![]() | Combs &c. Families of Isle of Wight Co VA |
Isle of Wight County (IofW) VA was originally named Warrisquoyacke, one of VA's original shires. A number of early IofW Families migrated up to Lancaster/Old Rappahannock Counties, VA during the 1750s and 1760s, including the Underwood & Associated Families; however, no Combs have been located in IofW thus far before 1672. However, the John Combs who was of Isle of Wight in 1672 owned property adjacent to that of the Underwoods, Uptons and Palmers (& more).
Note: Some confusion exists due to discrepancies in statements by both Boddie and Josiah H. Combs. As a result, we are continuing to dig for records that may not exist, or may be different than some that follow. Also note references to the counties of Lancaster , Old Rappa., Culpeper & Middlesex VA as well as St. Mary's and Talbot Cos MD.
Combs Given Names appearing in IofW records include: Elizabeth, Henry, John and possibly Archdale.
Combs &c. (Associated) Surnames include: Anderson, Boddie, Bressie, Burton, Crawford, Evans, Hammett, Jordan, Matthews, Murray, Palmer, Pierce, Pitt, Portis, Reynolds, Stacy, Underwood, Woodward, Woory and more.
22 Jun 1635 (VA PB1-Part I:255) Capt. William PEIRCE, Esqr., one of the Councell of State, 2000, A in Lawnes Cr., Sly upon land in tenure of Alice DELKE, widdowe, Nly towards land of William SPENCEER, Ely upon the Cr. & Wly into the woods, towards Chipoakes Cr. Trans. of 40 persons who included: James HARRISON, Rich. BURTHEN, Wm. TOMPSON, Tho. ROLFE, Wm. SHORT, Wm. EDWARDS, Hen. HARRISON, Wm. WEEKES, Benj. DODSON, Jon. BROWNING, Tho. JOHNSON (C&PI, p. 29) Search Words: PIERCE BURTON SPENCER THOMPSON WEEKS
Notes: Capt. Wm. PIERCE'S son, Wm., Jr., of IofW and Old Rappa. Cos, VA, married aft 1650, Sarah UNDERWOOD, sister of Col. Wm. UNDERWOOD whose widow, Elizabeth m next, bef 1663, Archdale Combs of Old Rappa . Could Rich. BURTHEN above have been the same as Richard BURTON whose daughter, Ann, wife of George Combs, admin. his estate in England in 1656? Was he kin to Edward BURTON whom William UNDERWOOD, Sr., s/o Col. Wm. UNDERWOOD and his first wife, Mary (BURTON? MOSELEY?), termed "uncle?" in 1663? (See Burton Connections)
02 Mar 1638/9 (Isle of Wight - VA Land Patent Book I, Part II, p. 626) Richard BENNETT, 150 A butting upon the baye behind Ambrose MEDERS point & 150 A beg. at the miles end & upon the W side of Thomas DAVIS his land. Transp. 6 pers. by John MYLES: John MYLES, Tho. WHITLOCK, Silvester FITCHER (?), Robert WILLEY, William HARRISON, Andrew BLACKWELL (Cavaliers & Pioneers, Vol. I, Nugent, p. 105)
Notes: John MEADOR, s/o the above Ambrose MEADOR, m Joan (Combs?) by 3 May 1665 (Old Rappa Co VA DB4:283) On 11 Sep 1668, Abraham Combs was recorded in Old Rappa. Co as godfather of John MEADOR'S son, John MEADOR, Jr. (Rappahannock Co VA Deed Bk 1668-1672, p. 149), and on 16 Oct 1683, Abraham COMBE of the Province of Maryland (d 1684/5, will proved St. Mary's Co, est. appraised, Charles Co MD), Gent., named John MEADOR, deceased, as his brother in law (Old Rappa. VA DB 7:155). How they were related has not yet been determined, although some MEADOR researchers believe Joan to have been a Combs. (Research in progress, See Also Abraham Combs)
