![]() | Combs &c. Families of Old Rappahannock Co, VA |
Old Rappahannock County was organized from Lancaster County, Virginia in 1656, where are also found Abraham, Enoch, George & (possibly) John COMBE, although none may have ever been residents of that county, and none have been found prior to the organization of Old Rappa. Given names of Combes found in the records of Old Rappahannock include Abraham, Archdale, Charles, Dies, Elizabeth, George, Hannah, John, Thomas & William. In 1692, Richmond County, on the north side of the Rappahannock River, and Essex County, primarily on the south side of the Rappa., were organized from Old Rappa, which was then abolished. Combes are found in the records of both Richmond and Essex Counties.
See also Early Combs of Old Rappa. Co, VA for an overview of the Combes mentioned in the records that follow. Of these, Combs &c. Research Reports have been created for Abraham, Archdale, Enoch, John and William (the latter two are sons of Archdale).
Except where otherwise noted, all of the following records are from the published transcriptions of Ruth & Sam Sparacio, Antient Press, McLean, VA, to whom we offer our greatest appreciation and thanks.
23 Sep 1657 (Old Rappa. Deeds, 1656-1664, Part I:133-135) At a county court for Northampton 23 Sep 1657. Present Lt. Coll. Edw. DUGLAS, Capt. Francis POTT, Mr. William KENDALL, Mr. Llellvyne [Llewellyn?] BERWOOD, Mr. John TILNEY. This day Mr. William SMART did exhibit to the Court a Generall Discharge for land signed by Mrs. Ursula BROWNE Widdow & Exx. of her late Husband Mr. John BROWNE deced bearing date the 29th of May 1656 whereby it appearth that all agreemts. & Bargaines for land between the said Mr. John BROWNE and the said Mr. William SMART with the consent of the said Widdowe Mrs. Ursula BROWNE are made void & totally disannuled for the said Mr. SMART his land at Rappahanock & the said Mr. John BROWNE his land at Accomack als Northampton County in Virga. & upon the request of the said Mr. William SMART the aforesaid Genll. Discharge for & in Relacon of the said land are ordered to be recorded.
Test. Edm. MATHEWS Cl Cur Com.
Recordat undecimo die Aprill
(ibid., p. 134) This Bill bindeth me Allex. FLEMING of the County of Rappahannock… to pay or cause to be paid unto Mr. John NUTHALL of London, Merchat for the use of Mr. Robert INGRAM or his heirs of St. Ives in Huntington Sheire [Huntingdonshire] Baker the full & just sum of 6,400 pds. … tobo… to be paid at the now dwelling plantacon of Allex. FLEMING in the Freshes of Rappahannock. 10th day of Nov next … year 1660…for better security I Allexander FLEMING with consent of my loveing wife Ursula FLEMING do bind our land & plantacon we now live on withall the houseing thereunto & upon belonging being a parcell of land bought of Mr. William SMART by my said wife Ursula FLEMING & re(missing) up into the hands possession of Allex. FLEMING … by me Ursula FLEMING for ever We the said Allexander FLEMING & Ursula FLEMING… unto Mr. John NUTHALL for the use of Mr. Robert INGRAM or his assignes for the full terme of 99 years…. that is to say all my part as to dower…
we sett our hands & seals jointly this 11th day of August 1659 in presence of John [his mark] HUSS, John COOPER.
s/ Allex. FLEMING, Ursula [V] FLEMING
(ibid., 134-5) I John NUTHALL of Accomack gent. Atto. of Mr. Robert INGRAM of St. Ives in Hungtington sheir do constitute & appoint my loveing Friend Mr. John HALL of Rappahannock Merchant my true & lawful Attorny… to arrest ^ implead to judgment Mr. Allexander FLEMING of the County of Rappahanock late [sic] husband of Ursula FLEMING the Widdow of Mr. John BROWNE of Accomack & Exex. to her said deced Husband Mr. John BROWNE of the County of Accomack for a debt due by Specialty under both their hands to the said Ingram & upon composition with said FLEMING I do hereby authorize my said attorney to resigne to & possess the said FLEMING with a parcell of land being formerly bound over by the said Mr. FLEMING & Ursula his Wife for the said Debt for the terme of 99 years according to said Bill…
22nd of February 1660.
Wits: Edmond DOBSON, Silvester [ST] THATCHER.
Recordat the 23 of Apr 11661 p me Wa. GRANGER Cl Cur Rappa.
(ibid., p. 135) I Allexander FLEMING if Rappahannock County do from me my heirs & assignes firmly sett to sale unto John BARROW of the same County to him & to his heirs & assignes all my right of a parcell of land lying on the North side of the River beginning at a marked Locust neer the (missing) of the said Allexander FLEMING thence East to the miles End of the said land that is to sall all woodland ground lying on the So:Et:side of the said Lyne & I do warrant the sd Sale from the Dower of my Wife Eliza. FLEMING & all other persons wtsoever claimeing or that may claime by or under me.
In Witness whereof I do sett my hand & seal this sixth day of February ano Dom 1660. in presence of Tho. LUCAS Senr., John CATLETT.
s/Allex. FLEMING
See John NUTHALL later of St. Mary's and Calvert County, Maryland with both Abraham and Enoch COMBS (variously). Alexander FLEMING's wife, Elizabeth is nee MADESTARD.
20 Feb 1662 Samuell COGHILL, 400 A N side Rappa Riv in Farnham Parish, beg at miles end of land of Jno MEADER. trans. of 8 pers: Wm. MEADER, Mary FOWLES, Tho. FOURSON, John MARTIN, Edward MILLS, Samll. PURTON, Samll. TURNER, Joseph MARLOW (C&P I, 476)
The earliest Combe (including var. sp.) located thus far in Old Rappa is that of Abraham COMBE in 1662:
13 Apr - 12 Jul 1662 (Old Rappahannock Co, Va. DB Part II of 1656-1664:187-188) Apr. 13, 1662. These presents Witnesseth that I Sarah MEADER Widdow Wife of Thomas MEADER the Younger leately deced in the County of Rappa. I Sarah MEADER do bind & oblige myself my Exrs. or Admrs. to confirme unto my Son John MEADER Sone unto Thomas MEADER lateley deced one yoak of Oxen & one gun Seaven foot by the barrell to be delivered unto my Son John MEADER when he comes of age & furthermore I give as my full act & deed unto my Eldest Daughter Susanna MEADER one red Cow called Cherry & her Cow Calf & increase to my aforesaid Daughter only excepting the male of the catle to fall unto me the abovesaid Sarah MEADER untill my Daughter be full Eleven years of age & after the expiracon of the aforesaid years male & female to fall unto my Eldest Daughter Susanna MEADER. Item I give unto my youngest Daughter Mary MEADER Daughter of the abovesaid Thomas MEADOR one Black heaffer named Slippey she & her increase to my youngest only the male Excepted to fall unto I the said Sarah MEADER untill my youngest Daughter be fully nine years of age & after the Expiracon of the aforesaid nine years male & female to fall unto Mary MEADER & if it shall please God that my Eldest Daughter shall dye in her minority that all her Catle & their increase shall fall unto her Sister Mary MEADER and likewise in case it should please God that my youngest Daughter Mary MEADER should dye in her minority that her Catle unto my Eldest Daughter Susanna MEADER & furthermore in case that my youngest Daughter Mary MEADER her heiffer should miscarry before she comes to perfeccon that there shall another heiffer or Cow of the same age & her increase to be made good as aforesaid to my Daughter Mary MEADER … to be recorded in Court the first or second Courte ensuing the date hereof by any person that I the said Sarah MEADER shall appoint always provided that there be severall marks nominate & recorded for the abovesaid Childrens Catle them & their increase. In confirmacon I Sarah MEADER bind myself…my hand this 13th day of Aprill 1662.
s/Sarah [T] MEADER.
In presence of Abraham COOMBE, William CLAWSON.
These Presents testifieth that I, Sarah MEADER, late wife of Thomas MEADER dec'd. in the County of Rappa. oblige myself to give & allow my children a sufficient & compleat maintenance in every respect as all other ought to do and further more to give them four years a piece Education in learning according as the Country doth afford. In confirmation whereof I Sarah MEADER do bind & oblige myself my heirs or assignes for the performance of this above menconed.
/s/ Sarah (+) MEADER In presence of Abraham COMBE [sic],
William CLAWSON.
Recorded July 12, 1662
(Old Rappahannock County Deed Abstracts 1656-1664, Part II, Ruth & Sam Sparacio, The Antient Press, McLean, VA)
The above Thomas & Sarah (-----) MEADER family has not yet been identified, but were presumably closely related to John MEADOR (s/o Ambrose MEADOR of Isle of Wight County, Virginia) whom Abraham COMBE, by then a resident of St. Mary's County, Maryland, termed his "brother in law" in 1683 (See Below).
