| Lovett Family Lineages
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Background: On 08 Jul 1630 in
Soulbury Parish, Buckinghamshire,
England, Elizabeth LOVETT, d/o
Sir Robert LOVETT and Anne SAUNDERS
of Liscombe, Soulbury Parish, m John COMBE, s/o
John and Margaret
ARCHDALE Combe who m 11 Dec 1587 in
St. Antholin's Parish, Budge Row, London.
Robert, father of Elizabeth LOVETT Combe, d in Sep 1643
Sparsholt, Berkshire,
which is where John and Elizabeth LOVETT Combe were residing
at the time with their children, including son, Archdale COMBE,
b in 1641 in Soulbury Parish, Buckinghamshire - who may
have been the same as
Archdale COMBE
of Old Rappa
and Stafford
Counties, Virginia. (See also Lovett Families
and Archdale Families)
The following material was provided by Combs Researchers Vince
Griffin, Denise Mortorff and Joe Kendalll, beginning with Overviews
of the various LOVETT Families of early England, thence Burke's
followed by the Harleian Visitations.
See Also History of Bucks
and a Comparison of the Lovett Lineages
(the result of all sources not being in agreement), as well as
the Lovett Memorials
Note also that our research of the LOVETT Lines has been for the
primary purpose of adding further links to the ancestry and descendancy
of John and Elizabeth LOVETT Combe, thus is concentrated
most heavily on the LOVETTS of Liscombe, Soulbury Parish, Buckinghamshire,
in particular the family of Sir Robert LOVETT, of Soulbury, Bucks,
who d 1643 in Sparsholt, Berks (by then home to his son-in-law
and daughter, John and Elizabeth LOVETT Combe).
An Overview of the LOVETT Lines
of England
Extracted by Combs Researcher Vince Griffin from "The General
Armory of England, Scotland, Ireland, & Wales," Sir Bernard
Burke, Heritage Books, 1996, p 625:
LOVET (Codnor, co. Derby; Tavistock, co. Devon; and cos. Essex
and Huntingdon).
LOVET (Astwell, co. Northants; Thomas LOVETT, Esq.; his dau. Elizabeth,
m. Sir William CHESTER, Knt., Mayor of London, 1560. Visit. London,
LOVET (Stanton, co. Leicester).
LOVET (co. Derby; descended from LOVET, of Stanton).
LOVET (co. Northampton).
LOVETT (co. Hants).
LOVETT (Liscombe, co. Bucks,
bart., extinct 1812; descended from William LOVETT, "filius
Ricardi de LOUET de Normannia, temp. Conquestoris," who was
appointed Master of the Wolf Hounds, and in consequence, took
for his arms ar. three wolves pass. in pale sa. The male heir,
Sir Jonathan LOVETT, of Liscombe, was created a baronet in 1781,
but d.s.p.m., when the title became extinct. The Liscombe estates
devolved on Sir Jonathan's daus. Elizabeth and Letitia, and passed
at their decease to their kinsman, Phillips Cosby LOVETT, Esq.).
LOVETT (Fun. Ent. Ulster's Office, 1679, Christopher LOVETT,
Alderman of Dublin).
LOVETT (Elmley LOVETT, Hampton LOVETT, &c, co. Worcester;
Sir John LOVETT, Lord of Elmley, left two daus. who d.s.p.).
LOVETT (Belmont, co. Salop).
LOVETT (Fernhill).
Notes: Christopher LOVETT, Alderman of Dublin in 1679,
was the brother of Elizabeth LOVETT Combe, both of the Liscombe,
Co Bucks line.
Extracted by Combs Researcher Vince Griffin from the Dictionary
of English and Welsh Surnames with Special American Instancies,
Charles Wareing Bardsley, Genealogical Publishing Company, Inc.,
1996, p. 497
LOVETT, LOVITT.-? Bapt. 'The son of LOVE' (q.v.), from the dim.
Lov-et; cf. Emmott, &c. As LOVE became LOVELL (q.v.), so also
it became LOVET.
'Littlewolf' seems to be the meaning; v. LOVE.
