![]() | Abraham Combs (-1684/5) of Old Rappahannock County, Virginia and Charles & St. Mary's Counties, Maryland and Robert & Sarah COMBS Clarke, Sr. of St. Mary's |
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Abraham COMBS is first found in the records of Old Rappahannock County, Virginia in 1662, thus was probably born before 1642. His ancestry is unknown, but he is believed to have been "somehow" related to Archdale COMBS of Old Rappa (who was probably born in 1641).
Although Abraham and Archdale are found in no records together, they associate closely with most of the same individuals and families in Old Rappa. Probably more significant is the fact that Archdale COMBS was probably the grandson of John and Margaret ARCHDALE Combe of London, and Abraham COMBS is found in Maryland records with the grandchildren of Arthur and Alice ARCHDALE Alvey, the latter first cousin to Margaret ARCHDALE Combs. (See also the ARCHDALE Family of England.)
Abraham married before 1670, but the identity of his first wife remains unknown. An Old Rappa record indicates that he was the "brother in law" of John MEADOR of that county, but it is not known if the designation indicated they were half- or step-brothers, or had perhaps married sisters.
Nothing is known of Abraham's first wife other than that she was apparently deceased prior to his immigration to Maryland (by 1670) with daughter, Sarah.
In 1679, Abraham is listed with one "Mr. LANGWORTH" in the estate accounts of Joseph ALVEY, grandson of the above-noted Arthur and Alice ARCHDALE Alvey (It is not yet known if LANGWORTH is significant, but it is known that one Chrian(?) LANGWORTHY of Devonshire, England was a sister of John COMBS of London).
By April 1684, Abraham had married Margaret _____, widow of (1) Thomas BASSETT (or BASSEN*) and (2) Edward FISHWICK (Inv. of Edward FISHWICK, Apr 1684, St. Mary's Co, MD) who after his death married as her 4th(?) husband, John Van RESWICK.
Abraham COMBS' daughter, Sarah, had married by 1684, Robert CLARKE of St. Mary's Co, Maryland, son of Robert and (Winnifred SEYBORN?) Clarke, the latter said to have been widow of MD Gov. Thomas GREENE (A Biographical Dictionary of The Maryland Legislature, 1635-1789, Volume 1: A-H, Edward C. Papenfuse, Alan F. Day, David W. Jordan, and Gregory A. Stiverson, The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore and London, 1979).
*Thomas was a.k.a. BASSETT according to Marriages and Deaths, St. Mary's County Maryland 1634-1900, Margaret K. Fresco, 1982 Ridge, MD 20680, but may have instead been BASSON. See below
Abraham was apparently residing in St. Mary's County at the time of his death in 1684-5, although estate records have also been found in Charles Co MD.
Abraham COMBS is found in the records of Old Rappahannock Co VA as follows:
13 Apr 1662 - 12 Jul 1662(Old Rappahannock Co, Va. DB Part II of 1656- 1664:187-188) Apr. 13, 1662. These presents Witnesseth that I Sarah MEADER Widdow Wife of Thomas MEADER the Younger leately deced in the County of Rappa. I Sarah MEADER do bind & oblige myself my Exrs. or Admrs. to confirme unto my Son John MEADER Sone unto Thomas MEADER lateley deced one yoak of Oxen & one gun Seaven foot by the barrell to be delivered unto my Son John MEADER when he comes of age & furthermore I give as my full act & deed unto my Eldest Daughter Susanna MEADER one red Cow called Cherry & her Cow Calf & increase to my aforesaid Daughter only excepting the male of the catle to fall unto me the abovesaid Sarah MEADER untill my Daughter be full Eleven years of age & after the expiracon of the aforesaid years male & female to fall unto my Eldest Daughter Susanna MEADER. Item I give unto my youngest Daughter Mary MEADER Daughter of the abovesaid Thomas MEADOR one Black heaffer named Slippey she & her increase to my youngest only the male Excepted to fall unto I the said Sarah MEADER untill my youngest Daughter be fully nine years of age & after the Expiracon of the aforesaid nine years male & female to fall unto Mary MEADER & if it shall please God that my Eldest Daughter shall dye in her minority that all her Catle & their increase shall fall unto her Sister Mary MEADER and likewise in case it should please God that my youngest Daughter Mary MEADER should dye in her minority that her Catle unto my Eldest Daughter Susanna MEADER & furthermore in case that my youngest Daughter Mary MEADER her heiffer should miscarry before she comes to perfeccon that there shall another heiffer or Cow of the same age & her increase to be made good as aforesaid to my Daughter Mary MEADER … to be recorded in Court the first or second Courte ensuing the date hereof by any person that I the said Sarah MEADER shall appoint always provided that there be severall marks nominate & recorded for the abovesaid Childrens Catle them & their increase. In confirmacon I Sarah MEADER bind myself…my hand this 13th day of Aprill 1662.
In presence of Abraham COOMBE Sarah [T] MEADER
These Presents testifieth that I, Sarah MEADER, late wife of Thomas MEADER dec'd. in the County of Rappa. oblige myself to give & allow my children a sufficient & compleat maintenance in every respect as all other ought to do and further more to give them four years a piece Education in learning according as the Country doth afford. In confirmation whereof I Sarah MEADER do bind & oblige myself my heirs or assignes for the performance of this above menconed
In presence of Abraham COMBE [sic]
/s/ Sarah (+) MEADER
William CLAWSON.
