![]() | Phillip Combe of Maryland (and Miscellaneous Virginia) |
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At this time, the purpose of this report is more for "tracking" one or more early Phillip COMBS of Maryland, as well as a possible son in Virginia, than documenting them (there is also a Phillip in Berkely, South Carolina who thankfully stayed put). See also Earliest Combs to Maryland
1656 West St. Marie's, St. Mary's County, Maryland (Charles County by 1658). Philip COOMES and Edward OKES witness an assignment from John TOMKINSON of his share of 600 acres (Andrew WATSON holding the other half) to John DELAHAY, the land described as lying "on the north side of Patomake [Potomac] Riuer begining at a marked Oake standing near a great March the sayd March respecting Machepungo on the south side of the sayd Riuer." Andrew WATSON assigns his share to Joseph LENTON.
Bef 1654 Phillip COOMES & William HOWGATE transported before 1654 by Thomas STONE. (Early Colonial Settlers of Maryland, excerpted by Combs &c. Researcher Ray Montgomery; Combs Researcher Vince Griffin adds source: Liber Q, Folio 33)
1656 Philip COOMES witnesses deed re land then in St. Mary's County, but in Charles County by 1658.
By 1658 Phillip COMBES, William HOWGATE (or HEWGATE) and John FITZMARSH (or TITMARSH) were transported to Maryland by Thomas STONE (See Charles County... not same reference as above). Thomas STONE is apparently (1) the son of Maryland Governor William and Verlinda GRAVES Stone of Charles County; (2) the nephew of Katherine GRAVES whose husband Thomas SPRIGGS, Sr. married 2nd Elinor NUTTHALL, d/o John NUTTHALL I of Accomack and Northumberland Counties, Virginia, and St. Mary's County, Maryland; and (3) the first cousin of Sarah SPRIGG (d/o Thomas and Katherine GRAVES Sprigg) who married (1) John PEARCE; and (2) Enoch COOMES (Jr.?) of Prince George's County. (See also below)
1658 Phillip COMBES transports to Maryland his wife, Elizabeth, and a servant, Sarah HOWGATE, per his declaration in 1669 in which he declares he is a resident of Charles County, and former overseer to Thomas GERARD of St. Mary's County.
1660 Phillip COOMES sits on a jury in Calvert County
13 May 1663 Philip COOMES witnesses a document for Gils and Elizabeth GLOVER (GLOUER) and John LUMBROSO in Charles County, MD.
Mar 1663/64 Phillip COMBES transports himself to Maryland and contracts for one year as overseer for Thomas GERARD of St. Clements Manor in St. Mary's County per both Phillip's declaration and 1665 declaration of Thomas GERARD.
1665 Phillip COMBES, his former overseer, is sued by Thomas GERARD of St. Clements Manor, St. Mary's County, who orders subpoenaes for both St. Mary's and Charles Counties.
1669 Phillip COMBS is awarded a 150 acre patent, 100 acres of it for the transport of his wife Elizabeth and servant, Sarah HOWGATE in 1658, and 50 for transport of himself in 1664. He declares that he is of Charles County, and the former overseer of Thomas GERRARD.
10 Oct 1670 Philip COOMES of St Maryes County in the Province of Maryland plantr leases the 150 tract "Coomes Purchase" in Charles County to John ALLEN. By 1676, Peter SAYER of Talbot County, close associate of William COMBS of same, has somehow acquired this land and another 100 acres.
1676 Philip COMBS is a debtor to the Charles County estate of Charles GREGORY, chirurgeon (surgeon)
1680 Philip COMBS is a debtor to the Charles County estate of Samuel RASPIN
1681 Philip COMBES appears on the 1681 Maryland Public Levies & Payments List
1681-1682 Philip COOMES testifies against Thomas MARSHALL of Allen's Mill, Charles County who is accused of sedition. Later in 1682 the cattle mark of Elizabeth COOMES, daughter of Phillip COOMES, is recorded in Charles County (in 1676 in Calvert County, Joane BEALL, wife of John BEALL, Sr. and widow of Robert TYLOR and Capt. George REID (READ), makes a bequest to her goddaughter, Elizabeth COOMES, perhaps of a cow?)
1684 Phillip COMBS is again listed as the debtor of Samuel RASPIN in Charles County records (and Thomas MARSHALL, the seditionist, is still the administrator, too).
1691 Philip COMES, age 12, son of Philip COMES is apprenticed to Thomas BEACH to become a bricklayer per a Westmoreland County, Virginia record. (Note: Westmoreland was adjacent to Old Rappa County; however, although this is a Virginia record, a Thomas BEACH is also found in St. Mary's County, and it is possible that neither may have ever lived in Westmoreland, which is directly across the Potomac River from Maryland).
1692 Philip [P] COMERS [sic] and Nicholas SMITH witnesses a deed in Richmond County, Virginia between William CLAPHAM and John DEAN, who have married daughters of Sylvester THATCHER and his wife, Margaret, who married 2nd Warwick CAMMOCK of Old Rappahannock County, Virginia (parent county of Richmond). Witness Nicholas SMITH lived adjacent to John COMBS of Richmond, son of Archdale COMBS I of Old Rappa, who was a close associate of Warwick CAMMOCK and probable kin of Abraham COMBS of Old Rappahannock County, Virginia and St. Mary's and Charles Counties, Maryland.
1718 Phillip COMBE makes a payment to the estate of Edward ROOKWOOD of Charles County, Maryland, deceased, whose 1717 dated will was witnessed by an Eliza COMBS.
1730-1742 Philip COOMES of St. Mary's County is born to William and Mary HATTON Combs, Sr. William COMBS, Sr., born ca 1667, is thought to have been the son of Enoch and Barbary COMBS, Sr. who came to Maryland by 1665, possibly from Lancaster County, Virginia (parent county of Old Rappa). Phillip was their youngest son, Enoch, their eldest.
Aug 1731 Philip COOMES of Westmoreland County, Virginia, petitions for guardianship of the children of Harman YOUELL and Dinah POPE (d/o Humphrey and Elizabeth HAWKINS Pope).
Sep 1731. Katherine COOMS, relict of Philip COOMS, deceased, of Westmoreland County, Virginia, obtains letters of administration for his estate. Later records indicate that he had issue: John, Molly (Mary?) (wife of Philip BAUGOS/BOGGESS), a daughter who married Manly BROWN (probable parents of Phillip Combs BROWN of Westmoreland) and, possibly, a son named Phillip.
1762 Philip COMBS of Amelia County, Virginia (who was tithed with Benedict HAMMOCK in 1762), and was later of Lunenburg Co, Virginia with wife Abigail, died in Wilkes County, Georgia. No relationship has been found between this Philip Combs (likely born by 1748) and John Combs I and George Combs of Amelia Co., VA.