Silvester FITCHER above was probably Silvester THATCHER, Sr., d 1667, Old Rappahannock Co VA whose widow Margaret (POWELL?) m next Warwick CAMMOCK, s/o Sussex CAMMOCK, and gs/o Thomas & Frances RICH Cammock, the latter the sister of Robert RICH, Earl of Warwick and proprietor of the Virginia Company. Warwick CAMMOCK'S property on Peumans End Run of Old Rappahannock Co (later Essex, then Caroline) was adjacent to that of John MEADOR & Henry PETERS, and some later in the possession of Mason Combs, Sr., s/o John Combs of Richmond. Silvester THATCHER, Jr. m Elizabeth UNDERWOOD, d/o William UNDERWOOD, Sr. and his wife, Mary BUTLER (sister of Rev. Amory BUTLER of(New Kent and?) Old Rappahannock Cos VA). William UNDERWOOD, Sr. was the s/o Col. Wm. & Mary (MOSELEY? BURTON?) UNDERWOOD of Isle of Wight and Old Rappahannock Co VA. Col. Wm. UNDERWOOD m next Elizabeth UNKNOWN, widow of Unknown UNDERWOOD who m next Archdale Combs of Old Rappa., and they were the parents of the above John Combs of Richmond. (See Also Thomas WHITLOCK patents in Old Rappahannock Co VA)
16 Mar 1642. Isle of Wight. (Land Patent Book No. 1, Part II, p. 874) Justinian COOPER patented 2,400 acres, Isle of Wight, 100 acres due for the personal adventure of his wife Ann in 1618, 500 acres for her adventure of 50 pounds Sterling, and 200 acres for the personal adventure of Robert OLIFFE unto whom the sd. Anne was sister & heir, and for his own adventure of 27 pounds into the Colony 300 acres more; and 1300 acres for transporting 26 persons: Justinian COOPER, 4 times, Ann his wife, Clement EWINS, Wm. BISLEY, Hen. ROWNFIFALL (?), Georg ARCHER, Wm. WOODWARD, Samll. ELDREDGE, Mary VEARE, Eliza. READES, Jon. DAVIS, Robert FEASLY, James SMITH, Wm. COOKE, Henry BONY, Ursula WAIGHT, Wm. WEST, Wm. REDMAN, Robert KENIN, Geo. STACIE, Wm. UNDERWOOD, Nicholas MANN, Richard COURSIE. (Cavaliers & Pioneers, Vol. 1, pp. 142-3) Search Words: ROUNSIVAL ELDRIDGE WAITS KENNON
Notes: The above Wm. UNDERWOOD may have been Col. Wm. UNDERWOOD, Sr. of IofW and Old Rappa., whose widow, Elizabeth, m next, 1661-1663, Archdale Combs of Old Rappa. Some have also believed him to have been the father of Col. Wm. UNDERWOOD whose mother afterward m (2) Col. John UPTON and (3) Capt. Thomas LUCAS. (See Below) A third possibility is that he was the first husband of Elizabeth who was apparently the widow UNDERWOOD at the time she m Col. William.
Question: Was George STACIE kin to Simon STACEY of Stafford Co VA whose children intermarried with those of Mason Combs, Sr., grandson of Archdale?
Ann AYLOFFE, wife of Justinian COOPER, had m first James HARRISON, killed in the "Indian Massacre of 1622." She was the d/o Robert ALEF [sic] whose widow, Susan GOLDT "from the West Country" m 06 Feb 1610, Amsterdam, Holland, "Christopher LAUD [LAWNE] from Norwalk, Buttonmaker."
(17th Century Isle of Wight, John Boddie, p. 16) Boddie postulated that Robert ALEF might have been of the family of AYLOFFE of Kent and Essex, England. Might Robert ALEF have been kin to Sir William AYLOFFE,1st Baronet of Braxted and Hornchurch, Co Essex, who m Barbara SEXTON, d/o Thomas SEXTON of Lavenham, Co Suffolk, and London, m (1) 13 Jun 1575, at St. Olave's, Hart Street, London, Martin ARCHDALE whose niece, Margaret, m 11 Dec 1587, in St. Antholin's Parish, London, John Combs, Merchant of London who may have been the same who was a Virginia Company subscriber in 1608-9 (See Combs &c. of the Virginia Company & the Archdale-Combs Families of England), and possibly the ancestor of Archdale Combs of Old Rappa. Following the death of Christopher LAWNE, a Separatist, Brownist and Puritan in Amsterdam, Susanna GOLDT Ayloffe Lawne m next John WITCHFIELD [nb: Is this in error? Could it have been DITCHFIELD?]. Numerous of these early families of Lawne's Creek were Puritans, but thus far the religion of the early Combs Families to VA remains unknown.
