![]() | Combs &c. Families of Spotsylvania Co VA |
In 1720, Spotsylvania County was organized from King & Queen Co VA (organized in 1691 from New Kent Co VA) and Essex Co VA, the latter from Old Rappahannock Co in 1691). Descendant Counties of Spotsylvania included Orange>Culpeper Cos VA where COMBS, HAMMETTS, TUTTS & UNDERWOODS are later found.
28 Sept 1730. (VA Land Patent Book 14, p. 42.); Thomas JONES of King & Queen Co., 350 acres new land in Spottsylvania Co. in St. George's Parish on head branch of the River Ny, adjoining Lewis ELSEY & Colonel SPOTSWOOD. For importation of 7 persons: Godfry RIDGE, Ann RIDGE, Rebecka RIDGE, Mary RIDGE, Ann RIDGE, Elizabeth RIDGE, Thomas RIDGE.
(Provided by Combs-Cody-Ridge Researcher George Baumbach who adds that this is the earliest mention of the RIDGE family found thus far in VA).
Notes: The above Thomas RIDGE later resided in Spotsylvania Co VA, and his son, British Loyalist William RIDGE, b 1727-1734, probably in Spotsylvania; d in 1780 at the Battle of Hanging Rock in South Carolina, a resident at the time of Surry Co NC, and the husband of Winnifred COMBS (Allen), b 14 May 1749, Overwharton Parish, Stafford Co, VA, d/o Mason & Sarah COMBS, Sr. of Richmond, Stafford & Frederick Cos VA, d 1785 Surry Co NC; and gd/o John & Hannah COMBS) (See Also Rowan & Surry Co NC and George's Filing Cabinet for the estate file of British Loyalist William RIDGE)
27 Dec 1757 - 1 Jun 1758 (King George Co VA DB4:323-5);Henry COPE & Ann his wife; Mary COMBS & Mary DORSETT [all] of King George to Richd. TUTT of Spotsylvania Co. 200 A in King George which was described as "all that parcel of land lying in King Geo. Co. containing 200 acs....corner to land formerly SMITHS and POPES now the land of Richd. TUTT party to these presents.
s/Henry (X) COPE, Ann (X) COPE, Mary (X) COMBS, and Mary (X) DORSETT.
Notes: Ann COMBS Cope and Mary COMBS Dorsett were the daughters of Archdale COMBS II (s/o John & Hannah (MASON?) Combs of Richmond VA), and Mary COMBS his widow. Richard TUTT was the son of Richard & Mary UNDERWOOD Tutt of Richmond/King George Cos VA, the latter the d/o William UNDERWOOD Sr., who was step-brother of John COMBS of Richmond. (See Also King George VA)
22 Jan 1766 - 02 Mar 1767 (Spotsylvania Co VA WBD, 1761-1772, p. 23); Will of Richard TUTT of Spotsylvania Co., d. Jan. 22, 1766. Executors Bond dated Mar. 2, 1767. Wit. William NEWTON, Richard BROOKE, Francis TALIAFERRO. Ex. brother, James TUTT and my sons James and John TUTT. Leg. son, James, 400 acres of land in Culpeper Co., adjoining to a patent of 400 acres granted to my brother, Benjamin TUTT, which is now my said son James's; son Richard TUTT, £200 to purchase that 500 acres of land that Capt. Lewis Davis YANCEY and his son Philemon now live on, the money to be paid out of the money arising from the sale of the land he lived on in King George Co., to Capt. YANCEY; son John TUTT 150 acres of land in King George Co., which I bought of William and John SMITH, also 919 acres of land in Culpeper Co., the remaining part of the tract of land that I gave my son James; sons Benjamin and Charles TUTT, all that tract of land at my lower quarter on Muddy Run, in Culpeper Co., about 1200 acres, to be equally divided between them when they come to twenty-one years of age. 600 acres of land in King George Co., where my son Richard TUTT lived, to be made over to the Vestry of Hanover Parish, upon they paying £750. 40 acres to be reserved forMary DORSET and her daughters to live on during their lives, as per agreement.
(Virginia County Records: Spotsylvania County 1721-1800, William Armstrong Crozier, Fox, Duffield & Co., New York, NY, 1905, Wills, page 283)
Notes: Richard TUTT I, father of the above, m Mary UNDERWOOD, step-niece of John COMBS I of Richmond who was father of Archdale COMBS II, and grandfather of the above Mary COMBS Dorset. It appears some kind of an arrangement was made between Mary COMBS Dorset and the TUTTS, but it is not known what yet as not found in earlier deeds. Also note that the above-referenced land in Culpeper Co VA is the land adjacent to which that Rev War Soldier Gilbert COMBS of NJ and Shenandoah Co VA was residing in 1810 (VA Land Patents) Is it coincidence that Gilbert COMBS earlier lived near Nicholas & Nancy GRIGSBY Combs in Shenandoah Co VA; and later removed from that county to Culpeper Co VA where he lived adjacent to the descendants of the above Richard & Mary UNDERWOOD Tutt?
