![]() | Combs &c. Families of Richmond Co VA | ![]() VA: North Neck 1692 |
Richmond County, VA was established in 1691/2 from Old Rappahannock Co VA, consisting primarily of land on the north side of the Rappahannock River. Old Rappa. Co VA was abolished at the same time, and land on the south side of the river became Essex Co VA. In 1720, King George Co VA was established from eastern Richmond, that part of the county which was adjacent to Stafford Co VA.
Thus far it appears (not yet documented) that most early COMBS found in Richmond were descendants of Archdale COMBS I of Old Rappa., with the only documented descendants at this point being those of Archdale's son, John COMBS of Richmond, as no children of his son, William COMBS of Richmond, have been identified as yet.
Important! Due to the many counties involved in the COMBS Land (all of the above plus Westmoreland), and in an effort to "sort out" and hopefully identify the various COMBS, a special report has been created for COMBS Land of Old Rappahannock.
The first record of a COMBS in Richmond Co VA is one of the most important to COMBS Researchers; and also one of the most unintelligible (translation: whoever wrote this record had neglected to grasp the basic concepts of the English language):
11 Dec 1691 (Richmond DB1:7) Whereas there is a tract of
land being on the Freshes of Rappa: neare adjoining unto a place commonly known
by the name of Pewmans Run formerly belonging to Mr. Warwick CAMMOCK whereof
a moiety of Six hundred acres of the said tract of land having formerly been
conferred and made over unto Mr. William UNDERWOOD, Senr. as Marrying the
Sister of the said Mr. Ammaree BUTLER. And from the said BUTLER confer'd
unto Mr. Wm. UNDERWOOD Senr. as marrying the Sister of the said BUTLER and from
the said UNDERWOOD convey'd over by Exchange of the Thirds of land belonging
unto Mrs. Eliza: COUMBS with consent of the said Mrs. Elizabeth COUMBS unto
William UNDERWOOD, Junr., John COUMBES, and William COUMBES to them their
heires or assignes forever Now be it known that I William UNDERWOOD Junior do
for a valuable consideration do make over unto William TOMAS of the Parish of
Washington in the county of Westmoreland to his heirs all my right of the said
moiety of ye said six hundred acres belonging to me which is to be understood
Two hundred acres do firmely by these presents warrant the sale of the said
Two hundred acres of land without any hindrance of me the said Will: UNDERWOOD
or any other persons whatsoever And do further engage myself to convey and make
over at the next Court held for the County of Rappahana: the abovesd. land unto
William TOMAS to him his heires forever for the true performance of the promises
I have set my hand and seale this 11th day of December 1691. William [O U]
Signed sealed & delivered in the presence of Thomas TYRWHITT, William UNDERWOOD
(Richmond Deeds, 1692-1694, Ruth & Sam Sparacio, McLean, VA, 1991)
The above Elizabeth COMBS, her maiden name unknown, married (1) Unknown UNDERWOOD by whom she had William UNDERWOOD, Jr.; and (2) Col. Wm. UNDERWOOD, whose son from an earlier marriage was also named William UNDERWOOD, but because he was the elder of the two, was always referred to as William UNDERWOOD, Sr. As the widow of Col. William UNDERWOOD, Elizabeth, had the right to a 1/3 dower interest in his estate, with the remainder to his son and legal heir William UNDERWOOD, Sr. A series of transactions took place with the result being that Elizabeth and her third husband, Archdale COMBS, negotiated a settlement with her step-son, William UNDERWOOD, Sr., whereby 600 acres that William UNDERWOOD, Sr. had acquired as a dower from his brother-in-law, Amory BUTLER (William Sr. married Mary BUTLER), would be transferred to the three sons of Elizabeth UNKNOWN Underwood Underwood COMBS; those three sons being (at the time of the original transaction), the above named William UNDERWOOD, Jr., John COMBS & William COMBS. In the above transaction, Elizabeth's son, William UNDERWOOD, Jr., is selling his moiety (share) in the 600 acres originally set aside for her sons. In return, Elizabeth relinquished her dower rights to the estate of Col. William UNDERWOOD, Sr. (See also a series of relevant deeds in Old Rappa County, Virginia).
Also note that a key record is apparently not extant - and that is the (Old Rappahannock Co VA?) record whereby William UNDERWOOD, Sr. agreed to transfer the above property to the children of Elizabeth. We know that it must have taken place after 30 Apr, 1679 when the 600 acres land was granted to Amory BUTLER by Warwick CAMMOCK (Essex Co. VA W&D 1711-1714:21), and bef 11 Dec 1691; but if we knew the actual date of the record, we would also likely know whether other children (sons at least) were born to Archdale & Elizabeth.
8 Sep 1692 (Richmond OB2:38) Order is granted against the Sheriff to Abrah. BLAGG for the non appearance of Jno. COMBES according to the Declaration.
(Order Book Abstracts of Richmond County, Virginia, 1692-1694, Ruth and Sam Sparacio, Antient Press, McLean, VA, 1991)
The above order signifies that Abraham BLAGG had been security for John COMBS in an earlier order. That order is apparently not extant; however, note that Abraham BLAGG was not only a near neighbor of John COMBS, but also the husband of Margaret WARE, d/o John & Honoria UNKNOWN Weire (Jones) (See Ware Families). Also note that Abraham BLAGG is found in records with Abraham COMBS of Old Rappa. VA & St. Mary's Co MD in the 1680s (See Abraham COMBS & St. Mary's Co MD)
The next is the only Phillip COMBS record we have found in Richmond County - except that he was a COMER according to this transcription:
10-14 Dec 1692 (Richmond DB2:81-2(42) We John DEANE & Wm. CLAPHAM both of County of Richmond having marryed the two only Daughters of Mr. Sylvester THATCHER of the County of Rappa:, now Richmond, deced, & by virtue of the sd THATCHERS last Will & Testamt. was vested & seized of … 1050 A… South side of Rappa.: River & now within the County of Essex, and upon Portobaco Swamp which land was lapsed and by us the abovesd DEANE & CLAPHAM taken up agane acccording to Law and now lies in co partnership between us the sd DEANE and CLAPHAM, Now Know yee that wee the sd DEANE & CLAPHAM do by these presents… £500 Sterling England to stand & abide the devision of the above tract of land as it was formerly ordered & given by the Last Will & Testament of the abovesd Mr. Silvester THATCHER (wherein it will more at large appeare), And if in case either of us our heirs or ass: shall or do hereafter refuse to stand to & abide the devision abovesd. that then he or they either of them pay unto the other… just sum before menconed upon demand… 10 Dec 1692. S/John DEANE, Wm: CLAPHAM. Wits: Nicho: SMYTH, Philip [P] COMERS. Recog. 14 Dec 1692.(Richmond Deeds, 1692-1694, Sparacio)
Given the facts that (1) the widow of Silvester THATCHER, decd, was Margaret (POWELL?), who m after THATCHER'S death, Warwick CAMMOCK, close associate and neighbor of Archdale COMBS (See Cammock Family); and (2) that several Phillip COMBS are found in Westmoreland Co VA, we suspect the above was a COMBS, not a COMER. Still Needed: A review of a copy of the actual record). See Also John COMBS & Nicholas SMITH below).