16 Nov 1663 - 21 Mar 1665/66 Talbot County Court Proceedings. Liber BB, p. 397 Att A Court held for Talbott County the 21th of March 1665/6… Francis ARMESTRONG recorded the bills foll: vizt
This Bill bindeth mee William JOHNSON of Virginia in the County of Rapahanacke gent mee my heirs Excetors Adminestors to pay or Cause to bee paid unto Francis ARMESTRONG in the County of Talbott in Maryland to him his heirs Excetors Adminestors or assignes the full and Just summ of Two Thousand pounds of good and merchantable Tobacco & Cask to be paid in the River of Rapahank if I doe make soe much there, if nott I do oblidge my selfe to pay it in Rapahanacke river att my now dwelling house att or before the tenth day of November 1665 as wittnes my hand this 17th of 9ber 1663 Willm JOHNSON
This Bill Bindeth mee William JOHNSON mee my heirs Excetors Adminestrators or Assignes to pay or Cause to bee paid unto mr Francis ARMESTRONG his heirs Excetors Adminestors or Assignes the full and Just summ of Fower Thousand pounds of good sound mrchantable Tobacco & Cask to bee paid att Choptanke River, if hee makes so much there, if nott, to bee paid att my oune Dwelling house in Rapahanacke River att or before the tenth day of October next insueing the date hereof as wittnes my hand this 16th of 9ber 1663 Wm JOHNSON
Testis Henry SEWELL
Archives of Maryland, Talbot County Court Proceedings, 1662-1674, Vol. 54:397 (and 390 for date)
This record does not show whether it was executed in Talbot County, Maryland or in Rappahannock County, Virginia, but the witness Henry SEWELL implies Talbot County. One Enoch COMBS, presumably, the same, is recorded in 1662 in Lancaster County, Virginia (parent and neighboring county of Old Rappahannock), but other than this record, the earliest found for Enoch in Maryland, he is not found in that county. Enoch COMBS, Sr. of Maryland immigrated to that province by 1665 with wife, Barbary and son, Enoch, Jr., per Early Maryland immigration records, but apparently earlier if he was in Maryland when this record was executed
Oct - Nov 1664 (Old Rappahannock Co, Va. DB Part II of 1656-1664:320-321) (missing) Oct 1664. … Francis OVERTON with Consent of Mary my Wife & William CHARLTON with the consent of Susanna my Wife do assigne over all our right of the within menconed Pattentt of 410 acres of land (400 A on S side of Rappahannock dtd. 21 Aug 1663) unto P--- (Godson) his heirs & assignes for ever … receipt of 6,800 lbs. of tobacco & cask in consideration.
S/Francis [F] OVERTON,
Susannah [SC] CHARLTON.
In presence of Abraham COMB, John HULL.
Recorded 9bris 1664.
(Old Rappahannock County Deed Abstracts 1656-1664, Part II, Ruth & Sam Sparacio, The Antient Press, McLean, VA)
Mary OVERTON was executrix of John RICHARDS, dec'd before 20 Mar 1662 according to the VA Land Patent of David FOX for 800 A 44 miles up the S side of Rappa. River. (Patent Book 4:123(626), C&P I, p. 435. Francis OVERTON & William CHARLTON patented the above 410 acres 21 Aug 1663, land on South Side of Rappahannock 'backing' that of David FOX. (LPB5:399(459), C&P I, p.524)
02 Sep - 24 Sep 1665 (Old Rappa. D&W, 1665-1677:50-51) Thomas FRESHWATER of ye County of Rappa: in Virginia in consideration of sum of 1500 pds. of good tobacco and Caske… paid by Robt. SISSON of ye same County ye receipt whereof I do acknowledge…
S/Thos. FRESHWATER (Seal);
Wits: Abram COOMBE, Francis SUTLE.
Rec. 24 Sep 1665.
(Old Rappa. Deeds &Wills, 1665-1677, Ruth & Sam Sparacio, McClean, VA)
Robert SISSON also purchased land from Humphrey BOOTH which BOOTH had acquired from his mother-in-law, Mrs. Margaret (-----) Underwood Upton Lucas and which was adjacent to that of Col. Wm. UNDERWOOD whose widow married next Archdale COMBS. Robert SISSON'S sister, Mary, m (1) Nathaniel POPE, (2) Anthony BRIDGES; (3) Lewis NICHOLAS; and (4) David WYCLIFFE. Her first husband, Nathaniel POPE, was the father of her son, Nathaniel POPE alias BRIDGES, who m Jane BROWN, d/o Original & Jane BROOKS Brown, and whose property was adjacent to that of John COMBS of Richmond VA (s/o Archdale & Mrs. Elizabeth COMBS, the latter the widow of Col. Wm. UNDERWOOD, and thus sister-in-law by marrige to Humphrey BOOTH (See Also Brooks-Brown-Pope-Wroe Families & Underwood &c. Families)
19 Oct 1665 - 7 Feb 1665/6 (Old Rappahannock Co. VA. D&W 5:208) I James COGHILL…in consideration of a sum of tobacco to be paid me…doe by these presents acknowledge to have sold & firmly sett to sale from me my heirs & assigns forever the within specified land …300 acs. unto John SPEED & his heirs & assigns forever & I doe bind me my heirs assigns forever to warrant the said saile from any person claiming under me or frm the Dower of my wife Alice COGHILL and do promise to acknowledge the same in Court when thereunto lawfully called and to the true performance hereof I have hereunto set my hand and seale this 19th day of October 1665.
/s/ James COGHILL.
In presence of Joseph OKAINE, Archdale COMBS.
Recognitr in Cu Com Rappa 7 die Feby 1665. Recordatr 12 die Test Robert DAVIS.
(Old Rappahannock County Deed Abstracts, Ruth & Sam Sparacio, The Antient Press, McLean, VA)
The above is the first record located for Archdale COMBS in Old Rappa. County. He may have come to Rappa. directly from Stafford Co VA where an Archdale COMBS first appears in Virginia in the records on 5 Apr 1665 when he drops a suit against a Wm. BROWN (Stafford OB 1664-1668, p. 15). Archdale COMBS sits on two Stafford Co, VA, juries later that year (ibid.), indicating he was a Stafford county land owner at the time, but no land records for him have been found in Stafford - with the possible exception of one reference to an Archibald [sic] COOMS in 1688. (Stafford Co DB P:98-101)
There are also strong indications that Archdale came to Virginia between 1664 and 1665 from Dublin, Ireland. (See also Foxhall below).
Descendants of James COGHILL are later found in Charles Co MD (see below). This surname is also found spelled COWGILL, COGSHILL, etc. Both Archdale & Abraham COMBS are found in Old Rappahannock Co VA with James COGHILL, providing further support of our undocumented belief that the two men were related. Note also Joseph OKAINE above. Both Abraham & Archdale COMBS are also found with a Rorah MOCRAH (and numerous var. spellings). Are these two men O'KANE & McRAE? Are they Scotsmen? Irish? Scots-Irish? Reminder: The Martin ARCHDALE line of the Archdales of England had Irish holdings.
12 Apr 1666 (Old Rappahannock DB 3:53) Apr. 12, 1666. Henry PEETERS in the County of Rappa. in Virga doe constitute…my Friend Abraham COMBS to be my Lawfull Attorney for me and in my name…to answer the suite of Jno. SMYTH as alsoe to Implead the sd SMYTH at my suite in the County Court abovesd…
/s/ Henry (H) PETERS.
Wits: Christopher BLACKBOURNE,
(Old Rappahannock County Deed Abstracts, Ruth & Sam Sparacio, The Antient Press, McLean, VA)
Notes: Henry PETERS & John MEADOR (brother in law of Abraham COMBS) owned a large land patent on Peumans End Run where John COMBS of Richmond Co VA (s/o Archdale) also owned 200 A, bequeathed in 1716 to his son, Mason COMBS, Sr. 1714-1785 Surry NC. Silly question probably, but has the above Jno. SMITH been identified? Also note the ARCHDALE-BLACKBURN marriages in England.
21 Apr 1666 - 05 Jan 1667/8 (Old Rap. Co., Va. DB 3:258-262) 21 Apr 1666. Nich: COPELAND of Rappahannock to John TARKINGTON of same 450 acres part of greater quantity conveyed in a patt: betwen me the sd. Nich COPELAND & Wm. WEST 25th Sep 17th year of the reign of Lord Charles,
S/Nich: [N] COPELAND, Judith [X] COPELAND;
wits: Thomas FOGGE, James COGHILL.
Bill of sale. Dec. 7, 1666.
John [crossed-IT] TARKINGTON to Nich: [N] and Judith [X] COPELAND,
witnessed by Archiball COMBE and Dorothy (H) JERMAN.
Nich: COPELAND by Tom PELL desired that this ack. be recorded. Rec. 5 die Januarii
See also the English will of Dorothy (JERMYN?) Dukes, dated 20 Jan 1611, which names her brothers Sir Robert & William JERMYN, and god daughter Mrs. Frances ARCHDALE. Note that both DUKE and STAMPS are mentioned in will of Robert CAMMOCK and see the ARCHDALE-STAMPS marriage also.
