![]() | Combs &c. Families of Westmoreland Co, VA |
Westmoreland County, VA was organized from Northumberland in 1653; however, no Combs Records have been located in early Northumberland thus far, and in fact our earliest Combs record in Westmoreland at this time is not until 1675. Also Note: Due to fluctuating county lines over the years, there is an overlap between Westmoreland and King George (formed from Richmond in 1720, which in turn was formed from Old Rappahannock in 1691). Due to the resultant confusion, a Combs &c. Research Report has also been published in reference to this county line land. (See the Gunstocker Patent of Richmond Co, VA)
Combs Given Names appearing in Westmoreland records include: Archdale, Catherine, Hannah, Mary, Martha, John, Mason, Phillip, Sarah, Simon and William.
Our earliest Combs Record in Westmoreland thus far is not "technically" a COMBS, but a COMER; however, as is seen by the following series, the original record definitely needs to be ordered due to this John's associations with the same individuals as Archdale COMBS of Old Rappahannock Co, VA:
The deposition of Francis STERN that last spring was twelve month
your deponent being overseer to Warwick CAMMOCK turned out two young mares belonging
to the orphants of Silvester THATCHER, deceased. One of the mares CAMMACK recovered
att Stafford Court and as I heard was sold by Capt. LORD and this other
mare now in dispute between CAMMACK and John PRICE is the other and a foale
of the old mare belonging to the orphants of THATCHER.
/s/ Francis (X) STERNE. 29 9br [Nov.] 1671. Recorded.
(Westmoreland Co, VA Deeds, Patents, Etc., 1665-1677, Part Two, Abstracted and Compiled by John Frederick Dorman)
Warwick CAMMOCK, a close associate of Archdale COMBS I, both of Old Rappahannock Co VA, had married Margaret, widow of Sylvester THATCHER, Sr. (See Cammock Families) Although Warwick CAMMOCK himself appears to have always lived on the south side of the Rappahannock River in what would become Essex, then Caroline Cos VA, Sylvester THATCHER'S land above was on the north side of the Rappahannock, on the Westmoreland/Rappahannock Co line, and adjacent (or very near to) the COMBS-KENDALL-UNDERWOOD Families near the Gunstocker Patent (See below). The remainder of the records pertaining to the above dispute identify the land's location:
Page 115a. The deposition of David STERNE, aged about 26 yeares,
that the young mare now in dispute between Warwick CAMMOCK and John PRICE which
was sold him by Capt. LORD, your deponent knows her by often seeing her naturall
marks to be the foale of an old mare belonging to the orphants of Silvester
THATCHER, deceased. Your deponent hath seen her suck at severall times for the
space of almost a year.
/s/ David (X) STERNE.
29 9br [Nov.] 1671. Recorded.
Page 115a. The deposition of William TURRETT, aged about 21 yeares,
that your deponent when servant to Capt. HULL hath very often taken notice of
the naturall marke of the young mare now in dispute betweene Warwick CAMMOCK
and John PRICE for the space of almost a yeare and at severall times hath seene
her suck and old mare belonging to the orphants of Silvester THATCHER, deceased.
/s/ William (X) TURRETT.
29 9br [Nov.] 1671. Sworn in Court.
Page 115a. The deposition of Robert MAPES, aged about 33 yeares,
that the young mare now in dispute betweene Warwick CAMMOCK and John PRICE which
was sold him by Capt. LORD, your deponent hath seene her very often with an
old mare and the rest of the mares belonging to the orphants of Silvester THATCHER,
deceased, and about last May was twelve month, your deponent saw her in Ned
the Indian's feild in company with another young mare which CAMMOCK recouvered
of Roger MARSHALL at Stafford Court and she is the foale of the old mare.
/s/ Robert MAPES.
29 Nov. 1671. Sworn in Court.
Pages 115a-116. Interrogations to be inquired of the evidences in a suit depending betweene Warwick CAMMOCK of Rappahannock and John PRICE of Westmoreland County.
Did you know the mare and colt sold by Mr. John LORD to Roger MARSHALL and PRICE.
Did not you allwaies take them to be are and colt.
Have you not seene the coult sold to PRICE suck the mare sold to MARSHALL.
For Mr. William HEABBARD: Do not you believe that the mare sold by Mr. John
LORD to Roger MARSHALL came of a grey mare marked with a St. Andrews cross belonging
to LORD. Have not you always taken them to be mare and coult. Was not the mare
(sold by MARSHALL) taken up by your information and perswasion.
29 9br [Nov.] 1671. Recorded.
Page 116. 25 9br [Nov.] 1671. James LAMBE, aged 28 yeares or thereabouts, saith
that he well knoweth the mare and colt and saw them in march come twelve months
at Mr. ROYES his plantation.
/s/ James (X) LAMBE.
Wit: Richard HEABERD, William GREENE.
29 Nov. 1671. Recorded.
Page 116. 25 9br [Nov.] 1671. Richard PRICE, aged 29 or thereabouts, saith he
well knew the mare and colt in January and February was twelve month and have
seen them then in the forrest betweene the plantation of Mr. ROYE'S and John
PRICE. He hath severall times seene the coult sold to PRICE prefer to suck the
mare sold to MARSHALL standing very still but whether she did suck or noe he
cannot sweare.
/s/ Richard (X) PRICE.
Wit: Richard HEABERD, William GREENE.
29 9br [Nov.] 1671. Recorded.
