![]() | Combs &c. Families of Fairfax Co, VA | ![]() North Neck VA ca 1779 |
Fairfax County was established in 1742 from Prince William Co VA. In 1757, Loudoun Co VA was est. from Fairfax, but in 1797, Fairfax regained certain lands from Loudoun described as that part of Loudoun County lying “between the lower boundary and a line to be drawn from the mouth of Sugar Land Run to Carter's mill on Bull Run”. (VA Acts of Assembly, 1797, 25) No Combs Land Patents/Surveys have been found as yet for Fairfax; however, this county has not yet been actively researched. The following is only a “smattering” of records collected thus far.
A series of records for a group of families from Bucks Co, PA who were primarily Quaker families (JANNEY, HAGUE, MEAD, HOUGH, and CLOWS) are included because later Loudoun Co, VA records show these families were not only neighbors and associates of one Samuel Co(o)mbs in Loudoun Co but also acquainted with another, older Samuel Combe in Bucks per Quaker records. All of these families are well documented in Quaker records and in numerous regional and county histories. The Bucks Co group was spearheaded by surveyor Amos JANNEY and his family who began acquiring land patents by 1740. Amos JANNEY came as early as 1732 to survey land for Lord Fairfax. The JANNEY family originally came from Cheshire, England. Abel JANNEY, born 1671 (Cheshire), married Elizabeth STACY in Trenton, Burlington Co, NJ, the d/o of Mahlon and Elizabeth (Ely) STACY (History of Bucks County, Pennsylvania by William Watts Hart Davis, p. 57). This marriage may have introduced the given name Mahlon into the Janney family. Sarah, daughter of Mahlon STACY, married Joseph KIRKBRIDE Sr (his second wife) in 1702 (Falls M M), the KIRKBRIDES being a family where we also see the name Mahlon. The first land grants to the JANNEYS (Amos, Abel, Mahlon) specified the land was in Prince William County. Later grants show Fairfax County (formed in 1744) and then Loudoun Co after it was formed from Fairfax. Major Lawrence WASHINGTON had land adjoining that of Amos JANNEY who eventually owned almost 5000 acres, including land on Goose Creek. Arriving as early as 1741 was non-Quaker Francis WILKS of Plumstead Twp, of Bucks Co, who settled in the this Virginia Quaker community.
Samuel MEAD, [tanner], first married (25 Aug 1737 per Falls Monthly Meeting, Bucks Co, PA) Mary DOWNEY, the d/o of James DOWNEY and Hannah ELLET, d/o of William ELLET and Mary BURT. In 1706 (Falls M M) one Andrew ELLET married Hannah MEAD. In March 1713, Samuel Combe married Hannah ELLET, widow (Falls MM). Quaker records show the ELLETS, MEADS, CO(O)MBS and DOWNEYS were closely associated in Bucks Co. Samuel MEAD later left his wife Mary [per Falls M M records] and remarried by 10 March 1746 to Margaret MEAD. Many years later, their daughter Ruth married one Joshua Co(o)mbs in Salem Co, NJ.
30 Nov 1741 Grant to Francis WILKS, late of Pennsylvania, for 250 acres…by a small drain of Goose Creek…corner to George ATTWOOD'S tract on the NE fork of Goose Creek…line of Joseph JANNEY… (LOVA, N Neck Pat Bk E:395, original image).
Notes: Francis WILKS and his family were not Quakers although they lived in the Quaker community (see 1749 tithables). PA land grants show that Francis WILKS of Plumstead Twp obtained a grant on 20 Dec 1735 for 200 acres. A transcription (found on the internet) of the record ordering the survey stated he had been a resident of Plumstead for 2 years and that the land adjoined that of Lawrence PIERCE. The entry for this land in the PA Warrant Register shows the land was vacated; however, the survey for land for Lawrence PEARSON shows it adjoined a Coms parcel that was sold to Joseph KIRKBRIDE
(PA Copied Survey Book C-155:90) which places the original Francis WILKS warrant in close proximity to a parcel that may have once been held by a Com(b)s.