Recorded July 12, 1662
(Old Rappahannock County Deed Abstracts 1656-1664, Part II, Ruth & Sam
Sparacio, The Antient Press, McLean, VA)
Notes: The above Thomas & Sarah (-----) MEADER family have not yet been identified, but were presumably closely related to John MEADOR whom Abraham COMBS termed his "brother in law" in 1683 (See Below). See also Old Rappa Co VA re William CLAWSON of Worcester (Maryland>Delaware or EN?) and Maryland
01 Jun 1663 (Lancaster Record Book No. 2:263) "A list of
several bills belonging to JOHN JEFFERYS Esq and Mr. Thomas COLCLOUGH Mercht. dd to
Giles CALE by Samuel GRIFFIN. Vizt. " [includes]
Abratr [Abrah] COMBES 206
Mrs Eliz LOES 555
Rich POWELL 494
Nich HUGELL to Hump BOOTH 921
Hum BOOTH 1684
Colo FANTLEROY 636.. ..
Total tobo. 32785
"Received of the hands of Mr. Samuel GRIFFIN the severeral [sic] bills above
mentioned x x" Dated 1st June 1663. Signed Giles CALE. Wit: Robt ROGERS, Ambrose
CLEARE. Recorded 20th June 1663. (Virginia Colonial Abstracts, Vol. 1,
Beverly Fleet, GPC, Baltimore, 1988, hereinafter Fleet) Note: Transcribed as
"Abrah:" by Sparacios. (See Also Lancaster
County, Virginia)
Note: Although the above is a Lancaster County, record, many of those listed above were residents of Old Rappa. Co VA, probably including Abraham COMBS since no other record of him in Lancaster Co VA has been found. The above Humphrey BOOTH, Sr. married 1660, Margaret UNDERWOOD, sister of Col. Wm. UNDERWOOD whose widow Elizabeth, married next Archdale COMBS, all of Old Rappa. Co VA. Colo. More FAUNTLEROY m Apr 1648, Mary UNDERWOOD, also a sister of Col. Wm. UNDERWOOD. (See Underwood Families)
Questions: Was Richard POWELL above kin to (1) Richard POWELL who m bef 1631, Ann MOULTON, d/o Robert & Mary ARCHDALE Moulton? (See Archdale-COMBS Families); and/or (2) Howell & Elizabeth GORSUCH Powell, Sr. of Lancaster Co VA and Talbot Co MD; and/or (3) "Thomas POWELL of MD" whose daughter was a granddaughter of one Nicholas SMITH in 1695? Was Mrs. Elizabeth LOES actually a LOWE, and kin to (1) Richard LOWE who m Frances ARCHDALE; and/or (2) the Nicholas/Vincent LOWE families of Talbot Co MD who intermarried with COMBS?
Oct - Nov 1664 (Old Rappahannock Co, Va. DB Part II of 1656- 1664:320-321) (missing) Oct 1664. … Francis OVERTON with Consent of Mary my Wife & William CHARLTON with the consent of Susanna my Wife do assigne over all our right of the within menconed Pattentt of 410 acres of land (400 A on S side of Rappahannock dtd. 21 Aug 1663) unto P--- (Godson) his heirs & assignes for ever … receipt of 6,800 lbs. of tobacco & cask in consideration. S/Francis [F] OVERTON, Mary [I] OVERTON, Will [WC] CHARLTON, Susannah [SC] CHARLTON. In presence of Abraham COMB, John HULL. Recorded 9bris 1664. (Old Rappahannock County Deed Abstracts 1656-1664, Part II, Ruth & Sam Sparacio, The Antient Press, McLean, VA)
See Old Rappa Co VA re immigration of these families to Maryland.
2 Sep 1665 - 24 Sep 1665(Old Rappa. D&W, 1665-1677:50-51) Thomas FRESHWATER of ye County of Rappa: in Virginia in consideration of sum of 1500 pds. of good tobacco and Caske… paid by Robt. SISSON of ye same County ye receipt whereof I do acknowledge… S/Thos. FRESHWATER (Seal); Wits: Abram COOMBE, Francis SUTLE. Rec. 24 Sep 1665. (Old Rappa. Deeds &Wills, 1665-1677, Ruth & Sam Sparacio, McClean, VA)
Notes: Robert SISSON also purchased land from Humphrey BOOTH which BOOTH had acquired from his mother-in-law, Mrs. Margaret (-----) Underwood Upton Lucas and which was adjacent to that of Col. Wm. UNDERWOOD (See above)
12 Apr 1666 (Old Rappahannock DB 3:53) Apr. 12, 1666. Henry
PEETERS in the County of Rappa. in Virga doe constitute...my Friend Abraham COMBS to
be my Lawfull Attorney for me and in my name...to answer the suite of Jno. SMYTH as
alsoe to Implead the sd SMYTH at my suite in the County Court abovesd...
/s/ Henry (H) PETERS
(Old Rappahannock County Deed Abstracts, Ruth
& Sam Sparacio, The Antient Press, McLean, VA)
Notes: Henry PETERS & John MEADOR (brother in law of Abraham COMBS) owned a large land patent on Peumans End Run where John COMBS of Richmond Co VA (s/o Archdale) also owned 200 A. which he bequeathed in 1716 to his son, Mason COMBS (1714-1785 Surry NC).
06 Jun - 05 Sep 1666 (Old Rappa DB 3:89-90) June 6, 1666. To all to whom etc. Now know yee etc. that I the sd Wm. BERKELEY, Knt., etc. doe wth the consent of the Councill of State accordingly give and grant unto Roger RICHARDSON 600 acs. of land lying uppon the North side of Rappahannock. River at the Miles End of the land of Sylvester THATCHER and Tho. WHITLOCK, beg. at a red oake at the head of branch proceeding from Mr Wm. SMARTS Creeke Extending it selfe into the Woods...parrallell to the River... the sd land being formerly granted unto Richa. COLEMAN by Pattent June 9, 1654 & after renewed in the sd COLEMANS name by Pattent May 9, 1655, & since assigned convayed and made over to the sd Roger RICHARDSON his heires for Ever by conveyance from the sd COLEMAN To Have & to Hold etc. To be held etc Yielding & paying etc.
