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Abstracts of Wills in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury at Somerset House, London, England; Register SOAME 1620, J. Henry Lea, 1904
A Topographical Dictionary of England, Samuel Lewis, S. Lewis and Company, London, 1831
(History of Northwest, Arkansas, Goodspeeds Publishing, Northwest Arkansas, 1889)
A Reminiscent History of the Ozark Region , Goodspeed Brothers Publishing, Chicago, 1894
AR State Land Patents, Bureau of Land Management, Washington, D.C.
1840 Census, State of Arkansas, Chloe Presley Transcriptions, Conway, AR
1840 Census, Madison Co, AR, Madison Co, AR Gen/Hist Soc., Huntsville, AR
1850 Census, Benton Co, AR (Microfilm)
1850 Census, Carroll Co, AR (Microfilm)
1850 Census, Madison Co, AR (Microfilm)
1850 Census, Washington Co, AR (Microfilm)
1860 Census, Madison Co, AR, Madison Co, AR Gen/Hist Soc., Huntsville, AR
1870 Census, Madison Co, AR, Madison Co, AR Gen/Hist Soc., Huntsville, AR
1880 Census, Madison Co, AR (Microfilm)
(Early Records of GA, Vol II, Wilkes County, Grace Gillam Davidson, State Historian, Georgia D.A.R., 1932, JW Burke Co, Macon, GA)
(They Went Thataway, Charles Hughes Hamlin, GPC, Baltimore, 1974)
(Certificate Book of the Virginia Land Commission, 1779-1780, Kentucky Historical Society, SHP, Greenville, SC, 1981 New Material Copyright, 1992 reprint)
(First Census of Kentucky, 1790, Revised Edition (Reconstructed from Tax Lists), Charles B. Heinemann, Southern Historical Press (SHP), Easley, SC, 1992 reprint)
(Second Census of Kentucky, G. Glenn Clift, GPC, Baltimore, 1982)
Rev. John J. Dickey Diary, Microfilm
(Kentucky Place Names, Robert M. Rennick, University Press of KY, Lexington, 1987)c(Marriage, Bond, and Consent Book of Nelson County Kentucky by the Nelson Co. Genealogical Soc. complied by Lillian Ockerman)
"Descendants of Alexander Crockett Ritchie, 1778-1878", volume I, pg. 23, Published by Knott County KY Historical & Genealogical Society & Library, Inc.
Madison Co KY Wills & Estates, 1785-1813, Abstracts, Charles M. Franklin, Indianapolis, 1986
"Annotated 1880 Perry Co, KY Census," compiled and published by Judy Cunagin of Indianapolis, Indiana.
("Genealogical Dictionary of Maine and New Hampshire, Charles Thornton Libby, Portland Maine," Southward Press, 1928)
Maryland Calendar of Wills, Wills from 1635 (earliest probated) to 1685, Vol I, Compiled and Edited by Jane Baldwin Cotton, 1904, Baltimore)
Note: Jane Baldwin Cotton completed a series of volumes of Maryland Will abstracts between 1904 and 1928, thru 1743, for which all Maryland researchers give thanks! Ditto to F. Edward Wright of Family Line Publications who extended the number of volumes to sixteen, covering the period 1744-1777. Many have been referenced as sources in Combs &c. Maryland Reports, sometimes simply as wills. These are "placeholders" pending completion of transcription of all online wills.
Abstracts of the Administration Accounts of the Prerogative Court of Maryland, Vernon L. Skinner, Family Line Publications*
Abstracts of the Inventories and Accounts of the Prerogative Court of Maryland, 1674-1678 and 1699-1699-1703, Vernon L. Skinner, Family Line Publications*
Note: Vernon L. Skinner abstracted a series of volumes for both Administration Accounts and Inventories and Accounts through 1777, for which all researchers also give thanks! Like the Cotton and Wright will series, these are pending completion of transcription of the online records.