John WILKS, s/o of Francis WILKS, married Samuel MEAD'S daughter Elizabeth in 1758 in Virginia, and she was disowned for marrying out of unity. Later Loudoun Co deeds show that both Francis WILKS and Samuel Coombs were neighbors of Samuel MEAD. The particular interest here is that one Samuel Coombs, son of Andrew Coombs of Tonoloways, first married a Miss WILKS and they had a son named Amos. It is not yet known if the Samuel Coombs who was a neighbor to Samuel MEAD and Francis WILKS and the Samuel Coombs, son of Andrew, are the same or are different individuals, or whether either were related to the much earlier Samuel Combe of Bucks Co, cooper, of Bristol and Corke.
17 Sept 1742 VA Samuel MEAD witnessed a deed of John MEAD, carpenter, to David GRIFFETH (FC-DBA:11-15)
NOTE: John MEAD listed as a voter in the 1744 Election of Burgesses. John MEAD obtained a grant on 7 Jan 1741 for 1,289 acres of land in Prince William Co on the south branches of the Kittocktan…line of Samuel JOHNSON'S tract…corner of William FAIRFAX Esq
(LOVA, N Neck Pat Book E:411). William MEAD'S grant on 22 June 1744 styled him as William MEAD of Pennsylvania.
13 Dec 1742 Grant to Jeremiah FAIRHURST of Fairfax Co, 265 acres on the branches of Goose Creek…line of Abel JANNEY (LOVA, N Neck Pat Book E:428).
1743 The Falls M M (Bucks PA) signed certificates for Jacob JANNEY and his wife and Thomas CLOWS and his wife on 5, the 8th month, 1743 ((Hopewell Friends History, 1734-1934, Frederick County, p. 60). Hopewell Friends would have been the closest Society of Friends Meeting to where these Bucks Co Quakers initially settled in Virginia. The community that arose from the first settlement of Amos JANNEY and Francis HAGUE became known as Janney's Mill (later Waterford) and was about 10 miles south of the Potomac and across from Old Monocacy. Jacob JANNEY settled about 8 miles south of Waterford near present day Lincoln.
Sept 1744 Samuel MEAD sold cattle to John POULTNEY. Recorded 17 May 1744 (FC-DBA:198-200) (Source: Ancestry/Rootsweb/Homepages Meade related website)
Note: “Not all of these voters lived in Fairfax. An elector could vote in every country in which he owned a freehold of 25 acres of improved land, or 100 acres if unimproved. Each name appears twice on the poll lists, hence the variations in spelling”.
Included these names.
(Source: New River Notes, The History of Truro Parish in Virginia, The Poll for Election of Burgesses for Fairfax County in the year 1744, on record in the Clerk's office. Capt. Lawrence Washington received 152 votes; Col. John Colvill, 151; Capt. Lewis Elzey, 101; and others a smaller number.)
Notes: The above only includes a partial list of those who voted in 1744. The names included are those found in records with Combs &c and associated families in the years following. It is not known if the Samuel Comber of the 1744 Voter list was transcribed properly. There is no evidence of an adult Samuel Combs in the area as early as 1744.
20 June 1744 Land grant to Jacob JANNEY, Blacksmith, for 420 acres of land in Fairfax Co (surveyed by Amos JANNEY)…lines of George GREGG…George BROWN…line of John GARRETT (LOVA, orig. N Neck Pat Bk F, p. 172). Also a second grant to Jacob JANNEY, the Blacksmith, for a tract containing 200 acres…line of a survey made for Joseph JANNEY…corner of a tract surveyed for Jeremiah FAIRHURST (p. 173)
15 Oc 1745 George GRIFFITH sold cattle and farm equipment to Samuel MEAD, tanner (FC-DBA p?) (Source: Ancestry/Rootsweb/Homepages Meade related website)
Notes: The identity of Samuel MEAD as a tanner is consistent with later Loudoun Co land records that also style him as a tanner and as owning property that included a tanyard.
10 March 1746 (Falls M M, Bucks Co, PA) Margaret MEAD reported to have married contrary to discipline. In 1747, she “sent a few lines signifying her sorrow on the account of her disorderly marriage and desired she may be favored with a few lines by way of a certificate to the Fairfax Monthly Meeting in Virginia”
Notes: This was Margaret who married Samuel MEAD [the tanner] who the Friends from Falls M M testified as to him leaving his first wife and marrying another. His first wife was Polly DOWNEY.