06 Jun - 05 Sep 1666 (Old Rappa DB 3:89-90) June 6, 1666. To all to whom etc. Now know yee etc. that I the sd Wm. BERKELEY, Knt., etc. doe wth the consent of the Councill of State accordingly give and grant unto Roger RICHARDSON 600 acs. of land lying uppon the North side of Rappahannock. River at the Miles End of the land of Sylvester THATCHER and Tho. WHITLOCK, beg. at a red oake at the head of branch proceeding from Mr Wm. SMARTS Creeke Extending it selfe into the Woods…parrallell to the River… the sd land being formerly granted unto Richa. COLEMAN by Pattent June 9, 1654 & after renewed in the sd COLEMANS name by Pattent May 9, 1655, & since assigned convayed and made over to the sd Roger RICHARDSON his heires for Ever by conveyance from the sd COLEMAN To Have & to Hold etc. To be held etc Yielding & paying etc.
Sept. 5, 1666. I, Roger RICHARDSON, of the County of Rappa. doe for me my heires & assigne transferr and turne over all my Right title and interest of in and to 200 acs. of the wthin menconed Land on the Eastermost side thereof unto Peter JETT his heirs…
/s/ Roger (mark) RICHARDSON,
Wits: Abraham COOMBS, William (mark) DYER
Sept. 1, 1666. Eliza RICHARDSON, wife of Roger RICHARDSON, appointned her "well Beloved Friend Robt. MAPES" her attorney to acknowledge her consent to this sale…
(Old Rappahannock County Deed Abstracts, Ruth & Sam Sparacio, The Antient Press, McLean, VA)
According to JHC, John COMBS' land was adjacent to that of the JETTS. WHITLOCK'S were in early Co Essex, EN (Will of Robert CAMMOCK named Richard WHITLOCK, h/o his dau. Dorothy), and Thomas WHITLOCK and Sylvester THATCHER (a.k.a. THACKER) came to Old Rappa. from Isle of Wight Co - both headrights of Richard BENNETT in 1638, the latter's land adjacent to that of Ambrose MEADORS, father of John MEADORS, brother in law of Abraham COMBS. Sylvester THATCHER'S widow m in 1667, Warwick CAMMOCK, great-grandson of the above Robert CAMMOCK (See also Isle of Wight Co VA & Cammock Family)
07 Jun 1666 - 12 Sep 1666 (Old Rappa. DB 3:93-94) Know All Men by these presents that I Archdall COMBE doe hereby give unto my Sone in Law Wm. UNDERWOOD Junior or the heires of his Body lawfully begotten from me and my heires one Cow marked with a Crop on both eares being a Black Cow only a white list along the Back of Collo. Jno. WALKERS Marke called Nancy with one Cow Calfe of the sd cow marked with Mr. Alexander FLEMINGS marke and one Browne Heifer marked with a crop on the Right Eare with three slitts in the Crop and an underkeele in the left Eare, a slitt, and underkeele & an overkeele being named Cole & fifteen hundred 1500 pounds of good sound Tob: wth caske to be paid at the Next ffall of the Leafe to be disposed of into Catle or otherwise for the use behoofe of the said Wm. UNDERWOOD or his heirese as aforesd and this I doe acknowledge to be my Voluntary Act, provided that if the sd Wm. should dye without issue as aforesd then that the sd Catle and increase and wch shall be purchased with therefore menconed Tob: doe Revert to me the sd Doner or otherwise to be & remaine to be & remaine to the sole use & behoofe of the foremenconed Donee and his heires aforesd with their increase and proper use I the sd Doner Reserving the use of the sd Catle for their Milke to my Selfe I looking after them till the donee come of age to chuse him a Guardian And doe oblidge my selfe likewise soe long as they shall remaine in my hands to make the incerease of them with one marked for the sd Donee his use.
As Witness my hand this 7th of June 1666.
Archdall COMBE.
Rich: [M R] MOXLEY
Know All Men by these presents that I Archdall COMBE doe constitute & appoynt my trusty & well beloved friend Mr. Wm. MOSELEY my true and lawfull Attorney to accknowledge the above deed of Guift that I have made unto my sone in Law Wm. UNDERWOOD Junior at the next Court for Rappahannock County
As Witness my hand this 17th of June 1666.
Archdall COMBE.
Test: Rich: [M R] MORLEY [sic], John [O] CRAMPE.
Recognit in Cur Com Rappahannock 12th Die 7bris Ano 1666.
In Colonial times, and even later, a Junior was not necessarily the son of a Senior, but often meant only that there were two individuals of the same name in the same area and/or family, with Junior and Senior synonyms for Younger and Elder. In the above instance, the Junior identifies this William UNDERWOOD as the son of Elizabeth and her other UNDERWOOD husband, not by her later marriage to Col. Wm. UNDERWOOD. This record also documents that William UNDERWOOD, Jr. was the step-son of Archdale COMBS, and that as of 7 Jun 1666: (a) Archdale's marriage to Elizabeth had taken place; and (b) that William UNDERWOOD, Junr., since he was not yet of an age to "chuse him a Guardian," was under fourteen, thus born between 1652 and 1666 (more probably 1652-1662; i.e., prior to the death of Col. Wm. UNDERWOOD). See Also the Underwood Family.
11th Aug 1666 (Old Rappa. DB 3:96-97) Valentine ALLEN to John SPEED… 14 year lease… to farm a neck of land bounding on the lands of Wm. HODGSON & James COGHILL. … 1000 lbs. tobo and caske… 11 8br 1666.
s/Valentine ALLEN, Jno. [crossed-I] SPEED,
Wits: Christopher BLACKBOURNE, Robt. DAVIES.
Rec. 12 7bris 1666.
30 Sep - 15 Nov 1666 (Old Rap. Co., Virginia DB 3:127-7) 30 7ber 1666. Xpher BLACKBOURNE of Parish of Sittingbourne in County of Rappahannock with consent of Katherine my Wife… sold unto Wm. GEERE of the same place all my right and title… to one moyety or halfe part of the Land within menconed…
30th day of 7ber 1666.
Christopher BLACKBOURNE, Katherine [mark] BLACKBURNE.
In presents of us Jno. [B] BARROW, Robt. DAVIES.
Recognit in Cur Com Rappahannock 15th Die 9bris 1666.
Nov. 9, 1666. Katherine BLACKOURNE appoints Jno. MEADER
to be her attorney in fact,
s/Katherine [mark] BLACKBOURNE,
witnessed by Abraham COMBES and
09 Nov 1666 (Old Rap. Virginia DB 3:128) 9th Nov 1666. Xp. BLACBOURNE doe hereby acknowledge authorize
& impower Jno. MEADOR my ture and Lawfull Attorney… parcell of land
I have sold to Wm. GEERE his heirs for Ever.
Witt. my hand & Seale this 9th day of November 1666.
Christopher BLACKBOURNE,
Test Abraham COOMBS [sic],
Ro: PAYNE ClCur.
Recordat in Com Rappa 20th 9bris 1666.
Note: different signatures. At this time, it appears to have been either transcriber or clerk error, but the possibility of two Abr. COMBS cannot be discounted. Also note the Archdale-Blackburn marriages. Was John BARROW a BURROUGHS? (See Burroughs-Vassall-Ware Families) Also note that Robert PAYNE and Robert DAVIES above may have been one and the same? (More detail needed)
8 Oct 1666 (Old Rappahannock. Deeds, Wills, Book 5:109) Robert WALTON of Rappa. By vertue of Letter of Attorney from Nicholas ANDREWS of Longdon Gent bearing date 15 Oct 1663… in consideration of 400 lbs. Of Tobacco… to John PAYNE of County of Rappa. 560 A of land by the within mentioned formerly sold and conveied to the said Nicholas ANDREWS by the said John PAYNE … he the said John PAYNE paying and performing the Rents and services thereof due… this 8th day of October 1666.
s/Robert WALTON.
In presence of John PAYNE, Jr., Charles MUMFORD,
Richard PAYNE, Abraham COMB,
Thomas PARKER.
(Deed Abstracts of Old Rappahannock County, Virginia, Part I of 1672-1676, Ruth and Sam Sparacio, Antient Press, McLean, VA, 1989)
See also Tottenham, Middlesex, England re Andrews-Palmer Coonections, and see Also George COMBS of Henrico re William PARKER (See Henrico Co VA) Longdons are found in the English counties of Salop, Stafford and Worcester.
01 Dec 1666 - 14 Feb 1667 (Old Rap Co., Va DB Part I of 1668-1670:28-29) To all Xpian people…I, Rorah MACRAH of Rappa. Co., Plantr., to James COGHILL of the same County, Plantr., for 3300 pds. of Tob: & Caske, all that two thirds pts of land wch I bought of Wm. GIBSON by conveyance dated Mar. 10, 1665…to the sd. COGHILL, and his heirs forever…
Dec. 1, 1666.
/s/ Rorah (mark) MACRAH.
Wits: Abraham COOMBE,
Know all men…I, James COGHILL of Rappa. Co., Plantr, for a valuable consideration have bargained & sold the two third ptes of land menconed with Bill of Sale on the other side that I bought of Rorah MACRAH the First of this Instant Month of December 1666 unto Archdall COMBE, his heirs forever…
Dec. 18, 1667.