Sept. 5, 1666. I, Roger RICHARDSON, of the County of Rappa. doe for me my heires
& assigne transferr and turne over all my Right title and interest of in and to
200 acs. of the wthin menconed Land on the Eastermost side thereof unto Peter JETT
his heirs...
Wits: Abraham COOMBS /s/ Roger (mark) RICHARDSON
William (mark) DYER
Sept. 1, 1666. Eliza RICHARDSON, wife of Roger RICHARDSON, appointed her "well Beloved Friend Robt. MAPES" her attorney to acknowledge her consent to this sale... (Old Rappahannock County Deed Abstracts, Ruth & Sam Sparacio, The Antient Press, McLean, VA)
Note: Sylvester THATCHER'S widow, Margaret UNKNOWN, m next Warwick CAMMOCK, close associate of Archdale COMBS of Old Rappa. The records of Richmond & Westmoreland Cos VA document that the THATCHER-WHITLOCK land was adj. to land owned by John COMBS of Richmond VA (See Cammock-Rich-Whitlock Families)
8 Oct 1666(Old Rappahannock. Deeds, Wills, Book 5:109) Robert WALTON of
Rappa. By vertue of Letter of Attorney from Nicholas ANDREWS of Longdon Gent bearing
date 15 Oct 1663… in consideration of 400 lbs. Of Tobacco… to John PAYNE of County
of Rappa. 560 A of land by the within mentioned formerly sold and conveied to the
said Nicholas ANDREWS by the said John PAYNE … he the said John PAYNE paying and
performing the Rents and services thereof due… this 8th day of October 1666.
In presence of John PAYNE, Jr. Robert WALTON
Charles MUMFORD, Richard PAYNE
Abraham COMB, Thomas PARKER
(Deed Abstracts of Old Rappahannock County, Virginia, Part I of 1672-1676,
Ruth and Sam Sparacio, Antient Press, McLean, VA, 1989)
9 Sep 1666. (Old Rappa DB 3:126-127) Katherine BLACKBOURNE appoints Jno. MEADER to be her attorney in fact, witnessed by Abraham COMBES and Ro: PAYNE CIC. (Old Rappahannock County Deed Abstracts, Ruth & Sam Sparacio, The Antient Press, McLean, VA)
01 Dec 1666(Old Rap Co., Va DB Part I of 1668-1670:28-29) To all Xpian
people...I, Rorah MACRAH of Rappa. Co., Plantr., to James COGHILL of the same
County, Plantr., for 3300 pds. of Tob: & Caske, all that two thirds pts of land
wch I bought of Wm. GIBSON by conveyance dated Mar. 10, 1665...to the sd. COGHILL,
and his heirs forever...Dec. 1, 1666
/s/ Rorah (mark) MACRAH
Wits: Abraham COOMBE, Ro: PAYNE
Know all men...I, James COGHILL of Rappa. Co., Plantr, for a valuable
consideration have bargained & sold the two third ptes of land menconed with
Bill of Sale on the other side that I bought of Rorah MACRAH the First of this
Instant Month of December 1666 unto Archdall COMBE, his heirs forever... Dec. 18,
1667. /s/ James COGHILL
Wits: Robert (mark) GRIFFIN, Timothy PELL
Febr: 14th 1667
This Conveyenace ack. Before us by James COGHILL
to Mr. Archdall COMBE…
Cort. Of Rappahannock. John CATLETT
Recognit. Cor Nobis Die 14th Febr. 67 Thos. HAWKINS
1668 Apr 9. (Old Rappa DB 1668-1672, pp. 29-31) Know all Men by these pntes that
I Archdale COMBE of Rappa Plantr. have for a valueable consid by me in hand reced
have bargained & sold from me and my heirs for Ever the two thirds of land
menconed with Bill of Sale on the other pt. Of the Leafe that I bought of
JamesCOGHILL unto Francis TRIPLETT his heires for Ever … As Witnesse my hand
this 9th day of Aprill 1668.
Witnesse John [M] EVENS Archdall COMBE
his marke
This 28th day of Septr. 1668 the assignemt. wth the land above menconed was acknowledged by Mr. Archdall COMBE to the use & behoofe of Francis TRIPLETT his heirs by him received that the same be Recorded in the Cort. of Rappea.
Know All men….. I Francis TRIPLETT of the County of Rappa. Cooper have for the
valueable consid by mee in hand Reced Bargained sold from me & my heires for
Ever the two thirds of land menconed in the Bill of Sale on the other side that I
bought of Mr. Archdall COMBE unto Francis STERNE his heirs for Ever …. Witnesseth my
hand April 30th 1669
in pnce of us Warwick CAMOCK Francis TRIPLETT
James BORN Abigail TRIPLETT signum
Spetr the 28th 1669 the Assgnmt of the Deed of Land … acknowledged by Francis
TRIPLETT & his wife Abigail…..