Page 116. 25 9br [Nov.] 1671. John BOWLES, aged 25 yeares or thereabouts,
sayth he well knew the mare and colt. He saw them togeather in spring was twelve
month. He cannot say that the colt sold to PRICE did suck the mare sold to MARSHALL
but he hath seene the colt hold her head between the mare's leggs, the mare
standing very gently and he veryly thinkes she sucked.
/s/ John (X) BOWLES.
Wit: Richard HEABERD, William GREENE.
29 9br [Nov.] 1671. Recorded.
Page 116. 29 9br [Nov.] 1671. John COMER, aged 23 yeares
or thereabouts, sayth what BOWLES saith.
/s/ John (X) COMER.
Wit: Richard HEABERD, William GREENE.
29 9br [Nov.] 1671. Recorded. (ibid.)
The mention of Ned the Indian's Field (the land of Edward GUNSTOCKER) places the CAMMOCK-THATCHER livestock adjacent to land owned by John COMBS of Richmond (s/o Archdale) by no later than 1693. Moreover, Warwick CAMMOCK was a close associate of both Abraham and Archdale COMBS. So who was the above John COMER who clearly (by virtue of his being called upon to give a deposition), lived in the same neighborhood as the COMBS-KENDALL-UNDERWOODS? Not John COMBS of Richmond who wasn't even born until ca1662. Nor was he old enough to have been the father of either Archdale or Abraham COMBS. A brother? Nephew? (See Also Co Essex, England records showing COMBES and COMBER to have been interchangeable (and/or errors in transcription by clerks, authors, etc.) As noted above, a copy of the original of this record is definitely needed.
Jno: GIBSON appoynt my well beloved freind Jno:FOXHALL my attorney
to receive a debt due to me per bill form Samll. MORRIS.
/s/Jno: GIBSON.
Wit: Warwick CAMMOCK, Archdale COMBS.
25 Feb. 1674/5. Recorded.
(WESTMORELAND COUNTY, VIRGINIA DEEDS, PATENTS, ETC. 1665-1677 - PART THREE, Abstracted and compiled by John Frederick Dorman)
The above record, even though it is only a power of attorney, is of particular interest for two reasons: (1) John FOXHALL'S daughter, Mary, married between 1680 and 1687, one Alexander GORGES who may have been kin to the Ferdinando & Mary ARCHDALE Gorges; and (2) Warwick CAMMOCK, close associate of ARCHDALE COMBS, was the s/o Sussex CAMMOCK whose brother, Thomas CAMMOCK, Jr., was closely associated with an earlier Sir Ferdinando GORGES through their mutual association with Robert RICH, Earl of Warwick, whose sister, Frances RICH, m Thomas CAMMOCK, Sr., grandfather of the above Warwick CAMMOCK; and and (4) The COMBS, RICH and GORGES Families of EN were all early subscribers to the Virginia Company, which Robert RICH headed for some time. (See Also The RICHE and FOXHALL Families). John FOXHALL leased the Underwood Mill which was adjacent to the COMBS' property - all of which later was on the Westmoreland-King George county line, a.k.a. the Gunstocker Patent.
Note: Although Archdale COMBS appears in a few Westmoreland records, he was probably never actually a resident of this county.
Phillipp COMES son of Phillipp COMES is adjudged twelve yeares of age and is bound apprentice to Thomas BEACH, with him to live till hee bee one and twenty yeares of age. BEACH doth assume to teach and instruct him in the art and mastery of a brick layer which he now useth.
(Westmoreland County, Virginia, Order Book 1690-1698, Part One, 1690-1 - 1692, Abstracted and Compiled by John Frederick Dorman)
The above Phillip COMBS, Jr. and Sr. have not yet been identified; however, Phillip COMBS, Sr. may have been the same or a descendant of the Phillip COMBES who was in Maryland by 1656 (probably Charles County), and in 1663 the overseer of Thomas GERRARD of St. Clements Manor, of St. Mary's County, Maryland, who later removed to Westmoreland (where he d testate in 1673 - see below).
Also found in St. Clements Manor in the 1660s and 1670s are Abraham COMBES, earlier of Old Rappahannock County, Virginia, and the above John FOXHALL. Moreover, a Thomas BEACH is found adjacent to St. Mary's Co MD Land held by ENOCH COMBS in 1663 that was earlier surveyed for the above Thomas GERARD. A William BEACH patented land on 10 Jun 1654 in Westmoreland Co VA (VA Patent Book 3:299), and among his headrights was one Richard BURTON, possibly same whose English estate was administered in 1656 by his daughter, Ann, wife of a George COMBS? One of the above Phillip COMBS may have been (research in progress) the same who died in Westmoreland Co VA in 1731. (See Below)
HINES, Zachariah, being bound for England, 13 March 1697; 28 July 1697. One third estate to wife Jane; Mary EVANS dau of Rebecca HURST; Simon son of Simon COME; Calebe SMITH son of Thomas SMITH deceased; William SMITH orphan of Humphrey SMITH 100 acres of land; John son of John KING; William HORTON to be exr.
(Westmoreland Co, VA Wills, 1654-1800, Augusta B. Fothergill, Appeals Press, 1925; SHP reprint, SHP, Easley, SC, 1982)
Neither of the above Simon COMES have been identified, and the above may be a COMBS family still in England; however, again, it is possible that, again, a connection exists to St. Mary's County, MD where a Simmond COMBS estate is administered on 01 Sep 1719 by Henry COLBY and Mary, his wife, administratrix, with disbursements to a Thomas COOMBS. (St. Mary's MD Admin. Accts., p. 387), Mary possibly having been relict of this Simon (Simmons?) COMBS.