2 July 1747: The Friends who were appointed to make inquiry concerning Margaret MEAD report they made the inquiry and found nothing to hinder her from having a certificate and therefore one was drawn and signed (Source: Falls M M).
30 Aug 1747: Margaret MEAD, wife of Samuel, was received on certificate dated 7 Feb 1747 from Falls M M in Pennsylvania to Fairfax M M in Virginia (Source: Ancestry/Rootsweb/Homepages Meade related website)
7 Oct 1747 Samuel MEAD witnessed an indenture between John COLVILLE and John HOUGH (FC-DB B:280).
13 June 1748 Samuel MEAD listed in Colonial Soldiers Of The South under Major Lawrence WASHINGTON'S District, Copy of Poll Records June 13, 1748 and also under the Virginia Militia. (Source: Ancestry/Rootsweb/Homepages Meade related website)
Notes: This Lawrence WASHINGTON was a half-brother to George WASHINGTON. He married Anne FAIRFAX. None of their children survived to adulthood, and George inherited Mount Vernon at the death of Anne FAIRFAX Washington. Samuel MEAD'S service for the King in the War against Spain, in which Lawrence WASHINGTON also served, was one of several of Samuel's activities stated to be inconsistent with the principles of the Friends. His participation in the War is documented in a testimony of Friends in Falls M M in response to a request from Fairfax M M.
BUTLER, Ed 2 white titheables. 1 negroe. “Papist, LP”
Combs, John 1 white titheable. 0 negroes. [no notations]
DONALSON, Wm 1 white titheable. 0 negroes [no notations]
JEWEL, Wm. 1 white titheable. 0 negroes. [no notations]
(Loudoun County, Virginia Tithables, 1758-1786 Vol. 1: [1749], 1758-1769, Compiled by Marty Hiatt & Craig Roberts Scott, Iberian Publishing Company, Athens, Georgia, 1905)
Note: This list (alpha by first letter of surname) was taken by the Pastor of Truro Parish (one year prior to formation of Cameron Parish, later Loudoun County). Some of the titheables, as noted above, include comments such as "UP" for Upper Parish (soon-to-be Cameron, and ultimately Loudoun), or "LP" for Lower Parish (remained part of Fairfax). Could John Combs have been the h/o Catherine of 1754 Fairfax?
A larger list [but still partial] of the 1749 Fairfax Tithables that identifies the Quakers.
The Reverend Charles Green, an Anglican minister, compiled a list of tithables - all persons by law in his charge - within the area that is now Fairfax and Loudoun Counties. In 1757, Loudoun County was established from the western part of Fairfax. The Reverend Green's remarks often included religious affiliation or position within the community. His additional comments and population totals are located at the end of the table. The original manuscript resides at the Library of Congress, Washington DC. This copy was typed by Melvin Lee Steadman, Jr., as originally written, and then digitally scanned from his publication Falls Church by Fence and Fireside, 1964, Falls Church Public Library Publication, Falls Church, Virginia. No changes to names (often abbreviated) or corrections to punctuation were made.
In 1738 when Charles Green came up as a Minister of Truro, the Parish was Tithables was 621 Increase in Eleven Years to 1414
The Quakers all live in Cameron or the upper Parish & scarcely one man of them come to Church in my time except Elisha Hall.
Before the parish was divided there was four Churches in it 2 wherof now in the Parish of Cameron - at Goose Creek Church I never had one Communicant - tho Several times prepared to Administer the Sacrament.