13th Sep 1644. (Isle of Wight, Vol. 1:420) Captain John UPTON and Margaret his wife to John MASON, land patented by UPTON adjoining William WRIGHT, John LEVERIDGE and John HERRING
(Underwood, Fothergill). [search word: Herron]
Notes: Margaret, wife of John UPTON, was the widow of Unknown UNDERWOOD, by whom she had issue: Col. Wm. (m 1 Mary BUTLER? MOSELEY? m 2 Elizabeth who later m Archdale Combs); Mary (m 1 More FAUNTLEROY m 2 William LLOYD); Ann (m Jas. WILLIAMSON); Elizabeth (m 1 James TAYLOR; m 2 Francis SLAUGHTER; m 3 John CATLETT; m 4 Amory BUTLER); Sarah (m Col. Wm. PIERCE); Margaret (m Humphrey BOOTH). According to researcher, Sherrill Underwood Williams, this is the first record of John UPTON with a wife named Margaret.
18 Nov [1630 [sic. 1650?] (Isle of Wight "Transcribed Records," p. 32) Capt. John UPTON and Margaret his wife conveyed to William UNDERWOOD of Isle of Wight Co. 400 acres out of a patent for 1600 acres granted to said UPTON, 4 Nov 1638, which adjoins 300 acres already sold to Robert BRACEWELL, Clerk, William UNDERWOOD to pay the quit rents (Fothergill ).
Notes: Did a relationship exist between John MASON of 1644 Isle of Wight and the MASONS of Richmond Co VA and/or those of Christ Church Parish, Middlesex Co, VA? Or to Jacob MASON of Surry Co VA? Also See the 1695 record below of Thomas UNDERWOOD whose land was adj. to a Richard BRASSELL. Was BRASSELL a.k.a. BRACEWELL? Might the land deeded in 1650 have been the same as that in 1695? This land is further referenced in the will of Capt. John UPTON
1650- 1652 (Isle of Wight Transcribed Records, Vol.
1, p. 38) In the name of God, Amen. I, Captain John UPTON, of the Isle of the
Isle of Wight County in Virginia, Gent. being sick of Body but in perfect memory,
doe ordain this as my last will and Testament in manner and form as followeth
(that is to say), first I commit my Body to the Earth from whence it came, to
be decently Interred at the discretion of my executrix hereinafter in there
presents mentioned, and my soul to God hoping for salvation through the merits
of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and as for such worldly goods as God in
his mercy hath bestowed upon me I bequeath and devise in manner & farm following:
Imprimis. Item I give, Devise and bequeath unto my eldest son John
UPTON all that Tract of land being part of it in the Tenure of John KING
James BAGNALL and Nicholas MORRIS containing in the whole Eight
Hundred and Fifty acres of Land. and if the said John UPTON dies
before he comes to be the age of one and Twenty years then I give and bequeath
the said Land unto William, Elizabeth, Sarah and Margaret UNDERWOOD
to be divided as followeth (viz.) Elizabeth, Sarah and Margaret
UNDERWOOD each of them a Hundred acres. and the remainder to William
UNDERWOOD Item I give and bequeath unto my said son one mare fole, and one
cow with calf, being upon the probate of my Will sett apart for him with their
Increase, And if it shall happen that my said son dies before the age of one
and twenty then the said mare fole and cow with their increase to be equally
shared amongst Daughters in Law, Elizabeth, Sarah and Margaret UNDERWOOD.