John FOXHALL of Washington Parish, to Charles SMITH of Cople Parish,
200 acres in forest of Nominee now in occ of Chas and Henry ASBERRY or
one of them, and bounded with lands of Mr. James HARDWICK, Richard WHITE, Thomas
ROBINSON and Eliz BROADHURST part of patent acres 1666 by Sir Wm. Berkley unto
Henry DURENT (DURRENT) which was assigned unto Wm. HARRIS and by HARRIS unto
John FOXHALL, Jr., and 100 acres in Nominee Forrest bounded with land now of
Wm. CARR, James HARDWICK, Henry KIRK and John DOWSETT, part of 400 gr unto Andrew
REED, 200 acres whereof sold by REED to John WILLIS, 100 acres of which sold
by WILLIS to Phillip WHITE and by WHITE to John FOXHALL, decd, father of sd.
Wits: James TAYLOR, Simon ROBBINS, John CHILTON. 29 Septe 1697.
Ack. by John FOXHALL.
See St. Mary's County, Maryland, where Abraham COMBES, formerly of Old Rappahannock County, Virginia, is found in records with one Henry AUBREY aka Henry AWSBURY, of St. Clements Manor of Thomas GERRARD who died in 1673 in Westmoreland; and see also Henry ASBERRY below with Phillip COMBS.
Westmoreland County, Virginia Deeds & Wills No. 3 1701-1707, Abstracted and Compiled From the 1852 Transcript of the Original Volume Which is no longer Extant, by John Frederick Dornan.
26 May 1703. Richard TUTT of Sittenbourne Parish, Richmond
County, to Thomas Butler of Washington Parish, Westmoreland County. For 3450
pounds of tobacco. Land formerly given to me by my aunt Mrs. Ann BUTLER, then
by the name of Ann BOWDEN, alias HARRIS, situate in the said parish, by deed
of gift 24 June 1700. Richard Tutt.
Wit: William SMOOT, Nathl. POPE
26 May 1703. Acknowledged by Richard TUTT. Nathaniel POPE Gent., by virtue of a power of attorney from Mary TUTT wife of Richard TUTT, relinquished her right of dower.
26 May 1703. Mary TUTT wife of Richard TUTT relinquish my
thirds or right of dower and appoint Nathl. POPE my attorney. Mary TUTT
Note: Mr. Dornan, in his preface, retiterates the need to use the records with caution due to the fact they were abstracted from another transcript, not the original. p.43 (original p. 148-49).
John DOD, of Westmorelend [sic] Co, VA, land left him by Richard DOD, his father, to George DENT, Chas Co., MD.
(Liber H #2, Folio 556, 557) (Dodd Researchers: Libbie Griffin, Wilbur Dodd)
Richard DOD and wife, Mary Dynes, are found in the records of Charles Co MD - and in at least one instance in the same records as a Phillip COMBS of that county (Estate Accounts, Samuell RASPIN, Charles Co MD, 8.244, 13 Mar 1684). In Richmond County, VA, the above John DOD, son of Richard & Mary, is found residing on property adjacent or very near to William COMBS, son of Archdale COMBS I of Old Rappa.
In August of 1731, the petition of one Philip COOMBS for guardianship of the children of Harmon and Dinah POPE Youell was denied by the Westmoreland Court:
--On mocon of Nicholas MINOR he is appointed Guardian to Thomas
YOUELL, Elizabeth YOUELL & Mary YOUELL Orphan Children of Harman YOUELL
by Dinah his wife both late of this County decd. and for his discharge of this
Trust the sd. Nicholas MINOR together with Daniel McCARTY Gent. Entered into
-- Philip COOMBS'S Petition for his having Dinah YOUELL'S Children bound
to him is rejected the court having thought proper to place the sd children
under the GuardianShip of Nicho. MINOR who hath given bond and Security…
(Transcribed by COMBS Researcher C. Hammett)
Why Phillip COMBS had applied for guardianship of the children is not clear (although see also Jan 1731/2 below). Harmon YOUELL'S ancestry has not yet been determined, but Dinah POPE Youell was the daughter of Humphrey and Elizabeth (HAWKINS?) Pope (Muckelroy). The latter died testate in Westmoreland Co in 1718, naming granddaughter, Elizabeth, daughter of John and Elizabeth POPE, granddaughter, Jemima, daughter of her son, Lawrence POPE and his wife Jemima, and grandchildren, Thomas and Elizabeth YOUELL, children of Harman and Dinah YOUEL, with the residue of her estate to Dinah YOUEL, who with her husband, Harman, were named executors.
(Westmoreland Wills, Augusta B. Fothergill)
The Last Will and Testament of Lawrence POPE of Washington Parish, Westmoreland County (son of Humphrey & Elizabeth (HAWKINS?) Pope, and sister of Dinah POPE Youell), was dated 23 Mar 1723, and proved 10 May 1723, names wife, Jemima, sons Humphrey, Thomas and John (land at Pope's Creek); daughters, Elizabeth, Ann, Mary, Jemima Spence, Penelope and Catherine; James son of Benj. WADDEY; godson John son of Nicholas MINOR; and names brother Humphrey POPE and brother Nicholas MINOR as executors. (Fothergill) Jemima POPE, another daughter of Humphrey and Elizabeth (HAWKINS?) Pope, had married Nicholas MINOR. The relationship, probable, but unknown, of these POPES to Nathaniel POPE of Westmoreland remains unknown.
