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Note: Warwick CAMMOCK, b ca1636, s/o Sussex CAMMOCK of Co Essex EN, and grandson of Thomas & Frances RICH Cammock, was residing in Old Rappa. Co VA by the early 1660s, and a close associate of Archdale Combs I, also of Old Rappahannock. Frances RICH Cammock was the d/o Sir Robert & Our very special thanks go to Cammock-Rich Researcher Mary Gregg, who has not only provided almost every record and note herein, but has also been invaluable to us in every aspect of our research of the Combs Families of Old Rappahannock Co VA. (See Also Rich Family Notes & Old Rappa. Co VA)
Sources include: "Memoirs of the CAMOCS of County Down" (Chapter III and footnotes), Edited by Frank Owen Fisher, London, 1897 (abstracted & summarized), hereinafter Memoirs; Cammock Monument; Louise Davis Letter to Mary Gregg, 1973; Visitations of Essex, 1612, and as noted otherwise herein.
1. Robert CAMMOCK of Layer Marney, Co Essex, d 1 Mar 1585/6; m (1) Elizabeth BADBY; m (2) bef 1583, Mary EVERTON, sister of George EVERTON (No Issue).
Robert CAMMOCK I is found a number of times in the records of Co Essex. Only his will is included herein; however see also Essex, England.
29 Jan 1582/3 - 05 Mar 1586/7 (Essex Wills 30/14) Will of Robert CAMOCKE of Layer Marney gentleman, 29 January 1582. To be buried honestly in Layer Marney church. To Mary my wife, in consideration that she claim no dower or third in my lands, my lease of How Field and Rockinghams for George TUKE esquire deceased and my lease of the manor and lands called Abbottes in Wigborough and Layer Marney as specified in the lease taken of the Abbot of St. Osyth or St Tosies to me; which leases I have delivered to my faithful friend and brother-in-law George EVERTON gentleman to the use of his sister Mary, my wife. To her my house in Layer Marney called Dukes with the grounds belonging, for life, and 40 loads of good wood (except timber and other woods not usually lopped) delivered for her necessary fuel yearly from Crammers to Kickes; and she may lop and shred so much wood meetest of such trees as heretofore have been lopped or shred. If she do not inhabit my house but put the same over clean out of her hands to be occupied with a farmer, such farmer to have yearly for his fuel but 20 loads. To my wife for life the four fields called Stampes with a little pightle next to COUPER'S house, Hockley abutting on Layer Breton Heath, and two other fields called Hockley; two fields called Syons between the lands of STAMPES and DUKES; land called the Harp (containing 9 acres) parcel of the messuage of Crammers between the causy leading to Colchester and lands of DUKES; a messuage called Moones and Belldammes in Langenhoe with the lands belonging; and lands called Beldammes now in three pieces, and my fields called Waddes (7 acres) in Langenhoe in the occupation of Ralph BAKER. To my wife a gown of mine furred with white, and all the hay and straw in the rooms and barns about Kukes; my new bible of the greatest volume for life and after to Mary daughter of my son Thomas CAMOCKE; and my household stuff, except my furniture of armour which I give to my son Thomas, except also my horsemill, the brass called the lead in the brewing house with the yeald vat, the cowl vat, the mash vat and troughs, and a press in my chamber, which are to remain in my house to my heirs. In consideration that I have given my household stuff to my wife, she shall pay Mary £10 at marriage. Thomas to have the pasturing of his cattle in Howe Field, Nightingales Queache, Howe Field Meadow, Barunden Hill and all Layer Fields in my occupation.
To my wife 6 seam of wheat; 5 silver pots parcel gilt, a tun pot double gilt which my son bought last at London for me, 12 silver spoons marked with her name and mine, my goblet of silver, a silver bowl, my silver salt parcel gilt, one of my stone pots with silver and gilt, and one pot of silver and gilt which her uncle EYRE gave her; my best and next best geldings; her own apparel and jewels; and 20 of my best milch neat at her choice. To her for life my lands and lease of them which John BARON holdeth in lease of me in Layer Breton, i.e. 6 crofts called Moones, 3 crofts called Thorn Crofts, 2 called Smith Crofts abutting against the lands of Henry BRETTON gentleman called Green Field on the south and against Layer Breton Heath [and] the highway from Garland towards Sialkot on the north; a croft with a meadow called Manes lying before the parsonage gate of Layer Breton; and a meadow with a grove called Nor Meadow between the lands called Scoters on the north and those of John MAKIN on the south. To her also £40.