/s/ James COGHILL,
Wits: Robert (mark) GRIFFIN, Timothy PELL,
Febr: 14th 1667
This Conveyenace ack. Before us by James COGHILL to Mr. Archdall COMBE… Cort. Of Rappahannock. Recognit. Cor Nobis Die 14th Febr. 67 John CATLETT, Thos. HAWKINS
The above land transaction will be treated in more detail under COMBS Land of Old Rappa. however, note also that this is the only time that Abraham COMBS and Archdale COMBS come close to being in the same record - although both obviously associated with many of the same individuals.
Undated - 07 Nov 1667 (Old Rappahannock DB3:308-9) (Undated) To the Worpll his Maties Justices of the Peace for Rappahannock County the Humble Peticon of George DAVIS Humbly Showeth that yr Petar. [petitioner] hath bin at great cost and trouble in and towards the sore Leggs of a Servt. wch yr petar. bought of Mr. Archdall COMBE and ye petar. doth find the said cure verry difficult and of necessity the said person after the time of his Freedom wch by order of this Worpll. Court hath but two months to serve must come to the charge of the Prrish. Now may it please yr Worps. Yr Petar. having this yeare unfortunately taken into his House sundry persons about the time the giving in the list of Titheables who shortly after departed againe from yr Petar. Soe that yr Petar. Lyeth lyable to pay their Levyes without any Recompence and the promises of yr Petar. Servt. considered If it shall please yr Worps. in consideracon of the Levyes to Bestow so much charity on the said Laime person and soe leave the said person to the Care and cure of yr. Petar. doth hereby oblidge himselfe that the Lame person shall be not burthensom & chargeable to this Parish by Reason of these his Dangerous Sores. And yr. Petar. shall pray etc. [Apparently recorded 7 Nov 1667]
George DAVIS/DAVIES and servant have not been identified; however, a possible connection to Robert DAVIS a.k.a. PAYNE? (See Above)
17 Apr 1667 (Old Rappahannock - Land Patent Book 6, p. 20) 17 Apr. 1667. Major William BALL & Mr. Thomas CHETWOOD, 1600 A, N side of Rappa River. Transportation of 32 pers: Will. BALL, his son, Hannah BALL, Her daughter, Mary JONES, Martha JONES, Ran. GWILL, Jos. HASELDOWNE, Joseph FOSTER, Ralph GATH, George COMES, Yarrett WILLIAMS, Henry SCOLLER, Will. HIGGINS, Edward WAGG, Dorothy WELLS, Wm. MORRIS, Joshua GREENE, Jno. CHANDLER, Wm. HARLOE, Nath. FREEMAN, Tho. HARRIS, George MARTIN, Jno. BRIDGMAN, Eliza. SMITH, Grace -----, Edward SALTER, Richard BLACKMAN, Robt. SANDERS, Tho. BOWLES, Tho. DICKINS, Robt. AMBROSE.
(Cavaliers & Pioneers, Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants, Vol. 2: 1665-1695, Nell Marion Nugent, Virginia State Library, Richmond, 1977)
The above George COMBS was very likely the same whom Richard BALL, s/o the above Major William BALL, transported to Baltimore Co, Maryland on 11 Nov 1665, particularly given that the headrights listed by Richard BALL also included the Joseph FOSTER, Yarrow WILLIAMS, and Henry SCOLLER. William BALL the younger, listed above, had married by 1672, Margaret WILLIAMSON, d/o James & Ann UNDERWOOD Williamson (See both above and below). It is also possible that the above George COMBS is the same who had married Anne BURTON, daughter of Richard BURTON, by 1656. This is probably also the same George COMBS who was listed as a headright in the Lancaster Co VA land patent of Wm. TERRIATT. (See Also Early COMBS to MD and Burton-COMBS-Underwood Connections).
There was also a George COMBS who was a ship's captain, listed as Master of the ship, The Palm Tree, which arrived in Plymouth En on 22 Jun 1685, "Inward from Virginia with Tobacco" (Plymouth EN Exchequer King's Rememberancer Port Books. Controller, VSLA SR 09778, pp. 1-2)
07 Feb 1667/8 (Old Rap. Co., Va. DB 3:362-363) Feb. 7, 1667/8. Archidall COMBE of Rappa. Co., Gent., is indebted unto John BRADFORTH of the sd. county, miller, in the full and just quantity of 9000 lbs. of tobacco…to be pad at or uppon
Aug. 10th next…
/s/ Archdall COMBE.
Wits: Alex: FLEMING, Robert PAINE.
This Bill Bindeth me Archdall COMBE…my heirs to pay or cause to be paid unto John BRADFORD [sic] …the sum and quantity of 6000 lbs. of Tob. & Caske due to be paid at or uppon the Tenth day of 8br next…I the sd. Archdall COMBE doe for and from me and my heires bind over one seat of land belonging to me, in Rappa. Co. containing 200 acres known as THE FORREST with all houses belonging for the full terme of 99 years
07 Feb 1667/8 (Old Rap. Co., Va. DB 3:362-363) Feb. 7, 1667/8. I Archidall COMBE of Rappa. Co., Gent., doe owe and stand Indebted unto John BRADFORTH of the sd. county, miller, in the full and just quantity of 9000 lbs. of tobacco…to be pad at or uppon the Tenth day of 8br Next. The condition of this obligacon is such that if the above bounden Archdall COMBE his heires or order doe well and truly pay or cause to be paid unto Jno. BRADFORD his order the sume of Four thousand five hundred pouns of Tob: & Caske according to act at the time above specifyed then this obligacon to be void otherwise to stand in full power force and virtue
in wWitness where of I sett my hand and seale this 7th day of Febry 1667/8.
/s/ Archdall COMBE.
Testis: Alex: FLEMING; Robert PAINE.
This Bill Bindeth me Archdall COMBE…my heires to pay or cause to be paid unto John BRADFORD…the sum and quantity of Six thousand pounds of Tob. & Caske due to be paid at or uppon the Tenth day of 8br next in sume convenient place or places in Rappa. County to the above BRADFORD his heires or order and for the Better Securing and sure paymt: of the abovesd Some of Tob: I the said Archdall COMBE doe for and from me and my heires bind over one seat of land belonging to me scituate in Rappa. County cont: 200 acres knowne by the name of THE FORREST with all Houses belonging for the full terme of nynty nyne yeares to say unto John BRADFORD & his heires during the said terme as also the dowry of my now wife Elizabeth & doe promise to accoknowledge the same in Court when thereunto legally called and Deliver Seizure according to Law.
In Witness whereof I subscribe my hand and seale this 7th day of Febry: 1667/8.
s/Archdall COMBE.
Test Alex: FLEMING, Robert PAINE.
Recognit in Cur Com Rappahannock. 5 Die Martii 1667/8.
More often than not, when one reads the phrase: "my now wife," it indicates that there was a former marriage. Given that Elizabeth UNKNOWN Underwood Underwood COMBS had herself been previously married, it would seem just as likely that Archdale COMBS had also (Could he have been father/grandfather of Joseph COMBS I of Stafford Co VA?). Note also that the above proves Archdale COMBS owned land that is believed not to have been that purchased from COGHILL, and which has not yet been located. (See Also below and Joseph COMBS I of Stafford) See Also the Middlesex, EN will of Roger HOLMAN dated 20 Feb 1619/20 which names his niece, Rebecca COOMES, and a James BRADFORD as overseer. Was John BRADFORD above kin to the same seen in records of Baltimore MD with the GIBSON/TODD Families in 1688?
09 Apr 1668 (Old Rappa DB 1668-1672, pp. 29-31) Know all Men by these pntes that I Archdale COMBE of Rappa Plantr. have for a valueable consid by me in hand reced have bargained & sold from me and my heirs for Ever the two thirds of land menconed with Bill of Sale on the other pt. Of the Leafe that I bought of James COGHILL unto Francis TRIPLETT his heires for Ever …
As Witnesse my hand this 9th day of Aprill 1668.
s/Archdall COMBE.
Witnesse John [M] EVENS, his marke,
This 28th day of Septr. 1668 the assignemt. wth the land above menconed was acknowledged by Mr. Archdall COMBE to the use & behoofe of Francis TRIPLETT his heirs by him received that the same be Recorded in the Cort. of Rappea.
Know All men….. I Francis TRIPLETT of the County of Rappa. Cooper have for the valueable consid by mee in hand Reced Bargained sold from me & my heires for Ever the two thirds of land menconed in the Bill of Sale on the other side that I bought of Mr. Archdall COMBE unto Francis STERNE his heirs for Ever …. Witnesseth my hand April 30th 1669. Francis TRIPLETT. Abigail TRIPLETT signum, in pnce of us Warwick CAMOCK, James BORN.
Septr the 28th 1669 the Assgnmt of the Deed of Land … acknowledged by Francis TRIPLETT & his wife Abigail…..Recognitr Com Nobis John CATLETT, November Xth 1668 Recordat in Cort Rappahannock.
