have been before or after the War of 1812.
1812-1813 War of 1812
1812 Roster of Soldiers: CAPT JAMES WILSON'S MOUNTED CO.
Related families: John ROCKHOLD, Thomas and James ODELL, Samuel B. STRAIN, David McCONNEL.
1813 Roster of Soldiers: CAPT WATSON DOUGLAS' COMPANY
Related families: John R., Thomas, and David STRAIN.
1814 daughter Martha born in Highland Co, OH
1816 son William Garrett born Highland Co, OH
1819 son James Alfred born Highland Co, OH
1824 daughter Rebecca born in Highland Co, OH
1830 Highland Co, OH Census
1835 17 Oct 1835 Putnam Co, OH Land Patent for Job Combs of Highland Co, OH
1836 Relocates from Highland Co. to Putnam Co, OH; 23 Feb 1836 Land Patents for Job of Putnam Co, OH;
1839 dau Martha m. Castille Grant
1840 Putnam Co, OH Census
1841 son William m. Susan Baldwin in Putnam Co. in area that will later be part of Allen Co
1850 Allen Co, OH Census with wife Jane next door to William, not far from James or Martha.
1850 One of founding members of Rockport Presbyterian Church in Allen Co, OH.
1853 Dies, buried in Rockport Cemetery
mar. Castille GRANT 16 May 1839 (b: 12 JAN 1812 in Ohio) Putnam Co, OH
Census: 1850 in Allen Co, OH (Richland Twp) 6
Census: 1860 in Allen Co, OH (Richland Twp) 7
Census: 1870 in Paulding County, OH (Washington Twp) 8
mar. 1. Susan Baldwin 1 Mar 1841
mar. 2. Charlottie SMITH RHODEBAUGH
m. Eliza (Elvira) bef 1843
Job first appears in the 1820 Census of Highland Co, OH, in Madison Township, Zur Combs, along with Sarah, Joseph P. and Robert W. Combs are found in Paint Township. In the 1810 tax lists there are 2 Combs listed, neither with a first name. It is likely that Job Combs is one of those and that Zur is the other. Job would have been 24/25 in 1810. Zur had three sons close to that age: John M. b. 1792, Robert W. b. 1796, and Jospeh P. b. 1798. John would have been 18, but none of them would have been 21 in 1810.
There are some notes suggesting that Job is Zur's son by Mary CREEK/CRISK. If so, then Job would have been born just before or just after Rebecca who was born 10 Jan 1786. However, the Hamilton Co. probate Court No 136, dated July 28, 1828 does not list Job but it also does not list Zur's illegitimate son, Zur.
The Roster of Soldiers for the War of 1812 includes Job and two families associated with the Job Combs Sr families from VA, to Tennessee: ODELL and ROCKHOLD. There are also three families associated with Job's wife Jane: STRAIN, GARRETT, and McCONNEL.
1820 Census: Madison Twp., Highland Co, OH; Roll M33_92, Page 054.
Job Combs 300010-10010-01
This further suggests that Job and Elizabeth had a son before Martha or between William and James. Jane's mother Rebecca UNK Garrett McCONNEL, was originally from PA.
Jane's brother William Garrett was born there. The family moved to SC where Rebecca was married to James McCONNEL. Rebecca's daughter Jane GARRETT married Thomas STRAIN in SC. The Garretts, STRAINs, and McCONNELs are found in the Highland Co, OH area by 1810. These related families seem to have stayed in the Highland Co, OH area based on the records of the Rocky Spring Church:
"Rocky Spring Session Book Vol. 1(1810-1836)"
’Those in full communion with the church on 22 Apr 1810’ included: Samuel and Martha STRAIN, William and Margaret Ross Garrett, Ezekiel and Margaret McCONNEL, Samuel and Martha McCONNEL.
James McCONNEL d. 17 May 1826 age 65 is supposedly buried in the Rocky Springs Cemetery.
Margaret Ross GARRETT (infant dau of Robert W. and Sarah Garrett) was baptised 20 Jun 1819.