item I give and bequeath unto William UNDERWOOD, Elizabeth, Sarah and
Margaret UNDERWOOD, the tract or parcel of Land running upon this side
of the threshet near Ambrose BENNETT'S containing fifteen hundred
acres of Land except and allways reserved out of this land Three Hundred
acres which Mr. Robert BRACEWELL hath I give and bequeath unto William,
Elizabeth, Sarah and Margaret UNDERWOOD, all my land at Rappahannock
or what shall be hereafter made good upon my rights they to be possest with
if after my wifes decease And for the rest of my estate, goods. chattells, servants,
household stuff. Lands, Tenement.. herediments whatsoever here in Virginia or
elsewhere after my debts, legacies and funeral rights paid and discharged I
give, devise and bequeath the same unto my very Loveing and Wellbeloved Wife
Margaret UPTON, whom I constitute, ordain and make sole executrix of this
my last Will and Testament. And I also hereby desire and make my Loveing friends
Major George FOWDAN, William UNDERWOOD and James TAYLOR
Clerk, my overseers, desiring them to see this my will performed Likewise I
give and ordain my Executrix to give each of my overseers a ring of Twenty shillings
sterling price. Likewise ordain Ann WILLIAMSON, the wife of
James WILLIAMSON, to be equal shares in my land at Rappahannock with the
above named. Item. I give unto Elizabeth UNDERWOOD one pillion and pillion
cloth to be delivered at her day of marriage. Further more I do by there presents
revoke all former wills by me made except this my Last Will, In Witness. I the
said Capt. John UPTON, have hereunto set my ** and seal this sixteenth
day of January Anno Domini.
It is to be understood that what land I have formerly disposed of in that tract
of fifteen Hundred acres upon the property Ambrose BENNETT'S is to rest
upon condition, and the remainder Divided as it before provided. Signed, John
UPTON, Signr. Sealed and signed in the presence of us, John GALLINS
X mark, James TAYLOR. Proved 16 Dec 1652 by the oaths of William UNDERWOOD
and Edward SKINNER. (Underwood, Fothergill)
Fothergill Note: "The year of the making is not of record but when Margaret UPTON made a deed conveying land to John BUTCHER dated 3rd February 1651 she styles herself as widow of Capt. John UPTON. (Transcribed records, page 40).
Question: Did John UPTON, s/o Capt. John UPTON survive? See later records this county.
18 Mar 1650/1 (VA PB2:289) Thomas PARKER, 380 A. Isle of Wight Co. 18 Mar 1650, Beg. at a point of land called the Island near Tapscers Cr., running S. S. Wly to corner tree of Mr. NORSWORTHYES miles end. Trans. of 8 pers: Thomas PARKER, John MASON, Sarah his wife, Joane, Elizabeth, Thomas, Francis, children; Mary DAULDING. (C&P I, 209)
Note: Additional records in regard to Norsworthy's Creek, to be posted shortly, may provide closer connections between the CLARK-MASON-Combs Families
31 Jan 1665 - 2 Apr 1670 (Isle of Wight - VA Land Patent Book 6:285) James ENNIS & His Sonne James, 200 A, Lower Parish, upon the mayne br. of Pagan Cr. adj. land of Capt. Jno. UPTON, now in Jno. WHEATLEYE'S possession & the Batchellors plantation, now in possession of Peter GARLAND; Granted to Mr. Peter KNIGHT 13 Mar 1638 who sold to sd. ENNIS last day of Jan. 1665. (C&P II:72)
Note: One of the above James INNES may be the same who d in Richmond Co VA in 1710, and whose daughter, Hannah m Charles BRENT of Stafford Co VA (See Burton Families). See Also Thomas INNES and the Combs of St. Mary's Co MD.
10 July 1666 Cavaliers and Pioneers, p561, Anthony Mathewes Macoms, 1300 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 10 July 1666, p 519, (637). Upon Sewards Sw., beg. at cor tree of Robt. Williamson &c . Trans. of 26 pers: Lawrence Baker, Lawrence Baker, (2 times) Elizabeth Baker, John Baker, James Baker, Joseph Baker, JNO. MACOMS, James Wilson, Robt. Bruce, Jno. Stoops, Jno. Phillips, James Clarke, And. Overing, Wm. Heate (or Heale), Tho. Powell, James Richards, Ann Reeve, Alice Lee, An Milington, James Downes, Robt. Bennett, Rich. Miller, Jane Goodman, Jno. Dobson, Edwd. Poynter, Rich. Luas.
Submitted by Patience Northern
WILLIAM POPE, Quaker of Isle of Wight County
William POPE and Maire, his wife, Their children's nativities recorded
as followeth:
William POPE 8/15/1662
Dau. 8/1667
Henry POPE 11/30/1663
John POPE 8/6/1670
(Quaker Records published by Sou. Historical Assn)
Question: Was William POPE kin to the POPES of Westmoreland Co VA?