Thomas LOVET, co. Northampt., 1273. A.
Henry LOVET, co. Devon, ibid.
Willelmus LOUOTT, 1379: P.T. Yorks, p. 240
1583. William LOVETT, co. Staff.: Reg. Univ. Oxf. Vol.
Ii pt. ii. p. 131
- Bapt. -Mary, d. William LOUETT: St. Michael, Cornhill, p.
- 1. Married-Charles WHEELER and Eliz. LOVITT: St. Geo. Hans.
Sq. ii. 229
Burke's Lineages
Extracted by Combs Researcher Vince Griffin from "Genealogical
and Heraldic History of the Extinct and Dormant Baronitcies of
England, Ireland, and Scotland" by John Burke, Esq., Genealogical
Publishing Company, 1977, pp323-326:
Created 23d Oct. 1781.
Extinct 30th Jan. 1812.
as the name is variously written in Domesday, is of Norman extraction.
Richard DE LOUET*, de Normania, was living at the time of the
Conquest, and was accompanied into England by his two sons, William
and Robert, from the latter descended the LOVETS of Worcestershire.
William LOVETT, the eldest son, held considerable estates in the
counties of Bedford, Berks, Leicester, and Northampton, in cupite,
by grant from the Conqueror. He was also appointed master of the
wolf hounds, in consequence of which, he took for his arms argent,
three wolves passant, in pale, sable. He made Northamptonshire
his chief residence, as did his descendants for several generations,
until their removal to Liscombe, in Buckinghamshire, which subsequently
continued their abode for five hundred years. This William, besides
being represented as a man in high favour with the king for his
military talents, is said to have been one of the strongest and
stoutest men of the day, of which many feats are still recorded.
He married a French lady, at whose death he was so deeply affected,
that taking her remains over to Normandy to be buried, he retired
himself into an adjacent monastery, and
every day until the day of his death, payed a visit to her tomb,
and on that day caused himself to be carried and laid upon the
grave, where he expired. In his family this was long a nursery
story, and gave rise to a nursery song. He lived to a great age,
and was s. by his son, William LOVETT, whose great-great grandson,
Sir Robert LOVETT, knt. of Rushton and Newton, in the county of
Warwick, left a daughter, Alicia, m. to William de WEVER, of Cester
Over, in the same county, and two sons, Robert and John. To the
younger, John LOVETT, he gave his estate in Newton, with his manor
of Dodistorp, near Peterborough, where he erected (by license
from the Bishop of Lincoln), in consequence of the badness of
the roads, a chantry chapel for the use of his family. This John
purchased Cester Over from his nephew, Robert de WAVER, and dying
without issue, left all his estates to his great nephew (the grandson
of his brother, and eldest son of Sir Richard LOVETT, of Newton),
Robert LOVETT, who settled at Liscombe, in Buckinghamshire, of
which, with Hollingdon and Soulbury, he levied a fine in 1304.
These lordships remained in the family to the time that the male
line became extinct, a period exceeding five centuries. He m.
Sarah, daughter and heiress of Sir Nicholas De TURVILLE, of Helmeden,
in Northamptonshire,
and was s. by his son,
Thomas LOVETT, who , upon making the king's son a knight in 1347,
accounted for these manors with his other lordships, amounting
to twenty-three knight's fees, and one half and one eighth. By
his wife, Clementia, he had issue,
his heir.
..Richard, to whom he gave the
manor of Welford in whose descendants it remained until it passed
to the TEMPLE family, by the intermarriage of Jocosa, daughter
and co-heir of William LOVETT, esq. of Welford, with Richard TEMPLE,
esq. of Temple Hall, in the county of Leicester.
..Nicholas, who got from his
father the lordship of Richton. He m. the sister and co-heir of
Richard LIONS, of Oakley, which, from him took the name of Lovett's
manor, in Oakley. This branch of the family became extinct in
the third generation.
..Maud, m. De Arches.
He was s. by his eldest son,
William LOVETT, of Liscombe, who presented to Soulbury in 1376
and 1391. In 1359, he had inherited the estates of his great uncle,
John LOVETT, of Newton, but being an improvident person, he soon
dissipated those, with a great part of his paternal property.