Abstracts of the Balance Books of the Prerogative Courts of Maryland, by Debbie Moxey, Family Line Publications, Westminster Maryland
(St. Mary's County, Maryland, Rent Rolls, 1639-1771, TLC Genealogy, Miami Beach, 1993)
(Marriages and Deaths, St. Mary's County Maryland 1634-1900, Margaret K. Fresco, Ridge, MD 20680, 1982)
(St. Mary's County, MD, Administrative Accounts, 1674-1720, TLC Genealogy, Miami Beach, 1994)
A Reminiscent History of the Ozark Region , Goodspeed Brothers Publishing, Chicago, 1894
(Roster of Soldiers from North Carolina in the American Revolution, DAR, Durham, 2932, GPC Reprint, Baltimore, 1988)
State Census of North Carolina, 1784-1787, Second Edition Revised, Transcribed and Indexed by Mrs. Alvaretta Kenan Register, 1971, reprinted "in an improved format," GPC, Baltimore, 1973
(Heads of Families at the First Census of the United States Taken in the Year 1790, US Government Printing Office, Washington, DC, 1908; reprinted by GPC, Baltimore, 1973)
(Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy, Vol. I, North Carolina, W. W. Hinshaw, 1936, Genealogical Publishing Co. Reprint with Supplement, 1993, hereinafter Hinshaw)
(North Carolina Taxpayers 1679-1790 By Clarence E. Ratcliff)
(Rowan County, North Carolina Tax Lists 1757-1800, Annotated Transcriptions, Jo White Linn, self-published, Salisbury, NC, 1995)
(Abstracts of the Minutes of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Rowan County, North Carolina, 1763-1774, Vol. II, Jo White Linn, self-published, Salisbury, NC, 1979)
(Abstracts of the Minutes of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Rowan County, North Carolina, 1775-1789, Vol. III, Jo White Linn, self-published, Salisbury, NC, 1982)
(Abstracts of the Deeds of Rowan County, North Carolina, 1753-1785, Jo White Linn, self-published, Salisbury, NC, 1983)
(Surry County, NC, Wills, 1771-1827, Annotated Genealogical Abstracts, Jo White Linn, GPC, Baltimore, 1992)
(Surry County, North Carolina Abstracts, Deed Books A, B, and C (1770-1788), Mrs. W.O. Absher, SHP, Easley, SC, 1981)
(Surry County, North Carolina Abstracts, Deed Books D, E and F (1779-1797), Mrs. W.O. Absher, SHP, Easley, SC, 1985)
Surry and Wilkes Co, NC Taxables, 1771-1800, Vol 1, 1771-1777, William Perry Johnson
Wilkes Co., NC Deed Book A-1, B-1, C-1," SHP, Mrs W.O. Absher
(Wilkes Co, NC, Will Abstracts, Books One & Two, 1778-1811, Mrs. W. O. Absher, SHP, Easley, SC, 1989)
(Some Pioneers from Wilkes Co, North Carolina, Mrs. W. O. Absher, SHP, Easley, SC, 1989)
(Heads of Families at the First Census of the United States Taken in te Year 1790, South Carolina, Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Baltimore, 1972)
(Pendleton District, South Carolina, Deeds, 1790-1806. Betty Willie)
Index to the 1820 Census of Tennessee, Compiled by Elizabeth Petty Bentley, GPC, Baltimore, 1981
1830 Census - East Tennessee, Byron Sistler & Associates, Inc., Nashville, TN
1830 Census - Middle Tennessee, Byron Sistler & Associates, Inc., Nashville, TN
1830 Census - West Tennessee, Byron Sistler & Associates, Inc., Nashville, TN
1850 Census - Tennessee, Vols. 1-4, transcribed and indexed by Byron & Barbara Sistler, Evanston, IL, 1974, Byron Sistler & Associates, Inc., Nashville, TN, 1991 reprint)
(The Warren Story (Warren Co, TN), Eugene M. Wiseman, Bradenton, FL, 1995)
(White County, Tennessee County Court Minutes, 1819-1820, Transcription of the County Archives, WPA Project No. 93, TSLA, Nashville, Historical Records Survey, Jun 1940)
The 1787 Census of Virginia, The Personal Property Tax Lists for the year 1787 for [applicable counties], Virginia, Netti Schreiner-Yantis & Florence Speakman Love, Genealogical Books in Print, Springfield, Virginia, 1987
Cavaliers & Pioneers, Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants, Vol. 1,1623-1666, Nell Marion Nugent, Virginia State Library, Richmond, 1977
