Lovett Family -
A Comparison of Lineages
by Combs-Lovett Researcher Denise Mortorff
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Notice: Due to some discrepancies found in dates, an update is planned to this report shortly. See Lovett Lineages for more detail.
BackgroundOn 08 Jul 1630 in Soulbury Parish, Buckinghamshire, England, Elizabeth LOVETT, d/o Robert and Anne SAUNDERS Lovett of Liscombe, Soulbury Parish, m John COMBE, s/o John and Margaret ARCHDALE Combe who m 11 Dec 1587 in St. Antholin's Parish, Budge Row, London. Robert LOVETT, father of Elizabeth LOVETT Combe, d in 1643 at Sparsholt, Berkshire, which is where John and Elizabeth LOVETT Combe were residing at the time with their children, including son, Archdale COMBE, b in 1641 in Soulbury Parish, Buckinghamshire.
Combs-Lovett Families
A Comparison of the
Burke Extinct and Dormant Pedigrees
and the
Harleian Society Visitations
By Combs Researcher Denise Mortorff
In looking for primary sources to validate the lineage of Combes and allied families, it is worthwhile to compare the Burke Extinct and Dormant Pedigrees and the Harleian Society Visitations (See Vince Griffin's Lovett Family Lineages) to see what differences may exist between these two versions of the LOVETT lineage of which Elizabeth LOVETT who married John COMBES at Soulbury, Bucks, England descends. The generations are named as they appear in order as presented in the Burke lineage. See Also comparison to History of Bucks under Direct Descendancey below; and the Lovett Ecclesiastical Memorials.
BURKE HARLEIAN SOCIETY Starts with immigrant ancestor Richardus De LOUET of Normandia Starts at generation 7 of Burkes version Gen. 7 Sarah listed as daughter of Sir Nicholas De TURVILLE of Helmedon, Northampton Gen.7 Sarah is listed as daughter of Sir Roger TURVILL Gen. 8 Thomas married Clementia Gen. 8 Thomas married BILLING of Astwell, Northampton Gen.9 William LOVETT Gen.9 Shows no William & goes to what appears to be Gen. 10 of Burke Gen. 13 shows a William Gen. 13 Shows a Richard Gen. 14 shows a Thomas as father of Richard married to Alice MARTYN Gen. 14 shows a Richard as father of Richard married to Alice MARTYN Gen. 18 states Sir Robert LOVETTs first wife Susan is daughter of Richard BROOKES, esq. Gen. 17 states Sir Robert LOVETTS first wife Susan is daughter and heire of RICHARDS of City of Gloucester Gen.19 Frances married John GAREAWAY nephew of Sir William GARRAWAY Gen.18 Frances married Johan. JARWAY of London merchant Gen.19 Susan married Francis SAUNDERS, esq. Gen. 18 Suzan married Francis SANDERS of Dinton in com. Buck (a.r.) 16a Gen. 19 Robert LOVETT m.Penelope AYLET. (childrens spouses married in HALSEY,PIGOTT,BATE) Gen.18 Robert LOVETT m. Penelope dau. of Thoms AYLET of HOVELS Esquire. No spouses of children given. Gen. 19 No son named Francis. Gen. 18 Son Francis named. Gen. 19 Edward married Joan HEARLE Gen.18 Edward married dau. of PAGET Gen.19 Christopher spouse unnamed Gen.18 Christopher married da, of Piered MOORE of ye quens Count in Ireland. Gen.19 No son Lawrence named. Gen.18 Son Lawrence named. Gen.19 Dorothy married John HERNE,esq Gen.18 Dorothy married Jo. HERON of Huntingt. Gen.19 No son John named. Gen. 18 John LOVETT, son and heire aetatis 13 1634 mar. Kath. dau. of WROTHE, of Woodford Bridge [co.] Essex Gen 19 Dau. Anne m. (1)Edward BOURCHIER Gen.18 Dau. Anne w. of (2)Baptist Edmund EARLE of Bath. Gen. 19 Sarah mar. Robert HERNE Gen.18 Sarah mar. Robert HERNE of Norfolk. Gen. 20 thru 24 added. Gen. 18 stops, although a few children of Gen.20 given.
