![]() | Combs &c. Families of Gloucester Co, VA |
Gloucester County, VA was established in 1651 from York Co VA.
The following was possibly the same Richard BURTON of VA whose dau., Ann Combs, w/of George Combs, was named admin of his estate in England in 1656:
20 Dec 1653 (Gloucester? - VA PB3:269) Richard BURTON, 360 A on N side of Queens Cr. near the head, beg. at the mouth of Kings Cr. running to trees of Edm. WELCH. Trans. of 8 pers: Benj. MATHEWS, John LUNN, Ann GLOUCE, John SMITH, Eliz. BRISTOW, Ann SUBSTANCE, Edw. HARBROUGH, Andrew WMSON. (WILLIAMSON), Ann LOYD, Wm. LATHAM (Cavaliers & Pioneers, Vol. 1, Nugent)
26 Feb 1653/4 (Gloucester - VA PB3:44) George THOMPSON, 400 A lying below mouth of Pieanketank Riv bounded on NW side with a tract of land surveyed for Richard BURTON, NE upon Pieanketank Riv. als. Sting rye Bay and SE upon Queens Creek. Trans. 8 pers: Jno. RICHARDS, Wm. BRACON, James LACY, James LEIGH, David DONART, Richard BRENT, Jno. LEECH, Danll. NASH (C&PI, p. 247)
1654 [Date blank] (Gloucester? - VA PB3:270) Ed. WELCH, 900 A at the head of Queens Cr. in Pyan. (ketank) Riv., beg. at corner of Rich. CARYES devdt. &c. to land of Richard BURTON. Trans. of 18 pers: Nich. BROWNE, twice, his wife, twice, Nich. DEAN, John BRADSHAW, Dan. TAVERNOR, John THICKPENNY, Anto. MARK, Edwad. JELFE, Robt. WHITE, Eliz. PALMER, Dennis MACKERNALL (or MACKERRALL), Joseph PRESTON, Ann AURLOTT, Wm. SMITH, Sarah BROWNE, Anne BROWNE. (ibid.) Search Words: AYLOFFE, CARY, TAVERNER, MCNEAL
Notes: In 1663 Wm. UNDERWOOD, Sr., in Bristol, England (in school?) and Old Rappahannock Co VA, s/o Col. Wm. UNDERWOOD Sr. whose widow, Elizabeth, afterward m Archdale Combs referred to his uncle Edward BURTON of Kiddermeister, EN. Also Note Eliz. PALMER in re the ARCHDALE-PALMER Families of EN. See Also Burton-Combs Connections & Underwood Families)
25 Mar 1655/6 (Gloucester - VA PB3:340) Peter FORD, 500 A. (viz) Cacamount in Glouster Co on the NE side of Mettopony Riv. beg. at lower tree of Capt. Robert ABRALL, behind land of Mr. BARNHOUSE & Mr. William WYATT &c. Trans. 10 pers: Patrack NAPIER, William BELCHER, Robert GIBBS, Mary ROBERTS, William FRANCIS, John NICHOLLS, John WARE, Anne JAMES, Elizabeth WALKER, Elizabeth MACKRELL [ch: MACKNELL?] . Assigned to sd. FORD by Lt. Col. ABRALL, assignee of Capt. John UNDERWOOD. (Cavaliers & Pioneers I:307, Nugent)
See Also The Underwood Families, the Burrroughs-Vassall-Ware Families and John UNDERWOOD who m. the widow CAYHOE.
20 Dec 1667 (Gloucester - VA PB6:100) Roger LEONARD, 300 A. in Mockjack bay upon E side of the Emost Riv. Bounding upon land of Adam BENNETT, Henry PROUSE, &c. Trans. of 6 Pers. Elizabeth LAY, Isaak REMNANT, Jno. BOOTH, John MORGAN, Wm. COMBES, Mary HARWOOD. (Cavaliers & Pioneers, Nugent, II:28)
Notes: See Also Talbot County, Maryland where William SHARPE'S sister, Elizabeth m (1) Robert HARWOOD; (2) Wenlock CRISTISON (Quaker) with John STACY a beneficiary under the 1678/9 will of the latter. In 1688, Capts. William SHARPE and William Combs of MD complained against Capt. ROWE to the governments of both VA & MD (See both Early Combs of VA & Early Combs of MD. Capt. William SHARPE was also a Quaker, and Capt. William Combs (later Major) is believed to have been the same who m Elizabeth ROWE, d/o Edward ROE of Lancaster VA and Talbot MD. Also note Jno. BOOTH & The Booth-Underwood Families. See Also William Combs of Charles Co MD
Notes: The Combs and Stacey Families are found together in Overwharton Parish, Stafford Co VA as early as 1740, and migrated together down through Frederick Co VA, into Surry Co NC, and into Russell Co VA and Hawkins Co TN and Jackson Cos TN and Perry Co KY (among many) for over 150 years (See Combs Counties). It is possible that the association began in early England, or as early as the 1660s in Stafford Co VA where both Archdale Combs of Old Rappahannock Co VA & Simon STACEY (who also resided in Calvert Co MD and finally in York Co VA) are found.