In 1366, he conveyed the manor of Overbury to his sister, Maud
de ARCHES; and in 1386, he sold to William PUREFOY and his heirs
(after the death of his mother Clementia, then the wife of John
PAROUNT), his lands at Cester Over, in Warwickshire; and having
disposed of estated of large amount to several other people, he
died in 1392, and was s. by his son,
Roger LOVETT, of Liscombe, who presented to Soulbury in 1435.
In 1418, he appears again in possession of the manor of Helmeden,
which he settled upon his son John, who m. Margaret de INGLETON.
John died soon after, in the lifetime of his father, leaving a
Simon LOVETT, successor to his grandfather, who presented to Soulbury
in 1467. This Simon left three sons, viz.
..I. John, d.s.p.
..II. William, of Liscombe.
..III. Thomas, of Astwell, in
the county of Northampton, which house and estates, with others
of great value in the county, as well as in the counties of Oxford
and Gloucester, he acquired by his marriage with Joan, daughter
and co-heir of Thomas BILLINGE, esq. son and heir of Sir Thomas
BILLINGE, knt. chief justice of the Common Pleas**.
He was s. by his elder surviving son,
William LOVETT, esq. of Liscombe, who was s. by his son,
Roger LOVETT, esq. living in 1491, and s. at his decease by his
Thomas LOVETT, esq. of Liscombe, who m. a daughter of NEVILLE
of Gothurst (son and heir of Sir Robert NEVILLE, by Joan, daughter
and heir of Sir Hohn NOWERS, of Gothurst), and sister of Michael
NEVILLE, whose daughter and heiress, Mary, m. Thomas MULSHOE,
and was grandmother of Mary MULSHOE, who m. Sir Everard DIGBY,
and thus conveyed the Gothurst estate to that family. They had
..John, d.s.p.
..Richard, the heir.
..William, m. Anne, daughter
and heir of Edward COPE, esq. of Spraton.
..Robert, alderman of Nottingham,
m. Miss BONNER of the same place, and had issue.
The second son,
Richard LOVETT, esq. of Liscombe, m. Alice, daughter of Thomas
MARTIN, of London, and had a daughter Alice, wife of John TAYLOR,
of the same city, with a son and heir.
Laurence LOVETT, esq. of Liscombe, who m. Elizabeth, dughter,
and (on the death of her niece, Rawson WILLIAMS (only child of
her only surviving brother, Nicholas WILLIAMS, of Bufield), without
issue), coheiress of Sir Reginald WILLIAMS, of Burfield, in the
county of Berks (elder brother of John, Lord WILLIAMS of Thame
and ) son of Sir John WILLIAMS, of Thame Park (the maternal representative
of the ancient family of Perceval, Lords of Corevill, in Somersetshire,
a branch of the baronial house of LOVEL and HOLLAND), by Elizabeth,
his wife, daughter and coheiress of Richard MORE, esq. of Burfield,
by Elizabeth, daughter and heiress of William BROCAS, esq. of
and was s. at his decease by his only surviving child,
Francis LOVETT, esq. of Liscombe, who m. Anne, daughter of Augustine
CRISPE, esq. of Boughton in Northamptonshire,
and left a son and heir,
Sir Robert LOVETT, of Liscombe, sheriff of Bucks
in 1608, and d. in 1643. He m. first, Susan, daughter of Richard
BROOKES, esq. and sole heir of her maternal grandfather, Richard
PATE, of Matson, in Gloucestershire;
she was the widow of Sir Ambrose WILLOUGHBY. By this lady he had
two daughters,
..IV. Frances, m. to John GAREAWAY,
nephew and heir of Sir William GAREAWAY, knt.
..V. Susan, m. to Francis SAUNDERS,
esq. of Dinton, Bucks.
He m. secondly, Anne, daughter of Richard SAUNDERS, esq. of Dinton,
by Elizabeth, his wife, daughter of BLOUNT, of Blountshall, in
the county of Leicester,
and by her had issue,
..I. Robert, his heir.