Burke Harleian History of Bucks 1.Ricardus De LOUET 1 - 6 not indicated. Gen.1-4 Agrees with Burke. 2.William LOVETT (estates in Bedford, Berks, Leicester with chief residence in Northampton) 3.William LOVETT * 4.John LOVETT * 5.William LOVETT Gen. 5 Adds a Richard Lovett, 1189, 1 Ric.I= dau. Eustace d'ARDEN. Not cited in Burke or Harleian. Gen.6 Agrees with Burke Gen. 5. William LOVETT, and adds, of Rushton = dau. of ENGHAINE. 6.Robert LOVETT, knt. of Ruston and Newton, County Warwick Gen.7 Agrees with Burke Gen 6. Sir Robert Lovett, knt. of Rushton [sic] 7.Robert LOVETT who settled at Liscombe, Bucks m. Sara de TURVILLE of Helmeden, Northamptonshire 7.Robert LOVETT of Liscombe, Bucks m. Sarah, da. and heire of Sir Roger TURVILL of Helmeden, Northampton Gen.8 Agrees with Burke & Harleian Gen.7: Robert Lovett, particularly parentage of wife Sarah as Sir
Roger TURVILL of Helmeden,Northampton. (Bucks - spells it Holmedon.)8.Thomas LOVETT m. Clementia (she married (2) John PAROUNT) 8.John LOVETT m. Margaret Gen 9 Agrees with Harleian Gen.8. Harleian names John Lovetts wife Margaret. Bucks adds her surname is d'INGLETON. This is gen.11 of Burke that states they are also of the Manor of Helemeden, Northamptonshire. 9.William LOVETT of Liscombe, Bucks regained possession of Manor of 9.William LOVET of Liscombe, Bucks Gen.10 Agrees with Harleian Gen.9: William Lovett, of Liscombe. 10.Roger LOVETT, of Liscombe, Bucks Helmeden, Nothamptonshire 10.Roger LOVETT 11.John LOVETT given Manor of Helemeden, Northamptonshire m. Margaret de INGLETON 11.John LOVETT of Lyscombe Gen.11 Agrees with Harleian Gen.11. John Lovett of Liscombe. Burke indicates this is the John married to Margaret d'Ingleton, but this mar. is accounted for earlier by both Bucks and Harleian with another John Lovett. 12.Simon LOVETT, although not ascribed to son William, son Thomas of Astwell, Northampton acquired land in Oxford & Gloucester, by his marriage to Joan, dau. & co-heir of Thomas BILLINGE, knt and Chief Justice of Common Pleas 12.Simon LOVET of Lyscombe Bucks, esq. Gen.12 Agrees with Burke & Harleian 13.William LOVETT esq. of Liscombe 13.Richard LOVETT 2nd son Gen.13 Agrees with Harleian Gen. 13.
Richard Lovett 2nd son. Bucks indicates the names of sons and also shows Richard as the 2nd son in line of descendancy.14.Roger LOVETT esq. of Liscombe 14.Thomas LOVETT esq. of Liscombe m. a dau of NEVILL of Gothurst 15.Richard LOVETT esq. of Liscombe m. Alice, daughter of Thomas MARTIN of London 14.Richard LOVET of Lyscombe m. Alice da. of Tho. MARTYN of London, gent. Gen.14 Agrees with Burke Gen.15 & Harlein Gen.14. 16.Laurence LOVETT of Liscombe m. Eliz., daughter of ?Sir John WILLIAMS? 15.Laurence LOVETT of Liscombe esq. m. Eliz. dau. of Reginald WILLIAM of Burvield, Berks. Gen.15 Agrees with Burkes Gen 16 & Harleian Gen. 15. Agrees with Harleian on the parentage of Elizabeth as Reginald WILLIAMS of Berks. although Burke of Binfield, not Burvield. Clarifies further that Reginals is a sir and is the brother of John Lord WILLIAMS of Thame. 17.Francis LOVETT esq. of Liscombe m. Anne daughter of Augustine CRISPE, esq. of Boughton, Northamptonshire 16.Francis LOVETT of Liscombe Esq.m. Anne dau of Augustine CRISPE of Boughton, Northampton Gen.16 Agrees with Burke Gen.17 and Harleian Gen. 16. Frances Lovett except states wife Anne, as the daughter of Austin, not Augustine 18.Sir Robert LOVETT** of Liscombe m. (1)Susan, dau. of Richard BROOKES, esq. (2)Anne SAUNDERS, dau, of Richard SAUNDERS esq. of Dinton by Elizabeth dau, of Blount of Blountshall, Leicester 17.Sir Robert LOVETT of Liscombe, Bucks Knight Nov.22,1606.m. (1)Suzan dau. & heir of RICHARDS of Gloucester.