(Old Rappa Deeds, 1668-1672, Sam & Ruth Sparacio)
As noted above, a more detailed treatment of the various Old Rappa. Co VA COMBS Land will be added shortly. Note also that Francis STERNE later married Mary CAMMOCK, d/o Warwick and Margaret UNKNOWN (Thatcher) Cammock.
22 Jun 1668 (Old Rap. Co., Va. DB 3:479-480) June 22, 1668. I Archdall COMBE of Rappa. Co. appoyat my friend
Warwick CAMMOCK of the same county my lawfull attorney to answer the suite of
Majr. John WEIR.…
/s/ Archdall COMBE,
Wits: Francis TRIPLETT,
Rec: x July 1668
See Also Burroughs-Vassall-Ware Families as well as Cammock Families
4 May 1669 (Old Rappa. DB4:106-7) John PROSSER to Jno. MOTT & George MOTT one Bill of Six thousand pounds of Tobacco & caske bearing date of 31 Mar last from Simon MILLER…
Wits. Francis [signum F] HALL, Thomas KENDALL
Thomas KENDALL married Martha GOFF, step-daughter of John PROSSER (see below).
19 Aug 1670 - 21 Sep 1673 (Old Rappa. DB5:140) Be it known unto all men that I John PROSSER of the County of Rappa. do in consideration of the sum of four hundred pounds of Tobacco and Cask in hand already received and likewise for the love and affection that I do and shall constantly bear unto the Memory of my Deceased Martha and for severall services done me by Martha the only daughter of my said Wife and severally other good causes and consideration me thereunto moving do by these presents give and estrange from me my heirs unto the said Martha and her now Husband Thomas KENDALL and their heirs forever one parcell of land containing three hundred acres of land being part of a devident of a greater quantitie lying and being in the Freshes of Rappahannock River and on the South side beginning upon Swan Creek at a marked Locust the first three hundred acres being sold unto George SHEPHARD the said three hundred acres being the next adjoyning to the said George SHEPHARD land and runing according to the several courses of the sd land unto the head line and along the head line so far as by Survey with its course to the River will make up the Complement of three hundred acres Now Know ye that I the said John PROSSER doe for myself & my heirs give and estrange the said land and every part and parcell of the same from me my heirs unto my abovesd Daughter in Law and her husband as aforesaid and their heirs forever without the trouble of me my heirs or assigns or any other pesons now claiming or hereafter to claime from or under me
In confirmation of the premises I have hereunto set my hand and seale this 19th
of August 1670.
s/John PROSSER. in presence of us James HARRISON George SHEPHARD.
Old Rappa. Deed Book, 1672-1676, Part II, Sparacio
The last record of Abraham COMBS while still probably a resident of Old Rappa. Co VA is the following:
11 Sep 1668 (Old Rappahannock VA DB4:283) Mr. PAYNE I pray be pleased to doe me that favor as to be my atturney in ye recording of one cow calfe for the use of John MEDOR Junr & the marke & soe doing you will much oblige him who is yr Esteemed Friend.
(s) Abraham COOMBES
The calfe is marked with a Flowre Deluce on the right ear & a swallowfork on the Left - September the 11th 1668.
Teste. John MEDOR, Samuell JOHNSON.
(Old Rappahannock Co, VA Deed Abstracts, 1668-1672, Ruth & Sam Sparacio, Antient Press, McLean, VA, 1987, p. 149)
The above Robert PAYNE was godfather of Mary MEADOR, daughter of John and Joanne (COMBS?) Meador, Sr. The above is also the last record located in Virginia thus far for Abraham COMBS until a final record in 1683 (See Below). By May 1670, Abraham COMBS had apparently moved to St. Mary's Co MD where Abraham COMBE is recorded as having witnessed on 25 Jun 1670, along with John JARBOE, David DRIVER and William ASSITER, the will of Wm. TETTERSHALL of Odd Stokes, Wilts., EN and Brittains Bay [Leonardtown], St. Mary's Co MD, which mentions, among other items, TATTERSHALL'S neighbors Luke BARBER and John GREENWELL, a brother John TATTERSHALL of Odd Stoakes in Wiltshire, EN, a Mrs. Mary ANDREWES, land in Charles Co, and "friend Mr. WALTER." (See St. Mary's Co MD)
John JARBOE married William TATTERSHALL'S sister Mary TATTERSHALL who later married Stephen GOUGH. Their son, Benjamin GOUGH, married Jane CLARKE, daughter of Robert CLARKE Sr. & Sarah COMBS (d/o Abraham). William TATTERSHALL married Ann LEWGER (d/o John & Ann (-----) Lewger), the latter marrying 2nd in 1671 Henry NEALE. Witness William ASSISTER'S son, Henry, m Ann (-----), and their daughter, Mary ASSITER, m Henry PAINE, witness to 1684 will of Abraham COMBS. (Abstracted from Colonial Settlers St. Clement's Bay, 1634-1780 St. Mary's County, Maryland, Mary Louise Donnelly).
Was Henry PAINE of Maryland kin to Robert PAINE of Old Rappa. Co VA? Were GOUGHS of MD and GOFFS of Old Rappa. kin to each other? No land records have been located for Abraham COMBS in either Old Rappa. Co VA or St. Mary's Co MD.
02 Nov 1668 (Old Rap Co., Va DB Part I of 1668-1670:72) Nov. 2, 1668. Archdall COMBE appoints his loveing Friende
Mr. Warricke CAMMOCKE his attorney to acknowledge judgemt. to Capt. Alexr. FLEMING
and Raleigh TRAVERS for what Tobacco shall appeare due to them as Admrs.
of John BRADFORD Miller dec'd…
/s/ Archdall COMBE,
Wits: Francis (mark) STERNE, Thomas (mark) RIGHT.
[Search Words: WRIGHT]
Raleigh TRAVERS was the h/o Elizabeth UNKNOWN who had m (1) Thomas STEPHENS; (2) Raleigh TRAVERSE; (3) Robert BECKINGHAM; (4) Thos. WILKES; and (5) George SPENCER. See Robert BECKINGHAM'S 1676 Lancaster Co VA will in which he names "brother in law" John CUMES and sister Elizabeth CUMES.
22 Dec 1668 (Old Rap Co., Va DB Part I of 1668-1670:60) Dec. 22, 1668. Archdall COMBE appoints Mr. Jno. FOXHALL his attorney in a business depending between Mr. LANE and myselfe as also between Mr. GLOVER and myselfe…
/s/Archdall COMBS,
Wit: Marmaduke HUDSON.
John FOXHALL, s/o Ambrose FOXHALL of Aston-by-Birmingham, Warwick, England, was the father of, among others, daughter, Mary, who m (1) bet 1673 and 1680, Robert VAULX, a Quaker; (2) bet 1680 and 1687, Alexander GORGES, (3) bef 1689, Edward DUDDLESTONE, (4) bef 1698, Caleb BUTLER, and (5) in 1711, John BAGGE. Question: Was Alexander GORGES kin to Sir Ferdinando GORGES of the Virginia Company? To Sir Ferdinando's grandson and namesake, Ferdinando GORGES who m Mary ARCHDALE, d/o Thomas & Mary NEVILLE Archdale, 1st cousin of Margaret ARCHDALE COMBS? (See Archdale-COMBS Families of England. See FOXHALL Family. See GORGES Family. See BUTLER-COMBS Connections. See VA Company. See Next)
4 Jul 1670 - 7 May 1684 (Old Rappa. DB7:108-111) This Indenture made the fourth day of July One thousand Six hundred and seaventy Between William UNDERWOOD Senyr. of the Parrish of Sittingborne in the County of Rappa: of the one party and Mr. John FOXHALL of Pope's Creek in the County of Westmoreland, Merchant, on the other party Witnesseth that the sd. Wm. UNDERWOOD for the sum of Ten thousand pounds of good merchantable Tobo: to him paid hath sett and to farm lett unto the said FOXHALL his heires all his right which he hath or hereafter by the death of his Mother in Law should have to that Grist or Water Mill with the appences: scituate lying and being in the County and Parish aforesaid and some time in the occupation of Archidall COMBE and late in the possession of John PAYNE and the ground and Soyle whereon the Mill now standeth Togeather with Fifty acres of land next and adjoyning thereto to be surveyed and laid out in the most convenient forme for the accomodation of the sd Mill by Mr. William MOSELEY at the charge and appointment of the said John FOXHALL togeather with all Mill pools, ponds, dams, stanicks, banks, streams, water course, rivers, brooks, fishing and fishing places ways profitts prevelidges and appurtenances whatever to the said Mill land and prmisses To have and to hold with all and singular their appurtenances togeather with all the buildings wood timber unto the said John FOXHALL him his heires from the day of the date of these prsents during and unto the terme of ninety and nine yeares fully compleat paying yearly at the feast day of St. Michaell the Archangell one year of Indian Corne being fully demanded and the said William UNDERWOOD doth hereby grant the said FOXHALL may at al times during the terme hereby mentioned shall hold and enjoy the said Mill & land and all the prmisses together with the rents & proffitts appartaining without the deniall of the said Will: UNDERWOOD and the said William UNDERWOOD will during the space of five yeares next ensuing the deate hereof upon request and at the costs & charges in the Law of him the said FOXHALL make acknowledgement of and execute further acts for the better confirmation of these presents
In Witness whereof the said William UNDERWOOD hath putt his hand.
