![]() | Hannah &/or Anne (MASON?) Combs (Wroe?) of Richmond County, Virginia And the Anderson-Browne-Mason-Pope-Wroe Families of Westmoreland Co VA |
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John Combs of Richmond (c1662- c1717), s/o Archdale Combs I & Elizabeth (Underwood), had married Ann by 3 Jan 1692/3 when she is named in a Richmond Co VA deed as "Ann his Wife." (Richmond Co DB 1692-1694:195-197 (97-100)) The next record of a wife for John is not found until almost 24 years later when her husband refers to his spouse in 1716 as "my Loving Wife Hannah COMBES," and on 30 Mar 1717, she appears on John Combs' Inventory return as Hannah [H her mark] Combs.
Note: John Combs may or may not have been married twice. Some researchers believe that John Combs married twice, first to an Ann, and second to a Hannah. We have uncovered no evidence one way or the other; however, the given names, Hannah and Ann, were synonymous at that time, and some researchers also believe that Hannah and Ann were one and the same. Some of those researchers who believe that John Combs was m twice also believe that Archdale Combs II was John's son by the possible first wife, Ann.
The final record found of John's wife, Hannah, is by their son, Mason Combs, when he filed suit against William BROWN in Westmoreland Co VA in 1733, giving no indication as to whether she was still alive, remarried, etc. No record has ever been found of her thereafter, and likewise, her ancestry remains unknown.
Unless, that is Hannah "Ann" was neè MASON, and the daughter of Joseph/Josiah MASON, and his wife, Elizabeth BURTON, who m 11 Jul 1678, Christchurch Parish, Middlesex Co, VA, and whose daughter, Ann MASON, was baptised 06 Jun 1680, Christchurch Parish, Middlesex Co VA. (Christ Church Parish Register, Middlesex County, Virginia, 1653-1812, John Otto Yurechko, Family Line Publications, Westminster MD, 1996)
Although not yet determined if Joseph & Josiah MASON (Joseph on the marriage record and Josiah on the birth record) were one and the same (Research in Progress), it seems probable that they were, but still unknown if Joseph/Josiah MASON of Middlesex Co was the same as: (1) Josiah MASON who witnessed the Old Rappahannock Co VA will of Evan MORGAN on 1 Aug 1683 (Old Rappa. Co VA WB2:32- 3); (2) Joshuah MASON mentioned in the 04 Nov 1686 deed of Henry FLEET of Northumberland Co VA to Mallacy PEALE of Stafford Co VA in regard to a parcel of land in Old Rappa. Co VA adjacent to Ned Gunstocker's patent (Old Rappa. Deeds, 1686-1688:277-278), (3) Joseph MASON in a deed dated 03 Jan 1692/3 in Richmond Co VA between John WILLIS & Thomas KENDALL (Richmond Records, 1692- 1704: 97); and/or (4) Joshua MASON in a deed dated 05 Sep 1694 between Henry FLEET [Jr.] of Christ Church Parish, Lancaster Co VA and Edwin CONWAY of the same. (Richmond DB2:59-61)
The primary significance of this particular Joseph/Joshua[h]/Josiah MASON as a potential parent for a single Hannah "Anne" lies in the fact that the above-referenced land was adjacent to that of John Combs of Richmond. (See Combs Land of Old Rappa. VA - Gunstocker Patent). Also note that the above Thomas KENDALL was father of William KENDALL who later m John's daughter, Elizabeth Combs, and that the above Edwin CONWAY was (a) the husband of Sarah WALKER, d/o Col. John WALKER whose last wife was Sarah UNKNOWN,. widow of Henry FLEET, Sr.; and (b) s/o Edwin & Martha ELTONHEAD Conway of Christchurch Parish, Middlesex Co VA, indicating a possibly close connection between the Gunstocker Families and the Christ Church Parish Families.