..II. Edward, successor to his
..III. Christopher, who, at the
time of the Restoration [May 1660], was settled in Turkey
as a merchant, buty removed, in 1660, to Dublin,
of which city he became sheriff and lord mayor. He m. Frances
O'MORE,* and had issue,
..1. Christopher, who
inherited the Liscombe and other estates of the family from his
cousin Robert.
..2. John (Colonel),
heir to his brother.
..3. Edward, m. Miss
CUFFE, of the Queen's County [Ireland], and had a daughter, Clotilda,
who d. unm. and a son, John, who m. Amelia, daughter of Jonas
WHEELER, esq. and had
..John, captain
of horse, died unmarried.
..Amelia, m.
to Sir Gilfrid LAWSON, bart.
..1. Anne, m. first,
to William TIGHE, esq. of Rutland, in the county of Carlow [Ireland];
and secondly, to Thomas COOTE, one of the judges of the court
of King's Bench, in Ireland.
..2. Frances, m. to Major-general
PEARCE, of Norfolk.
..3. Mary, m. to Medhop
Lloyd, esq. Of Tomagh, in the King's County [Ireland], ancestor
of the LLOYDS of Floster, in the same county. (See Burke's Commoners,
vol. Ii.p.550.)
..4. Rebecca, m. to Jonathan
ASHE, esq. Of Ashe Grove, in Tipperary [Ireland].
..IV. Laurence, of Eythorp, left
two daughters,
..Sarah, m. to the Rev.
..Susannah, m. first,
to - HORTON, ewq.; and, secondly, to Colonel John LOVETT, and
by the latter had issue,
..Robert LOVETT.
LOVETT, of Dublin, who m. Mrs. WELLINGTON, daughter of - COSBY,
and had issue.
..I. Elizabeth, m. to John
COMBES, esq.
..II. Anne, m. first, Edward
BOURCHIER, fourth Earl of Bath, but by his lordship (she was his
second wife) had no issue. She wedded, secondly, Baptist NOEL,
third Viscount Campden, and had by him one still-born child only.
..III. Dorothy, m. to John HERNE,
..IV. Mary, m. to the Rev. John
DOWNE, D. D. [Doctor of Divinity]
..V. Sarah, m. to Robert HERNE,
..VI. Rebecca.
..VII. Penelope.
..VIII. Arabella, m. to Charles
The eldest son and heir,
Robert LOVETT, esq. Of Liscombe, was sheriff of Buckinghamshire
in 1664, and died in 1699, aged seventy-four. He m. first, Penelope,
daughter and heir of Thomas AYLET, esq. of Howells, in Essex,
and had issue,
..Robert, who m. Theodosia, daughter
of Sir John HALSEY, knt. but d.s.p. in the lifetime of his father.
Lettice, m. to Thomas PIGOTT, esq. of Doddeshall, Bucks,
but d. issueless.
..Penelope, m. to Edward BATE,
esq. of Maid's Morton, bucks,
and had a daughter, who m. first, Clifton PACKE, esq. of Prestwould,
in Leicestershire, and had a daughter, Penelope PACKE,*
m. to Richard VERNEY, afterwards Lord Willoughby de Broke. Mrs.
PACKE m. secondly, Colonel James PENTLEBURY, of the artillery.
Robert dying without surviving male issue, was s. by his brother,
Edward LOVETT, esq. Of Corfe, in the county of Devon,
who m. Joan, daughter and heir of James HEARLE, esq. of
and had two daughters, Penelope, wife of Sir Henry NORTHCOTE,
bart. and Joan d of - HATCH, esq. with a son and heir,
Robert LOVETT, esq. of Liscombe and Corfe, who d. unm. and was
s. by his first cousin,
Christopher LOVETT, esq. eldest son of Christopher LOVETT, lord
mayor of Dublin, but this gentleman dying unm. was s. by
his brother,
John LOVETT, esq. of Liscombe and Corfe, who m. first, Susannah,
widow of - HORTON, esq. and daughter and co-heiress of Laurence
LOVETT, esq. of Eythorp, and had issue,
..I. Robert, his heir.