Signed sealed & delivered in the presence of: John CATLETT,
This within or above written Indenture was acknowledged by the within named Will: UNDERWOOD this fourth day of July One thousand six hundred & Seaventy to the use and behoofe of the within Written John FOXHALL his heires and by him desired to be recorded in the Court of Rappahannock.
Recog die 4th July 1670 John CATLETT,
Recognitr in Cur Com Rappahannock 7 die May 1684 et Recordatr xxii die. Test
(Deed Abstracts of Old Rappahannock County, Virginia, 1682-1686, Deed Book No. 7, Ruth and Sam Sparacio, Antient Press, McLean, Virginia, 1990)
The above will documents that at one time, but bef 1670, Archdale COMBS, husband of William UNDERWOOD, Sr.'s step-mother ("mother in law"), Elizabeth, occupied UNDERWOOD'S Mill, that Archdale was not residing there by 1670, and that a John PAYNE (which?) was residing there instead. Given the Archdale-Gorges relationships, the lease of Underwood's Mill by John FOXHALL is all the more interesting - as is the fact that fourteen years passed before the above record was proved. It is possible that the recording of the deed signalled the death of either Elizabeth UNKNOWN Underwood Underwood COMBS or Archdale COMBS himself, particularly given the 1684 records (see below) for underage Charles & William COMBS.
01 Jan 1671/2 (Old Rappa Deeds, Wills Book 5: 9-10) 1 Jan 1671. Mary HOLLOWAY widow of Old Rappahannock, Parish of Sittingbourne out of love and pure affection wch I beare unto my two children Richard and Abigail HOLLOWAY have given and set over unto my Sonne Richard two Cows…. and one Heifer… marked with the proper marke of his deceased Father Richard HOLLOWAY… till my said Sonne attaine to ye age of Twelve yeares…. also to my said Daughter Abigaill HOLLOWAY two Cows the ones name is Black Betty the other Browne Betty the one bought of Hugh PALMER the other of Mr. Archdale COMBE the marks I doe not well remember wth one two yeare old heifer called Brinded marked with the same marke hir Brother Cattle are of with … till she attaine to the age of ten years…
I hereby impower Robert PAYNE my true and lawfully attorney for me and in my name to acknowledge in the County Court of Rappa. this act and deed.
s/Mary [ X ] HOLLOWAY
(Deed Abstracts of Old Rappahannock County, Virginia, Part I of 1672-1676, Ruth and Sam Sparacio, Antient Press, McLean, VA, 1989)
Was Hugh PALMER kin to Barbara ARCHDALE Palmer, sister of Margaret ARCHDALE COMBS of England? (See above) Also note that Hugh [his C mark] PALMER witnessed the 1671 will of John PROSSER, step-father of Martha GOFF Kendall, whose son/grandson, William KENDALL, m Elizabeth, d/o John & Ann/Hannah COMBS. He has not been researched.
17 May - 3 Sep 1673 (Old Rappea Deeds, 1668-1672, Part I:132) 17 May 1673. James COGHILL to Peter OLDE Miller, both of Rappa, 110 A, 17 May 1673,
S/James COGHILl,
Wits: John AYRES, Archdale [sic] COMBE,
prvd. 3 7bris 1673, also the date "Mary COGHILL empowers Daniel GAINES…" relinquishment.
Test: Robert SPERKE, Wm [W] COLE
1673? (Old Rappa DB5:348) Know all men that I Thomas DAY of Rappa Planter de upon consideration of a Marriage with Dorothy HUDSON as alsoe for and in consideration of a Horse received of the said Dorothy hereby engage myself my heirs & assigns to buy a Mare filly of a yeare old the same to be bought within this two years and what Female increase comes of the said Mare to be equally divided between Laurana, Anne & William HUDSON and Mary BARTLET and I do hereby engate that the first two calfes that fall [missing? another note - clerks?- states see Page 194 of Original Record for this omitted, but not p 4 of DB5?] Undated, but probably 1673?
23 Sep 1674 (Old Rappa. Co - VA Patent Book No. 6, pp. 526-7) Thomas GOULDMAN, 2200 A in Rappa. Co on brs. of HOSKINGS Cr. below an Indian Path; to Portobacco Path; to Elick ROBINS; over HOSKINS' pecoson; to Col. GOODRICH &c. Trans. of 44 persons: Robert CARDIN, James WOLVERIDGE, Richard BEATLY, Daniell LEATY, Leanord DENT, Thomas WERLETT, George WEBBER, Summersett HAUGHTON, Thomas WILLSON, John POOLE, Mary PENDLETON, George DENNY, Amey JOHNSON, Christian ELLEN, Sarah HIBBLES, George BROWNING, William SMYTH, Sarah SMYTH, John BETTON (or BELTON), Joane BINY, Amy JACKSON, Edward WIETT, Richard GRIMSTED, Thomas HART, Ben. DALIFEILD, John HASELOCK, Will. BUNT, John JONES, Thomas WATKINS, Griffin JONSE, Elisabeth SINERINGTON, Thomas WOOD, DIES COME, Richard CAUTHORN, Ann CAUTHORNE, Aurelia CAUTHORN, Henery COX, William SMYTH, Ann HASELLWOOD, Elizabeth HERBETT, Will. BLACKFORD, John ROBERTS, Richard LIFTON, Mary WIATT.
(Cavaliers & Pioneers, Vol. II, Nugent, p. 153)
See Thomas GOULDMAN in records with Thomas COMER/COMES (wife Keziah) of Essex County, Virginia. The above Dies COME has not been identified, nor has the original record been located at VSLA yet. Question: Could "dies" have been some form of "ditto," indicating 1st name, Thomas? Also note GOODRIDGE below and Timothy and Griffin JONES in Maryland.
29 Sep 1674 - (Old Rappa DB5:238) I Peter OLD by this acknowledge to have received of James COGHILL satisfaction for the land within specified in the within Bill of Sale as above on the assngt. above which I doe assign back againe from me my heirs & assigns unto James COGHILL his heirs or assigns and do by this Engage to acknowledge it in Court n Demand as Witness my hand this 29th 7ber 1674.
Peter [X] OLD,
Test Archdl. COMBE, Geo: SOUTHEN.
Recognitr in Cu Com Rappa 5 die 7bris 1674
(Old Rappahannock County Deed Book 1672-1676, Part II, Ruth & Sam Sparacio, The Antient Press, McLean, VA, 1989)
The reason for the exchanges between OLDE and COGHILL not yet determined; nor has Peter OLD been researched as yet. Ditto for George SOUTHERN; however, See Also George SOUTHAM [sic] with COMBS of Middlesex County, VA.
14 Nov 1674 - 5 May 1675 (Old Rappa Co., Va, DB Part II of 1672-1676:278-279) Nov. 14, 1674. …We, Archdall COMBES and Elizabeth COMBES the Lawfull Wife of the sd. Archdale living and being in the Parish of Sitting Bourne of the County of Rappa in Virginia…for divers valuable causes…especially for and in consideration of 600 acs. of land made over to the sd. Elizabeth COMBES and her two Sones as by a Writing will appear, have by these presents devised, granted, sold and confirmed…unto William UNDERWOOD Senr. living and being in the Parish and County afsd. the Lawfull Sone and Heir Apparent of Collo. William UNDERWOOD deceased and formerly husband of the afsd. Elizabeth, to him, his heirs and assigns forever all and every part and parcell of the right, claim and remainders in the thirds and Dowry of the same formerly called The Mount scituate lying in and being in the Parish and County afsd wch did of Right and by Law belong and descend to the said Elizabeth as being the Relict of Collo. William UNDERWOOD deced aforesaid and now in Rights & in the possesion & occupation of the said Archdale COMBES as Intermarrying with her the aforesaid Elizabeth To have hold use and possess the aforesaid Dowry and thirds of the said land withall and singular the tenements and appurtenances excepting only the profitts of the thirds of the Mill thereto belonging to the said William UNDERWOOD his heirs and assigns forever without the molestation or deniall of the said Archdale and Elizabeth the Wife of said Archdale or of any the heirs of them or any person clayming any title or interest therein by him or under him or any or either of us by or from the heirs of either of us and also said Archdale COMBES and Elizabeth COMBES have further agreed to give and confirme and make over such further assurances of the said land with all and everything thereto belonging to the said William UNDERWOOD his heirs and assigns forever as the Learned and Lawfull Councell of the said William his heirs and assigns shall at any time hereafter demand and finally the said Archdale COMBS and Elizabeth do oblige ourselves to the said William UNDERWOOD his heirs & assigns to acknowledge and confirm either by ourselves or by our lawfull attorney this present instrument of writing at or upon the next Court following the date hereof held for Rappa County in the full and just sum of Three hundred pounds Sterling money of England to be paid at or upon the Monday in Easter Weeke next after the day and date hereof and at or in the house of the said UNDERWOOD doth now live and inhabit
In Testimony whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals joyntly and severally this 14th day of November in the year of our Lord God 1674.
s/Archdale COMBS, Elizabeth COMBS.