13 Nov 1672 (Isle of Wight VA WDB: I) Richard JORDAN, Sr. sells Joseph WOORY 360 acres formerly granted by Gov. CHICHELY at head of Lower Bay Creek and mouth of Cypress Creek-to corner tree of Richard REYNOLDS, Jr. 13 Nov. 1672. Wm. CRAWFORD, Jno. COMBE.
(Seventeenth Century Isle of Wight County, Virginia, Will & Deed Book I, John Bennett Boddie, 1930)
5 Feb 1672-3 - 9 Jun 1681 (Isle of Wight VA WDB: I) Ed. PALMER is bound to John COMBE for 20,000 lbs. tbco. To be delivered upon James River-and now sells to John COMBE 800 acres adj. Mr. BRESSIE'S corner and Mr. BODDIE'S line- pat. to said PALMER, 5 Feb., 1672-73. 9 June, 1681. John PORTIS, Adam MURRAY.
(Seventeenth Century Isle of Wight County, Virginia, Will & Deed Book I, John Bennett Boddie, 1930)
Notes: Was Edmond PALMER kin to William and Barbara ARCHDALE Palmer, the latter the sister of Margaret ARCHDALE who m John Combs 11 Dec 1587, St. Antholin's Parish, Budge Row, London, EN? (See Archdale Families of EN) Edmond PALMER was a landowner in Isle of Wight County, Virginia as early as Feb 1664/5 when he was named in a VA Land Patent as owning property adjacent to Anthony MATTHEWS: "Beg. at head of Cranages Sw. on W. side of Edmond PALMER." (VA Land Patent Book 5:153(27), C&PI:444)
Question: Was the above John COMBE'S wife, possibly Elizabeth, sister of Robert BECKINGHAM who d 1675 in Lancaster Co VA?
1 May 1677 - 11 Aug 1677 (IofW Administrations & Probates Book p. 42) Edward HARRIS. Dying intestate, administration requested by George HARDY in behalf of the orphans. May 1, 1677. R. Aug. 11, 1677. Security: Mr. Phillip PARDOE, Henry COMBES
(Wills and Administrations of Isle of Wight County, Virginia, 1647-1800, Blanche Adams Chapman, Originally published in 1938, Reissued in 1994 by Family Line Publications)
17 Dec 1677 - 9 Apr 1678 (IofW W&D Bk 2:156) Henry COMBES of the Upper Parish: Leg. - wife Mary. 17th day of Xber, 1677. R. April 9, 1678. Wit: George HARDY, Sr., John COKER, George WILLIAMS
(Wills and Administrations of Isle of Wight County, Virginia, 1647-1800, Blanche Adams Chapman, Originally published in 1938, Reissued in 1994 by Family Line Publications)
Note: VSLA citation for Henry Combs will as the Isle of Wight Records of Wills, Deeds, etc., Vol. 2, 1661-1719 (Reel 23), p. 156.
Questions: Did Henry Combs leave issue? Who inherited his land, if any? What happened to his widow? Was he kin to John Combs of Isle of Wight? To the Combs of Old Rappa. Co VA?
09 Nov 1679 (Isle of Wight W&DI) Geo. EDSON son of Geo. EDSON, dec., whereas Col. John UPTON with consent of wife Margaret by deed 13 Aug. 1647, did sell to John MASON a certain parcel of land between Wm. WRIGHT, George LEVERING and John HERRING, and it was by John MASON conveyed to Robert DUSTER, and when he died he left it in fee to his wife Alce who married Edward PALMER and they sold to Thomas EDSON and now Geo. EDSON, son of Thomas, sells to Robert COLEMAN. 9 Nov. 1679.
(Seventeenth Century Isle of Wight Will and Deed Book I by Boddie, 1930, pg. 582, 583, 584, 585, 589, 590, & 591)
Notes: The above record places Edward & Alce UNKNOWN Duster Palmer on land adjacent to the land of the UPTONS and UNDERWOODS, and thus John Combs. Were John Combs of Isle of Wight Co VA & Archdale Combs of Old Rappa. Co VA closely related?
9 Dec 1679 (Isle of Wight VA WDB: I) Alice JORDAN, wife of Mr. Richard JORDAN, this 9 day of Dec. Assigns to Joseph WOORY all right and title to property of Richard JORDAN. 9 Dec. 1679. Jno. PITT, Jno. COMBE.