Cavaliers & Pioneers, Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants, Vol. 2: 1665-1695, Nell Marion Nugent, Virginia State Library, Richmond, 1977
Cavaliers & Pioneers, Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants, Vol. 3: 1695-1732, Nell Marion Nugent, Virginia State Library, Richmond, 1979
Cavaliers & Pioneers, Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants, Supplement Northern Neck Grants No. I, 1690-1692, Nell Marion Nugent, Virginia State Library, Richmond, 1980
Virginia North Neck Land Grants, 1694-1742, Vol. I, compiled by Gertrude E. Gray, GPC, Baltimore, 1987
Virginia North Neck Land Grants, 1742-1745, Vol. II, compiled by Gertrude E. Gray, GPC, Baltimore, 1987
Virginia Colonial Abstracts, Vol. 1, Beverly Fleet, GPC, Baltimore, 1988, hereinafter Fleet
Heads of Families at the First Census of the United States, Taken in the Year 1790, Virginia, Records of the State Enumerations 1782-1785, US Govt. Printing Office, 1908, Reprint, AGLL, Bountiful, UT, 1993
The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, Reprinted in Genealogy of Virginia Families, Vols. I-V, GPC, Baltimore, 1981, hereinafter VA Families
Census Index Colonial America, 1607-1789, Broderbund, 1995
Parish Lines Diocese of Virginia, Charles Francis Cocke, VSLA, Richmond, 1967
Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy, Vol. VI, Virginia, W. W. Hinshaw, 1950, GPC Reprint, 1993, p. 335, hereinafter Hinshaw
VA Marriage Records from the VA Magazine of History and Biography, the William and Mary College Quarterly and Tyler's Quarterly, Indexed by Elizabeth Petty Bentley, GPC, Baltimore, 1984
Original Lists of Persons of Quality, John Camden Hotten, J. W. Bouton, New York, NY, 1874.
(Over the Mountain Men, Their Court Records in SW VA, Anne Lowery Worrell)
(Southwest Virginia Tax Assessments, 1815, Grayson, Lee, Scott, Russell, Washington and Wythe Counties, Mary B. Kegley, Kegley Books, Wytheville, VA, 1991)
Chronicles of the Scotch-Irish Settlement in Virginia, extracted from the original court records of Augusta County, 1745-1800, by Lyman Chalkley, Vols. I-III, GPC, Baltimore, 1974
(Caroline County Order Book Abstracts, John Frederick Dorman)
Deed Abstracts of Culpeper County, Virginia, 1775-1778, Ruth & Sam Sparacio, The Antient Press, McLean, Virginia, 1988
Essex - Patent Book
Essex County, Orders, etc, No. 1 [Deeds and Wills] 1692-1695
Essex Co, VA Records, 1703-1706
Essex Co, VA Wills and Deeds, Records, 1703-1706
Essex Co, VA Wills and Deeds, 1714-1717
Essex Co., VA OB 1716-1723
Essex County Wills and Deeds, 1711-1714
Essex VA Order Book 1725-29, Part 1
Virginia Colonial Abstracts, Vol II, Beverly Fleet, Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, MD, 1988
(Fauquier Families, 1759-1799: Comprehensive indexed abstracts of Tax and Tithable Lists, Marriage Bonds and Minute, Deed, and Will Books, and Others, John P. Alcock (Athens, GA: Iberian Publishing Company, 1994, hereinafter Fauquier Families )
(Fauquier County Deeds, 1778-1785, John K. Gott)
(Abstracts of Fauquier County, Virginia Wills, Inventories and Accounts 1759-1800, by John K. Gott, 1972)
Abstracts of Wills, Administrations, and Marriages of Fauquier County, Virginia 1759-1800, J. Estelle Stewart King
(Soldiers of Fincastle County, Virginia, 1774, Compiled by Mary B. Kegley, Kegley Books, Wytheville, VA, 1974, 1990 reprint)
(Frederick Deed Books 5-8, Amelia Gilreath, Nokesville, VA, 1990)
(The Douglas Register, 1750-1797, Rev. Wm. Douglas, by W. Mac Jones, 1928, Reprint, Oldbuck Press, Conway, AR, 1994
(Abstracts of Henry Co, Virginia Deed Books I and II, August 1784 -- June 1792, Lela C. Adams, SHP, Easley, SC, 1983)
(Abstracts of Henry Co, Virginia Deed Books III and IV, August 1784 -- June 1792, Lela C. Adams, SHP, Easley, SC, 1984)
(Henry VA Grants 27:384) No. 868. 26 Dec 1798. Parish SIMS, heir at law to James SIMS, dec'd, 47 A on Sims Fork of Mayo River. (History of Patrick & Henry Counties, Virginia, Virginia G. & Lewis G. Pedigo, 1933, Roanoke, VA, GPC Reprint, Baltimore, p. 341)