(2)Anne dau. of Rich SAUNDERS of Dinton, Buck Gen 17 Agrees with Burke Gen.18 and Harleian Gen.17. Adds that mother of wife Anne SAUNDERS, Elizabeth dau. of BLOUNT of Blountshall, Leicester. thru bro's Edward & Christopher to son of Christopher [lineage ends] Gen.18 Agrees with Burke Gen. 19 with names of brothers -- Robert, Lawrence, Edward and Christopher. Descendancy is traced differently however: through Christopher Lovett. Bucks provides additional dates that appear to be more specific for the brothers than in Burke. 20.John LOVETT, esq. AKA Col. John LOVETT of Liscombe and Corfe m.(1) Susannah, widow of _____ HORTON esq. (2) Hon. Mary VERNEY, dau. of Ralph VERNEY, Viscount Germanagh, of Middle Claydon, Bucks Gen.19 Agrees with Gen 20 of Burke. Col. John LOVETT of Liscombe' first wife Susanna's surname is HORTON in Burke and LOVETT in Buck. 21.Robert LOVETT,esq. of Liscombe, Bucks & Kingswell, County Typperary, Ireland served as Sheriff of Kings County m. Sarah, daughter of John ASHE, esq. of Ash Grove, Tipperary Gen.20 Agrees with Gen 21 of Burke. Robert Lovett m. to Sarah ASHE of Ireland. Burke adds Roberts of Kingswell,in County Typperary in Ireland and Sarah of Ash Grove, Tipperary. 22.Jonathan LOVETT, esq. of Liscombe m. Eleanor daughter of Daniel MANSERGH, esq. of Macrony, County Cork, Ireland Gen. 21 Agrees with Gen 22 of Burke. Jonathan Lovett m. Eleanor Mansergh of Ireland. Burke adds Eleanor's father Daniel Mansergh's of Macrony, County Cork, Ireland. 23. Sir Jonathan LOVETT of Liscombe of Buckinghamshire created a Baronet Gen.22 Agrees with Gen.23 of Burke. Jonathan Lovett. Bucks adds his wife Sarah, sole dau. of Jonathan DARBY, Esq. of Leap Castle, Ireland; bur at Soulbury. 23 Oct. 1781, d. 1812 when Baronetcy expired. Paternal estates, Liscombe to dau. & co-heirs; Soulbury & Ireland devised to Henry William LOVET, esq. nephew. Gen.23 Agrees with Gen. 24 of Burke. Robert Turville Jonathan Lovett.
* According to LANDED GENTRY-Britain per Combs Researcher Vince Griffin
**Where descendancy begins for Elizabeth LOVET wife of John COMBES.
Sources: Burke's Extinct and Dormant Peerage, "The Publications of the Harleian Society " Vol. LVIII"
Conclusion -- There are some distinct differences in this lineage prior to Gen.12. Specifically, there is disagreement at Burke generations 4/5,8/9/10,11/12, and 12/13; and at Harleian generation 10. Not all generations are represented by Harleian. This means that the closer forward in time Burke more closely matches the Buck History, while Harliaen more fits closely for a large part of the middle part of the lineage. There are some similarities that need to be noted between Burke and Harleian since they appear to believe that there as a generation or more that includes the name Roger Lovett. These should not be discounted and all data should be taken into consideration when using this to document this lineage as accurately as possible. Denise Mortorff
The reason for making this comparison is to be certain the differences in descendancy are obvious and the implications for researching this lineage further are apparent. Also, once researching at the manorial level or in land records it will be apparent where land holdings were stated, not as concrete evidence, but as clues as to where to begin searching in associated records; i.e., parishes, etc. Also, the siblings and their surnames may assist us in locating family members; i.e., Archdale COMBE to verify if he is merely contemporary or is the same person as Archdale COMBES of Old Rappahannock County, VA. I would not view either lineage as perfect or better than the other, but as useful in finding primary documentation that will support this lineage further by those who find they descend through the union of Elizabeth LOVETT and John COMBES married at Soulbury Parish, Bucks. Please feel free to advise or question this data since I could have quite easily made mistakes. This took an inordinate amount of time to figure out and I have no doubts there could be errors.
See Also the Lovett Memorial
Denise Mortorff
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