To my daughter Dorothy wife of Richard WHITLOCKE £6 13s.4d. To my very friend Mistress Margaret TUKE widow 3 angels for a ring in remembrance of me. To my sister Mistress SPILMAN widow, my cousin Thomas ARMIGER and his wife, my brother-in -law George EVERTON and my sister, his wife, each a royal of gold for a ring. To my cousin SAMMES' wife of Aldham Hall an old angel for a ring. To my daughter-in-law Ursula CAMOCKE 2 old angels for a ring. To Elizabeth WESTBROWNE the eldest an angel for a ring. To Richard WHITLOCKE my son-in-law 2 old angels to make him a ring to wear for my sake, and my daughter, his wife, 2 old rials of gold of 20s. apiece likewise; to him 5 of my best cart horse and a shod cart. To Robert CAMOLE [sic], my son's child and my godson, and George, Mary, Elizabeth and Ursula his brother and sisters, and Jane and Francis, each £10 at 21. To Mary WHITLOCKE my goddaughter £8, Dorothy her sister £6 13s.4d, and John WHITLOCKE, their brother and my godson, £5. To Robert CAMMOCKE, my brother's son, £5, and Elizabeth his sister £6 13s.4d. To Jane wife of John BARINGTON £4.
To Robert TYE my late servant 20s.; Alice wife of Lewis BARNARD 10s.; my late servant Anne HOLMES now wife of William TOMPSON 20s.; Rose WESTWOOD my late servant 20s.; and to every of my other servants 20s. To Robert BRIDGMAN 40s. I bequeath 5 marks for 10 godly sermons to be preached in Layer Marney church for 2˝ years after my decease, every quarter a sermon, for every sermon 6s.8d. To the poor people of Layer Marney 40s., Layer Breton 20s., Langenhoe 20s., Messing 10s., Great Birch 10s., and Copford 10s. To the poor prisoners of the Gaol or Castle of Colchester 20s. To the repairing of Colyton Haven (Devon) 3s.4d., and the erecting of the town of Chard (Somerset) 3s.4d. To John WILTON, parson of Aldham, 40s. to preach my funeral sermon and 4 more sermons within a quarter after my decease in Layer Marney church. To the churchwardens of Layer Marney 40s. to the mending of the church. I ordain Thomas my sole executor. If he do not execute my will, he shall not have any goods of mine but my son-in-law Richard WHITLOCKE shall by my executor. I appoint George EVERTON supervisor, and £3 6s.8d. for his pains. The residue of my goods to Thomas. Witnesses: Thomas MORIS clerk [rector of Layer Marney], George TUKE, John MORRIS. Prove 5 March 1586. (Essex Wills, Emmison)
The following record indicates further relationships to the BADBY family (not yet researched):
25 Oct 1583 - 10 Feb 1584/5 (Essex Wills 27/28) Thomas ARMYGER of Jayer Marney gentleman, 25 October 1583. To be buried in the chancel of Layer Marney church. To my well-beloved wife Jane and our heirs the manor of Canewdon Hall; in Canewdon with the lands belonging, which by law is due to my wife; and the lease of the parsonage impropriate of Wickham [St Paul?] which I hold by indenture of the Earl of Oxford. To my son Thomas £20 yearly out of my manor of Canewdon towards his learning and bringing up. To Susan my eldest daughter and Elizabeth my daughter each £100 at 20 or marriage. To the poor of Layer Marney 20s. To Thomas a high salt and a goblet, both of silver double gilt, which goblet was my father's, at 21 or marriage.
The rest of my plate, jewels, goods and household stuff to my wife, my children and Mary wife of Robert CAMMOCK to be equally divided and my wife to take her first choice. To my sister-in-law Mary wife of Thomas BADBY esquire 2 angels of gold for a remembrance of me. I ordain my wife my sole executrix. To the menservants of my cousin Robert CAMMOCK 10s. apiece. Witnesses: Robert CANNOCK [sic], and Henry CANNOCKE. Proved 10 February 1584. (Essex Wills, Emmison)
Issue of Robert CAMMOCK I by Elizabeth BADBY:
2. Thomas CAMMOCK, d Maldon, Essex, EN, 1602; m (1) Ursula WYRLEY (d/o John WYRLEY of Dodford, Northampton), d aft 1582/3; m (2) Frances RICHE (d/o Robert & Mary BALDRY Riche (2nd Lord Riche)) who m next William CASTLETON (d 1616).
3. Dorothy CAMMOCK, m bef 1583, Richard WHITLOCK. Known Issue: 17. i. Dorothy, 18. ii. Mary, 19. iii. John (not traced)
2. i. Thomas CAMMOCK I (Robert1), d Maldon, Essex, EN, 1602; m (1) Ursula WYRLEY (d/o John WYRLEY of Dodford, Northampton), d aft 1582/3; m (2) Frances RICHE, d/o Robert & Mary BALDRY Riche (2nd Lord Riche). Frances RICHE Cammock m next William CASTLETON who d 1616.