Phillip COMBS was deceased before another month had passed:
Katherine COOMS Relict of Philip COOMS, Decd Came into Court and Made oath that the sd. Philip COOMES departed this Life without making any will So far as She Knows or believes and upon her mocon and Giving Henry ASBURY and Benja. ASBURY for her Securities according to Law. Certificate is granted her for obtaining Letters of Aministracon on the said Decedents Estate … and it is ordered that Caudoroy VAUGHAN William REED Owin BRINNON & Richard WRIGHT or any three of them being first … before a magistrate of the said County & in some time before the next Court to be held for the County aforesaid Value and appraise the Estate of the sd. Philip COOMS decd … and make Report thereof to the sd. Next Court.
(Transcribed by COMBS Researcher C. Hamnett)
Usually a close relationship existed between the admin of an estate and those who gave security - whether by blood or perhaps simply close neighbors. Did a relationship exist between either Phillip COMBS or his wife, Catherine, and Henry and Benjamin ASBURY? Are either the same as or descended from Henry ASBURY of St. Mary's County, Maryland?
On this same date, Dinah POPE Youell is again mentioned in the minutes of Westmoreland County Court, although not in reference to the COMBS:
-- Dinah YOUELL late of this County Dying possd of an Estate of
So Small a Value that not any person will administer thereon wherefore on mocon
of Edward BARRADALL attorney of Nicho. MINOR
(to whom the guardianship of the orphans of the said Dinah is comitted)
It is ordered that the Sherif of this County do Sell the Estate of the Said
Dinah YOUELL decd. by out cry to the highest bidder for Tobo. or money and take
obligations from the purchasers thereof with Security payable upon demand to
Andrew MONROE gent Sherif in order to be by him assigned to Such… shall
be allowed Costs…
Still on the same date, Nicholas MINOR is shown as also guardian to Humphrey POPE, son of John POPE:
--Nicholas MINOR being formerly admitted guardian to Humphrey POPE Sn of John POPE decd and being Sumond to this Court to Show how he had complyed with his Sd Trust came now before this Court together with the sd. Humphrey POPE and made appear that he had fully & faithfully discharged…
COMBSES Accot: agst YOUELL'S Estate. Catherine COMBS Relict of Philip COMBS decd… into Court on accot.of Service performed … she hat been att. in Looking after … Dinah YOUELL in her Sickness and her funeral and Carrying her to Nomini Church ae also maintaining her three children four weeks which the said Catherine moved to have allowed whereupon the sd. accot. was Read and after being Considered by the Court She was admitted to make oath thereto and it is thereupon ordered that the sd. acccot. be paid her out of the Estate of the Said Dinah YOUELL Decd. in the hands of Andw. MONROE, Gent. Sherif of the Sd. County with the Costs atto. fee alias Executions.
(Transcribed by COMBS Researcher C. Hammett, 1998)
That Phillip and Catherine COMBS retained physical custody of the children of Harman and Dinah POPE Youell for another four weeks' after their mother's death should indicate a close relationship to either the POPE or the YOUELL families, but what was it? The exact location of Nomini Church has not yet been determined; however, see Virginia Parishes re Nomini Creek and Grove. It appears the church was probably in Cople Parish (eastern Westmoreland).
Phillip COMBS left issue at least two married daughters:
Manly BROWN and Phil:BAUGUS who Intermarryed wth
two of the Daughters of Philip COMES Decd petitioning the Court for their
wives ????? part of their Said Decd fathers Estate in the hands of Kathrine
his Relict and admex who being present and moving to have her … adjusted
Relating to the Said Estate which being considered by the Court they Do Direct
that John COOPER & John HOOKMAN Gents, do Some time before the next Court
to be hold for the county aforesaid Sell or and adjust all accots. which shall
be produced to them by the sd Katherine COMES any way Relating to the
Estate of the Said Decedent and to make Report of their Proceedings herein to
the said next Court.
Present Daniel McCARTY, Gent.
Other Westmoreland records , not yet transcribed, indicate that the wife of Phillip BAUGUS was Molly who may have been a.k.a. Mary (See below). The name of Manly BROWN'S wife has not yet been determined. (C. Hamnett) Both men may have been of Northumberland where the surname BAUGUS-BOGGESS is seen frequently, and where one Manly BROWN, Sr. died testate in 1711 in St. Stephens' Parish, naming children that included a Manly BROWN, Jr., who may have been the same who was born 8 Dec 1699 in that Parish (Records of Northumberland Co, VA by Carolyn H. Jett; Colonial VA Abstracts, Fleet) No COMBS records have been located in Northumberland thus far, but it may be of interest that Judith TOLSON, wife of Simon STACY of Stafford VA, two of whose children married those of Mason COMBS, Sr. (son of John COMBS of Richmond, and grandson of Archdale COMBS above) was also born in St. Stephen's Parish.
Another possible child of Phillip COMBS is a John COMBS who received a horse from the Estate (per disbursements not yet transcribed). This may be the same John COMBS who appears in later records of Westmoreland County although, again, research is incomplete. (See Below) See also John COMBS of Amelia Co, VA in 1732.
The following is the last record located thus far for Catherine (Katherine) COMBS.
In obediance Court Dated Sept. 28th 1732 We have settled ye acct of Catherine COMBS ye Administrator of Philip COMBS.
To Tobacco paid Capt. McCARTY for Rent 630 " M. HUNTER 123 " Thomas POYNDEXTER 070 " James BROWN 067 " Phillip BAUGOS 253 " Do. [ditto] 015 " Joseph ROGERS 732 " Catherine SUTHERLAND 040 " Willm. CALLIS 080 " Jno. FOOTMAN Gent 035 " Walter JONES Clerk 125 " Capt. G. TURBERVILLE 173 " Nimrod HUTT 058 " Sherrif for Levies 103 " James DRUMMOND 100 " Mary BAUGOS 100 " Maj. Henry LEE 124 " Charles BROWN 030 " Patrick McCOON 150 To funeral Expenses 500 To finishing of Crop in hand 500 [Total] 4008 To paid Jno. COMBES for one Horse [??] Cloaths [????]