Recognitr Com Nobis John CATLETT
November Xth 1668 Recordat in Cort Rappahannock
(Old Rappa Deeds, 1668-1672, Sam &
Ruth Sparacio)
Notes: Although Archdale and Abraham COMBS are never found in the same record in Old Rappa Co VA, in the above series of records, they are each found in reference to transactions for the same tract of land. Also note that the COGHILLS are later found in Charles Co MD
The last record of Abraham COMBS while still probably a resident of Old Rappa. Co VA is the following:
11 Sep 1668(Old Rappahannock VA DB4:283)
Mr. PAYNE I pray
be pleased to doe me that favor as to be my atturney in ye recording of one cow
calfe for the use of John MEDOR Junr & the marke & soe doing you will much
oblige him who is yr Esteemed Friend.
(s) Abraham COOMBES
The calfe is
marked with a Flowre Deluce on the right ear & a swallowfork on the Left -
September the 11th 1668. Teste. John MEDOR, Samuell JOHNSON
(Old Rappahannock
Co, VA Deed Abstracts, 1668-1672, Ruth & Sam Sparacio, Antient Press,
McLean, VA, 1987, p. 149)
Notes: The above Robert PAYNE was godfather of Mary MEADOR, daughter of John and Joanne (COMBS?) Meador, Sr. The above is also the last record located in Virginia thus far for Abraham COMBS until a final record in 1683 (See Below).
By May 1670, Abraham COMBS has apparently moved to St. Mary's Co MD, probably residing from the beginning at St. Clements Manor of that county, perhaps not coincidentally the same hundred in which Phillip COMBS is earler found.
The first record of Abraham in Maryland is when Abraham COMBE witnesses, on 25 Jun 1670, along with John JARBOE (brother-in-law of testator), David DRIVER and William ASSITER, the will of Wm. TETTERSHALL of Brittains Bay [Leonardtown], St. Mary's Co MD, which mentions, among other items, TATTERSHALL'S neighbors Luke BARBER and John GREENWELL, a brother John TATTERSHALL of Odd Stoakes in Wiltshire, EN, a Mrs. Mary ANDREWES, land in Charles Co, and "friend Mr. WALTER."
John JARBOE married William TATTERSHALL'S sister Mary TATTERSHALL who later married Stephen GOUGH. Their son, Benjamin GOUGH, married Jane CLARKE, daughter of Robert CLARKE Sr. & Sarah COMBS (d/o Abraham). William TATTERSHALL married Ann LEWGER (d/o John & Ann UNKNOWN Lewger), the latter marrying 2nd in 1671 Henry NEALE. Witness William ASSISTER'S son, Henry, m Ann (-----), and their daughter, Mary ASSITER, m Henry PAINE, witness to 1684 will of Abraham COMBS. (Abstracted from Colonial Settlers St. Clement's Bay, 1634-1780 St. Mary's County, Maryland, Mary Louise Donnelly).
Question: Was Henry PAINE of Maryland kin to Robert PAINE of Old Rappa. Co VA?
Between 1668 and 1670, Abraham COMBS and his daughter, Sarah, had removed to Maryland:
By 1670 (LIBER JJ, FOLIO 198/12:571/WC2:47) COMES or COOMBS, Abraham, of St, Mary's Co., immigrated with Sarah, his daughter (JJ:198 Film No.: SR 8207; Transcript. 12:571 [SR 7354]; WC2:47 [SR 7340]; MSA SC 4341-5675, Gibb's A Supplement to Early Colonial Settlers of Maryland) See Also 1679-80 below.
Nov 1676 (MD Provincial Court Proceedings, 1676, Liber NN Page 328, p. 199) Abraham COMBES vs. Edward MORGAN the defendant MORGAN being heretofore attached by Clement HILL Sheriff of St. Maries County to answer unto the said Abraham COMBS in a plea that he render unto him nine hundred forty five pounds of tobacco which to him he oweth & unjustly deteineth & the Said Edward not appeareing to answer the suite aforesaid the Said Sheriff Standeth amerced and now her at this Court to wit in November 1676 came the said Abraham by Robert CARVILE his Attorny & prayed the bayle bond of the said Edward to be assigned to him & it is granted unto him. (Extracted from ????? by COMBS-Clark Researcher Jerry Clark)
The basis for the suit brought by Abraham COMBS against Edward MORGAN has not yet been determined.
01 Sep 1679 Abraham COMBS of St. Mary's assigns to Clement HILL of St. Mary's Co. (Gent) the right of 100 acres due him for transporting myself and my daughter; Sarah COMBE. 9-1-1679. witness Richard GARDINER, Luke GARDINER. (COMBS-Clark Researcher Jerry Clark. Source not given; however, see next)
By 1680 COMBER, Abraham, immigrated with Sarah, his daughter (CB2:71 Film No.: SR 7366; MSA SC 4341-196-7, Gibb's A Supplement to Early Colonial Settlers of Maryland)
Clement HILL and the GARDINERS are also of record in Old Rappahannock, but no records have been found in association with the COMBS other than peripherally; i.e., (1) Elizabeth WEIRE, daughter of John and Honoria _____ Weire, married Richard GARDINER, son of Luke GARDINER, and after the death of John WEIRE, Honoria m Geo. JONES who was a co-executor of the Est. of Col. John CATLETT, third husband of Elizabeth UNDERWOOD, sister of Col. Wm. UNDERWOOD whose widow, Elizabeth, afterward m Archdale COMBS; and (2) Margaret, d/o Honoria and step-daughter of John WEIRE, m (1) John WATTS and (2) Abraham BLAGG who was security for John COMBS (s/o Archdale) in a 1692 Richmond Co VA record (See also Underwood Families and Burroughs-Vassall-Ware Families).