(King George County, Virginia Deed Abstracts, 1721-1735, Ruth & Sam Sparacio, The Antient Press, McLean, Virginia, 1986)
(Will Abstracts of King George County, Virginia (1752-1780), KG B 1(1752-1780) Includes Abstracts of Book of Inventories (1721-1744) annotated with names of Testatrs from Will Book a-1 (1721-1752) dates will made and recorded. Ruth & Sam Sparacio, The Antient Press, 1320 Mayflower Drive, McLean, Virginia 22101, 1986)
(King George County, Virginia Will Book A-1, 1721-1752 & Miscellaneous Notes, George Harrison Sanford King, Fredericksburg, VA, 1978, SHP, Easley, SC, 1986)
Order Book Abstracts of King George County, Virginia, 1725-1728. This book is part of King George County, Virginia, Order Book 1721-1735. This part, 1725-1728, covers pages 294-443, Courts of 3 December 1725 through 8 March 1728/9. Ruth & Sam Sparacio, The Antient Press, 1320 Mayflower Drive, McLean, Virginia 22101, 1992
The Register of St. Paul's Parish, 1715-1798, Stafford County, Virginia, 1715-1776, King George County, Virginia, 1777-1798, George Harrison Sanford King, Fredericksburg, VA, Southern Historical Press, Easley, SC, 1960
(Lancaster County, Virginia, Deeds & Wills, 1661-1702, Ruth & Sam Sparacio, The Antient Press, McLean, VA)
(Christ Church Parish Register, Middlesex County, Virginia, 1653-1812, John Otto Yurechko, Family Line Publications, Westminster MD, 1996) NOTE: Middlesex County was organized from Lancaster County in 1669, and lay on the south side of the Rappahannock River, adjacent to what would become Essex, King and Queen and Gloucester, and across the river from Lancaster.
(Sunlight on the Southside, Lists of Tithes, Lunenburg County, Virginia, 1748-1783, compiled by Landon C. Bell, Originally published Philadelphia, 1931, Clearfield Reprints, 1974 and 1991)
(Cumberland Parish, Lunenburg Co, VA, 1746-1816, Vestry Book, 1746-1816, Landon C. Bell, Richmond, 1930; Clearfield Company, 1994; GPC, Baltimore, 1994, p. 224)
(Lunenburg County, Virginia Deed Abstracts, 1771-1777, Deed Book 12 (and more), June Banks Evans, Bryn Ffyliaid Publications, New Orleans, LA 70124, 1990)
(Christ Church Parish Register, Middlesex County, Virginia, 1653-1812, John Otto Yurechko, Family Line Publications, Westminster MD, 1996) NOTE: Middlesex County was organized from Lancaster County in 1669, and lay on the south side of the Rappahannock River, adjacent to what would become Essex, King and Queen and Gloucester, and across the river from Lancaster.
(Tax List of Montgomery County, Virginia, 1782, Mary B. Kegley, Wytheville, VA, 1974)
(The 1787 Census of Virginia, Montgomery County, Personal Property Tax Lists for the Year 178, Nettie Schreiner-Yantis, Genealogical Books in Print, Springfield, VA, 1987)
(Montgomery Co, Virginia, Tax Lists A, B & C for the year 1788, Nettie Schreiner-Yantis, Springfield, VA, 1972)
(Montgomery County, Virginia - Circa 1790, Nettie Schreiner-Yantis, Springfield, VA, 1972)
(Old Rappahannock County Deed Abstracts 1656-1664, Part I, Ruth & Sam Sparacio, The Antient Press, McLean, VA)
(Old Rappahannock County Deed Abstracts 1656-1664, Part II, Ruth & Sam Sparacio, The Antient Press, McLean, VA)
(Old Rappahannock County Deed Abstracts 1663-1668, Ruth & Sam Sparacio, The Antient Press, McLean, VA)
(Old Rappahannock County Deed & Will Abstracts 1665-1677, Ruth & Sam Sparacio, The Antient Press, McLean, VA)
(Old Rappahannock County Deed Abstracts 1668-1670, Ruth & Sam Sparacio, The Antient Press, McLean, VA)
(Old Rappahannock County Deed Abstracts 1670-1672, Ruth & Sam Sparacio, The Antient Press, McLean, VA)
(Old Rappahannock County Deed Abstracts 1672-1676, Part II, Ruth & Sam Sparacio, The Antient Press, McLean, VA, 1989)
(Old Rappahannock County Deed Book 1672-1676, Part II, Ruth & Sam Sparacio, The Antient Press, McLean, VA, 1989)
(Old Rappahannock County Deed Book 8, 1688-1692, Ruth & Sam Sparacio, The Antient Press, McLean, VA, ?)