Thomas CAMMOCK'S two marriages are confirmed by the Cammock Monument. Further confirmation of the ancestry of his second wife, Frances RICH, is provided by the following document:
(Essex Sessions Rolls Vol XVII) Layer Marney. 23rd July 1598. Francis CAMOCK, (daughter of Sir Robert RICHE & wife of Thos CAMOCK) her children & servants were prevented from entering their pews at church by parishioners who assaulted them & locked the pews. (Abstracted by English Researcher Brian Higgins for Mary Gregg)
A search of published Essex records elicits the following additional data in regard to the CAMMOCKS and the Church:
From "Elizabethan Life: Morals & The Church Courts" Mainly from Essex Archidiaconal Records, F. G. Emmison, Chelmsford, 1973, pp. 126-7, Chapter Titled, "General Gossip:"
"Another preacher was humiliated in 1596, when Richard BRIDGE, a household servant of Layer Marney (probably of Peter TUKE of the Towers or Thomas COMMOCK), 'during service lewdly, contemptuously and ungodly leaned against a pillar, facing the minister, staring, laughing and scoffing at him and his sermon'."
From "Elizabethan Life: Disorder," by F.G. Emmison, Chelmsford Essex County Council, Essex Record Office, 1970, Cullingford and Co. Ltd., Colchester, Essex, England, under section titled, "Church Assaults":
The last pew case (1598) is of interest because the victim had been the heroine of an elopement episode in which the lovers' steed swam a noted Essex ferry against a strong tide. Her youthful courage is related in a story told by 'Mr. MALDEN of Rayne, servant to the Earl of Warwick,' about 130 years later to MORANT, whose own note is now copied{Morant, History of Essex, i, 323. Perhaps Hames MALDEN of Rayne, grocer (will proved 1770).} 'The Earl of Warwick going from Leighs to Rochford Hall was attended by Capt. CAMMOCK, who courted his daughter. He carried her off upon a horse, and came to Fambridge Ferry;, where the boat was on the other side, and the tide violent. They found themselves pursued, and had no shift but to swim over. The Captain advised her not to venture; but she said she would live and die with him, and took the water. When they were half over, the Earl's servant came to the water-side, and his horse neighed; upon which the horse that carried the lovers turned round, and with much difficulty was brought to keep his course. They rode to Maldon; were wedded and bedded; and the Earl said, seeing she had ventured her life for him, "God blesse'em".'
There is one discrepancy in this romantic tale, which is understandable as the events took place long before. Robert, third Lord RICH, was not created Earl of Warwick until 1618. As the second Lord RICH, father of Frances, died in 1581, the captain may have been in the suite of the thired baron. He was a widower when he carried off his intended bride. By Ursula his first wife he had had nine children; by Frances he was to have thirteen more of whom only one is named in the incident about to be related. The twenty-five CAMMOCKS are all portrayed in the alabaster and marble monument erected after his death in 1602 on the east wall of the north aisle of All Saints church, Maldon{Chancellor, Sepulchral Monuments of Essex (1890), plate xciii.}. Ironically, the ferry belonged to William HARRYS of Creeksea Hall who held it from Lord RICH, lord of the honour of Rayleigh.
Apparently there was disharmony between the two chief families in Layer Marney, the TUKES and the CAMMOCKS. The facts are set out in the indictment, which is not accompanied by other evidence. On Sunday 23 July 1598, Frances, wife of Thomas CAMMOCK gentleman (she being further described as daughter of Robert Lord RICH deceased", went to church with her children and servants, only to find that Elizabeth wife of Peter TUKE esquire and a carpenter had fixed a lock on her pew. They wer 'threatened' while trying to enter the locked pew, by Mistress TUKE, her manservant and others unnamed, and she and the servant beat and ill-treated Mistress CAMMOCK, Martha her ten-year-old daughter and her manservant. The lawn apron which Frances wore was torn, and she had to be violently 'withheld' from her pew. 'So,' the indictment ends in somewhat fulsome language, 'they were not able to hear Divine Service quietly and peaceably without peril of death.' Frances' spirit had showed itself again in the scuffle.
Peter TUKE, J.P., was the third son and heir of George (died 1573), who was also third son and heir of Sir Brian TUKE, chief secretary of Cardinal WOLSEY. Sir Brian, High Sheriff of Essex in 1533, had purchased Layer Marney Hall and estate from the two daughters and co-heirs of John, second and last Lord Marney. It was his father who built the spectacular four-turreted gatehouse, but the main house was never begun so it became known as Layer Marney Tower. The CAMMOCKS were an old-established family in the parish. Thomas was the son of Robert CAMMOCK (died 1586). The west cross-wing of the house built by the father or son still exists: then known as CAMMOCKS, it has been called Duke's Farm for two centuries. Two years after this disturbance Mistress TUKE's manservant was charged with highway assault , and a year after James' accession CAMMOCK and three yeomen, perhaps his tenants, all of Layer Marney, were indicted for assaulting the constable of a neighbouring village.