Abraham COMBS is next found in the records of MD in 1680:
28 Aug 1680 (? Co? MD, Liber 7A:215, #7290, #12694) Estate Accounts. James PEAN. Received from Robert COLE, John TANT, Henry SPINKE, John DAVIS, Michael THOMPSON, Robert BRIGEN, James PATTISON, John WARREN, Sr., Michael REALY, John ANGELL, William FARTHING, Richard CRAYDON, William ROSWELL, John WILLIAMS. Mentions Peter HOWARD, Peter MILLS. Payments to Abraham COMBS, Robert CRAFT, Michael DUQUAS, Randolph HANSON, remainder of payments to Abraham BEALE (merchant) & John STONE (merchant) David DRIVER, Thomas SPALDING, Thomas NOTTINGHAM for wages for administrator's wife Mathew CARTWRIGHT, Thomas SALMON, Nehemiah BLACKISTON, John BAYLEY of Clements bay, Gerrard SLYE, William ROSWELL, John ADDISON, Robert RIDGLEY for fees for naturalization of deceased & his wife & daughter. Administratrix: Magdalen BAYLEY (Widow), wife of John BAYLEY (Abstracts Of the Inventories And Accounts of the Prerogative Court of Maryland 1679-1686 Libers 6, 7a, 7b, 8, V. K. Spiller)
William ROSEWELL had m Emma LANGWORTH, who had m (1) William JOHNSON and (2) Thomas TURNER. (See Below)
03 Sep 1680 (St. Mary's Co MD 7A:226, #5870) Estate Accounts of Gregory ROUSE. Payments to: George PAYTON, Thomas NOTINGHAM, Robert DRUERY, John ANGELL, John STILES, Henry EXON, ABRAHAM COMBS, James PATTISON, William ROSEWELL, Henry SPINKE, Mr. Clement HILL. Distribution to executor. Executor Thomas EVENS. (Abstracts Of the Inventories And Accounts of the Prerogative Court of Maryland 1679-1686 Libers 6, 7a, 7b, 8, V. K. Spiller)
Gregory ROUSE d testate, St. Mary's Co MD in 1679 w/Thomas EVANS as beneficiary and executor. Also Note surname PATTISON in ref the Talbot Co MDwill of Elizabeth ROE COMBS Lowe
25 Feb 1680/1 (St. Mary's Co MD, Liber 7B:179, #16871) Inventory. Thomas LEMARE. Apraisers: Justian GERRARD, John GOLDSMITH. List of Debts: Morris MILES, John GRUBB, Capt. John COOD, Thomas DOXEY, Philip SAUNDERS, John HARTWELL, Edward BRADBURNE, Vincent MANSELL, William MEDLEY, Christopher ROUSBY, Emanuell RATCLIF, Joseph GUIBERT, Robert LARGE, ABRAHAM COOMBES, Simon SPRATLIN, William COLE, John HARRISON, Derby DUNAVAN, Samuell HARRIS, John STEPHENSEN, Thomas TILLIT, Thomas TURPIN, Thomas CARVILE, William SAUNDERFORTH, Capt. John BOMAN, John MORRIS, Joseph FOWLER, William HULSE, Robert TEATE, William GUYTHER, Ann ALVAY, Thomas BURFORD, John CHESHIRE, James GREENE, Thomas PRICE, Thomas DEAKINS, Thomas WRIGHT, Thomas LECTLEY, Thomas STONESTREET, Edmund DERMOT, John NOBLE, Edward COLE, John TURNER, John GOOSH, Thomas RUSSELL, Capt. James NEALE, Henry HENLY, Thomas TACKERALL(?), Robert DOYNE, Richard CARPENTER, Peter ARCHILLES, Edward MADOCK, John WORLAND, Edmund DENNIS, Richard HODGSON, John CORNISH, Robert TOMPSON, Jr., Henry HAWKINS, Abraham BLAGGE, Henry NORRIS. (Abstracts Of the Inventories And Accounts of the Prerogative Court of Maryland 1679-1686 Libers 6, 7a, 7b, 8, V. K. Spiller) search words: Alvey, Thompson, Donovan, Bowman, Guither, Gooch
In 1683, Abraham COMBS is found for the last time in the records of Old Rappahannock Co, VA:
16 Oct 1683(Old Rap Co., Va DB 7:155)
Abraham COMBE of the Province of Maryland,
Gent., did formerly put in the hands & possession of my late Brother
in Law John MEADOR, dec'd., one heifer for the use and
Acct. of my Godson John MEADOR, Son of John MEADOR the Elder
deceased wch the said John MEADOR, the Son deceased in his minority
Now Know all men by these presents that I Abraham COOMBE
do by these presents give Mary MEADOR Daughter of the said John
MEADOR the Elder deced and sole Sister of the said John MEADOR the
Son, two cowes and two calves...And in case of the death of sd Mary
without issue of her body lawfully begotten then I do hereby give the cowes
and calves with all their future increase unto Richd. MEADOR son of
John MEADOR of Rappa. Co. now liveing...
Wits: Henry AUBREY, John ALMOND /s/ Abra:
(Old Rappahannock County Deed Book, 1652-1656,
Ruth and Sam Sparacio, Antient Press, McLean, VA, 1990.)
How John MEADOR and Abraham COMBS were brothers-in-law remains unknown: Was John MEADOR'S wife Joan nee COMBS, as many researchers believe? Or were John and Abraham married to sisters? Or Abraham to a MEADOR? Likewise, the identities of Richard MEADOR and his father "John MEADOR now liveing" are not yet determined. Could "John MEADOR now living" have been the son of Thomas & Sarah (-----) Meador?