3 Jan 1692. This Indenture made the 3rd day of January 1692 and
in the Fourth year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord & Lady, William
& Mary, Between John COOMBES of Richmond County, Plantr., of the
one part and Tho: KENDALL of the same County, Plantr., of the other part, Witnesseth
that the sd John COOMBES for and in consideration of a Horse & a Sow &
pigs to him in hand paid by the sd Tho: KENDALL before the sealing & delivery
of these presents hath granted unto the sd Tho: KENDALL a parcell of land situate
& being in the said County of Richmond on the north side of Rappa. River,
beg. at a River and runnng to a Swamp and lying between the sd. Swamp &
John WILLIS his land or the line of the sd John COOMBES with all houses buildings
gardens orchards fences timber & water and all other the pr:mises belonging
and all the Estate right & demand whatsoever of him the said John COOMBES
unto the same; To have & to hold all & singular the said Land &
pr:mises wth: all appurtinances to the same belonging unto the sd Tho: KENDALL
his heirs & assigns forever more free & cleare from al former sales
quit rents arrearages of rents & all other demands & incombrances made
or done, the Quitrents henceforth to be due to his Majties: only excepted, by
the sd Jno: COOMBES and that the sd Tho: KENDALL and his heirs shall from hence
forth & forever hereafter quietly & peaceably possess & enjoy all
& singulr the pr:mises as well against him the sd John COOMBES his heirs
as against all other persons claiming under him or either of them and that the
said John COOMBES and Ann his Wife will at any time acknowledge in open Court
either to be held at the County Court or the Genrll. Court this Conveyance of
the said Land & premises when thereunto requested by the sd Tho: KENDALL
his heirs and at the cost & charges of sd Tho: KENDALL.
In Witness whereof I the aforesd. John COMBES hath to this pr:sent Indenture
sett my hand and seale.
/s/ John ( crossed-I ) COOMBES.
Signed sealed & delivered in the pr:sence of
Tho: PARKE, Tho: [T] GOFFE.
Recognitr: in Cur Com Richmond 6 die 10br: 1693
(Deed Abstracts of Richmond County, Virginia, 1692-1695, Ruth and Sam Sparacio, Antient Press, McLean, VA, 1991)
Notes: The above Thomas KENDALL was probably the same who was father (grandfather? research-in-progress) of William KENDALL who married John COMBS' daughter, Elizabeth. (See William and Elizabeth COMBS Kendall). Thomas KENDALL had married Martha GOFF and the above Tho GOFFE may have been Martha's brother. Note that no release of dower has been located for this deed; and that we believe it possible that Ann, wife of John COMBS, was the same as Hannah, named in his will. (See Ann/Hannah (MASON?) COMBS (Wroe?)) Also note that despite the single letter mark, J (a crossed-I being the symbol for the printed letter J at that time), and the lack of a more complete land description, acreage, etc., that other land records clearly show that the above was John COMBS I (and only) of Richmond.
John RANKIN on behalfe of the Orphan of Jno. OVERTON of this County late deced. brought his action in this Court against Wm. COMBS and complains that the sd. William hath entered into & used a certaine tract of Land scituate & being in the County and Parish of Farnham & whereon the sd John OVERTON dwelled. And unlawfully hath cut down the woods & Timber there upon growing, carrying away severall Timber trees and stopping the Surveyors Chaine as he was about to lay out the sd Land according to its Antient Bounds being imployed there to by the Complt. in right aforesd., to his damage Ten thousand pounds of tobb. for wch. craves Judgmt. wth. cos. The Deft. pleades Not Guilty in manner & forme as within declared. Whereupon it is ordered that the Sheriff of this County or his Dept. do sumons Twelve good & lawfull men of the Neighbourhood to be sworne by Mr. Tho. GLASCOCK and together with Capt. Wm. MOSELEY, Surveyor, do meet on the 24th of this Inst January on on the next faire day following & do survey & lay out the sd Land according to the severall courses conteyned in the Patent thereof, with regard to the Antient Bounds, And that they make report of their proceedings herein to the next Court held for this County, together with the Trespass comitted (if any) & what damage they shall find.
Note: Much earlier, but possibly significant nevertheless, is the fact that Abraham COMBS of Old Rappa. Co VA & St. Mary's Co MD was found in Rappa. records with a Francis OVERTON. Also note that the above may be an error based on the following:
Whereas the Jurors in the Suit depending between the said John RANKIN on behalfe of the Orphans of John OVERTON deced, Plt. and Wm. CAMPBELL [sic] Deft. made their Report… mett with Capt. Wm. MOSELEY, Surveyor, upon the Land in controverie between John RANKIN Plt. & Wm. CAMPBELL Deft… jury to meet upon the land aforesaid on the 15th of this Inst. March…
[further mentions are all in reference to CAMPBELL/CAMBILL, etc.]