Other families mentioned: Thomas and Jane GARRETT STRAIN, James McCONNEL and Rebecca (mother to William Garrett).
In an article mentioning the founding of the Rockport Presb. Church in Allen Co, OH, (around 1850) one of the founding members is Hannah Van Meter.
He is listed in the 1850 census with his wife Jane shortly before his death in 1853. They are next to William G. and Susan Combs. Both James and daughter Martha (mar Castille Grant) remained close by as well.
They had a total of five children per census and other Records: (Unnamed Boy, James Alfred, Martha, William, and Rebecca) In terms of naming traditions, William Garrett and Rebecca are from Jane's family (her brother and mother). James could also be associated with Jane's father James McCONNEL.
There is no clear associate for the name Martha and the name of their first child is, as of yet, unknown. If Job is Zur's son then the name Rebecca is also associated with Zur's family. Zur's eldest daughter was named Rebecca.
#5 Job S. Combs b. ?? d. 16 Dec 1874
mar. Louisa Wick 23 Mar 1848 Hendricks Co, IN
-- son of Michael Combs, grandson of #2 Job Combs
1850 Clay Co, IN Census, Posey Township
#6 Job Combs b. abt 1838 Delaware Co, IN d. ?
mar. ?
-- son of Samuel Combs, grandson of #2 Job Combs
Could this be the Job Combs aged 40 found in the 1880 Harvey Co, KS Census?
#7 Job Combs b. abt 1852 IL d. ?
mar. Alice (per 1880 census)
-- son of Samuel Stockwell Combs, grandson of #3 Job Combs
1860 Census, Delaware Co, IA, Elk Township (age 8) with Father Samuel Combs
1870 Census, Clayton Co, IA, Elk Township
1880 Census, Clayton Co, IA, Elk Township
Research and Analysis Pending
1870 Lee Co, IL Census May Twp
Combs, Job, 38 VA
Melvina, 38 MS
William, 2 IL
This individual was identified as of May 2007 and has not been identified or associated with a particular family. Given the name and the listed birth location of Virgina one may consider a possible association with the #1 Job Combs Sr family - either Job himself or his sister Martha (mar. Thomas Combs).
1880 Census Harvey Co, KS, Newton
COMBS Job M 40 (abt 1840) IN ? ? Horse Jockey
M. J. Combs F 25 (abt 1855) AR AL AR
William M. Combs M 11 (abt 1869) IL IN AR
Emma Combs 9 F (abt 1871) IL IN AR
Ira C. Combs 8 (abt 1872) KS IN AR
Adah Combs F 4 (abt 1874) KS IN AR
_ Combs 4M (abt 1880) KS IN AR
ITEM 1----------------------------------------
Date: Sat, 23 Jan 1999 19:01:00 -0500 From: Butch Hicks hicks@bhicks.com Shenandoah, VA Abstracted Deeds by Gilreath G-79, 6/26/1788 Names Job Combs and wife Barbara Taylor (d. of Charles) K-483, 4/11/1797 Jonathan Clark Philip Williams and Andrew McKoy, Commissioners to Gilbert Combs of County of Culpeper, a parcel of land lying within one of the 27 surveys called Powells Fort Tract. K-575, 4/14/1797 Same as above except 400 Acres to Job Combs K-604, 4/24/1797 Job Combs and Elizabeth to Solomon Vanmeter on west side of Passage Creek where he now lives, 400 Acres K-606, 5/29/1797 Elizabeth Combs, wife of Job, releases dower rights to above L-280, 3/9/1798 Stephen ODELL to John Lichliter in Powells Valley Fort, 20 Acres, more or less, witnessed by Gilbert Combs W-139, 9/16/1815 Names Elizabeth Combs, late Elizabeth Spengler (d. of John Spengler) Shenandoah Marriage Bonds by Ashby (11772-1850) William Branham to Elizabeth Taylor, d. of Barbara Combs, 6/13/1791 Jacob Brinker to Mary Taylor, d. of Barbara Combs, 2/23/1791 ITEM 2---------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 