By Apr 1684 Abraham COMBS of St. Mary's Parish, had married Margaret, widow of Thomas BASSETT and Edward FISHWICK:
08 Apr 1684 (St. Mary's Co MD Estate Accounts, Liber 8:247, #7639 ) Edward FISHWICK, £181.1.7. Payments to: Abraham BLAGGE of Virginia paid Mr. Richard GARDINER (attorney), Richard WALKER, Richard GARY, Richard BROWNE, William ROSEWELL, Nicholas SYLVESTER, Michael THOMPSON, Richard EDELEN, paid to James ELLIS. Administratrix: MARGARET COMBE, wife of ABRAHAM COMBE. (Abstracts of the Inventories and Accounts of The Prerogative Court Of Maryland, 1679-1686 Libers 6, 7a, 7B, 8, V. K. Spiller)
The above Richard GARDINER married Elizabeth WARE, daughter of Maj. John and Honoria _____ Ware of Old Rappa. VA. His brother-in-law, Abraham BLAGG of Old Rappa, was the 2nd husband of Margaret UNKNOWN, daughter of Honoria, stepdaughter of Maj. John WARE, and widow of John WATTS. In 1692, Abraham BLAGG was security in Richmond Co VA for John COMBS, s/o Archdale of Old Rappa, and Abraham BLAGG III, grandson of Margaret WARE Watts Blagg, is found over 50 years later owning property in King George County adjacent to that owned by the grandchildren of John COMBS, son of Archdale COMBS I of Old Rappa (who probably died in 1684, as did Abraham COMBS in St. Mary's (See Below)
During the remainder of 1684, Abraham COMBS continued to appear in the records of St. Mary's County:
20 May 1684 (St. Mary's?? Co MD, Liber 8:144) Inventory. Michiall TOMPSON.£371. 11.4. Apraisers: Cuthbert SCOTT, Abraham COOMBE (Abstracts Of the Inventories And Accounts of the Prerogative Court of Maryland 1679-1686 Libers 6, 7a, 7b, 8, V. K. Spiller)
19 Jun 1684 (St. Mary's Co MD, Liber 8:208) Inventory. Mr Stephen MURTY. £43.9.9. Servants mentioned: Morris MURPHEY. Apraisers: Mr. Cuthbert SCOTT, MR. ABRAHAM COOMBS (Abstracts Of the Inventories And Accounts of the Prerogative Court of Maryland 1679-1686 Libers 6, 7a, 7b, 8, V. K. Spiller)
Notes: Stephen MURTY, a Catholic of St. Mary's Co MD d testate in 1684, his will mentioning Waterford, Ireland. (MD Wills, Liber 4.41)
On December 26, 1684, Abraham COMBS signed his name for what was probably the last time - to his will:
26 Dec 1684 - 30 Jan 1684/5 (St. Mary's Co, MD) Will of Abraham COMBS.
In the
name of God amen, The twenty sixth day of December Anno Domini one Thousand six
hundred eighty & foure. I Abraham COOMBS of St. Maries County in the
province of Maryland Govt. being sick and weake in body but of sound and perfect
memory. (Thanks be to God for the same), and calling to mind the uncertain state of
this transitory life & that all flesh must ____ unto death when it shall please
God to call, and being desirous to settle things in order do make this my last will
& testament wherein is contained my last will and testament in manner & form
following. Revoking and anulling all former will and wills by me made, and this only
to be taken for my last will and testament & use other ________ I bequeath my
soul unto Almighty God, my Maker & to Jesus Christ, my Redeemer, and to the Holy
Ghost, my Sanctifier. And my body to the earth from whence it came to be buried in
such decent and Christian manner. As to my dear & loving wife shall seeme meete
and convenient. Secondly, I give and bequeath to my dear & loving wife all my
servants, being two boys and one woman servant together with all my stock of hoggs.
Thirdly, my will is that after my debts and funeral expenses are first paid, that
the remainder of my estate except what is before bequeathed unto my wife,
Margaret COOMBS, shall be divided equally into two parts, one half whereof I give
and bequeath unto my said wife and the other half, I give unto my daughter,
Sarah CLARKE. Fourthly, I do hereby order, nominate, and appoint my dear and
loving wife, Margaret COOMBS, executrix of this, my last will and testament and
witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and affixed my seal the day and year
first above written.
Abraham COOMBS
Sealed, signed, published and declared
in the presence of
Clement HILL
Thomas SWALE
The 30th day of January anno 1684, then came before me Henry PAINE, Thomas SWAILES,
and Peter MILLS witnesses to the within written will and took their oaths upon the
holy Evangelist that they saw the within named, Abraham COOMBS sign, seal, publish
& declare the within written will to be his last will and testament sworne
before me the day and year above written.
Clement HILL (signature)
(Transcribed by COMBS-Clark Researcher Jerry
Only four days after the proving the will of Abraham COMBS, an estate inventory was filed for Abraham COMBS in Charles Co, MD, indicating he owned either real or personal property in that county:
03 Feb 1684/5 Charles MD. Inventories, Liber 8:290. Abraham COMBS £336.80. Apraisers: William ROSWELL, Mr. Stephen GOUGH (Abstracts of the Inventories and Accounts of The Prerogative Court Of Maryland, 1679-1686 Libers 6, 7a, 7B, 8, V. K. Spiller)
Note: The Charles Co MD inventory of Abraham COMBS included a horse, plates and other household items (abstracted by COMBS Researcher C. Hammett from copy of original), indicating that either Abraham or someone using his personal property was residing in Charles Co MD at the time of his death. Presumably, the personal property was located somewhere near to the residences of William ROSWELL and Stephen GOUGH.