According to Memoirs, Thomas CAMMOCK I, and both his sons, Thomas II and Sussex, were in the service of the RICHE Family: Robert, 3rd Lord RICHE; Robert, 4th Lord RICHE, the High Admiral, both Earls of Warwick; and Sir Charles RICHE, a cousin.
Following the death of Thomas CAMMOCK I, Memoirs indicates that Frances RICH Cammock Castleton removed to London, taking up residence in St. Clement St. Danes, probably accompanied by younger members of her family.
Issue of Thomas CAMMOCK I by Ursula WYRLEY, 4 sons and 5 daughters (Cammock Monument), included:
4. i. Robert, eldest son
From "Elizabethan Life: Morals & The Church Courts" Mainly from Essex Archidiaconal Records, F. G. Emmison, Chelmsford, 1973, p. 135 of Chapter titled "Seating and Bell-Ringing Disputes:"
"In 1603, Robert CAMMOCK, gentleman, of Layer Marney, 'pulled up certain stools in the church to the great offence of divers of the inhabitants who had interest in them and did usually sit in them'. Unfortunately it is not clear whether this apparently peremptory action was the aftermath of the violent incident of 1598, described in the previous volume, in which the wife of Peter TUKE of Layer Marneyh Tower and her servant assaulted CAMMOCK's wife as she tried to enter the family pew, on to which TUKE's carpenter had affixed a lock. No subsequent proceedings are recorded."
Note: It was Frances RICH, wife of Thomas CAMMOCK, who was locked out of her pew, not Robert who was Frances' step-son…. Nevertheless, apparently a Family Affair.
5. ii. George
6. iii. Mary, married William BROWN (See Thomas CAMMOCK II)
7. iv. Elizabeth
8. v. Ursula
(Remainder not known at this time)
Issue by Frances RICHE (13 children - 8 survived):
9. i. Elizabeth CAMMOCK, baptized at Stepney, Lady RICHE'S house. 1586, m George SMITH.
10. ii. Martha CAMMOCK, baptized All Saints' Church, Maldon, Essex, EN, 1587, m Mr. WIFORD of Dover
11. iii. Susan CAMMOCK, baptized All Saints' Church, Maldon, Essex, EN, 1589, d 1675; m Francis GEERES of Garnous
12. iv. Thomas CAMMOCK II, baptised All Saints' Church, Maldon, Essex, EN, 1592; d 1643, apparently whilte onboard a ship between Maine and Bermuda; m Margaret _____, who after his death married (2) Henry JOSSELYN (a.k.a. JOCELYN). Thomas CAMMOCK II was also in Bermuda, Bahamas & Central America. (Memoirs)
13. v. Frances CAMMOCK, baptized All Saints' Church, Maldon, Essex, EN, 1598; m Abraham BLANCHARD of Louth.
14. vi. Sussex CAMMOCK , Gent. and Capt., baptized All Saints' Church, Maldon, Essex, EN, 1600, d testate 1659, Boreham, Essex, En (Will, 1659, Folio 369); m (1) Unknown; m (2) Mary WARDE, widow.
15. vii. Cordelia CAMMOCK, baptized All Saints' Church, Maldon, Co Essex, EN, 1591
16. viii. Mary CAMMOCK, baptized All Saints' Church, Maldon, Co Essex, EN, 1601
Generation III
12. iv. Thomas CAMMOCK II (Thomas2, Robert1), baptised All Saints' Church, Maldon, Essex, EN, 1592; m Margaret _____, who after his death married (2) Henry JOSSELYN (a.k.a. JOCELYN).