It may also be significant that Elizabeth, wife of Joseph/Josiah MASON, was neè BURTON, given the Ann BURTON, wife of George Combs, who administered the English estate of her father, Richard BURTON of Virginia in 1756; and the Edward BURTON whom Wm. UNDERWOOD, Sr. (s/o Col. Wm. UNDERWOOD by his first wife, Mary) referred to as "Uncle." (See Burton-Combs Families and Underwood Families)
As to what happened to Hannah following the death of her husband John Combs in Richmond in 1716, one "working theory" (research in progress) is that Hannah MASON(?) Combs re-married to William WROE of Westmoreland Co VA, widower of Judith BROWNE (d/o Original & Jane BROOKS (Higdon?) Browne). The basis for the theory is:
John Combs' Richmond VA will, dated 11 Dec 1716, specified that his wife, Hannah, and John ANDERSON be co-executors. His will was proven by the two on 07 Feb 1716/7 (Richmond WB3:300); however, John ANDERSON died in King George Co VA* in 1721, and his will, dated 02 Nov 1721 and proved 01 Dec 1721 appointed his "brother in law William BROWNE," executor. (King George County WBA-1:1- 3).
*Note: King George Co VA was established from Richmond Co VA in 1720, and the Combs and ANDERSON Land was in that part of Richmond which became King George, and was on the Westmoreland Co VA line.
According to Browne-Wroe researchers (their source, unknown, is still sought), John ANDERSON m Mary, the sister of William BROWNE (source?), both also issue of Original and Jane BROOKS (Higdon?) Browne, as was Jane BROWN, wife of Nathaniel POPE.
William WROE had married Judith BROWN sometime before Original BROWN of Westmoreland Co VA signed his will on 05 Feb 1697/8 (proved 27 Apr 1698), naming wife, Jane (executor), daughters, Jane POPE, Judith ROE, Mary BROWN (not yet 16), son, William; and Lawrence ABBINGTON to whom he bequeathed one half his stock, books, etc (Westmoreland Wills, Augusta Fothergill) Note: This was apparently Lawrence ABINGTON, Jr., son of Lawrence & Lydia BROOKS Abington, Sr., the latter d/o Henry & Joan (----) Brooks, as was Jane BROOKS, wife of Original BROWNE (and apparently earlier the widow of Richard HIGDON & possibly later m James CAMPBELL?)
On 02 Feb 1702/3, and recorded on 06 Feb of that same year, Nathaniell POPE of Westmoreland County, "prectioner & Law," deeded to William WROE and Judeth his wife,
"for divers good causes and considerations me hereunto moveing but more especially for and in consideration of the Love I beare unto William ROE and Judeth his Wife and theirs Children Land scituate and being in the County of Richmond part of the Devident of Land I formerly lived on now in the occupation of Walter ANDERSON, begining in the line next to Pottomack att a marked Hickory standing close by the Path that goes by the burnt Poplar Stump and standing close by the said Poplar Stump and running along the said path about one hundred and fifty yards to a small valley called the Dogwood Valley and so downe the said Valley and the meanders thereof to the uttmost extent of the said land by estimation one hundred and fivety acres be the same more or less, I say that part of the said Land next and adjoyning to the land formerly belonging to William WHEELER now in the occupation and tenure of John PITTMAN to the said William ROE and Judith his Wife for and dureing their naturall life and after their decease to their Son, Originole ROE and the heires of his body lawfully begotten forever "
/s/ Nath: POPE.
Wits: Robt. PAYNE. Jonas
(mark) SCOTT.
Jane [BROWN] Pope relinquished dower on 2 Feb 1702/3, same witnesses.
(Deed Abstracts of Richmond County, Virginia, 1701-1704, Ruth & Sam Sparacio, Antient Press, McLean, VA)
Note: Walter ANDERSON above may have been the father to John ANDERSON (d1721) and his brother, Walter ANDERSON, named in John's will (Research in Progress). Robert PAYNE may have been Robert PAYNE, Jr., son of Robert & Elizabeth LAWSON Payne, the former a close associate of the Combs of Old Rappahannock Co VA, the latter the daughter of Epaphroditus & Elizabeth MEDESTARD Lawson (Elizabeth having married next Alexander FLEMING). Robert PAYNE, Jr.'s descendants have not been traced, and Jonas SCOTT has not been identified; although Archdale Combs appeared in Old Rappahannock records frequently with Robert PAYNE, Sr., and at least once with a James SCOTT who may have been kin to the above Jonas SCOTT.