Contd. C?? [Credit?] | By ye Cropp of Tobacco 1309 By Debtors of ye Estate 200 [Total] 1509 By a Debt ?? & owing from Jno.. BANNEWELL unto this Est 50 [Total] 1559 By the amountment[?] of the Invy. of ye ??31??17? Errors Excepted p me Catherine [her [??] mark] COMBS |
The above acct being proved before me this 13th of Nov 1732.
Westmoreland … Court continued … 29th day of Nov 1732.
Katherine COOMES Adm. of Philip COOMES Decd. presented into Court this
accot. relating to the Estate of he sd. Deced. Stated settled before John COOPER
and John FOOTMAN Gent. pursuant to a former order of this court which the sd.
Katherine was allowed to make Oath to the ?? of which sd. Acct. being in her
favor two thousand four hundred and forty nine pounds of Tobo. she is allowed
and the Tobacco Valued at ten shillings … and … ordered to be Recorded.
Recorded the Eight Day of February 1732. Test. G. TURBERVILLE.
(Transcribed 1998 by COMBS Researcher C. Hamnett who adds that parts of this page were unreadable)
Mary BAUGOS has not been identified. Could she have been the daughter of Phillip COMBS and wife of Phillip BAUGOS? Neither has John COMBS been identified. Is he the same as John COMBS below of Ragged Point Neck and/or Machodick Creek? No property holdings for COMBS have been located earlier than 1742/3 below, and unless we find those, including tracing its disbursement, the children of Phillip COMBS will probably be remain unknown. Also seeking to identify any and all of the above-named individuals, the BROWNS in particular. See also Catherine COMBS, widow, d 1754 Fairfax Co, VA, w/son-in-law, William JEWELL (possibly a.k.a. YOUELL).
See 1670 and 1676 Calvert County, Maryland and 1673 St. Mary's County, Maryland re earlier Phil BOGGUS with wife, Mary, daughter Mary, and son, Benjamin.
In the year 1733, Mason COMBS, son of John and Hannah (MASON?) COMBS of Richmond, filed a bill against William BROWN, executor of the will of John ANDERSON, deceased, of King George, late co-executor of the will of Mason's father, John COMBS, who had died in Richmond Co VA in 1716/7:
Combes. vs. Brown Exr of Anderson. "The suit in Cancery [Chancery]
between Mason COMBES Complaint and Wm. BROWN Exr of the Last will and
Testament of John ANDERSON decd. is Contd. till Next Court for answer…
Ordered this court be adjourned till the last Tuesday in April next.
s/Thomas LEE.
(Transcribed by COMBS Researcher C. Hammett, 1998)
COMBS vs BROWN, ANDERSON… In the suit in Chancery between Macon [sic] COMBS an Infant by Edward BARRADALL his Next Friend Compt and John [sic] BROWN Exr of John ANDERSON decd Respondt & the sd Respondt is ordered to give in their answer to the sd Complts bill at next Court or be … five Shillngs.
COMBS agt BROWN Exr of ANDERSON…. Mason COMBS an infant under twenty one years of age by Edward BARRADALL his next ffriend at December Court 1732 Exhibitted a bill to this Court Setting in Chancery against William BROWN Exr of the Last will and Testament of John ANDERSON Decd… setting forth that… father John COMBS Late of the County of Richmond decd by his last will and Testament in writing … give all his personal Estate to be Equally Divided between his wife and six children and the Complainants part thereof payed him at the age of eighteen years or Day of marryage and of his said will appointed his wife Hannah COMBS and one John ANDERSON Exrs who after the Death of the Said John COMBS proved the Said will and returned an inventory of the Testators Estate, that the Complainants part thereof amounting to about Sixteen pounds was by the Consent of Ye Sd. Orators mother putt into the hands of His Said John ANDERSON who is since Dead having first made his last will in writeing and thereon Expressly Desired that whatsoever …. Unto the Complt should be paid unto him and of his said will appointed the Respondt his Sole Executr. Who after the Death of the sd Testator proved the Said will and took upon him The Execution thereof the Complaint being Lately arived to the age of Eighteen years hath Severall times Requested the Rspondt to pay him out of the Estate of the Said ANDERSON his part of Sd ffathers Estate putt into the Said ANDERSON hands but he absolutely Refused So to Do under Severall … tht the Complt is Remedied… sd. Respondt. Might … Answer … may be compelled to pay the complaint out of the said ANDERSONS Estate So much as Shall appear to be justly Due unto him and that the Court would make Such further Order and …. Now at this Court William BROWN the Respondt putt in his answer in writeing to the said bill thereon confessing it to be rue that the Complts part of his fathers Estate was putt into the hands of the said John ANDERSON but what it amounted unto he Know not only that he finds by Sum papers or memorandums Left by the Said Anderson that the part or proportion of Each of the Children of the Complaints father Due upon account of their Fathers Estate amounts to fourteen pounds Eighteen Shillings & three pence half penny for which Sum the Respondt was ready and willing that the Complaint should have … Considered by the Court they do order and Decree that the Respondt Wm. BROWN Exr of the Last will and testament of the sd. John ANDERSON Decd do pay unto the Complt. The affosd. Sum of fourteen pounds Eighteen Shillings & three pence half penny current money out of the Said ANDERSONS Estate in his hands with Costs als Exo….