According to Memoirs (paraphrased), Thomas CAMMOCK II "remained in his late father's house at Maldon, living under the influence of a gentleman named William BROWN who had previously wedded his sister, Mary CAMOCK." Upon reaching his majority (year not given), Thomas CAMMOCK II married and removed to London where he resided at Baldwin's Gardens, off Granny's Inn road in chambers over the shop of Roger WOZENCRAFT, saddler, until his cousin, the earl (Robert RICH, Earl of Warwick) appointed him master of a small vessel, The Robert, which he cruised with Sir Francis STEWARD and Capt. BEAUMONT. He later resided at Barnard's Inn where an infant son died in Aug 1626. In early 1630, Thomas & wife Margaret voyaged to North America, furnished with instructions to assume the post of Agent at Piscataqua [location?] where he resided with Mr. Henry JOCELYN, rendering service to Sir Ferdinando GORGES and Capt. [John] MASON. He returned to England where he was rewarded with a patent for a considerable estate [in ME]. Mention is also made of his having been in Plymouth [EN? MA?] where he was authorized by Robert TRELAWNEY to act in his behalf, and in return received his estate [in ME?], which he subsequently sold, removing to his grant on Blackpoint River [Scarborough, Cumberland Co, ME], where he was joined by JOCELYN, and where he was Commissioner for the Province of New Somersetshire (Ref. Maine Hist. Soc III). Following another voyage to England, with JOSCELYN, the two returning together on board the Nicholas, CAMMOCK sold his land on Blackpoint to JOSCELYN, quit the neighborhood, and once more entered service of the Earl of Warwick. Shortly afterwards, he was arrested and jailed, but Warwick, "avenged the wrong by lodging his persecutor a prisoner in the Fleet (Thomas PHILLIPS). He then sailed to the Bermudas, but died during the voyage, whereupon his widow, Margaret, m Henry JOCELYN (followed by confusing sentence re estate settlement).
Capt. Thomas CAMMOCK, baptized 18 Feb. 1592/3 in All Saints, Maldon, Essex, son of Thomas by Frances (RICH), dau. of the 2d Baron Rich; m. Margaret; came over several times, 1630 with Neale, 1632, 1638 with John JOSSELYN, and perhaps was on his way in 1643. On report that he had died in West Indies, his inventory was taken 14 Oct. 1643, leaving his widow free to marry Mr. JOCELYN. In London in 1641 one Thomas PHILLIPS had been committed to the Fleet prison for causing the arrest of Thomas CAMMOCK, the Earl of Warwick's servant, and Mr. TRELAWNY was intending to do the same. GORGES named him one of his Council in 1636; juryman 1640. His 500-a. grant in Eliot became half of 'Kittery House.' (Lists 41, 21). The romance of this man's birth, high opportun., brief and colorless life, childless marraige, unknown end, with his relations to JOCELYN, have made him much written of. His cousin, the powerful Earl of Warwick, must have handed him a captain's commission of a letter of marque, and the same must have handed him his Scarborough patent, issued 1 Nov. 1631, (Doc. Hist. iii. 10), which he left idle several yrs. while himself idled at Piscataqua. (See Doc. Hist. iii. 2, 10, 18, 61, 138, 140, 262, 274; vi. 1, 390. Prov. & Ct. i. 1, 44, 45, 64, 72. Y. D. ii. 85. 1 Me. Hist. Soc. Coll. iii. 12) ("Genealogical Dictionary of Maine and New Hampshire, Charles Thornton Libby, Portland Maine," Southward Press, 1928, p. 126)
According to the Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England, p. 331 (paraphrased): Thomas CAMMOCK II, nephew of the Earl of Warwick (Robert RICH), was in Portsmouth in 1631 or 2, had two or three years before been in Maine, got patents for land at Black point, Scarborough (Cumberland Co, ME); in 1636, sat as one of a Court of Commissioners at Saco (York Co, ME), under power of Sir Ferdinando GORGES, soon after went home, but came back in 1638 with John JOSSELYN, in the Nicholas, and resided at Saco. On a voyage to the West Indies he died in 1643, leaving widow Margaret, who married his fellow-commissioner, Henry JOSSELYN. No children are mentioned (Sullivan, 128), crron. marks his death 1663. This name was not rare at Boston, Eng.
Thomas CAMMOCK II was also in Bermuda, the Bahamas & Central America. (Memoirs)
14. vi. Sussex CAMMOCK, Gent. and Capt. (Thomas2, Robert1), baptized All Saints' Church, Maldon, Essex, EN, 1600, d testate 1659, Boreham, Essex, En (Prerogative Court of Canterbury (PCC) book of wills 1657-1660 Vol VIII, Will, 1659, Folio 369); m (1) Unknown; m (2) Mary UNKNOWN, widow of WARDE (No Issue 2nd Marriage).
Researcher Louise Davis wrote in 1973 (abstracted): "When still a young man, Capt. Sussex CAMOCK (I), served as ensign under the command of his mother's kinsman, Sir Charles RICHE, taking part in Robert DEVEREUX'S unsuccessful expedition against the Spaniards at Cadiz in 1625. He then assumed command of Lord Warwick's ship, the Little Neptune, which formed one of that nobleman's private fleet (1627). Next year, John DILKE appointed him captain of the Warwick, and some time after, upon the formation of the Company of Providence Island, that worthy merchant became deputy governor, taking a considerable interest therein. When, in 1633, the Council determined to dispatch another trading venture to those parts, they instructed Captain CAMOCK to assume supreme command, and about mid-summer, all being ready, the good ship Golden Falcon weighed anchor and put to sea. Captain Sussex CAMOCK I was sent by Lord RICHE, the High Admiral, to Providence Island in Bahamas and Cape Gracios a Dios. He was also in Central America."