William WROE had remarried to a Hannah by 8 Feb 1725/6 when he signed his will. It was proved 30 Sep 1730, by which time his second wife, Hannah, was deceased:
08 Feb 1725/6 - 30 Sep 1730 (Westmoreland VA D&W, 1729-1732, p. 139, PI (on margin: WROE's Will)) 139 IN THE NAME OF GOD, Amen, I WILLIAM WROE of Washington Parish in Westmorland County being sick and weak but of perfect sence and memory, thanks be to God, make appoint and ordaine this my Last Will and Testament in manner and forme following; First and principally, I give and bequeave my Soul unto the hands of Almighty God not doubting but trusting through the merritts and passion of Jesus Christ, my only Saviour and Redeemer, to receive forgiveness of all my manyfold sins and wickedness, and my body to the Earth haveing at the Last Day to receive a joyfull and glorious resurrection and as for vhat temporall Estate it hath pleased God for beyond my desarts to bestow upon me, I give bequeave and devise as followeth;
Item. I give and bequeave unto my Loving Wife, my Negro woman, Bess, dureing her natural life and after my Wifes death, I give ye said Negro Bess to my Son, ORIGINALL WROE;
Item. I give and bequeave unto my Loving Son, WILLIAM WROE, my Molato girll Sare;
Item. I give and bequeave unto my Loving Son, RICHARD WROE, my Mealoto girll Jane and my melato boy, Ben;
Item. I give and bequeave unto my said Son, RICHARD WROE, an my Coopers Tooles;
Item, I give and bequeave unto my Daughter, MARY, a Cow and Calf to be paid hur by my Exrs. the next October insuing.
Item, I give and bequeave unto my Daughter, ELIZABETH WROE, a feather bead and furniture to be paid hur upon the day of Marridge;
Item, I give and bequeave unto my Daughter, SARAH WROE, a feather bead and furniture to be paid hur upon the day of Marridge;
Item, I give and bequeave unto my Daughter, JUDEATH WROE, a feather bead and furniture to be paid hur upon the day of Marridge;
Item. My Will and desire is that my Estate be not aprais'd;
Item. I give and bequeave unto my Loving Wife all my personall Estate not before given dureing her naturall life or to the day of Marridge, And my Will is that at either of the said times their may be three honest men not concearned appointed to part ye said Estate left my Wife amongst my Childred.
Item. I give and bequeave unto MARGRETT ANDERSON twenty Shillings;
Item. My Will and desire is that my two youngest Daughters, ELIZABETH WROE and
SARAH WROE stay and remaine with my loving Wife, HANNAH WROE, untill they shall arrive to ye age of Eighteen;
I do appoint my Loveing Wife, HANNAH WROE, Executrx. And my Loving Friend, WILLIAM BROWNE, Executr: of this my last Will and Testament revoking and annulling of all Wills and Testaments before made by me. As Witness my hand and seale this 8th day of February 1725/6. s/WILLIAM his mark ( ) WROE. "Sind. Sald. And Delivered in presents of us" FRANCIS TRIPLETT, ELIZABETH "hur" mark ( ) ANDERSON.