17 May 1749 John Combs (pltf.) vs. Mark Brown “Granted & Awarded” FC-COB1749:9
21 June 1749 John Combs (d) vs. Tim Dargan FC-COB1749:17
24 June 1749 Diana Combs witness for evidence in case William Reardin vs. Johnson [Wow a name other than Mary!!!] FC-COB1749:30
28 Sep 1749 John Combs (d) vs. Timothy Dargen FC-COB1749:39
30 Mar 1750 John Combs (d) vs. Timothy Dargen FC-COB1749:67
27 June 1750 John Combs witness in case Catesby Cocke vs. Beltrun FC-COB1749:84
28 Jun 1750 John Combs (deft) vs. Mark Brown on petition. FC-COB1749:92
27 Sep 1750 John Combs execution of attachment for James Bolton (Combs had a hog of Bolton's) FC-COB1749:118
(Submitted by Bob Combs)
15 April 1751 Bill of Sale of the Estate of Richard SHORE includes Samuel MEAD, Francis HOGUE, John HOUGH, and Francis HAGUE (FC WBA: 512-3)
24 Sept 1751 Fairfax Co, VA Samuel MEAD appointed overseer of the roads from Thompsons according to the Act of the Assembly (FC COB 1749:163) (Source: Ancestry/Rootsweb/Homepages Meade related website)
1 April 1752. Truro Parish: Thomas EVANS inventory signed by Thomas McGEACH, Sam. MOBLEY and Samuel MEAD (FC WBA: 503-4)
Note: The McGEACH surname is found in early Loudoun Co records associated with a Joseph Combs and later an Andrew Combs.
17 June 1752 Fairfax Co, VA Samuel MEAD witness to [instrument] between Edward HARDIN and Mahlon KIRKBRIDE. (FC DB C:329-333)
(Source: Ancestry/Rootsweb/Homepages Meade related website)
Notes: Mahlon KIRKBRIDE was the son of Joseph KIRKBRIDE Sr of Bucks Co, PA. Joseph's son Joseph Jr. married Hannah SATCHER in Bucks Co on 26 Oct 1720 (Falls M M) and their marriage was witnessed by Saml Combe and Amos JANNEY.
21 Nov 1753 Jacob SMITH accounts to Edmund LINTON and Hester his wife Adm (FC WBB:40-42)
1753 Fairfax Co, VA Records. Wm JEWELL posted bail for George BALL (Researcher Barbara Eakley who adds that William was son-in-law of Catherine COOMS d 1754 Fairfax)
18 April 1754 Fairfax Co, VA, Samuel MEAD, Ferry Operator, applies for an Ordinary License… …Hugh West security… (Source: abs from The Hedges of Stafford/Prince William Counties Virginia 1660- 1980 © -Chapter 10, no source ref. given)
19 Jun 1754 (Fairfax Co VA Will Book B:67) Will of Catherine COOMS, will. Son-in-law William JEWELL, grandchildren Sarah JEWELL, John JEWELL, Betty JEWELL, May Ann JEWELL, Bethlehem JEWELL and William JEWELL. Executor William JEWELL. Witnessed by Edmund BUTLER, Wm DONALDSON, Thomas CRAWFORD and Thomas JACKSON.
8 Sep 1754 (ibid B:66). Will of Josiah Brooks lists Thomas Coomes & Sarah his wife as exhibits to will. (Submitted by Bob Combs)
Sept 17, 1754 (ibid B:147). William JEWELL and William DONALDSON were bonded to administer estate of Catherine COOMES (Abstracted by Combs Researcher Barbara Eakley who adds: Catherine's daughter was not named. The granddaughters each received a cow and calf. Grandson William received a mare and the residue of the estate.)
Note: Might Catherine have been the w/o John Combs of 1749 Fairfax? Or Catherine, widow of Phillip who d 1731 in Westmoreland Co VA? Might Bethlehem have been a.k.a. Beheathland? Also note that JEWELL may have been a.k.a. YOUELL and EWELL and see Combs-Butler-Pope-Youell connections in Westmoreland. Was Thomas CRAWFORD kin to the William CRAWFORD whom Samuel Combs (brother of Andrew who follows) took on as an apprentice in 1758 (Loudoun records)? Which George BALL was the above? Kin to the Ball-Butler-Underwood Families?
BC Note: Cathrine Coomes will was proven Sep. 7, 1754 per Book B, page 67; and her inventory was listed on page 84 same book Feb. 12, 1755.
1754 Andrew Combs was in Fairfax Co VA by 1754 according to the RW pension application of his son, John, who stated in 1823 that he was born in Loudoun [sic] that year. (Joseph COOMBS, RW Pension File W1828)
Notes: No records for Andrew Combs have been discovered in Fairfax as yet whereas numerous Loudoun Co VA records indicate clearly that he lived in that part of Fairfax which became Loudoun in 1757. He also may have still been in Frederick Co, MD at this time.