(Boreham, Essex, item 3) Sale. Henry WARD, grocer, cousin and h (heir) of Wm WARD late of Boreham, brother & h of Andrew WARD eldest brother of said William sells to Sussex CAMOCKE esq a cottage called 'Beadles' & 2 ac. near 'Red deer Park' belonging to New Hall for 100 pds. on 16th December 1657. (Abstracted by English Researcher Brian Higgins for Mary Gregg)
Issue of Capt. Sussex CAMMOCK I by Unknown 1st wife:
20. i. Warwick CAMMOCK, b 1636-1639, d 1666 per Memoirs; but believed to be the same found in the records of Old Rappa. Co VA as early as 1663
21. ii. Susan CAMMOCK m James DENCHER (a.k.a. DENSHER)
22. iii. Mary CAMMOCK.
23. iv. Sussex CAMMOCK II, b c1645, d 1705, m (1) Alice HILL, widow of Edward SAMES.
Note: Another Edward SAMMES m ca 1617, Essex, England, Bennett WRIGHT, d/o Lord John WRIGHT (b abt 1544, Wrightsbridge, Essex) & Bennett GREENE, d/o Lawrence GREEN (Undocumented Anon. Gedcom)
Note: Seeking Transcript/Abstract of Sussex CAMMOCK I's will.
Generation IV
20. i. Warwick CAMMOCK (Sussex3, Thomas2, Robert1), b aft 1635, probably in Boreham, Essex, England; died after 1679; married in 1667 in Old Rappahannock Co, VA, Margaret UNKNOWN, widow of Sylvester THATCHER, Sr. (d 1667).
According to Memoirs, Warwick CAMMOCK of Boreham and Great Birch, Essex, was born after 1639, and died in 1666: "Immediately upon the death of his father, Sussex CAMOCK I, Warwick CAMOCK proceeded to prove the will, under which he inherited a small estate in the parish of Great Birch (Essex). To meet this and other expenses, he had to borrow money… in his capacity of executor he called upon the widow [his father's]… declining to give up her late husband's belongings… (later) pleaded that Warwick had come to her house and had carried off all his late father's personal effects, with the exception of an old suite of damask, a saddle, a frame of pigeon holes and a few other articles of little value.
"Apparently he also took some property that she claimed as her own, for soon he was arrested upon a charge of robbery, and being indicted before the justices of assize, found himself in a somewhat unpleasant predicament. Family influence, however, came to his assistance, and ere the trial commenced, a messenger brought word that in the event of a conviction the lords of the Privy Council intended to recommend the use of the King's prerogative… his stepmother… died in 1662 and … shortly afterwards he sold his land to his sister and betook himself to more congenial scenes. He died four years later."
According to English researcher Brian Higgins (correspondence with Mary Gregg), the record of the arrest and trial of Warwick CAMOCK was indexed CAMOCK, but the name on the document was CAMOTT, and "it referred to an assize trial in which Warwick CAMOTT labourer of N. Weald, along with Thos BENTALL were accused of robbing from Chris SUMNER a bridle and 4-9-0 on the highway on 5th March 1661. The next year, on 15th March 1662 both Warwick CAMOTT & Thos BENTALL were acquitted." Note: Higgins believes the misspelling of the surname CAMOTT may have been intentional given the circumstances.
In reference to the sale of land to his sister, Fisher's Memoirs included the following footnote:
…..Close Roll, 1663. Conveyance from Warwick Camock of Boreham
to Susan Camock,
…..one of his sisters, of a messuage called Skenninge, lying in Byrch Magna
…..(Memoirs, Footnote No. 164(a) on p. 45)
Fisher's statement that Warwick CAMMOCK d in 1666 was based upon the following record:
…..Court Roll of the manor of Birch Magna. At a court held by John JOCELYN,
esq., Steward, 1669.
…..Item:…..The heirs of the assignees of Warwick CAMOCK, gent.,
…..…..…..…deceased, for Bullings 0 9 6
…..Item….. The same for Skinnings 0 0 5
(Memoirs, Footnote No. 165)
For reasons unknown, either Fisher's transcription, or his translation, of the above record is wrong. The following transcription & translation is from of a copy of the original document:
……Birch Magna Court Roll 1669. MILBANKE Acknowledgement
For Homes alias Hamonts 0 [pds mg] 0s 3d.