In presence of us Francis TRIPLETT, Edward ROUZY.
Recognitr in Cu Com Rappa 5 die May 1675 p Archdale COMBES et Amory BUTLER.
(Old Rappa DB, 1672-1676, Part II, No. 5, Sam and Ruth Sparacio, Antient Press, Maclean Virginia)
The above document further confirms the marriage of Archdale COMBS to Elizabeth, widow of Col. Wm. UNDERWOOD, and that William UNDERWOOD, "Sr." is further confirmed as the "lawful son and heir" (i.e., eldest living son) of Col. Wm. UNDERWOOD. See Also Below
16 Apr 1675 (Old Rappa. Co - VA Land Patent Bk No. 6:567) Mr. Thomas BOWLER, 1460 A, Rappahannock Co, some 3 mi in the woods behind Mr. Henry SMITH; beg. by a br. of Ralph's Cr. &c. by Tho. CROWE'S fence; crossing the white marsh &c. 650 A granted Robt. ARMESTRONG 10 Sep 1658 who sold to Col. Tho. GOODRICH; 484 patented by sd. GOODRICH with sd. 650 A 20 Sep 1661 which he sold to sd. BOWLER; 326 A found within; the whole added together & now by him nominated & called "The Mary Gold." 326 A for transp. of 7 pers: Peter DEANE, Jno. HOOPER, Hannah COMES, Edwd. CLARKE, Jone SHEARES, Ja. BARTLETT, Jno. READE
(Cavaliers & Pioneers, Vol. II, Nugent, p. 167)
The above Hannah COMBS has not been identified; however, she may have been an Anne, may have been the Hannah COMBS whose headright appears to have been used "liberally" in Virginia (or she was well-travelled), including in Middlesex Co VA where an unidentified John COMBS d in 1675. The above Edward CLARK has not been identified; however, see Combs-Clark Connections in Old Rappa & St. Mary's County, MD. Also note ARMSTRONG in ref Enoch COMBS above, and Combs-Reade of early Maryland.
2/3 Nov 1675 (Old Rappa DB5:327-8) Know all men by these presents that we Archdale COMBS and Elizabeth COMBS Wife of the said Archdale COMBES for a valuable consideration already in hand paid received & have granted sold and forever made over unto Capt. William BALL of Lancaster County in Virginia all that right & interest of a parcell of land lying the freshes of Rappa River on the North side the said River wch was given by Major William UNDERWOOD of the County of Rappa deced unto the two Daughters of Mr. James WILLIAMSON deced Margaret & Mary WILLIAMSON the thirds of which land did properly belong to the said Elizabeth COMBES as being the Relict of Major William UNDERWOOD deced Wee the said Archdale COMBES & Elizabeth COMBES doe from us our heirs and assigns and everyday or any of them forever sell & have and to hold all the above mentioned tract of land with all woods and water courses and appurtenances thereunto belonging unto the said Capt. William BALL his heirs and assigns forever with warranty against all persons that shall lay any claim title or interest to same or any parte thereof from by or under us or either or any of us our heirs executors or assigns for any of them he the said Capt. William BALL paying and performing all Rents and services that are due for the same to his sacred Majestie his Deputie or Deputies
In Witness whereof wee have hereunto set our hands and seales this 2d day of November in the yeare of our Lord God 1675.
s/Archdale COMBES, Elizabeth COMBES.
in presence of us Edmund CRASK, Philip PENDLETON.
Recognitr in Cu Comr Rappa 3 die No 1675.
(Old Rappahannock County Deed Book 1672-1676, Part II, Ruth & Sam Sparacio, The Antient Press, McLean, VA, 1989)
James WILLIAMSON married Ann UNDERWOOD, sister of Col. Wm. UNDERWOOD. His daughter, Margaret, married William BALL, Jr., and his dau, Mary, married John ROZIER. Col. Wm. UNDERWOOD was named their guardian following James WILLIAMSON'S death in 1656, and UNDERWOOD'S will (not extant) bequeathed land to his WILLIAMSON nieces. (See Underwood Families).
17 Apr 1677 - 03 Mar 1677/8 (Old Rappa. Records, 1677-1682, Part 1:167) 17 Apr 1677. Francis TRIPLETT of Rappa. , Cooper, to Samuel BOWIN, consid 3,000 lbs. lands remaines out of pattent to me 21 Jan 1666 bounded upon Capt. BALLS & upon ye first line & upon a piece of land that belongeth to James SCOTT..
Wits: Archdale COMBS, Wm. DACRES.
Rec. 6 Mar 1677/8 & 27 day 1678. 3 Mar 1677/8.
Abigail TRIPLETT apptd. Francis JAMES attorney to ack… bought
of my Husband Francis TRIPLETT, ye sd tract of land laying in ye Forrest
& adjoining William JETTS land…
Agagall [A] TRIPLETT;
Wits: Thomas [B] BECK, Archdale COMBS.
Rec. 27 Day Mar 1678.
01-24 Jan 1677/8 (Old Rappa. Records, 1677-1682, Part 1:150) 1 Jan 1677/8. Elizabeth WOOD of Rappahannock. For love & affection my well beloved daughter Cornelia WOOD have given all my right interest of my land on ye S side of Rappae. River being 360 A, but if she die without heires to return to me… and one Iron gray mare called by ye name of Lamb… and one Ring .. ye first mare colt of any of my mares in my Custody in Rappae… two yearling heifers…
S/ Elizabeth [EW] WOOD.
Wits: Archdale COMBS,
Tho: [P] NAP. Rec 2 Jan 1677/8.
Eliz WOOD apptd. Francis STONE her attorney to ack. on same date.
Wits: Archdale COMBS,
Tho: [P] NAP. Rec. 24 day Jan 1677/8.
Elizabeth WOOD and daughter Cornelia have not been researched. Note also the presence of Francis STONE. Was he kin to the ASBURY-STONE Families of Westmoreland Co VA where Henry and Benjamin ASBURY were security in 1731 for Catherine COMBS, widow of Phillip COMBS of that county? The above record is the last found for a "known to be alive" Archdale COMBS in Old Rappahannock Co VA. No record of an estate inventory or appraisal has ever been found. Possibly of interest is that Warwick CAMMOCK also "disappeared" from Old Rappahannock Co VA records abt the same time, and that no inventory or appraisal of his estate has ever been found either. Did the two men die outside Rappa.? Even if so, there should have been inventories and appraisals unless they were not living in Old Rappa. at the times of their deaths. Research is in progress as to whether either or both could have been with COMBS-Cammock Associated Families instead, including in the Carolinas and New England; and/or back in Olde England itself. (See Also 1684 below)
16 Oct 1683 (Old Rap Co., Va DB 7:155) Oct. 16, 1683. Whereas Abraham COMBE of the Province of Maryland, Gent., did formerly put in the hands & possession of my late Brother in Law John MEADOR, dec'd., one heifer for the use and Acct. of my Godson John MEADOR, Son of John MEADOR the Elder deceased wch the said John MEADOR, the Son deceased in his minority Now Know all men by these presents that I Abraham COOMBE do by these presents give Mary MEADOR Daughter of the said John MEADOR the Elder deced and sole Sister of the said John MEADOR the Son, two cowes and two calves…And in case of the death of sd Mary without issue of her body lawfully begotten then I do hereby give the cowes and calves with all their future increase unto Richd. MEADOR son of John MEADOR of Rappa. Co. now liveing…
s/Abra: COOMBE.
Wits: Henry AUBREY, John ALMOND.
(Old Rappahannock County Deed Book, 1652-1656, Ruth and Sam Sparacio, Antient Press, McLean, VA, 1990.)
By Jan 1684/5, Abraham COMBS was dec'd, naming dau Sarah CLARK (wife of Robert CLARK) and wife Margaret in his St. Mary's Co, MD, will dated 26 Dec 1684. The various MEADOR Relationships are currently in a state of semi-confusion and will be added later.
07 May 1684 (Old Rappahannock OB, 1683-1686, p. 20 (27)) 7 May 1684. It is ordrd: upon request of John BUTLER that Charles COMBS serve the said BUTLER until he attaines the age of one and twenty years, he the said BUTLER finding him sufficient Diett washing lodging and apparrell during the sd term and at the expiration therof to allow him as the Act directs for custome or Indented Servants.
(Old Rappahannock Order Book Abstracts, 1683-85, Ruth & Sam Sparacio, Antient Press, McLean, VA, 1990)
Note: Same as next?
ca. 1684 Indenture: Combs, Charles; Gender: Male; Orphan: Unknown; Position in Parent's Family: Unknown; Landowner: Unknown; Literate: Unknown; Convict: Unknown; Length of Indenture, Year of Indenture: about 1684; Place of Indenture, County: Rappahannock; Colony: Virginia
Source Citations: Ruth Sparacio and Sam Sparacio, Order Book Abstracts of (Old) Rappahannock County, Virginia 1683-1685 (McLean, Virginia: The Antient Press, 1990), 19, quoting Rappahannock County, Virginia Orders 1683-1685, 20.