(Abstracted by C. Hammett from copy of original Clerk's Copy)
John COMBS' will is of record in Richmond Co VA; and John ANDERSON'S in King George Co VA (est. from Richmond in 1720). William BROWN was the brother-in-law of John ANDERSON, and son of Original BROWN & Jane BROOKS (Higdon) (Campbell?). Original BROWN and Manly BROWN, son-in-law of Phillip COMBS, are not known to be related (again not researched), but it is possible (research in progress) that Hannah (MASON?) COMBS may have married 2nd William WROE, also a brother-in-law of William BROWN, his first wife having been Judith BROWN, daughter of Original and Jane BROOKS Brown. Another brother-in-law was Nathaniel POPE who had married Jane BROWN, also a daughter of Original and Jane BROOKS Brown.
Will of Col. George ESKRIDGE. Dtd. 27 Oct 1735. Prvd. 25 Nov 1735…
Names children, Samuel, William, Robert, George deceased w/4 sons, Elizabeth,
Margaret KENNER, and son-in-law Willoughby NEWTON and wife, Sarah; names son-in-law
Howson KENNER; mentions land of John CRUCHER, Robert BALL, one RUST, land at
Machotick Quarters in Westmoreland, land at Polrick in Prince William, land
at the Marsh in Prince William, Whitehaven, England,
Exrs: Samuel, Robert, 'good friend' George TURBERVILLE.
s/George ESKRIDGE.
Wit: Edward BARRADALL, Samuel COBB, Wm. WEBB.
Proved by oath of Gent. Edward BARRADALL who wrote the same.
William ESKRIDGE, oldest son and heir at law present and consenting.
Rec. 5 Dec 1735.
(Abstr. from Virginia Families, Vol. 2, p. 734, w/add'l data that Geo. ESKRIDGE m 1st Rebecca, dau. of Samuel and Mary PHILPOT Bonum; m (2) Elizabeth, dau. of Robert VAULX of Westmoreland; and that he was guardian of Mary BALL, mother of George WASHINGTON from age 13 to her marriage.)
See one Samuel COBB with the COMBS of Amelia Co VA. Also note that Robert VAULX was the g/so of Robert VAULX & Mary FOXHALL (See above)
Subsequent to the above Mason COMBS record, thus far we have located no further COMBS Records (research incomplete) in Westmoreland until 1740/1 when the aforementioned John COMBS appears (possibly son of above Phillip COMBS who d in 1731?):
27 Mar 1740 (Westmoreland OB1739-1741:36)
John COMBS is appointed Constable in Raggett Point Neck, and … hereby Required … to go to Some Magistrate of this County…
(Transcribed by COMBS Researcher C. Hammett, 1997)
Ragged Point Neck faces Maryland across the water, and appears to be nowhere near the lands of the COMBS of Richmond/King George Counties which was on the Rappahannock River side of the Neck.
John COOMBS of the Said County plantor produced to this Court a certificate under the hand of Samuel OLDHAM Gent of his the Said COOMBS'S having taken up a Runaway Negoor girl named Lettice belonging to the Hon. John CARTER Esq. of the County of Charles City which the said John COOMBS made oath… performed…
Robert CURTIS son of Thomas CURTIS deceased came into Court and Chose John COOMBS for his Guardian which was admitted by the Said Court… COOMBS Together with John BULGERAND(?) and Thomas ALLISON having entered into bond for the Said COOMBE'S … faith… the said Robert CURTIS was not Sufficient to mainttain him without Labour It is Considered by the Court that the said John COOMBS be obliged to Learn him a Trade & to Read and write English at the … whereby the Court Doth Bind him the said Robert CURTIS … shall attain to the age of Twenty one years for and during which time the sd John COOMBS is to find and provide for his said Servant all things nice … for life fitt and Convenient for a Son of his Circumstances…
In the petition prefered by William HENSON by John COOMBS and Martha his wife Judgment is granted the petitioner for three hundered pounds of Tobacco the Same appearing Due .. proved by the petitioners oath therefore the said Defendts. are hereby ordered to pay the three hundred pounds of Tobacco aforesaid unto the said Wm. HENSON with Cost Als. Execution.
Submitted by Sue Elfving (Va. Genealogist, v25#4, Oct.-Dec. 1981, p. 276)
Indenture dated 15 Mar 1742. John CURTIS of Cople Parish, Westmoreland
County, to John COMBS of the same parish and County… whereas John
CURTIS by Indenture dated 14 day of this instant month for consideration therein
Expressed did bargain and Sell unto the said John COMBS all those Lands
Tenements and Hereditaments… containing by Estimation 170 acres more or
less situate in parish and county aforesaid in lower Machotick Neck and formerly
belonging to Mr. Isaac ALLERTON as by Pattent may appear. And by Capt. Isaac
ALLERTON grandson to the aforesaid - ALLERTON sold and conveyed unto Gerrard
DAVIES and by the said DAVIES Sold unto Thomas CURTIS father of the said John
CURTIS party to these presents… for the sum of 10,000 pounds of lawful
tobacco paid by COMBS…
s/John CURTIS {Seal}.
Wits: Spencer ARRIS, Saml. ATTWELL, Wm. [mark] ADKINS.
15 Mar 1742/3. Rec'd of John COMBS ten thousand pounds of Tobo. in full Sattisfaction for Premises by me. s/John CURTIS. Test. Spencer ARRIS, Saml. ATTWELL, Martha ATTWELL, Wm. [mark] ADKINS. Rec. 29 Mar 1743. Acknowledgment of John CURTIS… together with the Receipt Endorsed… admitted to Record. 11 Apr 1743. Test George LEE, CCW.
