"Genealogical Achievement of The Lovett Family"
"The History and Antiquities of the County of Buckingham
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Transcribed by Combs Researcher Denise Mortorff from "The History and Antiquities of the County of Buckingham," by George Lipscomb, Esq. M.D., Vol. III. London: J.& W. Robins, 1847, the pedigree of LOUET,LOVET, of LISCOMBE, p.457, copy provided by Combs Researcher Joe Kendalll. Note: [Brackets] were used in the original source. As a result, (parentheses) have been used by Ms. Mortorff. Capitalization of Surnames and bold-face type has been added by Combs Research Editors. See The Lovett Families for additional records and research reports including a comparison of the following and the Visitations, Burkes, etc.
Genealogical Achievement of the LOVETT Family. Quarterly of eighteen coats.
1. Quarterly 1 and 4, Ancient and Modern. LOVETT.
2. Erm. within a bordure charged with ten roundles. TURVILLE.
3. Arg. a cross cotised, dividing four cross crosslets fitche. BILLING.
4. Arg. a cross engrailed. DRAYTON.
5. Arg. a chev. between three tigers; faces. GUMILLES.
6. Arg. a chief Gu LIZURES.
7. Arg. an inescutcheon of the field, within a bordure Vaire. LINDSEY.
8. Arg. a bend between six martlets. PRAYERS.
9. Gu. a chief indented Arg. CRANFORD.
10.Party per pales Arg. and....a cehv. Erm. JEWELL.
11.Arg., two chevrons Erm. DANTSAY.
12. Arg. three lionels passant gardant...GIFFORD.
13.....a frette Arg. MALTRAVERS.
14.Arg. a chev. between in chief eight cross crosslets, 4 and 2 S. in base four cross crosslets 1,2, and 1, also S. PACIS.
15. Arg. three barrels, with fuses at the bung. INGLETON.
16. Two organ pipes in slatire, the dexter superior between four crossed pattee....WILLIAMS.
17.Arg. a horse passant. PERCIVAL.
18.Arg. three cones of wheat (barley?) VERNEY of Devon.
Ancient Arms of LOVETT. ---Az. three wolves' heads coupe Or. Crest: On a wreath of colours, a wolf's head coupe Or. [These were borne by Richard de LOUET, of Normandy, whose two sons, William and Robert, came into England with William the Conqueror. From the first are descended, the LOVETTS of Buckinghamshire and Northamptonshire; and from the latter, the LOVETTS of Worcestershire.]
Modern Arms.---Arg. three wolves passant, in pale S. langued Gu. Crest: On a wreath, a wolf passant S. Langued Gu. [These were borne by William de LOUET, eldest son of Ricahrd de LOUET of Normandy. upon being appointed, by William the Conqueror, Master of the Wolf Hounds over all England.] [From a MS. in Mus. Brit. as Mr. Sanuel LYSONS was informed by the late Sir Jonathan LOVETT, Bart.]
Richard de LOVET came to England with William the Conqueror=
William LOVET, Master of the Wolf-Hounds to William the Conqueror=
William de LOVET=
John de LOVETT, 1155=
Richard LOVETT, 1189, 1 Ric.I =.....dau. of Eustace D'ARDEN.
William LOVETT of Rushton =...dau. of ENGHAINE
Sir Robert LOVETT, Knt. of Rushton and Newton, Co. War.=
Robert LOVETT, Esq. of Liscombe (Bucks) 2 Edw. II (1309) = Sarah,
.....dau. and hr.of Sir Roger de TURVILLE of Holmedon, Co. Northampton.
John LOVETT, of Liscombe, 29 Edw. III (1356) =Margaret D'INGLETON.
.....William LOVETT, of Liscombe, 13 Ric. II. (1390) =
.....Thomas LOVETT, of Astwell, Co. Northampton, jure uxoris
..........13 Ric. II = ...dau. and coheir (of) Thomas BILLING, of
..........Astwell= (son of)Sir Thomas BILLING of Astwell. Lord
..........Chief.=Justice of the Common Pleas.
.....(William's line continued)
John LOVETT of Liscombe=
Symon LOVETT, of Liscombe=
.....John LOVETT, ob.s.p.
.....Richard LOVETT, heir=
.....William LOVETT.
.....Robert LOVETT.
.....(Richard's line continued to a son Richard)
..........Richard LOVETT, of Liscombe = Alice, dau,. of Thomas MARTIN of
..........Lawrence LOVETT, Esq.=Elizabeth,dau, of Sir Reginald WILLIAMS of
...............Binfield Co., Berks, eld. brother of John Lord WILLIAMS of Thame.
..........Robert LOVETT, ob.s.p.
...............Richard LOVETT, ob. s.p.