(Order Book Abstracts of Richmond County, Virginia, 1692-1694, Ruth and Sam Sparacio, Antient Press, McLean, VA, 1991)
Note: According to Worth Ray's Mecklenburg…, William COMBS, s/o Archdale, was apprenticed to William CAMPBELL. This record has not been located as yet; but if true, then both of the above records could be accurate, as William CAMPBELL would have been responsible legally to some extent for the actions of his apprentice. (Research in Progress)
13 Mar 1696/7. (North Neck Pat Bk 2:263)
John COMBS of Richmond Co. 200 A. adj. Land of William YARETT now Mr. TANKARD'S, UNDERWOOD'S line, near Indian Needs old field.
(Virginia North Neck Land Grants, 1694-1742, compiled by Gertrude E. Gray, GPC, 1987)
SW: Indian Ned Gunstocker
Notes: See COMBS Land of Old Rappa.
Judgment (upon attachment) is granted to James BOURNE against the Estate of Arthur NOTWELL for 560 lbs. good tobacco in cask being the value of a Cow and yearling attached in the possession of John COOMBES, to be paid with cost of suit al exo.
(Order Book Abstracts of Richmond County, Virginia, 1697-1699, Ruth and Sam Sparacio, Antient Press, McLean, VA, 1991)
Notes: The BRENT, CLARK, COMBS, GARDINER & NUTHALL families of St. Mary's Co, MD intermarried, and GARDINERS are recorded with Clement HILL, Sr. in Old Rappa. Identity of the above Arthur NOTWELL, or whether he was actually a NUTHALL, remains unknown.
"John HARRIS, Servant to John COOMBS, being presented to this Court to have inspection into his age is adjudged Thirteen years old and ordered to be Levey free till the time appointed by Law…"
(Order Book Abstracts of Richmond County, Virginia, 1697-1699, Ruth and Sam Sparacio, Antient Press, McLean, VA, 1991)
The above record is one of a number indicating that John COMBS of Richmond was a prosperous planter.
"Execution issued upon an Order of this County Court dated
the 7th of June 1699 granted to Tho: ASCOUGH against Jn'o PITMAN for 500 lb.
of Tobacco with Costs of suit Returned Executed the 18th of February 1699 [1699/1700]
upon the Body of the within men'coned Jonn PITMAN, and for Redemptiion of his
Body produced the - - time the value of the said debt. And after appraism't
according to Law made - - of a horse on behalfe of pl't being appriased at 500
lb of Tobacco by us
James PHILLIPS did choose for the plt
(Virginia Colonial Abstracts, Vol 1, Beverly Fleet, GPC, 1988, p. 271)
Robert SMITH making oath to this Court that Mary, the mother of John MALDEN, did promise and give her son, John, unto Jno. COMB, til he should attaine to the age of twenty one yeares and the said John MALDEN being prsented was adjudged to be ten yeares old and ordered that he should serve the said Jno. COMBS or his assignes till he attaine to the age of twenty one yeares, he the said John COMB obliding himselfe to teach him to write and read.
(Order Book Abstracts of Richmond County, Virginia, 1699-1701, Ruth and Sam Sparacio, Antient Press, McLean, VA, 1991)
A man who signs his name "JC" commits to teach a child to read and write? (Although the same also seen in other family's records, and note that John COMBS' son, Mason, was literate.) Note also that the relationship between John COMBS and John MALDEN, Jr. was apparently more than a simple apprenticeship, based on the following record:
Upon the Petition of John COMBES, Guardian of John MALDEN, thereby setting forth that William COMBES, into and upon a Tract of Land beloning to John MALDEN containeing One hundred acres and lying in St. Maryes Parish under the care of the said John COOMBES did enter and contrary to Law destroy the Timber and Houseing on the said Land; Wherefore the Court have ordered that the said William be summoned by the Sheriff of his County or his Deputy to the next Court held.
(Order Book Abstracts of Richmond County, Virginia, 1702-1704, Ruth and Sam Sparacio, Antient Press, McLean, VA, 1991)
Despite earlier records indicating that William COMBS might have been a misprint for William CAMPBELL, it may be that he was one and the same - and a destroyer of forests and homes? Certainly, William COMBS & John COMBS seem to have had very little to do with each other over the years. The MALDEN/MAULDEN family has not been located as yet - giving rise to the question as to just when, where and how John MAULDEN acquired the above-mentioned land. A John MOULTON is listed on a 1696 Richmond Co List of Jurors. Could the above John MAULDEN have been a MOULTON? See Also Richard & Mary ARCHDALE Moulton
This day William COOMBS confest Judgment to Thomas TINSLEY for 1200 lbs. Tobacco due by Bill dated Febry ye 15th 1700, to be paid with cost of suit als. exo.
(Order Book Abstracts of Richmond County, Virginia, 1702-1704, Ruth and Sam Sparacio, Antient Press, McLean, VA, 1991)
The action brought by Wm. COOMBS against Thomas CHAMBERS is dismst. no prosecution.
(Order Book Abstracts of Richmond County, Virginia, 1702-1704, Ruth and Sam Sparacio, Antient Press, McLean, VA, 1991)
Elinor WELCH, Servant to John COOMBS, being presented to this Court for having a bastard Child, the Court have ordered that she serve her said Master or his assignee according to Act after the time by Indenture Custome or otherwise be expired in satisfaction for the trouble of his House dureing her time of Childbirth.
Ordered that Elinor WELCH, Servant to John COOMBS, by and with her owne consent do serve her said Master or his assignes the space of one whole yeare after her time by Indenture custome or otherwise be fully expired in satisfaction for his paying her Fine for committing the sin of fornication & having a bastard Child.
This day John COOMBS confest Judgment to the Church Wardens of St. Maryes parish for the use of the Parish for Five hundred pounds of tobbo: being the Fine of Elinor WELCH for committing the sin of fornication and having a bastard Child to be paid als Exo.
(Order Book Abstracts of Richmond County, Virginia, 1702-1704, Ruth and Sam Sparacio, Antient Press, McLean, VA, 1991)
Note: When indentured servants had children out of wedlock, it was common to see their masters picking up the fine, which the servant then repaid with yet more years of service.
