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Thanks to Patience Northern for this list of Abbreviations.
The source for the Quaker abbreviations is: The Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy by William Wade Hinshaw. pub Ann Arbor, Mi., 1936, with supplement to Volume I (this volume) Washington 1948, Library of Congress Catalogue Card Number 68-31728, ISB 0-8063-0178-3
Translate Quaker Dates
acc accept accepted acceptable
ack mo acknowledge marriage out
ae age
b born
bur buried
BWMM Black Water Monthly Meeting
BWPM Black Water Preparative or Particular Meeting
c circa (about)
cert certification
ch child children
clear clearness with respect to marriage
com complained complained of
comm. committee
con condemned
d died
dec deceased
dis disowned disowned for
dmi declared marriage intentions first time
dmist declared marriage intentions second time
dt daughter daughters
dtd dated
end endorsed
exms excused from military service
fam family
form former formerly
Frds Friends
gc granted certificate
gct granted certificate to
gc efms granted certificate excusing from military service
gl granted letter
h husband
jas joined another society
jG joined Gurneyites
jH joined Hicksites
jW joined Wilburites
ltm liberated to marry or left at liberty to marry
m marry married marrying marriage
ma marriage authorized
mbr member
mbrp membership
mcd married contrary to discipline
MH meetinghouse
MM monthly meeting
Mos married out of society
Mou married out of unity
Mtg meeting
ND MM Northern District Monthly Meeting
ni not identified
nm non member
PM particular or preparative meetingp
prc produced certificate
prcf produced certificate from
prlf produced letter from
QM quarterly meeting
rec received recommended
recrq received by request
relrq released by request
rem remove removed
rem cert removal certificate
rmt reported married to
roc received on certificate
rocf received on certificate from
rol received on letter
rolf received on letter from
rpd reported
rq request requests requested
rqc requested certificate
rqct requested certificate to
rqcuc requested to come under care (of mtg)
rqlt requested letter to
rst reinstate reinstated
rtco referred to care of
s son sons
SCV Southampton County, Va.
SDMM Southampton District Monthly Meeting
uc under care (of mtg)
unm unmarried
w wife
wd widow
WDMM Western District Monthly Meeting
YM Yearly Meeting
From Chapter VII "Quaker Records and Some Possible Problems"pg.67 and 68: Another pitfall for the purist can be the unique way the Quakers dated events. They did not use names for days of the week or months of the year since most of these names were derived from the names of pagan gods. A date such as August 19, 1748 will never be found. Rather it would be written as "19th da 6th mo 1748." Sometimes this will be written as 6mo 19da 1748. Why 6th month since August is the 8th month? Quakers, along with everyone else in the American Colonies and England, did not begin using the Gregorian calendar until 1752. Under the Julian calendar the year began on March 25th; March was the first month and February was the twelfth month. This is something of a problem when an event occurred in the months of January, February or up to March 25th, for then the date is given as 1748/1749. Such a dating practice satisfied everyone, including civil authorities, if for instance an inheritance was being established.
You may find that some legal documents will read "the 8th mo 5th day 1748 in the month called October." It is disconcerting when a date such as 30th da 11th mo 1722/1723 I found. The double year indicates that the old calendar was in use. Even though the Gregorian Calendar was adopted in 1582, as mentioned above it was 1752 before the change was universally accepted. We are emphasizing this point here so that if exact days, months, and years are wanted, the old Quaker records must be used with great caution. Remember that until 1752 "1st mo" is March.
We would like to point out also that you may find secondary material (genealogies are a case in point) in which the compiler transcribed dates incorrectly - for instance, "30th day 11th mo 1738/1739" rewritten as "Nov. 30, 1738/39 when the date in question is actually 30th January 1738/39. Dual dating is applicable ONLY for the first three months (to March 25) of the present calendar and not for the other nine months.
Submitted by Patience Northern
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