![]() | John Combs (c1662 - c1717) of Richmond VA & Ann (-----) & Hannah (MASON?) (Wroe?) |
s/o Archdale Combs & Elizabeth (-----) (Underwood) (Underwood) |
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John Combs of Richmond was born abt 1662, probably in Old Rappahannock Co, VA (parent county of Richmond & Essex); died 1716-1717, Richmond Co, VA; married (1) bef 1694, Ann (-----) and (2) bef 1698, Hannah (MASON?) (Wroe?). Possible Issue by Ann: Elizabeth Combs Kendall (who may be the d/o Hannah instead. Known Issue by Hannah: Archdale II, Judith, Mary, Sarah, Amy, Mason.
Note: It is possible that Ann and Hannah are one and the same, with Hannah as a nickname for Ann. Earlier researchers have postulated that Ann might have been a MASON, and Hannah a TUTT, but without evidence. For more in regard to both that theory, and the one that Hannah may have been a MASON, and later married a WROE, see Anderson-Brown-Wroe.
Combs Counties of Record:
Caroline, Essex, Frederick, King George, Old Rappa., Richmond, Stafford and Westmoreland Cos, VA;
Rowan and Surry Cos, NC
Elizabeth Archdale II Judith Mary Sarah Amy Mason
John Combs appears in the records of Old Rappahannock for the first time as an adult on 26 Apr 1690, John [JC] Combs and Wm. UNDERWOOD (presumably William UNDERWOOD, Sr.) witnessed a deed from James and Ann DABNEY to Francis STERNE (s/in-law of Warwick & Margaret (POWELL?) Cammock of Peuman's End Run on the south side of the Rappahannock River), for land on the North side of the Rappahannock River in that part of the county which in 1692 would become Richmond (Old Rappa DB8:229).
On 11 Dec 1691 John COUMBES, his brother, William and his mother, "Eliza COUMBS," are named in a deed whereby his half-brother, William [OU] UNDERWOOD sold his moiety (share) of the 600 acre tract on Peumans' End Run secured by Elizabeth for her three sons as part of her dower settlement as widow of Col. Wm. UNDERWOOD (Richmond DB1:7), and on 8 Sep 1692 an order was granted by the Richmond Courts for the non-appearance of Jno. COMBES in a suit by Abrah. BLAGG (Richmond OB2:38). (See Also Westmoreland VA & St. Mary's MD re Abrham. BLAGG)
On 3 Jan 1692/3, John COOMBES of Richmond, planter, sold to Thomas KENDALL, also of Richmond, land (acreage not listed) adjacent to both COOMBES and "Ann his wife," and John WILLIS. This deed, recorded 20 Dec 1693, is the only record found of Ann thus far (Richmond Co, Records, 1692-1704, p. 99). Thomas KENDALL and his wife, Martha GOFF, were the parents of William KENDALL who later married John Combs' daughter, Elizabeth.
On the same date, John WILLIS of Richmond also sold a tract to Thomas KENDALL described as "being between the land of INDREIN [sic] and Joseph MASON." (ibid., p. 97) "INDREIN" is believed to refer to Edward "Indian Ned" Gunstocker." This land is further described in a land patent dated 13 Mar 1696/7 by John Combs of Richmond for 200 acres adjacent the land of William YARETT now Mr. TANKARD'S, UNDERWOOD'S line, near "Indian Needs old field." (North Neck Pat Bk 2:263)
On 8 Oct 1697, the Richmond Courts dismissed a suit brought by John BENNETT against John COOMBES, "the Plt. not prosecuting (Richmond OB2:273), and on 7 Sep 1698, John COOMBES is mentioned as being in possession of a Cow and yearling owned by Arthur NOTWELL (Richmond OB2:332)
That John Combs was "comfortably well off" is indicated by the fact that he had indentured servants. These included a John HARRIS whom on 4 Nov 1698, was presented to the court by John COOMBS and adjudged to be 13 years of age (Richmond OB2:363), and Elinor WELCH, who was presented to the court on 4 Nov 1702 for having a bastard child and ordered to serve her master additional time for "the trouble of his House dureing her time of Childbirth." COOMBS paid her fine, in return for which she was ordered to serve an additional year. (Richmond OB3:187) On 4 Feb 1702/3 John Combs petitioned the Richmond Court, setting forth that John HARRIS had absented "himselfe from his service the space of ten dayes," and the Court ordered HARRIS to serve an additional year. (Richmond OB3:224-5)
