![]() | Archdale Combs II (bef 1699-1735) of King George VA s/o John & Hannah (MASON?) Combs of Richmond Co VA |
h/o (1) Unknown; (2) Mary (-----), f/o Ann (COPE), Mary (DORSETT?) and Ezabelle, and gf/o Archdale Combs III |
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Archdale Combs II, was born bef 1699, probably in Richmond Co VA; d 1735, King George Co VA; married (1) 1720-1733, Unknown; (2) bef 1735 Mary (----- ); d 1735, King George Co VA. Known Issue: Mary, Ann, Isabelle. Possible Issue: Son Combs.
Note: As is seen below, Archdale Combs II was probably married twice with only daughter, Isabelle by his second wife, Mary (-----).
Archdale Combs II is first located in the records when named in the will of his father, John Combs, dated 11 Dec 1716, proved 7 Feb 1716/7 (Richmond VA WB3:300) Based on the wording of his father's will, he was at least 18 years of age. The will also implies that Archdale was John's eldest son when John refers to the consequences of Archdale "disposessing" his mother. Archdale's status as eldest living son is further proved in a Richmond Co VA deed dated 22 Jun 1719, and proved 1 Jul 1719, when Archdill [AC] Combs of Essex County sold to Thomas DICKESON of Richmond "a certain parcell of land whereon my father, John COOMBS did last dwell scituate ye County of Richmond " (Richmond DB7:427-429)
Given that Archdale II's father, John Combs, did not specifically bequeath land to his son, it is apparent that Archdale II inherited by virtue of the laws of primogeniture (eldest living son automatically inherits all entailed real properties). No relinquishment of dower was recorded at the time, nor has one been located in subsequent Essex or Richmond County records; thus, Archdale Combs II was probably still unmarried at the time. Also note that for Archdale II to be able to sell the above land, he must have either had the permission of his mother, Hannah, or the sale signifies that she was either deceased or had remarried. No relinquishment of dower has been found.
Archdale Combs II appears in very few records; however, it appears he had removed from Essex Co VA to the north side of the Rappahannock River in King George VA (formerly Richmond Co) by 7 Jun 1728 when he proved the signature of Catherine TRIPLETT, wife of John TRIPLETT. (King George Order Book, 1721-1735:407), and by 1730 was residing in Hanover Parish, King George Co VA when Archabald [X] Combs [sic] sold to Mary TUTT (both of Hanover Parish) 6 acres of land continguous to the land "whereon now liveth," dated 20 Apr 1730, proved 1 May 1730 (King Geo VA DB A-1:26-7)
Again, no relinquishment of dower has been located. It is possible that Archdale Combs, by now in his thirties, was still unmarried, and also possible that either the record is missing or that he was widowed. Mary TUTT was the widow of Richard TUTT, co-owner with John Combs of one moiety of the 600 acre tract on Peumans End Run in Essex Co VA, and d/o William UNDERWOOD, Sr., the latter step-brother to Archdale's father, John Combs.
Archdale II does not appear in the records again until 7 Feb 1734/5, the date he signed his will, proven in King George County on 2 May of that same year:
(King George WB A-1:109-110) Will of Archdell Combs.
In the Name of God Amen. I Archdell Combs of the Parish of Hanover in King George County being very sick and weak in body but of good and perfect memory thanks be to God, do make this my last Will & Testament in the manner and form as followeth. [#]
Item: My will and desire is that all the whole tract plantation and parcell of land whereon I now live be equally divided both in quantity and quality after my now wife Mary Combs her decease between my two eldest daughters Ann Combs and Mary Combs. I do give and bequeath unto my youngest daughter Ezabell Combs fifty acres of land lying and being in King & Queen County both which said tracts of land hereby given, I give to my three daughters as aforesaid to them and their heirs forever.
Item: I do give and bequeath unto my Loving wife Mary Combs all my personal estate goods chattles and appurts. whatsoever to me belonging my will and desire is that if in case my sister Amey which now liveth a widow on my land doe remain single that she and her children continue on the plantation where she the said Amey now liveth three years rent free and have liberty to work one hireling or servant dureing the said three years making no wast of timber nor clearing the ground but for her needfull occasion and do make and appoint my loving wife Mary Combs aforesaid my whole and sole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament revoking and disannulling all former and other wills by me heretofore made and in confirmation thereof have hereunto set my hand and seale this nineteenth day of February 1734/5.
S/Archdale [His "A" Mark] Combs {Seale}.
In the presence of Isaac ARNOLD,
Thos [His "X" Mark] DICKENSON,
and Moses KNIGHTON.