John BROWNE of St. Maryes Parish, Richmond, Carpenter, and Sarah
his Wife to Edward TAYLOR of same, Carpenter… patent bearing date 7 Aug
1669 to William BROWNE and William BALTROPP, 744 A. in the Forrest between the
Rivers of Potomack and Rappahannock in County of Westmoreland (but since the
Division of the Counties in the County of Richmond) and whereas the said William
BROWNE in his lifetime, that is to say, by his last Will and Testament in writing
did give and bequeath unto John BROWNE by the name of John BROWNE his Son 164
A of land out of his share and devident as aforesaid (as in and by the said
Will remaining upon the records of Essex County among other things it doth and
may more fuly and att large appeare).. the said John BROWNE and Sarah his said
Wife for sum of 2000 lbs. tobaco to Edward TAYLOR, 64 A. of Land adj. and adjoyning
the Land of the said Edward TAYLOR, party to these pr:sents….
S/John BROWNE, Sarah [X] BROWNE;
John and Sarah BROWN auth. Joshua DAVIS Attorney to ack. Bond for 64 A.
2 Mar 1702/3.
S/John BROWNE, Sarah (signed X) BROWNE,
Wits: E: TURBERVILLE, Peter (signed P) MERRY, Richard TANKERSLEY.
Recordatr: Test. James SHERLOCK, Cl Cur
(Richmond Deeds, 1701-1704, Sparacio)
The BROWNS were next door neighbors of William COMBS, sons of William & Elizabeth UNKNOWN Brown, with the widow marrying afterwards Evan MORGAN, then James TAYLOR. Edward TURBERVILLE m Sarah (THOMAS? JONES?), her 4th husband, his predecessors William WILLIS (son of John), Henry WOODS and Rush HUDSON, respectively. Question: Were Rush HUDSON and/or Johanna HUDSON (See Essex Co VA) kin to Marmaduke HUDSON, associate of Archdale COMBS I of Old Rappahannock Co VA?
Upon the petition of John COMBS thereby setting forth yet John HARRIS had absented himselfe from his service the space of ten dayes the Court have ordered that the said John HARRIS by and with his owne consent do serve his said Master or his assignes the space of one whole yeare after his time by Indenture Custome or otherwise be fully expired.
(Order Book Abstracts of Richmond County, Virginia, 1702-1704, Ruth and Sam Sparacio, Antient Press, McLean, VA, 1991)
Notes: See earlier order in 1698. John HARRIS was 17-18 yrs of age by this time, and paid a strong penalty for his ten day "vacation."
The action brought by Peter SULLENGER agt. John COMBS is dismist the Plt. not prosecuting.
(Order Book Abstracts of Richmond County, Virginia, 1702-1704, Ruth and Sam Sparacio, Antient Press, McLean, VA, 1991)
Peter SULLINGER has not been identified, nor has the reason for the suit.
William COMBS of Richmond Co. 100 A. on Portridges Cr.
in said Co. adj. John BROWN, Maxfield BROWN & Major WRIGHT.
Wrnt. 6 Mar 1704.
Surv. by William THORNETON. 13 Jul 1705.
(VA NN Land Grants, 1694-1742, compiled by Gertrude E. Gray (GPC 1987)
William COMBS of Richmond Co. 100 A. on Portridges Cr. In said Co. adj. John BROWN, Maxfield BROWN & Major WRIGHT. Wrnt. 6 Mar 1704. Surv. By William THORNETON. 13 Jul 1705.
[Note: This Deed Registered in Page 103 dated July 13, 1705, & by mistake Incerted here again. Tho:HOOPER Clk of ye Co.]
(VA NN Land Grants, 1694-1742, compiled by Gertrude E. Gray (GPC 1987)
See also next.
GRANTEE Combs, William. grantee.
DATE 13 July 1705.
NOTE Location: Richmond County.
NOTE Description: 100 acres on the heads of the branches of Portbridges Creek
adjoining John Brown, Maxfield Brown, and Major Wright.
NOTE (This deed is also recorded on page 103).
NOTE Source: Northern Neck Grants No. 3, 1703-1710, p. 111 (Reel 288).
NOTE Source: Northern Neck Grants No. 3, 1703-1710, p. 103 (Reel 288).
NOTE Part of the index to recorded copies of land grants issued by the agents
of the Fairfax Proprietary between 1690 and 1781 and by the Commonwealth between
1786 and 1874. Original and recorded surveys are also indexed when available.
The collection is housed in the Archives at the Library of Virginia.
OTHER FORMAT Available on microfilm. Northern Neck Grants, reels 288-311.
Submitted by Denise Mortorff:
Note: Included here since it notes what source one can go to in order to see the original record. The record may also be accessible at the VSLA website.
Grand Jury FTW: William STONE, John HARFORD, Martin HAMMOND, John DALTON, Stephen GUBTON, William TRIPLETT; Grand Jury Sworn: George BRUCE, Christopher PETTY, Richard APPLEBY, Francis LUCAS, Luke WILLIAMS, Richard HIND, William HEAD, Thomas ARNOLD, Shadrach WILLIAMS, Stanley GORE, John JONES, John POUND, Marke RYMER, Thomas JAMES, John INGO, John MILLS, William SIMONS, John COOMES, Thomas BRADLEY, Stephen BOWEN, Evan THOMAS, Timothy DALY, Stephen WELLS and Robert PORT…
(Richmond Order Books, Sparacio)
Search Words: GOWER HAYNES
The above is not only useful in identifying the "neighborhood," but perhaps suggests further investigation into Richard HIND, given the Zachariah HINDS of Westmoreland Co VA who left a bequest to an unidentified Simon COMBS. See Also Hammond Families. Was Martin HAMMOND kin to later HAMMONDS found in records with the COMBS of Virginia?
June 6, 1705. Michaell OWEN, servant to John COOMBS, being presented to this Court for inspection into his age is adjudged thirteene yeares old and ordered that he [be] levy free till the age apoynted for paymt. of a Levy.
(Richmond County, Virginia, Order Book 1704-1705, Ruth & Sam Sparacio, The Antient Press, McLean, VA)
Notes: Michael OWENS has not been located elsewhere as yet.
Oct. 4, 1705. The action brought by William WILLIS agt. Wm. COOMES is dismist, the Plt. not prosecuting.