..II. Christopher, of Dublin,
who m. Mrs. Wellington, and had issue.
*This Richardus de LOUET, who was one of the few who acompanied
the Conqueror into England without receiving pay for his services,
returned to die in his own country, and his tomb may be seen to
this day in the cathedral at Rouen [France].
**This Thomas LOVETT, of Astwell, served the office of sheriff
for Northamptonshire
in 1482, and dying in 1491, was s. by his son, Thomas LOVETT,
esq. Of Astwell, who m. Anne, sister and sole heir of Richard
DAYTON, of Strixton, in Northamptonshire, was sheriff in 1491,
and died in 1502, leaving a son, then seventeen years of age,
Thomas LOVETT, esq. of Astwell, who m. first, Elizabeth, daughter
of John BUTLER, esq. of Woodhall, in the county of Bedford,
and had issue,
..Thomas, his heir.
..Elizabeth, m. to Alderman Sir
William CHESTER, knt. Of the city of London.
..Amye, m. to James BURY, esq.
of Hampton Poyle, in Oxfordshire.
..Margaret, m. to Thomas FOXLEY,
esq. of Blakesley, in Northamptonshire.
..Constance, m. to John MATTHEW,
esq. of Bradden, in the same county.
..Anne, m. first, to John HENEAGE,
esq. of Pendeston, in Lincolnshire; and secondly, to William
PALMER esq. of Carlton.
..Bridget, m. to Gabriel DORMER,
esq. of Lee Grange.
He m. secondly, Jane, daughter and co-heir of John PINCHPOLE,
esq. of London, and by her had a son George, who d. unmarried.
He was sheriff of Northamptonshire in 1506, and dying in
1543, was s. by his son,
Thomas LOVETT, esq. of Astwell, who m. Anne, daughter of Sir John
DAUVERS, of Dantesey, in Wilts, and had issue,
..Thomas, his heir.
..John, d. unm.
..Anne, m. to Robert LEESON,
..Elizabeth, m. first, to Anthony
CAVE, esq. of Chichley, Bucks; secondly, John NEWDEGATE,
esq. of Harefield, M.P. for Middlesex
in 1571; and thirdly, Mr. Justice WESTON.
..--, m. first, to Thomas BARKER,
esq. and, secondly, to Thomas DUNCOMBE, esq. of Whitechurch, Bucks.
He served the office of sheriff in 1553, and 1561. He was s. at
his decease by his son,
Thomas LOVETT, esq. of Astwell, who m. Elizabeth, daughter of
Richard FERMOR, esq. of Easton Neston, and by her (who m. secondly,
William GREY, esq. of Donyland, in Essex) left a daughter,
his heir, viz.
Jane, m. to John SHIRLEY, esq. of Stanton Harbid, in the county
of Leicester, ancestor of the Earls Ferrers, and conveyed
to her husband Astwell, and the greater portion of the estates
in Oxford, Gloucester, and Northampton.
Note-There was formerly in the great hall at Astwell, a
table thirty-three feet long, three feet broad, and three inches
deep, all of one plank of oak.
***Frances O'MORE was daughter and heiress of Roger O'MORE, the
descendant and representative of the great family of the O'MORES,
Princes of Leix, who great estates had been forfeited in the reign
Visitations of Buckinghamshire,
Lovett Family, 1634*
*Important Notice: Although 1634 is the year given in the material
that follows, it is not possible given that this lineage includes
individuals who were born as many as thirty years after 1634.
Instead, it appears that multiple visitations were used. In the
meantime, however, pending further investigation, this particular published
source must be considered "suspect." Also note that the [brackets] are as published. The (parentheses) are Combs &c. additions for clarification.
Transcribed by Combs Researcher Denise Mortorff from "The Publications of the Harleian Society Established A. D. MDCCCLXIX." Volume LVIII for the year MDCCCCIX, as extracted by Combs Researcher Joe Kendalll.
Page 85
1634, The Visitation of Buckinghamshire, LOVETT, of LISCOMBE.
