The Combs-Coombs &c. Research Project began in December 1996. What was the brainchild of one person, at the inception of this study, has evolved into a project comprised of about 200 researchers from different countries and many more who have contributed the past 8 years to what is now 2,500+ web pages and over 30,000 archived e-mails documenting our COMBS-COOMBS &c. heritage. As we move forward applying DNA data as a new tool for determining our family history, we dedicate our efforts:
IN HONOR of Carole Hammett…, who conceived and brought forth, with dedication, love, and her personal resources, this outstanding family history project. Carole meticulously organized and diligently coordinated this project resulting in a high quality research effort that stands as a model for other such projects today. Caroles extraordinary interest and sacrifice, in furthering not only her own family history, but ours as well, is something we will never forget. Her contribution will have far reaching effects for years to come, including this DNA Study. We dedicate this project to Carole with our appreciation for all she has done to assist us in finding our ancestors and preserving our heritage. |
Our COMBS-COOMBS &c. family history project began as a discussion about conducting a DNA surname study in 2003. Denise Mortorff, who brought up the topic, became our Project Administrator and gathered data of 43 interested researchers and their lineages. The framework for the study evolved over several months, and by December 2004 the framework and web pages for our study were put in place. The groundwork for our COMBS-COOMBS &c. International DNA Study was primarily done by a core group of Greg Graham and Birdie McNutt, Research Project Co-Coordinators, Steven Gilley our Systems Expert, and Denise Mortorff, Project Administrator. After a review of about 7 businesses involved with family history scientific studies, Relative Genetics was recommended to list members as the business to work with our group. After a few years RG was acquired by so we moved this study to DNA Heritage DNAH. A primary consideration was to maintain continuity, particularly to stay with the same labs at the Sorensen Corporation.
Progress of this surname study can be followed by going to the INTRODUCTION web page where a PROJECT PROFILE & MOST RECENT DEVELOPMENTS section will be maintained.
As we move forward with this study, we are interested in learning about your branch of COMBS-COOMBS &c. ancestry. In addition to the information regarding your lineage we hope you will share in our VIRTUAL ARCHIVE, we invite you to write our list and share your family history details with us. DNA testing is not a substitute for genealogy. Please see COMBS-COOMBS &c. home page for how to e-mail or become a member of our mailing list. To subscribe go to h t t p : / / w w w . c o m b s - f a m i l i e s . o r g / m a i l m a n / l i s t i n f o / c o m b s.
We also want to receive your feedback about our family history project and DNA study. This is a learning process for all of us. Questions or comments should be directed to the Project Administrator.
In case you did not read this in the Introduction to our Study, since we are a non-profit organization we must work to keep our research Project & Study on-line. We have been generously hosted by for over 10 years. We are a non-profit organization, as is
and believe in the sharing of family history in the public forum of the worldwide web. As an all volunteer group, any donations are greatly appreciated and needed to maintain this presence and to benefit the many researchers, not only of Combs-Coombs &c. lineages, but associated families, as well. Please click on
to learn about our sponsor and to consider submitting a donation to promote the sharing of Combs-Coombs family history on the worldwide web.
Thank you for your interest and support of our study!