(Old Rappahannock County Will Book, 1682-1687, Wills, Settlements of Estates, Transcript of Book No. 2, 8 January 1682 - 2 Mar 1686/7, Ruth and Sam Sparacio, Antient Press, McLean, Virginia, 1990)
(Orange Co, VA Deed Books 5, 6, 7 & 8, 1741-1743, Abstracted and Compiled by John Frederick Dorman, Washington, D. C., 1971)
(Abstracts of Order Book "O" Patrick Co, VA June 1791-August 1800, Lela C. Adams, Sherwood Forest, SHP, Easley, SC, 1984 )
(Patrick Deed Book 1, TLC, Genealogy, Miami Beach, 1997)
(History of Pittsylvania County, Maude Carter Clement, Baltimore Regional Publishing Co, 1981)
(Richmond Deeds, 1692-1695, DB1 & DB2(part), Ruth & Sam Sparacio, The Antient Press, McLean, VA, 1991)
Richmond County, Virginia, Order Book 1704-1705, Ruth & Sam Sparacio, The Antient Press, McLean, VA, 1987
(Deed Abstracts of Richmond County, Virginia, 1705-1708, Deed Book No. 4, Ruth and Sam Sparacio, Antient Press, McLean, Virginia, 1991)
(Deed Abstracts of Richmond County, Virginia, 1708-1711, Deed Book No. 5, Ruth and Sam Sparacio, Antient Press, McLean, Virginia, 1991)
(Deed Abstracts of Richmond County, Virginia, 1718-1719, Deed Book No. 7 (partial), Ruth and Sam Sparacio, Antient Press, McLean, Virginia, 1991)
Richmond County, Virginia Court Orders, 1721-1752, Every Name Index, TLC, Miami Beach, 1996
(The Registers of North Farnham Parish, 1663-1814, and Lunenburg Parish, 1783-1800, Richmond County, Virginia, George H.S. King, Fredericksburg, VA, 1966)
(Stafford County, Virginia, Order Book Abstracts, 1664-1668. 1689-1690, Ruth & Sam Sparacio, The Antient Press, McLean, VA, 1987)
(Stafford Co, VA Will Book (Liber O), 12 Jul 1748 - July Court 1767, Ruth & Sam Sparacio, The Antient Press, McLean, VA, 1987)
Deed & Will Abstracts of Stafford County, Virginia, 1780-1786, Ruth & Sam Sparacio, The Antient Press, McLean, VA
(The Register of Overwharton Parish, Stafford Co, VA, 1723-1758 and Sundry Historical and Genealogical Notes, George Harrison Sanford King, Southern Historical Press, Easley, SC, 1961, hereinafter OPR)
The Register of St. Paul's Parish, 1715-1798, Stafford County, Virginia, 1715-1776, King George County, Virginia, 1777-1798, George Harrison Sanford King, Fredericksburg, VA, Southern Historical Press, Easley, SC, 1960
(Westmoreland Co, VA Wills, 1654-1800, Augusta B. Fothergill, Appeals Press, 1925; SHP reprint, Easley, SC, 1982)
(Wythe County, Virginia, Tax List 1793-1800, Malita Warden Murphy & James L. Douthat, Mountain Press, Signal Mtn. TN, 1985)
Genealogical Abstracts of Revolutionary War Pension Files, Vol 1: A-E, Abstracted by Virgil D. White, Published by The National Historical Publishing Company. 1990
Virginia/West Virginia Genealogical Data From Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty Land Warrant Records, Volumes 1 through 5, Patrick Wardell
Early Quaker Records of Virginia, Compiled by Miles White, Jr., Southern History Association, 1902-1903
Genealogies of Virginia Families, from The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, Vols. I-V, GPC, 1981
They Went Thataway, Charles Hughes Hamlin, GPC, Baltimore, 1974
Waters Genealogical Gleanings
International Genealogical Index (IGI), Ordinance Index (TM) - Version 1.00 & International Genealogical Index (R) - Version 4.00, Copyright (c) 1980, 1997 by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. All rights reserved. Note: A number of records from the index are currently in use as source microfilms are being viewed. IGI entries will be replaced with source transcriptions as read.
