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Bible Record of Joseph Richardson and Margaret Ann Bougher Coomes |
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Bible Records of (1) Joseph Richardson and Margaret Ann BOUGHER Coomes of Frederick and Montgomery Counties, MD; and (2) their son, William Henry COOMES, husband of Mary Ellen DARBY.
Source: Excerpted from the Prince Georges County, MD Gen. Society Bulletin,. Vol. 19 issue 8. Pages 134 and 135, contributed by Mr. L. Bert Nye, Jr., Rt. 4, Box 374, Wilkesboro, North Carolina 23697 by Combs Researcher Thom Mont who adds: I have omitted some text - but nothing of urgent interest: for example, the publishers and date of publications of the Bibles (to be added). The parents of Joseph Richardson COOMES are said to have been Bayles & Sarah RICHARDSON Coombs who m 28 Sep 1799, Frederick Co, MD. See Also Combs-Booher Families.
Joseph & Margaret Ann BOUGHER Coomes Bible Record
Mr. Nye writes: “The following records are from the bible of Joseph Richardson COOMES and Margaret Ann (BOUGHER) Coomes who were married in Frederick County, Maryland, December 13, 1825. I do not know where they lived when first married, but in 1841 he purchased from Henry Gaither and Co. for $800, a tannery and “shoe factory” at Unity, Montgomery County, Maryland. They lived at Unity for the rest of their lives and portions of their two story log home were still standing in 1936.
“[The top 3/4“ of this page is missing but in all probability it contained
the record of the first child, Sarah J. Coomes]
“Richard Washington Coomes was born August 27th - 1828
Eliza Virginia Coomes was Born the 29 of september 1820
William Henry Coomes was born April 13th - 1833
Joseph Richardson Coomes was born the sixth day of March 1837
Charles Bales Bougher Coomes was Born June 29th - 1840
George Ewand Coomes was born 7th day september 1842
James Dallas Coomes was born may 20th 1846
Benjamin Franklin Coomes Born March 23th 1848
William Henry and Mary Ellen DARBY Coomes Bible Record.
Mr. Nye writes: “These records are from the bible of William Henry COOMES born April 13, 1833 in Neelsville [Montgomery Co], Maryland, and his wife, Mary Ellen Darby, born October 19, 1834 in Georgetown, [Washington] D.C.,daughter of Edward and Ann Elizabeth (PHILLIPS) Darby. Trained as a shoemaker at his father's “factory” in Unity, Maryland, he practiced this trade all of his life working at Brandenburg's Mills, Bealsville, and finallyGaithersburg, Maryland...
“In addition to the handwritten entries, newspaper obituaries of Kate M. (Mrs. Carson) Ward, Mr. Edward Darby and Mrs Mary Ann McGonegal have been pasted in.
“Married on April 27 1858 W.H. Coomes to Mary E Darby eldest daughter of Edward and Elizabeth Darby
“Married on the 23 day of Jan. 1884 C.R. Walker to Jennie eldest daughter of W.H. & M. Coomes.
“Married Feb. 5 1884 W. P. Farr to Sallie third daughter of W.H. &M. Coomes.
“Married April 30th 1890 Carson Ward to Kate fourth daughter of W.H.& M. Coomes
“Married Nov. the 29 1893 J.F. Carlisle to Susie B. Coomes daughter of W.H. & M. E. Coomes
“Married June 12, 1895 A.G. Carlisle to ary Willis Coomes daughter of W.H. & M.E. Coomes
Rebeca Virginia Coomes was bourn March March # 11 [sic?]
W.H. Coomes was Borne April 13 1833
Mary E Coomes was born October the 19 1834
Rebeca Virginia Coomes born March the 11 1859
Ann Elizabeth Coomes born June the 25 1861
Sarah Marian Coomes born Sept. the 16 1863
Kate Montgomery Coomes born Dec the 29 1866
Susie B Coomes born March the 25 1870
Mary W Coomes born Sept the 4 1874
[...there was some difference of opinion as to the month in which Sarah was born; the original Sept. has been marked over with Nov. The handed down explanation was, “We were all killing hogs that day and too busy to notice.”]
Rebeca Virginia Coomes baptised October the 5 1859 [by] Dr. J. H.Owings
Ann Elizabeth Coomes baptised Sept the 8 1861 [by] James Hening
Sarah Marian Coomes baptised July the 8 1866 [by] Rev. A Hobs
Kate Montgomery Coomes baptised August 1867 [by] Rev Doctor Arnold
Susie B. Coomes baptised October 1871 [by] Rev. C. Crawford
Mary W. Coomes baptised Sept 18 by her great uncle Rev. W. Darby
“Joseph R. Coomes died Dec 10th 1874 aged 74
Margaret A Coomes died March 11, 1881 aged . . . 76
Walter B. Farr died Dec. the 23 1885 aged 28
Died August 21, 1896, Alma Carlisle, daughter of A.G. & M.W. Carlisle
Died August, David & Dorothy Carlisle, Son & Daughter of F.J.& S.B. Carlisle
Died Sept 13th 1898 Mrs. Kate Ward wife of Carson Ward
Died Nov. th 1905 William H. Coomes aged, 72 years mo & das.
Mary Ellen Darby Coomes died July 25 1923”