17 Jan 1770 - ??? (Spotsylvania Co VA DBG:278 (1766-1771)); Jany. 17th, 1770. Benjamin DAVIS and Elizabeth, his wife, of Berkeley Par., Spotsylvania Co., of the first part; James DAVIS of same Parish and Co., of second part, and John NELSON of sd. Parish and Co. of third part, Whereas John DAVIS of Mecklenburg Co., being seized of reversion in fee, etc., in a certain tract of land in Spotsylvania Co., expectant in the death of his mother, who holds a Life estate therein, which sd. land is particularly described in the last will and testament of James DAVIS, Decd., recd. in Spots. Co. Court, and by Indenture dated Octr. 17, 1770, the sd. Jno. DAVIS conveyed the sd. land and all other lands the sd. James DAVIS, Decd., died possessed of, to James and Benjamin DAVIS, parties hereto, by which conveyance they were seized as joint tenants, and the sd. James hath consented that the sd. Benjamin, out of his undivided moiety may sell and convey unto sd. John NELSON 102 a. of land, for the sum of £45 curr., etc.
Witness, Tho. COMB
No date of Record.
Virginia County Records: Spotsylvania County 1721-1800, William Armstrong Crozier, Editor, New York, NY: Fox, Duffield & Co., 1905
Title: Calendar of Virginia State papers and other manuscripts
Authors:Palmer, William Pitt,
City of Publication:Richmond
Publisher:R.F. Walker,
1782 Jan'y 25th
Col: Gus: B. Wallace to Col: Davies.
Recommending to his favorable notice “Francis Combs, a solder of the 10th Va. Regt.” who went with him to Charleston, and was unfortunate enough to lose his hand---He desires to know what provision is made for Invalids, as he is inlisted for the war.
(Francis Combs, of the 10th Virginia Regiment. Lost his hand at Charleston; is there not some provision for invalids....pg 48)
Myra Britt
25 Jul 1786 - 01 Aug 1786 (Spotsylvania Co VA DBJ:398 (1774-1782)); Dated July 25, 1786. Adrien TELLIER of Spotsylvania County to John Joseph COMBS of Fairfax Co. £225 specie. 200 acres in Spotsylvania County, etc., etc. Jas. JULIAN, Sebastian LOSH.
Rec. Augt. 1, 1786
(Virginia County Records: Spotsylvania County 1721-1800, William Armstrong Crozier, Editor, New York, NY: Fox, Duffield & Co., 1905)
Notes: See also John Joseph COMBS of Gloucester Co, VA in 1787 and the later John Joseph COMBS of Hampshire Co VA
26 May 1809- Jan 1810 Spotsylvania Co VA Loose Papers, Folio 10); Will of Francis COOMBS. I Francis COOMBS of the County of Spotsylvania and State of Virginia do hereby make my last Will and Testament. I give and bequeath all my Estate real and personal to Bernard DICKINSON and to his Heirs for ever. It is however my desire that if the said Bernard DICKINSON shall obtain the land from Congress to which I am entitled for my services in the revolutionary army that he sell the same and out of the proceeds of said sale purchase one good Milch Cow which he shall give to my daughter Nancy -
I do hereby constitute & appoint my friend Bernard DICKINSON executor of this my last will and testament.
In Witness whereof I have here unto set my hand & affixed my seal this 26th day of May in the year 1809.
Francis (his X mark) COOMBS {seal}.
Signed, sealed, publishedhed and declared in the presence of Test.
James LONG, James BULLOCK, Thomas ALSOP.
At the Court Held for Spotsylvania County the ?? day of January 1810. The Last Will and Testament of Francis COMBS was proved by the oath of James BULLOCK, a Witness thereto.
(Transcribed by Combs Researcher C. Hammett from copy of original)
Notes: Could this have been RW Francis COMBS of Caroline Co VA who served in the 10th Virginia Regiment received a pension from 1786-1789 (for disabled soldiers and widows of men killed in action during RW)? However, given that his pension apparently stopped in 1789 (or missing records from War of 1812 fire?), was that an indication that Francis died then (or that he left VA)? In regard to the above Francis' reference to military land, the VSLA reports a Francis COOMBES was a private in the Virginia Continental Army and received a military land certificate in return (VSLA Electronic Card Index)
Also note: James BULLOCK. This surname is found with COMBS as early as 1665 in Stafford Co VA when a William BULLOCK is found in the records of that county with Archdale COMBS I of Old Rappa Co VA. BULLOCKS are also found with Archdale-Alvey and Assiter families in St. Mary's Co MD and with numerous COMBS of Kentucky, including (but not limited to) John COMBS m Betsy Bingham BULLOCK in 1805 in Clark Co KY; and (not documented?) John Harrison COMBS (s/o Benjamin & Sarah RICHARDSON Combs), also of Clark Co KY, who m Sophia BULLOCK(?); as well as James BULLOCK who m Sarah Elizabeth COMBS (d/o John & Lydia COMBS of Montgomery Co KY) and Sarah CLARK Combs of Estill Co KY whose sister, Hannah, m Edward BULLOCK.