5 Apr 1998 15:43:07 -0700 From: Birdie L McNutt birdiemc@juno.com Child of Job Combs Sr: "Shenandoah Co., VA Marriage Bonds, 1772-1850" Vogt, Kethley, Iberian Pub Co., Athen, GA c1984, p. 400 Susanna COMBS TAYLOR, b. abt 1774; m. Henry BRINKER, November 30, 1789, in Shenandoah Co., VA ITEM 3---------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 14 Aug 1998 16:10:43 -0700 From: Dolores J Davis x-x-x-x-x-xdjdavis2@juno.com <djdavis2@juno.com> Subject: [COMBS-L] SOLOMON & ELIZ. MARR_Shen. 1781 Hello folks, I am researching the old JOHN MARR family of Stafford Co., Va. who was likely from France (de la Marre) via England and here abt. 1688. He was prob. b. bet. 1660-1665. Very little is known about his descendants, and the records we need are not extant, in most cases. One of his granddaughters was the ELIZABETH MARR who m. SOLOMON COMBS, Shenandoah Co., Va. Mge. Bonds on Jan. 11, 1781. She was probably the d/o of John Marr's (1) son Christopher (2) who moved across the Blue Ridge into Frederick Co. with his wife Abigail by Sept. 1748 when he sold land he had owned in Pr. Wm. Co. I would love to learn more about the children of Solomon Combs and Elizabeth Marr. Also, was Elizabeth Marr a sister of DANIEL MARR b. c1760 who m MARY TIPTON c1783 in Shenandoah Co., Va.? The latter couple were my 4th g-gr-par's. This family scattered after the RW - some to E_Tn, W_Nc, Ky, before ending up in MO abt. 1820+ Will be happy to share what little I have learned, and documented, with those who are related somehow. :-) Dolores J. Davis <djdavis2@juno.com> ITEM 4---------------------------------------- From: carhammett@.com Subject: Re: Zur COMBS/Mary CREEK On Tue, 1 Apr 1997 21:22:51 -0500 (EST) JAcord521@aol.com writes: He died there in 1828. Children are : 1. Robert, 2. Joseph, 3.Jacob, 4. Barbara, 5. Eliza, 6. Deborah, 7. John and 8. Rebeka. (Hamilton Co. Probate Court No 136, dated July 28, 1828, ) Zur traveled with the ACORDs who were first in Ohio then Ind then Ill, wouldn't be surprised if perhaps some of Zur's children went with them. Just a possiblity. Does anyone have anything else on these COMBS? Judy. ITEM 5---------------------------------------- From: <DougCombs@aol.com> Sent: Sunday, August 22, 1999 12:21 PM Subject: William Combs Bob - William G., the son of Job was from born in Highland County, 26-Aug-1816. He died 25-Dec-1878 in Goshen Twp, Auglaize Co, OH, and is buried at Walnut Hill Cemetery, New Hampshire, OH. Job - b. 28-Mar-1786 Virginia, d.02-Mar-1853 Ohio. Buried in Rockport Cemetery, Allen Co. OH. He was a veteran of The War of 1812. Job left his three children some land in what was originally Putnam County, but later annexed into Allen Co. The 3 children were William (b.1816), James A. (b.1819), and Rebecca (b.1834) ITEM 6---------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2002 17:57:49 -0800 From: Birdie McNutt <birdiem1@airmail.net> Subject: Re: COMBS&c.: John L. Combs, murderer of Barren Co, KY Hi Natalie, I am still trying to document who my Thomas COMBS was descendant from. I believe he is most likely going to be Zur Thomas COMBS, s/o Thomas and Deborah Thomas COMBS of Allen Co., KY. He was documented as being married 3 times. I have the marriages of Anna B. Anderson COMBS to Thomas COMBS in Sumner Co., TN 5-30-1829 across the state line from Allen Co. KY (my family) and Zur (T.) COMBS to Sarah PECK 6-23-1831 and to Louisana PECK on 3-10-1843. Birdie