John Combs appeared in Richmond County Court orders several more times over the years, including sitting on the grand jury, and on 6 Jun 1705, yet another servant is mentioned, Michaell OWEN, who was adjudged to be 13 years of age. (Richmond OB 1704-5:66)
On 2 Jun 1709, John Combs and Henry JAMES were sued for trespass by Capt. Nicholas SMITH and Mr. Nathaniell POPE in a dispute over bounderies of adjacent land earlier sold to them by William UNDERWOOD, Sr., a suit ultimately won by John Combs, and lost by Henry James on 8 Jun 1710 (Richmond Co, Records, 1704-1724, p. 56 and 271). Nathaniel POPE was the husband of Jane BROWN, d/o Original and Jane BROOKS (Higdon?) Brown, whose daughter, Judith was the first wife of William WROE (See Anderson-Brown-Wroe)
On 23 Jan 1711/12, John Combs' brother, William, sold what appears to have been his moiety in the 600 Acres on Peumans End Run in now-Essex Co VA to Richard TUTT [husband of Mary UNDERWOOD, d/o William UNDERWOOD, Sr.], the deed witnessed by Joseph DINKER, John [x] Combs and Tim. ATKINSON (Essex Co, Wills and Deeds, 1711-1714, p. 21) and on that same date "William UNDERWOOD, Gent'l., of Sittinburn Par., Richmond Co.," sold John COMBES and Richard TUTT, planters of the same county, 400 acres on Punius Inn run [sic] that was adjacent to John MEADOWS [nb: MEADORS] and Henry PETERSE, "this land sold by Warwick CAMMOCK to Amory BUTLER 30 Apr 1679." Both deeds were Rec. 14 Feb 1711/12 (ibid.) Note: A report on Combs land holdings in Richmond and Essex will be added shortly.
John Combs died between 11 December 1716 when he signed his will, and 7 Feb 1716/1717 when said will was proved in Richmond County, Virginia (Richmond VA DB3:300-1)
In the Name of God Amen December the 11th: 1716. IMPRIMIS
I, John Combs of the Parish of Hanover in the County of Richmond in Virginia being very sick and weak of Body butt of good and perfect sceince and Memory-thanks bee to God Doe make this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following that is to say First I bequath my Soule and Spiritt into the hands of the Almighty God my Heavenly Father by whome of his Mercy and onely Grace I intrust to bee saved and Redeemed into through the Death of my Savour and Redeemer Jesus Christ in whose pretious Blood I sett the Whole and onely Hope of my Salvation My writched Body in hope of a Joyfull Resurrection I comitt to the Earth to bee Buried with such Charges as itt shall please my Exekutors hereafter mentioned. Item-I Doe give and Bequeath unto my youngest son Mason Combes two hundred acres of Land Lying upon the Branches of Pumans End in the County of Essex--being part of a Devident of Land formerly belonging to Warwick Cammack to him and his Heirs for Evermore Which aforesaid Land is allready Laid of-I Doe give and bequeath unto my daughter Elizabeth Kendall one Cowe.-My will and Desire is that my Loving Wife Hannah Combes and my Six Children hereinafter named have all and singular my personall Estate Equally Devided amongst them as followeth that is my Son Archdell my Daughter Judith and Mary and Sarah and Aymee and Mason. Butt if in case my Son Archdell should bee soe unkind as by force to Caus his mother my said Wife to Leave as Disposessed the house and Habitation I now Live in that then and in such Case my said Wife to take as her proper Goods all his part of my personall Estate before given to the sd. Archdell Excepting one Shilling of Good and Lawfull money of Ingland and to bee possessed of the same for Evermore, and that my said Wife doe take into her Care and Costodie my daughter Aymee and my Son Mason as also their parts of my personall Estate as aforesaid after the same is devided and the sd. Children and their Estate to remaine with her untill they shall Arive to the Age of Eighteen years or the Day of Marriage and that then they the sd. Ayme and Mason bee possessed of the same to them and their Heirs for Evermore.-I Doe likewise Nominate and Apoint my loving wife Hannah Combes and John Anderson joynt Exekutors of this my last Will and Testament. And in Confirmation hearof I have hearunto sett my Hand and fixt my Seale the Day Month and Year aforesaid-Desiring that my said Estate may not bee brought to an apraisement itt being noe waise in Debtt.- John [JC] Combes {Seal}