Note: The following are Family Histories of Combs-Associated Families.
See Also Combs & c. Published Family Histories
The Memoirs of the Archdales, Henry Blackwood Archdale, privately published 1925, page 3 (hereinafter Archdale)
The Memoirs of the Archdales, Appendix C, Henry Blackwood Archdale, privately published 1925 (hereinafter Archdale, Appendix C)
Historical Sketches of the Campbell, Pilcher and Kindred Families, including the Bowen, Russell, Owen, Graht, Goodwin, Amis, Carothers, Hope, Taliaferro, and Powell Families, Margaret Campbell Pilcher, Nashville, TN 1911
(Historical and Genealogical Sketches of Some Virginia, Kentucky and Indiana Families, James Logan Kendall, Meteorologist, U.S. Weather Bureau, Louisville, Ky., Manuscript, 1943)
The Dodson (Dotson) Family of North Farnham Parish, Richmond Co, Virginia: A History and Genealogy of Their Descendants, by Mrs. Sherman Williams, Compiler and Editor, The Rev. Silas Emmett, Lucas, Jr., Publisher, Southern Historical Press, Easley, SC, 1988, hereinafter DNFP
Hammett Families, Descendants of John Hammett, Sr. (ca. 1735 - 1822) and Sarah (Underwood) Hammett (ca 1740-1820), Named In Contemporary Family Letters And in Public and Family Records, Compiled by W. Thomas Edwards and Miss Delphine Miller, 1010 Mtn. Crk. Trl., NW, Atlanta, GA 30328. Printed USA, Industrial Printing Service, Inc., Rte 1 Arbor Hill Rd, Canton, GA 30114, hereinafter HF (Permission to reproduce the letters should be secured from Mrs. Phyllis Hammett Ballou, 1710 Dover Street, Murfreesboro, TN 37130)
The Kendall Family History, the Life, Ancestors & Descendants of Abraham Kendall & "Millie" Ellen Gilmore, Denise Kelley Mortorff, Ellen Kendall Kelley, Elma Jane Richardson Scott, privately printed c.1989. Note: Abraham KENDALL was descended from William and Elizabeth Combs Kendall, the latter the daughter of John Combs, d Richmond VA, and granddaughter of Archdale & Elizabeth ----- (Underwood) (Underwood) Combs. This is an excellent book, wonderfully written, and still in print. It is available through Combs-KENDALL Researcher & Author Denise Mortorff, email: n2rpast@sbcglobal.net
Our Meador Families in Colonial America, As found in the records of Isle of Wight, Lancaster, (Old) Rappahannock, Richmond, Essex and Caroline Counties, Virginia, by Victor P. Meador, Bernal M. Meador, hereinafter Meador)
Notes on the Sims of Hanover-Louisa Counties, Virginia, Compiled by Paul H. Arnot, 1981, P. A., CA)
Underwood Family of Virginia, Augusta B. Fothergill, The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, Vol. XXXVIII, 1930, pp. 267-270, 386-393; Vol. XXXIX, 1931, pp. 70-75, 167-173, 272-276; XL, 1932, pp. 91-95; Reprinted in Genealogy of Virginia Families, Vol. V, GPC, Baltimore, 1981, pp. 601-635; hereinafter Underwood, Fothergill.
Underwood Families of Madison County, Virginia, Ben H. Coke, McDowell Publications, 11129 Pleasant Ridge Road, Utica, KY 42376, $20.00 + $3.00 S&H)
Byron Sistler and Associates, Nashville, TN:
888/219-7932, Fax: 805/925-5228
(A Superb Resource for Tennessee and Kentucky Researchers - and more)
Antient Press, Ruth & Sam Sparacio, McLean, VA: (703) 356-5099
Hearthstone Books, Alexandria, VA: 703/960-0086, Fax: 703/960-0087
Southern Historical Press, Easley, SC: 864/233-2346
TLC Genealogy, Miami Beach: 800/858-8558.
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