At a Court held for King George County the 2d day of May Anno Dom: 1735.
This Last Will & Testament of Archdell Combs, Deced, was presented into Court by Mary Combs who made oath thereto and the same was proved by the oath of Isaac ARNOLD, Thomas DICKASON and Moses KNIGHTON and admitted to Record. Copia Vera. Test. T:TURNER Cl:Cur: (King George Will Book A-1, 1721-1752; George Harrison Sanford King, Fredericksburg, 1978)
The inventory of the estate of Archdale Combs II was recorded on 6 Jun 1735, the last record of Archdale Combs II located in King George Co VA (King George Inventory Book, 1721-1744, pp. 195-6). It has not yet been viewed, and may prove of interest, particularly when compared to the inventory of his father.
The above will is clearly that of Archdell Combs, the named son of John Combs of Richmond. Not only does he name his sister, Amey, but one of the witnesses to his will is an Isaac ARNOLD, possibly the same Isaac ARNOLD who witnessed the 1717 will of will of his father. Moreover, we have the land Archdale II sold in 1719 to Thomas DICKESON, and a Thomas DICKASON witnessed this will.
Although Archdale Combs II names no son, it may be that, as with his father before him, the omission was based on the knowledge that under the laws of primogeniture his eldest living son would automatically inherit. Another possibility is that unknown to him at the time he signed his will, his wife, Mary, was pregnant. What is known is that either Archdale Combs II had a son, or one of his daughters bore a child out of wedlock.
Twenty-two years later, in a King George Co VA indenture dated 27 Dec 1757, and proved 1 Jun 1758, Henry COPE & Ann his wife; Mary Combs & Mary DORSETT [all] of King George deeded to Richd. TUTT of Spotsylvania Co. 200 A in King George which was described as "all that parcel of land lying in King Geo. Co. containing 200 acs....corner to land formerly SMITHS and POPES now the land of Richd. TUTT party to these presents." This deed was signed by Henry (X) COPE, Ann (X) COPE, Mary (X) Combs, and Mary (X) DORSETT. (King George DB 4:323-325)
The above land appears to have been that bequeathed by Archdale Combs II to his two oldest daughters, Ann Combs and Mary Combs. His daughter, Ann, apparently married Henry COPE, and daughter Mary, a DORSETT whose husband was probably deceased by the time of the above record given the absence of his signature. Mary Combs was probably Archdale II's widow; however, another possibility - although not nearly as likely -- is that his widow remarried, to a DORSETT who has subsequently died, and that the above Mary Combs is his daughter, still unmarried. (See Add'l re Mary Combs Dorsett below)
Two years more pass before we learn that Archdale Combs II had a grandson, when Henry & Ann Combs Cope of King George Co VA, in a deed dated & proved on 1 Mar 1759, gift to "Archdel Combs, nephew of said Henry and Ann...in consideration of natural love and affection...grant him after their decease" 50 acres of land in Hanover Parish, King George (King George DB 379-380).
Note: This land in Hanover parish still needs to be checked.
Who was the father of Archdel Combs III? An unnamed son of Archdale Combs II? A natural child of one of the daughters of Archdale Combs II? And who were the later Combs found in King George Co VA, including an Austin Combs in 1787, and Edward and William in 1830, and Edward and his family in 1850?
It appears, based on his King George Co VA will, that Henry & Ann Combs Cope died without issue, which might further serve to explain their deed of gift to Archdale Combs III. Dated 27 Mar 1765, and proved 1 Aug 1765, the will of Henry COPE, bequeathed his entire estate to his wife, Ann COPE "during her life, afterwards to distribute it as she thinks fit." (King Geo WB A:221)
It is not known at this time if Henry COPE owned any property at the time of his death, but a search of later land records may show that Ann Combs Cope died testate, and made bequests to her nephew, Archdale Combs IV or his issue, and/or to her sisters.
As to Mary Combs Dorsett, a reference to her (presuming the same Mary DORSET) is found in the Spotsylvania Co VA will of Richard TUTT, Jr. (son of Richard & Mary UNDERWOOD Tutt, Sr., the latter step-niece of John Combs of Richmond), dated 22 Jan 1766, proved 02 Mar 1767, in which he refers to " 600 acres of land in King George Co., where my son Richard TUTT lived, to be made over to the Vestry of Hanover Parish, upon they paying £750. 40 acres to be reserved for Mary DORSET, and her daughters to live on during their lives, as per agreement. (See Spotsylvania Co VA) It appears some kind of an arrangement was made between Mary Combs Dorset and the TUTTS, but not known what yet as not found in earlier deeds.