(Richmond County, Virginia, Order Book 1704-1705, Ruth & Sam Sparacio, The Antient Press, McLean, VA)
Feb. 7, 1705/6. The action brought by William COMBS and Mary his wife agt. William PITTMAN is dismist, the Plts. not prosecuting.
(Richmond County, Virginia, Order Book 1704-1705, Ruth & Sam Sparacio, The Antient Press, McLean, VA)
Feb. 7, 1705/6. The action brought by William WILKS agt. William COOMBS is dismist the Plt. not prosecuting.
(Richmond County, Virginia, Order Book 1704-1705, Ruth & Sam Sparacio, The Antient Press, McLean, VA)
Notes: Could William WILKES have been kin to Thomas who m widow of BECKINGHAM of Lancaster Co VA who named sister, Elizabeth CUMBES, wife of John? See William WILLIS below.
Note: No COMBS of any spelling were found in the Richmond VA Order Book for 1705-1706. (Richmond County, Virginia, Order Book 1705-1706, Ruth & Sam Sparacio, Antient Press, Maclean, Virginia)
John COMBS, grand jury
William COMBS confessed judgment Willam THORNTON also exo
Action brought by Francis SUTTLE agst Wm. COMBS dismissed, plaintiff not prosecutin
Ct. imparlance is granted in the suit between Nicholas SMITH and Nathaniel POPE, gent, plaintiff and John COMBS and Henry JENINGS, defendants until next Court.
(Richmond VA Order Book, 1707-9, page 81)
In accon of trespass between Nicholas SMITH and Nathaniel POPE, plaintiff, John COMBS and Henry JAMES. Postponed to next court at defd't request.
Note: Re the last two records, see also below and COMBS Land in Old Rappa.
Indenture 2nd May 1710 between George GREEN of Psh. Of St. Marys
in County of Richmond, Planter, of one part and John KENDELL of the same Pish.
And County, Planter, of other part…. Consideration Five Shillings all that
tract of land whereon said John KENDELL now liveth and inhabiteth… about
Eight acres of land to be laid out and surveyed for the the said Jno: KENDELL
by said George GREEN conventient to and about said John KENDELLS Plantation
and also one other parcell of land lying in Bald Eagle Neck adjoyning upon the
late land of Ralph WORMLEY, Esqr. Deced and upon the Run of Bald Eagle aforesaid
deviding this land from the land of said George GREEN, which said quantity of
land is to be laid out and surveyed to said John KENDELL when he pleaseth to
require the same of said George GREEN all which said two tracts of land are
scituate in Pish. Of St. Marys in the County of Richmond with all houses, tobacco
houses barnes and buildings whatsoever, orchards fences woods… To have
and to hold the premises unto John KENDELL dureing the full term of one whole
year paying the rent of an ear of Indian Corne on the first day … if demanded
to the intent that by vertue of these presents and of the statute for transferring
uses into possession John KENDELL may be in actuall possession of the premises
and be threby the better enabled to accept a release of the INHERITANCE thereof;
In Witness whereof the parties…
George [his mark G G] GREEN.
Sealed and Delivered in the presents of us Neal McCORMACK.
William [his mark W] KENDELL
At a Court held for Richmond County June the seventh 1710 George GREEN came into Court & acknowledged this his Deed unto John KENDELL… Neal McCORMACK appeared in Court and by vertue of a Letter of Attorney from Eliza: GREEN ye Wife of ye sd Geo: GREEN … relinquished her the sd Eliza: right of Dower in the land conveyed in this Deed unto the sd. Jno: KENDELL wch: is also admitted to record.
(Deed Abstracts of Richmond County, Virginia, 1708-1711, Deed Book No. 5, Ruth and Sam Sparacio, Antient Press, McLean, Virginia, 1991)
02 May 1709 Elizabeth GREEN the true and lawful Wife of
George GREEN relinquishes dower and impoweres 'my friend Neal McCORMACK' to
make acknowledgement… second day of May 1710.
Elizabeth [her mark E] GREEN.
In presence of William [his mark W] KENDELL
John [his mark I C] COMBS.
This Power of Attorney Proved in Richmond County Court 7 Jun 1710.
Notes: George GREEN m Elizabeth CLAPHAM, d/o William & Mary THATCHER Clapham, the latter d/o Sylvester & Margaret UNKNOWN Thatcher (Cammock). William CLAPHAM was the s/o William & Elizabeth MADESTARD Clapham, her second marriage, she having m (1) Epaphroditus LAWSON and (3) Alexander FLEMING. William KENDALL m Elizabeth COMBS, d/o John & Hannah. (See Also King George County re KENDALL, GREEN and McCORMACK Families.)
Thomas TIPPITT of County of Richmond of the Pish. Of St. Marys
to John HOKFORD of the aforesaid County & Pish…. HOKFORDS Plantation…
Poultridg Creek… land houses orchards fences…
S/Thomas [ T ] TIPPITT;
Wits: William [his mark WT] TIPPITT, Joseph HEMMING.
At Richmond County Court on 7 Sep 1709, John COOMBS appeared in Court and by vertue of a letter of Attorney from Catherine TIPPETT, the wife of sd. Thomas TIPPETT… relinquished her the said Catherine's right of Dower unto the said John HAUKFORD…
(Deed Abstracts of Richmond VA, 1708-1711, Sam and Ruth Sparacio, Antient Press, McLean, VA)
William WILLIS of of County of Richmond of the Pish. Of St. Marys,
Planter, to John HOKFORD of the aforesaid County & Pish…. Land lying
in ye County of Richmond and Pish: of St. Marys on the North side of the River
which is called Rappahanock River … Francis THORNTON… Francis WRIGHTS
and John WRIGHTS… twelve acres… part of a Patten of land granted to
John WILLIS Seaneor by sd William BARKLEY for 201 acres bearing date 21 Oct
1669… and William WILLIS and Sarah WILLIS his now Wife … this (blank)
day of September 1709.
Will: WILLIS. Sarah [her marke + ] WILLIS.
In presence of: Isaac ARNOLD, John WILLIS.