(Seventeenth Century Isle of Wight County, Virginia, Will & Deed Book I, John Bennett Boddie, 1930)
Notes: Was Richard JORDAN kin to Francis JORDAN of BECKINGHAM'S 1675 Lancaster Co VA will? Both Richard JORDAN & Joseph WOORY were Early VA Quaker (Early Quaker Records of Virginia. Southern History Association, 1902-1903, Miles White, Jr. ), and: (1) one John PITT (the same?) was an early Quaker of Talbot Co MD where he is found in records with Richard PRESTON (whose Calvert Co MD will was witnessed by Enoch Combs who, with William Combs, were both listed in the Talbot Co MD estate accounts of John CLEMENTS, whose will was witnessed by Edward ROE of Lancaster VA and Talbot MD, and was f-in-law of William Combs). No early Combs have been found in the Quaker records of either Maryland or Virginia as yet; however, not many records are extant, thus impossible to say one way or another.
20 Jan 1679 (IofW WDBI) John DODMAN of Mulberry Island, states that his dau. Susan married Robert MAZRY of Potomack and he gave her land at Potomack now in possession of Robert MAZRY (Massey?) for life; now dau. Margaret intends to marry Wm. APPLEYARD of Mulberry Island; my right and interest in land described. 20 Jan. 1679. Nicholas SMITH, John COMBE.
(Seventeenth Century Isle of Wight County, Virginia, Will & Deed Book I, John Bennett Boddie, 1930)
Notes: Was the above Nicholas SMITH kin to the Nicholas SMITH who, with Nathaniel POPE, purchased land from Wm. UNDERWOOD, Jr. (son of Col. Wm. UNDERWOOD & step-son of Archdale & Elizabeth Combs) that was adjacent to land owned by John Combs of Richmond (s/o Archdale & Elizabeth)? (See Richmond VA & Also Below)
9 Feb 1679 - 27 Feb 1679 (IofW Administrations & Probates Book p. 50) George ALLEN, Dying intestate, administration requested by his relict, Prudence. Feb. 9, 1679. R. Feb. 27, 1679. Security: John COMBES, John TURNER
(Wills and Administrations of Isle of Wight County, Virginia, 1647-1800, Blanche Adams Chapman, Originally published in 1938, Reissued in 1994 by Family Line Publications)
16 Aug 1681 (Isle of Wight VA WDB: I) Edmond PALMER and Anne his wife sell to John COMBE for 4000 lbs. tbco. 400 acres adj. Anthony MATTHEWS and Mr. WOODWARD, dec., 16 Aug. 1681.
(Seventeenth Century Isle of Wight County, Virginia, Will & Deed Book I, John Bennett Boddie, 1930)
9 Sep 1681 (Isle of Wight VA WDB: I) Thomas TABERER and Thomas PITT sell to Peter BANTON the 5th lot in the Town of Newport, laid out for a town by order of court, 9 Sept. 1681, giving them the right to pass deeds for the town land. John COMBE, Wm. EVANS.
(Seventeenth Century Isle of Wight County, Virginia, Will & Deed Book I, John Bennett Boddie, 1930)
Notes: Was William EVANS kin to the EVANS of Old Rappa. Co VA in records with Archdale Combs of that county? Also note that a Quaker-associated Thomas PITT was also in Talbot Co MD
25 Oct 1695 (Isle of Wight -- VA LPB9:22) Thomas UNDERWOOD, 350 acs. Lower Parish; adj. Richard BRASSELL, John SILLEWAY, Imp. of 7 pers: John PREUIT, Richard FELTON, Alice FELTON, John RUSSER, Wm. HILSON, Will. OAKES, John LYDDON.
(Cavaliers & Pioneers, Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants, Vol. 3: 1695-1732, Nell Marion Nugent, Virginia State Library, Richmond, 1979, p. 22) Search Words: PRUITT ROSSER ROSIER LYDON BRACEWELL
Combs Notes: It appears that all UNDERWOODS may not have left Isle of Wight for Old Rappahannock in the 1650s. Has the above Thomas UNDERWOOD been identified? His land located? Are we certain that all the UPTON and UNDERWOOD lands in Isle of Wight were disposed of by sale? See 1650-2 records of UPTON, UNDERWOOD and Robert BRACEWELL [BRASSELL?]. Also Note that the above land was in Lower Parish whereas Henry Combs was of Upper Parish.
