This part of our Study makes use of two distinct approaches for examining lineages with consideration for DNA Findings -- “General” or “Special” lineage studies and oral history family traditions.

General and Special Lineage Studies

At the start, this will consist of “general” lineage studies of COMBS-COOMBS &c. lineages that can be traced back to the pre-1700 period.

There will also be a few “special studies” at the onset of our DNA research effort. This section will expand over time and more lineages originating after 1700 will be included as is possible. If you descend from or know of a pre-1700 COMBS-COOMBS lineage please notify the Project Administrator. Also, while the list below primarily represents pre-1700 Colonial America, this study is NOT limited to explicating lineages of American ancestry, but will also include other countries, as well. Based on the surname origins, spellings and various national archival collections indices, we anticipate the countries of England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, Canada, Australia, Barbados, the United States and France to be represented in this study.

Lineage studies will contain an

The following general “lineage studies” are being developed at this time, are being planned or considered for inclusion in the near future:


Originating with John COMBE and Margaret ARCHDALE of London

(Grandson Archdale COMBE emigrated to the Virginia Colony in the late 1660’s)

ü New York COOMBES

ü New Jersey COMBS

ü Vermont COMBS

ü North Carolina COMBS

ü Maryland COMBS


The following “special studies” are being developed at this time:

ü The SW Pennsylvania COMBES

ü New England COMBS-COOMBS &c.

The first “Lineage Study” in progress, to serve as a prototype for others, is about the ENGLAND/Virginia COMBES previously mentioned. Please go to this this link. Please remember this is a "work in progress".

Oral History Family Traditions

“Stories” pervade time. We not only shape a picture in our minds of the identity of our ancestors, but experience a connectedness to them. Essentially the meaning of our own life is changed by the legacy of another. Stories often convey relationships from which lineages can be assumed. This information is usually more reliable when the story's source is close in time to when an event occurred, or the story is conveyed by a person with primary knowledge (the person witnessed or was “there” when the event transpired). Who passes down the story, how it is transferred, when and how it is recorded and preserved over time, all can influence the soundness of the story.

Stories can enrich our family history and augment our well documented research, however, there are times when available genealogical resources, once exhausted, lead us to rely on stories as our only means in deciding which lineage to trace. We knowingly assume the lineage as our own, hoping it is our own, and wishing we could find something to corroborate the story to know for certain this is really “our line”. DNA findings can help us answer this question when studied within the context unique to each story.

When you go to this section of our Study, you will find a table with headings of –

ü Lineage

ü What the Story & Source “Tell Us”

ü What the DNA Test Results “Tell Us”

Feel free to contact our Project Administrator to give inputs or to add a “story” to our Study for the purposes of learning the basis for assuming the connectedness of lineages. When submitting family stories be sure to follow our Combs Motto - TELL US HOW YOU KNOW. To the extent possible, for each story we want the details, the source of the story and who they heard it from, the timeframe the story was passed on and where this occurred. Any additional details are welcome. Thank you!

Follow this link to learn How to Submit Your Story to the ORAL HISTORY FAMILY TRADITIONS section of our Study.

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