At Richmond County Court on 7 Sep 1709, John COOMBS Attorney of William WILLIS came this day into Court and acknowledged the within Deed. Also the said COOMBS by vertue of a letter of Attorney from Sarah WILLIS, the wife of sd. William WILLIS, to him in that behalf made relinquished her the said Sarah's right of Dower… unto the said HAUKFORD…
(Deed Abstracts of Richmond VA, 1708-1711, Sam and Ruth Sparacio, Antient Press, McLean, VA)
Note: These deeds are followed by a deed from John HOCKFORD to John WILLIS Jeuner land whereon John WILLIS [Jr. implied] now liveth and Inhabiteth together with twelve acres on ye North side of the River which is called Rappahanock River… corner of Thomas TIPPITT… mentions HOCKFORD'S wife SAINTS a.k.a. SANCE… wits: Isaac ARNOLD & John PITTMAN. See Also George GREEN to John WILLIS Junr. (Richmond DB5:173-4)
Court held September 8, 1709. - In an action of Trespass between Nicholas SMITH and Nathaniel POPE, Plts. and John COOMBS and Henry JAMES, Defts., for fifty pounds Sterling damage by means of Defts. comitting a Trespass upon Plantiffs ground and soile in the Pish of St. Marys in County of Richmond, &c., as is sett forth in the Declaration, to which Defts. haveing this day pleaded Not Guilty, Whereupon it is ordered that the Surveyor of this County with an able Jury of the ancient Freeholders of the vicinage who are not ways concerned by affinity consanguinity to either of the parties or interest to the land in controversie, nor lyable to any other just exception, to be summoned by the Sherriff & sworn before a Justice of the Peace in this County, go upon the land in difference the nineteenth Instant if fair, if not the next fair day, and survey and lay out the same according to the most known ancient and reputed bounds thereof, haveing regard to all Patents and Evidences that shall be produced by Plts. or Defts. and if they find Defts. or either of them Trespassers, the Jury is to value the damage and make report of their proceedings to next Court; And it is further ordered that in case any elder Patent interferes or obstructs so that Plts. cannot lay out their land, then they have liberty given them to lay that Patent out according to its bounds
(Richmond County, Virginia, Order Book 1708-1709, Ruth & Sam Sparacio, The Antient Press, McLean, VA)
Notes: See COMBS Land of Old Rappa. Co VA re above and following:
"Richmond Sc't Prusuant [sic] to an order of Court bearing date the 8th June 1710 Wee whose names are under written being summoned as Juryers in a difference between capt'n Nicholas SMITH and m'r Nathaniell POPE plts and John COMBS and Henry JAMES Defend'ts have surveyed the land of the plts: it being a patent granted to Wm YARRETT and Francis WITTINGTON for five hundred and eighty acres dated the 29th July 1650 and wee find one of the Def'ts (Viz't) Henry JAMES a Trespasser the sum of five shillings sterling. Witness our hands this twenty first of June 1710"
George PAYNE foreman, Thomas RICHARDSON, Tho x BROCKS marke,
Fra: JAMES x, James SCOTT, John MASON x, Joseph MELLINTON his marke, Charles
(Virginia Colonial Abstracts, Vol 1, Beverly Fleet, GPC, 1988, p. 271)
"John COMBES of Richmond VA"
Notes: ?
"William & Mary COMBES of St. Maries Par., Richmond Co."
See Essex Co VA & COMBS Land of Old Rappahannock)
Edward FAGAN of Richmond Co. 150 A. adj. George GREEN, Francis THORNTON, Thomas HOWS, Wm. COMBS, in Richmond Co., Maxfield BROWN, Wrnt. 15 Mar. Last. Surv. by Capt. Edward BARROW. 9 May 1712
(NN Patents, Gray)
See also next extracted from VSLA.
GRANTEE Fagan, Edward. grantee.
DATE 9 May 1712.
NOTE Location: Richmond County.
NOTE Description: 150 acres by the lands of George Green, Francis Thornton,
Thomas Hews, and William Combs.
NOTE Source: Northern Neck Grants No. 4, 1710-1712 , p. 67 (Reel 289).
NOTE Part of the index to recorded copies of land grants issued by the agents
of the Fairfax Proprietary between 1690 and 1781 and by the Commonwealth between
1786 and 1874. Original and recorded surveys are also indexed when available.
The collection is housed in the Archives at the Library of Virginia.
OTHER FORMAT Available on microfilm. Northern Neck Grants, reels 288-311.
Extracted from Virginia State Library Archives Website - Submitted by Denise Mortorff:
Note: This record is a duplicate of previous one, however the difference is that We state 'Hows" and this states "Hews". In the earlier handwriting a lower case "e" is wirtten like an o with a distinct hole in the top loop. This may explain the discrepancy between the VSLA transcription and ours.
Sept. 1, 1715. Sarah (+) TAYLOR to Benjamin TAYLOR. in deed to
George PEATCH. Power of Attorney.
Witnessed by John BROWNE and Wm: COMBES.
See Also John TAYLOR, security for Mary, widow of William COMBS, in 1719 below. What was relationship of TAYLOR Family to COMBS, if any?