MS. Eng. Misc. C.17.ff. 35th and 36. [No Arms tricked.]
1. A., 3 wolves passant in pale S., LOVET;
2. Ermine [on a] bord. S. eight roundles O.S., 3 lions passant A., LOVET.
Ermine, a bordure S. roundeley O.
Robert LOVETT of Lyscombe [co:] Bucks Esquire = Sarah da. and heire of Sir
Roger TURVILL of Helmedon [co.] Northampton.
B., 2 pipes in saltire inter 4 crosses patee A.
John LOVETT = Margaret
1. William LOVET of Lyscombe [co.] Bucks Esquire= da. of (blank)
2. Thomas LOVET of Astwell [co.] Northampton in right of his wife 2 son
= ....da. and h. of .... BILLING of Astwell [co.] Northampt.
Roger LOVETT = ... da. of ....
John LOVETT of Lyscombe [co.] Bucks Esquire= (blank)
Simon LOVET of Lyscombe [co.] Bucks Esquire = (blank)
1. John LOVET Eldest son S.P.
3. William LOVET
4. Robert.
2. Richard LOVETT 2 son=and heire to his brother.
Richard LOVET of Lyscombe [co:] Bucks Esquire (No. 2 immediately above)
= Alice da. of Tho. MARTYN of London gent.
2. Robert.
3. Richard.
Alice 1 d. = John TAYLOR of London.
1. Laurence LOVETT of Liscombe Esquire
[begins Visit: 1634]. = Eliz. dau. of Reginald WILLIAM of Burvield [co.] Berks
elder brother to ye Lord WILLIAMS [begins Visit:1634].
1. William [d.s.p.]
Jane 1 d. [unmar:1566]
Anne 2. d. [unmar:1566]
Mary 3. d. [unmar:1566]
2. Francis LOVETT of Liscombe Esquire [unmar:1566]
= Anne dau. of Augustine CRISPE of Boughton in com. Northampton
Elizabeth 4. da. [unmar:1566]
Page 86
Visitations of Buckinghamshire, 1634
(begins with Sir Robert, son of Francis and Anne CRISPE Lovett)
Sir Robert LOVETT of Liscombe in com. Bucks Knight Nov. 22,1606. Anno. 1634.
=Suzan dau. and heire of ... RICHARDS of ye City of Gloucester = Suzan dau. and
heire of ..... BROOKES of Glocestersh. widow of Sir Ambrose WILLOUGHBY.
3. Frances ux. Johan. JARWAY of London Merchant nephew of Sir William GARRAWAY.
4. Suzan ux. Francis SANDERS of Dinton in com. Buck (ar.) 16a.
=Anne dau. of Rich SAUNDERS of Dinton in com. Buck. 2d wife
2. Rob. LOVETT 2d = son
[mar.] Penelope dau. of Thos AYLET of Hovells in ....Esquire.
3. Francis LOVETT.
4. Edward LOVETT mar. dau. of PAGET.
5. Christopher=da. of Piered MOORE of ye quens Count in Ireland.
6. Lawrence.
1. John LOVETT, Son and heire aetatis 13 1634 mar. Kath. dau.
of ....WROTHE of Woodford Bridge [co.] Essex.
8. Rebecca 8.
6. Mary ux. DOWNE Doctor of Divinity Devon 5.
9. Penelope 9.
5. Dorothy maryed to Jo. HERON of Huntingt. 5.
10. Arabella 10.
7. Sarah mar. to Robert HERNE of Norf. 7.
1. Eliz. w. of John COMBES.
2. Anne w. of Edmund Earle of Bath.
Excerpted by Combs Researcher Joe Kendalll from "The Visitations
of Hampshire 1530, 1575, and 1622-34". Harleian Soc., Vol.
LXIV, 1912, London . p. 40. Pedigree of WILLIAMS:
Reginald WILLIAMS of Burfield married Elizabeth d/o John FOX of
Thistleworth Midd. Had a daughter Elizabeth who married Lawrence LOUETT [sic] of
Sulbery in Bucks (ca 1530 for this visitation)
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