….Item. t this court came Stephen MILBANKE and acknowledged himself to
hold of the Lord of this Manor, freely, by charter, fealty. Suit of Court (liability
to attend court as juror, etc.) and annual rent of three pence.
….A certain tenement called Homes, or otherwise Hamonts, and made fealty,
and was accepted as the Lord's tenant thereof.
DENCHER, Susanna acknowledgement
….For Bullings 0 9s 6d
….For Shemings 0 0s 6d
….To this court also came Susanna DENCHER, widow, through William
WADE her attorney, and acknowledged herself to hold of the Lord of this Manor,
freely, by charter, fealty. Suit of Court. and annual rent of nine shillings
and six pence.
….Certain lands called Bullings, formerly Warwick CAMOCKE Gentleman's.
….And certain other lands called Shemings, for an annual rent of six pence.
….And she was accepted as the Lord's tenant, and in deed fealty was deferred
until etc.
The end of this Court
(Transcribed & translated from original Latin by a professional researcher
retained by Brian Higgins for Mary Gregg)
Note that nowhere in the above record is there mention of Warwick CAMMOCK as deceased. Moreover, Researcher Brian Higgins searched the registers of eleven parishes surrounding Birch for the burial of Warwick CAMOCK from 1663 to 1669 without success, and a further nine of the surrounding parishes and registers that did not start until the 1700s.
Fisher's Memoirs did not specify to where Warwick CAMMOCK "betook himself" after his 1663 sale of his father's estate to his sister, Susannah; however, the next record of any Warwick CAMMOCK is found not long after in the "more congenial scene" of the Virginia Colony, dated 2 Nov 1664:
(Old Rappahannock VA DB, 1656-1664: 318-319) Know All Men that I Eliza. CATLETT have appointed my Loveing Kinsman Capt. Thomas GREEN my true and lawfull Attorney for me to acknowledge in the County of Rappa. my free consent to the Sale of the land which Mr. Thomas GREEN Attorney of my Husband Mr. John CATLETT hath made by vertue of his sd. Letter of Attorney to Joseph BRIDGAR & do by these presents promise to ratify and confirme what my attorney shall do in the premises. second day of 9ber 1664. s/Eliza. CATLETT in presence of John DANDY, Warwick CAMOCK. Recognit in Cur Com Rappahannock 2 9bris 1664 pr Johanne CATLETT & Eliza Uxorem (Old Rappahannock Deed Book, 1656-1664, Part II, Antient Press, Sam & Ruth Sparacio)
Note: The above Eliza. CATLETT was neč Elizabeth UNDERWOOD, and the sister of Col. Wm. UNDERWOOD whose widow, Elizabeth, married next, bef 1666, Archdale Combs I, found in numerous records with Warwick CAMMOCK over the next ten-year period.
By 1667, Warwick CAMMOCK had married Margaret, widow of Sylvester THATCHER, Sr. (Old Rappa VA DB3:358-9), and in 1670, he had patented land on Peumans End Run:
(VA Land Patent Book 6:286) 22 Apr 1670. Mr. Warwick CAMMOCK, 1923 A. Rappa. Co., in the freshes on S. side of the Riv. & on S. side the maine run of Pemonsem Cr., adj. Henry PETERS & Jno. MADER. Trans. of 39 persons: Joseph CORNISH, 6 tymes, Tho. SHEPPARD 6 tymes, Mary FLETCHER, Geo. HOLLIS, Fra. PITMAN, Edwd. SWIFT, Tho. PALMER, David HOLT, Geo. HAYNES, Rich. MARKHAM, Wm. DYER, Mary DYER, Alice HOBBS, Jane DENNETT, Emanuel TALBOTT, & his wife Rebecca, his daughter. (Cavaliers & Pioneers, Vol. 2, Marian Nugent, p. 73)
Note: The above Jno. MADER was John MEADORS, whom Abraham Combs of Old Rappa. Co VA & St. Mary's Co MD termed his "brother in law" in 1683.
Warwick CAMMOCK appears in numerous Virginia records over the next ten years, but "mysteriously" disappears after 28 Feb 1679/80 when "Warwick CAMMOCK and Bethridge (her mark) HENSLE make a sworn statement concerning Mr. Fran: DOUGHTY delivering a cow to Adam WOFENDALE for the use of Thom: WINDOR. (Old Rappahannock Co., Va. Deeds & Wills 1677-1682:Part II:262, Old Rappa. VA Records, Ruth & Sam Sparacio, Antient Press, McLean, VA)
Although his widow, Margaret, apparently died in Richmond Co VA (established from Old Rappahannock in 1691, no record of the death or estate of Warwick CAMMOCK has ever been found - leading to speculation that he may have died elsewhere (Also true of Archdale Combs who "mysteriously" disappeared from the records of Old Rappa. Co VA after 1678).