In July of 1685, the estate records of Abraham COMBS identify the husband of his named daughter, Sarah COMBS Clarke, as Robert CLARKE, and prove his wife's remarriage to John VAN RESWICK [sic]:
(MD Prerogative Court, Testamentary Proceedings Book 13, p. 243) 10 Jul [1685]. "Mr. Ca.... Pray ... a Citacion... and... to the Sheriffe of St. Mary's County agt. John RESWICK and Margaret his wife Executrix of the last Will and Testament of Abraham COMBES her late husband.... be ... this .... of Robert CLARKE and Sarah his wife Daughter of the Said Abraham. Lett it bee made .... the .... day of August... the Judges have appoyntd to writ. s/Ro. CARVILE. This upon Citationi ... as a Gov. Direct... (Maryland State Archives No. SM15, Roll 76, Transcribed by C. Hammett, 1998) Note: This document difficult to read. It will be uploaded as a graphic shortly so as to permit other researchers to assist in determining missing/partial words.
July 18, 1685(St. Mary's Co, MD. Book 13, page 243, Prerogative Court Testamentary Procedings) July 18, 1685. (Provided by COMBS-Clark Researcher Jerry Clark)
In November of 1685, a Mr. Abraham COMBS is listed as a payee on the Estate Accounts of one Daniel HEALLY:
30 Nov 1685 (?? Co MD Liber 9.3, #1818 ) Estate Accounts. Daniell HEALLY. Payments to Dr. John WYNNE, MR. ABRAHAM COMBS, William HUSBAND. Distribution to administrator. Administrator: Robert COLE (Abstracts Of the Inventories And Accounts of the Prerogative Court of Maryland, 1685-1701, Libers 9, 10, 101c, 11a, 11b, V. K. Spiller)
It is not yet known if this is a different Abraham COMBS or a belated accounting, but probably the latter. Daniel apparently did testaet No more is known of Daniel HEALLY (a.k.a. HEALEY?).
Research Notes
The above records strongly indicate that the Abraham COMBS of Old Rappahannock, then of the "Province of Maryland" was the same as Abraham COMBS of St. Mary's. Moreover, in comparing these records with those of Archdale COMBS, one discovers a high degree of common associates - the strongest records being the series in which Abraham COMBS witnesses a deed for James COGHILL who in turn sells property to Archdale COMBS. This, in conjunction with other records of Archdale COMBS of Old Rappahannock, indicates a strong probability of a blood relationship between Abraham and Archdale COMBS. Moreover, the finding of Abraham COMBS in records with the Alvey-Archdale Family (and a possibly-related LANGWORTH Family) further supports the supposition that Abraham COMBS was "somehow kin" to the Archdale-COMBS Families of England.
The marriage of Sarah COMBS and Robert CLARKE apparently took place in Maryland between 1670 and 1684, and thus far, research of the CLARKE Families of St. Mary's gives no indication of an earlier association between the COMBS and CLARKE families in Old Rappahannock. Some of the other St. Mary's individuals above are also of record in Old Rappahannock, but not in close association with the COMBS. Some of the COMBS-Associated Old Rappa Co VA individuals came to Maryland, but again, are not found in Maryland records with COMBS. Among the names found in the above records, only one surname is repeated on both sides of the Potomac with COMBS, and that is PAYNE: The above Henry PAYNE has not been researched, nor have the above Robert PAYNE and John PAYNE and their families. Nothing has been learned of Henry PAYNE'S background, and thus far he has not been found in the records of Old Rappahannock. At present, it would appear that concentration on these PAYNE families, and others above with whom Abraham COMBS was known to have been in personal contact, would be the most productive approach.
As to the relationship of John MEADOR and Abraham COMBS, the MEADOR family was earlier in Isle of Wight Co VA (as were UNDERWOODS); however, no early COMBS are found in that county.
According to Victor Meador, author of Meador Families, the name of the wife of Ambrose MEADOR, father of John MEADOR, Sr. (m. Joan) and Thomas MEADOR, has never been learned. Likewise, no daughters have ever been discovered, thus it is also possible that Abraham COMBS was a step-son of Ambrose MEADOR, or (more likely?) that he married a daughter of Ambrose MEADOR. No extant will has ever been located for either Ambrose or John MEADOR, Sr. Henry PETERS & John MEADOR, Sr., "brother in law" of Abraham COMBS, owned extensive tracts of land in Old Rappahannock, including a large tract on Peumans End Run -a creek which was to become quite significant in the lives of the descendants of Archdale COMBS. According to Victor Meador, however, there is no evidence that the MEADORS were ever in Maryland.
Many of the individuals and families in the above records have been investigated unsuccessfully insofar as COMBS is concerned, although to varying degrees. No individuals associated with Abraham who were common to both Old Rappahannock and St. Mary's have been discovered as yet.