..........Alice, wife of John TAYLER, of London.
..........(Richard's line continued to son Francis)
Francis LOVETT, Esq.=Anne, dau. of Austin CRISPE of Boughton, Co. Northampt.
Sir Robert LOVETT. High Sheriff of Bucks 1608. = (1) Susan, dau. and hr. of Richard PATE, Esq. Co. Glouc. 2 July 1609.; (2) Anne, Dau. of Richard SAUNDERS, Esq. of Dinton. [The issue of this second marriage were, the ancestors of the LOVETTS of Liscombe (Bucks), Tawstock (Devon), and Dublin (Ireland), including Dame Lettice PIGGOT, wife of Thomas PIGOTT, Esq. of Doddershall, who survived to a very great age, erected a Monument in the Church for her family, and was sister of many distinguished Ladies, being one of the ten daughters of Sir Robert LOVETT.]
DKM: The following lineage is connected to Susan although the previous statement indicates the lineage continues through Anne. Previous sources posted to this list indicate Anne to be the mother of the children that follow. Probably a simple error, but the original manuscript will be consulted. Sir Robert's lineage follows. The heirship went through different sons.
.....Robert LOVETT = (1) Penelope...ob. 3 April 1689; (2)Elizabeth, dau. of ...
.....BULKELEY, ob. s.p. (no issue shown)
..........Robert LOVETT, Esq.ob.1683, aet.26.=Theodosia,dau. of Sir John HALSEY.
...............Knt. of Great Gaddesden, co. Herts.
..........Anne, died young.
..........Lettice=Thomas PIGOTT, Esq.
..........Penelope=Edward BATE, Esq. of Maid's Morton.
.....Lawrence LOVETT, ob. 2 Oct. 1698.
.....Edward LOVETT, succeeded his brother Robert, who died 1699=Joane, dau.
..........of James KEMPE, Co., Devon.
..........Robert LOVETT, Esq. of Liscombe ob.s.p. (will in History)
.....Christopher LOVETT, Esq. Sheriff and Lord Mayor of Dublin.= Frances, dau.
..........of Prizad O'MORE, of Ireland.
..........Col. John LOVETT ob. 1710.=
.....(1) Susanna, dau. of Lawrence LOVETT, Esq. of Elstrop, widow;
..........Robert LOVETT, Esq.=Sarah, dau. of Jonathan ASHE, Esq. of Ireland
..........Christopher LOVETT, Esq.
..........(Robert's line continued)
...............Robert LOVETT, Esq. ob. 26 June 1740
...............William LOVETT Esq.
...............Jonathan LOVETT, Esq. 4th son (only 3 on chart) =Eleanor, dau. of
....................Daniel MANSERGH, Esq. Co. Cork; ob. 2 Dec.1786, aet. 66.
....................Jonathan LOVETT cr. Bart. 29 Sept. 1781 ob. Feb. 1812;bur. at
.........................Soulbury.= Sarah, sole dau. of Jonathan DARBY, Esq. of
.........................Leap Castle, Ireland; bur. at Soulbury
.........................Robert Turville Jonathan LOVETT Esq. ob. coel. v.p. Dec. 1807.
.........................Edward William LOVETT, ob. juv.
.........................John LOVETT, ob. juv.
.........................Letitia, ob. innupt.
.........................Arabella, ob. innupt.
....................Robert LOVETT, ob. infans.
....................Verney LOVETT, D.D.=Frances Mary,dau.of Henry JARVAIS,
.........................D.D. Archdeacon of Cashell
....................Elizabeth, ob. infans.
....................Jane =
.....(2) Mary, 2nd dau. of Sir John VERNEY, Knt. of Middle Claydon; ob 1769. [See vol.i.p.179]
..........Major Verney LOVETT, M.P. for Wndover; ob.coel.10 Dec. 1771, aet. 66.
..........Capt. John Verney LOVETT, R.N.;ob.1758. He had been a Lieutenant at the
...............celebrated Fight at Porto Bello.
..........Elizabeth ob. 1775.
DKM: Another lineage given at the top of the pedigree is as follows. This should be the brother of William and the other son of Richard de Louet.
Robert LOVET of Elmsley-Lovet, Co. Worc.=
William LOVET=Isabel, dau, of John St., MAUR.
Sir Henry LOVET, Knt. in Ward of William de BEAUCHAMP=(1)Isabella, dau. and hr. of Lord. BEAUCHAMP of Hatch; mar.2ndly, to Sir William BLOUNT, Knt. of Sodington; viv.1316.
Sir John LOVET, Knt. viv 31 Edw. L=
.....Alice, ob.s.p.
DKM: Variations between this history and others are addressed under Comparisons
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