Signed Sealed and Published-- in the presence of us Isaac ARNOLD, Charles [C his marke] WILLIS Mary [M her marke] James (A corrected transcription of that of Josiah H. Combs, author of The Combes Genealogy… [see Biblio]
The inventory of John Combs' estate was presented to the Richmond County court, dated 30 Mar 1717, and discloses that his life style was definitely comfortable for the time and place:
Coombes's Inventory. A true and perfect Inventory of all and singular the Goods Chattels and Credits of John COMBES late of this County deced. taken this 30 day of March 1717-
To a Servant boy, To 6 feather beds and boulstors, To 4 Pillows - 4 Ruggs 2 pr of blankets, To 2 pr of Sheets, 2 tables, 3 Chistes - 1 trunck, 3 bedsteeds, 6 pewter Dishes, 4 pewter basons, 10 Plates, 4 Iron Potts, 1 frieing pan, 2 Guns, 1 doz of Spoons, 3 pr of pot hooks, 2 brasss Settles, 2 Croscutt Saws, 20 Cattle, 4 horses, 21 hogs, 27 Sheep, 1 Iron Spitt, one pr of fire tonges, 3 Saddles, 7 prs of Wool Cards - 4 Sockets, 1 pewter Gallon pott, 1 pewter tankard, 1 pewter poringes(?), 4 Earhen Plates, 1 Earthen Chamber pott, 2 Earthen Cups - 4 Earthen Plates, 1 Earthen Chamber pott, 2 Earthen Cups - 1 pewter Chamber pot, 1 Iron Pessle, 2 pailes, 2 pigons(?), 1 tub, 2 trays, 1 Looking glass, 1 Cart and Wheales, 1 Coopers Ag, 1 Joyter(?), 1 drawing Knife, one hand Saw, 2 pr. of Compases, 1 Saltseler, 2 pr. of Sheep Shears, 2 box Irons, 1 gongs(?), 1 Chisel, 2 Candlesticks, 6 Side ???, 2 amuletts, 2 Iron Wedges, 1 bible, 1 Sermon book, 1 S??tes, 2 hornbooks, 1 tob:box, Nutmeg grater, 1 pr. of Shilards(?), 11 yrds of blew Lining, 3 yrds of bed ticking, 8 yrds of white o??s, 42 yrds of ga?licks(?), 6 yds of ?ustin, 12 yds of Saluno(?), 1 pr. of Spurs, 194 yrds of Drugott, 8-1/2 yrds of Le?sey - 12 hankes of Mohair, 2 yrds of Serge, 60 yds friso, 6 yds of Linen ? stone(?), 1 hat, 9 doz of Coat buttons, 7 doz of Brest buttons, 4 Ivory Combs, to a parcell of thread, 4 towels, 1 Napkin, 1 table Cloath, 1 yd of ticking, 3 Earthen pots, 2 Spinning wheales, 1 Cubard, 1 hamer, 1 powdering tub, 1 fiddle to a parcell of wool, to a parcell of Cotton, 3 chairs, 2 hilling hoes - 1Weeding hoe, 1 half buffett, 1 pr of tailers Shears, 1 Chist L(ock?), 3 A??s & grubiing hoe, 1 brass Skillett, 1 Can, 30 pds. of Nailes, 1 Cuting knife, 35 gea?s, 2 Meals Sifters, one old Chist, 1 Grindstone.
Hannah [H her marke] Combs, John Anderson, Exrs. of John Combs.
Recorded amongst the Records of Richmond County the third day of April 1717, Teste M. Beckwith, Cl. Cur. (Transcribed by C. Hammett, 8/30/97)
Based on the wording of John Combs' will, it appears that only his daughter, Aime, and his son, Mason, were under 14 years of age at the time of its signing (Mason Combs, Sr. is later proved to have been b ca1714), and some possibly over 18. Given that his son, Archdale, was of age and also the son of Hannah, the marriage of John and Hannah presumably took place between 1693 and 1698. Moreover, the wording of his will also implies that all the named children other than possibly Elizabeth were issue by Hannah. That Archdale was John's eldest living son is confirmed by both his stated concern that Archdale might dispossess his mother, Hannah, and by a later record dated 22 Jun 1719 in which Archdale sold his father's residence, apparently inherited under the laws of primogeniture, and possibly signaling the remarriage of Hannah. (Richmond DB7:427-429) No indication has been found that John Combs had any other children not named in his will, but it is not, of course, precluded.
To Be Continued…