23 Oct 1673 (Gloucester - Land Patent Book No. 6, p. 475) 23 Oct 1673.Mr. Wm. ELLIOT, sonn of Lt. Col. Anthony ELLIOT, dec'd., 340 A. N side of North Riv. Mill Runne Neere head of sd. runne belonging alsoe to Mr. Peter STARLING (STERLING) dec'd., adj. Mr. Richd. BAILIE; on a br. of HOCCADAY'S Cr; along Thos. GUANT (or GAANT); neere Mr. IVESON'S Quarter; &c. Trans. of 7 Persons: Wm. ALEXANDER, Wm. ALLEN, Mathew JONES, Simon STACY, Sara HOWARD, Henry HERBERT, Jno. GIBSON. (C&P II, p. 133) Search Words: BAILEY HOCKADAY GAUNT GANT
22 Feb 1674/5 - 02 Nov 1675 (Old Rappa. Co VA D&W, Part 1:187-191) S/22 Feb 1674/5. Prob. 2 Nov 1675. Will of Henry COX. Sick and weak of body Whereas Edmund CRASK Clerk of the County of Rappa. standeth engaged with me that I shall make a good assurance of one half or moyetie of my land I now live upon to Mr. John HASSLEWOOD for & in consideration of his delivereing up a bond of mine of 500 pds. Sterling bearing date 8 Jul 1673 my will is that my Ex. make good the sale and save the sd Edmund CRASK hamless and idemifyed from the said John HASLEWOOD satisfy obligation and sd CRASK held harmless to Mr. James MILLER now living with me my sword & belt to my Brother in Law Richard CAWTHORN my best Cloath suite my best hatt & a pair of French falls & a pair of Stockins both new to Richard CAWTHORN Junr. my Nephew and to Aurelia CAWTHORN my neece each of them a Cow Calfe to Mr. Thomas GORDON of Rappa. Co. and Mrs. Jane GORDON his wife, each 10 Shillings to buy a mourning ring to my friend Edmund CRASK, 20 shillings to buy him a Mourning ring All the rest of my estate real and personal to my Executors hereafter named for and during their natural lives & after their deceasse to William COX my Son hereby willing & require my sd Son William within one year after he shall be possessed of my Estate as aforesd to give unto the Child my Wife now goeth with a good assurance of the moietie of the land he shall be possessed withall by this my Will or the value thereof (as two men indifferently chosen shall adjudge it worth) at the discretion of my sd Son, but if the sd Child should happen to die before my sd Son shall be possessed with my Estate as aforesaid then the whole Estate to be & remain unto my Son William and his heirs forever. Lastly I do make & appoint my Father in Law William STRACHEY of Glocester County and Arabella COX my now Wife joynt Executors of this my last Will & Testament hereby willing and requiring them to pay all such debts as I shall heppen to ow to take care of and provide for my Children during their minorities & to bring my body decently to the ground and it is my earnest desire that my Father in Law would come and live with my wife & assist her in the management of her estate. And this revoking all other Will or Wills heretofore by me made either by word of mouth or writing S/Henry COX {SEALE} Wits: Cornelius MELAGHLEN, William HARDING, Thomas HART. Proved 2 Nov 1675 by Will HARDING aged 28 years and Thomas HART aged 25 years or thereabout S/ Wm. HARDING, Thomas HART. Prob. Gulieb [sic] HARDING et Thomas HART. (Old Rappa. D&W, Part 1, 1665-1677, Sam & Ruth Sparacio, Antient Press, McLean, VA)
Notes: See Combs-Hazelwood-Strachie of England (Combs Visitations), and also note that one William STRACHIE was a member of the Virginia Company, and that Combs-Stacy Researcher Barbara Stacy Mathews (The Stacy Journal) has documented Stacey/Stacy/Strachie have been found in England to have been synonymous. A John HASLEWOOD, not known if same, was named in the 1675 will of Henry HASLEWOOD of Baltimore whose widow, Elizabeth, m (2) Miles GIBSON, earlier m to Ann TODD of the Gorsuch-Todd Families of Talbot Co MD.