(Abstracted from Clerk's copy of original by COMBS Researcher C. Hammett, 1998)
The earlier deed referred to by CURTIS was not included with this record (see below); thus no detailed description of the land is available. In regard to the above-referenced Isaac ALLERTON the Elder, he was the s/o Isaac & Feare BREWSTER Allerton, Sr. of Plymouth Colony, MA. Sarah ALLERTON, sister of Isaac, Sr. of Plymouth, m (1) Digory PRIEST, by whom she had (among others), daughter Sarah PRIEST who m ca 1630 in Plymouth Colony, one John COMBS. Isaac ALLERTON, Jr. (referred to in the above record as Isaac ALLERTON, grandfather) removed from Plymouth Colony to Virginia; however, it is unknown if he maintained a relationship with his COMBS cousins of Plymouth Colony. He patented thousands of acres in both Stafford and Westmoreland Counties, and the above land has not yet been identified.
--Ordered that Sherif of this County do Summon John COOMBS
to be and appear at the next Court to … answer the … of John GARNER…
agt him on behalf of Abraham GARNER son of Abraham GARNER
--The attachment obtained by Archibald GARNER against the Estate of Joseph
CARR being Agreed is dismist
--The petition passed by Eleanor WHITE, wife of Philip WHITE decd. against
John COOMBS being Agreed is dismist. (Transcribed by COMBS Researcher
C. Hammett from copies of original Clerks' copies)
One John GARNER died testate in Westmoreland Co VA ca1713/14, naming sons William, John, Abraham, Joseph and Jeremiah. Among his bequests was to son Abraham land in Ragged Point where John COMBS was appointed Constable in 1740.
(GARNER not yet researched)
Indenture. John COOMBS of Parish of Cople and County of
Westmoreland Planter and Martha his wife to Richard LEE [of the same],
Gent., consideration of sum of £81.4s.8d. Current money of Virginia and
774 lbs. tobacco to be paid by said Richard LEE at or before the Sealing and
delivery of these presents, the receipt of which the said John COOMBS and
Martha his wife doth hereby acknowledge… all that Tract, parcel, messuage
or Tenement of Land situate … Machotique Neck, in the parish of Cople and
County of Westmoreland now in the possession of … John COOMBS and Martha
his wife, Containing by Estimation 180 acres (be the same more or less) which
said Land was Conveyed by John CURTIS to John COOMBS by his Deeds bearing
date 15 of Mar 1742, and recorded in… Westmoreland, and by another deed
bearing date 30 Mar 1745 rec. in the General Court and remaining in the Secretarys
Office of this Colony… aforesaid land and premises was conveyed by Gerard
DAVIS to Thomas CURTIS by Deeds bearing date 10 Aug 1736 and by Thomas CURTIS
devised to his son John CURTIS aforesaid by his Last Will and Testament dated
12 Oct 1737 rec. Westmoreland County… became vested in the said John
signed 08 Dec 1746. John COOMBS {Seal}, Martha [her G mark] COOMBS.
Wits: William FITZHUGH, Richard JACKSON, Daniel JENINGS, Henry GARNER, Wm. ROOKORD,
John JONES, Abraham GARNER, William [His U Mark] WILLIAMS, John [His J Mark]
Received the day and year first written in the within Indenture
of the within named Richard LEE the sum of Eighty one pounds four shillings
and Eight pence and Seven hundred and Seventy four pounds of Tobacco.
s/John COOMBS.
Test. Wm. ROOKORD, John JONES, Abraham GARNER, William [His U Mark] WILLIAMS,
John [His J Mark] CHRICHER.
At a Court held for the said county 31st day of Mar
1747, John COOMBS personally acknowledges this Deed of Feofment for Lands
by him passed to Richard LEE Gentleman together with the Receipt… and Martha
wife of the said John by virtue of a Commission, Relinquished her right of Dower…
on motion of said Richard LEE is admitted to Record. Test. George LEE, CCW.
Recorded the 3rd day of Apr 1747.
COOMBS'S relinquishment of Dower p. Commission to LEE Gentleman: Westmoreland. William FITZHUGH, Richard JACKSON and Samuel OLDHAM, Gentlemen of the County of Westmoreland… do authorize privy Examination of Martha Wife of John COOMBS of the County aforesaid apart from her Husband touching her willingness and unconstrained Consent and Assent to the passing a Certain Deed of Feofment for Conveying her right of Dower to a certain Messuage Tenement plantation Tract or Tracts… 180 acres unto Richard Lee… George LEE, CCW.
By Virtue of the within Commission to us directed we examined Martha
COOMBS wife of John COOMBS seperate and apart from her Husband and she relinquished
her right of Dower… 180 A of land in Machotique Neck…
8 Dec 1746. Willm. FITZHUGH, Richard JACKSON.
Rec. 3 Apr 1747.
(Abstracted from copies of original Clerk's copies by COMBS Researcher C. Hammett, 1998)
Phil Comes BROWN.
Undated. French & Indian Wars. Muster Roll of Capt. Robert McKENZIE'S Company. (partial transcription)
Mens' Names | Age | Size | County Where Enlisted | Country [Born] | Trade |
Walter WILLIAMS | 28 | 5 Ft. 4-1/2 In | Westmoreland | England | Shoemaker |
Phillip COMBS BROWN | 20 | 5 Ft. 4-1/2 In | do | Virginia | |
Thomas COTTON | 21 | 5 Ft. 2-1/2 In | do | do | |
John BRITTON | 30 | 5 Ft. 6 In | do | Ireland | Taylor |
(Source: George Washington and the COMBS)
Notes: The above names were listed consecutively as indicated. Names above and below these 4 did not show a Westmoreland Co VA residence. Given the marriage of Manly BROWN (bef 1731) to a daughter of Phillip COMBS of Westmoreland Co, VA, it would seem possible (not researched) that the above Philip COMBS BROWN might have been a son of Manly BROWN, and gs/o Phillip COMBS.