In the Name of God Amen December the 11th: 1716. IMPRIMIS
I, John COMBS of the Parish of Hanover in the County of Richmond in Virginia
being very sick and weak of Body butt of good and perfect sceince and Memory-thanks
bee to God Doe make this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following
that is to say First I bequath my Soule and Spiritt into the hands of the Almighty
God my Heavenly Father by whome of his Mercy and onely Grace I intrust to bee
saved and Redeemed into through the Death of my Savour and Redeemer Jesus Christ
in whose pretious Blood I sett the Whole and onely Hope of my Salvation My writched
Body in hope of a Joyfull Resurrection I comitt to the Earth to bee Buried with
such Charges as itt shall please my Exekutors hereafter mentioned. Item-I Doe
give and Bequeath unto my youngest son Mason COMBES two hundred acres
of Land Lying upon the Branches of Pumans End in the County of Essex--being
part of a Devident of Land formerly belonging to Warwick CAMMACK to him and
his Heirs for Evermore Which aforesaid Land is allready Laid of-I Doe give and
bequeath unto my daughter Elizabeth KENDALL one Cowe.-My will and Desire
is that my Loving Wife Hannah Combes and my Six Children hereinafter named
have all and singular my personall Estate Equally Devided amongst them as followeth
that is my Son Archdell my Daughter Judith and Mary and Sarah and Aymee and
Mason. Butt if in case my Son Archdell should bee soe unkind as by force
to Caus his mother my said Wife to Leave as Disposessed the house and Habitation
I now Live in that then and in such Case my said Wife to take as her proper
Goods all his part of my personall Estate before given to the sd. Archdell Excepting
one Shilling of Good and Lawfull money of Ingland and to bee possessed of the
same for Evermore, and that my said Wife doe take into her Care and Costodie
my daughter Aymee and my Son Mason as also their parts of my personall
Estate as aforesaid after the same is devided and the sd. Children and their
Estate to remaine with her untill they shall Arive to the Age of Eighteen years
or the Day of Marriage and that then they the sd. Ayme and Mason bee possessed
of the same to them and their Heirs for Evermore.-I Doe likewise Nominate and
Apoint my loving wife Hannah COMBES and John ANDERSON joynt Exekutors of this
my last Will and Testament. And in Confirmation hearof I have hearunto sett
my Hand and fixt my Seale the Day Month and Year aforesaid-Desiring that my
said Estate may not bee brought to an apraisement itt being noe waise in Debtt.-
Sealed and Published-- John
[JC] COMBES {Seal}
the presence of us
[C his marke] WILLIS
[M her marke] JAMES
(Transcribed by Josiah H. COMBS, COMBS Genealogy… with correction to last
sentence only, adding word "not.")
COOMBES'S Inventory. A true and perfect Inventory of all and singular the Goods Chattels and Credits of John COMBES late of this County deced. taken this 30 day of March 1717-
To a Servant boy, To 6 feather beds and boulstors, To 4 Pillows - 4 Ruggs 2 pr of blankets, To 2 pr of Sheets, 2 tables, 3 Chistes - 1 trunck, 3 bedsteeds, 6 pewter Dishes, 4 pewter basons, 10 Plates, 4 Iron Potts, 1 frieing pan, 2 Guns, 1 doz of Spoons, 3 pr of pot hooks, 2 brasss Settles, 2 Croscutt Saws, 20 Cattle, 4 horses, 21 hogs, 27 Sheep, 1 Iron Spitt, one pr of fire tonges, 3 Saddles, 7 prs of Wool Cards - 4 Sockets, 1 pewter Gallon pott, 1 pewter tankard, 1 pewter poringes(?), 4 Earhen Plates, 1 Earthen Chamber pott, 2 Earthen Cups - 4 Earthen Plates, 1 Earthen Chamber pott, 2 Earthen Cups - 1 pewter Chamber pot, 1 Iron Pessle, 2 pailes, 2 pigons(?), 1 tub, 2 trays, 1 Looking glass, 1 Cart and Wheales, 1 Coopers Ag, 1 Joyter(?), 1 drawing Knife, one hand Saw, 2 pr. of Compases, 1 Saltseler, 2 pr. of Sheep Shears, 2 box Irons, 1 gongs(?), 1 Chisel, 2 Candlesticks, 6 Side ???, 2 amuletts, 2 Iron Wedges, 1 bible, 1 Sermon book, 1 S??tes, 2 hornbooks, 1 tob:box, Nutmeg grater, 1 pr. of Shilards(?), 11 yrds of blew Lining, 3 yrds of bed ticking, 8 yrds of white o??s, 42 yrds of ga?licks(?), 6 yds of ?ustin, 12 yds of Saluno(?), 1 pr. of Spurs, 194 yrds of Drugott, 8-1/2 yrds of Le?sey - 12 hankes of Mohair, 2 yrds of Serge, 60 yds friso, 6 yds of Linen ? stone(?), 1 hat, 9 doz of Coat buttons, 7 doz of Brest buttons, 4 Ivory COMBS, to a parcell of thread, 4 towels, 1 Napkin, 1 table Cloath, 1 yd of ticking, 3 Earthen pots, 2 Spinning wheales, 1 Cubard, 1 hamer, 1 powdering tub, 1 fiddle to a parcell of wool, to a parcell of Cotton, 3 chairs, 2 hilling hoes - 1Weeding hoe, 1 half buffett, 1 pr of tailers Shears, 1 Chist L(ock?), 3 A??s & grubiing hoe, 1 brass Skillett, 1 Can, 30 pds. of Nailes, 1 Cuting knife, 35 gea?s, 2 Meals Sifters, one old Chist, 1 Grindstone.
Hannah [H her marke] COMBS, John ANDERSON, Exrs. of John COMBS.
Recorded amongst the Records of Richmond County the third day of April 1717, Teste M. BECKWITH, Cl. Cur.
(Transcribed by C. Hammett, 8/30/97, 1st ROUGH DRAFT)
Notes: See John COMBS and Anderson - Brown - Pope - Wroe Families for additional info.
Nov. 27 & 28, 1717. Lease and release. William COMBS of
Richmond Co., shoemaker, to Nicholas DOWNTON of Westmoreland Co., planter.
3,500 lbs. of tobacco for 100 acs. in Richmond Co., ye burying place only excepted,
and bounded: beg. at a corner tree belonging to Maxfield Browne...to the land
of Major WRIGHT...in a line of John BROWN.
/s/William COMBES.
Wits: John GRICE, William WOODWARD
04 Dec 1717. William COMBES came into Court and ack.
this his deed unto Nicholas DOWNTON and it was admitted to record.
Also Mary COMBES, the wife of the sd. Wm. COMBES, appeared in court and
relinquished her right of Dower in the land conveyed.
Know all men...I William COMBS of Richmond Co., shoemaker, am holden
& indebted unto Nicholas DOWNTON of Westmoreland Co., in the full &
just sum of 9,000 lbs. of Legall tobacco in cask to ye payment whereof well
& truly to be made I bind my self, my heirs, firmly by these presents. In
witness where I have hereunto set my hand and seal this Nov. 28, 1717. The condition
of this obligation is such that if the above bound Wm. COMBS do well
and truly perform and keep all covenants and conditions comprised in one indenture
of lease and release made by Wm. COMBS unto Nicholas DOWNTON...when thereupon
required according to the true intent of the indentures of lease and release,
that then this present obligation to be void, otherwayes to be & remain
in full force strength & virtue.