Margaret (--------) (Thatcher) Cammack died testate in Richmond County, Virginia. She signed her will on March 24, 1709, describing herself as "being very ancient and weak in Body, but of good and perfect Memory..." She stated that it was her will and desire that her estate be divided into three equal parts, one to go to "my Daughter Margaret MICOU, the Second I give to my Daughter Susan FOSTER, and the third...shall be divided between my Daughter Mary STERNE, her son William and her Son David STERNE..." She also stated, "...forasmuch that my two Sons Sylvester THATCHER and John CAMMOCK and my two Daughters Mary RICHARDSON and Elizabeth DEANE hath an Estate from their father, I give to each one of them one shilling..." She nominated (her sons-in-law) Paul MICOU and John FOSTER to be her executors. She signed by mark. Witnesses were Isaac (X) TRUCK [later married her dau. Mary CAMMACK after her 1st husband, Francis STERN died] and John (?PHAILE).
Richmond Deeds, 1714-1720, p. 128, 5/2/1716. Isaac TROQUE...Paul MICOU, Executor of will of Margaret CAMMACK, deced. Wit by James SCOTT and Thomas PAISE. Prvd. 2 may 1716. (Ruth & Sam Sparacio, Antient Press, McLean, VA)
Note: The descendants of Warwick CAMMOCK as well as additional records will be added shortly.
21. ii. Susannah CAMMOCK (Sussex3, Thomas2, Robert1),
(London Marriage License) 30 May 1671. DENCHER, James of St Martin-in-the-Fields Gent. bachelor, about 33 & Mrs. (sic) Susan CAMOCKE of same spinster (sic), and at own disposal at St Mary, Savoy, 30th May 1671, Vicar General's Office of the Archbishop of Canterbury 1660 1679 I Vol. (Transcribed by Brian Higgins from original for Mary Gregg)
Brian Higgins related further that he tracked down Susan & James DENCHER living in Maldon [County Essex] in the early 1700's from a will of a Thos STACE 1709/9 in which he refers to some of his land/property being leased to Susan of Maldon. The parish records of Maldon All Saint show that James DENSHER, Mr. was buried 17th May 1702 and that DENCHER, Mrs., was buried 11th July 1727. (BH: The use of the Mr. & Mrs. being a sign of respect.)
Note: Thomas STACE has not been identified, but Simon STACEY I of of Virginia and Maryland was of the Co Essex, EN STACEY Family, thus it is highly probable that the above Thomas STACY and Simon were related. Simon STACEY'S descendants later intermarried and migrated with the family of Mason Combs, Sr., grandson of Archdale Combs I of Old Rappa.
Some Early Unidentified CAMMOCKS of Virginia
10 Oct 1642 (VA Land Patent Book 1, Part II, Page 840) Tymothy FENN, 300 A Isle of Wight Co, beg. at a cr. on Charles BARCROFT'S land, 200 A by assignment from Symon CAMMOCK, to whom it was due for the per. adv. of himself, Mary CAMOCK his daughter & 2 persons. The other 100 A. due sd. FENN for trans. of 2 [sic] pers: Edward DALE, Robert ORAN, Bryan ABBOTT, Wm. DRACOTT (Cavaliers & Pioneers, Vol. I, Marian Nugent, p. 137) Note: Unidentified
28 Jan 1661/2 (Old Rappa. Deeds, 1656-1664, Part I:168) This Bill Bindeth me (missing) TAYLER Junr. my heirs or assignes to pay unto Robert VICCARIDGE his heirs or assignes the sum of (missing) pounds of good sound merch… tobo (missing) convenient plce in Rappa. County at my dwelling (mising) day of November next ensuing the date hereof as Witness my hand (missing) January 28th 1661. s/TAYLER Junr. Wits: Math: CANACK, Henry MOORE (Sparacio)
The LWT of John FOXHALL, dated 10 Feb 1697, was proved 30 Mar 1698 in Westmoreland Co, VA, bequeathing Robert VAULX and Sarah ELLIOTT "all my estate in Great Britain lying in Birmingham, Warwickshire;" bequests to James VAULX and John ELLIOTT; to Susannah COMMOCKE plantation on Pope Creek; to Mary and Martha ELLIOTT colt and mare; "my loving brother Caleb BUTLER exr. (Westmoreland Wills, Fothergill)
Note: Although Susannah CAMMOCK has never been identified, note the given name, Susannah, the same as Warwick's sister, Susannah CAMMOCK Dencher, and that the 2nd husband of Mary FOXHALL, sister of the above John FOXHALL, was (still unidentified) Alexander GORGES.
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