Westmorld. Ss. At a Court held for the sd County the 30th day of September 1730 ORIGINAL WROE, Son of WILLIAM WROE, deced., presented into Court this Last Will and Testament of the sd. Decedent, which was proved by the Oaths of the witnesses thereto and admitted to Record; And forasmuch as WILLIAM BROWN, the surviving Executor of the sd. Will named refused in open Court the burthen of the Execution thereof, On mocon of the said ORIGINAL WROE and his giveing DANIEL HIGDON & ROBERT WICKLIFF his securities according to Law, Certificate is granted him for obtaining Letters of Administration with the Will annexed on the sd. Decedents Estate in due form. Test G. TURBERVILLE, C.C.W. Rec. 13th day of oct. 1730
(Westmoreland County, Virginia Deed & Will Abstracts, 1729-1732, Ruth & Sam Sparacio, McLean, VA)
Who were Margarett & Elizabeth ANDERSON? Were any of the above children issue by Hannah? Also note that a copy of this inventory should be ordered to compare it to the inventory of John Combs for like items.
Less than a month prior to William WROE'S signing his own will, one James (or John*) MASON also signed his will in Westmoreland Co, dated 16 Jan 1725/6 and proved on 23 Feb of that same year:
16 Jan - 2 Mar 1725/6 (Westmoreland County Virginia, Deeds & Wills, 1723-1726, p. 47) IN THE NAME OF GOD Amen. I JAMES MASON of Washington Parish in Westmoreland County being sick & weak but of perfect sence mind and memory, thanks be to God, do make appoint & ordain this my Last Will and Testament in manner & form following. First & principally. I bequeath my Soul into the hands of Allmighty God not doubting but trusting through the meritts & passion of Jesus Christ my only Saviour & Redeemer to receive forgiveness of all my manifold sins & wickedness and my boch, to the earth hopeing at the last day to receive a joyful & glorious resurrecon; and for what temporal Estate it hath please God far beyond my deserts to bestow upon me. I give & bequeath & devise as followeth;
Item, I give & bequeath my land to my Cozen, JOHN HIGDON, when he shall arrive to the age of twenty and in case my said Cozen die before he come to the age aforesd., as aforesd. Or without an heir lawfully begotten of his own body, then my will is that RICHARD WROE shall have that part of my land now rented to WILLIAM WROE and the other part of my land I give & bequeath to WILLIAM BROWN, Son of WILLIAM BROWN;
Item. I give & bequeath unto my said Cozen, JOHN HIGDON, all my Brass, Iron & Pewter and that it remain in the hands of my Exrs. untill my sd. Cozen shall arrive to the age aforesd, and then to be delivered in special
Item. I give & bequeath to MARY BROWN twenty shillings to buy her a Ring Item. I give & bequeath unto HANNAH WROE twenty shillings
Item. I give as much of the two Rents as shall keep my Cozen at School as many yeares as his Mother shall think fitt
Item, I give unto my Friend, WILLIAM BROWN, Son of WILLIAM BROWN, three yeares schooling to be paid out of the Rents of my Land
Item, I give and bequeath unto WALTER BROWN a young Heifer,
Item, I give and bequeath unto my Cozen. JOHN HIGDON, all my cattle, hogs & horses & bedding,- But in case my said Cozen should die before he arrives to the age of twenty, then my will is that ORIGINALL WROE, Son of JOHN WROE, to have the half of my personal Estate and the other half I give unto WALTER BROWN.
I will ordain & appoint my two loving Friends, Capt. Augustine WASHINGTON & William BROWN my true & whole & sole Exrs. of this my Last Will & Testament, revokeing annulling of all Wills &Testaments before made by me, Witness my hand & seal this 16th day of Janry. 1725. JAMES MASON. Signed seated & delivered in the presence of William HUNTLY, John BINCKS, Wm. MANNING.
Westmoreland ss, At a Court held for the sd. County the 23d day of February 1725: The Last Will &Testament of JAMES MASON, deced., was presented into Court by AUGUSTINE WASHINGTON, Gent., & WM; BROWN his Exrs., who made Oath thereto and being proved bv the Oaths of all the witnesses thereto is admitted to Record; And upon the mocon [sic] of the said Exrs. And their performing what is usual in such cases, Certificate is granted them for obtaining a Probate thereof in due form. Test THO. SORRELL, Cl. Recordat 2d die Marcy 1725.