19 Nov 1695 (Isle of Wight VA?? ) The Will of Nicholas SMITH names his wife Ann, and his granddaughter (unnamed), daughter of Thomas POWELL of MD, as well as her (the granddaughter's) two daughters.
(Wm. & M Quarterly, 25:170, Genealogies of Virginia Families, "Gorsuch and Lovelace," Vol. 3, p. 377)
Notes: Thomas POWELL (probably Quaker) was of Lancaster Co VA, and later in Talbot Co MD with the GORSUCH & Combs Families. The GORSUCH Families were also in Lancaster Co VA prior to removing to Talbot Co MD where they associated closely with Combs & Combs-Associated Families (Ann GORSUCH was named in will of Edw. ROE of Talbot whose two daughters both married Combs). The above record badly needed! Thomas POWELL was of Lancaster VA & Talbot Co MD, and as noted above, was a close associate of both the Friends (Quakers and various Combs-Associated families of the latter County.
05 May 1704 (Surry VA Quaker Meeting Minutes) "George MURRELL, son of George MURRELL of the county of Surry and Mary WATERS, dau of Walter WATERS of the county of Isle of Wight... were married at the public meetinghouse on the western branch of Nansemond River 16th day, 2nd month in the year 1704.. wit: father George MURRELL, mother Elizabeth MURRELL.. etc.
(Early Quaker Records in VA, Miles White, Jr.)
Notes: To be added at a later date.
From Southside Virginia Families, Vol. II, p. 84 (Pacific Coast Publishers, Redwood City, CA, 1956) John Bennett Boddie wrote:
" A John COCER was a headright of William BODDIE who patented 3350 A of land in Isle of Wight at the head of Cypress and Western branches July 12, 1665, for the transportation of 67 persons. Among the list of persons whose headrights he probably [sic] bought was "John COCER" (C. P. 476)
"This John COCER, name now spelled "COKER", was probably the John COKER who was a witness to the will of Henry Combs Oct 11 1677, in Isle of Wight (Bk 2, p. 156). John COKER was also a witness to the marriage of Hugh BRESSIE and Sarah CAMPION, Quakers, May 14, 1680
(Chapman's Mar, p. 103)
Notes: Have Chapman's Marriages been checked for Combs or Related References? Could Henry Combs have been a Quaker?
" Thomas COFER, the first of the name from whom this family is traced, lived in Culpeper County. It is probable [sic] that he was a descendant of the Isle of Wight COFERS. His wife was named "Mary" family name unknown...
"Thomas COFER made his will in Culpeper County, Apr 24, 1782, same probated Dec. 17, 1791 bequeathed to wife Mary all realty and personalty for life. "Son James having had an equal part with the rest I hope he will be content therewith to son Josias five pounds; son Jesse, ten pounds; after legacies are paid, sons Jacob, Joel, George and Reuben to have what is left equally divided STOCKDILL daughter Anne GIBSON daughter Phebe George ANDERSON and Joel COFER, extrs. Wits: Joseph and Nathan UNDERWOOD, Charles COCK.
(Culpeper WBD: 38, Boddie, p. 93.)
Notes: The above Nathan UNDERWOOD was born 9 Jan 1709/10 in Christ Church Parish, Middlesex Co VA, the son of Nathan & Dianna (-----) UNDERWOOD, Sr. (Brumwell). He married Elizabeth ANDERSON, d/o the above George ANDERSON. Was Nathan UNDERWOOD, Sr. of Christ Church Parish kin to Col. William UNDERWOOD of IofW and Old Rappa. whose widow, Elizabeth, m next Archdale Combs of Old Rappa.? In 1715/16 Dianna, w/o Nathan UNDERWOOD, Sr., wit. a power of attorney for one William HAMMETT.
Another William HAMMETT (relationship, if any, unknown) lived adjacent, or near to, William Combs (s/o Archdale & Elizabeth) of Richmond (later King George) Co VA in the early 1700s. The William HAMMETT of Richmond/King George Co VA later removed to Overwharton Parish, Stafford Co VA (as did Mason Combs, Sr. & Elizabeth Combs Kendall, grandchildren of Archdale & Elizabeth), thence to Prince William/Fauquier Cos VA, then died in 1777 in Culpeper Co VA, two of his children having married untraced UNDERWOODS. (See Also HAMMETT Families)