1801 Austin COMBS
1802 Astal (?) COMBS
1803 Astal COMBS
1804 Astal COMBS
1805 Astael(?) COMBS
1806 Astael COMBS
1807 Astael COMBS
1808 [No Record on Film]
1809 Astael COMBS
1810 Astali COMBS
1811 Astal COMBES
1812 Astal COMBES
1813 Astal COMBES
1814 No COMBES entry [dm: appears that the "C" surname
List is incomplete since the size of the list is small compared to previous
and later years lists)
1815 No COMBES
1816 No COMBES
1817 No COMBES
1818 Book B Washington Parish: COMBS Ashtols Est (widow) [dm: the
widow insert is on the filmed record; property of 5 acres is noted as 20 miles
west of the court house]
1819 COMBS Ashtol Est (widow) [dmm: mentions next note: T WILLS Est (and
property located) 20 miles west.]
(Transcribed from Westmoreland County, VA Tax Lists 1782 -1819, Reel 340, LDS FHC, by COMBS-Kendall Researcher Denise Mortorff)
Notes: See Austin COMBS in 1787 King George Co, VA, and note that the 1850 King George census includes household of Edmund (possibly a.k.a. Edward) COMBS w/son, Ashton.
Thomas E. D. COMBS to Ann DODD
("VA County Records, Volume 4, Early VA Marriages, William A. Crozier, 1973," Westmoreland County)
Note: A marriage CD lists as 31 Dec 1839 [sic].
Ottoway PURSLEY & Jane Ellen COMBS
(Extracted from Dodd, Jordan R, et. al. Early American Marriages: Virginia to 1850. Bountiful, UT: Precision Indexing Publishers, 19xx [sic], Ancestry On-Line (http://www.ancestry.com/)
749 Malinda MOZINGOR 25 Va
Cintha YARDLEY 23 VA
Malinda YARDLEY 7 VA
Hannah COMBS 20 VA
(Transcribed by COMBS Researcher Debi Houser)
SW: William Syntha
Source: Heritage Quest Original Images Submitted by Sue Elfving
Eastern District, Kinsale PO
p. 6/938
June 27, 1860
46/46 S. Combs 32, m, w, laborer, pp=$100
S. Combs 34, f, w
E. J. Combs 6, f, w
H. Combs, 4, m, w
M. Combs, 2, f, w
T. Morgan, 14, m, w
J. Dickens, 32, m, w, laborer
Note: Neighbors were Dickens and Morgan families
51/51 O. Pursley, 55, m, w, laborer, PP=$50
S. Pursley, 9, f, w
M. J. Pursley, 4, f, w
C. A. Pursley, 2, m, w
F. Pursley, 2/12, f, w
S. J. Henson, 29, f, w, laborer
B. Jenkins, 21, m, w, laborer
N. J. Combs, 24, f, w
G. Morgan, 30, m, w
S. Morgan, 5/12, m, w
B. Pursley, 22, f, w
C. A. Gaynes, 1, f, b
Thos. Pursley, 19, m, w, laborer
p. 7/939 28 June 1860
52/52 W. Combs, 57, m, w, laborer, RE=$80, PP=$70
L. Combs, 57, f, w
W. Combs, 18, m, w
F. Combs, 14, f, w
L. Combs, 9, f, w
Source: Heritage Quest Original Images Submitted by Sue Elfving
Washington Twp
p. 29
15 Aug. 1870
1180/1168 Berry Combs 44 M b. VA Laborer can not read or write [Race was ditto for Black]
Susan Combs 35 F b. VA Keeping house can not read or write
Hezekiah 18 M b. VA Laborer
Elizabeth 10 F b. VA
William 8 M b. VA At home
Eliza 6 F b. VA At home
SD 1, ED 117
Washington District
page 20 12 Jun 1880 Thomas L Taylor, enumerator
156 158 Coombs, Stansbury W M 47 m Farmer Blind VA VA VA
____ Susan W F 48 Wife m Keeping house VA VA VA
____ Hezekiah W M 26 Son s Farmer Laborer VA VA VA
____ Eliza W F 18 (7 written over 8) Daug. s VA VA VA
____ Wm Amos W M 17 Son s Farmer Laborer VA VA VA
____ Martha J W F 14 Daug. VA VA VA
WASHINGTON, Charles M M 1 Adopted VA VA VA
158 160 DODD, George W M 45 m Farmer VA VA VA
____ Lavinia W F 35 Wife m Keeping House VA VA VA
____ Arthur W M 19 son s Farm Laborer VA VA VA
____ James W M 14 son Farm Laborer VA VA VA
____ John E W M 13 son Farm Laborer VA VA VA
____ Georganna W F 12 Daug. VA VA VA
____ Samuel W M 11 son At Home VA VA VA
____ Lucy Ellen W F 8 Daug. VA VA VA
____ Fanny W F 3 Daug. VA VA VA
Note: Lavinia DODD is sister of Stansbury Coombs in previous household. They are both children of Edmund Coomes found in 1850 King George Co, VA Census. Also note marriage of Thomas E. D. COMBS to Ann DODD, 31 Dec 1822. Is there a family connection?