Sarah COMBS of MD was born before 1670; d bef her husband, Robert CLARK (who was married to an unidentified Elizabeth by the time he wrote his will in 1721 (see below). She married Robert CLARKE, Sr., son of Robert CLARKE and Winnifred UNKNOWN between 1679 and 1684. Robert CLARKE was born Mar 1652 [Mar 1651/2?]. He was Catholic, and recorded as residing between 1701 and 1703 in All Faiths Parish, St. Mary's Co, Maryland. He d testate ca 1725/6:
19 Aug 1721 - 31 Jan 1725/6 (St. Mary's Co MD) Will of Robert
CLARKE, St. Mary's Co. To eldest son Thomas and hrs., land he now lives on in
"Beaver Dam Manor"; personality. To son Robert, "Addition"; and personality. To
little son Benjamin and hrs. (son of wife Elizabeth), dwelling plantation ________
and personality; to be in care of his mother and to be brought up in faith of Church
of England; should. he die during minority, plantation after wife's decease to son
Thomas and hrs. To wife Elizabeth, extx., residue of personal estate during life; at
her decease, to be divided among eldest children, viz. Thomas, Robert, daus. Sarah
GREENWELL, Anne HALL, Jany GOUGH and Elinor, wife of Henry GREENWELL. Test: Richard
OSBORNE, Robert HUTCHINGS, Michael REALY. Codicil, 8th Nov., 1725: Shd. wife die
during minority of son Benjamin, she may assign him as she thinks fit, security for
complying with above will being given. Test:
M. JENIFER, Jno. READ, Henry REALY (Provided by COMBS-Clark
Researcher Jerry Clark)
Note: See also Middlesex Co VA re "one" Robert & Sarah CLARKE and see Researcher Jerry Clark's Robert & Sarah COMBS Clark, Sr. (includes numerous other MD Families)
One Margarett BASSETT was transported to Maryland by 1659 by her husband, Thomas BASSETT (SR 8199, 4:198, Gibbs). Margaret BASSETT, according to Marriages and Deaths, St. Mary's County Maryland 1634-1900, Margaret K. Fresco, 1982 Ridge, MD 20680, was the same who next married Edward FISHWICK; however, the estate records are for Thomas BASSON according to Skinner's transcription:
29 Jul 1682 St. Mary's County. Maryland Prerogative Court Records 7c.197. Account. Thomas BASSEN. Payments to: John LAWRENCE sheriff for several actions vs. Margarett BASSEN (administratrix of Thomas BASSEN) and Henry PAINE, John BLOMFEILD witness to will of Mary PAINE, Richard LLOYD, Jr., and John CAMBWELL, legatees in will Thomas SPOLDING. Margaret FISHBECK wife of Edward FISHBECK (Extracted by Combs Researcher C. Hamnet from "Abtracts of the Inventories And Accounts of the Prerogative Court of Maryland," 1679-1686, V. K. Spiller, Family Line Publications, Westminster, Maryland, 1992)
5 Jul 1677 St. Mary's County. Maryland Prerogative Court Records. 4.170. Inventory #7353. William ASSETTER. Appraisers: Peter MILLS, Thomas BASSET (Extracted by Combs Researcher C. Hamnet from "Abtracts of the Inventories And Accounts of the Prerogative Court of Maryland, 1674-1678 and 1699-1703," V. K. Spiller, Family Line Publications, Westminster, Maryland, 1992)
20 Apr 1678 St. Mary's County. Maryland Prerogative Court Records. 5.223. Inventory #1164. Jeffery HUDSON. Apraisers Mathew Cartwright, Thomas BASSETT (Extracted by Combs Researcher Jerry Clark from "Abtracts of the Inventories And Accounts of the Prerogative Court of Maryland, 1674-1678 and 1699-1703," V. K. Spiller)
21 Aug 1678 St. Mary's County. Maryland Prerogative Court Records. 5.249. Account #4845. Ann SHERTCLIFF. Payments To: William ROSWELL, John DABRIDGE, Thomas BASSETT. Administrator: William SHERCLIFF. (Extracted by Combs Researcher C. Hamnet from "Abtracts of the Inventories And Accounts of the Prerogative Court of Maryland, 1674-1678 and 1699-1703," V. K. Spiller, Family Line Publications, Westminster, Maryland, 1992)
4 Apr 1682 St. Mary's County. Maryland Prerogative Court Records. 7C.48. Inventory #50718. Thomas BASSETT. Appraisers: William ROZEWELL, William SHEIRCLIFFE. (Extracted by Combs Researcher Jerry Clark from "Abtracts of the Inventories And Accounts of the Prerogative Court of Maryland," 1674-1678 and 1699-1703, V. K. Spiller)
23 Feb 1675 [1676] St. Mary's County. Maryland Prerogative Court Records. 2.85 Inventory #29972 Thomas HATTON. Servants mentioned: John SPICKETT, Thomas BASSON, Thomas FULLER (boy). Appraisers: John WATTS, John HEVERT (Extracted by Combs Researcher C. Hamnet from "Abtracts of the Inventories And Accounts of the Prerogative Court of Maryland," 1679-1686, V. K. Spiller, Family Line Publications, Westminster, Maryland, 1992)
29 Jul 1682 St. Mary's County. Maryland Prerogative Court Records 7c.197. Account. Thomas BASSEN. Payments to: John LAWRENCE sheriff for several actions vs. Margarett BASSEN (administratrix of Thomas BASSEN) and Henry PAINE, John BLOMFEILD witness to will of Mary PAINE, Richard LLOYD, Jr., and John CAMBWELL, legatees in will Thomas SPOLDING. Margaret FISHBECK wife of Edward FISHBECK (Extracted by Combs Researcher C. Hamnet from "Abtracts of the Inventories And Accounts of the Prerogative Court of Maryland," 1679-1686, V. K. Spiller, Family Line Publications, Westminster, Maryland, 1992)
02 Dec 1685 "The following approved in London, Thomas BAISON, aged 26.......to Gilbert CROUCH of London, gent, 5 years Maryland with the consent of his father and of his uncle, Richard COOMBES, near the temple bar, hatmaker..." (LMWB 14/466,467) (Extracted from "Complete Book of Emigrants 1661-1699," Genealogical Publishing, Baltimore Peter Wilson Coldham, Page 560 by Combs Researcher Sharon Natoli)