/s/ William COMBES, Mary COMBES.
Wits: John GRICE, William WOODWARD
04 Dec 1717. William COMBES and Mary COMBES acknowledged this their bond unto Nicholas DOWNTON and it was admitted to record.
Was William COMBS apprenticed as a shoemaker to John BUTLER? Was John BUTLER a shoemaker? (See Combs &c. Occupations) Also note: Probably irrelevant over 100 years later, but note that one John GRICE was kin to the THORPE/SMITH/THROCKMORTON Families of the Virginia Company.
… Mary COMBS & Jno. TAYLOR of the County of Richmond
are held and firmly bound… One hundred pounds Sterling … bind ourselves
… ye Fourth day of March 1718… Condition of this obligation is such
that if the above bound Mary COMBS, Admrx. of all the goods chattles &
creditts of Wm: COMBS deced. Do make a true & perfect Inventory of all
the goods chattles & creditts of ye sd: deced, and ye same so made do exhibitt
into the County Court of Richmond at such time as she shall be thereto required
by sd: Court; And ye same goods chattles & creditts do well & truly
administer according to Law And further do make a just & true Acct. of her
actings and doings therein when thereto required by sd: Court and shall deliver
& pay unto such persons respectively as the Justices by their order of Judgment
shall direct pursuant to the Laws in that case made & provided; And if it
shall hereafter appear that any Last Will and Testament was made by the sd:
deced., and the Exr. or Exrs. Therein named do exhibit the same in sd: Court
making request to have it allowed and approved, accordingly if the sd: Mary
COMBS being thereunto required do render and deliver up her Letters of Admin:
approbation of such Testament first had and made in sd: Court; Then this obligation
to be void & of none effect, otherwise to remain in full force & virtue.
s/Mary [sign M] COMBS, Jno. TAYLOR.
Signed Sealed and Delivered in presence of (no witnesses recorded)
Acknowledged in Richmond County Court 4 Mar 1718 by Mary COMBS
& John TAYLOR and ordered to be recorded.
Test M. BECKWITH, Cl. Cur
(Deed Abstracts of Richmond County, Virginia, 1718-1719, Deed Book No. 7 (partial), Ruth and Sam Sparacio, Antient Press, McLean, Virginia, 1991)
01 Apr 1719 (Richmond Co VA WB 4:91) April 1, 1719. Inventory of William COMBS.
02 Dec 1719 (Richmond Co VA WB 4:137) Dec. 2, 1719. Further inventory of William COMBS
So far as is known, William COMBS left no will. It is not known if he left issue. See John & Mary SLAUGHTER Taylor below. A copy of William's Inventory has not yet been read.
22 Jun 1719 Archdill COMBS of Essex County to Thomas DICKESON
of Richmond for £30 Sterling, "a certain parcell of land whereon
my father, John COOMBS did last dwell scituate ye County of Richmond and
bounded: Beginning upon ye river at a Gutt next to Moikik Land, so up the sd.
Gutt to a marked Gum, thence West along ye Neck to another Gum on ye Branch
side and running down ye Branch to another Gut by Wm. READS, & then over
ye Gutt to include all ye COOMBS his land on yt: side where Wm. READ dwells,
Together with all timber & trees likely to become timber, and the rents
and services; To have and to hold like Fifty acres of land with all its rights
members and appurtenances unto Thomas DICKESON his heirs and Archdill COOMBS
his heirs shall warrant & forever defend by these presents… Archdill
[his mark AC] COMBS.
Signed Sealed and Delivered in the presence of us
Sarah [her mark X] COOMBS.
At a Court held for Richmond County the first day of July 1719, Archdill COOMBS came into Court and acknowledged this his Deed unto Thomas DICKESON and it was admitted to Record.
(Deed Abstracts of Richmond County, Virginia, 1718-1719, Book & (partial), Ruth and Sam Sparacio, Antient Press, McLean, VA 1993)
The above deed documents that Archdill COMBS II was the eldest living son (and legal heir) of John COMBS at the time of his father's death, under the laws of primogeniture. No relinquishment of dower was recorded at the time, nor has one been located in subsequent Essex or Richmond County records; thus, Archdale COMBS II was probably still single at this time. The above Sarah COMBS was probably his sister. Also note that Archdale II was living in Essex County at this time.
29 Jun 1719. Jno: TAYLOR and Mary his Wife to Thomas TURNER, both
of Richmond County, 1000 lbs. Tobacco, tht tract of land bequeathed by Francis
SLAUGHTER to the above named Jno: TAYLOR and Mary his Wife scituate in Prrish
of Hanover & County of Richmond, 100 acres, including houses orchards rents
issues and profitts thereof;
Mary [her mark M] TAYLOR;
Wits: Benja: STROTHER, Mary [her mark M] COOMBS.
Prvd. 2 Sep 1719 by John TAYLOR and Mary his wife.
(Deed Abstracts of Richmond County, Virginia, 1718-1719, Book & (partial), Ruth and Sam Sparacio, Antient Press, McLean, VA 1993)
It is believed the above Mary COMBS was probably the widow of William; however, she could also have been either John COMBS' daughter, or the wife of Archdale COMBS II. John TAYLOR had married Mary SLAUGHTER, d/o Francis & Margaret HUDSON Taylor. Francis SLAUGHTER, Jr. was the s/o Francis & Elizabeth UNDERWOOD Slaughter, Sr. (See Underwood Families)
No further records have been found for COMBS in VA until 1782, although we know (not researched) that at least one Richmond man was a neighbor to Joseph COMBS I of Stafford Co VA, whose ancestry remains unknown, although possibly a member of the family(ies) of Old Rappa. County:
Apr. 5, 1730. Thos. BARBER of Richmond Co., 161 acs. in Stafford adj. Joseph COMBS on Beaverdam Br. of Acquia
[Stafford County, Virginia]. (Virginia Northern Neck Land Grants, 1694-1742. Gertrude E. Gray)
(1830 Census Index)
Notes: The census record for Sally COMBS has not been extracted.