04 Sep 1684 (Old Rappahannock OB, 1683-1686, p. 55) 4 Sep 1684, ordered that William COMBS was to be bound to Mr. William UNDERWOOD until he reached the age of twenty one years according to an order of the Vestry of Sittingbourne Parish, and assigned to him from Abraham STEPP; the said UNDERWOOD to provide for him such necessarys which belongeth to an apprentice.
(Virginia Families, Vol. V, p. 617)
It is believed highly possible that the above two records and the recording, also on 07 May 1684, of the FOXHALL-UNDERWOOD deed of 1670, may have indicated that either or both Archdale COMBS & wife, Elizabeth, were deceased. Mr. William UNDERWOOD was William UNDERWOOD, Sr., and William COMBS believed to have been William COMBS, s/o Archdale & Elizabeth, and born, according to the above record after 1663. Abraham STEPP has not yet been identified, but may have been a vestryman or cleric of Sittingbourne Parish. Charles COMBS likewise has not been identified, but may have been a younger yet son of Archdale & Elizabeth COMBS. The lack of any record for John COMBS, elder s/o Archdale & Elizabeth, is believed to indicate that he was probably already of age, thus born in 1663. The above John BUTLER has not been identified, but may have been the brother of Amory BUTLER, brother of Mary BUTLER who m William UNDERWOOD, Sr., and last husband of Elizabeth UNDERWOOD, sister of Col. UNDERWOOD and w/o (1) James TAYLOR; (2) Francis SLAUGHTER; (3) John CATLETT; and lastly Amory BUTLER (See Underwood Families) The above Charles COMBS may have been the same later in Essex Co VA.
22 Jul - 06 Oct 1686 (Old Rappa. WB2:109-110) Dtd. 22 Jul 1686. Prvd. 6 Oct 1686 Will of Jonas [JP] PAGE. Henry CLARK living in Totaskey Creek my whole Executr: to take into his hands all that portaining & belongs to me for such use as followeth. To mares & two colts I do give unto Henry CLARKS Son unto the above Henry CLARKE… Likewise I do give unto sd Henry CLARK younger seven breeding cattle & two male cattle the same … remain in hads of his Father, Henry CLARKE, untill his Son is capable to make use of them himself… All this I desire…
S/Jonas [crossed-I P] PAGE,
Wits: Richd. DUDLEY;
Tho: [looped-O] DUDLEY, Henry [H] TILLEY.
The above Henry CLARK not identified; however, note witnesses Richard & Thomas DUDLEY, and see 1675 Middlesex Co VA where one Thomas DUDLEY was administrator of the estate of John COMBS (unidentified).
27 Mar 1689. 3 Apr 1689 (Old Rappa. DB8:18-21) William and James COGWELL of Charles Co, Meriland, Planter possed of parcel of land containing 500 A, part of a Patent of 1,000 A… for valuable consid in hand already paid… to Johanna HUDSON of County and Place aforesaid, Widow, her heirs, 250 A being half moiety or part of the sd 500 A aforesd. lying at head of Portobaco Creek in Rappahannock Co Virginia which sd 250 A adj. with Plantation commonly known or called by the name of COGWELLS Plantation which is now in tenure of and occupation of sd Johanna HUDSON together with all houseing… wee the sd Wm. COGWELL and James COGWELL together with our Wives Susanna and Ann… ack. 27 Mar 1689.
Wits: Wm. FORD, Eliza. [marke] MUNFORD, Edmd. POTTER.
Rec. 3 Apr 1689.
We Wm. COGWELL and James COGWELL do assign… all right… all our Stock of Cattle and hogs belonging to the Plantacon that is now in possession of Johanna HUDSON in Co of Rappa. Virginia and likewise all our household gods only a flock bed and furniture and a sett of Tools unto Johanna HUDSON her heirs… this 26th of Mar 1689.
S/(same as above)
We the sd William COGWELL and James COGWELL (ditto) with our Wives Susanna and Ann COGWELL do ordain James SMITHSON of Rappa. our attorney..27 Mar 1689.
S/Wm. COGHILL [sic], James COGHILL, Susaana COGHILL;
Wits: Wm. FORD, Eliza MUNFORD, Edmo. POTTER.
Rec. 3 Apr 1689.
26 Apr 1690 - 4 Mar 1690/1 (Old Rappa DB8:229) James and Ann DABNEY of Rappa to Francis STERNE of same … 50 acres of woodland in Co of Rappa on North side of the River part of the Quarter part of Two hundred acres [sic] bought of Phillip SHARWOOD [sic] late of this county and deced adj. Fran. JAMES and on the corner side of the aforesd land.
S/James DABNEY, Ann [ ^ ] DABNEY,
Rec. 4th die Martii 1690 DABNEY & Uxerem
(Deed Abstracts of Old Rappahannock County, Virginia (1688-92) Ruth & Sam Sparacio, The Antient Press, McLean, Virginia 22101, C 1986, 1320 Mayflower Drive, 22101)
28 Apr 1690 (Old Rappa DB8:228-229) 28 Apr 1690 James and Ann DABNEY of Rappa to Francis JAMES of same 75 acres of wood land being in County of Rappahannock and on North side of the River it being the Quarter part of 300 A formerly taken up by Phillip SHEARWOOD late of the county deced and now in possession of sd James DANBY [sic] "in right of his wife"… bounding on the land of Fran. TRIPLETT, John ARRINGTON, Wm JETT and David ROSSEN [ROSSER? ROSIER?].
S/James DABNEY, Ann [ mark ^ ] DABNEY,
witnessed by: Wm. UNDERWOOD, John [crossed- I O ] COMBE.
Rec. 4th die Martii 1690.
(Deed Abstracts of Old Rappahannock County, Virginia (1688-92) Ruth & Sam Sparacio, The Antient Press, 1320 Mayflower Drive, McLean, Virginia 22101, 1986)
26 Apr 1690 (Old Rappa DB8:229) 26 Apr 1690 James and Ann DABNEY of Rappa to Francis STERNE of same … 50 acres of woodland in Co of Rappa on North side of the River it being part of the Quarter part of Two hundred acres [sic] bought of Phillip SHARWOOD [sic] late of this county and deced adj. Fran. JAMES and on the corner side of the aforesd land.
S/James DABNEY, Ann [ ^ ] DABNEY,
Wm. UNDERWOOD, John [crossed-I C] COMBE.
Rec. p DABNEY & Uxerem 4th die Martii 1690.
(Deed Abstracts of Old Rappahannock County, Virginia (1688-92) Ruth & Sam Sparacio, The Antient Press, McLean, Virginia 22101, C 1986, 1320 Mayflower Drive, 22101)
The above William UNDERWOOD was William UNDERWOOD, Sr. (he could sign his name) Also note that John COMBS' mark was actually a crossed-I, the symbol at the time for the letter "J." Frances STERN married the daughter of Warwick and Margaret UNKNOWN (Thatcher) Cammock. Francis JAMES was a near neighbor of both COMBS & UNDERWOODS (See Combs Land & Richmond Co VA) James DABNEY is believed to be the same who was of King & Queen county in 1701, adjacent to Sarah DABNEY and her sister, Dorothy ANDERSON, wife of William ANDERSON (Virginia Land Patent Book 9:350-2, Cavaliers & Pioneers, Vol. 3, p. 46), possibly the same Dorothy ANDERSON. (See also John ANDERSON, executor of the will of John COMBS in Richmond Co, VA in 1716. Note: Additional will be posted in reference to the ANDERSON Family; however, some can also be found in reference to the Brooks-Brown-Pope-Wroe Families.
28 Aug 1691 - 7 Oct 1691 (Old Rappa. DB8:264-5) Johnanna [sic] HUDSON of Charles City County in the Province of Maryland, consid 40 lbs. sterling, to Mr. Richard BOOKER of Glocester whereof I Johanna HUDSON land… the within menconed Bill of Sale…S/Johanna [her mark crossed-I] HUDSON; Wits: Mary [M] DUCKSBERRY; Cornls. BUTHELL, David COGWELL, Rowland PERION. Jonathan [sic] HUDSON of Charles Citty County in the Province of Maryland to loving friend Mr. Wm. PEIRCE of Rappa. County in Virgnia … to acknowledge Bill of Sale asinged to Richard BROOK [sic] of Glocester County… 28 Aug 1691.
S/ Jonathan [sic] [marke crossed-I] HUDSON;
Wits: Row. PIRSON [sic], David COGWELL.
Johanna's relationship to Marmaduke HUDSON and the COGHILLS still not known. William PIERCE was husband of Sarah UNDERWOOD, daughter of ? and Margaret _____ Underwoood Upton Lucas, thus sister-in-law of Elizabeth _____ Underwood Combs. Mary DUCKSBERRY was the widow of James COGHILL (II?). See her will in Essex County, Virginia.