(Westmoreland County Virginia, Deed & Will Abstracts, 1723-1726, Ruth & Sam Sparacio, Antient Press, McLean, VA)
*This record needs to be ordered. Fothergill's Westmoreland Wills shows him as John MASON, not James. (Westmoreland Co, VA Wills, 1654-1800, Augusta B. Fothergill, Appeals Press, 1925; SHP reprint, Easley, SC, 1982)
James/John MASON apparently died s.p., but how was John HIGDON a "cousin" (nephew?) to JJ MASON? And which John HIGDON was he? Note: Jane BROOKE Browne married (1) bef 1677 (Richard?) HIGDON w/possible issue John & maybe more) Who was Original WROE son of John WROE? Was JJ MASON Hannah's brother? A son of Joseph/Joshua/Josiah MASON? Was the land which William WROE was renting from JJ MASON the Gunstocker Land of JJJ MASON? Note that MASONS of Richmond/Westmoreland have not yet been researched. Re witness John BINCKS, one John BINCKS d testate in Westmoreland 1730/31, naming wife, Anne GREEN, sister Elizabeth (See Green/Kendall of King George).
According to the late researcher George Harrison Sanford King, William WROE married secondly, MRS. HANNAH MASON who states that his source was William WROE'S will and "the Wroe bible." (Genealogies of Virginia Families From the William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Magazine 929.3755 Gen V.1 Geneal. Coll. Pomona Library, Pomona, Los Angeles Co., California, article titled: The Chancellor Family by Geo. Harrison Sanford King, 1301 Prine Edward Street, Fredericksburg, Virginia)
Apparently, however, there were several Wroe Family Bibles, and the only one that includes mention of Hannah MASON is that of Original WROE, s/o William & Jane BROWNE Wroe¸ and her name is not part of the bible record itself, but instead what appears to be an introduction that includes the statement, "William Wroe died in Westmoreland County, Va. in 1730, having married second Hannah Mason." The term "Mrs." is not included, nor is her marital status mentioned. (Wroe Bible Collection, Virginia State Library Archives)
In order to determine if Hannah and/or Ann, widow of John Combs of Richmond, was the same who was born to Joseph/Josiah & Elizabeth BURTON Mason in Christchurch Parish, Middlesex, and/or if they were the same who were Combs' neighbors in Richmond VA, it will be necessary to research both the MASONS of Middlesex and those of Richmond -neither of which has been done yet.
In order to determine if Hannah and/or Ann , widow of John Combs of Richmond, was the same who married William WROE, the first steps would be to determine (a) the original source for his second wife, Hannah, having been a MASON, and (b) the relationship of James/John MASON to the Brown-Wroe Family.
Examples of HANNAH and ANN as synonymous:
(1) Anne WOOD m in St. Mary's Church, White Chappell, Co Middlesex, Walter HOXTON, license 7 Sep 1670, both abt age 22, and both "of Limehouse, Parish of Stepney, Co Middlesex." The will of Gualterus (Lat. for Walter) HOXTON, refers to his wife, twice -- the first time as "my wife Anne HOXTON," and the second as "my said wife Hannah HOXTON." After his death (bef 1673) she is referred to in a Middlesex record dated 24 Feb 1676/7 as "Hannah HACKSON, widow, of Stepney, Co Middlesex, 28" ("The English Ancestry of the HOXTONS of Maryland and Virginia," Genealogies of Virginia Families, Vol. IV, p. 100)
(2) On 11 Feb 1688, William THERRIATT made a deed of gift of 850 A of land to his two daus. Ann and Elizabeth THERRIATT. (Lancaster Co VA DB7:15) On 12 Mar 1711, Thomas TAYLOR and wife Elizabeth and Henry TOWLES and wife Hannah to William BALL a cert. tract of land pat. by John WOODINGTON 15 Jan 1658, and by him to William VAUGHAN, and by him to Dominick THERRIAT by pat. 01 May 1678, and descended to sd." Elizabeth TAYLOR and Hannah TOWLES, ye daughters of ye sd. William THERRIAT deceased." (Lancaster Co VA DB9:382)
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