16 Apr 1683 (VA Land Grant Book 7:239) John GARNETT grant of 260 acres of land lying on the south side of Garden Creek in Gloucester County, between the lands of John SMITHER and John DIGGES; 180 acres of which had been purchased by him of Humphrey ROY on June 15, 1676, and the remaining 80 acres being due him for the transportation at his own cost into the Colony of two persons, Elizabeth TINDAL and Thomas COMBS.
Notes: In the 1704 Quit Rent Roll of Gloucester County John GARNETT is listed as owning 250 acres. In a deed of June 8, 1709, recorded in Essex County, Virginia Deed Book No. 13, p. 225, the grantor, Thomas GARNETT, of St. Anne's Parish, Essex, planter, is described as "one of the sons and devisees of John GARNETT, late of the Parish of Kingston, in the County of Gloucester". In consideration of 3,500 pounds of tobacco Thomas GARNETT conveys unto John FOSTER 50 acres of land on the south side of the Rappahannock River, being part of a tract of 600 acres purchased by John GARNETT, deceased, from John BARKER, lying on the Rappahannock River near MOSELEY'S Quarter, and more particularly the said Thomas GARNETT'S share of the 150 acres which John GARNETT had by his last will, dated November 12, 1703, given to his son, Anthony GARNETT, who having died before he attained the age of twenty-one years his share did' then by right belong to the surviving children of the said John GARNETT, of which the share of Thomas was the 50 acres therein conveyed. The deed is witnessed by Salvator MUSCOE and William TAYLOR. (Virginia Families, Vol. III, The Garnetts of Essex and their homes, p.122)
Could TINDAL have been KENDALL? See also Thomas COMBS (a.k.a. COMBER) of Essex Co VA in records with Salvator MUSCOE whose daughter, Elizabeth, married James GARNETT. John FOSTER, the grantee, married Susannah CAMMOCK, d/o Warwick and Margaret (POWELL?) (Thatcher) CAMMOCK. Moseley's Quarter was that of William MOSELEY, uncle to William UNDERWOOD, SR. (See Underwood Families)
28 Aug - 07 Oct 1691 (Old Rappa. Co VA DB8:264-5) Johnanna [sic] HUDSON of Charles City County in the Province of Maryland, consid 40 lbs. sterling, to Mr. Richard BOOKER of Glocester whereof I Johanna HUDSON land the within menconed Bill of Sale S/Johanna [her mark crossed-I] HUDSON; Wits: Mary [M] DUCKSBERRY; Cornls. BUTHELL, David COGWELL, Rowland PERION.
Jonathan [sic] HUDSON of Charles Citty County in the Province of Maryland to loving friend Mr. Wm. PEIRCE of Rappa. County in Virgnia to acknowledge Bill of Sale asinged to Richard BROOK [sic] of Glocester County 28 Aug 1691. S/ Jonathan [sic] [marke crossed-I] HUDSON; Wits: Row. PIRSON [sic], David COGWELL. (Sparacio)
William PIERCE was the husband of Sarah UNDERWOOD, sister of Col. Wm. UNDERWOOD whose widow, Elizabeth, m next Archdale Combs of Old Rappahannock co VA. Johanna HUDSON was "somehow" related to the COGHILL Families of Old Rappahannock Co VA and Charles Co MD, who appear in the records of Old Rappahannock Co VA with Archdale Combs as does a Marmaduke HUDSON (rel. to Johanna unknown). Richard BOOKER of Gloucester and Essex Co VA (descendant county of Old Rappahannock Co VA, and where Archdale Combs and sons also owned land) later removed to Amelia Co VA where he is found on land adjacent to that of John COMBS of that county. (See Also Booker Families).
20 Feb 1722 (Essex VA Order Book??) 20 Feb 1722/3. Bond Nicholas SMITH and Robert JONES to Edward WALLER bound to make payment to George GRYMES infant son and heir of William GRYMES, late of Gloucester [VA], deceased on account of a judgment obtained by Edward WALLER, next friend of sd. George GRYMES, against sd. Nicholas SMITH, Ex. of Nicholas SMITH who was Ex. of Dr. William GRYMES, in a chancery suit between Dr. William GRYMES and Nicholas SMITH. An entry in Middlesex County, Virginia records shows Dr. William GRYMES living in that county in 1682.
See Nicholas SMITH & John COMBS in the records of Essex & Richmond Co VA
1777 Rev. War Soldier William CHIVVIS entered service in Gloucester in 1777; however, the Combs Connection may have been much later, and northern.
John Joseph COMBS
(Nettie Schreiner-Yantis' Index to 1787 Personal Property Tax Lists of Virginia)
Notes: See John Joseph COMBS of Fairfax and Spotsylvania Cos, VA in 1786, and see the later John Joseph COMBS of Hampshire Co VA