19 Aug 1755 Indenture between Francis WILKS, Father, and son John WILKS…land bought of Thomas CLOWES. Samuel MEAD was a witness (FC DBD:128-30).
21 July 1756 Lawrence WASHINGTON Accounts: Included S MEAD with others for bringing 4 Negroes to bed (FC WBB:112-3)
1753-1761 The trustees of the town of Alexandria Virginia sold one lot formerly conveyed to Samuel MEAD on 20 Mar 1753 but he did not build according to Acts and the lot reverted back to the trustees. (Source: Bogue/Meade Freepages, Rootsweb, Ancestry)
21 Sep 1756 Joseph Combes (deft) in suit by John Eaton… “dismissed” FC-COB1756:25
17 Mar 1757 Joseph Combes (deft) sued by John Eaton… “dismissed” FC-COB1756:68
(Submitted by Bob Combs)
02 Dec 1761 (Loudoun? Fairfax?) According to The Fox Family James Wallace Fox, Wm. & Mary Quarterly, Vol. 26, No. 2 (Oct., 1917), pp. 129-138, Amos FOX of Fairfax Co, VA, s/o George & Mary, b 7 Sep 1739, m 2 Dec 1761, Annie Combs, d/o Francis and Anna, b 18 Apr 1739. Issue: Dina, Morris, Isaac, Gabriel, Gideon, Lydia, Annie, Mary W. and Amos.
Notes: According to Combs Researcher Ray Montgomery, this marriage took place in Loudoun Co, VA; however we have yet to learn the original marriage source, which Francis and Anna Combs were parents of Annie, nor why the author added: "I have reason to believe that this particular family is of New Jersey extraction." Also note that the above Amos FOX is thought to have been the s/o George FOX of Hunterdon Co, NJ and see possible Hampshire Co VA connections as well as Loudoun records which indicate he may have lived in that part of Fairfax which became Loudoun in 1757, then Fairfax again in 1797.
18 May 1763 Jacob MIARS Inv. and Sales: William MEARS John REILLY Jr, Wiliam LINTON
18 March 1767 Accounts of George JOHNSTON to the estate of Dennis McCARTY decd. Included entry "1757 to: cash rec of Samuel MEAD"; and "Exor. by: cash lent to pay LINTON." (FC WBB:439)
20 May 1776 William Hughs gives to son Robert Hughs of Prince William County 40 acres in Fairfax County as part of a parcel of 300 acres he purchased from John COMBS, being a tract patent granted to Thomas Hooper by deeds from Proprietors office. On the north side of Bull Run and adjacent to 1660 acre tract granted to Peter Smith of Westmoreland County. [Deed Book M, pages 218 & 219] (submitted by Bob Combs)
BC Note: Deed Books A,B,C,D,E,G,K & L … no Combs, etc. No later Deed Books checked.
(Heads of Household, 1790, Virginia, Broderbund Software Census CD)
25 Jul 1786 - 01 Aug 1786 (Spotsylvania Co VA DBJ:398 (1774-1782)) Dated July 25, 1786. Adrien TELLIER of Spotsylvania County to John Joseph Combs of Fairfax Co. £225 specie. 200 acres in Spotsylvania County, etc., etc. Jas. JULIAN, Sebastian LOSH. Rec. Augt. 1, 1786 (Virginia County Records: Spotsylvania County 1721-1800, William Armstrong Crozier, Editor, New York, NY: Fox, Duffield & Co., 1905)
Notes: See also John Joseph Combs as a given name, and possibly the same, in Gloucester Co, VA as well as the later John Joseph Combs of Hampshire Co, VA.
John Combs/COOMBS - no land (not listed in 1789)
(Alexandria City, VA Property Tax Records (Land, 1787-1800; 1787-1790, Property Tax), extracted by Combs-Kendall Researcher Denise Mortorff from microfilm copies, 1998) Note: At this time the city of Alexandria was still part of Fairfax County, but in 1801 became an independent city, later part of Washington D.C.)
01 Mar 1794 (Fairfax Co VA Marriages) Combs, Susanna & TAYLOR, James on 01 Mar 1794 in Fairfax County, Virginia (Marriage CD, source record still needed)
p. 102: Thomas Combs
No Combs?